VIQI Baseline Coach Survey
April 2021
The purpose of the Baseline Coach Self-Survey is to collect information on coach demographics and background as well as characteristics of coaches that are theorized to affect implementation as indicated in the VIQI Project conceptual model. This attachment includes the following: (a) the baseline survey, and (b) communication to coaches regarding this survey.
Thank you for participating in the Variations in Implementation of Quality Interventions (VIQI) Project! As part of this study, we would like you to answer some questions about yourself and your experiences as a coach. This information is crucial to helping us understand how coaches’ characteristics and their experiences as a coach affect the implementation of interventions to improve teaching and instructional practices in early care and education programs.
Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may skip any questions you do not wish to answer. You may stop the survey at any time. Your responses to these questions will be kept private to the extent permitted by law and will not be shared with your supervisor or other staff. There are no direct benefits to you for participating. Participation does not involve any risks other than what you would encounter in daily life. There is a small risk that your information could be lost, stolen, or misused, even though we follow strict rules to protect your information. The study team will follow strict procedures to protect your responses, and your responses will only be used for research and program improvement purposes. Your responses will be stored in password protected computer files and in locked research facilities. The data will be used only by the research team and other researchers bound by the same security requirements described here. We also may share de-identified responses with researchers looking at other education research topics who agree that they will protect your information.
Please complete this survey within the next [X] days. [If PAPER COPY, INCLUDE: Once complete, please send it back to [ADDRESS].] It will take approximately 36 minutes in total to complete. If you have any questions, please contact your project liaison at [PHONE] or [email].
Thank you!
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0508 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to [Contractor Contact Name]; [Contractor Contact Address].
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2021 |
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Today’s Date:
Your name:
First Name |
Last Name |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
In what year were you born?
What is your sex?
1 |
Female |
2 |
Male |
What is your Ethnicity?
1 |
Hispanic or Latino |
2 |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
What is your Race?
1 |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
2 |
Asian |
3 |
Black or African American |
4 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
5 |
White |
What languages do you speak fluently?
1 |
English |
2 |
Spanish |
3 |
Arabic |
4 |
Armenian |
5 |
Farsi |
6 |
Haitian Creole |
7 |
Korean |
8 |
Mandarin |
9 |
Portuguese |
10 |
Russian |
11 |
Other |
Indicate the number of total number of years that you have worked in the positions listed below, counting this year.
Throughout the survey, “teacher” is used to refer to a teaching position with primary responsibility for providing instruction and supervision of children in a classroom. The term “assistant teacher” is used to refer to an assistant teacher, paraprofessional, or aide that works under the supervision of a teacher to give additional attention, support and instruction to children in the classroom.
________ years |
________ years |
_______ years |
________ years |
________ years |
________ years |
Which age levels or grade(s) did you teach before becoming a coach?
1 |
Infants |
5 |
1st through 5th grade |
2 |
Toddlers (under 36 months) |
6 |
6th grade through High School |
3 |
Preschool (ages 3-5) |
7 |
None: No prior teaching experience |
4 |
Kindergarten |
What is the highest level of schooling you have completed?
1 |
Less than a High School Diploma/GED SKIP TO 12 |
2 |
High School Diploma/GED SKIP TO 12 |
3 |
Vocational or Technical Diploma SKIP TO 12 |
4 |
Some College but no Degree SKIP TO 12 |
5 |
Associate’s Degree |
6 |
Bachelor’s Degree |
7 |
Graduate or Professional School but no Degree |
8 |
Master’s Degree |
9 |
Education specialist or professional diploma based on at least one year of course work at a Master’s Degree level |
10 |
Doctorate |
11 |
Other |
Indicate major field of study of your highest level degree.
1 |
Early childhood education |
2 |
Elementary education |
3 |
Special education |
4 |
Child development |
5 |
Reading specialist |
6 |
Curriculum and instruction |
7 |
Bilingual/bicultural education |
8 |
Other education-related major (such as educational psychology, education administration, music education, adult learning, etc.) |
9 |
Non-education major (such as history, English, etc.) |
What teaching credentials and licenses do you currently hold?
1 |
Child Development Associate (CDA) credential |
2 |
State-awarded Preschool Certificate |
3 |
State Department of Education Teaching License or Certificate in Early Childhood Education |
4 |
State Department of Education Teaching License or Certificate in Elementary Education |
5 |
State Department of Education Teaching License or Certificate in Another Area |
6 |
State/Local Early Childhood Coaching Certificate or Coach License or Certificate in Training or Coaching |
7 |
State/local early childhood trainer certificate |
8 |
Other, please specify: _________________________________________________
9 |
None |
you have professional experience in adult education or learning?
(This includes coursework or training on adult learning theory and
differences in learning styles in adults and/or experience with
teaching adults. Please do not include experience or training gained
from the VIQI project.)
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No SKIP TO 15 |
many years of experience do you have working in adult education?
(Please do not include any internship experience or experience
gained from the VIQI project.)
1 |
Less than 4 years |
2 |
5-10 years |
3 |
11-14 years |
4 |
15 or more years |
Have you ever received (pre-service or in-service) training as a coach or teacher/assistant teacher on young children’s development (specifically children birth through age 8 years old) in any of the following learning domains? (Please do not include training from the VIQI project.)
1 |
Language and literacy |
2 |
Mathematics |
3 |
Social-emotional development |
4 |
Science |
5 |
None of the above |
Have you ever been trained on the following? (Please do not include training from the VIQI project.)
No training |
Some training |
A great deal of training |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Have you ever worked as a coach before the VIQI project?
1 |
Yes, I coached teachers/assistant teachers in an early care and education setting |
2 |
Yes, I coached teachers/assistant teachers in a K-12 setting |
3 |
Yes, but in a setting other than education (e.g., sports) Specify: _______________________________________
4 |
No |
In addition to being a coach in early care and education settings, do you currently hold any other jobs? This may include other permanent full-time or part-time jobs, or temporary, transitional, or seasonal jobs.
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
Recognizing that some things in early care and education centers (ECE) are required by external sources, what are YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELIEFS about ECE centers?
Please select the number that most nearly represents YOUR BELIEFS about each item’s importance for ECE centers. (1 = Strongly disagree; 5 = Strongly agree)
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
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3 |
4 |
5 |
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Source: Burts, Buchanan, Benedict, Broussard, Dunaway, Richardson & Sciaraffa, 2000; Charlesworth et al., 1993; FACES, 2006. |
Please indicate your perception of your style as a coach (or your perception of what your style will be as a coach) on each of the following descriptors. Choose the number on the scale from 1 (not very) to 7 (very) that best reflects your view of yourself.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Not very |
Very |
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Source: Friedlander & Ward, 1984 |
The questions in this section are about your perceptions of the VIQI intervention – meaning the curriculum, training, and coaching that will be provided as part of the VIQI project.
Please rate your answers to the following questions on a scale of 1-10, with ‘1’ being ‘Not at all’ and a ‘10’ being ‘A great deal.’
Not at all |
A great deal |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
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10 |
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Source: Making Pre-K Count Motivation to Implement Survey |
Thinking about the centers where you are a coach for VIQI, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly Disagree |
Strongly Agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 |
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The items included in this section ask about your knowledge of teaching practices within the domains of: language and literacy, math, social-emotional, and science. You may not be familiar with all of the content in these sections. Answer the questions as best you can based on your knowledge and beliefs.
The next set of questions focus on knowledge and teacher practices in the area of language and literacy. You may not be familiar with all of the content in this section. We expect people will have different levels of familiarity with the questions being asked. We would like for you to answer the questions as best you can based on your knowledge and beliefs.
Carefully read each of the following multiple choice questions. Choose only one answer from the choices provided to you for each question. If you are unsure of the right answer, please make your best guess.
During group time, Ms. Betty is about to read a book to her 5-year-olds. As she reads, she runs her finger along underneath the text. Why does she do this?
1 |
To help children connect sounds and letters. |
2 |
To keep children’s attention. |
3 |
To help children understand how print works. |
4 |
To improve children’s letter knowledge. |
Which of the following practices might best help children learn how letters are related to their letter names?
1 |
Matching pictures and beginning sounds. |
2 |
Singing the alphabet song slowly and pointing to each letter. |
3 |
Asking children to spell the letters of their name. |
4 |
Saying the letters of the alphabet out of order. |
All of the following instructional activities improve children's understanding of how we use print in daily activity EXCEPT:
1 |
Creating a print-rich environment. |
2 |
Copying simple words. |
3 |
Writing a menu. |
4 |
Reading a recipe. |
Carefully read each of the following multiple choice questions. Choose only one answer from the choices provided to you for each question. If you are unsure of the right answer, please make your best guess.
Each of the following is an effective way to foster language development EXCEPT:
1 |
Asking children to plan, do, and review their free-choice activities. |
2 |
Expanding children’s responses, such as “You’d like to play in the kitchen and make pizza? And what kind of pizza would you like to make today?” |
3 |
Re-reading a favorite book. |
4 |
Encouraging children to respond to questions in complete sentences. |
Someone who engages children every day in play, discussions, conversations, and singing songs is likely to be providing which of the following?
1 |
Opportunities for recognizing the relationship between sounds and letters. |
2 |
Experiences for children to learn and use new language rules. |
3 |
Opportunities for oral language development. |
4 |
Kinesthetic tactile experiences, such as physical activities. |
Each of the following activities is helpful for promoting oral language development EXCEPT:
1 |
Naming letters. |
2 |
Outdoor play. |
3 |
Singing. |
4 |
Free-choice time. |
Which of the following activities best promotes vocabulary development?
1 |
Reading a story. |
2 |
Writing. |
3 |
Talking. |
4 |
Watching television. |
Carefully read each of the following multiple choice questions. Choose only one answer from the choices provided to you for each question. If you are unsure of the right answer, please make your best guess.
Which of the following best explains why developing phonemic awareness in English may be especially challenging for a child for whom English is a second language?
1 |
The sound system of the child’s first language may not use an alphabet. |
2 |
Some languages may require attention only to whole words, not sounds in words. |
3 |
Sometimes teachers may not articulate sounds clearly. |
4 |
The sound structure of the child's first language may be different from English. |
1 |
Identifying words that begin with the same sound. |
2 |
Distinguishing sounds in words. |
3 |
Stretching the sounds out in a word and putting them together. |
4 |
Hearing different sounds, and identifying the letters that correspond to those sounds. |
All of the following are important ways to encourage preschooler's early writing EXCEPT:
1 |
Encouraging correct spelling. |
2 |
Taking dictation for children unwilling to write. |
3 |
Displaying children's writing around the room. |
4 |
Having a designated writing area equipped with crayons, pencils, stencils, and several types of paper. |
Kyesha is a 4-year old preschooler with reading skills at the kindergarten level. What is the best approach to take with Kyesha to create a supportive learning environment for her?
1 |
Keep her involved in all group activities so her peers do not notice the difference in her ability. |
2 |
Encourage her parents to enroll her in kindergarten immediately. |
3 |
Make sure she has plenty of opportunities to interact with books on her own. |
4 |
Have her act as a tutor to other children who may show little interest in reading. |
Neumann, 2007
The next set of questions focus on the area of young children’s science education. We would like for you to answer the questions as best you can based on your knowledge and beliefs.
Read the scenario below. As you read, think about the science you "see" happening in the scenario.
The class is outside on the playground. Sasha is still finishing her popsicle. “It’s so sticky!” says Sasha as her popsicle melts down her hand. “It’s too hot out here! The sun’s making my popsicle melt!” she says. Before Sasha can eat it, the final piece of popsicle falls to the floor. She squats down to look at it and watch it melt. “It’s makin’ a lake,” she says. Ben comes to see what’s going on.
“No, it’s making a river, see” he points to a line of red syrup that’s running down the sidewalk.
“Rivers are big. That’s too small” says Sasha, pointing at the melted popsicle.
A line of ants crawls towards the melting popsicle.
“Look! The ants want to eat my popsicle!” Sasha says. “You can’t eat popsicles. That’s people food. You eat leaves,” she says to the ants.
“Maybe they like popsicles better” says Ben. “Let’s find out”. Ben pulls a leaf off of a nearby bush and places it next to the puddle of melted popsicle. “I think they are going to like the popsicle better,” he says. The children watch the ants. Some of them move toward the melted popsicle.
“Look!” Says Sasha, “one, two, three. Three ants are eating my popsicle. Nobody is eating the leaf!”
“I guess they like popsicles better,” says Ben.
Thunder rumbles in the distance. “Oh no! It’s going to rain!” says Ben, “maybe the ants can hide under the leaf to stay dry” he says as their teacher calls them to go inside.
Here is a list of science concepts. Select all of the science concepts that you can "see" in the scenario.
1 |
States of matter |
7 |
Making observations |
13 |
Cause and effect |
2 |
Asking questions |
8 |
Patterns |
14 |
Earth's features |
3 |
Constructing explanations |
9 |
Life science |
15 |
Stability and change |
4 |
Predicting |
10 |
Experimenting |
16 |
Ecosystems |
5 |
Interpreting data |
11 |
Scale, proportion, and quantity |
17 |
Structure and function |
6 |
Using math |
12 |
Systems |
18 |
Engineering |
19 |
Physical characteristics |
Read the following scenario. Refer to it to help you answer this group of questions. Choose the one option that best applies.
Mark uses a paper towel to clean up some water that spilled. “Look!” he says, “the paper is changing colors! It’s drinking the water!”
Which science practice can you identify in the scenario?
1 |
Making observations |
2 |
Making predictions |
3 |
Experimenting |
4 |
Asking questions |
Which science discipline can you identify in the scenario?
1 |
Life science |
2 |
Physical science |
3 |
Earth and Space science |
4 |
Engineering |
Read the following scenario. Refer to it to answer this group of questions. Choose the one option that best applies.
Mark's teacher wants to provoke him to engage in a scientific practice so that he can understand a specific crosscutting concept. Mark's teacher says, "I wonder if the plastic bag will change color too. What can you do to find out?"
What science practice is she trying to provoke Mark to engage in?
1 |
Making observations |
2 |
Making predictions |
3 |
Experimenting |
4 |
Interpreting data |
What crosscutting concept is she trying to get Mark to think about?
1 |
Patterns |
2 |
Structure and function |
3 |
Systems |
4 |
Cause and effect |
Read the following scenario. Refer to it to answer this group of questions. Choose the one option that best applies.
Amelia is in the block center. She is rolling marbles into a stack of blocks and watching them fall down. "I think this car will knock the block down too!" she says.
Which science practice can you identify in the scenario?
1 |
Asking questions |
2 |
Making predictions |
3 |
Experimenting |
4 |
Interpreting data |
Which crosscutting concept can you identify in the scenario?
1 |
Patterns |
2 |
Structure and function |
3 |
Systems |
4 |
Cause and effect |
Read each scenario and answer the questions that follow. Choose the one option that best applies.
Santana drops two rocks down the slide. One is big and white, the other is smaller and dark grey. He does this several times. The large white rock always flies off the end of the slide and tumbles all the way to the playground gate. The smaller grey rock drops off the end of the slide and doesn't go any further. "The white rock always wins!" he says.
Which of the following could the teacher say to best help Santana understand the cause and effect relationship between the weight of the rock and the distance it travels?
1 |
What do you notice about the weight of the rocks? |
2 |
Can we measure how far the rock went? |
3 |
Why do you think the big rock is heavier than the little one? |
4 |
I see you experimenting with the rocks. What happens when you go down the slide? |
What can the teacher add to the classroom to provoke children to think about the structure and function of different materials?
1 |
Adding an umbrella to dramatic play |
2 |
Adding rubber gloves and mittens to the water table |
3 |
Adding sponges to the science center |
4 |
Adding seeds and a magnifying glass to the science center |
notices a seed in her watermelon during snack time.
What is the best way for the teacher to help her understand that seeds are part of a system?
1 |
Cut open different kinds of fruits to find seeds |
2 |
Read an informational book about plants |
3 |
Cut open different seeds and observe what is inside |
4 |
Compare and sort different seeds |
teacher is guiding a small group of children in making dough by
mixing flour and water. Charlie's dough is sticky and won't hold a
shape. He looks at Maria's dough that she has rolled into a tight
ball. Then he looks at his teacher and shows her his sticky fingers.
What can the teacher do to help Charlie experiment with the materials at the table and "fix" his dough?
1 |
The teacher can add more flour to Charlie's dough and help him mix it. |
2 |
The teacher can give Charlie a cup of water and a cup of flour and say, " Do you think we should add more water or flour? Let's choose one and see what happens". |
3 |
The teacher can say, "Uh-oh, Charlie! Your dough is too wet. Let's add more flour. What do you predict will happen if we put more flour in the dough?" |
4 |
The teacher can ask Maria to help Charlie "fix" his dough. |
The children are interested in elephants. The teacher wants to help the children understand that elephants move their big ears to help them stay cool.
Which of the following would be the best way for children to explore the structure and function of the elephants' ears?
1 |
Taking a field trip to the zoo to observe elephants flapping their ears |
2 |
Watching videos of elephants in the wild flapping their ears and pausing the video to ask children questions like, "Why is the elephant flapping his ears? How do you think he feels?"
3 |
Using different sized paper plates as fans |
4 |
Building elephant ears out of paper plates and a headband to allow the children to pretend to be elephants |
children are cleaning up the playground. They have a pile of rocks,
sticks, and leaves, and a pile of plastic bottle caps and juice box
straws. These two piles can serve as data.
Which of the following is the best way to get the children to interpret their “data”?
1 |
I notice you have two piles. Should we put the natural things back on the playground and the plastic things in the garbage? |
2 |
You have collected a lot of garbage. What do you think will happen to the garbage? |
3 |
I notice you have two piles. Can we make a third pile using playground toys? |
4 |
I notice you have a pile of plastic things and a pile of natural things. On the playground, which is there more of…plastic things or natural things? |
Source: Alexander 2017
The next set of questions focus on knowledge and teacher practices in the area of mathematics. You may not be familiar with all of the content in this section. We expect people will have different levels of familiarity with the questions being asked. We would like for you to answer the questions as best you can based on your knowledge and beliefs.
Each item below has two different statements about a child’s showing a skill in the area of mathematics. For each item, choose theone statement that describes the math skill that a child is likely to learn first. If both skills are equally easy for a young child, choose the circle next to “Same.” If you do not know the answer, choose “Do not know.”
1 |
Jamie says the counting words in order from 1 to 10 (i.e., “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10”). |
2 |
Jamie says the counting words in order from 6 to 10 (i.e., responds to teacher request, “Can you count starting with the number 6? Six…” by saying: “…7, 8, 9, 10”). |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
Pauli counts a group of seven buttons without touching them. |
2 |
Pauli counts a touchable group of seven buttons. |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
Ali correctly answers the question, “Are there more teddy
bears or more turtles?”
2 |
Ali correctly counts a row of eight teddy bears.
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
The following statements are about children’s skills in the area of mathematics. For each statement, choose only one answer from the choices that describes the math skill that a child is likely to learn first. If they are equally easy for a young child, check the box next to “Same.” If you do not know the answer, do not guess; instead check “Do not know.”
1 |
Shea correctly answers the question “Here are two groups of teddy bears. How many all together?” when presented with two groups of two teddy bears. |
2 |
Shea correctly answers the question, “What is two plus two?” |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
Jaiden answers, “How many buttons” after counting a set of six buttons. |
2 |
Jaiden counts a row of six buttons (i.e., “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6”). |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
Cimarron says the counting words in order from 1 to 10 (i.e., “1, 2, 3, 4, …). |
2 |
counts a row of ten buttons. |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
Pilar counts a circle of seven buttons. |
2 |
Pilar counts a row of seven buttons. |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
The following statements are about children’s skills in the area of mathematics. For each statement, choose only one answer from the choices that describes the math skill that a child is likely to learn first. If they are equally easy for a young child, check the box next to “Same.” If you do not know the answer, do not guess; instead check “Do not know.”
1 |
Amari is presented with two groups of buttons, one with five buttons and one with two buttons. When asked “How many altogether?” in the two groups, Amari counts all of the buttons beginning with the group of five buttons (“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7”) to get to the answer. |
2 |
Amari is presented with two groups of buttons, one with five buttons and one with two buttons. “How many altogether?” In the two groups, Amari counts on from the first set (“5, 6, 7,”) to get to the answer.
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
In a line of
five toy sheep facing the same direction, Indigo answers the
question, “Point to the second sheep in line.”
2 |
In a line of five toy sheep facing the same direction, Indigo answers the question, “Point to the first sheep in line.” |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know. |
1 |
Daevon recognizes one-digit numerals (for instance, can point out a “4” in a group of printed numbers.” |
2 |
Daevon reads single digit number words (for instance, can read the word “four”). |
3 |
Same. |
4 |
Do not know.
Source: Platas, 2008
This is the end of the survey. Thank you!
Communication to Participants Regarding the Survey
Overview: The baseline survey that will be administered to coaches will be accompanied by an email or letter that introduces the survey. If a survey is not received, a follow-up reminder email(s) or letter(s) may be sent.
The following items will be addressed in communications to coaches regarding the survey administered at baseline:
Welcome to the study
Study background and a brief description of the survey
Link to the online survey [If needed: Description of how to return the survey]
Deadline for submission
Toll-free number or study email address for technical issues or questions about the survey
Coaches who submit a survey will receive a thank you email or letter. The note will thank them for their time and encourage future participation. The following items will be addressed in thank you notes:
Thank you for participation
Study importance
Reminder about future data collections
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