Application to Participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs
The Application to Participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs serves as the starting point for Partner’s Participation in FSA Programs as well as the method of Participation maintenance. The eligibility application landing page will allow Partner to do the following:
Begin an Eligibility Application for the Purpose of:
Initial Certification
Structure Change and/or Change in Ownership
Merging of OPEIDs with the same Ownership
Designation of Eligible Nonparticipating Institution
Update/Report Information
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
Tell us why you are submitting this application. Select one reason below.
Picklist, Multi-Select Picklist for Update Reason, Text Field for Reason: Other Initial Certification Recertification Reinstatement Structure Change and/or Change in Ownership Merging of OPEIDs with the same Ownership Designation as Eligible Nonparticipating Institution Update/Report Information (Multi-Select Picklist) Eligibility & Oversight Administrator Name Change Address Change – Main Change Phone/Fax Number/Email or Website Accrediting Agency State Authorizing Agency Official/Directors of Institution Financial Aid Director Officials/Directors of Ownership Entity Board of Directors Third-Party Servicer Additional Location Federal School Code Redesignation of Main Location Change Educational Measurement Increase Level of Offering of Educational Programs Degree Program Nondegree/Vocational Program Short-Term Training Program Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program Add/Drop a Title IV, HEA Program (Pell, Direct Loan, SEOSG, TEACH Grant, etc) Voluntary Withdrawal from All Title IV Programs
School – Postsecondary Legal Authorization
Schools Annual Medical Reporting Other Purpose: (text field available) |
1. |
What is the name of your institution?
Text |
Autopopulated |
If the official name of your institution is in a language other than English, provide an equivalent English language translation of the official name of your institution.
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools only |
2. |
Do you have another name such as a trade name or d/b/a name, under which you legally do business as a postsecondary educational institution? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Enter Name:
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if above answer = yes |
3. |
Your 8-digit OPEID is:
Number, Read-only |
Autopopulated |
Visible only to existing institutions |
4. |
Your Partner Connect ID is:
9 Digit Number, Read-only |
Autopopulated |
5. |
What is your 9-digit Employee Identification Number (EIN)/Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) given to you by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? |
Number |
Autopopulated |
6. |
What is your 12-digit Alpha-Numeric Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)?
Number |
Autopopulated |
7. |
What is the URL for your institution’s website?
Website URL |
Autopopulated |
8. |
What was your most recently completed award year? |
N/A |
N/A |
Beginning Date: 07/01/ |
Date (YYYY) |
N/A |
Ending Date: 06/30/ |
Date (YYYY) |
N/A |
9. |
What is your current award year? |
N/A |
N/A |
Beginning Date: 07/01/ |
Date (YYYY) |
N/A |
Ending Date: 06/30/ |
Date (YYYY) |
N/A |
Additional Information
Text |
N/A |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
Before answering this question, please review the Guide to Structure Change and Change in Ownership – What You Need to Know |
Display only |
1. |
What is the reason for your Structure Change and/or Change in Ownership?
Picklist: (multi-picklist) CIO – Change in Control CIO – Without Change in Control CIO – This Main OPEID will become an additional location of another institution following a Change in Ownership CIO – Request to change Title IV Participation Designation (Public, Private Non-Profit, Proprietary) Other – The additional location(s) of this OPEID are being acquired by the owner of a different OPEID. Other – This OPEID is acquiring an additional location (former OPEID that closed) Other – This OPEID is acquiring an additional location (no former OPEID at this location) Other – This OPEID is acquiring the programs and/or platform from another OPEID with different ownership. Other – CIO inquiry Other (Text box for other)
N/A |
Visible when application purpose is Structure Changes and/or CIO |
2. |
Please provide a detailed written description of the structure change or change in ownership transaction you are requesting approval of and upload documentation to support this request.
Narrative Box and ability to upload documents. |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose is Structure Changes and/or CIO |
3. |
Change in Ownership Date
Date |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose is Structure Changes and/or CIO |
4. |
Are you submitting an application for a Pre-Acquisition Review? |
Picklist (Yes/No) |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose is Structure Changes and/or CIO |
5. |
Are you requesting an Abbreviated Pre-Acquisition Review or Comprehensive Pre-Acquisition Review?
Radio Buttons: (Pre-Acquisition Review, Comprehensive Pre-Acquisition Review0 |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose is Structure Changes and/or CIO |
6. |
Are you reporting an Excluded Change in Ownership?
Picklist (Yes/No) |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose is Structure Changes and/or CIO |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
You are requesting to merge one or more OPEIDs that share your ownership.
If you are requesting to merge OPEIDs that do not share your ownership, the merging institution must first submit an application to report the Structure Change and/or Change in Ownership before you request to merge the institutions.
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when if purpose = merging of OPEIDs with the same ownership structure |
1. |
What is the anticipated date of this merger?
date |
Visible when if purpose = merging of OPEIDs with the same ownership structure |
2. |
Provide the Main OPEID of the merging institution.
Number (lookup) |
N/A |
Visible when if purpose = merging of OPEIDs with the same ownership structure |
Merger Adl. Location
Additional Location OPEIDs and Names |
Text |
Populates with data of approved locations |
Visible when if purpose = merging of OPEIDs with the same ownership structure |
3. Merger Adl. Location |
Select each location that is merging into this institution’s OPEID.
Checkbox for each location to select |
N/A |
Visible when if purpose = merging of OPEIDs with the same ownership structure |
Table of Mergers |
Enter an additional OPEID to merge additional locations with your institutions |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1. Redesig. Adl Location Table |
You are requesting to designate one of the additional locations of this OPEID as your Main Location. Select the location that you are designating as your new Main Location.
table of additional locations – with a checkbox for each additional location |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose = redesignation
As a result of the requested Redesignation, this is the information about your new Main Location. Please confirm this information is correct. Select cancel if this is not the correct information. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when application purpose = redesignation
OPE ID, UEI, Location Name, Address |
Populated from Location Table |
Visible when application purpose = redesignation
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automation |
Visibility |
Accrediting Agency Table |
Identify your accrediting agencies
Provide the following information for each agency that has the authority to accredit your institution’s programs.
N/A |
N/A |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1. |
Select your accrediting agency
Accrediting Agency Lookup |
Autopopulated – at least 1 required |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1a. |
What year did your accrediting agency last accredit you? |
Date (YYYY) |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1b |
For how many years is this accreditation granted? |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1c. |
Check here if this is your Primary Accreditor
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1d. |
Select if this agency accredits your whole institution |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1e. |
Select if this agency accredits individual programs offered by your institution
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
1f. |
Has this accreditor issued a decision letter, placed the institution/location on probation, placed the institution/location on warning, placed the institution/location on show cause, issued a loss/withdrawal of accreditation notice, mandated a reporting requirement or issued any other notification of non-compliance of accrediting standards since your last application was submitted?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
Select action issued
You must upload a copy of the notification/action issued by your accreditor.
Picklist, Multi-Select Picklist: Decision letter Placed the institution/location on probation Placed the institution/location on warning Placed the institution/location on show cause Issued a loss/withdrawal of accreditation notice Mandated a reporting requirement Other notification of non-compliance of accrediting standards
N/A |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools
Visible for Domestic Schools, when 1f. = yes
Other notification of non-compliance of accrediting standards
Text |
Visible if Selection Action issued = other adverse action |
1g. |
Provide the End Date of your Accreditation.
Only provide an end date if you are no longer accredited by the agency that you have entered above. Please contact FSA if you are providing an end date for your primary accreditor.
Date |
Autopopulated if previously entered |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools, only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
State Authorizing Agency Table
Provide information for each state authorizing agency or entity that legally authorizes you as a postsecondary educational institution or exempts you from state authorization requirements as a religious institution. |
N/A |
N/A |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
2. |
Select the State and the name of the state authorizing agency or other entity that legally authorizes you as a postsecondary educational institution or exempts you from state authorization requirements as a religious institution. If your state agency or other entity is not listed, contact Federal Student Aid for assistance. |
N/A |
N/A |
2a. |
Select State
Picklist |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
2b. |
Select Agency |
Lookup |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
2c. |
Has this state licensing or authorizing agency issued a loss/withdrawal of state authorization notice, mandated a reporting requirement, or issued a notification/action of non-compliance of State requirements since your last application was submitted?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
Select action issued
You must upload a copy of the notification/action issued by your state licensing or authorizing agency. |
Picklist, Multi-Select Picklist: Mandated a reporting requirement, Issued a loss/withdrawal of State recognition, Notification of non-compliance of State requirements, Other notification of non-compliance of authorization standards
Not Visible to Foreign Schools
Visible to Domestic Schools when 2c. = yes |
Other notification of non-compliance of authorization standards
Text |
Visible if Selection Action issued = other adverse action |
2d. |
Provide the End Date of your State Authorization.
Only provide an end date if you are no longer authorized by the state agency or other entity that you entered above. |
Date |
Autopopulated if previously entered |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools, only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
3. |
Are you an institution that is authorized by name to offer educational programs beyond secondary education by the Federal Government; or, as defined in 25 U.S.C. 1801(a)(2), by an Indian tribe?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
Are you exempted from State authorization as a religious institution under the State constitution or by State law?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
5. |
Does the state agency that authorizes you, or exempts you, have a process to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution including enforcing applicable State laws?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
5a. |
Name of the State agency that reviews and acts on complaints concerning the institution including enforcing applicable State laws.
Text |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
Information Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automation |
Visibility |
1. |
Since you were last certified to participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs has your institution changed, or is your institution expecting to change (Pre-Acquisition), its structure or ownership in a manner that resulted, or will result, in a change in ownership with a change of control?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Blank or Autopopulated depending on Application purpose |
Your requested Title IV Participation Designation status is displayed.
Your current Title IV Participation Designation status is displayed. |
Text |
Autopopulated |
2. |
Check here if you are requesting to change your Title IV Participation Designation status.
Checkbox |
2a |
Select your requested Title IV Participation Designation.
Picklist: For domestic: Public Private Non-Profit Proprietary For foreign: Foreign Public Foreign Private Non-Profit Foreign For-Profit
Autopopulated |
Required when 2. = checked
Ownership Tree Table will display |
Provide information for each entity or individual that directly or indirectly owns an interest in your institution. Starting with your Level 1 owner.
N/A |
N/A |
Are you entering a person owner or an entity owner? Select Person if you are adding an individual owner (sole proprietor) or a shareholder/member/partner. |
Picklist - Select Person Entity |
Autopopulated |
3a. |
Select ownership type for this person owner from the choices below (select only one).
Picklist to: Sole proprietorship (Individual Owner) Shareholder/Member/Partner
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Provide the information below for this owner. You must provide your home address, personal email, and personal telephone number. |
N/A |
N/A |
Shareholder/Member/Partner of |
Picklist of existing owners |
Visible when entering a person owner when Shareholder/Member/Partner is checked |
Percentage of Ownership |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner, except defaults to 100% if sole proprietorship is checked |
Percentage of Voting Rights You must upload a copy of all voting agreements. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Ownership Begin Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Ownership End Date
If this owner no longer has an ownership interest in the institution, enter the date the ownership ended. |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when editing a person owner |
Check here if this is the same person as your: Chief Executive Officer President/Chancellor Chief Financial Officer Financial Aid Director Chief Information Officer Chief Operating Officer
Autopopulated |
Select position. |
Picklist: Chief Executive Officer - Name President/Chancellor - Name Chief Financial Officer - Name Financial Aid Director - Name Chief Information Officer - Name Chief Operating Officer - Name |
Autopopulated |
Visible when, “Check here is the same person as ….” = checked. |
Personal Information Provide full legal name |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Provide the following information.
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Home Address Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Personal E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Personal Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
Personal International Telephone Number
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
3c. Past Performance - Ownership |
Has this owner or a member of the owner’s family ever had any ownership of another institution that is now participating in or has ever participated in federal student financial aid programs?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a new person owner |
Provide information for each institution that is or was owned.
School Search (Name, City, State) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = yes |
If Institution was not found, enter institution name here
Text |
N/A |
Visible when 3c. = yes |
Provide the OPEID of the institution that is or was owned. |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = yes |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the institution during the period of ownership? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = yes |
Provide Explanation |
Text |
Visible when 3c. = yes |
3d. Past Performance - Ownership (TPS) |
Has this owner or a member of the owner’s family ever had any ownership of a Third-Party Servicer? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a person owner |
Provide the name of the Third-Party Servicer that is or was owned |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
If Third-Party Servicer was not found, enter Third Party Servicer here |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Provide the name of the TPS that was owned = other |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the third-party servicer during the period of ownership? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
Provide Explanation |
Text |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
3e. Past Performance - Employment |
Has this owner or a family member ever held a position at another institution?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Provide information for each institution that this owner or a family member held a position at. |
School Search (Name, City, State) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3e. = yes |
If Institution was not found, provide the name of the institution |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when 3e. = yes |
Provide the OPEID of the Institution
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3e. = yes |
Date(s) position held.
Begin Date End Date |
N/A |
Visible when 3e. = yes |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the institution during the period of ownership or position held? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3e. = yes |
Provide Explanation |
Text |
Visible when 3e. = yes |
Ownership Tree Table |
Provide the following information for each level of ownership (Entity) |
N/A |
N/A |
3a. |
Select ownership type for this entity owner from the choices below (select only one).
Picklist to: Corporation (Publicly-traded) Corporation (closely held under provisions of state law) Corporation (for profit, not publicly-traded or closely held under provisions of state law) Corporation (for profit - Certified B) Corporation (nonprofit) Corporation (public benefit) Limited liability company (for profit) Limited liability company (nonprofit) Limited liability partnership (for profit) Limited liability partnership (nonprofit) Limited liability limited partnership (for profit) Limited liability limited partnership (nonprofit) General partnership (for profit) General partnership (nonprofit) Trust (Irrevocable) Trust (Irrevocable nonprofit) Trust (Revocable) Foreign Entity Other
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
If you selected Publicly Traded Corporation above, provide the stock exchange trading symbol. |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner when ownership type = Publicly Traded Corporation |
If you selected Trust (Irrevocable), Trust (Revocable), or Trust (Irrevocable nonprofit) Provide beneficiary (enter name of each person or entity) |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner if Partner selected Trust (Irrevocable) or Trust (revocable), Optional if Trust (Irrevocable nonprofit) |
If you selected Trust (Irrevocable), Trust (Revocable), or Trust (Irrevocable nonprofit) Provide Trustee (enter name of person or entity) |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner if Partner selected Trust (Irrevocable) or Trust (revocable), Optional if Trust (Irrevocable nonprofit) |
What is your tax status? |
Picklist: C Corporation S Corporation Other |
Autopopulated |
Visible when, ownership type = “Corporation (closely held under provisions of state law)” or “Corporation (for profit, not publicly-traded or closely held under provisions of state law)” or “Corporation (for profit - Certified B)”
Identify the country in which this owner is incorporated/organized. |
Picklist |
Autopopulated |
Date Incorporated/Organized: MM/DD/YYYY |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Display when country is not USA |
Identify the state in which this owner is incorporated/Organized. |
Picklist |
Autopopulated |
Display when country is USA |
Date Incorporated/Organized: MM/DD/YYYY |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Display when country is USA |
Provide date of first financial activity: MM/DD/YYYY
Date |
Autopopulated |
3b. |
Owner Of |
Picklist of existing owners or add new owner |
Autopopulated with owner selected |
Visible when entering an entity |
Ownership Begin Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity |
Ownership End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when editing an entity |
Percentage of Ownership |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity |
Percentage of Voting Rights
You must upload a copy of all voting agreements.
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Name of Entity |
Picklist of existing owners or add new owner |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Provide the following information |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
3c. Past Performance - Ownership |
Has this owner or related entity ever had any ownership of another institution that is now participating in or has ever participated in federal student financial aid programs?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Provide the name of each institution that is or was owned |
School Search (Name, City, State) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = Yes
If Institution was not found, enter institution name here |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when 3c. = Yes
OPEID of Institution |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = Yes
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the institution during the period of ownership?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = Yes
If yes, please provide explanation
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3c. = Yes
3d. Past Performance - Ownership (TPS) |
Has this owner or a related entity ever had any ownership of a Third-Party Servicer?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Provide the name of the Third-Party Servicer that is or was owned |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
If Third-Party Servicer was not found, enter Third-Party Servicer here |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the third-party servicer during the period of ownership?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
If yes, please provide explanation
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3d. = yes |
3e. |
Identify the officials that serve in the following positions for this Entity owner |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Entity Officials Table |
Select the role(s) this individual holds for this Entity Owner. Select all that apply. |
Picklist (multipicklist) Chief Executive Officer President Chief Financial Officer Chief Operation Officer Other Executive Officer
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity owner |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Picklist |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Provide the Home Address, Phone Number, and E-mail Address for this owner. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Home Address Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Personal E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Personal Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
Personal International Telephone Number
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Effective Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
End Date |
Date |
Visible when editing an entity |
3f. Past Performance - Ownership |
Has this entity official or a member of the entity official’s family ever had any ownership of another institution that is now participating in or has ever participated in federal student financial aid programs? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Provide the name of each institution that is or was owned
School Search (Name, City, State)
Visible when 3f. = yes |
If Institution was not found, enter institution name here
N/A |
Visible when 3f. = yes |
OPEID of Institution that is or was owned.
Visible when “3f. = yes |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the institution during the period of ownership? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3f. = yes |
If yes, please provide explanation |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3f. = yes |
3g. Past Performance - Ownership (TPS) |
Has this entity official or a member of the entity official’s family ever had any ownership of a Third-Party Servicer? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Entity official |
Provide the name of the Third-Party Servicer that is or was owned |
Search |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3g. = yes |
If Third-Party Servicer was not found, enter Third Party Servicer name here
Text |
N/A |
Visible when 3g. = yes |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the third-party during the period of ownership? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3g. = yes |
If yes, please provide explanation |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3g. = yes |
3h. Past Performance - Employment |
Has this entity official or a family member ever held a position at another institution? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Provide information for each institution that this entity official or a family member held a position at.
School Search (Name, City, State)
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3h. = yes |
If Institution was not found, enter institution name here
N/A |
Visible when 3h. = yes |
OPEID of Institution Provided
Visible when3h. = yes |
Date(s) position held.
Start Date End Date |
N/A |
Visible when 3h. = yes |
Is there any liability currently owed to the Department that is related to conduct of the institution during the period of ownership or position held? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3h. = yes |
If yes, please provide explanation |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when 3h. = yes |
3i. |
Provide the legal name and Business Street Address of the contact person (sometimes known as the "registered agent") within the state or foreign country where you are incorporated. |
N/A |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity owner |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity official |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity official |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity official |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity official |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an entity official |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
The Partner will be able to enter multiple official entries with the following fields, they will also be able to edit existing official details.
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
Identify your Eligibility and Oversight Administrator |
Display Only |
1. |
Who is your Eligibility and Oversight Administrator?
N/A |
N/A |
Check here if this is the same person as your: Chief Executive Officer President/Chancellor Chief Financial Officer Financial Aid Director Chief Information Officer Chief Operating Officer
Autopopulated |
Select position. |
Picklist Chief Executive Officer President/Chancellor Chief Financial Officer Financial Aid Director Chief Information Officer Chief Operating Officer |
Autopopulated |
Visible when, “Check here is the same person as ….” = checked. |
Check here if the identity of this person has not changed, but you need to change his or her name (for example, due to marriage or other reason). |
Checkbox |
Visible when Partner edits the name field |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA
End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
only visible when editing |
Identify your alternate Eligibility and Oversight Administrator |
Display Only |
2. |
Who is your alternate Eligibility and Oversight Administrator?
N/A |
N/A |
Check here if this is the same person as your: Chief Executive Officer President/Chancellor Chief Financial Officer Financial Aid Director Chief Information Officer Chief Operating Officer
Autopopulated |
Select position. |
Picklist Chief Executive Officer President/Chancellor Chief Financial Officer Financial Aid Director Chief Information Officer Chief Operating Officer |
Autopopulated |
Visible when, “Check here is the same person as ….” = checked. |
Check here if the identity of this person has not changed, but you need to change his or her name (for example, due to marriage or other reason) |
Checkbox |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix |
Autopopulated |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA alternate
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA alternate
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA alternate
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA alternate when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA alternate when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an EOA alternate
End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
only visible when editing |
Additional Information |
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1. |
Check each box below that describes the educational program(s) you provide as of the date you submit this application, or that you will provide during the current award year. Provide information only on the program(s) that you wish to be eligible for federal student financial aid. (You may check more than one box.) |
Each Field below will be a checkbox |
Autopopulated if populated |
Visible to Domestic Schools
1a. |
Associate Degree Programs An educational program of at least two years of postsecondary education in an academic or occupational field culminating in the receipt of an Associate Degree. Associate degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1b. |
Bachelor's Degree Programs An educational program of at least four years of postsecondary education in an academic or occupational field culminating in the receipt of a Bachelor’s Degree. Bachelor’s degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
1c. |
Master’s Degree Programs An educational program of one or two years of postgraduate study in a graduate school or department culminating in the receipt of a Master’s Degree. Master’s degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1d. |
Doctoral Degree Programs An educational program of three or more years of postgraduate study for the completion of advanced graduate or professional studies in the humanities, the social sciences, the behavioral sciences, or the pure sciences beyond the master’s level, culminating in the receipt of a research Doctoral Degree. Doctoral degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
1e. |
Professional Degree Program An educational program culminating in receipt of a degree awarded by an institution to an entry-level professional in certain occupational fields. Although sometimes called doctoral degrees, professional degrees differ from research doctorates in that they do not include a required component of original research or a demonstration of expertise in a field beyond what is required to qualify for basic licensing examinations. Professional degrees may be awarded in such fields as: Chiropractic, dentistry, divinity/ministry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, rabbinical and Talmudic studies, and veterinary medicine. |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1f. |
Graduate or Professional Non – Degree Programs An educational program above the baccalaureate level that leads to a non-degree certificate or other recognized educational credential,
1g. |
Graduate Admission Programs An educational program that is acceptable for admission to a graduate or professional degree program, for which your institution awards a degree subject to review and approval by the Secretary. |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1h. |
Two-Year Transfer Program An educational program that is acceptable for full credit toward a Bachelor’s Degree AND for which a degree, certificate, diploma, or other educational credential is not awarded by your institution. |
1i. |
Undergraduate Non-Degree Programs An educational program that:
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1j. |
Undergraduate Non-Degree Programs (Requires enrolling students to have an Associate’s Degree or Higher) An educational program that:
1k. |
Undergraduate Non-Degree (Short-Term) Programs An educational program that:
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1l. |
Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification Program An educational program consisting of courses required by a state that are necessary to become a teacher in an elementary or secondary school in that state AND for which a degree, certificate, diploma, or other educational credential is not awarded by your institution. See 34 C.F.R. 690.6.
1m. |
Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program A degree, certificate, nondegree, or noncertificate educational program designed to support students with intellectual disabilities seeking to prepare for gainful employment.
Visible to Domestic Schools |
1n. |
Does your institution have a flight program? An educational program for which the school must receive FAA Certification. This program must be included when reporting Program types above, and in the Educational Program Summary.
Visible to Domestic Schools |
FAA 141 Certification Number |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Domestic Only |
FAA Certificate Expiration Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Domestic Only |
1. |
Check each box below that describes the educational program(s) you provide as of the date you submit this application, or that you will provide during the current award year. Provide information only on the program(s) that you wish to be eligible for federal student financial aid. (You may check more than one box.)
Each Field below will be a checkbox |
Autopopulated if populated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1a. |
Associate Degree Programs An educational program of at least two years of academic study in an academic or occupational field culminating in the receipt of an Associate Degree. Associate degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1b. |
Bachelor's Degree Programs An educational program of at least four years of college-level work in an academic or occupational field culminating in the receipt of a Bachelor’s Degree. Bachelor’s degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1c. |
Master’s Degree Programs An educational program of one or two years of postgraduate study in a graduate school or department culminating in the receipt of a Master’s Degree. Master’s degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1d. |
Doctoral Degree Programs An educational program of three or more years of postgraduate study for the completion of advanced graduate or professional studies in the humanities, the social sciences, the behavioral sciences, or the pure sciences beyond the master’s level, culminating in the receipt of a research Doctoral Degree. Doctoral degrees include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1e. |
Professional Degree Program An educational program culminating in receipt of a degree awarded by an institution to an entry-level professional in certain occupational fields. Although sometimes called doctoral degrees, professional degrees differ from research doctorates in that they do not include a required component of original research or a demonstration of expertise in a field beyond what is required to qualify for basic licensing examinations. Professional degrees may be awarded in such fields as: Chiropractic, dentistry, divinity/ministry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, rabbinical and Talmudic studies, and veterinary medicine. |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1f. |
Graduate or Professional Non-degree Programs An educational program above the baccalaureate level that
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1g. |
Two Year Transfer Program An educational program that is acceptable for full credit toward a Bachelor’s Degree AND for which a degree, certificate, diploma, or other educational credential is not awarded by your institution. |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
1h. |
Undergraduate Non-Degree Programs that:
Visible to Foreign Schools |
2. |
Provide information for each Associate Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility.
N/A |
N/A |
Name of Program |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Autopopulated |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number (XXX.XX) |
Autopopulated |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
Autopopulated |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPEID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or an executive officer |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
3. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Bachelor’s Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility.
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
4. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Master’s Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility. |
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
5. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Doctoral Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility.
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered?
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
6. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Professional Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility. |
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply). You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
7. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Graduate or Professional Non-Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid. |
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
8. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Graduate Admission program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility. |
11 |
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
9. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Two-Year Transfer program for which you are requesting approval for federal student aid eligibility. |
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
10. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Undergraduate Non-Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility.
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
Is each course within the program acceptable for full credit toward your associate or higher degree? |
Picklist (Yes/No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools Only |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
11. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Undergraduate (Short-Term) Non-Degree program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility.
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Maximum number of clock hours authorized by the state licensing agency |
Number |
Provide the completion rate and the placement rate for your most recently completed award year.
Help Text: The regulations regarding the calculation of completion and placement rates can be found at 34 C.F.R. § 668.8(f) and 34 C.F.R. § 668.8(g). |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible for Domestic Only
Completion Rate
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible for Domestic Only
Placement Rate |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible for Domestic Only
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Visible for Domestic Only
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education? |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
12. Educational Program Details Table |
information for each Postbaccalaureate
Teacher Certification program
that you would like to be eligible for federal student financial
aid. |
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education? |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
13. Educational Program Details Table |
Provide information for each Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program for which you are requesting approval for federal student financial aid eligibility.
An institution that offers a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program must apply to the Secretary to have the program determined to be an eligible program. The institution applies under the provisions in 34 CFR 600.20 for adding an educational program, and must include in its application: (a) A detailed description of the comprehensive transition and postsecondary program that addresses all of the components of the program, as defined in 34 CFR 668.231; (b) The institution's policy for determining whether a student enrolled in the program is making satisfactory academic progress; (c) The number of weeks of instructional time and the number of semester or quarter credit hours or clock hours in the program, including the equivalent credit or clock hours associated with noncredit or reduced credit courses or activities; (d) A description of the educational credential offered (e.g., degree or certificate) or identified outcome or outcomes established by the institution for all students enrolled in the program; (e) A copy of the letter or notice sent to the institution's accrediting agency informing the agency of its comprehensive transition and postsecondary program. The letter or notice must include a description of the items in paragraphs (a) through (d) above and any other information the Secretary may require.
Name of Program |
Text |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (searchable) |
Lookup |
Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Code
Institutions must enter at least 1 and may enter up to 10 SOC codes for each program. |
Text |
Date First Provided |
Date |
Number of Weeks |
Number |
Clock Hours (number of hours) of instruction |
Number |
Number of Credit Hours |
Number |
Type of Credit Hours (select one) |
Picklist Semester Trimester Quarter |
How is this program delivered? (Check all that apply).
You must select “direct assessment” if student progress is measured, in whole or in part, in the program using direct assessment. If you check “direct assessment,” you must upload documentation that explains how a student's progress is measured in the program and documentation you have received from your accrediting agency indicating that it has evaluated and approved the program and your method of measuring student progress in the program.”
Multi-select Picklist Classroom Distance Education Correspondence Independent Study Direct Assessment |
Visible to Domestic Schools Only |
Do you have a written agreement or contract with an ineligible institution of higher education or entity to provide any portion of this program?
You must upload a copy of any contract or written agreement with any entity or ineligible institution of higher education that provides any portion of this program and, for domestic institutions, provide a copy of the approval for the arrangement from your accrediting agency and State authorizing agency.
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Domestic and Foreign |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the percentage of the program provided by the entity or ineligible institution of higher education? |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Provide the name of each ineligible institution or entity that you contract with to provide any portion of this program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Name of ineligible institution or entity |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Corporation Name, if Applicable |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Former OPE ID number of the ineligible institution, if applicable |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated or opeid address |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Does any owner, person, or related entity of your institution own or control any portion or serve as a director or as an executive officer of this ineligible institution or entity? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
What is the name of this owner, person, or entity? |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Did this ineligible institution or entity withdraw from participating in federal student financial aid programs under a termination, show cause, suspension, or similar type of proceeding initiated by its state licensing agency, accrediting agency, guarantor, or the U.S. Secretary of Education? |
Picklist, Yes/No |
Autopopulated |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Ineligible Contract Table |
Contract Effective Date |
Date |
Visible if “…Do you have a written agreement…with an ineligible institution …” = yes |
Once the user completes above questions, an entry will be added to the Educational Program Details Table for that degree program |
Contract End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Program End Date |
Date |
only visible when editing |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
Third Party Servicer Table |
Provide information for all Third-Party Servicer with whom you contract to perform any aspect of the institution’s responsibilities under the Title IV, HEA programs. Do not report independent auditors or ATB providers in this section.
N/A |
N/A |
1. |
Before completing this section, make sure to contact your Third-Party Servicer first to verify the following information: • Third-Party Servicer’s Legal Name • Third-Party Servicer’s Address • Contact Information of the CEO/COO/President • Contracted Services To search for your Third-Party Servicer, enter your servicer's name in the box below. If your Third-Party Servicer is not found, provide your servicer's name and contact information.
Servicer Lookup |
Autopopulated |
Here is the information concerning the TPS you have selected: DJS Financial Aid Services, Inc. 123 Kellogg Drive Wichita, KS 67213
Deborah Ann Smith, President (800) 242-9999 • Fax: (316) 777-9999 E-mail:
N/A |
N/A |
Visible once Partner has selected their Servicer – data cannot be edited |
Third-Party Servicer Legal Name or Company’s Legal Name |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Third Party Servicer Name d/b/a |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when School is editing an existing TPS relationship |
Partner Connect ID |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Provide the following information for your Third-Party Servicer's CEO/COO/President. Contact your Third-Party Servicer to obtain this information. |
N/A |
N/A |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated with Production account answer or preliminary account information |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
International Fax Number |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Services Provided Table |
Select the service(s) performed by your Third-Party Servicer. Select all of the primary and specific service(s) that apply. If you do not see a service in the list provided, select “Other” and provide an explanation of the functions or service(s) performed by your Third-Party Servicer. |
Text Display |
N/A |
2. |
Main Service |
Autopopulated |
2a. |
Specific Service |
Services Provided Table |
If you chose “Other” above, please describe the services provided |
Text |
Autopopulated with Production Answer |
Services Provided Table |
Effective Date |
Date |
Autopopulated with Production Answer |
Services Provided Table |
End Date |
Date |
Enter the date this Third-Party Servicer began performing functions/services on behalf of your institution |
N/A |
Effective Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
If you no longer have a contract with this Third-Party Servicer, provide the date the contract ended or will end below.
Only enter an end date if the contract with this Third- Party Servicer has ended.
Do not enter an end date if the services provided have changed and/or your contact at the Third-Party Servicer has changed. In these instances, update the services provided. Contact the Third-Party Servicer Oversight Group if your contact person or the address of your Third-Party Servicer has changed. |
N/A |
Autopopulated |
Once User completes above questions, a new TPS entry will be added to the Table |
End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
only visible when editing |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1. |
Do you use an ability to benefit test for students who do not have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible for Domestic Schools Only |
1a. |
Select the ability to benefit test(s) administered. Contact FSA if your ability to benefit test is not identified in this list. |
Picklist (multi-select) Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) Verbal Forms VS-1 and VS-2, Quantitative Forms QS-1 and QS-2. Paper Test
Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) Verbal Forms VS-1 and VS-2, Quantitative Forms QS-1 and QS-2. Online Test
Spanish Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (Spanish WBST) Verbal Forms VS-1 and VS-2, Quantitative Forms QS-1 and QS-2. Paper Test
Spanish Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (Spanish WBST) Verbal Forms VS-1 and VS-2, Quantitative Forms QS-1 and QS-2. Online Test
Combined English Language Skills Assessment (CELSA), Forms 1 and 2.
ACCUPLACER Computer-adaptive tests (Reading Test, Writing Test, and Arithmetic Test)
COMPANION ACCUPLACER Forms J and K (Reading Test, Writing Test, and Arithmetic Test)
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment Computer-adaptive tests (Reading Placement Test, Writing Placement Test, and Arithmetic Placement Test)
COMPANION TSI Forms T and V (Reading Placement Test, Writing Placement Test, and Arithmetic Placement Test)
Autopopulated |
Visible for Domestic 1. = yes |
1b. Ability to Benefit Testers Table for each Test Selected |
Provide the name and address of your ATB Test Administrator(s) |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible for Domestic Schools Only 1. = yes |
Name of Test Administrator |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible for Domestic Schools Only 1. = yes |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester and USA is Chosen
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester and Country Other than USA is Chosen
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester and USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester and Country Other than USA is Chosen
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering ATB Tester
Tester End date |
date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when editing a tester entry |
2. |
Do you admit and enroll students through an eligible career pathway program? |
Picklist (yes, no) |
Visible for Domestic Schools Only 1. = yes |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1. |
Do you have a system of internal checks and balances for administering federal student financial aid that meets federal regulations? (See 34 CFR 668.16) |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
2. |
Do you divide the functions of determining student awards and disbursing funds that result from those award decisions? (See 34 CFR 668.16). |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
3. |
Do you have procedures that ensure frequent, periodic reconciliation of fiscal office and financial aid office award data? (See 34 CFR 668.14, 668.16, 668.24, 674.19, 675.19, 676.19, 685.300 and 690.81) |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
4. |
Do you have a system to identify and resolve discrepancies in information you receive from various sources about a student's application for financial aid? (See 34 CFR 668.16). |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
5. |
Do you have procedures that ensure that your requests for federal cash do not exceed the amount of funds you need immediately to make aid disbursements to students? (See 34 CFR 668.162) |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
6. |
Do you have a policy that meets federal regulations for requiring satisfactory academic progress for recipients of federal student financial aid? (See 34 CFR 668.16 and 668.34). |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
7. |
Do you have a policy that meets federal regulations for returning Title IV funds when a student withdraws from classes? (See 34 CFR 668.22). |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
8. |
Have you submitted your required annual financial statement audits to us on time? (For initial applicants, have you established a process to ensure that you submit your required annual financial statement audit to us on time?) (See 34 CFR 668.23) |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
9. |
Have you submitted your required annual federal student financial aid compliance audits to us on time? (For initial applicants, have you established a process to ensure that you submit your required annual federal student financial aid compliance audit to us on time?) (See 34 CFR 668.23) |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
10. |
Do you have a process to ensure you obtain the necessary approvals from the Department for expanding or re-establishing your institutional eligibility, (such as changes of ownership resulting in a change of control, excluded changes in ownership, or adding new locations in certain circumstances), and that you notify us within 10 days about other important changes (such as changing your name, address or official)? (See 34 CFR 600.10, 600.20, and 600.21). |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
11. |
Do you use the electronic processes required by the Secretary? (See 34 CFR 668.16). |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Please provide an explanation
Text |
N/A |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1. |
Indicate all of the federal student financial aid programs in which you are seeking approval to participate.
Federal Pell Grant Program Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program
Checkboxes for the following:
Autopopulated |
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan Program)
No Picklist
Picklist for Federal Direct Loan Program (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)
Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program
Autopopulated |
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program
Check all of the following conditions that apply to your institution.
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Offer a high-quality teacher preparation program at either the baccalaureate or masters level that is accredited by a specialized accrediting agency recognized by the Secretary for the accreditation of professional teacher education programs, and the program provides or assists in providing supervision and support services to teachers
Identify the accreditor for this program:
Checkboxes for the following: No Accreditor Available at this time
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
Offer a high-quality teacher preparation program at either the baccalaureate or master’s level that is approved by a state and includes a minimum of 10 weeks of full time pre-service clinical experience or its equivalent and the program provides or assists in providing supervision and support services to teachers. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
Offer a high-quality teacher preparation program at either the baccalaureate or masters level that is approved by a state and includes a minimum of 10 weeks of full-time pre-service clinical experience, or its equivalent and the program provides or assists in providing supervision and support services to teacher. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
Provide a two-year program of study that is acceptable for full credit to a baccalaureate teacher preparation program. If selected, you must identify the name of at least one and no more than three other institutions which accepts all the credits from your two-year program towards their baccalaureate teacher preparation program. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
Offer a baccalaureate degree that will prepare a student to teach in a high-need field and have an agreement with another institution that offers a teacher preparation program or a post-baccalaureate program. If selected, you must identify the name of at least one and no more than three other institutions with which your institution has such an agreement.
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
Offer a postbaccalaureate degree program.
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Domestic Schools |
Institution Name |
Text |
Autopopulated |
IF the Partner indicates that they selected a TEACH criteria that uses a partnership |
Partnership End Date |
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Autopopulated |
Institution Name |
Text |
Autopopulated |
IF the Partner indicates that they selected a TEACH criteria that uses a partnership |
Partnership End Date |
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Autopopulated |
Institution Name |
Text |
Autopopulated |
IF the Partner indicates that they selected a TEACH criteria that uses a partnership |
Partnership End Date |
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Autopopulated |
TEACH Program End Date |
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Autopopulated |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1 Additional Contacts Table |
Would you like Federal Student Aid to contact someone not at your institution about this application? |
Picklist (yes/no) |
If select yes, then display the rest of the questions below. |
If yes, the table of additional contacts is displayed |
Please provide contact information for the individual(s) that are not at your institution that you would like Federal Student Aid to speak to about this application. |
N/A |
N/A |
Contact Type |
Picklist Application Contact Additional Contact |
Autopopulated |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
End Date |
Date |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section. |
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
1. |
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this application.
Longform Text |
N/A |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automations |
Visibility |
must upload the documents listed below to successfully submit your
application or provide an explanation for why the document is
missing. Please select the document you are uploading from the
list of required documents displayed. If the document you need to
upload is not displayed, select ‘other’ and provide a
description of the document. Once the document is uploaded, the
document will display in the table below. If you
N/A |
N/A |
Select the Document Type you are uploading from the dropdown and then select upload files button. If this document is available on your website, you must also provide the URL for the this document. Please provide a description of the document and indicate if the document contains PII or Proprietary Information. |
Document Type |
This Document Type will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded as appropriate based on the Document Matrix |
Select Document |
Document Upload |
N/A |
Document Web Link |
Text |
Description |
Text |
N/A |
If you do not upload the documents required, you must enter an explanation for each document you are not including in your submission. |
Text |
N/A |
Contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Contains Proprietary Information |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automation |
Visibility |
1. |
Do you admit as regular students only people who have a credential of secondary school completion or its recognized equivalent?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
2. |
Do you admit students on the basis of a "mature student" admission policy?
Help Text: A policy to admit adult students who have not completed a secondary school or high school education based on the applicant’s age. |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
3. |
In the country where you are located, are you legally authorized by the education ministry, council, or equivalent agency to provide an educational program beyond the secondary school level?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
4. |
Does your institution award degrees, certificates, or other recognized education credentials that are officially recognized by the country in which your institution is located?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
5. |
Identify from the list the legal authorizing agency/ministry/educational council within the country where your institution is located that granted legal authorization to your institution to provide an educational program beyond the secondary school level. |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
6. |
Add any additional information regarding your institution’s legal authorization to provide an educational program beyond the secondary school level, such as reference to Royal Charter, law, or regulation. |
Text |
Autocompleted |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
If the legal authorizing agency is not included in this list, insert the name and address of the legal authorizing agency in the spaces provided. |
N/A |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Legal Authorization Agency Name |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
End Date
Date |
7. |
Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Provide the details for each validation agreement and upload a copy of all validation agreement(s). |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes |
Institution Name |
Institution Search (Smart Search with Name, City, State) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes |
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes |
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes |
End Date
Date |
Autopopulated, autopopulated with account lookup selected result |
Visible to Foreign Schools when Does another postsecondary education institution validate programs offered by your institution? = yes |
8. |
Are you legally authorized to award a degree that is equivalent to an associate, baccalaureate, graduate, or professional degree awarded in the United States? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
9. |
Do you provide an educational program that is at least a two-academic-year program acceptable for full credit toward the equivalent of a baccalaureate degree awarded in the United States? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
10. |
Do you provide any educational programs that meet all three of these criteria?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
11. |
Are any of your programs offered in whole or in part by means of correspondence? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
12. |
Do you offer any programs that uses telecommunications to provide instruction to U.S. students?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools
13. |
Do you have administrative offices and/or recruiting offices in the United States that represent you?
Provide the following information and upload a description of the functions of the U.S. administrative office. |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office IF they answer no, no Admin Office Location table will display |
13a. |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
Street Address, City, State, Country, ZIP |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
Telephone Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Telephone Number (include Country Code) |
(Phone) Numeric & Special Characters |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
Fax Number (include Area Code) |
Phone |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office Visible when USA is Chosen |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
(Fax) Numeric & Special Characters
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office Visible when Country Other than USA is Chosen |
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
13b. |
U.S. Administrative/Recruiting Office Contact Name |
Name |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
U.S. Administrative /Recruiting Office Contact E-Mail |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible to when entering a US administrative office
14. |
Are you accredited by an accrediting agency in the United States?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14a. |
Choose your accrediting agency |
Accrediting Agency Lookup |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14b. |
What year did this accrediting agency last accredit you? |
Date YYYY |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14c. |
For how many years is this accreditation granted? |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14d. |
Check here if this is your Primary Accreditor |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14e. |
Select if this agency accredits your whole institution |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14f. |
Select if this agency accredits individual programs offered by your institution
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Not Visible to Foreign Schools |
14g. |
Has this accreditor issued a decision letter, placed the institution/location on probation, placed the institution/location on warning, placed the institution/location on show cause, issued a loss/withdrawal of accreditation notice, mandated a reporting requirement or issued any other notification of non-compliance of accrediting standards since your last application was submitted?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Select action issued |
Picklist, Multi-Select Picklist Decision letter Placed the institution/location on probation Placed the institution/location on warning Placed the institution/location on show cause Issued a loss/withdrawal of accreditation notice Mandated a reporting requirement Other notification of non-compliance of accrediting standards
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Other Adverse Action |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
14h. Upon user completion of above questions, an entry will be added and displayed to the US Accrediting Agency Table |
Provide the End Date of your Accreditation
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Enter the explanation as to why this is end date is more than 30 days in the future |
Date |
N/A |
Visible when End Date is more than 30 days in the future |
15. |
Indicate below whether your institution offers a degree of medical doctor, doctor of osteopathic medicine, or the equivalent; a veterinary program; or a nursing program. Then indicate whether your institution seeks Title IV, HEA program eligibility for a medical program, a veterinary program, or a nursing program. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Medical Doctor/Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine/Equivalent Program |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Program Offered |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible if Program Offered = Yes |
Seeking Title IV |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Veterinary Program |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Program Offered |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Seeking Title IV |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Nursing Program |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Program Offered |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Seeking Title IV |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible to Foreign Schools |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section. |
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automation |
Visibility |
1. |
Click below to upload your medical school’s Individual USMLE Test-Taker Performance Data, USMLE Pass Rates, Citizenship Rates and Consumer Information for the most recently completed calendar year.
Display Only |
N/A |
N/A |
Upload Individual USMLE Test-Taker Performance Data
Document Upload |
N/A |
Visible when Application Update Purpose ‘Annual Reporting for Foreign Medical School’ |
Upload USMLE Pass Rates
Document Upload |
N/A |
Visible when Application Update Purpose ‘Annual Reporting for Foreign Medical School’ |
Upload Medical Citizenship Rate
Document Upload |
N/A |
Visible when Application Update Purpose ‘Annual Reporting for Foreign Medical School’ |
Upload Medical Consumer Information
Document Upload |
N/A |
Visible when Application Update Purpose ‘Annual Reporting for Foreign Medical School’ |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automation |
Visibility |
1. |
Are you seeking approval for a Post baccalaureate/equivalent veterinary program?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when School indicates they have a foreign Veterinary School Program and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and Institution Type = Foreign For Profit |
2. |
Is your Veterinary program offered as a joint degree program with another institution? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when School indicates they have a foreign Veterinary School Program and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and Institution Type = Foreign For Profit |
3. |
Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV. |
3a. |
Select the name and address of the entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate veterinary instruction offered in your country. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and “Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?” = yes |
Name of Veterinary Accreditor |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and “Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?” = yes |
Here is the information concerning the Veterinary Program Accreditor you have selected: Name, Address, Contact displays |
Display only |
3b. |
Is your veterinary school approved, accredited, or recognized by this entity? If Yes, upload your most current approval documents in the Upload Documents section of this application?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and “Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?” = yes |
3c |
What month/year did the evaluating agency last approve the veterinary school? |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and “Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?” = yes |
3d. |
For how many years did the evaluating agency extend its approval? |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and “Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?” = yes |
If you are no longer approved by this entity, enter the date this approval ended.
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and answer “yes” to seeking Title IV and “Do you have an entity in your country that is legally authorized to evaluate the quality of your program of classroom and clinical veterinary instruction?” = yes |
Identify all locations where your veterinary students receive classroom and clinical instruction.
Note: Do not report veterinary clinical training locations that are not used regularly, but instead are chosen by individual students who take no more than two electives at the clinical training locations for no more than a total of eight weeks.
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
4,. |
Enter the name and address of your foreign veterinary school location |
Display only |
4a. |
Name of Veterinary School |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a foreign veterinary school location
4b. |
Instruction Type |
Picklist (multi) Classroom Instruction Clinical Instruction |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a foreign veterinary school location
4c |
Address information |
Display only |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Autopopulated with Production Answer |
Visible when entering a foreign veterinary school location
End Date |
Date |
Visible when entering a foreign veterinary school location
5. |
Do you have a written agreement under which clinical instruction is provided at this veterinary school? If yes, upload a copy of your written agreement as a supporting document to this application. |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a foreign veterinary school location
5a. |
Identify the date that instruction was first offered to your veterinary students at this veterinary school. |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a foreign veterinary school location
5b. |
Do you require your students to complete their clinical training at this U.S. veterinary school? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible if a Partner is a foreign for-profit institution and identifies the clinical site location’s country as the “United States." |
5c. |
Do you have a written agreement under which instruction is provided at this U.S. location? Note: If yes, upload your written agreement |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school and the country is US |
5d. |
Check all statements that apply |
Display only |
Check here if you have an affiliation agreement or other written arrangement to provide clinical instruction to your students at this veterinary school. Upload a copy of this agreement as a supporting document for this application. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
Check here if this clinical location is specifically approved by the agency authorized to evaluate veterinary schools in your country.
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
Check here if this facility is an approved veterinary school located within the United States. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
The question is visible for Foreign non profit and Foreign public schools that report a location that is not in U.S. and not in the country of the institution’s principal location. |
Check here if this clinical training location is included in the accreditation of a veterinary program accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or a veterinary accreditor that has been approved by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
The question is visible for Foreign non profit and Foreign public schools that report a location that is not in U.S. and not in the country of the institution’s principal location. |
5e. |
Provide information about a contact at this facility. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
Location End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when school indicates they have a foreign vet school |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Question # |
Text |
Field Type |
Automation |
Visibility |
1. |
Are you seeking approval for a Post baccalaureate/equivalent nursing program?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Foreign For Profit Partner indicates they are seeking title iv for their foreign nursing program |
2. |
Is your nursing program offered as a joint degree program with another institution? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when Foreign For Profit Partner indicates they are seeking title iv for their foreign nursing program |
Identify all locations where your nursing students receive clinical instruction. |
N/A |
N/A |
3. |
Enter the name and address of your U.S. Hospital/Accredited Nursing School Location |
N/A |
N/A |
School/Facility Name |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
Telephone Number (Include Area Code) |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location When country = USA
International Phone Number (include Country Code)
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location When Country is not USA
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location When Country is not USA
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
3a. |
Provide the name of a contact at the facility |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
Facility Contact E-Mail Address |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
4. |
Identify each type of nursing instruction offered at this location. |
Picklist: Classroom Instruction Clinical Instruction |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
4a. |
If clinical training is provided to your students at this location, is this facility a U.S. hospital or an accredited school of nursing in the U.S.? (Check all that apply) |
Picklist U.S. hospital Accredited school of nursing in U.S. Other facility |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
4b. |
Check here if this is a location where your student completes nursing clinical training. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
4c. |
Check here if your foreign nursing school has an Affiliation agreement with this facility to ensure proper oversight of the nursing program.
Note: At time of application submission, a copy of the provider Affiliation agreement with this provider and its certified English translation will be required to be uploaded. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
4d. |
Check here if faculty members of the foreign school are based at this facility to ensure proper educational oversight. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
5. |
Do students graduating from your nursing school also receive a degree from the accredited school of nursing located in the United States? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
At time of application submission, a copy of the joint degree program agreement with the U.S. accredited nursing school will be required to be uploaded. Identify below the nurse licensing boards and evaluating bodies which have approved the nursing program, and the dates of their approval. |
N/A |
N/A |
End Date |
Date |
Visible when editing Nursing Location
6. |
Identify below the U.S. nurse licensing boards and evaluating bodies which have approved the nursing program and the dates of their approval |
Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body |
Text |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body |
Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, ZIP/Postal Code |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body |
Telephone Number (Include Area Code) |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body And Country = USA |
International Phone Number (include Country Code)
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body When Country is not USA
Telephone Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location |
International Fax Number (include Country Code) |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body When Country is not USA
Fax Number Extension |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering Nursing Location
Is your nursing school approved by this nursing licensing entity or evaluating body? If Yes, upload your most current approval documents in the Upload Documents section of this application. |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body |
Provide the following information for a contact at this entity. |
N/A |
N/A |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body
Entity Contact E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body |
For how many years did the licensing/evaluating entity extend its approval? |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body |
If you are no longer approved by this licensing/evaluating entity, enter the date this approval ended. |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering a Nurse Licensing Board or Evaluating Body
7. |
Identify below the accrediting agencies that approved the joint degree program between your nursing school and your U.S. nursing school. |
N/A |
N/A |
Choose your accrediting agency |
Lookup |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Accrediting Agency |
7a. |
Is your nursing program approved by this accrediting agency? If Yes, upload your most current approval documents in the Upload Documents section of this application. |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Accrediting Agency |
7b. |
What month/year did the accrediting agency last approve the nursing program? |
Date |
Autopopulated |
7c. |
For how many years did the accrediting agency extend its approval? |
Autopopulated |
7d. |
Provide the following information for a contact at this accrediting agency. |
N/A |
N/A |
Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, Job Title |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Accrediting Agency |
Accrediting Agency Contact E-mail Address |
Autopopulated |
Visible when entering an Accrediting Agency |
If your nursing program is no longer approved by this accrediting agency, enter the date this approval ended. |
Date |
Autopopulated |
8. |
Select the foreign nursing school programs that your institution offers. Check each that applies: |
Multi Select Picklist:
Autopopulated |
9. |
Identify the graduation dates and the number of Nursing students who graduated from your Nursing school within the last two 12 month periods. |
N/A |
N/A |
Enter date of Nursing school graduation. |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Enter the number of nursing school graduates in this graduating class. |
Number |
Autopopulated |
Enter date of Nursing school graduation. |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Enter the number of nursing school graduates in this graduating class. |
Number |
Autopopulated |
10. |
Identify the number of students and graduates of the Nursing school who took the NCLEX-RN |
Number |
Autopopulated |
11. |
Identify the number of students and graduates who passed the NCLEX-RN |
Number |
Autopopulated |
12. |
Identify the % of students and graduates passing NCLEX. |
Percentage |
Autopopulated |
13. |
Does your nursing school employ only those faculty members whose academic credentials are the equivalent of credentials required of faculty members teaching the same or similar course at nursing schools in the U.S.? |
Picklist (Yes, No) |
Autopopulated |
14. |
Check here if your foreign nursing school agrees to reimburse the Secretary of Education for the costs of defaulted student loans for students attending your foreign nursing program. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
15. |
Check here if your institution has determined the consent requirements for and requires the consents of all Nursing students accepted for admission who are U.S. citizens, nationals or eligible noncitizens. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
16. |
Check here if a privacy law or a data protection law in your country prevents you from providing NCLEX-RN results or other data to the U.S. Department of Education. |
Checkbox |
Autopopulated |
End Date |
Date |
Autopopulated |
Additional Information
Use this area to provide information about any unusual circumstances or to provide additional explanations about questions you answered in this section.
Text |
N/A |
Document Table |
Document Upload Component |
File Uploader |
N/A |
N/A |
Does this document contain PII data?
Picklist (Yes, No) |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Document Type |
Picklist (See Submit eApp Section) |
This field will only show the remaining documents that are required to be uploaded |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Check here if you will be providing the URL to where this document type is located on your institution’s Web site in the document description below. |
Checkbox |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
Enter a description of the document |
Text |
N/A |
Visible when uploading a new file |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Partner Participation Oversight Eligibility Application (eApp) |
Author | Rider, Andrew |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2023-09-02 |