FS-1500-11a Reimbursable Collection Agreement with Rocky Mountian El

Federal and Non-Federal Financial Assistance Instruments

FS 1500-11a Collection Agreement RMEF Reimbursable with instructions

OMB: 0596-0217

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USDA, Forest Service

OMB 0596-0217


FS Agreement No.

     -     -     -     

Cooperator Agreement No.



Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Between the


And the


     , Project #     

This Collection Agreement (agreement) is hereby made and entered into by and between the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the RMEF, and the USDA, Forest Service,      , hereinafter referred to as the “U.S. Forest Service,” under the provisions of the Cooperative Funds Act of June 30, 1914 (16 U.S.C. 498) as amended by P.L. 104-127.


The purpose of this agreement is to document the RMEF’s voluntarily contribution of funds to the U.S. Forest Service for the      , #     . Project funds will be used for      .

This project is considered to be mutually beneficial to the RMEF and the U.S. Forest Service. As such, the U.S. Forest Service agrees to waive recovery of indirect costs (see III.B. and III. F. below).


  1. Upon presentation of a Bill for Collection, reimburse the U.S. Forest Service for $      as shown in the incorporated Financial and Operating Plan, attached as Exhibit A.

  1. LEGAL AUTHORITY. Have the legal authority to enter into this agreement, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the project costs identified in Exhibit A under the column entitled RMEF to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project).


  1. Provide the labor, materials and administration necessary to perform       as described in the project proposal. The work will be conducted under the supervision of the U.S. Forest Service.

  1. Bill the Foundation for actual expenses under the terms of the agreement not to exceed       (the authorized amount) according to the terms in the REIMBURSABLE BILLING provision. The amount billed will be based upon direct project costs incurred by the U.S. Forest Service and will not include indirect costs. Projected expenses are described in the attached Financial Plan, see Exhibit A. (see III-F).

  1. Recognize the RMEF's contribution, in a manner acceptable to both parties, in news releases, interpretive signs, photographs or other media as appropriate.

  1. Communicate progress to the RMEF on a regular basis. Progress reports may include, but are not limited to annual progress reports, in-house publications, follow-up and monitoring reports.

  1. Within 60 days of project completion, submit a RMEF Project Completion Report detailing project activity to RMEF. Project Completion Report shall include any available photos (of pre- through post- project activities).


Bill the RMEF quarterly, as of December 31, March 31, June 30, and September 30 (or an earlier fiscal year cutoff in September established by the U.S. Forest Service annually) for funds sufficient to cover the costs for the specific payment period.

If individual billings are less than $25, the RMEF may hold until the next quarterly bill and pay both at once. Although a dunning notice may be issued, late charges will be waived. When payment is made, both Bills for Collection shall be submitted to the Lockbox for proper distribution of payment.

U.S. Forest Service spending against the project job code will cease at least 60 days prior to the Project Funding End date       shown in the RMEF project approval letter, to allow sufficient time for all costs to be recorded and included in the final billing.

Final billing will be made on or before       (30 days prior to the Project Funding End Date) to ensure invoices are processed prior to the expiration date of the project funds. All reimbursement billings shall be completed within the same fiscal year as U.S. Forest Service expenditures. The U.S. Forest Service shall submit a list of itemized expenditures (transaction register) to RMEF with the final Bill for Collection

Billings must be sent to:

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

ATTN: Lands and Conservation

5705 Grant Creek Road

Missoula, MT 59808

If payment is not received to the satisfaction of the U.S. Forest Service by the date specified on the Form FS-6500-89, Bill for Collection, the U.S. Forest Service shall exercise its rights regarding the collection of debts owed the United States.

The specific payment period will begin on the issuance date of the RMEF grant award letter. HOWEVER, project costs cannot be be incurred by the U.S. Forest Service before this agreement is signed by both parties and a job code is issued by the Albuquerque Service Center.

  1. Use the RMEF funds only for the purpose of performing the work necessary and agreed upon in the RMEF approved project proposals as identified in the Financial and Operating Plan, Exhibit A.


  1. RMEF funding policy requires at least a 1:1 matching fund ratio and expects project cost savings to be distributed among the project-contributing partners.

To avoid financial exposure due to potential loss of RMEF project funding, costs shall be incurred against the reimbursable job code established for the RMEF funds first.

  1. PRINCIPAL CONTACTS. The principal contacts for this agreement are:

RMEF Contacts:


Christine Hastings

Tom Toman

Billing, Forms, & Signatures

Phone: (406) 523-3444

Project Updates, Photos, Reporting & Recognition

Phone: (406) 523-4541

Policy, Agreements & Contracts

Phone: (406) 523-3443


E-mail: christine@rmef.org

E-mail: tom@rmef.org

RMEF Contact Mailing Address :

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

ATTN: Lands and Conservation Department

5705 Grant Creek Road

Missoula, MT 59808

Principal U.S. Forest Service Contacts:

U.S. Forest Service Program Manager Contact

U.S. Forest Service Administrative Contact



City, State, Zip:      






City, State, Zip:      




  1. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT. Public access to agreement records must not be limited, except when such records must be kept confidential and would have been exempted from disclosure pursuant to Freedom of Information regulations (5 U.S.C. 552).

  1. PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS. Improvements placed on National Forest System land at the direction or with the approval of the U.S. Forest Service becomes property of the United States. These improvements are subject to the same regulations and administration of the U.S. Forest Service as would other National Forest improvements. No part of this agreement entitles the Cooperator to any interest in the improvements, other than the right to use them under applicable U.S. Forest Service Regulations.

  1. PARTICIPATION IN SIMILAR ACTIVITIES. This agreement in no way restricts the U.S. Forest Service or the RMEF from participating in similar activities with other public or private agencies, organizations, and individuals.

  1. ENDORSEMENT. Any RMEF contributions made under this agreement do not by direct reference or implication convey U.S. Forest Service endorsement of the RMEF's products or activities. Similarly, any U.S. Forest Service contributions made under this agreement do not by direct reference or implication convey RMEF endorsement of the U.S. Forest Service’s products or activities.

  1. TERMINATION. Either party, in writing, may terminate this agreement in whole, or in part, at any time before the date of expiration. The U.S. Forest Service shall not incur any new obligations for the terminated portion of the agreement after the effective date and shall cancel as many obligations as possible. Full credit shall be allowed for U.S. Forest Service expenses and all non-cancelable obligations properly incurred up to the effective date of termination.

  1. MODIFICATION. Modifications within the scope of this agreement must be made by mutual consent of the parties, by the issuance of a written modification signed and dated by all properly authorized, signatory officials, prior to any changes being performed. Requests for modification should be made, in writing, at least 30 days prior to implementation of the requested change

  1. COMMENCEMENT/EXPIRATION DATE. This agreement is executed as of the date of last signature and is effective through       at which time it will expire. This date allows time for final bill to capture project costs and reach the RMEF by the Grant Award Letter deadline.

  1. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. By signature below, each party certifies that the individuals listed in this document as representatives of the individual parties are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this agreement. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the last date written below.



Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation




U.S. Forest Service,    


The authority and format of this agreement have been reviewed and approved for signature.



U.S. Forest Service Grants Management Specialist


Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0217. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleCollection Agreement Template 05/01
SubjectFS Directive 1509.11-2001-2 Dated 2/9/01
AuthorMelody Herbert
Last Modified ByUSDA Forest Service
File Modified2013-12-05
File Created2012-11-13

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