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pdfMariner Survey Questionnaire
Welcome to the Mariner Survey 2022
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Mariner Survey 2022, which is being conducted
by Strategic Research Group (SRG) on behalf of the Maritime Administration (MARAD), U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT).
MARAD programs promote the development and maintenance of an adequate, well-balanced United
States merchant marine, sufficient to carry the Nation's domestic waterborne commerce and a
substantial portion of its waterborne foreign commerce, and capable of service as a naval and
military auxiliary in time of war or national emergency.
The Mariner Survey 2022 provides a systematic way to assess the adequacy of the Nation's merchant
mariner pool to crew sealift vessels to support military during war, armed conflict, or national
emergency (National Need). The Mariner Survey 2022 is an invaluable tool for MARAD and its
government and maritime industry partners to make valid vessel crewing projections and identify
potential mariner shortfalls. Your input is critical to ensure MARAD has a true representation of
how many qualified mariners would be willing to serve in times of National Need.
The survey includes questions about your current mariner status, experience sailing in different
positions and on different vessels, and willingness to serve in times of National Need. MARAD is
asking mariners to complete this survey regardless of whether they are willing to serve in times of
National Need. Completing the survey will not obligate you to serve in times of National Need.
As you complete this survey, be assured that your answers are completely confidential. Your
responses will not be provided to anyone at MARAD in any way that would identify you personally
and all results will be reported as group statistics.
If you have any questions about the survey, you may contact SRG toll free at 1-800-341-3660 or
email us at
Thank you again for taking the time to complete this important survey!
Paperwork Reduction Act Information
A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall
a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to
the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a
current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2133NEW. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 20
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minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and reviewing the
collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer,
Maritime Administration, MAR-390, W26-494, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.
OMB No. 2133-NEW. Approval Expires MM-DD-YYYY
Privacy Act Statement
The authority for the collection of this information is provided by National Security Directive #28
(October 5, 1989), Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (46 U.S.C. §§ 1101-1294 (1958)); and the Maritime
Security Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108–136). The information collected during this Mariner Survey will be
used by SRG to provide MARAD with a statistically valid assessment of the willingness of our nation's
merchant mariner pool to crew sealift vessels during a period of National Need. Mariners can
choose to either complete this voluntary Mariner Survey or not provide the requested information.
Information collected on this form is covered by a Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN)
entitled DOT/ MARAD 031, Mariner Outreach System, published at 74 FR 47852, September 17,
2009, and will be subject to the routine uses published in this MARAD SORN and the two DOT
General Routine Uses SORNs published at 75 FR 82132, December 20, 2010 and 77 FR 42796, July
20, 2012.
Survey instructions:
For each question, please select the one answer that best applies to your situation, unless
you are asked to "check all that apply".
If you would like to change your response, simply click the button or box next to your new
When you have made your answer selections, please click the "Finish" button to submit your
responses to our server.
At the bottom of each survey page are 3 buttons:
o "Next" saves your answers and takes you to the next page.
o "Previous" takes you back to the previous page.
o "Save and Exit" enables you to exit the survey and finish at a later time. When you
return to the survey, simply enter your passcode again on the main page and you will
be taken to the last question that you answered.
At the bottom of each survey page are 3 links:
o "Introduction" opens a new tab with the survey Introduction page.
o "Privacy" opens a new tab with the Paperwork Reduction Act Information and Privacy
Act Statement.
o "Instructions” opens a new tab with these Instructions.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call Strategic Research Group at 1-800-3413660 Monday-Thursday between 9:00am-9:30pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), Friday between
9:00am-5:00pm EST or email us at
Section 1. Background Information
1. What BEST describes your current merchant mariner status? [mandatory]
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Sailing (includes mariners on sailing vacation or short-term shore employment who intend to resume sailing)
Quit sailing permanently and seeking ashore employment SKIP TO #3
Quit sailing permanently and working ashore in a merchant marine-related job SKIP TO #3
Quit sailing permanently and working ashore outside maritime industry SKIP TO #3
Permanently quit working any full-time job and not seeking any permanent full-time employment SKIP TO #3
⃝ Other; please explain: SKIP TO #3
2. Are you currently employed by the U.S. Government as a Civil Service Mariner (CIVMAR) to sail on vessels
operated by the Military Sealift Command (MSC) or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)? [mandatory]
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
3. Do you currently belong to a Reserve Component or National Guard? [mandatory]
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
4. Do you currently hold any rating (unlicensed) endorsements? [mandatory]
⃝ Yes
⃝ No SKIP TO #5
4a. For each rating endorsement below, indicate whether you have EVER sailed under that rating. [mandatory]
Ordinary Seaman
Able Seaman—unlimited (green ticket)
Able Seaman—special (blue ticket)
Qualified Member of the Engine Department (QMED)
Programming note: If “no” to every item, SKIP TO #5
4b. For each rating endorsement below, please enter the four-digit year you LAST sailed under that rating. If you are
unsure of the exact year, please provide your best guess.
Ordinary Seaman
Able Seaman—unlimited (green ticket)
Able Seaman—special (blue ticket)
Qualified Member of the Engine Department (QMED)
Programming note: Will only present the items for which the respondent selected “Yes” to q4a. Survey will
accept responses from 1950-2022.
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5. Do you hold a DECK officer MMC endorsement, whether active, inactive, or expired? [mandatory]
⃝ Yes
⃝ No SKIP TO #6
5a. For each position below, indicate whether you EVER sailed in that position. [mandatory]
Master of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Chief Mate of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Second Mate of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Third Mate of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Programming note: If “no” to every item, SKIP TO #6
5b. For each position below, please enter the four-digit year you LAST sailed in that position. If you are unsure of the
exact year, please provide your best guess.
Master of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Chief Mate of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Second Mate of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Third Mate of a vessel of over 1,000 gross tons upon oceans
Programming note: Will only present the items for which the respondent selected “Yes” to #5a. Survey will
accept responses from 1950-2022.
6. Do you hold an ENGINEER officer MMC endorsement, whether active, inactive, or expired? [mandatory]
⃝ Yes
6a. For each position below, indicate whether you have EVER sailed in that position. [mandatory]
MOTOR Vessels of ANY Horsepower
Chief Engineer
First Assistant Engineer
Second Assistant Engineer
Third Assistant Engineer
STEAM Vessels of ANY Horsepower
Chief Engineer
First Assistant Engineer
Second Assistant Engineer
Third Assistant Engineer
GAS TURBINE Vessels of ANY Horsepower
Chief Engineer
First Assistant Engineer
Second Assistant Engineer
Third Assistant Engineer
Programming note: If “no” to every item, SKIP TO SECTION 2
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6b. For each position below, please enter the four-digit year you LAST sailed in that position. If you are unsure of the
exact year, please provide your best guess.
MOTOR Vessels of ANY Horsepower
Chief Engineer
First Assistant Engineer
Second Assistant Engineer
Third Assistant Engineer
STEAM Vessels of ANY Horsepower
Chief Engineer
First Assistant Engineer
Second Assistant Engineer
Third Assistant Engineer
GAS TURBINE Vessels of ANY Horsepower
Chief Engineer
First Assistant Engineer
Second Assistant Engineer
Third Assistant Engineer
Programming note: Will only present the items for which the respondent selected “Yes” to q6a. Survey will
accept responses from 1950-2022.
7. Do you currently live with a spouse or a partner?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
8. How many children, under the age of 19, are living with you at least two days a week?
0 SKIP TO #10
4 or more
9. What is the age of the youngest child living in your household at least two days a week?
Programming note: Offer dropdown box ranging from Under 1 year-18
10. In the last six months, how difficult has it been for your household to pay for usual household expenses, including
but not limited to food, rent or mortgage, car payments, medical expenses, student loans, and so on?
Not at all difficult
A little difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
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Section 2. Willingness to Volunteer in the Event of a National Need
For the scenarios described in questions 11-16 below, please indicate how likely you would be to volunteer to serve as
a paid crew member in the event of a war, armed conflict, or national emergency (hereafter, collectively referred to
as “National Need”). Any necessary training would be provided. You also would have re-employment rights (the legal
right to resume your previous job after serving).
As you respond to these questions, please be honest; we understand that your answers will reflect your current
thinking and that your perspective may change in the future.
Also, when responding to these questions, please consider the risks and benefits for merchant mariners who
volunteer to serve during a time of National Need. Click here for information about these risks and benefits.
Programming Note: The six scenarios will be presented on the same page with the instructions. A response to all six
questions is mandatory.
11. How likely would you be to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member in the following scenario?
Vessel: Privately-owned vessel engaged in commercial trade
Tours: One tour of four months
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
12. How likely would you be to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member in the following scenario?
Vessel: Privately-owned vessel on a military mission
Tours: One tour of four months
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
13. How likely would you be to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member in the following scenario?
Vessel: Government-owned vessel on a military mission
Tours: One tour of four months
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
14. How likely would you be to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member in the following scenario?
Vessel: Privately-owned vessel engaged in commercial trade
Tours: At least two tours of four months each (with two months off between tours)
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
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15. How likely would you be to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member in the following scenario?
Vessel: Privately-owned vessel on a military mission
Tours: At least two tours of four months each (with two months off between tours)
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
16. How likely would you be to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member in the following scenario?
Vessel: Government-owned vessel on a military mission
Tours: At least two tours of four months each (with two months off between tours)
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
Programming Note: Ask q17 of everyone except those who answered “Very Unlikely” to every scenario.
17. If you were to volunteer to serve in a paid position aboard a vessel during a period of National Need, how long
would it take you to report to an assigned vessel?
⃝ Fewer than 4 days
⃝ 4-9 days
⃝ 10-30 days
⃝ 31-90 days
⃝ More than 90 days
⃝ Unsure
Programming Note: Ask q18 and q19 of everyone except those who answered “Very Likely” to every scenario (q7-q12).
The two questions will appear on the same page.
In one or more of the previous scenarios, you indicated some uncertainty about whether you would volunteer to
serve in a paid position aboard a vessel during a period of National Need.
18. If the government were to reimburse you for the required fees for all administrative requirements (physical
examination fee, TWIC renewal fee, and MMC renewal fee) to maintain your MMC in active status, would this make
you more likely to be willing to volunteer to serve as a paid crew member aboard a vessel during a period of National
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
⃝ Unsure
19. If the government were to reimburse you to take all STCW required courses to maintain your MMC credential with
your last active highest officer or rating endorsement, would this make you more likely to be willing to volunteer to
serve as a paid crew member aboard a vessel during a period of National Need?
⃝ Yes
⃝ No
⃝ Unsure
You are almost done! If you would like to review any of your responses, please do so now by clicking the “Previous”
button until you reach the responses you would like to review. Once you are satisfied with your responses, please
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click the “Finish” button at the bottom of this page and your responses will be submitted to Strategic Research Group.
Once you click “Finish” you will not be able to re-enter the survey without contacting Strategic Research Group.
Thank you page:
Thank you for participating in this survey! If you have questions, please contact Strategic Research Group at
Programming Note: Respondents who click the link in the introduction in Section 2 will see the following text:
Risks of Volunteering: Whether on a vessel engaged in commercial trade or on a military mission, the work of a
mariner is dangerous, even when off-duty, and the fast-paced and demanding work environment in a time of National
Need may increase stress, fatigue, and risk. Vessels on a military mission can carry extremely hazardous cargo and
military equipment, vehicles, and machinery, and often require special handling that involves increased risk.
Additionally, these vessels could be targeted by foreign military or terrorist organizations. By volunteering, mariners
also may forego other employment and personal opportunities.
Benefits of Volunteering: There are also benefits for mariners who volunteer to serve in a time of National Need.
These include monetary compensation and bonuses and increased contributions to mariner union pension benefits.
Mariners can earn sea time and experience which may help them maintain or upgrade their credentials. Additionally,
current employers are legally required to provide reemployment rights to mariners who volunteer during the event of
a National Need. Volunteering mariners also may earn service recognition and can take pride in knowing they served
their nation when called upon.
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File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Darby Schaaf |
File Modified | 2022-01-28 |
File Created | 2022-01-28 |