B_HHS OPA FPAR 2.0 Data Elements 5.4.21.xlsx

Family Planning Annual Report 2.0

B_HHS OPA FPAR 2.0 Data Elements 5.4.21.xlsx

OMB: 0990-0479

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FPAR 2.0 Data Elements
PAP Smear Tests Panel (86662-4)
HPV Tests Panel (86658-2)
Chlamydia Tests Panel (86659-0)
Neis. Gonorrhea Panel (86660-8)
CT+NG Com Tests Panel (86661-6)
HIV 1 & 2 Tests Panel (86657-4)

Sheet 1: Introduction

Form Approved

OMB No. 0990-XXXX

Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX

FPAR 2.0 Data Elements

These are the final FPAR 2.0 data elements and associated lab panels. Additional tools are being developed to provide further implementation guidance. Please direct questions to your project officer.

Version: 5/4/2021

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-xxxx. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 102 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, to review and complete the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

Sheet 2: FPAR 2.0 Data Elements

Data Element # FPAR 2.0 Data Element
(Long Common Name)
In FPAR Panel? Data Element Code
(If Available)
Standard Terminology Code System Term Description Answer List Name / Description
(Value Set)
Answer List Value Set Code
(If available)
Notes eCQM Modified Contraceptive Care Measures
- Family Planning Annual Report PANEL - 86636-8 LOINC
This panel contains the set of LOINC codes for data elements in the Family Planning Annual Report and Health Information Technology (Health IT) (FPAR 2.0) specification. The FPAR 2.0 set includes both patient-level panels containing individual terms to capture specific data elements, as well as convenience group panels that contain sets of LOINC codes (e.g., the set of LOINC codes representing pregnancy tests), from which one or more codes may be used to gather results for a specific data element. Annual submission of the FPAR 2.0 to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs (OPA) is required for all sites participating in the Title X National Family Planning Program. - - - LOINC Panels are collections of LOINC terms that represent specific sets of information, such as a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers.

LOINC Panels contain a specific structure, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes such as form coding instructions, skip logic, and nested panels.

1 Facility Identifier Y 75524-9 LOINC A code that identifies a hospital or clinic. The facility ID may be a true identifier (e.g. Facility NPI) or a pseudo-identifier. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable OPA intends to collect NPI 2, when possible. Further guidance to be developed x x
2 Attending physician NPI Provider Y 68468-8 LOINC - NPI / National Provider Identifier - NPI Not applicable
(Answer list code provided because code is normative)
x x
3 Provider Role Y 86637-6 LOINC The role of the clinical provider (e.g. doctor, registered nurse) that provided services at the encounter. Provider role / Example list of provider role types Doctor
Registered Nurse
Nurse Practitioner
Physician Assistant
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapist Assistant
Student Physical therapist
Student Physical therapy assistant

4 Patient Identifier Y 76435-7 LOINC The patient identifier is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a specific patient and is assigned by a specific organization (the assigning authority) that should be reported using [LOINC: 76698-0]. In HL7 v2 messages, the patient identifier is reported in PID-3.1 and the assigning authority in PID-3.4. Examples of patient identifiers are medical record number, driver's license number and Social Security number, and their corresponding assigning authorities are the appropriate healthcare facility, state motor vehicle administration and the Social Security Administration, respectively. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Implementation guidance to be developed to maximize client confidentiality. OPA will NOT collect identifiers such as social security number or driver's license number. x x
5 Visit Date Y 76427-4 LOINC Visit date Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
x x
6 Birth Date Y 21112-8 LOINC Client’s date of birth Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
x x
7 Sex Y 46098-0 LOINC In LOINC, sex refers to the biological sex of an organism, which is most commonly determined based on anatomy and physiology or genetic (chromosome) analysis. Our definition is based on the World Health Organization's definition of sex and gender: sex (male, female) refers to biological and physiological characteristics, and gender (masculine, feminine) refers to socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes. Gender_M/F / Male=1, Female=2 Male
x x
8 Limited English Proficiency Y 86640-0 LOINC This concept indicates whether the patient has limited English proficiency and may require care delivery in a language other than the English. Proficient in English|Not proficient in English / Proficient or not proficient in English Proficient in English
Not Proficient in English

9 Ethnicity Y 69490-1 LOINC This term is used for reporting the ethnicity based on classifications provided by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity (Oct. 30, 1997). Ethnicity OMB 1997 / Answer list for ethnicity based on OMB 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
x x
10 Race Y 32624-9 LOINC Race as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Race or Unknown / OMB 1997 race categories plus Unknown American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
x x
11 Household Income N

Combined family income for last year before taxes; Family is 1 person or 2 or more persons living together as a household. - - -

12 Household size [#] Y 86639-2 LOINC Number in household; family is 1 person or 2 or more persons living together as a household. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

13 Insurance Coverage Type Y 87520-3 LOINC A high level description of a patient's health coverage type, including various categories of insurance (public, private, etc.) and self-pay. To report the specific source(s) of payment for a health care product or service, use Payment sources [LOINC: 52556-8]. Coverage Type and Self-Pay Codes / A value set includes Coverage Type codes Pay
extended healthcare
health spending account
collision coverage policy
uninsured motorist policy
public healthcare
dental program
public health program
women's cancer detection program
end renal program
HIV-AIDS program
mandatory health program
mental health program
safety net clinic program
substance use program
subsidized health program
subsidized managed care program
subsidized supplemental health program
worker's compensation
dental care policy
disease specific policy
drug policy
health insurance plan policy
long term care policy
managed care policy
point of service policy
health maintenance organization policy
preferred provider organization policy
mental health policy
substance use policy
vision care policy
disability insurance policy
employee welfare benefit plan policy
flexible benefit plan policy
life insurance policy
annuity policy
term life insurance policy
universal life insurance policy
property and casualty insurance policy
reinsurance policy
surplus line insurance policy
umbrella liability insurance policy
charity program
crime victim program
employee assistance program
government employee health program
high risk pool program
indigenous peoples health program
military health program
retiree health program
social service program
veteran health program

14 Payer for Visit Y 52556-8 LOINC Current payment sources Coverage Type and Self-Pay Codes / A value set includes Coverage Type codes None (no charge for current services)
Medicare (traditional fee-for-service)
Medicare (HMO/managed care)
Medicaid (traditional fee-for-service)
Medicaid (HMO/managed care)
Workers’ compensation
Title programs (e.g., Title III, V, or XX)
Other government (e.g., TRICARE, VA, etc.)
Private insurance/Medigap
Private HMO/managed care
Other (specify)

15 Pregnancy Status Y 82810-3 LOINC This term should be used to indicate that the patient is currently pregnant, not pregnant, or that the pregnancy status is unknown at this time. Depending on the context in which this term is used, there may be a need to capture more granular information. For example, further information such as whether the pregnancy is planned or unplanned and whether the status is patient reported or test confirmed may be necessary. Pregnant|Not pregnant|Unknown / Answers: 3; Scale: Nom; Code: -; Score: - Pregnant
Not Pregnant
x x
16 Pregnancy Intention Y 86645-9 LOINC A patient's intention or desire in the next year to either become pregnant or prevent a future pregnancy. This includes male patients seeking pregnancy with a female partner. Pregnancy intention may be used to help improve preconception health screenings and decisions, such as determining an appropriate contraceptive method, taking folic acid, or avoiding toxic exposures such as alcohol, tobacco and certain medications. Yes|OK either way|No|Unsure / Answers: 4; Scale: Nom; Code: -; Score: - Yes, I want to become pregnant
I'm OK either way
No, I don't want to become pregnant

17 Contraceptive method at intake reported – at intake Y 86649-1 LOINC At intake of patient encounter, their reported contraceptive method(s) used in the last sexual encounter. Birth control methods / List of contraceptive methods Implantable rod
IUD with Progestin
IUD copper
IUD unspecified
Female sterilization
Combined oral contraceptive pills
Progestin only contraceptive pills
Contraceptive patch
Vaginal ring
Male condom
Diaphragm or cervical cap
Female condom
Fertility awareness-based methods
Lactational amenorrhea method
Male relying on female method
Emergency contraception
Decline to answer
LL4578-2 Used for electronic clinical quality measure and modified contraceptive care measure calculations. More guidance to follow. x x
18 Reason for no contraceptive method use Reported --at intake Y 86650-9 LOINC At intake of patient encounter, the reason the patient reported no contraceptive method used. Reason for no birth control / Example list of reasons for why birth control (contraceptive methods) is not used Abstinence
Same sex partner
Sterile for non-contraceptive reasons
Seeking pregnancy
LL4579-0 Used for modified contraceptive care measure calculations. More guidance to follow.
19 Contraceptive method at exit reported – at exit Y 86651-7 LOINC The contraceptive method(s) provided to or in use by the patient at the end of their visit after counseling and assessment by provider. Birth control methods / List of contraceptive methods Implantable rod
IUD with Progestin
IUD copper
IUD unspecified
Female sterilization
Combined oral contraceptive pills
Progestin only contraceptive pills
Contraceptive patch
Vaginal ring
Male condom
Diaphragm or cervical cap
Female condom
Fertility awareness-based methods
Lactational amenorrhea method
Male relying on female method
Emergency contraception
Decline to answer
LL4578-2 Similar to Table 7 in FPAR 1.0, continue to be reported in FPAR 2.0. Also used for the modified contraceptive care measure calculations. x x
20 Reason for no contraceptive method use reported –at exit Y 86653-3 LOINC The reported reason at the end of the patient's visit for not using a contraceptive method(s). Reason for no birth control / Example list of reasons for why birth control (contraceptive methods) is not used Abstinence
Same sex partner
Sterile for non-contraceptive reasons
Seeking pregnancy
LL4579-0 Similar to Table 7 in FPAR 1.0, continue to be reported in FPAR 2.0. Also used for the modified contraceptive care measure calculations.
21 How birth control method was provided Y 86652-5 LOINC The method for how the birth control was provided (e.g. on site, referral, prescription) to the patient at end of an encounter. Method for providing birth control / Example for how birth control method was provided to the patient Provided on site
LL4580-8 Used for modified contraceptive care measure calculations. More guidance to follow.
22 Contraceptive counseling was provided Y 86654-1 LOINC Contraceptive counseling is an interaction in which provider spends time (5-10 minutes) during an encounter discussing the patient's choice of contraceptive method and available options. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes
LL365-8 Used for modified contraceptive care measure calculations. More guidance to follow.
23 Counseling to achieve pregnancy was provided Y 86655-8 LOINC Counseling to achieve pregnancy is an interaction in which a provider spends time during an encounter discussing any services and/or provides counseling related to achieving pregnancy or addressing infertility. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes
LL365-8 Used for modified contraceptive care measure calculations. More guidance to follow.
24 Systolic blood pressure Y 8480-6 LOINC Systolic blood pressure. If multiple values exist, choose last one during that encounter. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

25 Diastolic blood pressure Y 8462-4 LOINC Diastolic blood pressure. If multiple values exist, choose last one during that encounter. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

26 Body Height Y 8302-2 LOINC Height Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

27 Body Weight Y 29463-7 LOINC Body Weight Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

28 Tobacco Smoking Status Y 72166-2 LOINC Tobacco smoking status represents a person's smoking behavior. Smoking statuses can be classified as current every day smoker, current some day smoker, former smoker, never smoker, smoker - current status unknown, unknown if ever smoked, current heavy tobacco smoker, and current light tobacco smoker. These statuses represent CDC's preferred (sometimes required) responses for recording smoking status. Smoking Status - HL7 Value Set / Value Set based on HL7 Vocab TC and Structured Doc consensus (per CDC submission 7/12/2012 for smoking status term) Current every day smoker
Current some day smoker
Former smoker
Never smoker
Smoker, current status unknown
Unknown if ever smoked
Heavy tobacco smoker
Light tobacco smoker

29 Pap test performed at this visit N - - A pap test was performed during the visit. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

30 Pap test performed in last 5 years N - - A pap test has been performed during the last 5 years. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

31 Pap smear tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86662-4 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Pap smear test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - - - This data element is a panel set - see TAB 86662-4, further guidance to be developed to reduce reporting burden of lab values.

32 HPV test performed at this visit N - - An HPV test was performed during the visit. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

33 HPV tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86658-2 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather HPV test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - - - This data element is a panel set - see TAB 86662-4, further guidance to be developed to reduce reporting burden of lab values.

34 Chlamydia sp test performed at this visit N - - A Chlamydia test was performed during the visit. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

35 Chlamydia sp tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86659-0 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Chlamydia trachomatis test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - - - This data element is a panel set - see TAB 86659-0, further guidance to be developed to reduce reporting burden of lab values.

36 Neisseria gonorrhoeae test performed at this visit N - - A Neisseria gonorrhoeae test was performed during the visit. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

37 Neisseria gonorrhoeae tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86660-8 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Neisseria gonorrhoeae test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - - - This data element is a panel set - see TAB 86660-8, further guidance to be developed to reduce reporting burden of lab values.

38 HIV test performed at this visit N - - An HIV test was performed during the visit. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

39 HIV 1 and 2 tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86657-4 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather HIV 1 & 2 test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - - - This data element is a panel set - see TAB 86660-8, further guidance to be developed to reduce reporting burden of lab values.

40 Syphilis test performed at this visit N - - A Syphilis test was performed during the visit. [HL7-0136] Yes|No / Answers: 2; Scale: Ord; Code: Y-N; Score: - Yes

41 Syphilis Test Result N - - - - - - Panel to be updated, further guidance to be developed to reduce reporting burden of lab values.

42 Self-Identified Need for Contraception N

A patient’s self-reported desire to discuss contraception at their visit. Can be asked to a person of any gender and should be asked minimum once per year. Can be asked alongside a patient's intention or desire in the next year to become pregnant.
Yes - I want to talk about contraception
No - I don't want to talk about contraception (mark all that apply)
• I'm here for something else
• This question does not apply to me
• I prefer not to answer
• I'm already using contraception
• I'm unsure or don't want to use contraception
• I'm hoping to become pregnant in the near future

OPTIONAL for reporting. LOINC code pending. Used for the electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) calculation in development at UCSF under a grant from OPA. Further guidance to follow. x

Sheet 3: PAP Smear Tests Panel (86662-4)

Data Element # FPAR 2.0 Term In FPAR Panel (86636-8)? Available Term Code
(If Available)
Term Code System Definition Value Set
(Response Options/Answer Lists)
- Pap smear tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86662-4 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Pap smear test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
LOINC Panels are collections of LOINC terms that represent specific sets of information, such as a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers.

LOINC Panels contain a specific structure, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes such as form coding instructions, skip logic, and nested panels.
1 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervix by Cyto stain Y 10524-7 LOINC Microscopy is a technique that uses microscopes to examine very small objects, not seen by the naked eye. There are three well-known branches of microscopy: optical, electron and scanning probe microscopy.

2 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervix by Cyto stain.thin prep Y 18500-9 LOINC Thin prep is an automated method of preparing the smear;cells are first treated/lysed to diminish obstructions such as blood, then spread very thinly by the machine.

3 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain Y 19765-7 LOINC Microscopy is a technique that uses microscopes to examine very small objects, not seen by the naked eye. There are three well-known branches of microscopy: optical, electron and scanning probe microscopy.

4 Microscopic observation [Identifier] in Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain Narrative Y 19766-5 LOINC Microscopy is a technique that uses microscopes to examine very small objects, not seen by the naked eye. There are three well-known branches of microscopy: optical, electron and scanning probe microscopy.

5 Cytology study comment Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain Y 19774-9 LOINC

6 Cytology Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping study Y 33717-0 LOINC Document that is generated in response to a request.

7 Cytology report of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain.thin prep Y 47527-7 LOINC

8 Cytology report of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping Cyto stain Y 47528-5 LOINC

9 General categories [Interpretation] of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain Y 19762-4 LOINC

10 Statement of adequacy [Interpretation] of Cervical or vaginal smear or scraping by Cyto stain Y 19764-0 LOINC

Sheet 4: HPV Tests Panel (86658-2)

Data Element # FPAR 2.0 Term In FPAR Panel (86636-8)? Available Term Code
(If Available)
Term Code System Definition Value Set
(Response Options/Answer Lists)
- HPV tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86658-2 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather HPV test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - LOINC Panels are collections of LOINC terms that represent specific sets of information, such as a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers.

LOINC Panels contain a specific structure, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes such as form coding instructions, skip logic, and nested panels.
1 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA Y 59420-0 LOINC Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe with signal amplification

59420-0 LOINC
Detected (qualifier value)

Not detected (qualifier value)
2 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA Y 260415000 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+45+51+52+56 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

21440-3 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
3 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe with signal amplification

30167-1 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
4 Human papilloma virus 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 6+11+16+18+31+33+35+39+42+43+44+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe with signal amplification

38372-9 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
5 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+68 DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

49896-4 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
6 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+59+66+68 E6+E7 mRNA Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus E6+E7 mRNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

69002-4 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
7 Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18+31+33+35+39+45+51+52+56+58+66 DNA [Presence] in Tissue by Probe

73959-9 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
8 Human papilloma virus identified Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus identified in Cervix

11083-3 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
9 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Genital specimen

12223-4 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
10 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Cervix

14503-7 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
11 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Vaginal fluid

14504-5 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
12 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Urethra

14506-0 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
13 Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus 16+18 Ag [Presence] in Unspecified specimen

17400-3 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
14 Human papilloma virus DNA Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

44550-2 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
15 Human papilloma virus rRNA Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

6514-4 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
16 Human papilloma virus rRNA Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT Human papilloma virus rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

6516-9 LOINC
Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

Sheet 5: Chlamydia Tests Panel (86659-0)

Data Element # FPAR 2.0 Term In FPAR Panel (86636-8)? Available Term Code
(If Available)
Term Code System Definition Value Set
(Response Options/Answer Lists)
- Chlamydia sp tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86659-0 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Chlamydia trachomatis test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - LOINC Panels are collections of LOINC terms that represent specific sets of information, such as a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers.

LOINC Panels contain a specific structure, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes such as form coding instructions, skip logic, and nested panels.
1 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Units/volume] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 49096-1 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Units/volume] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection (Not applicable. Quantitative lab)

Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method
43304-5 SNOMEDCT Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

Detected (qualifier value)

Y 260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

419984006 SNOMEDCT
Inconclusive (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)
2 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe and target amplification method Y 21191-2 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

Positive (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
3 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by DNA probe Y 4993-2 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe

Positive (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
4 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by DNA probe Y 16600-9 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

Y 260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

Y 82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
5 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urine by DNA probe
16601-7 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
6 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Cervical mucus by Probe and target amplification method
21189-6 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Cervical mucus by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
7 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe and target amplification method
21190-4 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
8 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by DNA probe
21192-0 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
9 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method
21613-5 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
10 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Genital fluid by DNA probe
23838-6 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Genital fluid by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
11 Chlamydia sp DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method
35729-3 LOINC Chlamydia sp DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
12 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe and target amplification method
42931-6 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
13 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and signal amplification method
43404-3 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe with signal amplification

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

Y 260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
14 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by DNA probe Y 45078-3 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
15 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by DNA probe Y 45080-9 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
16 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe and target amplification method Y 45084-1 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
17 Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 47211-8 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis L2 DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
18 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method. Y 47212-6 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
19 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe and target amplification method Y 50387-0 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
20 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe and target amplification method Y 53925-4 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
21 Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe and target amplification method Y 53926-2 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
22 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 6356-0 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
23 Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe and target amplification method Y 6357-8 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

Sheet 6: Neis. Gonorrhea Panel (86660-8)

Data Element # Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Tests Panel In FPAR Panel? Data Element Code Standard Terminology Code System Term Description Answer List Name / Description
(Value Set)
- Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Tests - FPAR 2.0 set Y 86660-8 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Neisseria gonorrhoeae test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). -
1 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 43305-2 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

Detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

419984006 SNOMEDCT
Inconclusive (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)
2 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe and target amplification method Y 21415-5 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

Positive (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
3 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 47387-6 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by NAA with probe detection

Positive (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe and target amplification method Y 50388-8 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection

Positive (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)
4 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Cervical mucus by Probe and target amplification method Y 21414-8 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Cervical mucus by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
5 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe and target amplification method Y 21416-3 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 24111-7 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
7 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by DNA probe Y 32198-4 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
8 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by DNA probe Y 32199-2 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
9 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe and target amplification method Y 32705-6 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
10 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and signal amplification method Y 43403-5 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe with signal amplification

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
11 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by DNA probe Y 5028-6 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
12 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe and target amplification method Y 53879-3 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
13 Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by Probe and target amplification method Y 53927-0 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urethra by NAA with probe detection

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
14 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag [Presence] in Genital specimen by Immunoassay Y 6487-3 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae Ag [Presence] in Genital specimen by Immunoassay

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
15 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Cervix by Organism specific culture Y 688-2 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Cervix by Organism specific culture

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
16 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Genital specimen by Organism specific culture Y 691-6 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Genital specimen by Organism specific culture

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
17 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Genital lochia by Organism specific culture Y 692-4 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Genital lochia by Organism specific culture

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
18 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Organism specific culture Y 693-2 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Organism specific culture

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)
19 Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Organism specific culture Y 698-1 LOINC Neisseria gonorrhoeae [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Organism specific culture

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Positive (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

Sheet 7: CT+NG Com Tests Panel (86661-6)

Data Element # FPAR 2.0 Term In FPAR Panel (86636-8)? Available Term Code
(If Available)
Term Code System Definition Value Set
(Response Options/Answer Lists)
- Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae tests - FPAR 2.0 set Y 86661-6 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae combined test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR).
LOINC Panels are collections of LOINC terms that represent specific sets of information, such as a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers.

LOINC Panels contain a specific structure, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes such as form coding instructions, skip logic, and nested panels.
1 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 36902-5 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection Detected

Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT

2 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 36903-3 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Identifier] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

3 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and signal amplification method Y 43406-8 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe with signal amplification Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

4 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe and target amplification method Y 44806-8 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

5 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 44807-6 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

6 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by DNA probe Y 45067-6 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

7 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Cervix by Probe and target amplification method Y 45068-4 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA [Presence] in Cervix by NAA with probe detection Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

8 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by DNA probe Y 45069-2 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Genital specimen by Probe Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

9 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by DNA probe Y 45070-0 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Vaginal fluid by Probe Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

10 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urine by DNA probe Y 45074-2 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Urine by Probe Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

11 Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by DNA probe Y 45076-7 LOINC Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe Positive (qualifier value)

10828004 SNOMEDCT
Detected (qualifier value)

260373001 SNOMEDCT
Negative (qualifier value)

260385009 SNOMEDCT
Not detected (qualifier value)

260415000 SNOMEDCT
Equivocal (qualifier value)

42425007 SNOMEDCT
Indeterminate (qualifier value)

82334004 SNOMEDCT

Sheet 8: HIV 1 & 2 Tests Panel (86657-4)

Data Element # FPAR 2.0 Term In FPAR Panel (86636-8)? Available Term Code
(If Available)
Term Code System Definition Value Set
(Response Options/Answer Lists)

HIV 1 and 2 tests - FPAR 2.0 set (PANEL) Y 86657-4 LOINC Set of lab terms that may be used to gather HIV 1 & 2 test results at time of the patient encounter as specified by the Family Planning Annual Report (FPAR). - LOINC Panels are collections of LOINC terms that represent specific sets of information, such as a laboratory battery of tests, a group of findings from a procedure such as an EKG, and forms or assessments related to health that are completed by patients and/or providers.

LOINC Panels contain a specific structure, and depending on the type of panel, can include attributes such as form coding instructions, skip logic, and nested panels.
1 HIV 1 RNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by Probe and target amplification method Y 5018-7 LOINC HIV 1 RNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection HIV 1 RNA [Presence] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection


260415000 SNOMEDCT

82334004 SNOMEDCT

2 HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum by Immunoblot (IB) Y 5221-7 LOINC HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoblot HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoblot

10828004 SNOMEDCT

260385009 SNOMEDCT

419984006 SNOMEDCT

42425007 SNOMEDCT

3 HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay Y 68961-2 LOINC HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay HIV 1 Ab [Presence] in Serum, Plasma or Blood by Rapid immunoassay

11214006 SNOMEDCT

131194007 SNOMEDCT

82334004 SNOMEDCT

4 HIV 2 Ab [Presence] in Serum by Immunoassay|HIV 2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay Y 30361-0 LOINC HIV 2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay HIV 2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay

11214006 SNOMEDCT

131194007 SNOMEDCT

82334004 SNOMEDCT

5 HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum by Immunoassay|HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay Y 31201-7 LOINC HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay HIV 1+2 Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay


260385009 SNOMEDCT

6 HIV 1 RNA [Log #/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 1.7 log copies/mL Y 48510-2 LOINC HIV 1 RNA [Log #/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 1.7 log copies/m HIV 1 RNA [Log #/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 1.7 log copies/m
7 HIV 1 RNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 50 copies/mL Y 48511-0 LOINC HIV 1 RNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 50 copies/mL HIV 1 RNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Serum or Plasma by Probe and target amplification method detection limit = 50 copies/mL

Supplemental/Confirmatory HIV test

Rapid/Screening HIV test

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