U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Methyl Bromide Importer Quarterly Report |
Company Name: |
Reporting Period: |
Section 2: Import Transaction Data |
In the table below, enter data for each methyl bromide import transaction that took place during the reporting period. If no methyl bromide was imported, the table may be left blank. For each transaction, all fields are required. As a reminder, if methyl bromide was imported for QPS applications, global lab, emergency uses, second party transformation, or second party destruction, a copy of the transformation verification, destruction verification, QPS certification, and/or essential use certification from each company for whom material was imported must be provided to EPA along with the submission of this report.
If copying and pasting data into the table, please refer to the Reference List and the accompanying instructions. |
The transaction number is autopopulated.
Transaction Number |
Enter the date for when the shipment entered the United States.
Date of Import |
Select the country from which the shipment was imported.
If copying and pasting data into the table, please refer to the Reference List for the valid list of countries.
Source Country |
This field is autopopulated.
Name of the Chemical Imported |
Enter the total quantity (kg) of methyl bromide imported.
Total Quantity Imported |
Enter the 10-digit commodity code of the chemical imported as it appears on Customs documentation.
Refer to the Reference List for a list of commonly used commodity codes.
Commodity Code |
Enter the name of the port where the shipment entered the United States.
Port of Entry into the United States |
Enter the Customs Entry Summary Number for the shipment. This number identifies the specific shipment. The Customs Entry Summary Number is generally three (3) letters followed by nine (9) digits.
Customs Entry Summary Number |
Enter the Importer Number of the shipment. Your company's Importer Number as entered in Section 1 of this report will automatically populate for each transaction entered. Revise the number if the Importer Number of the shipment is different from your company's Importer Number.
The number entered should have no dashes.
Shipment Importer Number |
Select the transaction type of the material. The transaction type can be New or Heels.
If copying and pasting data into the table, please refer to the Reference List for the valid list of transaction types.
Transaction Type |
Select the intended use of the material. Note that the Transaction Type in Column L must be selected prior to completing this field.
- If the material is New, the intended use can be In-House Transformation, 2nd Party Transformation, In-House Destruction, 2nd Party Destruction, Quarantine and Preshipment (QPS), Emergency Use, or Global Lab.
- If the material is a Heel, the intended use can be Included in Future Shipment, Transformation, Destruction, or Non-Emissive Use.
If copying and pasting data into the table, please refer to the Reference List for the valid list of intended uses.
Intended Use |
Autopopulated |
Date |
Selection |
Autopopulated |
kg |
Text |
Text |
Text |
Number |
Selection |
Selection |
1 |
1/15/2018 |
Australia |
CH3Br |
5,000.00 |
2903.39.1520 |
Miami, FL |
abc123456789 |
12345678900 |
New |
1st |
0 |
x |
x |
x |
Afghanistan |
New |
In-House Trans |
Albania |
Heels |
2nd Party Trans |
Algeria |
In-House Dest |
Andorra |
2nd Party Dest |
Angola |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Pre-Plant Critical Use |
Argentina |
Post-Harvest Critical Use |
Armenia |
Emergency Use |
Australia |
Global Lab |
Austria |
Future Shipment |
Azerbaijan |
Transformation |
Bahamas |
Destruction |
Bahrain |
Non-Emissive Use |
Bangladesh |
Barbados |
Belarus |
Belgium |
Belize |
Benin |
Bermuda |
Bhutan |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana |
Brazil |
Brunei Darussalam |
British Virgin Islands |
Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso |
Burundi |
Cambodia |
Cameroon |
Canada |
Cape Verde |
Central African Republic |
Chad |
Chile |
China |
Colombia |
Comoros |
Congo |
Cook Islands |
Costa Rica |
Cote d'Ivoire |
Croatia |
Cuba |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Denmark |
Djibouti |
Dominica |
Dominican Republic |
Ecuador |
Egypt |
El Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea |
Eritrea |
Estonia |
Ethiopia |
European Union |
Fiji |
Finland |
France |
Gabon |
Gambia |
Georgia |
Germany |
Ghana |
Greece |
Grenada |
Guatemala |
Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau |
Guyana |
Haiti |
Holy See |
Honduras |
Hong Kong |
Hungary |
Iceland |
India |
Indonesia |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Iraq |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy |
Jamaica |
Japan |
Jordan |
Kazakhstan |
Kenya |
Kiribati |
Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstan |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
Latvia |
Lebanon |
Lesotho |
Liberia |
Libya |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Madagascar |
Malawi |
Malaysia |
Maldives |
Mali |
Malta |
Marshall Islands |
Mauritania |
Mauritius |
Mexico |
Micronesia (Federated States of) |
Monaco |
Mongolia |
Montenegro |
Morocco |
Mozambique |
Myanmar |
Namibia |
Nauru |
Nepal |
Netherlands |
New Zealand |
Nicaragua |
Niger |
Nigeria |
Niue |
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) |
Norway |
Oman |
Pakistan |
Palau |
Panama |
Papua New Guinea |
Paraguay |
Peru |
Philippines |
Poland |
Portugal |
Qatar |
Republic of Moldova |
Romania |
Russian Federation |
Rwanda |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lucia |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Samoa |
San Marino |
Sao Tome and Principe |
Saudi Arabia |
Senegal |
Serbia |
Seychelles |
Sierra Leone |
Singapore |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
Solomon Islands |
Somalia (Federal Republic of) |
South Africa |
South Korea (Republic of Korea) |
South Sudan |
Spain |
Sri Lanka |
Sudan |
Suriname |
Swaziland |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Tahiti |
Taiwan |
Tajikistan |
Thailand |
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
Timor-Leste |
Togo |
Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia |
Turkey |
Turkmenistan |
Tuvalu |
Uganda |
Ukraine |
United Arab Emirates |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
United Republic of Tanzania |
#NAME? |
Uruguay |
Uzbekistan |