Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Appli

Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Nomination

Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application.final

OMB: 0596-0251

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2/22/22, 12:18 PM

Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

Wildland Fire Mitigation and
Management Commission
Approved OMB No. 0596-XXXX
Expiration Date Month Day, Year
In accordance with Title II of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, DOI, FEMA, and USDA announced
the establishment of the Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission (“Commission”)
on December 2021. The Commission is charged with providing Congress with both short-term
and long-term federal policy recommendations for improved prevention, mitigation,
suppression, and management of wildfires and rehabilitation of affected lands. With
collaboration from Tribal, federal, state, local, and private sector subject matter experts, the
Commission will deliver two reports to Congress with wildland fire policy recommendations one
year from its first meeting. Description of wildland fire information topics to be submitted to
Congress can be found here XXX.
The Commission is seeking members that will represent a diverse set of backgrounds and will
serve in a voluntary capacity. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law requires specific non-federal
representation per the statute. The statue including membership requirements can be found
here. Members will commit to serve the lifetime of the Commission (estimated 1 year and 6
months). The first meeting is targeted for late spring 2022.
The Commission will convene for 12 months to prepare the reports with policy
recommendations. The Commission will terminate 6 months after the required reports are
submitted to Congress. Members should expect to devote an estimated 10 to 15 hours a month
for Commission duties such as meeting attendance, strategic planning, and development of the
reports. Coordination and facilitation support will be provided to the Commission.
In selecting members to serve on the Commission, the Secretaries will consider the following
statutory requirements: 1) experience, knowledge and subject matter expertise in various aspects
of wildland fire and wildland-urban interface preparedness, mitigation, suppression, or
management; 2) geographic representation; 3) balanced representation of rural, urban, and
suburban areas; and 4) diversity of backgrounds, approaches, experiences, and viewpoints.
Paperwork Reduction Act Public Burden Statement


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Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor
shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information
subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information
collection is [0596-XXXX]. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be
approximately 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the
collection of information.
All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer Dannette Jones, Forest Service,
1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington D.C. 20250. 

* Required
1. First Name: *
Enter your answer

2. Last name: *
Enter your answer

3. Email: *
Enter your answer

4. Phone Number: *
Enter your answer


2/22/22, 12:18 PM

Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

5. Organization (if applicable): 
Enter your answer

6. Please identify which representative member seat you are applying for: *
State hazard mitigation officer
State department of natural resources, forestry, or agriculture
State department of energy
State fire marshal
State or Tribal department of emergency management or disaster recovery
County government, with at least a portion of which is in the wildland-urban interface
Municipal government, with at least a portion of which is in the wildland-urban interface
Public utility industry
Property development industry
Indian tribal government representative
Wildland firefighters
Forest management and/or environmental conservation (501(c)(3) organization)

7. Do you represent a “High-risk” State?” *
“High-risk” is defined as a State that, during not fewer than 4 of the 5 years preceding the date of
enactment of this Act, received fire management assistance under section 420 of the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5187); or included an area for which the
President declared a major disaster for fire in accordance with section 401 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 5170).
(IIJA, Title II)



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Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

*Note: candidates from a state, tribe, territory, or local jurisdiction who does not meet the IIJA
definitions of “high-risk” but have demonstrated commitment to community risk management and
reduction to wildfires will also be considered for inclusion and are encouraged to submit their interest
in membership.  


8. If yes above, indicate which state:

9. Please identify if you are representing a “High-Risk” federally recognized Indian
tribal government who has either received a major federal disaster declaration or
has land in an area which received a major declaration and if so, list name below:
HIGH-RISK INDIAN TRIBAL GOVERNMENT.—The term ‘‘high-risk Indian tribal government’’ means an
Indian tribal government, during not fewer than 4 of the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of
this Act— (A) that received fire management assistance under section 420 of the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5187); or (B) land of which included an area
for which the President declared a major disaster for fire in accordance with section 401 of that Act (42
U.S.C. 5170). (IIJA, Title II)




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Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

The term “Indian tribal government” means the governing body of any Indian or Alaska Native tribe,
band, nation, pueblo, village, or community that the Secretary of the Interior acknowledges to exist as
an Indian tribe under the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (25 U.S.C. 479a et seq.).
(Stafford Act, Section 102)
Enter your answer

10. What are your wildland fire technical areas of expertise? Please check all applicable
boxes. *
Implementation and assessment of pre- and post-wildfire mitigation
Local wildfire impacts, needs, and practices
Natural resource management
Project planning, analysis and regulatory compliance for wildfire mitigation and
Utility provider issues
Housing and development issues
Firefighter pay equity, safety, and culture issues
Forest conservation, restoration, and climate impacts
Wildland Fire Technology
Insurance related to wildfire
Hazardous fuels management, including prescribed fire
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) codes and standards
State, Tribe, or Multi-Jurisdiction WUI risk reduction/mitigation program
Land Use Planning, Wildfire Planning and Community Wildfire Protection Planning
Financial analysis related to wildfire
Fire aviation
Fire prevention and public safety


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Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

Public health related to wildfire
Equity issues related to wildfire
Risk assessment related to wildland urban interface
Climate science related to wildfire
Science related to wildfire mitigation and management
Indian Traditional Ecological Knowledge
 Community organizing, collaborative and leadership work with stakeholder and partners
Communications and/or social science on behavior change
Environmental and historic preservation related to wildfire mitigation

11. Please describe any specialized knowledge or experience regarding the areas you
selected above: (Max 500 words) *
Enter your answer

12. Why are you interested in serving on the Wildland Fire Mitigation and
Management Commission? (Max 500 words) *
Enter your answer

13. If you have any additional supporting materials for consideration (ex: letter of
recommendation or brief resume), please email them to
wildlandfirecommission@usda.gov. In the subject line include [Your Full Name Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application Supplemental Information]. Please indicate below if you will submit supplemental



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Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT (5 U.S.C. 552a) Purpose: The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that the
Office of Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR) provide the following statements to each
individual from whom it requests information. Authority: Collection of this information is authorized
by the regulations of the EEOC, 29 C.F.R. § 1614. The submission of this information is voluntary, but
the failure to do so may hamper the investigation of a claim and could also lead to dismissal of the
complaint. Routine Uses: The information collected will be used to determine whether your
complaint is acceptable for investigation and in connection with any subsequent investigation and
processing of your complaint. Disclosure: A copy of this complaint will be provided to the Civil
Rights office of the agency against whom it is filed. This form may be shown to any individual who
may be required by regulations, policies or procedures of the EEOC and/or OASCR to provide
information in connection with this complaint. Other disclosures may be: (a) to respond to a request
from a Member of Congress regarding the status of the complaint or appeal; (b) to respond to a
court subpoena and/or refer to a district court in connection with a civil suit; (c) to disclose
information to authorized officials or personnel to adjudicate a complaint or appeal; or (d) to
disclose information to another Federal agency or to a court or third party in litigation when the
Government is party to a suit before court.
Enter your answer

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleWildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission Application
File Modified2022-02-22
File Created2022-02-22

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