SEMI-STRUCTURED participant interviews
T1. Telephone Recruitment Script
T2. Follow-Up Email
T3. Interview topic guide, MyGoals
T4. Interview topic guide, LIFT
T5. Interview topic guide, FaDSS and Goal4 It!
This page has been left blank for double-sided copying.
T1. Telephone Recruitment Script
Evaluation of Employment Coaching for TANF and
Related Populations
Implementation Study
Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME], and I’m calling from [Mathematica/Abt Associates]. May I speak with [FIRST NAME, LAST NAME]?
Hi [FIRST NAME]. I’m calling from [Mathematica/Abt Associates], which is an independent evaluator assisting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on a national study to learn more about whether providing people with a coach to assist them with setting and meeting goals helps them get and keep a job. The study will also help us learn whether there are ways to make the [PROGRAM] work better.
[IF PARTICIPANT PREVIOUSLY PARTICIPATED IN AN INTERVIEW] Thank you for participating in an in-person interview about your experiences last year. Now that we have analyzed the information we collected from you and other program participants and staff at the coaching programs, we would like to ask you some additional questions.
We would like you to participate in a phone or video interview during [INSERT POTENTIAL INTERVIEW DATES]. This interview will last approximately 2.5 hours/2 hours/1.5 hours [DEPENDING ON PROGRAM]. We will give you a $60/$50/40 [DEPENDING ON PROGRAM] gift card when you complete the interview in appreciation for your participation. We would like to talk to you about your relationship with the coach, [IF APPLICABLE] the offer of a financial incentive for participating in the program, and [IF APPLICABLE] discussions about skills used to finish tasks, stay organized, and control emotions. Your participation in this study is very important and will help improve these programs for people like you.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. During the interview, anything you say will be private and we won’t use your name or any other identifying information when we report the results of our study. You may also choose to not answer any question you do not want to answer. In other words, no one will know who you are, but your feedback will be a valuable part of information shared with policymakers and practitioners to improve programs.
We would like to schedule an interview with you during [INSERT POTENTIAL INTERVIEW DATES]. What day and time is best for you?
provides a day and time 01 CONTINUE
TO 1a
available that week 00 GO
9 AM |
1 PM |
4 PM |
For this time slot, do not schedule an appointment later than: |
10:30 AM |
2:30 PM |
5:30 PM |
available 01 CONTINUE
not available 00 GO
1b. Slot is available: Great. That time is available and I’ve added you to the schedule. You will be talking with an interviewer from Mathematica, «Interviewer», on [REPEAT DAY AND TIME]. The interview will take place over the phone or by video. Would you prefer to talk to «Interviewer» over the phone or using video?
Contact Confirmation: We will email you a confirmation letter [if choose video: with instructions for joining a video call with «Interviewer»]. I would just like to take a moment to make sure we have the correct contact information for you.
«Interviewer» will call you the day before the interview to introduce [him or herself] and re-confirm the day, time, and meeting information for the interview.
Please contact us at [INSERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER] if you have any questions or need to reschedule. Thank you! END CALL.
END. If not available during this time frame: I’m sorry that those days are not convenient for you. Right now I’m scheduling appointments only for those days. I will call you back if we decide to schedule appointments on other days. Thank you for your time.
Subject line: [Mathematica/Abt Associates] Interview Confirmation
This email is a reminder that an interviewer from [Mathematica/Abt Associates], «Interviewer», is scheduled to talk with you on «APPT_DATE» at «APPT_TIME». The interview will be conducted [over the phone/by video]. [If by phone only: «Interviewer» will call you at that time.] [If by video: Please join the meeting at that time by clicking this link «Webex link»]. [Mathematica/Abt Associates] is conducting these interviews as part of a study on behalf of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
The interview will take about [2.5 hours/2 hours/1.5 hours] and we will give you a [$60/$50/$40] gift card to thank you for your time. All the information that you give in this interview is private and your participation is completely voluntary and will not affect any government assistance you may be receiving.
We look forward to speaking with you soon! Thanks for your cooperation and assistance with this important study! If you have any questions, please call [INSERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER].
T3. INTERVIEW topic guide, MyGoals
Introductory Statement and Consent
Thank you so much for meeting with me today. My name is __________ and I am with a company called [Mathematica/Abt Associates]. We are an independent evaluator assisting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on a national study to learn more about whether providing people with a coach to assist them with setting and meeting goals helps them get and keep a job. The study will also help us learn whether there are ways to make the coaching work better.
We would like to talk with you about some topics that are important in coaching programs. This includes your relationship with your coach, the financial incentives you were offered for participating in MyGoals, and discussions about the skills used to finish tasks, stay organized, and control emotions (such as time management or staying calm).
Your participation in this study is voluntary. Our conversation will take about 2.5 hours. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0506 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.
During our conversation, anything you say will be private, except if you say something that suggests you are very likely to harm yourself, that you are planning to hurt another person or child, or that someone is likely to harm you. We won’t use your name or any other identifying information when we report the results of our study. We also won’t share what you say with your program or your coach. You may choose not to answer any question you do not want to answer. In appreciation for participating in the interview, we will send you a $60 gift card.
Please remember that we are interested in your experiences and opinions; there are no right or wrong answers. My hope is that you will feel comfortable talking with me, but, if at any time I ask you a question and you don’t feel comfortable talking about the topic, feel free to say so and we will move on.
You can refuse to answer any questions, including those that may make you feel uncomfortable, and it will not change your participation in the study or program. Although researchers will take many steps to protect all study information, there is a small risk that non-researchers could see it. In addition, representatives from the New England Independent Review Board may inspect and have access to private information as they ensure your rights as a study participant are protected.
Do you agree to be interviewed for this study? [IF YES:]
I would like to record our conversation so I don’t miss anything. No one will hear the recording except for researchers and the person who types it up. We will destroy the recording at the end of the study. Is it okay with you if I record this conversation? If you want me to turn the recording off for any reason or at any time, just say so.
Through this information collection, ACF is gathering information to understand how coaching programs are serving individuals. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 150 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0506 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Sheena McConnell, Mathematica, 1100 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-422.
Note to interviewers: Complete the table below before for each interview.
Date of Interview |
Interviewer |
Coaching program |
A. Relationship building, participant background
[IF NOT SPOKEN WITH RESPONDENT BEFORE] Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Family composition (number and ages of children)
Favorite activities and hobbies
2. [IF SPOKEN LAST YEAR] How have you been since we last spoke with you?
B. Relationship with coach
Tell me about your coach.
What is the name of the coach you last worked with at MyGoals?
Are you currently working with him/her?
If relationship has ended, reasons why
Have you been working with the same coach throughout your engagement with the program?
If not, can you tell me which coaches you have worked with?
How long did you work with each coach?
Why did your coach change?
Have you been meeting with your coach in person or virtually? Has this changed over time? Why did it change?
How would you describe your coach to a friend?
What is it about your coach that makes you describe them in this way?
Has your relationship with the coach changed over time? If so, how and why?
What specifically do you like and not like about your coach?
[IF RELEVANT] How long did it take to develop a strong relationship with your coach?
How did your relationship change over time? What happened to change your relationship with your coach?
[IF THE PARTICIPANT HAS HAD MORE THAN ONE COACH]: How was it when your coach changed? Was it hard to develop a relationship with a new coach? Did your first coach do or say anything to help with the transition?
Does your coach do or say anything that makes you trust him or her? Does he or she do or say anything that makes you trust him or her less? Please describe.
If you lost trust, did the coach do anything to help you regain the trust?
Does your coach share personal information about his or her life? Does this increase or decrease your trust in him/her?
Is it important to you that your coach has similar life experiences to you? For example, is it important that the coach is also a parent?
Do you have any preferences as to the age, gender, race/ethnicity, or other characteristics of your coach?
Were you able to convey your preferences?
[FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN MEETING WITH THEIR COACH VIRTUALLY] Do you think it would be easier to develop a relationship with your coach in person? Has it been difficult to develop a relationship with your coach virtually?
We would like to understand more about what makes a strong trusting relationship between the coach and the participant. What do you think is the key to success in coaches developing strong relationships with participants? Probe for:
characteristics of coach
allowing the participant to set their own goals and action plans
following up on issues raised in the coaching session
spending time listening to the participant and withholding judgement
the coach sharing his or her own experiences and challenges
talking to the participant about topics that are not related to employment
engaging outside of the meeting with email and texts
authenticity and honesty
Is there something else?
In your opinion, which of these is the most important factor or factors?
Are there challenges to developing a relationship with a coach? What are they?
C. Discussion of executive skills
Now I would like to ask you some questions about your sessions with your coach and whether you talked about “executive skills.”
Do you know what I mean by “executive skills”?
If needed: It refers to the skills needed to finish tasks, stay organized, and control emotions. Interviewer should give an example of something they find easy—like being organized and things that they find hard to do—such as tidying up their kitchen or keeping calm when talking with an annoying coworker.
Did your coach talk to you about “executive skills”? Did your coach use that term or did he or she just talk about those skills without using the term?
Do you remember completing the executive skills questionnaire? Can you remember what you learned from it? What did you think about that questionnaire?
I am going to list some executive skills. Please tell me which ones you remember speaking to your coach about:
Are you aware of which executive skills you are strong in and weaker in?
Did your coach talk with you about skills you needed to meet your goals? What kind of skills did he or she talk about? Probe for: organization, time management, emotional control, thinking through what needs to be done, motivation, approaches to help you remember things.
Do you think about these skills when you are not talking with your coach? Tell me about that.
Has understanding these executive skills changed your behavior in any way? Please describe.
D. Discussion of incentives
We learned that MyGoals offers money—in the form of gift cards—for attending sessions and getting and staying in a job. We would like to ask you some questions about that.
Did you receive/have you received any gift card during your time participating in MyGoals?
Do you know why you received the gift card?
Do/did you understand what you need/needed to do to get the gift cards?
Do you think the gift card makes/made you more likely to continue with coaching? Does/did it make you more likely to find a job? Does/did it change your behavior in any way?
Do/did you think the gift cards are/were the right amount of money? Too much or too little?
What do you think about the gift cards being given for participating in sessions and employment milestones? Are there other milestones that you think should be recognized?
What do you think about programs offering gift cards or money to its participants?
E. Wrap up
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with the program or your coach?
F. Participant demographic information
Before we close, I’d like to ask just a few more background questions about you to help us describe who we talked to during these discussions. If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to answer them, but it would be helpful for us to know. So, if you don’t mind sharing, could you tell me:
What is your age?
What is your sex?
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or of Spanish origin?
What is your race (e.g., American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African America, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White)?
Finally, can you tell me the email address where we should send your gift card?
If you don’t use email or won’t be able to access a gift card via email, we can mail you a gift card. To what address should we mail the card?
Do you have any questions for me?
Thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate all that you have shared.
T4. INTERVIEW topic guide, LIFT
Introductory Statement and Consent
Thank you so much for meeting with me today. My name is __________ and I am with a company called [Mathematica/Abt Associates]. We are an independent evaluator assisting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on a national study to learn more about whether providing people with a coach to assist them with setting and meeting goals helps them get and keep a job. The study will also help us learn whether there are ways to make coaching work better.
We would like to talk with you about some topics that are important in coaching programs. This includes your relationship with your coach and the financial incentives you were offered for participating in LIFT.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. Our conversation will take about 2 hours. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0506 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.
During our conversation, anything you say will be private, except if you say something that suggests you are very likely to harm yourself, that you are planning to hurt another person or child, or that someone is likely to harm you. We won’t use your name or any other identifying information when we report the results of our study. We also won’t share what you say with your program or your coach. You may choose not to answer any question you do not want to answer. In appreciation for participating in the interview, we will send you a $50 gift card.
Please remember that we are interested in your experiences and opinions; there are no right or wrong answers. My hope is that you will feel comfortable talking with me, but, if at any time I ask you a question and you don’t feel comfortable talking about the topic, feel free to say so and we will move on.
You can refuse to answer any questions, including those that may make you feel uncomfortable, and it will not change your participation in the study or program. Although researchers will take many steps to protect all study information, there is a small risk that non-researchers could see it. In addition, representatives from the New England Independent Review Board may inspect and have access to private information as they ensure your rights as a study participant are protected.
Do you agree to be interviewed for this study? [IF YES:]
I would like to record our conversation so I don’t miss anything. No one will hear the recording except for researchers and the person who types it up. We will destroy the recording at the end of the study. Is it okay with you if I record this conversation? If you want me to turn the recorder off for any reason or at any time, just say so.
Through this information collection, ACF is gathering information to understand how coaching programs are serving individuals. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0506 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Sheena McConnell, Mathematica, 1100 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-422.
Note to interviewers: Complete the table below before for each interview.
Date of Interview |
Interviewer |
Coaching program |
A. Relationship building, participant background
1. [IF NOT SPOKEN BEFORE] Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Family composition (number and ages of children)
Favorite activities and hobbies
2. [IF SPOKEN LAST YEAR] How have you been since we last spoke with you?
B. Relationship with coach
Tell me about your coach.
What is the name of the coach you last worked with at LIFT?
Are you currently working with him/her?
If relationship has ended, reasons why
Have you been working with the same coach throughout your engagement with the program?
If not, can you tell me which coaches you have worked with?
How long did you work with each coach?
Why did your coach change?
Have you been meeting with your coach in person or virtually? Has this changed over time? Why did it change?
How would you describe your coach to a friend?
What is it about your coach that makes you describe them in this way?
Has your relationship with the coach changed over time? If so, how and why?
What specifically do you like and not like about your coach?
[IF RELEVANT] How long did it take to develop a strong relationship with your coach?
How did your relationship change over time? What happened to change your relationship with your coach?
[IF THE PARTICIPANT HAS HAD MORE THAN ONE COACH]: How was it when your coach changed? Was it hard to develop a relationship with a new coach? Did your first coach do or say anything to help with the transition?
Does your coach do or say anything that makes you trust him or her? Does he or she do or say anything that makes you trust him or her less? Please describe.
If you lost trust, did the coach do anything to help you regain the trust?
Does your coach share personal information about his or her life? Does this increase or decrease your trust in him/her?
Is it important to you that your coach has similar life experiences to you? For example, is it important that the coach is also a parent?
Do you have any preferences as to the age, gender, race/ethnicity, or other characteristics of your coach?
Were you able to convey your preferences?
[FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN MEETING WITH THEIR COACH VIRTUALLY] Do you think it would be easier to develop a relationship with your coach in person? Has it been difficult to develop a relationship with your coach virtually?
We would like to understand more about what makes a strong trusting relationship between the coach and the participant. What do you think is the key to success in coaches developing strong relationships with participants? Probe for:
characteristics of coach
allowing the participant to set their own goals and action plans
following up on issues raised in the coaching session
spending time listening to the participant and withholding judgement
the coach sharing his or her own experiences and challenges
talking to the participant about topics that are not related to employment
engaging outside of the meeting with email and texts
authenticity and honesty
Is there something else?
In your opinion, which of these is the most important factor or factors?
Are there challenges to developing a relationship with a coach? What are they?
C. Discussion of incentives
We learned that LIFT offers money—in the form of gift cards—for attending sessions. We would like to ask you some questions about that.
Did you receive/have you received any gift card during your time participating in LIFT?
Do you know why you received the gift card?
Do/did you understand what you need/needed to do to get the gift cards?
Do you think the gift card makes/made you more likely to continue with coaching? Does/did it make you more likely to find a job? Does/did it change your behavior in any way?
Do/did you think the gift cards are/were the right amount of money? Too much or too little?
What do you think about programs offering gift cards or money to its participants?
D. Wrap up
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with the program or your coach?
E. Participant demographic information
Before we close, I’d like to ask just a few more background questions about you to help us describe who we talked to during these discussions. If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to answer them, but it would be helpful for us to know. So, if you don’t mind sharing, could you tell me:
What is your age?
What is your sex?
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or of Spanish origin?
What is your race (e.g., American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African America, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White)?
Finally, can you tell me the email address where we should send your gift card?
If you don’t use email or won’t be able to access a gift card via email, we can mail you a gift card. To what address should we mail the card?
Do you have any questions for me?
Thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate all that you have shared.
T5. INTERVIEW topic guide, FaDSS and Goal4 It!
Introductory Statement and Consent
Thank you so much for meeting with me today. My name is __________ and I am with a company called [Mathematica/Abt Associates]. We are an independent evaluator assisting the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on a national study to learn more about whether providing people with a coach to assist them with setting and meeting goals helps them get and keep a job. The study will also help us learn whether there are ways to make coaching work better.
We would like to talk with you about a topic that is important in coaching programs—your relationship with your coach.
Your participation in this study is voluntary. Our conversation will take about 1.5 hours. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0506 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX.
During our conversation, anything you say will be private, except if you say something that suggests you are very likely to harm yourself, that you are planning to hurt another person or child, or that someone is likely to harm you. We won’t use your name or any other identifying information when we report the results of our study. We also won’t share what you say with your program or your coach. You may choose not to answer any question you do not want to answer. In appreciation for participating in the interview, we will send you a $40 gift card.
Please remember that we are interested in your experiences and opinions; there are no right or wrong answers. My hope is that you will feel comfortable talking with me, but, if at any time I ask you a question and you don’t feel comfortable talking about the topic, feel free to say so and we will move on.
You can refuse to answer any questions, including those that may make you feel uncomfortable, and it will not change your participation in the study or program. Although researchers will take many steps to protect all study information, there is a small risk that non-researchers could see it. In addition, representatives from the New England Independent Review Board may inspect and have access to private information as they ensure your rights as a study participant are protected.
Do you agree to be interviewed for this study? [IF YES:]
I would like to record our conversation so I don’t miss anything. No one will hear the recording except for researchers and the person who types it up. We will destroy the recording at the end of the study. Is it okay with you if I record this conversation? If you want me to turn the recording off for any reason or at any time, just say so.
Through this information collection, ACF is gathering information to understand how coaching programs are serving individuals. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 minutes per respondent, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0506 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Sheena McConnell, Mathematica, 1100 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-422.
Note to interviewers: Complete the table below before for each interview.
Date of Interview |
Interviewer |
Coaching program |
A. Relationship building, participant background
[IF NOT SPOKEN BEFORE] Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Family composition (number and ages of children)
Favorite activities and hobbies
2. [IF SPOKEN LAST YEAR] How have you been since we last spoke with you?
B. Relationship with coach
Tell me about your coach.
What is the name of the coach you last worked with at MyGoals?
Are you currently working with him/her?
If relationship has ended, reasons why
Have you been working with the same coach throughout your engagement with the program?
If not, can you tell me which coaches you have worked with?
How long did you work with each coach?
Why did your coach change?
Have you been meeting with your coach in person or virtually? Has this changed over time? Why did it change?
How would you describe your coach to a friend?
What is it about your coach that makes you describe them in this way?
Has your relationship with the coach changed over time? If so, how and why?
What specifically do you like and not like about your coach?
[IF RELEVANT] How long did it take to develop a strong relationship with your coach?
How did your relationship change over time? What happened to change your relationship with your coach?
[IF THE PARTICIPANT HAS HAD MORE THAN ONE COACH]: How was it when your coach changed? Was it hard to develop a relationship with a new coach? Did your first coach do or say anything to help with the transition?
Does your coach do or say anything that makes you trust him or her? Does he or she do or say anything that makes you trust him or her less? Please describe.
If you lost trust, did the coach do anything to help you regain the trust?
Does your coach share personal information about his or her life? Does this increase or decrease your trust in him/her?
Is it important to you that your coach has similar life experiences to you? For example, is it important that the coach is also a parent?
Do you have any preferences as to the age, gender, race/ethnicity, or other characteristics of your coach?
Were you able to convey your preferences?
[FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN MEETING WITH THEIR COACH VIRTUALLY] Do you think it would be easier to develop a relationship with your coach in person? Has it been difficult to develop a relationship with your coach virtually?
[FaDSS] Is the coach coming to your home now? If yes, do you like your coach coming to your home rather than you going to a program office? Why?
[Goal 4 It!] Would you prefer it if your coach came to your home? Why or why not?
We would like to understand more about what makes a strong trusting relationship between the coach and the participant. What do you think is the key to success in coaches developing strong relationships with participants? Probe for:
characteristics of coach
allowing the participant to set their own goals and action plans
following up on issues raised in the coaching session
spending time listening to the participant and withholding judgement
the coach sharing his or her own experiences and challenges
talking to the participant about topics that are not related to employment
engaging outside of the meeting with email and texts
authenticity and honesty
Is there something else?
In your opinion, which of these is the most important factor or factors?
Does talking about the requirements of assistance programs affect the ability to develop a relationship with your coach?
Are there challenges to developing a relationship with a coach? What are they?
C. Wrap up
Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with the program or your coach?
D. Participant demographic information
Before we close, I’d like to ask just a few more background questions about you to help us describe who we talked to during these discussions. If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have to answer them, but it would be helpful for us to know. So, if you don’t mind sharing, could you tell me:
What is your age?
What is your sex?
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or of Spanish origin?
What is your race (e.g., American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African America, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White)?
Finally, can you tell me the email address where we should send your gift card?
If you don’t use email or won’t be able to access a gift card via email, we can mail you a gift card. To what address should we mail the card?
Do you have any questions for me?
Thank you so much for your time. We really appreciate all that you have shared.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Kristen Joyce |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-04-22 |