Control No: 0584-0663 Expiration
Date: xx/xx/20xx Expiration
Date: 03/31/2019 |
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
WIC Nutrition Assessment and Tailoring Study – Participant Interview Guide
Clinic Name ____________________ Date of Visit ______________
Participant ID ____________________
If conducting by telephone:
Hello. May I speak to [participant name]?
Hi. This is [NAME] calling from Westat [Insight Policy Research]. We met at the WIC clinic on [day]. Do you have time now to complete the interview for our study?
No Can we schedule another time for the interview?
DATE/TIME: ____________________________________
Thank you. I’ll call you back then.
If the participant declines to complete the interview, document reasons for refusal:
If conducting in person:
Hello, my name is __________. I work for Westat [Insight Policy Research], a research company based in Rockville, MD [Arlington, VA].
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview today. We are conducting a study for the US Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), about WIC nutrition services.
Before we get started, there are a few things I should mention.
Privacy Act Statement [Interviewer: Read to all participants.]
Authority: Per the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (P.L. 11-296, Sec. 305), the USDA Food and Nutrition Service is authorized to collect information to enhance the health, education, or well-being of those who use WIC services.
Purpose: This information is being collected primarily for use by the Food and Nutrition Service in the administration and evaluation of the WIC program.
Routine Use: As described in the system of record notice (SORN) titled FNS-8 USDA/FNS Studies and Reports, published in the Federal Register on April 25, 1991, volume 56, pages 19078-19080, FNS and contractors working on their behalf may collect and analyze this information for research purposes and are required to have safeguards in place to keep data private.
Disclosure: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. The information you provide will be combined with information from everyone who participates in the study, and we will not use your name, your child’s name, or any other information about your identity in any reports.
This is a research project. Your participation is voluntary. If you don’t want to participate, you can say so and there will be no penalty. You won’t lose any benefits. You can end your participation at any time. If you choose to participate, you do not have to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable. We expect that this interview will last no more than 30 minutes.
The purpose of this study is to provide FNS with a complete, detailed description of the WIC certification process. That’s the portion of your WIC appointment where staff [took]/[obtained] your [your child’s] height and weight and asked questions about your [your child’s] health, medical conditions and diet. The study will also describe the ways that participant benefits may be customized as a result of the certification process. [Because your WIC appointment was conducted remotely – that is, by phone or video call – we also want to use this interview to better understand what you thought about receiving WIC services in this way]. We will use this information to learn how WIC services can better meet participants’ needs.
We will make every effort to keep the information you share with us private. While the study report will be available to the public, your name or any information that could be used to identify you will not be used in it. We may use quotes from you or other participants in our reports; but participants’ names will not be linked to any responses. The only time we would need to break this privacy is if we heard that someone was planning to harm him- or herself, or someone else.
Do you have any questions?
Finally, with your permission, we would like to record the interview. The recording will be used to help us recall exactly what was said when we go to summarize our findings. The recordings and any notes we have will be stored on our companies’ secure servers. They are accessible only to the project team. We will destroy the recordings after the study is complete. Are you okay with us recording?
If there are no other questions, I’d like to start the audio recording now.
[TURN ON RECORDER:] For the purpose of the recording, are you willing to participate in this interview? And are you willing to have the interview audio recorded?
Did your WIC appointment happen by telephone, video call, or something else?
Appointment carried out via:
Video call (e.g., Zoom, Skype, etc.)
Other (specify)
Did you have any challenges connecting with WIC in this way? If so, please explain.
Once your appointment began, how easy was it for you to communicate with WIC staff [over the phone/by video call]?
Very easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Difficult → GO TO Q4
Very difficult → GO TO Q4
What made it difficult to communicate with WIC staff [over the phone/by video call]?
[IF IN-PERSON] It was clear where I needed to go to check in for the visit.
I was greeted warmly by WIC staff when…
[IF IN-PERSON] …I checked in for my visit.
[IF REMOTE] …I began my telephone/video call appointment.
Before the WIC [visit/call], [either at home or in the clinic waiting area], were you given any forms to complete with questions about you or your child’s health or food habits? [Interviewer: Check all that apply.]
Yes, at home
Yes, in the clinic waiting room
No → GO TO Q13
7a. [IF REMOTE] How did WIC staff send you the forms?
Text message
Downloaded forms from website
Postal mail
Other, specify:
7b. [IF REMOTE] Once you filled out the forms, how did you send them back to WIC staff?
Text message
Uploaded forms to website
Postal mail
Provided information over the phone
Other, specify:
Did you receive any help from clinic staff in completing the forms?
No, but I would have liked help
No, and I didn’t need any help
How much time did it take you to complete the form(s); would you say it was
< 5 minutes
5 to 10 minutes
11 to 15 minutes
More than 15 minutes
How easy was it for you to fill out the form(s)? Was completing the forms
Very easy → GO TO Q13
Easy → GO TO Q13
Neither easy nor difficult → GO TO Q13
[If the participant rated the forms as difficult/very difficult] What made the forms difficult to complete? Interviewer: Check all that apply.
Too many questions
The form was messy/too “busy”/complicated
Use of terms that were unclear/no explanations
Questions you were unable to answer/did not have the information to answer
Other, specify
How could the forms be made easier to complete?
What is your primary language, that is, the language you speak at home?
English → GO TO Q19
Non-English (Please specify: ____________________)
How well do you speak English?
Very well
Not well
I don’t speak English at all
Did the WIC staff person who met with you speak your primary language?
Yes → GO TO Q19
Did you use an interpreter on-site or by telephone/video call during your clinic visit?
[IF IN-PERSON] Yes, used a WIC interpreter on-site
Yes, used a friend or family member as an interpreter
Yes, used an interpreter by telephone or video call
No, did not use either an interpreter on-site or by telephone→ GO TO Q19
Did using the interpreter work well? If not, why not?
What could have made the process of using an interpreter better?
The WIC staff member made me feel at ease.
The WIC staff member listened to me about my needs and concerns.
The WIC staff member explained things clearly in a way that I could understand.
[For non-English speakers] I feel I would have gotten more out of the visit if the WIC staff member had spoken my language.
[IF REMOTE] I feel I would have gotten more out of my appointment if I was talking to WIC staff in-person instead of over the phone/video call.
Why? What makes you say [e.g. strongly agree]?
WIC staff asked me about my ideas and beliefs about food.
I [and/or my children] expect to eat all the food that WIC gave me to purchase (on my WIC card).
The advice and education I received from WIC staff will help me improve my health and diet.
How would you rate your satisfaction with the WIC staff’s review of your nutrition status? That is, the height and weight measurements, blood tests, and questions about diet, health, and home environment?
Why? What makes you say [e.g. very satisfied]?
What did you like most/least about the talk you had?
Is there something the clinic could have done to improve your talk with WIC staff?
What would make the talk with WIC staff more valuable to you?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the nutrition education and counseling you received?
Why? What makes you say [e.g. very satisfied]?
What did you like most/least about the nutrition education and counseling?
Is there something the clinic could have done to improve your education and counseling?
What would make the education and counseling more valuable to you?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the food choices you were given when discussing your food package with WIC staff?
Why? What makes you say [e.g. very satisfied]?
Do you feel that the food choices provided help meet your/your child’s needs?
Do you feel that the food choices provided take your/your child’s preferences into account?
What did you like most/least about the WIC foods you received?
Is there something the clinic could have done to improve the WIC foods you received?
What would make the WIC foods you receive more valuable to you?
How would you rate your satisfaction with the referrals you received to other services?
Why? What makes you say [e.g. very satisfied]?
What did you like most/least about the referrals you received?
Is there something the clinic could have done to improve your referrals?
What would make referrals to other services more valuable to you?
Do you feel satisfied with how well the WIC services you received during your appointment reflected your specific needs and concerns?
Why? What makes you say [e.g. very satisfied]?
Can you give me an example of how the services you received reflected [did not reflect] your specific needs and concerns?
How would you rate your satisfaction with your [visit]/[appointment] as a whole?
Why? What makes you say [e.g. very satisfied]?
What did you like most/least about [your visit]/[having your WIC appointment over the phone/video call] as a whole?
Is there something the clinic could have done to improve your [visit]/[appointment]?
What would make the [visit]/[appointment] as a whole more valuable to you?
Do you feel your WIC [clinic visit]/[appointment] could have been improved in any way?
Scheduling, including use of technology such as texting appointment confirmations and reminders
Completing questionnaires online prior to the clinic visit
Waiting room, including was it too crowded, activities to keep children occupied
The flow of services provided
Topics discussed
Material provided
Staff interaction
Can you confirm the WIC participation status of the person(s) assessed at your clinic visit today/on date? Interviewer: Check all that apply.
pregnant woman
post-partum woman and infant
What is your age? _____
Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or of Latino origin?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Don’t Know
What is your race? Interviewer: Check all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Don't know
Before this [pregnancy or child], have you ever received benefits from WIC?
Yes, for a previous pregnancy and child
Yes, while I was pregnant with this child
That’s the end of our interview.
[If interview is in person]:
Here is the $20 gift card we discussed to show our appreciation for your participation today.
[If interview is by phone]:
We will be sending you the gift card we discussed in the mail. The address I have for you is [participant’s address.] Is that correct? Great. We will get the gift card in the mail to you soon.
We appreciate you taking the time to talk with us. Should you have any questions after today, please contact us at WICNATS@westat.com.
This information is being collected to assist the Food and Nutrition Service in obtaining a comprehensive and detailed description of the WIC nutrition risk assessment process and the ways in which participant benefits are tailored to address the assessment results. This is a voluntary collection and FNS will use the information to improve the delivery and tailoring of WIC services and increase satisfaction of both staff and participants. This collection does request personally identifiable information under the Privacy Act of 1974. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-0663. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes (0.50 hours) per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support, 1320 Braddock Place, 5th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22314 ATTN: PRA (0584-0663). Do not return the completed form to this address.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mary Gabay |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-03-23 |