Change Memo

TIMSS FT Final Questionnaire Change Memo 0695 v19.docx

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2023) Field Test Data Collection and Main Study Sampling, Recruitment, and Data Collection

Change Memo

OMB: 1850-0695

Document [docx]
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Memorandum United States Department of Education

Institute of Education Sciences

National Center for Education Statistics

DATE: January 25, 2022

TO: Robert Sivinski, OMB

THROUGH: Carrie Clarady, NCES

FROM: Lydia Malley, NCES

SUBJECT: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2023 Field Test Final Questionnaire Change Memo (OMB# 1850-0695 v.19)

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education (ED), is an international assessment of fourth and eighth grade students’ achievement in mathematics and science. Since its inception in 1995, TIMSS has continued to assess students every 4 years (1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019), with the next TIMSS assessment, TIMSS 2023, being the eighth iteration of the study. In TIMSS 2023, approximately 65 countries or education systems will participate. The United States will participate in TIMSS 2023 to continue to monitor the progress of its students compared to that of other nations and to provide data on factors that may influence student achievement.

TIMSS is led by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), an international collective of research organizations and government agencies that create the frameworks used to develop the assessment, the survey instruments, and the study timeline. IEA decides and agrees upon a common set of standards, procedures, and timelines for collecting and reporting data, all of which must be followed by all participating countries. As a result, TIMSS is able to provide a reliable and comparable measure of student skills in participating countries. In the U.S., NCES conducts this study in collaboration with the IEA and a number of contractors (RTI International, AnLar, Measurement Incorportated, and Strategic Communications) to ensure proper implementation of the study and adoption of practices in adherence to the IEA’s standards. Participation in TIMSS is consistent with NCES’s mandate of acquiring and disseminating data on educational activities and student achievement in the United States compared with foreign nations [The Educational Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543)].

Because TIMSS is a collaborative effort among many parties, the United States must adhere to the international schedule set forth by the IEA, including the availability of final field test and main study plans as well as draft and final questionnaires. In order to meet the international data collection schedule, to align with recruitment for other NCES studies (e.g., the National Assessment of Education Progress, NAEP), and for schools to put the TIMSS 2023 field test assessment on their Spring 2022 calendars, recruitment activities for the field test were approved in May 2021 (OMB# 1850-0695 v16) and began in June of 2021. The field test data collection and the main study sampling, recruitment, and data collection were approved in October 2021 (OMB# 1850-0695 v17). The field test data collection will be conducted in March and April 2022. Recruitment for the main study will begin in March 2022 with data collection occurring in March through June 2023. A submission for the changes to the international questionnaires between 2019 and 2023 was approved in January 2022 (OMB# 1850-0695 v18). This submission is to update the final international field test questionnaires to include all internationally approved U.S. adaptations for the final U.S. version of the field test questionnaires. The final internationally approved questionnaires for the main study will be submitted via change memo in January 2023.

Changes to the School, Teacher, and Student Questionnaires are provided in the table below. U.S. national items that were already approved in the last submission have been inserted into the appropriate locations in each of the questionnaires. The final approved U.S. adapted questionnaires are provided in Appendix C.

TIMSS 2023 School Questionnaire – Grade 4

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





Since your school has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe primary/elementary education in the United States.

Since your school has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe primary/elementary education in <country>.

Deletion based on redundancy


It is estimated that you will need approximately 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Instruction deleted

To access this questionnaire online, please copy the following link into the address bar of your Web browser:

<Insert LINK>

All necessary login information is provided on the identification label located on the cover. “School ID” is your ID and “Checksum” is your password.

You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later—all of your responses will be saved automatically.

If you have problems accessing this online questionnaire or are in need of assistance (e.g., you would prefer to complete a paper copy of this questionnaire), please contact:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Text added

NCES is authorized to collect information from the questionnaire under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). You do not have to provide the information requested. However, the information you provide will help

the U.S. Department of Education’s ongoing efforts to understand better how the educational system in the United States compares to that in other countries. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Your responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.

This survey is estimated to take an average of 30 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, and completing and

reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden

estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to: Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza (PCP), 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.

Revised instruction

To begin the questionnaire, please click on the “Next” button. When navigating through the questionnaire, make sure to confirm your responses by clicking on the “Next” or “Back” button. To go to a particular section or item, please click on the corresponding link in the “Table of Contents”. When you have completed the questionnaire, please click on the “Finish” button at the end of the last question in order to submit your answers.

When you have completed the questionnaire, please place it in the accompanying envelope and return it to:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Last screen

Instruction added

To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised question wording

What is the total enrollment of students in your school as of March 1, 2022?

What is the total enrollment of students in your school as of <first day of month TIMSS testing begins, 2022>?



Revised question wording

What is the total enrollment of fourth-grade students in your school as of March 1, 2022?

What is the total enrollment of <fourth-grade> students in your school as of <first day of month TIMSS testing begins, 2022>?


National item

Revised question wording

Around the 1st of October 2021, what percentage of students at this school were eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program?

Around the 1st of October 2018, what percentage of students at this school were eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program?



Revised question wording

Approximately what percentage of students in your school have English as their native language?

Approximately what percentage of students in your school have <language of test> as their native language?

Before 8A

Before 6A

Revised question wording

For the fourth-grade students in your school:

For the <fourth grade> students in your school:



Revised question wording

How many computers (including tablets) does your school have for use by fourth-grade students?

How many computers (including tablets) does your school have for use by <fourth grade> students?



Revised question wording

Does your school have a science laboratory that can be used by fourth-grade students?

Does your school have a science laboratory that can be used by <fourth grade> students?



Revised question wording

To what degree is each of the following a problem among fourth-grade students in your


To what degree is each of the following a problem among <fourth grade> students in your school?



Revised question wording

About how many of the students in your school can do the following when they begin the first grade of primary/elementary school?

About how many of the students in your school can do the following when they begin the <first grade> of primary/elementary school?



Revised response options

-Did not complete <Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>

-Did not complete Bachelor’s degree (4-year college program)

- Bachelor’s degree (4-year college program)

-Master’s degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)



Revised response options

-<Certificate or license>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>

-Principal Certification

-Master’s degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)



Revised item wording

-2019-2020 school year

-2020-2021 school year

-2021-2022 school year

-<2019-2020> school year

-<2020-2021> school year

-<2021-2022> school year

TIMSS 2023 School Questionnaire – Grade 8

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





Since your school has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe secondary education in the United States.

Since your school has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe secondary education in <country>.

Deletion based on redundancy


It is estimated that you will need approximately 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Instruction deleted

To access this questionnaire online, please copy the following link into the address bar of your Web browser:

<Insert LINK>

All necessary login information is provided on the identification label located on the cover. “School ID” is your ID and “Checksum” is your password.

You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later—all of your responses will be saved automatically.

If you have problems accessing this online questionnaire or are in need of assistance (e.g., you would prefer to complete a paper copy of this questionnaire), please contact:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Text added

NCES is authorized to collect information from the questionnaire under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). You do not have to provide the information requested. However, the information you provide will help

the U.S. Department of Education’s ongoing efforts to understand better how the educational system in the United States compares to that in other countries. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Your responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.

This survey is estimated to take an average of 30 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, and completing and

reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden

estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to: Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza (PCP), 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.

Revised instruction

To begin the questionnaire, please click on the “Next” button. When navigating through the questionnaire, make sure to confirm your responses by clicking on the “Next” or “Back” button. To go to a particular section or item, please click on the corresponding link in the “Table of Contents”. When you have completed the questionnaire, please click on the “Finish” button at the end of the last question in order to submit your answers.

When you have completed the questionnaire, please place it in the accompanying envelope and return it to:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Last screen

Instruction added

To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised question wording

What is the total enrollment of students in your school as of March 1, 2022?

What is the total enrollment of students in your school as of <first day of month TIMSS testing begins, 2022>?



Revised question wording

What is the total enrollment of eighth-grade students in your school as of March 1, 2022?

What is the total enrollment of <eighth-grade> students in your school as of <first day of month TIMSS testing begins, 2022>?


National item

Revised question wording

Around the 1st of October 2021, what percentage of students at this school were eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program?

Around the 1st of October 2018, what percentage of students at this school were eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program?



Revised question wording

Approximately what percentage of students in your school have English as their native language?

Approximately what percentage of students in your school have <language of test> as their native language?

Before 8A

Before 6A

Revised question wording

For the eighth-grade students in your school:

For the <eighth grade> students in your school:



Revised question wording

How many computers (including tablets) does your school have for use by eighth-grade students?

How many computers (including tablets) does your school have for use by <eighth grade> students?



Revised question wording

Does your school have a science laboratory that can be used by eighth-grade students?

Does your school have a science laboratory that can be used by <eighth grade> students?



Revised question wording

To what degree is each of the following a problem among eighth-grade students in your


To what degree is each of the following a problem among <eighth grade> students in your school?



Revised response options

-Did not complete <Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>

-Did not complete Bachelor’s degree (4-year college program)

- Bachelor’s degree (4-year college program)

-Master’s degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)



Revised response options

-<Certificate or license>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>

-Principal Certification

-Master’s degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)



Revised item wording

-2019-2020 school year

-2020-2021 school year

-2021-2022 school year

-<2019-2020> school year

-<2020-2021> school year

-<2021-2022> school year

TIMSS 2023 Teacher Questionnaire – Grade 4

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of fourth-grade students, and seeks information about teachers’ academic and professional backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your class has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe primary/elementary education in the United States.

This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of <fourth grade> students, and seeks information about teachers’ academic and professional backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your class has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe primary/elementary education in <country>.

Since TIMSS is an international study and all countries are using the same questionnaire, you may find that some of the questions seem unusual or are not entirely relevant to you or schools in the United States.

Since TIMSS is an international study and all countries are using the same questionnaire, you may find that some of the questions seem unusual or are not entirely relevant to you or schools in <country>.

Deletion based on redundancy


It is estimated that you will need approximately 35 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Instruction deleted

To access this questionnaire online, please copy the following link into the address bar of your Web browser:

<Insert LINK>

All necessary teacher login information (Subject Code, ID, and Password) is provided on the identification label located on the cover. “Teacher ID” is your ID and “Checksum” is your password.

You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later—all of your responses will be saved automatically.

If you have problems accessing this online questionnaire or are in need of assistance (e.g., you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the questionnaire, questions related to a subject that you do not teach to the <TIMSS> class are displayed), please contact:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Text added

NCES is authorized to collect information from the questionnaire under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). You do not have to provide the information requested. However, the information you provide will help

the U.S. Department of Education’s ongoing efforts to understand better how the educational system in the United States compares to that in other countries. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Your responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.

This survey is estimated to take an average of 35 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, and completing and

reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden

estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to: Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza (PCP), 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.

Revised instruction

To begin the questionnaire, please click on the “Next” button. When navigating through the questionnaire, make sure to confirm your responses by clicking on the “Next” or “Back” button. To go to a particular section or item, please click on the corresponding link in the “Table of Contents”. When you have completed the questionnaire, please click on the “Finish” button at the end of the last question in order to submit your answers.

When you have completed the questionnaire, please place it in the accompanying envelope and return it to <Insert country-specific information here>.

Last screen

Instruction added

To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised response options




-Prefer not to say






Revised response options

-Did not complete high school

-High school graduate

(If you have not completed any college, you will be directed to #7)

-Associate's degree (2-year college program)

-Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

-Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)

-Did not complete <Upper secondary education—ISCED Level 3>

-<Upper secondary education—

ISCED Level 3>

(If you have not completed

<post-secondary or tertiary education>, go to #G6)

-<Post-secondary, non-tertiary education—ISCED Level 4>

-<Short-cycle tertiary education—ISCED Level 5>

-<Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>



Revised question wording

During your college or university education, what was your major or main area(s) of study?

During your <post-secondary> education, what was your major or main area(s) of study?

Revised response option

e) English

e) <language of test>



Revised question wording

If your major or main area of study was education, did you have a specialization in any of the following?

If your major or main area of study was education, did you have a <specialization> in any of the following?



Revised question wording and response unit

How many of the students in #11A are in fourth grade?

_____fourth-grade students

How many of the students in #G10A are in <fourth grade>?

_____<fourth grade> students



Revised question wording

How many fourth-grade students experience difficulties understanding spoken English?

How many <fourth grade> students experience difficulties understanding spoken <language of test>?



Deleted routing

(If No, go to #M5)



Revised question wording

If a topic was in the curriculum before fourth grade, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the fourth-grade curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.

If a topic was in the curriculum before <fourth grade>, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the <fourth grade> curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.



Deleted routing

(Go to #M8)



Revised question wording

About how often do fourth-grade students in this class take mathematics tests on computers or tablets?

About how often do <fourth grade> students in this class take mathematics tests on computers or tablets?



Deleted routing

(If No, go to #S6)



Revised question wording

If a topic or concept was in the curriculum before fourth grade, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the fourth-grade curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.

If a topic or concept was in the curriculum before <fourth grade>, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the <fourth grade> curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.



Deleted routing

(Go to #S9)



Revised question wording

About how often do fourth-grade students in this class take science tests on computers or tablets?

About how often do <fourth grade> students in this class take science tests on computers or tablets?

TIMSS 2023 Mathematics Teacher Questionnaire – Grade 8

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of eighth-grade students, and seeks information about teachers’ academic and professional backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your class has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe secondary education in the United States.

This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of <eighth grade> students, and seeks information about teachers’ academic and professional backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your class has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe secondary education in <country>.

Since TIMSS is an international study and all countries are using the same questionnaire, you may find that some of the questions seem unusual or are not entirely relevant to you or schools in the United States.

Since TIMSS is an international study and all countries are using the same questionnaire, you may find that some of the questions seem unusual or are not entirely relevant to you or schools in <country>.

Deletion based on redundancy


It is estimated that you will need approximately 35 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Instruction deleted

To access this questionnaire online, please copy the following link into the address bar of your Web browser:

<Insert LINK>

All necessary teacher login information (Subject Code, ID, and Password) is provided on the identification label located on the cover. “Teacher ID” is your ID and “Checksum” is your password.

You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later—all of your responses will be saved automatically.

If you have problems accessing this online questionnaire or are in need of assistance (e.g., you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the questionnaire, questions related to a subject that you do not teach to the <TIMSS> class are displayed), please contact:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Text added

NCES is authorized to collect information from the questionnaire under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). You do not have to provide the information requested. However, the information you provide will help

the U.S. Department of Education’s ongoing efforts to understand better how the educational system in the United States compares to that in other countries. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Your responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.

This survey is estimated to take an average of 35 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, and completing and

reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden

estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to: Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza (PCP), 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.

Revised instruction

To begin the questionnaire, please click on the “Next” button. When navigating through the questionnaire, make sure to confirm your responses by clicking on the “Next” or “Back” button. To go to a particular section or item, please click on the corresponding link in the “Table of Contents”. When you have completed the questionnaire, please click on the “Finish” button at the end of the last question in order to submit your answers.

When you have completed the questionnaire, please place it in the accompanying envelope and return it to <Insert country-specific information here>.

Last screen

Instruction added

To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised response options




-Prefer not to say






Revised response options

-Did not complete high school

-High school graduate

(If you have not completed any college, you will be directed to #7)

-Associate's degree (2-year college program)

-Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

-Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)

-Did not complete <Upper secondary education—ISCED Level 3>

-<Upper secondary education—

ISCED Level 3>

(If you have not completed

<post-secondary or tertiary education>, go to #G6)

-<Post-secondary, non-tertiary education—ISCED Level 4>

-<Short-cycle tertiary education—ISCED Level 5>

-<Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>



Revised question wording

During your college or university education, what was your major or main area(s) of study?

During your <post-secondary> education, what was your major or main area(s) of study?

Revised response option

e) Earth science

e) <Earth science>



Revised question wording

How many eighth-grade students experience difficulties understanding spoken English?

How many <eighth grade> students experience difficulties understanding spoken <language of test>?



Deleted routing

(If No, go to #18)



Revised question wording

If a topic was in the curriculum before eighth grade, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the eighth-grade curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.

If a topic was in the curriculum before <eighth grade>, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the <eighth grade> curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.



Deleted routing

(Go to #21)



Revised question wording

About how often do eighth-grade students in this class take mathematics tests on computers or tablets?

About how often do <eighth grade> students in this class take mathematics tests on computers or tablets?

TIMSS 2023 Science Teacher Questionnaire – Grade 8

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of eighth-grade students, and seeks information about teachers’ academic and professional backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your class has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe secondary education in the United States.

This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of <eighth grade> students, and seeks information about teachers’ academic and professional backgrounds, classroom resources, instructional practices, and attitudes toward teaching. Since your class has been selected as part of a nationwide sample, your responses are very important in helping to describe secondary education in <country>.

Since TIMSS is an international study and all countries are using the same questionnaire, you may find that some of the questions seem unusual or are not entirely relevant to you or schools in the United States.

Since TIMSS is an international study and all countries are using the same questionnaire, you may find that some of the questions seem unusual or are not entirely relevant to you or schools in <country>.

Deletion based on redundancy


It is estimated that you will need approximately 35 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Instruction deleted

To access this questionnaire online, please copy the following link into the address bar of your Web browser:

<Insert LINK>

All necessary teacher login information (Subject Code, ID, and Password) is provided on the identification label located on the cover. “Teacher ID” is your ID and “Checksum” is your password.

You may exit the questionnaire at any time and log in again later—all of your responses will be saved automatically.

If you have problems accessing this online questionnaire or are in need of assistance (e.g., you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the questionnaire, questions related to a subject that you do not teach to the <TIMSS> class are displayed), please contact:

<Insert country-specific information here>.

Text added

NCES is authorized to collect information from the questionnaire under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543). You do not have to provide the information requested. However, the information you provide will help

the U.S. Department of Education’s ongoing efforts to understand better how the educational system in the United States compares to that in other countries. There are no penalties should you choose not to participate in this study. All of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Your responses will be combined with those from other participants to produce summary statistics and reports.

This survey is estimated to take an average of 35 minutes, including time for reviewing instructions, and completing and

reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden

estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to: Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), National Center for Education Statistics, Potomac Center Plaza (PCP), 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.

Revised instruction

To begin the questionnaire, please click on the “Next” button. When navigating through the questionnaire, make sure to confirm your responses by clicking on the “Next” or “Back” button. To go to a particular section or item, please click on the corresponding link in the “Table of Contents”. When you have completed the questionnaire, please click on the “Finish” button at the end of the last question in order to submit your answers.

When you have completed the questionnaire, please place it in the accompanying envelope and return it to <Insert country-specific information here>.

Last screen

Instruction added

To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised response options




-Prefer not to say






Revised response options

-Did not complete high school

-High school graduate

(If you have not completed any college, you will be directed to #7)

-Associate's degree (2-year college program)

-Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

-Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)

-Did not complete <Upper secondary education—ISCED Level 3>

-<Upper secondary education—

ISCED Level 3>

(If you have not completed

<post-secondary or tertiary education>, go to #G6)

-<Post-secondary, non-tertiary education—ISCED Level 4>

-<Short-cycle tertiary education—ISCED Level 5>

-<Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Master’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 7>

-<Doctor or equivalent level—ISCED Level 8>



Revised question wording

During your college or university education, what was your major or main area(s) of study?

During your <post-secondary> education, what was your major or main area(s) of study?

Revised response option

e) Earth science

e) <Earth science>

Before 11

Before 10

Revised heading

About Teaching the TIMSS Class

About Teaching the <TIMSS Class/Class with the TIMSS students>



Revised question wording

How many eighth-grade students experience difficulties understanding spoken English?

How many <eighth grade> students experience difficulties understanding spoken <language of test>?

Before 15

Before 14

Revised heading

Teaching Science to the TIMSS Class

Teaching Science to the <TIMSS Class/Class with the TIMSS students>



Deleted routing

(If No, go to #19)

Before 22

Before 20

Revised heading

Science Topics Taught to the TIMSS Class

Science Topics Taught to the <TIMSS Class/Class with the TIMSS students>



Revised question wording

If a topic or concept was in the curriculum before eighth grade, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the eighth-grade curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.

If a topic or concept was in the curriculum before <eighth grade>, choose “Mostly taught before this year”. If you have taught a topic this year, choose “Mostly taught this year”. If a topic is not in the <eighth grade> curriculum for this year or you have not yet taught a topic, choose “Not yet taught”.

Before 23A

Before 21A

Revised heading

Science Homework for the


Science Homework for the

<TIMSS Class/Class with the TIMSS students>



Deleted routing

(Go to #22)

Before 24

Before 22

Revised heading

Science Assessment of the


Science Assessment of the

<TIMSS Class/Class with the TIMSS students>



Revised question wording

About how often do eighth-grade students in this class take science tests on computers or tablets?

About how often do <eighth grade> students in this class take science tests on computers or tablets?

TIMSS 2023 Student Questionnaire – Grade 4

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





In this questionnaire, you will find questions about you and what you think. For each question, you should choose the answer you think is best.

Let us take a few minutes to practice the kinds of questions you will answer in this questionnaire.

In this booklet, you will find questions about you and what you think. For each question, you should choose the answer you think is best.

Let us take a few minutes to practice the kinds of questions you will answer in this booklet.

Example 1

Example 1


Example 1 is one kind of question you will find in this questionnaire.

Example 1 is one kind of question you will find in this booklet.

Example 2

Example 2


Example 2 is another kind of question you will find in this questionnaire.

Example 2 is another kind of question you will find in this booklet.

Example 3

Example 3


Example 3 is another kind of question you will find in this questionnaire.

Example 3 is another kind of question you will find in this booklet.




- Click the circle next to or under your answer.

- You may change your answers at any time before submitting the questionnaire.

- Fill in the oval next to or under your answer.

- If you decide to change your answer, draw an X through your first answer, like this: [icon]. Then, fill in the circle next to or under your new answer.

Last screen


To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Thank you for filling out the questionnaire!

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised response options




-Prefer not to say





National item

Reordered the response options

-American Indian or Alaska Native


-Black or African American

-Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



-Black or African American


-American Indian or Alaska Native

-Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Revised question wording and response options

How often do you speak English at home?

-I always speak English at home

-I almost always speak English at home

-I sometimes speak English and sometimes speak

another language at home

-I never speak English at home

How often do you speak <language of test> at home?

-I always speak

<language of test> at home

-I almost always speak

<language of test> at home

-I sometimes speak <language of test> and sometimes speak

another language at home

-I never speak <language

of test> at home



Deleted items

i) <country-specific indicator of wealth>

j) <country-specific indicator of wealth>

k) <country-specific indicator of wealth>


Before question G6

Revised instructions

This question is about your Parent/Guardian A and Parent/Guardian B. If you have only one parent/guardian, answer for Parent/Guardian A. If you have two parents/guardians, choose one for Parent/Guardian A and the other for Parent/Guardian B.

This question is about your <Parent/Guardian A> and <Parent/Guardian B>. <If you have only one parent/guardian, answer for Parent/Guardian A. If you have two parents/guardians, choose one for Parent/Guardian A and the other for Parent/Guardian B.>



Revised question and item wording

Were your parents/guardians born in the United States?

A. Parent/Guardian A

B. Parent/Guardian B

Were your <parents/guardians> born in <country>?

A. <Parent/Guardian A>

B. <Parent/Guardian B>



Revised question wording

Were you born in the United States?

Were you born in <country>?



Revised item wording

i) Shared nasty or hurtful messages about me online

i) Shared nasty or hurtful things about me online

Before question 17

Heading added

Outside of School

TIMSS 2023 Student Questionnaire – Grade 8

Changes from November 2021 change memo (V18)


V19 Location

V18 Location

Type of Change

V19 Text

V18 Text

Front cover

No cover for online survey





In this questionnaire, you will find questions about yourself. Some questions ask for facts while other questions ask for your opinion.

Each question is followed by a number of answers. Click the circle next to or under the answer of your choice as shown in Examples 1, 2, and 3.

In this booklet, you will find questions about yourself. Some questions ask for facts while other questions ask for your opinion.

Each question is followed by a number of answers. Fill in the oval next to or under the answer of your choice as shown in Examples 1, 2, and 3.




- Click the circle next to or under your answer.

- Ask for help if you do not understand something or are not sure how to answer.

- Fill in the oval next to or under your answer.

- If you decide to change your answer, draw an X through your first answer, like this: [icon]. Then, fill in the circle next to or under your new answer.

Last screen


Thank you!

To submit your completed questionnaire, please click the “Finish” button.

Thank you!

Thank you for filling out the questionnaire!

Back cover

No cover for online survey



V19 Question #

V18 Question #

Type of Change

V19 Question or Response Option

V18 Question or Response Option



Revised response options




-Prefer not to say





National item

Reordered the response options

-American Indian or Alaska Native


-Black or African American

-Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



-Black or African American


-American Indian or Alaska Native

-Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Revised question wording and response options

How often do you speak English at home?

-I always speak English at home

-I almost always speak English at home

-I sometimes speak English and sometimes speak

another language at home

-I never speak English at home

How often do you speak <language of test> at home?

-I always speak

<language of test> at home

-I almost always speak

<language of test> at home

-I sometimes speak <language of test> and sometimes speak

another language at home

-I never speak <language

of test> at home



Deleted items

i) <country-specific indicator of wealth>

j) <country-specific indicator of wealth>

k) <country-specific indicator of wealth>

Before question 7

Before question 6

Revised instructions

This question is about your Parent/Guardian A and Parent/Guardian B. If you have only one parent/guardian, answer for Parent/Guardian A. If you have two parents/guardians, choose one for Parent/Guardian A and the other for Parent/Guardian B.

This question is about your <Parent/Guardian A> and <Parent/Guardian B>. <If you have only one parent/guardian, answer for Parent/Guardian A. If you have two parents/guardians, choose one for Parent/Guardian A and the other for Parent/Guardian B.>



Revised question and item wording and response options

What is the highest level of education completed by your parents/guardians?

A. Parent/Guardian A

B. Parent/Guardian B

-Less than high school

-Some high school

-High school graduate

-Associate's degree (2-year college program)

-Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

-Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer,


-Doctorate (Ph.D, Ed.D.)

-I don’t know

-Not applicable

What is the highest level of education completed by your <parents/guardians>?

A. <Parent/Guardian A>

B. <Parent/Guardian B>

-Some <Primary education— ISCED Level 1 or Lower

secondary education—ISCED Level 2> or did not go to school

-<Lower secondary education—ISCED Level 2>

-<Upper secondary education—ISCED Level 3>

-<Post-secondary, non-tertiary education—ISCED Level 4>

-<Short-cycle tertiary education—ISCED Level 5>

-<Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-<Postgraduate degree: Master’s—

ISCED Level 7 or Doctor—ISCED Level 8>

-I don’t know

-Not applicable



Revised response options

-Finish middle school

-Finish high school

-Finish Associate's degree (2-year college program)

-Finish Bachelor's degree (4-year college program)

-Finish Master's degree or professional degree (MD, DDS, lawyer, minister)

-Finish Doctorate (Ph.D., Ed.D.)

-Finish <Lower secondary education—ISCED Level 2>

-Finish <Upper secondary education—ISCED Level 3>

-Finish <Post-secondary, non-tertiary education—ISCED Level 4>

-Finish <Short-cycle tertiary education—ISCED Level 5>

-Finish <Bachelor’s or equivalent level—ISCED Level 6>

-Finish <Postgraduate degree: Master’s—

ISCED Level 7 or Doctor—ISCED Level 8>



Revised question and item wording

Were your parents/guardians born in the United States?

A. Parent/Guardian A

B. Parent/Guardian B

Were your <parents/guardians> born in <country>?

A. <Parent/Guardian A>

B. <Parent/Guardian B>



Revised question wording

Were you born in the United States?

Were you born in <country>?



Deleted routing

(If Yes, go to #10)



Revised question wording

If you were not born in the United States, how old were you when you came to the United States?

If you were not born in <country>, how old were you when you came to <country>?



Revised item wording

e) Said hurtful things to or about me because of my

cultural background (e.g., race, ethnicity, religion)

e) Said hurtful things to or about me because of my

cultural background (e.g., <race, ethnicity, religion>)

Before question 34

Heading added

Outside of School


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHerget, Debbie
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-01-27

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