Appendix E SLDS 2021 Instrument

Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Survey 2021-2023

Appendix E SLDS Survey 2021-2023 Instrument

Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Survey 2020-2022

OMB: 1850-0933

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National Center for education statistics


Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) Survey 2021 –2023

OMB# 1850-0933 v.10

Appendix E – SLDS 2021 Instrument

May 2021

revised September 2021

APPENDIX E, Section 1 – Screenshots of Qualtrics Information Collection Tool

APPENDIX E, Section 2 – Microsoft Word (Paper Copy) Instrument

U.S. Department of Education Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) State Data Capacity Survey - 2021

U.S. Department of Education Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS)

Survey Cover Sheet

Reporting Period From: To:

General Information


Grantee Name

Agency Name

Agency Address


Shape7 State: Zip:

Project Director Name:


Phone number:


Stakeholders Consulted to Complete the SLDS Survey (If applicable, list stakeholders and their agencies. For example, Jane Dean, State Department of Secondary Education; John Mills, State Institute of Higher Education; etc.)

Respondent Name:

(if different from the Project Director)


Phone number:

Email address:

U.S. Department of Education Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) State Data Capacity Survey - 2021


The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in the U.S. Department of Education's Institute for Education Sciences, is authorized to conduct the SLDS survey by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C. §9543).

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary information collection is 1850-0933. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this collection, or any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, please write to: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS), National Center for Education Statistics, 550 12th St., SW, 4th floor, Washington, DC 20202.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) conducts this annual data collection effort because statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs) capacity can change quickly as a result of infrastructure enhancements, evolving P20W agency collaborations, state legislation impacts, and other factors. Your responses to this survey will inform the field, SLDS Grant Program’s ongoing evaluation and technical assistance efforts, and they may guide the goals for future grant rounds. Thank you for completing this survey accurately.


Please answer the following questions about the current status of data elements and capabilities in your SLDS. Do not answer based on the status of elements or capabilities in systems that are not linked to your SLDS.

Most questions ask you to identify the status of an SLDS feature with the following options:

  • Not Planned. Your state or territory is not currently planning to include this element or capability in its SLDS. You should also choose “Not Planned” for items that do not apply to your SLDS at this time due to legislative prohibitions, lack of interest, or other factors.

  • Planned. Your state or territory intends to include this element or capability in its SLDS and has a documented plan and funding source to implement it, but implementation work has not begun.

  • In Progress. Your state or territory is building or implementing this element or capability as part of its SLDS, but it is not yet fully operational.

  • Operational. This element or capability is fully functional and available for its intended users.

Many of the questions ask about linking different types of data together. For the purpose of this survey, data are considered “linked” when the SLDS has an established technology solution to identify and join data records for the same individual from multiple source data systems in a replicable and useful way. Additional terms used in the survey are defined at the end of this document.

If your state has or is building more than one SLDS—for example, a K-12 SLDS and a P-20W+ SLDS—please answer the questions based on the status of the element or capability in both systems. A P-20W+ system encompasses information across multiple sectors, such as K-12early childhood, K-12 education, postsecondary education, and workforce data. You may need to consult other state agency or department representatives to complete questions about data linking and use in those sectors.

If you have any questions on this survey, please feel free to contact your State Support Team member for help completing the survey.



Not Planned


In Progress


State Agency K-12 Data

1) Does the SLDS include K-12 student data? (If no, skip to question 6)



2) What types of K-12 student data are included in the SLDS? Mark only one status per row.

Not Planned


In Progress


2a) Demographics1

2b) Migrant status

2c) Homelessness status

2d) English language learner status

2e) Special education status

2f) Other program participation (e.g., free and reduced-price lunch, Title l, or Section 504 participation)

2g) (NEW ITEM) Other measures of socioeconomic status other than free and reduced-price lunch status

2h) (NEW ITEM) Addresses or geocodes

2i) Attendance

2j) Discipline

2k) Grade level

2l.i) Kindergarten entry assessments

2l.ii) Statewide summative or end-of-course assessments

2l.iii) Statewide benchmark or interim assessments

2l.iv) Local benchmark or interim assessments

2l.v) Advanced Placement (AP) scores Reporting on students not

tested by grade or subject

2l.vii) College-readiness test

scores (e.g., SAT, PSAT)

2m) School enrollment and completion

2n) Course enrollment

2o) Course completion

2p) Virtual school/learning enrollment or participation

2q) Diploma or certificate

2r) Drop-out history

2s) Transfer in or out

2t) In-state postsecondary or dual enrollment

2u) Out-of-state postsecondary or dual enrollment

2v) (NEW ITEM) Type of instruction received (In-person, hybrid, online)



Not Planned


In Progress


3) Is there a comprehensive data dictionary for K-12 student data elements that contains metadata such as a definition, option sets, type, and field length? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 4)

3a) Is the data dictionary published publicly?

3a.i) If so, please provide data dictionary website address

3b) Are K-12 student data elements aligned to the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)?

4) Are course-related data collected by the state aligned with the School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED)?

5) How do are K-12 student data from the SLDS used?

Not Planned


In Progress


5a.i) Reports for governor or state legislature

5a.ii) Reports for state boards or agencies

5a.iii) Reports on statewide research or policy agenda and strategic plans

5a.iv) Reports for state legislative, policy, or regulatory requirements

5b.i) Feedback reports about elementary schools

5b.ii) Feedback reports about middle schools

5b.iii) Feedback reports about high schools

5b.iv) Feedback reports about educator preparation programs

5c.i) Federal EDFacts reports

5c.ii) Federal OSEP/special education (non-EDFacts) reports

5c.iii) Federal Perkins CTE (non-EDFacts) reports

5c.iv) Other federal reports

5d) Instructional support (e.g., dashboards for teachers)

5e) Curriculum decisions



Not Planned


In Progress


5f) Data skills and use training

5g) Early warning systems and other predictive systems

5h) Budget allocations (e.g., implementing a state funding formula)

5i) Funding decisions

5j) Program or intervention needs or placements

5k) Talent management (e.g., evaluating educator or administrator performance, supporting continuous improvement)

5l) Human resources (e.g., compliance-related hiring, placement)

5m) Cross-sector collaboration

5n) Resources for public, parents, and community members (e.g., dashboards, scorecards)

5o) Direct certification for participation in the National Student Lunch Program

5p) Other (please explain below)



Not Planned


In Progress


6) At what level(s) are K-12 expenditure data reported?

6a) Student level

6b) School level

6c) District level

K-12 Teacher Data

7) Where are K-12 teacher data managed and stored?

7a) Single-sector SLDS

7b) P-20W+ SLDS

7c) A separate, central teacher data system

7d) Multiple separate teacher data systems or source files

8) Does the SLDS mostly link K-12 student data and K-12 teacher data through an automated system? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 13)

9) How are K-12 teacher and K-12 student data linked?

9a) Course assignment

9b) Statewide unique teacher IDs

9c) Roster verification process

9d) Other method (please explain below)



Not Planned


In Progress


10) What types of K-12 teacher data are linked with K-12 student data?

10a) Demographics

10b) Attendance

10c) Certificate type

10d) Certification path (e.g., traditional v. alt-cert)

10e) Postsecondary program or major

10f) Preparation program or institution name

10g) Years of experience

10h) Salary

10i) Assessment results (e.g., Praxis)

10j) Course assignments

10k) Teacher or administrator evaluation data

11) Is there a comprehensive data dictionary for K-12 teacher data elements that contains metadata such as a definition, option sets, type, and field length? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 4)

11a) Is the data dictionary published publicly?

11a.i) If so, please provide data dictionary website address

11b) Are K-12 teacher data elements aligned to the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)?

12 How are K-12 teacher data from the SLDS used? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 15)

12a.i) Reports for governor or state legislature

12a.ii) Reports for state boards or agencies

12a.iii) Reports on statewide research or policy agenda and strategic plans

12a.iv) Reports for state legislative, policy, or regulatory requirements

12b.i) Feedback reports about educator preparation programs

12b.ii) Feedback reports about professional learning

12b.iii) Feedback reports about educator effectiveness

12c.i) Federal EDFacts reports

12c.ii) Federal OSEP/special education (Non-EDFacts) reports

12c.iii) Federal Perkins CTE (Non- EDFacts) reports

12c.iv) Other federal reports

12d) Instructional support (e.g., dashboards for teachers)

12e) Curriculum decisions

12f) Data skills and use training

12g) Budget allocations (e.g., implementing a state funding formula)

12h) Funding decisions



Not Planned


In Progress


12i) Merit pay

12j) Talent management (e.g., evaluating educator or administrator performance, supporting continuous improvement)

12k) Human resources (e.g., compliance hiring, placement)

12l) Cross-sector collaboration

12m) Resources for public, parents, and community members (e.g. dashboards, scorecards)

12n) Other (please explain below)

13) Are K-12 teacher data linked to finance data?

Early Childhood Data

14) Where are early childhood data stored and managed?

14a) P-12 (early childhood through K-12) SLDS

14b) Multi-sector SLDS (P-20W+)

14c) ECIDS (A separate, central early childhood data system, birth-2nd) (e.g., an early childhood integrated data system, or ECIDS)



Not Planned


In Progress


14d) Multiple separate early childhood data systems or source files

15) Does the SLDS mostly link early childhood data with K-12 student data through an automated system?

(If Not planned, skip to Question 19)

16) How are early childhood and K-12 student data linked?

16a) Assigned unique identifier

16b) Element match process

16c) Social Security number

16d) Another external organization

16e) Other method (please explain below)

17) From which programs are early childhood participation data linked with K-12 student data?

17a) Head Start

17b) Early Head Start

17c) Publicly funded prekindergarten

17d) Private prekindergarten

17e) Child care

17f) Special Education (IDEA Part B Section 619)

17g) Early Intervention (IDEA Part C)

17h) Other programs or services

18) What types of early childhood data are linked with K-12 student data?



Not Planned


In Progress


18a) Demographics

18b) Assessment data

18c.i) Provider licensure

18c.ii) Provider certification

18c.iii) Provider training or professional development

18c.iv) Other provider data

18d.i) Program provider or center

18d.ii) Program attributes

18d.iii) Program quality ratings

18e) Enrollment dosage (e.g., amount of time in program)

18f) Health data (e.g., birth weight, hearing screening results)

19) Is there a comprehensive data dictionary for early childhood data elements that contains metadata such as definition, option sets, type, and field length? (If no, skip to Question 46)

19a) Is the data dictionary published publicly?

19a.i) If so, please provide the data dictionary website address:      

19b) Are early childhood data elements aligned to the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)?

20) How are early childhood data from the SLDS used?

20a.i) Reports for governor or state legislature

20a.ii) Reports state boards or agencies

20a.iii) Reports on statewide research or policy agenda and strategic plans

20a.iv) Reports for state legislative, policy, or regulatory requirements

20b.i) Federal EDFacts reports

20b.ii) Federal OSEP/Special education (Non-EDFacts) reports

20b.iii) Other federal reports

20c) Instructional support (e.g. dashboards for teachers)

20d) Curriculum decisions

20e) Data skills and use training



Not Planned


In Progress


20f) Early warning systems and other predictive systems

20g) Budget allocations (e.g., implementing a state funding formula)

20h) Funding decisions

20i) Program or intervention needs or placements

20j) Talent management (e.g., evaluating educator/administrator performance, supporting continuous improvement)

20k) Human resources (e.g., compliance-related hiring, placement)

20l) Cross-sector collaboration

20m) Resources for public, parents, and community members (e.g., dashboards, scorecards)

20n) Other (please explain below)

Postsecondary Data

21) Where are postsecondary data stored and managed?

21a) Single-sector SLDS

21b) P-20W+ SLDS

21c) A separate, central postsecondary data system

21d) Multiple separate postsecondary data systems or source files

22) Does the SLDS mostly link postsecondary data with K-12 student data through an automated system? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 26)

23) What types of postsecondary data are in the SLDS?

23a) In-state 4-year public institutions

23b In-state 2-year public institutions

23c) In-state tribal institutions

23d) In-state private, nonprofit institutions


Status I

Not Planned


In Progress


23e) In-state for-profit or proprietary institutions

23f) National Student Clearinghouse

23g) Out-of-state postsecondary institutions

24) How are postsecondary and K-12 student data linked?

24a) Assigned unique identifier

24b) Element match process

24c) Social Security number

24d) Other method (please explain below)

25) What types of postsecondary data are linked to K-12 student data?

25a) Demographics

25b) Course remediation

25c) Prior postsecondary institutions attended

25d) Program or major upon completion

25e) Recognized postsecondary credential

25f) Period of enrollment

25g) Progress toward completing program or degree

25h) Financial aid

26) Is there a comprehensive data dictionary for postsecondary data elements that contains metadata such as a definition, option sets, type, and field length?

(If Not Planned, skip to Question 27)

26a) Is the data dictionary published publicly?

26a.i) If so, please provide data dictionary website address:      

26b) Are postsecondary data elements aligned to the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)?



Not Planned


In Progress


27) How are postsecondary data from the SLDS used? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 23)

27a.i) Reports for governor or state legislature

27a.ii) Reports for state boards or agencies

27a.iii) Reports on statewide research or policy agenda and strategic plans

27a.iv) Reports for state legislative, policy, or regulatory requirements

27b.i Feedback reports about high schools (e.g., postsecondary enrollment, preparedness, persistence)

27b.ii Feedback reports about community college outcomes (e.g., degree attained, transfer, retention rates)

27b.iii Feedback reports about 4-year postsecondary institution outcomes (e.g., degree attained, transfer, retention rates)

27b.iv) Feedback reports about employment

27c.i) Federal Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) reports

27c.ii) Federal EDFacts reports

27c.iii) Federal Perkins CTE (Non-EDFacts) reports

27c.iv) Other federal reports (e.g., Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA))

27d) Instructional support (e.g., dashboards for professors or administrators)

27e) Curriculum decisions

27f) Data skills and use training

27g) Early warning systems and other predictive systems

27h) Policy updates or changes

27i) Funding decisions

27j) Talent management (e.g., evaluating educator or administrator performance, supporting continuous improvement)

27k) Human resources (e.g., compliance-related hiring, placement)

27l) Cross-sector collaboration

27m) Resources for public, parents, and community members (e.g., dashboards, scorecards)

27n) Other (please explain below)

Perkins CTE and Adult Education Data

28) Where are Perkins CTE data stored and managed?

Not Planned


In Progress


28a) Single-sector SLDS

28b) P-20W+ SLDS

28c) A separate, central Perkins CTE data system

28d) Multiple separate Perkins CTE data systems or source files

29) Does the SLDS mostly link Perkins CTE data with K-12 student data in the SLDS through an automated system? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 35)

30) How are Perkins CTE and K-12 student data linked?

30a) Assigned unique identifier

30b) Element match process

30c) Social Security number

30d) Another external organization



Not Planned


In Progress


30e) Other method (please explain below)

31) What types of Perkins CTE data are linked with K-12 student data?

31a) Program area or program of study

31b) Participation

31c) Placement after leaving program

31d) Certificates

32) Is there a comprehensive data dictionary for Perkins CTE data elements that contains metadata such as a definition, option sets, type, and field length? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 36)

32a) Is the data dictionary published?

32a.i) If so, please provide data dictionary website address:      

32b) Are Perkins CTE data elements aligned to the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)?

33) How are Perkins CTE data from the SLDS used? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 34)

33a.i) Reports for governor or state legislature

33a.ii) Reports for state boards or agencies

33a.iii) Reports for statewide research or policy agenda and strategic plans

33a.iv) Reports for state legislative, policy, or regulatory requirements

33b.i) Feedback reports about high schools

33b.ii) Feedback reports about postsecondary institutions

33b.iii) Feedback reports about training programs

33b.iv) Feedback reports about workforce readiness by career cluster or industry

33b.v) Feedback reports about area CTE Centers

33c.i) Federal EDFacts reports

33c.ii) Federal Perkins CTE (non-EDFacts) reports

33c.iii) Other federal reports



Not Planned


In Progress


33d) Instructional support (e.g., dashboards for teachers)

33e) Curriculum decisions

33f) Data skills and use training

33g) Budget allocations (e.g., implementing a state funding formula)

33h) Funding decisions

33i) Program or intervention needs or placements

33j) Talent management (e.g., evaluating educator or administrator performance, supporting continuous improvement)

33k) Human resources (e.g., compliance-related hiring, placement)

33l) Cross-sector collaboration

33m) Resources for public, parents, and community members (e.g., dashboards, scoreboards)

33n) Other (please explain below)

34) From which programs are adult education participation data linked with K-12 student data?

34a) Adult Basic Education (ABE)

34b) Adult Secondary Education (ASE)

34c) English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

34d) Workforce training programs

34e) Certificate programs

Workforce Data (Employment/Wage and Unemployment Data)



Not Planned


In Progress


35) Where are workforce data stored and managed?

35a) Single-sector SLDS

35b) P-20W+ SLDS

35c) A separate, central workforce data system

35d) Multiple separate workforce data systems or source files

36) Does the SLDS mostly link workforce data with K-12 data through an automated system? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 37)

37a) How are workforce data linked with K-12 student data?

37a.i) Assigned unique identifier

37a.ii) Element match process

37a.iii) Social Security number

37a.iv) Another external organization (e.g., DMV)

37a.v) Other method (please explain below)

38) What types of workforce data are linked with K-12 student data?

38a) Occupation code

38b) Current earnings

38c) Historical earnings

38d) Employer ID

38e) Employer county

38f) Unemployment insurance

38g) Unemployment compensation

38h) Workforce Investment Act Standardized

Record Data

38i) Wagner-Peyser

38j) Trade Adjustment Assistance



Not Planned


In Progress


39) Does the SLDS mostly link workforce data with postsecondary data through an automated system? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 40)

40) How are workforce data linked with postsecondary data?

40a) Assigned unique identifier

40b) Element match process

40c) Social Security number

40d) Another external organization

40e) Other method (please explain below)

41) What types of workforce data are linked with postsecondary data?

41a) Occupation code

41b) Current earnings

41c) Historical earnings

41d) Employer ID

41e) Employer county

41f) Unemployment insurance

41g) Unemployment compensation

41h) Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data

41i) Wagner-Peyser

41j) Trade Adjustment Assistance

42) Does the SLDS mostly link workforce data with adult education and career and technical education (Perkins CTE) data through an automated system? (If Not planned, skip to Question 43)

43) How are workforce data linked with adult education and Perkins CTE data?

43a) Assigned unique identifier



Not Planned


In Progress


43b) Element match process

43c) Social Security number

43d) Another external organization

43e) Other method (please explain below)

44) Is there a comprehensive data dictionary

for workforce data elements that contains metadata such as a definition, option sets, type, and field length?

(If Not Planned, skip to Question 45)

44a) Is the data dictionary published publicly?

44a.i) If so, please provide data dictionary website address:      

44b) Are workforce data elements aligned to the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)?

45) How are workforce data from the SLDS used? (If Not Planned, skip to Question 46)

45a.i) Reports for governor or state legislature

45a.ii) Reports for state boards or agencies

45a.iii) Reports on statewide research or policy agenda and strategic plans

45a.iv) Reports for state legislative, policy, or regulatory requirements

45b.i) Feedback reports about district employment outcomes

45b.ii) Feedback reports about regional employment outcomes

45b.iii) Feedback reports about adult education program employment outcomes

45b.iv) Feedback reports about community college transfers and employment outcomes

45b.v) Feedback reports about 4-year postsecondary institution transfers and employment outcomes Feedback reports about Perkins CTE program employment outcomes



Not Planned


In Progress


45b.vii) Workforce/industry supply and demand

45c) Federal reports (e.g., WIOA)

45d) Curriculum decisions

45e) Data skills and use training

45f) Funding decisions

45g) Cross-sector collaboration

45h) Resources for public, parents, and community members (e.g., dashboards, scorecards)

45i) Other (please explain below)


46) In what ways do student-level data move between data systems through replicable, automated processes?

46a) Across local education agencies (LEAs) in the state through a student records exchange (SRE or SREx)

46b) From LEAs to the state education agency (SEA) through an SRE or SREx

46c) From K-12 to in-state postsecondary institutions through e-transcripts (including electronic PDFs)

46d) To other SEAs through an SRE or SREx

46e) To out-of-state postsecondary institutions through e-transcripts

46f) Interstate (e.g., through SEED, SWIS, or data-sharing agreements between states)

46g) Other (please explain below)



Not Planned


In Progress


47) (NEW ITEM) Is the SLDS used to conduct cross-state data sharing with another state(s)?

47a) (NEW ITEM) Early childhood data

47b) (NEW ITEM) K-12 data

47c) (NEW ITEM) Postsecondary data

47d) (NEW ITEM) Workforce data

48) (NEW ITEM) Is the SLDS used to conduct cross-state data sharing in a multi-state collaboration?

48a) (NEW ITEM) Early childhood data

48b) (NEW ITEM) K-12 data

48c) (NEW ITEM) Postsecondary data

48d) (NEW ITEM) Workforce data






Not applicable

49) Which model best describes the P-20W+ SLDS that collects data across agencies? (Please select one.)



Less than 50%

50% - 75%



than 90%

Not applicable

50) What percentage of individuals identified as postsecondary students in the SLDS are matched to former in-state K-12 students? (Please select one.)

51) What percentage of individuals identified as employed in the state in the SLDS are matched to former in-state K-12 students? (Please select one.)

52) What percentage of individuals identified as employed in the state in the SLDS are matched to former in-state postsecondary students? (Please select one.)

Data Use and Research Capacity



Not Planned


In Progress


53) Does the SLDS produce federal and state reports in addition to those listed in previous parts of this survey? (If Not Planned, skip to question 54)

53a) Statewide assessment nonparticipation reports by type or category (e.g., opt out, absent, medical emergency)

53b) Data quality reports (e.g., timeliness of submissions or certifications, error correction rate prior to certification)

53c) SLDS Usage statistics by user role (e.g., teachers, administrators, SEA users, public)

53d) Other (please explain below)



Not Planned


In Progress


54) How does the state find out how critical stakeholders and stakeholder groups use SLDS dashboards, reports, or tools? (Critical stakeholders and stakeholder groups, sometimes referred to as user roles, are identified by and unique to each state or territory. They can range from senior state government officials to the public depending on the data sources included in the SLDS, investment in SLDS initiatives and programs, and the state's overall objectives and priorities.)

54a) Large-scale surveys

54b) Post-training evaluations

54c) Focus groups

54d) Interviews

54e) Observations

54f) Ad hoc feedback

54g) Online analytics

54h) Other (please explain below)

55) If the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) are used, how are they used?

55a) Data governance

55b) Generate

55c) Data integration

55d) Integrated Data Store

55e) Other (please explain below)

56) Can the SLDS address all of the state or territory’s current policy, research or program evaluation questions?



56a) If no, please explain.


Research Agenda

57) Does the state or territory have a research agenda? (If no, skip to Question 58)



57a) Is the research agenda published publicly?



57a.i) If so, please provide the research agenda website address:      

57b) What topics does the research agenda cover?


57c) Does the state require assistance from outside researchers to address its research priorities?



57c.i) If yes, please explain:


58) Please enter any additional comments.



Adult Education: A program providing basic education and literacy services to individuals over the age of 16 who are not currently enrolled in school and lack a high school diploma or the basic skills to function effectively in the workplace and in their daily lives.

Advanced Placement (AP): A curriculum sponsored by the College Board that offers standardized college-level courses and aligned summative assessments to high school students.

Automated system: A technological solution that requires minimal manual configuration to complete. Any system that links data in a standard, repeatable process should be considered for this response. Ad hoc data linking should not be considered for this response.

Benchmark or interim assessment: An assessment administered throughout the school year that (a) evaluates student knowledge and skills relative to a specific set of academic goals, usually within a limited period of time, and (b) is designed to give educators immediate, formative feedback on how students are performing and inform decisions at the classroom and school or district level.

Centralized data model: A data model in which all participating source systems periodically copy their data to a single, centrally located data repository where they are organized, integrated, and stored using a common data standard. Users can query the system to access the data that they have been authorized to view and use.

Common Education Data Standards (CEDS): A national collaborative effort to develop voluntary, common data standards for a key set of education data elements to streamline the exchange, comparison, and understanding of data within and across P-20W+ institutions and sectors.

Data governance: The overall management of SLDS data, including its availability, usability, integrity, quality, and security.

Data integration: The process of integrating data into an SLDS or other general education data system that provides state education agencies with more complete data and helps them improve the accuracy of federal reporting, increase the quality of and access to data within and across data systems, and make better informed policy decisions.

Demographics: Characteristics of individual students, including date of birth, gender, race/ethnicity, and disability status.

Diploma/certificate: The credential earned by a completer or graduate, including high school diploma, special education diploma, modified diploma, certificate of attendance, or GED.

Discipline: Information about student infractions of rules, including type of incident, type of disciplinary action, and duration of disciplinary action.

Early Intervention, IDEA Part C: The Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Part C of IDEA) is a federal grant program that assists states in operating a comprehensive statewide program of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities, ages birth through age 2 years, and their families.

EDFacts: A U.S. Department of Education initiative to centralize performance data supplied by K-12 state education agencies with other data assets, such as financial grant information, within the department to enable better analysis and use in policy development, planning, and management.

Federated data model: A data model in which individual source systems maintain control over their own data but agree to share some or all of this information with other participating systems upon request. System users submit queries via a shared intermediary interface that then searches the independent source systems. Data are queried from source systems, and records are matched to fulfill a data requestor’s information needs. The linked data are not stored by the system, but rather are removed once cached and delivered.

Generate: A software application that improves data quality and automates reporting for state education agencies through standardization.

Hybrid data model: A data model that combines features of the centralized and federated models. For example, hybrid models may establish and maintain data linkages through common identifiers such as Social Security number, name, date of birth, and student identifier, while data such as enrollment, attainment, and assessment information to be shared with researchers or other data recipients are kept separate.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Federal legislation that makes available a free, appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities and ensures special education and related services to those children. Infants and toddlers, birth through age 2, with disabilities and their families receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children and youth ages 3 through 21 receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.

Integrated Data Store: The CEDS Integrated Data Store (IDS) includes the complete set of CEDS elements, entities, and attributes with standard technical syntax and third-normal-form database normalization. The IDS model provides a standard framework for integrating P-20W+ data systems through a well-normalized operational data store. It can be used for transactional education data systems, to perform near real-time reporting, and as a standard staging area to load the CEDS Data Warehouse.

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): A system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Interoperability: The ability for different systems to communicate, exchange data, and use information that has been exchanged.

Kindergarten entry assessment: An assessment used to determine children's skills and abilities at the time they enter kindergarten. The assessment informs instruction and services in the early elementary grades.

Link: An established technology solution that allows for data to be brought together in a replicable and useful way.

Match process: The protocol or series of steps used to analyze all the information relating to individuals and/or entities from multiple sources of data to determine whether the same individual or entity exists in more than one database. The process may use Social Security numbers (SSN) as an example.

National Student Clearinghouse (NSC): A national repository of postsecondary enrollment data.

Occupation code: Occupational identifiers within the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system used by federal statistical agencies.

Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE): The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins CTE) provides federal support for CTE programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories. The law focuses on the academic and technical achievement of CTE students, strengthening the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improving accountability.

Prekindergarten: An early childhood education program serving students before kindergarten.

Program/major: The program or major that a student completed when they earned a degree.

Recognized postsecondary credential: A credential consisting of an industry-recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship, a license recognized by the state or by the federal government, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.

Remediation: Instructional courses designed for students deficient in the general competencies necessary for a regular postsecondary curriculum and educational setting.

Research agenda: A research plan that focuses on issues and ideas that are of greatest current interest or need. A research agenda is shaped around challenges of practice, policy, and implementation; helps orient internal staff and stakeholders toward short- and long-term goals; guides priority areas, research project selection, and reporting needs; and changes over time as interests, priorities, and needs shift, and as knowledge grows and as new research questions emerge.

School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED): A voluntary, common classification system for prior-to-secondary and secondary school courses. It can be used to compare course information, maintain longitudinal data about student coursework, and efficiently exchange coursetaking records. SCED is based on a 5-digit course code that provides a basic structure for classifying course content. Additional SCED elements and attributes provide descriptive information about each course.

Special Education, IDEA Part B Section 619: Specially designed instruction provided to preschool children ages 3-5 with disabilities as defined in IDEA.

Student records exchange (SRE or SREx): A system and process for exchanging electronic versions of students' academic records among education agencies to facilitate the registration, course placement, and provision of services when students transfer.

Summative or end-of-course assessment: An assessment given at the end of a unit of time (such as a semester or school year) to evaluate students' performance.

Trade Adjustment Assistance: A federal entitlement program that assists U.S. workers who have lost or may lose their jobs as a result of foreign trade. This program seeks to provide adversely affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to become reemployed.

Unemployment Compensation (UC): A program that provides benefits for eligible unemployed former employees.

Unemployment Insurance (UI): A program that provides unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own and meet certain other eligibility requirements.

Wagner-Peyser: The Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 established a nationwide system of public employment offices known as the Employment Service. The system provides universal access to an integrated array of labor exchange services so that workers, job seekers, and businesses can find the services that they need in one stop and frequently under one roof in easy-to-find locations.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA): The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers that they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

To provide feedback or suggestions about the SLDS Survey, please contact Kristen King (

APPENDIX E, Section 3 – Explanation of SLDS Survey Changes by Question

Please see accompanying Excel spreadsheet, “2021 SLDS Survey Edits by Question”.

1 Underlined terms are defined at the end of this document.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleLetter to Chief Academic Officer
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File Created2021-10-23

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