Western Pacific Precious Coral Daily Harvest Log

Pacific Islands Logbook Family of Forms

PI Precious Coral Harvest Log April 2018

OMB: 0648-0214

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OMB Control No. 0648-0214
Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

National Marine Fisheries Service - Pacific Islands Region

Name of Vessel __________________
Permit Number ___________________
Logbook page # series


Privacy Act Statement
Authority: The collection of this information is authorized under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16
U.S.C 1801 et seq.
Purpose: The Magnuson-Stevens Act requires that conservation and management measures must prevent over fishing while
achieving, on a continuing basis, the optimum yield from each fishery. Vessel logbooks are essential tools in the management of fishery
resources. Section 303(a)(5) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act specifically identifies the kinds of data to be collected for fishery
management plans (FMPs).
Routine Uses: The Department will use this information for effective fishery management. Disclosure of this information is permitted
under the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a), to be shared within NMFS offices, in order to coordinate monitoring and
management of sustainability of fisheries and protected resources, as well as with the applicable State or Regional Marine Fisheries
Commissions and International Organizations.
Disclosure of this information is also subject to all of the published routine uses as identified in the COMMERCE/NOAA-6, Fishermen's
Statistical Data.
Disclosure: Submission is mandatory for those persons falling under the requirements of 50 CFR 665.14. If the information is not
provided, permit status may be affected.

Paperwork Reduction Act Information
Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to as much as 7 minutes (log) to 5 minutes (sales report) per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection
of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to Regional Administrator, Pacific Islands Regional Office, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg. 176, Honolulu, HI 96818.
This information is being collected to ensure accurate and timely records about the fishing activity of persons licensed to participate in fisheries under
Federal regulations in the Pacific Islands Region. This will enable the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council to (a)
determine how these persons would be affected by changes in management; (b) ensure that they are informed about prospective changes in fishery regulations and
the analysis of estimated impacts; and (c) determine whether the objectives of the fishery program are being achieved by monitoring the fishery and evaluating the
impacts on stocks and the fishery participants and related businesses. Responses to the collection are required to obtain the benefit of a license for the fishery
involved (ref. 50 CFR 665.13). Data provided concerning the activities and business of the respondents are handled as confidential under the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Sec. 402(b)). Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Vessel Reporting Requirements
The operator of any fishing vessel operating under a Federal Pacific Islands Region precious coral permit must maintain onboard the vessel an accurate
and complete record of catch, effort, and other data on report forms provided by the Regional Administrator, and must record the information on the forms within 24
hours after the completion of each fishing day. Each form must be signed and dated by the fishing vessel operator. The original logbook form must be submitted to
the National Marine Fisheries Service within 72 hours of each landing of management unit species, except for fishing in the Pacific Remote Islands Areas, where it is
required that the forms be submitted to the Regional Administrator within 30 days of the end of each fishing trip. (ref. 50 CFR 665.14)

Submit log report to: NOAA Inouye Regional Center (IRC), NMFS/PIFSC/Fishery Monitoring Branch, 1845 Wasp
Blvd., Bldg 176, Honolulu, HI 96818. For additional logbooks or information call (808) 725-5325.

OMB Control No. 0648-0214
Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service

Ser. No. ______________

Pacific Islands Precious Coral Daily Harvest Log
Collector/Company Name:
Vessel Name:
Radio call sign:
Date of Harvest:
Harvest method:
Area Fished:
Start time (24 hr clock):
Start Lat.:
Start Lon.:
End time (24 hr clock):
End Lat.:
End Lon.:
Harvest depth range (fathoms-max/min):
Number of Dives:
No. of hours fished (bottom time):
Port of Landing:
Video Record Provided: ( )Yes/( )No (applies to submersible/ROV harvest only)

Catch Information
Common Name

(names subject to change)

Pink Coral

Gold Coral

Bamboo Coral
Black Coral

Number of Coral
Trees Harvested

Weight Harvested

Corallium secundum
Corallium regale
Corallium laauense
Gerardia sp.
Callogorgia gilberti
Narella sp.
Calyptrophora sp.
Lepidisis olapa
Acanella sp.
Antipathes sp.
A. dichtoma
A. grandis

Comments: (current, bottom type, bottom topography, bottom slope, proximity to land, etc.)

Protected Species Information
(Enter numbers; please identify species in appropriate box)

Marine Mammal/

Observed in area
Observed in vicinity of gear
Interfering with fishing operations
Other interactions (specify type)
I certify that the above information is complete and true to the best of my knowledge.

Vessel Captain/Operator
Print name:



Effort information
COLLECTOR/COMPANY NAME: Individual name (black coral diver), company name of
VESSEL NAME: Name of support vessel.
PERMIT NO.: Western Pacific Precious Coral Fishery Permit number.
RADIO CALL SIGN: Radio call sign.
DATE OF HARVEST: Date of precious coral harvest.
HARVEST METHOD: Precious coral harvest method, i.e. submersible, hand harvest.
AREA FISHED: General area fished, i.e. island or bank name and location.
START TIME: Start time (24 hour clock) of harvesting operations.
START LATITUDE, START LONGITUDE: Start location of harvest operations.
END TIME: End time (24 hour clock) of harvesting operations.
END LATITUDE, END LONGITUDE: End location of harvest operations.
HARVEST DEPTH RANGE: Maximum and minimum depth of harvest operations (fathoms).
NUMBER OF DIVES: Number of dives conducted in the day.
NO. OF HOURS FISHED (bottom time): Total bottom time of harvesting (all dives combined).
PORT OF LANDING: Port of vessel return (e.g., Honolulu, Hilo, Kodiak, Los Angeles, etc.).
VIDEO RECORD PROVIDED: Check the appropriate box if submersible or ROV dive video is
submitted with the report.

Catch Information
NUMBER OF CORAL TREES HARVESTED: Total number of coral trees harvested, tallied
by individual species groups.
WEIGHT HARVESTED (lbs): Total wet weight of coral trees harvested, tallied by individual
species groups.

Protected Species Information
Enter number of individual species observed in the appropriate activity designation box. Please
identify if possible. Note: Some species, including the Indo West Pacific Scalloped Hammerhead
shark, are listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as distinct population segments that are
similar in appearance to other sub-populations that are not ESA-listed. NMFS regulations at 50
CFR 665.14 require that you report all catch and effort. If you are unsure of the species
identification, you should record your best judgment and explain any uncertainty in remarks on the
back of the form.

CAPTAIN/OPERATOR: Print full name, sign on signature line, date of report completion.

(70) Bottle-nose dolphin

Round-shaped body
when compared with
other similarly shaped

(54) Leatherback (softshell)
Black leathery shell with
distinct ridges along the
back; often has white
spots on flippers and
underside; largest sea
turtle (4-6 ft).

(71) Spinner dolphin

(53) Green turtle

(76) Rough-toothed dolphin

Dark brown to olive with
lighter stripes and spots;
head small in
comparison to body size;
blunt beak; only sea
turtle with serrated jaw.

“Steno”; no distinct break
between the forehead
and beak.

(60) Loggerhead turtle
(68) Risso’s dolphin

Reddish-brown shell and
flippers; head large in
relation to body.

Distinct melon-shaped forehead;
no beak; mature animals often
scarred over much of their backs.

(59) Olive ridley turtle
(67) Pilot whale

Slate gray to olive
brown; width of shell
usually equal to or
greater than length.

Large black dolphin; rounded
bulbous head (“pot head”).

(52) False killer whale
Large black dolphin;
head is bullet-shaped.

(64) Hawksbill turtle
Elongated shell often
with overlapping
scales; usually dark
brown with yellow
streaks and spots
(“tortoise-shell”); head
relatively small with
long neck; long and
narrow hawk-like beak.

(66) Humpback whale
Long flippers (about 1/3
of body length).

(51) Monk seal
(77) Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Light brown to silver gray
in coloration; 3 - 8 ft in
length; 150 - 600 lbs.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - PI Precious Coral Harvest Log April 2015
File Modified2018-07-20
File Created2018-07-17

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