OMB Control No. 1076-NEW
Expires XX/XX/XXXX
This family survey is sponsored by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago and their partners Bowman Performance Consulting (Native American educational consulting firm), SRI Education, and Education Northwest.
The survey is about your satisfaction with your child’s learning last school year (2020-2021), including remote and online education.
Your voice matters. Sharing your views will help improve remote and online learning for children attending tribally controlled and BIE operated schools. Survey participation does not involve any risks other than those encountered in daily life, such as being asked a question that makes you feel uncomfortable. Responses to this survey are voluntary. You may skip any question you do not wish to answer or choose not to participate in the survey.
The information you provide will remain private. Your survey responses will be grouped with all other responses and summarized to inform Bureau of Indian Education efforts and school decisions to improve family satisfaction with any future remote or online learning. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete on average. You have the opportunity to ask questions about this project and receive answers. If you have questions, you may contact the Principal Investigator, Jennifer Hamilton at 312-201-6836 or or the Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Nicole Bowman at 715-526-9240 or
If you have questions about your rights as a project participant, you may call the NORC Institutional Review Board Manager, toll free, at 866-309-0542.
Thank you for your participation! |
Paperwork Reduction Act
Statement: We are collecting this information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) to improve family
satisfaction with any future remote or online learning. Your
response is voluntary and we will not share the results publicly. We
may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number. OMB has reviewed and approved this survey and
assigned OMB Control Number 1076-NEW, which expires XX/XX/XXXX. Estimated
Burden Statement: We estimate the survey will take you 15
minutes to
complete, including time to read instructions, gather information,
and complete and submit the survey. You may submit comments on any
aspect of this information collection to the Information Collection
Clearance Officer, Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative
Action (RACA) – Indian Affairs, 1849 C Street, NW, MS 4660,
Washington, DC 20240,
1. How many school-aged children live with you at least part of the year?
Five or more
None → You are ineligible for this survey. Please do not answer any further questions. Thank you for your participation.
2. Do you have a school-aged child (or children) who attends a tribally controlled school or a Bureau of Indian Education operated school?
No → You are ineligible for this survey. Please do not answer any further questions. Thank you for your participation.
3. Last school year, did your family have access to the Internet in your home (for example, wired or wireless connections, mobile hotspots, mobile phones)?
Yes, all school year
Yes, some months during the school year
No → SKIP to question 6
4. Last school year, how often did your home Internet connection drop or slow down so much that it was not usable?
Always |
Often |
Sometimes (3-6 times |
Rarely (1-2 times |
Hardly ever (Less than 1 time per week) |
5. How much do you agree or disagree that last school year your home Internet connection was fast enough to smoothly stream video and quickly download large files?
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
6. Aside from your home, is there another place your family members go specifically to access the Internet?
Yes, please specify: ______________________________________________________________
No → SKIP to question 8
7. How long does it take your family members to get from your home to where you typically go to access the Internet?
Less than 5 minutes
6-15 minutes
16-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
46 minutes to one hour
More than one hour
8. Please share any other information you would like regarding Internet access. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Which of the following devices does your family use at home? Select all that apply.
Desktop or laptop computer (for example, PC, Mac, Chromebook)
Tablet with no keyboard (for example, iPad, Amazon Fire)
Tablet with keyboard
Smartphone (for example, iPhone, Android)
Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________
10. Which of the following devices do you feel most comfortable using? Please select one.
Desktop or laptop computer (for example, PC, Mac, Chromebook)
Tablet with no keyboard (for example, iPad, Amazon Fire)
Tablet with keyboard
Smartphone (for example, iPhone, Android)
Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________
11. Please share any other information you would like regarding home technology use. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The rest of this survey focuses on your satisfaction with your school-aged child’s schooling during the last school year (2020-2021).
If you have more than one school-aged child (grades pre-K through 12) who lives with you at least part of the year and attends a tribally controlled school or a Bureau of Indian Education school, please choose one child whose education you know the most about and answer the survey about that child.
Please answer the rest of the survey’s questions with only this one child in mind. |
12. What grade was your child in last school year?
Kindergarten – Grade 2
Grade 3-5
Grade 6-8
Grade 9-12
13. Please write the name of the school your child attended last school year.
14. Was your child’s school a boarding school where children live on site during the school year?
Yes, and my child lived at the school.
Yes, and my child was a day student who lived at home.
These questions refer to last school year (Fall 2020 through Spring 2021). |
15. Because of COVID-19, many schools temporarily shifted from in-person learning to remote learning (online, paper materials sent home, or otherwise) or hybrid learning (a planned blend of remote and in-person learning).
During the last school year, did your child spend more time in remote-only learning or hybrid learning?
Remote-only learning
Hybrid learning (a planned blend of remote and in-person learning)
Not applicable—my child only attended school in-person last school year → SKIP to question 35
The next set of questions relate to the remote/hybrid learning experience in which your child spent the most time. |
16. Thinking of your child’s remote/hybrid learning experience last school year, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following?
Very dissatisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Very satisfied |
The education provided to your student |
The amount your child learned |
The amount of time your child spent on learning activities |
Your child’s interest and engagement in learning activities |
The ease of use of your child’s school-provided remote learning tools |
Communication with your child’s teacher(s) |
Communication with people at the school other than your child’s teacher(s) |
Getting the support you needed from your child’s teacher(s) |
Getting the support you needed from people at the school other than your child’s teacher(s) |
17. Thinking of your child’s remote/hybrid learning experience last school year, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following (if applicable)?
Very dissatisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Very satisfied |
Not applicable |
My child’s access to a school counselor, psychologist, or social worker if needed |
My child’s access to nutritional services provided by the school if needed |
18. Compared with their pre-pandemic school experience, during last school year’s remote/hybrid learning…
Much less |
Somewhat less |
About the same |
Somewhat more |
Much more |
…how much did your child learn? |
…how much time did your child spend on learning activities? |
…how interested and engaged was your child in learning activities? |
19. What supplies did the school provide for remote learning, if any? Select all that apply.
Mobile hotspot providing Internet access via cellular network
Internet access via broadband (for example, satellite, cable, fiberoptic)
Laptop, Chromebook, or desktop computer
Tablet or iPad
Cell phone or another cellular device
Paper workbooks
Packets of materials
Other books (for example, library books)
School supplies like whiteboards, markers, pencils, and erasers
Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________
20. During your child’s remote/hybrid learning last school year, how much of a challenge were each of the following?
A major challenge |
A moderate challenge |
A slight challenge |
Not a challenge |
Having someone at home who can help your child understand schoolwork |
Having your child stick to a daily schedule |
Balancing time to support your child’s schoolwork with your other responsibilities |
Helping your child stay focused on their schoolwork |
Making sure your child attends school |
Making sure your child completes and turns in their schoolwork |
21. Please describe any challenges your child faced during remote learning that are not specific to online schooling. _____________________________________________________________________________________
22. What types of remote learning did your child experience last school year? Select all that apply.
Online schooling
Printed materials sent home (for example, workbooks, packets, textbooks)
Instruction via a scheduled television or radio program
Other, please specify: ____________________________________________________________
23. What types of online schooling did your child experience last school year? Select all that apply.
Live online school with their teacher (for example, live video or audio)
Online school at their own pace (for example, online written materials, pre-recorded video or audio)
Not applicable. My child did not participate in online schooling → SKIP to question 35
These questions refer to last school year (Fall 2020 through Spring 2021). |
24. During your child’s online schooling last school year, how satisfied were you with the following?
Very dissatisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Very satisfied |
Your child’s online learning platforms (for example, Google classroom) |
Learning apps (for example, programs to help teach math, reading, science, social studies, languages, or the arts) |
The availability of technical support from the school |
25. During your child’s online schooling last school year, how satisfied were you with the following (if applicable)?
Very dissatisfied |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Somewhat satisfied |
Very satisfied |
Not applicable |
Live online instruction your child received from their teacher (for example, live video or audio) |
Self-paced instructional materials (for example, online written materials, pre-recorded video or audio) |
Use of technology by your child’s teacher(s) |
The availability of alternative materials when technology was not available (for example, hard copies of materials) |
26. During your child’s online schooling last school year, how much of a challenge were the following?
A major challenge |
A moderate challenge |
A slight challenge |
Not a challenge |
Having Internet that was fast and stable enough for online schooling |
Having someone at home who could help your child with technical issues |
Having a reliable and functional device (for example, a laptop) for your child to use for online learning |
Your costs associated with online learning (for example, purchasing devices or Internet) |
The amount of time needed to learn to use educational technologies |
27. What other challenges, if any, did you or your child face with respect to online school?
28. What were the biggest benefits, if any, of online schooling for you and your child?
29. Online learning technology includes both devices and the software platforms and programs accessed on devices (for example, video conferencing tools, learning apps, Google docs). How difficult or easy is was it for your child to use online learning technology last school year?
Very difficult |
Somewhat difficult |
Neither easy nor difficult |
Somewhat easy |
Very easy |
30. Last year, did your child’s online learning platform…
Yes |
No |
I don’t know |
Present written information in the primary language you speak at home |
Provide you with automatic updates on your child’s learning progress |
Help you communicate with your child’s teacher(s) |
Let you see your child’s assignments |
Let you see your child’s attendance, participation, and grades |
Provide you with trainings to support your child’s learning |
Provide your child with additional academic support if needed |
Promote communication between your child and other students |
31. Which of the following was the device your child used for online school MOST OFTEN during the last school year (2020-2021)?
Desktop or laptop computer (for example, PC, Mac, Chromebook)
Tablet with no keyboard (for example, iPad, Amazon Fire)
Tablet with keyboard
Smartphone (for example, iPhone, Android)
Other, please specify: _________________________________________________________
32. How often was your child able to access the technology needed to complete their online schoolwork?
33. When your child had a problem with the device they used for online learning at home, how quickly was it resolved?
Same day
In 2-3 days
In 4-6 days
After 1 week or more
Not applicable
34. Please share any other information you would like regarding your satisfaction with online schooling or remote learning. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
35. How does your child identify with respect to gender?
Gender non-binary
Prefer not to say
36. What is the primary language you speak at home?
Indigenous or American Indian language, please specify: ________________________________
Both English and Indigenous/American Indian language, please specify: ____________________
Other language(s), please specify: __________________________________________________
37. Last school year, did your child participate in any of the following activities at school? Select all that apply.
Indigenous or American Indian language learning
Learning about Indigenous or American Indian culture
Sports or athletics
Music or performing arts
Other clubs or activities, please specify: ______________________________________________
38. Last school year, did your child receive special education via an IEP (Individualized Education Plan)?
No → SKIP to question 41
Prefer not to answer → SKIP to question 41
39. Did the lessons and activities that your child received last school year help them reach their IEP goals?
Not at all
40. Please share any other information related to remote or online learning and delivery of the special education services your child receives through school.
41. Last school year, did your child receive any of the following special services through school? Select all that apply.
Gifted and talented services
English Language Learner (ELL) services
Mental health services
Other, please specify: ______________________
No services received
Prefer not to answer
Survey complete. Thank you for your participation! |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Appel, Elizabeth K |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-06-28 |