

Mandatory Ship Reporting System for the Northeast and Southeast Coasts of the United States


OMB: 1625-0103

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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 169

§ 168.50 Performance and operational
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of § 168.10, at all times during the escort transit each tanker to which this
part applies:
(1) Must be accompanied by escort
vessels that meet the performance requirements of paragraph (b) of this section (but not less than the number of
escorts required by § 168.40).
(2) Must have the escort vessels positioned relative to the tanker such that
timely response to a propulsion or
steering failure can be effected.
(3) Must not exceed a speed beyond
which the escort vessels can reasonably
be expected to safely bring the tanker
under control within the navigational
limits of the waterway, taking into
consideration ambient sea and weather
conditions, surrounding vessel traffic,
hazards, and other factors that may reduce the available sea room.
(b) The escort vessels, acting singly
or jointly in any combination as needed, and considering their applied force
vectors on the tanker’s hull, must be
capable of—
(1) Towing the tanker at 4 knots in
calm conditions, and holding it in
steady position against a 45-knot
(2) [Reserved]
(3) Holding the tanker on a steady
course against a 35-degree locked rudder at a speed of 6 knots; and
(4) Turning the tanker 90 degrees, assuming a free-swinging rudder and a
speed of 6 knots, within the same distance (advance and transfer) that it
could turn itself with a hard-over rudder.

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[CGD 91–202, 59 FR 42968, Aug. 19, 1994, as
amended at 70 FR 55730, Sept. 23, 2005]

§ 168.60 Pre-escort conference.
(a) Before commencing an escort
transit, the tanker master shall confer,
by radio or in person, with the tanker
pilot and the masters of the escort vessels regarding the escort operation.
(b) The purpose of the pre-escort conference is for all parties to plan and
discuss particulars of the escort transit.
(c) At a minimum, the following topics must be addressed during the preescort conference:

(1) The destination, route, planned
speed, other vessel traffic, anticipated
weather, tide, and sea conditions, and
other navigational considerations;
(2) The type and operational status of
communication, towing, steering, and
propulsion equipment on the tanker
and escort vessels;
(3) The relative positioning and reaction time for the escort vessels to move
into assist positions, including, if appropriate, pre-tethering the escort vessels at crucial points along the route;
(4) The preparations required on the
tanker and escort vessels, and the
methods employed in making an emergency towline connection, including
stationing of deck crews, preparation
of messenger lines, bridles, and other
towing gear, and energizing appropriate deck equipment;
(5) The manner in which an emergency towline connection would be
made (which escort vessel will respond,
how messengers and towlines will be
passed, etc.);
(6) Other relevant information provided by the tanker master, pilot or escort vessel masters.

Subpart A—General
169.1 What is the purpose of this part?
169.5 How are terms used in this part defined?
169.10 What geographic coordinates are
169.15 Incorporation by reference: Where
can I get a copy of the publications mentioned in this part?

Subpart B—Establishment of Two Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems for the
Protection of Northern Right Whales
169.100 What mandatory ship reporting systems are established by this subpart?
169.102 Who is the shore-based authority?
169.105 Where is the northeastern reporting
system located?
169.110 When is the northeastern reporting
system in effect?
169.115 Where is the southeastern reporting
system located?
169.120 When is the southeastern reporting
system in effect?
169.125 What classes of ships are required to
make reports?


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§ 169.1

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition)

169.130 When are ships required to make reports?
169.135 How must the reports be made?
169.140 What information must be included
in the report?

Subpart C—Transmission of Long Range
Identification and Tracking Information
169.200 What is the purpose of this subpart?
169.205 What types of ships are required to
transmit LRIT information (position reports)?
169.210 Where during its international voyage must a ship transmit position reports?
169.215 How must a ship transmit position
169.220 When must a ship be fitted with
LRIT equipment?
169.225 Which Application Service Providers
may a ship use?
169.230 How often must a ship transmit position reports?
169.235 What exemptions are there from reporting?
169.240 When may LRIT equipment be
switched off?
169.245 What must a ship master do if LRIT
equipment is switched off or fails to operate?
AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1230(d), 1231; 46 U.S.C.
70115, Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: USCG–1999–5525, 64 FR 29234, June
1, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General
§ 169.1 What is the purpose of this

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This subpart prescribes the requirements for mandatory ship reporting
systems. Ship reporting systems are
used to provide, gather, or exchange information through radio reports. The
information is used to provide data for
many purposes including, but not limited to: navigation safety, maritime security and domain awareness, environmental protection, vessel traffic services, search and rescue, weather forecasting and prevention of marine pollution.
NOTE TO § 169.1: For ship reporting system
requirements not established by the Coast
Guard, see 50 CFR Part 404.
[USCG–1999–5525, 64 FR 29234, June 1, 1999, as
amended by USCG–2005–22612, 73 FR 23318,
Apr. 29, 2008; USCG–2009–0416, 74 FR 27442,
June 10, 2009]

§ 169.5 How are terms used in this part
As used in this part—
Administration means the Government of the State whose flag the ship
is entitled to fly.
Cargo ship means any ship which is
not a passenger ship.
Flag Administration means the Government of a State whose flag the ship
is entitled to fly.
Gross tonnage means tonnage as defined under the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
Ships, 1969 (Incorporated by reference,
see § 169.15).
Gross tons means vessel tonnage
measured in accordance with the method utilized by the flag state administration of that vessel.
High speed craft means a craft that is
operable on or above the water and is
capable of a maximum speed equal to
or exceeding V=3.7×displ .1667, where
‘‘V’’ is the maximum speed and ‘‘displ’’
corresponding to the design waterline in
cubic meters.
High speed passenger craft means a
high speed craft carrying more than 12
International voyage means a voyage
from a country to which the present
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 applies
to a port outside such country, or conversely. For U.S. ships, such voyages
will be considered to originate at a
port in the United States, regardless of
when the voyage actually began. Such
voyages for U.S. ships will continue
until the ship returns to the United
States from its last foreign port.
Long range identification and tracking
(LRIT) information or position report
means a report containing the following information:
(1) The identity of the ship;
(2) The position of the ship (latitude
and longitude); and
(3) The date and time of the position
LRIT Data Center means a center established by a SOLAS Contracting
Government or a group of Contracting
Governments, or in the case of the
International Data Center, by IMO, to
request, receive, process, and archive


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 169.15

LRIT information. An LRIT Data Center may be National, Regional, Co-operative or International.
means a ship reporting system that requires the participation of specified
vessels or classes of vessels, and that is
established by a government or governments after adoption of a proposed system by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as complying with all
requirements of regulation V/8–1 of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended
(SOLAS), except paragraph (e) thereof.
Mobile offshore drilling unit means a
self-propelled vessel capable of engaging in drilling operations for the exploration or exploitation of subsea resources.
Passenger ship means a ship that carries more than 12 passengers.
Self-propelled ships means ships propelled by mechanical means.
Shore-based authority means the government appointed office or offices
that will receive the reports made by
ships entering each of the mandatory
ship reporting systems. The office or
offices will be responsible for the management and coordination of the system, interaction with participating
ships, and the safe and effective operation of the system. Such an authority
may or may not be an authority in
charge of a vessel traffic service.
United States means the States of the
United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and any other territory or possession of the United States.

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[USCG–1999–5525, 66 FR 58070, Nov. 20, 2001, as
amended by USCG–2005–22612, 73 FR 23318,
Apr. 29, 2008]

§ 169.10 What geographic coordinates
are used?
Geographic coordinates expressed in
terms of latitude or longitude, or both,
are not intended for plotting on maps
or charts where the referenced horizontal datum is the North American
Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), unless such geographic coordinates are expressly labeled NAD 83. Geographic coordinates
without the NAD 83 reference may be
plotted on maps or charts referenced to
NAD 83 only after application of the

appropriate corrections that are published on the particular map or chart
being used.
§ 169.15 Incorporation by reference:
Where can I get a copy of the publications mentioned in this part?
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. Also, it is available
for inspection at the Coast Guard, Office of Navigation Systems (CG–5532),
2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7580, Washington, DC 20593–7580, and is available
from the sources indicated in this section.
(b) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale, 3
rue de Varembe´, P.O. Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
(1) IEC 60945, Fourth edition 2002–08,
radiocommunication equipment and
systems—General requirements—Methods of testing and required test results,
incorporation by reference approved
for § 169.215.
(2) [Reserved]
(c) International Maritime Organization
(IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, London
SE1 7SR, U.K.
(1) IMO Resolution MSC.202(81),
adopted on May 19, 2006, Adoption of
Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
1974, as Amended, incorporation by reference approved for § 169.240.
(2) IMO Resolution MSC.210(81),
adopted on May 19, 2006, Performance


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§ 169.100

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition)

Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships, incorporation by reference approved for §§ 169.215
and 169.240.
(3) IMO Resolution MSC.254(83),
adopted on October 12, 2007, Adoption
of Amendments to the Performance
Standards and Functional Requirements for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships, incorporation by reference approved for §§ 169.215
and 169.240.
(4) IMO Resolution A.694(17), adopted
on November 6, 1991, General Requirements for Shipborne Radio Equipment
Forming Part of the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
and for Electronic Navigational Aids,
incorporation by reference approved
for § 165.215.
(5) International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, incorporation by reference approved for
§ 169.5.
[USCG–2005–22612, 73 FR 23319, Apr. 29, 2008,
as amended by USCG–2010–0351, 75 FR 36287,
June 25, 2010; USCG–2011–0257, 76 FR 31838,
June 2, 2011]

Subpart B—Establishment of Two
Mandatory Ship Reporting
Systems for the Protection of
Northern Right Whales
§ 169.100 What mandatory ship reporting systems are established by this

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This subpart prescribes requirements
for the establishment and maintenance
of two mandatory ship reporting systems for the protection of the endangered northern right whale (also known
as the North Atlantic right whale).
These two systems are designated for
certain areas of the East Coast of the
United States. One system is located in
the northeast and is identified as
WHALESNORTH. The other system is
located in the southeast and is identified as WHALESSOUTH.
NOTE TO § 169.100: 50 CFR 224.103(c) contains
requirements and procedures concerning
northern right whale approach limitations
and avoidance procedures.

§ 169.102 Who is the shore-based authority?
The U.S. Coast Guard is the shorebased authority for these mandatory
ship reporting systems.
§ 169.105 Where is the northeastern reporting system located?
northeastern area include the waters of
Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts Bay, and
the Great South Channel east and
southeast of Massachusetts. The coordinates (NAD 83) of the area are as
follows: from a point on Cape Ann,
Massachusetts at 42°39′ N, 70°37′ W; then
northeast to 42°45′ N, 70°13′ W; then
southeast to 42°10′ N, 68°31′ W; then
south to 41°00′ N, 68°31′ W; then west to
41°00′ N, 69°17′ W; then northeast to
42°05′ N, 70°02′ W, then west to 42°04′ N,
70°10′ W; and then along the Massachusetts shoreline of Cape Cod Bay and
Massachusetts Bay back to the point
on Cape Anne at 42°39′ N, 70°37′ W.
§ 169.110 When is the northeastern reporting system in effect?
The mandatory ship reporting system in the northeastern United States
operates year-round.
§ 169.115 Where is the southeastern reporting system located?
southeastern area include coastal
waters within about 25 nautical miles
(45 kilometer) along a 90-nautical mile
(170-kilometer) stretch of the Atlantic
seaboard in Florida and Georgia. The
area coordinates (NAD 83) extends from
the shoreline east to longitude 80°51.6′
W with the southern and northern
boundaries at latitude 30°00′ N and
31°27′ N, respectively.
§ 169.120 When is the southeastern reporting system in effect?
The mandatory ship reporting system in the southeastern United States
operates during the period beginning
on November 15 each year through
April 16 of the following year.
[USCG–1999–5525, 66 FR 58070, Nov. 20, 2001]

[USCG–1999–5525, 64 FR 29234, June 1, 1999, as
amended by 66 FR 58070, Nov. 20, 2001]


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 169.200

§ 169.125 What classes of ships are required to make reports?
Each self-propelled ship of 300 gross
tons or greater must participate in the
reporting systems, except government
ships exempted from reporting by regulation V/8–1(c) of SOLAS. However, exempt ships are encouraged to participate in the reporting systems.
[USCG–1999–5525, 66 FR 58070, Nov. 20, 2001]

§ 169.130 When are ships required to
make reports?
Participating ships must report to
the shore-based authority upon entering the area covered by a reporting system. Additional reports are not necessary for movements made within a
system or for ships exiting a system.
§ 169.135 How must the reports be
(a) A ship equipped with INMARSAT
C must report in IMO standard format
as provided in § 169.140 in table 169.140.
(b) A ship not equipped with
INMARSAT C must report to the Coast

Guard using other means, listed below
in order of precedence—
(1) Narrow band direct printing
(2) HF voice communication, or
(3) MF or VHF voice communications.
(c) SITOR or HF reports made directly to the Coast Guard’s Communications Area Master Station Atlantic
(CAMSLANT) in Chesapeake, VA, or
MF or VHF reports made to Coast
Guard activities or groups, should only
be made by ships not equipped with
INMARSAT C. Ships in this category
must provide all the required information to the Coast Guard watchstander.
[USCG–1999–5525, 64 FR 29234, June 1, 1999, as
amended by 66 FR 58070, Nov. 20, 2001]

§ 169.140 What information must be included in the report?
Each ship report made to the shorebased authority must follow the standard reporting and format requirements
listed in this section in table 169.140.
Current email addresses and telex numbers are published annually in the US
Coast Pilot.



Information required

Name of system .......
M ..............................
A ...............................

System identifier ......................................
INMARSAT Number ................................
Ship ..........................................................

B ...............................

Date and time of event ............................

E ...............................
F ...............................
H ...............................

True course .............................................
Speed in knots and tenths of knots ........
Date, time and point of entry into system

I ................................
L ...............................

Destination and expected time of arrival
Route information ....................................

Ship reporting system WHALESNORTH or WHALESSOUTH.
Vessel INMARSAT number
The name, call sign or ship station identity, IMO number, and
flag of the vessel.
A 6-digit group giving day of month (first two digits), hours
and minutes (last four digits).
A 3-digit group indicating true course.
A 3-digit group.
Entry time expressed as in (B) and entry position expressed
as-(1) a 4-digit group giving latitude in degrees and minutes suffixed with N(north) or S (south) and a 5-digit group
giving longitude in degrees and minutes suffixed with E
(east) or W (west); or (2) True bearing (first 3 digits) and
distance (state distance) in nautical miles from a clearly
identified landmark (state landmark)
Name of port and date time group expressed as in (B)
Intended track.

[USCG–1999–5525, 66 FR 58070, Nov. 20, 2001]

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Subpart C—Transmission of Long
Tracking Information
SOURCE: USCG–2005–22612, 73 FR 23319, Apr.
29, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

§ 169.200 What is the purpose of this
This subpart implements Regulation
19–1 of SOLAS Chapter V (SOLAS V/19–
1) and requires certain ships engaged
on an international voyage to transmit


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§ 169.205

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition)

vessel identification and position information electronically. This requirement enables the Coast Guard to obtain long range identification and
tracking (LRIT) information and thus
heightens our overall maritime domain
awareness, enhances our search and
rescue operations, and increases our
ability to detect anomalies and deter
transportation security incidents.

has been type-approved by their Administration. To be type-approved by
the Coast Guard, LRIT equipment
must meet the requirements of IMO
Resolutions A.694(17), MSC.210(81), and
MSC.254(83), and IEC standard IEC
60945 (Incorporated by reference, see
§ 169.15).

§ 169.205 What types of ships are required to transmit LRIT information (position reports)?

A ship identified in § 169.205 must be
equipped with LRIT equipment—
(a) Before getting underway, if the
ship is constructed on or after December 31, 2008.
(b) By the first survey of the radio installation after December 31, 2008, if
the ship is—
(1) Constructed before December 31,
2008, and
(2) Operates within—
(i) One hundred (100) nautical miles
of the United States baseline, or
(ii) Range of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite, or other Application Service Provider recognized by the
Administration, with which continuous
alerting is available.
(c) By the first survey of the radio installation after July 1, 2009, if the ship
(1) Constructed before December 31,
2008, and
(2) Operates within the area or range
specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section as well as outside the range of an
Inmarsat geostationary satellite with
which continuous alerting is available.
While operating in the area or range
specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, however, a ship must install LRIT
equipment by the first survey of the
radio installation after December 31,

The following ships, while engaged on
an international voyage, are required
to transmit position reports:
(a) A passenger ship, including high
speed passenger craft.
(b) A cargo ship, including high speed
craft, of 300 gross tonnage or more.
(c) A mobile offshore drilling unit
while underway and not engaged in
drilling operations.
§ 169.210 Where
international voyage must a ship transmit position reports?

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The requirements for the transmission of position reports, imposed by
the United States, vary depending on
the relationship of the United States to
a ship identified in § 169.205.
(a) Flag State relationship. A U.S. flag
ship engaged on an international voyage must transmit position reports
wherever they are located.
(b) Port State relationship. A foreign
flag ship engaged on an international
voyage must transmit position reports
after the ship has announced its intention to enter a U.S. port or place under
requirements in 33 CFR part 160, subpart C.
(c) Coastal State relationship. A foreign flag ship engaged on an international voyage must transmit position reports when the ship is within
1,000 nautical miles of the baseline of
the United States, unless their Flag
Administration, under authority of
SOLAS V/19–1.9.1, has directed them
not to do so.
§ 169.215 How must a ship transmit position reports?
A ship must transmit position reports using Long Range Identification
and Tracking (LRIT) equipment that

§ 169.220 When must a ship be fitted
with LRIT equipment?

§ 169.225 Which Application
Providers may a ship use?

A ship may use an Application Service Provider (ASP) recognized by its
Administration. Some Communication
Service Providers may also serve as an
§ 169.230 How often must a ship transmit position reports?
A ship’s LRIT equipment must transmit position reports at 6-hour intervals


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 169.245

unless a more frequent interval is requested remotely by an LRIT Data
§ 169.235 What exemptions are there
from reporting?
A ship is exempt from this subpart if
it is—
(a) Fitted with an operating automatic identification system (AIS),
under 33 CFR 164.46, and operates only
within 20 nautical miles of the United
States baseline,
(b) A warship, naval auxiliaries or
other ship owned or operated by a
SOLAS Contracting Government and
used only on Government non-commercial service, or
(c) A ship solely navigating the Great
Lakes of North America and their connecting and tributary waters as far
east as the lower exit of the St. Lambert Lock at Montreal in the Province
of Quebec, Canada.
§ 169.240 When may LRIT equipment
be switched off?
A ship engaged on an international
voyage may switch off its LRIT equipment only when it is permitted by its
Flag Administration, in circumstances

detailed in SOLAS V/19–1.7, or in paragraph 4.4.1, of resolution MSC.210(81),
as amended by resolution MSC.254(83)
(Incorporated by reference, see § 169.15).
§ 169.245 What must a ship master do
if LRIT equipment is switched off
or fails to operate?
(a) If a ship’s LRIT equipment is
switched off or fails to operate, the
ship’s master must inform his or her
Flag Administration without undue
(b) The master must also make an
entry in the ship’s logbook that
(1) His or her reason for switching
the LRIT equipment off, or an entry
that the equipment has failed to operate, and
(2) The period during which the LRIT
equipment was switched off or nonoperational.
NOTE TO § 169.245: For U.S. vessels, the U.S.
Coast Guard serves as the Flag Administration for purposes of this section. All LRIT
notifications for the U.S. Flag Administration, in addition to requests or questions
about LRIT, should be communicated to the
U.S. Coast Guard by e-mail addressed to

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