center director survey
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Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX
Study of Coaching Practices in Early Care and Education Settings
Director Survey
Fall 2018
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The referenced collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is XXXX-XXXX which expires XX/XX/20XX. The time required to complete this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the collection of information. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: Mathematica Policy Research, 1100 1st Street, NE, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, Attention: Emily Moiduddin. |
This survey is part of the Study of Coaching Practices in Early Care and Education Settings (SCOPE), a study being conducted for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) by Mathematica Policy Research.
responding to questions in this survey, please think only about
coaching provided directly to teaching staff in one-on-one or
teaching team settings, and not
about any coaching that happens at the center level.
If you prefer to complete this survey by telephone, please call [STUDY TOLL FREE NUMBER]. If you have any questions about the study or your participation, please email us at [STUDY EMAIL]
We would like you to know that:
The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete. All eligible study participants who complete this survey will receive $20 as a thank you.
Your answers will be private; no information that identifies you will be reported. Mathematica Policy Research will not associate responses with any of the individuals or centers who participate. We will not provide information that identifies you or your center to anyone outside the study team, except as required by law. Your responses will be used only for statistical purposes.
This survey is voluntary, but your response is critical for producing valid and reliable data. You may skip any questions you do not wish to answer; however, we hope that you answer as many questions as you can. Participation in the study will not impose any risks to you as a respondent. If you have any questions about your rights as a research volunteer, contact Timothy Bruursema at (202) 484-3097.
I have read and I understand the above statements and agree to participate in the survey. |
If you would like a copy of this disclosure statement, please email us at or by phone at (202) 484-3097.
Thank you very much for your participation in this survey!
SC. Screener
First, we have a question about coaching in your center.
Are teachers of preschool-aged children in your center still receiving coaching from: |
[IF SC1a, SC1b, SC1c, AND SC1d = 0, respondent will be routed out of the survey.]
A. Center Funding and Enrollment
Next, we have some questions about your center funding and enrollment.
How many years has [CENTER NAME] been in existence? Please round your response to the nearest whole year. If this is your center’s first year in existence, please enter 1. |
Source: Adapted from LA Advance Administrative Survey
Does your center serve any children or families who speak a language other than English at home? |
Yes |
No |
Source: LA Advance Administrative Survey
[IF A2 = 1] Approximately what percentage of children in your center speak a language other than English at home? |
0 percent |
1-24 percent |
25-49 percent |
50-74 percent |
75-100 percent |
Source: Adapted from LA Advance Administrative Survey
The next question is about sources of revenue for your center. Please indicate if you receive funding or payment from any of the following sources. |
Source: Newly developed item with response options adapted from National Survey of Early Care and Education Center-Based Provider Questionnaire
Is your center: SELECT ONE ONLY |
A for-profit organization? |
A not for profit organization? |
Run by a government agency? |
Other (specify) |
Source: Newly developed item
[IF A4 = 1 or 2]: Is your center: SELECT ONE ONLY |
Independently owned and operated? |
A franchise? |
Part of a chain? |
Don’t know |
Source: Adapted from NSECE Center-Based Provider Questionnaire
B. Curriculum, Accreditation and QRIS Participation
The next questions ask about your center’s use of curriculum and assessment tools. We also ask about your center’s accreditation and participation in a Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS).
Is a specific curriculum or combination of curricula used with preschool-aged children in your center? SELECT ONE ONLY |
Yes, specific curriculum |
Yes, combination |
No curriculum |
Don’t know |
Source: Adapted from FACES 2017 Teacher Core Web Survey
[IF B1a =1 or 2] What is the main curriculum you use with preschool-age children?
select ONE ONLY
11 Creative
12 High/Scope
13 High
14 Let’s
Begin with the Letter People
15 Montessori
16 Bank
17 Creating
Child Centered Classrooms- Step by Step
18 Scholastic
19 Locally
Designed Curriculum
20 Curiosity
99 Something
else (please specify)
23 Use
more than one equally
d Don’t
Source: FACES Center Director Survey
Is a specific assessment tool or combination of assessment tools used with preschool-aged children in your center? SELECT ONE ONLY |
Yes, specific assessment tool |
Yes, combination |
No assessment tool |
Don’t know |
Source: Adapted from FACES 2017 Teacher Core Web Survey
What is the main child assessment tool you use with preschool-aged children?
select ONE ONLY
Strategies GOLD assessment (formerly known as The Creative
Curriculum Developmental Continuum Assessment Toolkit for ages 3-5)
12 High/Scope
Child Observation Record (COR)
13 Galileo
14 Ages
and Stages Questionnaires: A Parent Completed, Child-Monitoring
15 Desired
Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)
16 Work
Sampling System for Head Start
17 Learning
Accomplishment Profile Screening (LAP including E-LAP, LAP-R and
18 Hawaii
Early Learning Profile (HELP)
19 Brigance
Preschool Screen for three and four year old children
20 Assessment
designed for this center or program
99 Something
else (please specify)
21 Use
more than one equally
d Don’t
Source: FACES Teacher Survey
Is your center accredited by any of the following: |
SELECT one or more (respondents selecting options 5 or 6 may not select other options)
My center has started the accreditation process, but the accreditation process is not yet done |
My center is not accredited by any accrediting body |
Source: Newly developed item
Does your organization participate in [your state or locality's Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)]? SELECT ONE ONLY |
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
Source: National Survey of Early Care and Education Center-Based Provider Questionnaire
[IF B4 = 1] What is your organization’s QRIS rating? |
My center is not yet rated |
Source: Newly developed item
C. Recruitment, Staffing, and Participation in Coaching
Next we have some questions about recruitment, staffing, and who provides and receives services in your center.
In the first column, please tell us the number of lead teachers who are currently working with preschool-aged children at this center. In the second column, please tell us the number of lead teachers of preschool-aged children who have left this center in the past 12 months. (Hover text: In your center, you might refer to the lead teachers in the classroom as lead, head, or main teachers, or you may simply call them teachers. Please include all of these staff in your count of lead teachers. Please do NOT include assistant teachers or aides in your count.) |
C1a. Lead teachers |
Source: Newly developed item
Please tell us how many lead teachers who work with preschool-aged children in your center have the following education levels. Record the highest level for each teacher – for example if a teacher has both an Associate’s and a Bachelor’s degree, count them under Bachelor’s degree. |
C2a. No high school diploma / No GED |
C2b. High school diploma / GED / Equivalent |
C2c. Some college (no degree) |
C2d. Associate’s degree |
C2e. Bachelor’s degree |
C2f. Master’s degree |
C2g. Doctoral degree |
C2h. Don’t know degree for teachers |
Source: Adapted from LA Advance Administrative Survey
Please tell us how many lead teachers who work with preschool-aged children in your center have the following years of experience teaching preschool. |
C3a. Less than 1 year |
C3b. 1 to 2.5 years |
C3c. 2.5 to 5 years |
C3d. 5 to 10 years |
C3e. 10+ years |
C3f. Don’t know years of experience for teachers |
Source: Newly developed item
Please tell us how many lead teachers who work with preschool-aged children in your center have a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, state-awarded preschool certificate, or teaching certificate or license. |
C4a. Child Development Associate (CDA) |
C4b. State-awarded preschool certificate |
C4c. Teaching certificate or license |
Source: Newly developed item
What is the total number of assistant teachers currently working with preschool-aged children in your center? |
Source: Newly developed item
Our next questions are about the coaches and coaching that takes place in your center. As a reminder, when we refer to coaches in this survey, we mean individuals who meet regularly with teachers one-on-one or with their teaching team to provide feedback and guidance to help them improve their teaching. Coaches may be referred to by other names or titles, such as mentors, mentor-coaches, or consultants. In this survey, we want to learn about coaching that aims to help teachers improve their teaching practice.
How many of the lead and assistant teachers currently working with preschool-aged children in your center have received coaching to help them improve their teaching practices in the past 12 months? |
Source: Newly developed item
IF only one row in SC1 = yes, GO TO C7. DISPLAY BANNER HERE THROUGH C10: Please focus on coaching provided by [FILL row from SC1 that = yes].
IF more than one row in SC1 = yes, go to C6b. DISPLAY BANNER HERE THROUGH C10: [Please focus on the coaching you consider primary./Please focus on FILL COACHING TYPE FROM SCREENER.]
[If more than one row in SC1 = yes] How many of the lead and assistant teachers currently working with preschool-aged children in your center have received coaching in the past 12 months? |
Source: Newly developed item
Next, we would like to learn more about the staff in your program who are involved in supporting teachers who work in classrooms that serve preschool-age children and who are involved in the coaching those teachers receive (for example, by making decisions about coaching or supervising coaches). For the next several questions, please think only about the staff that support teachers who are providing services to preschool-age children.
Does your center (or larger organization or franchise your center is part of) have the following staff positions that support teachers of preschool-age children? |
Source: Newly developed item
Who is involved in making decisions about hiring, selecting, or approving who provides coaching to teachers of preschool-age children in your center? [For c and d, display only if corresponding response in C7 = 1.] (Hover text on c and d: This person may be employed by your center or by the larger organization or franchise your center is part of.) |
Source: Newly developed item
Does anyone supervise the coaches who work with teachers of preschool-age children in your center? This could be someone from your center, or someone from outside your center. SELECT ONE ONLY |
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
New item
[IF C9a = 1] Who supervises the coaches who work with teachers of preschool-age children in your center? [For c and d, display only if corresponding response in C7 = 1.] (Hover text on c and d: This person may be employed by your center or by the larger organization or franchise your center is part of.) |
Newly developed item
Do any of these types of staff monitor the progress of individual teachers in the areas they are working on in coaching? [For c and d, display only if corresponding response in C7 = 1.] (Hover text on c and d: This person may be employed by your center or by the larger organization or franchise your center is part of.) |
Source: Newly developed item
Support for Coaching
The next questions ask about supports for coaching and professional development for staff in your center. As a reminder, when we refer to coaching or coaches in this survey, we mean individuals who meet regularly with teachers one-on-one or with their teaching team to provide feedback and guidance to help them improve their teaching.
DISPLAY BANNER HERE FOR EACH ITEM IN SECTION D: [Please focus on the coaching for teachers of preschool aged children that is focused on improving their classroom practice. If more than one, please pick the one you consider primary. Please focus on FILL COACHING TYPE FROM SCREENER.]
Do coaches receive an overview of the center’s organization and approach for providing services to children? SELECT ONE OR MORE [will be programmed so If RESPONDENT selects “no” or “don’t know,” may not select other responses] |
Yes, coaches receive an overview in an initial meeting or informal training with you or someone else in a management or supervisory role |
Yes, coaches receive a formal training from someone on the center or larger organization or franchise’s staff |
Yes, coaches receive written information |
No, coaches do not receive an overview |
Don’t know |
Source: Newly developed item
Does your center provide information or guidance on the following topics to coaches? |
a. |
Overall center structure and organization |
b. |
Overall goals for coaching |
c. |
Preferences for goals for individual teachers |
d. |
Staff roles and training needs in this center |
e. |
Center approach to providing services to children and families |
f. |
Curriculum and/or assessment tools used in the center |
g. |
Coaching structure and logistics (for example, how frequently or when to meet with staff) |
h. |
Coaching strategies to use (for example, observation, modeling, providing feedback, setting goals) |
i. |
How to coach in specific content area domains (for example, literacy development) |
j. |
Building relationships with teachers |
k. |
Building relationships with ECE program management |
l. |
Adult learning strategies |
m. |
Other (specify) |
Source: Newly developed item
Next, we have a few questions about supervision the coaches receive. If you are the supervisor for the coaches in your center, please think of yourself when answering the following questions.
[IF C9a = 1 and the director is not also the coach] How often do coaches in your center meet with their supervisors? NOTE: If we are asking the director to focus on coaching they provide, the banner for this section will be filled such that it will read Please focus on coaching you provide directly yourself. The same information from the screener that informs that fill (“coaching you provide directly yourself”) will be used to tell the survey program which questions a director should receive, and which question wording (see following items). SELECT ONE ONLY |
Less than one time per month |
One time per month |
Every other week, or two times per month |
Weekly |
Multiple times per week |
Coaches in my center do not meet with their supervisors |
Don’t know |
Source: Adapted from ELMC Grantee Survey
[Wording if director is not the coach/wording if director is the coach]: [Do you or the coaches’ supervisors ever conduct observations of coaches’ interactions with teachers in your center?/ Does your supervisor (or someone else in a managerial role for your program) ever conduct observations of your interactions with teachers in your center in your role as a coach?] SELECT ONE OR MORE [will be programmed so If RESPONDENT selects “no,” :I do not have a supervisor,” or “don’t know,” they may not select other responses] |
Yes, in-person observations are conducted |
Yes, video observations are conducted |
No |
[If director is coach]: I do not have a supervisor |
Don’t know |
Source: Adapted from ELMC Grantee Survey
IF D4 = 1 or 2: [Wording if director is not the coach/wording if director is the coach]: [About how often do you and/or the coaches’ supervisors observe coaches’ interactions with teachers?/About how often does your supervisor (or someone else in a managerial role for your program) observe your interactions with teachers in your center in your role as a coach?] select ONE ONLY |
More than once a week |
Once a week |
Once a month |
Every other month |
Twice a year |
Once a year |
Don’t know |
Source: Newly developed item
What factors influence the focus of a teacher’s coaching goal(s)?
1 Overall
program goals
2 The
curriculum being used in the teacher’s classroom
3 Information
from classroom observations
4 Child
assessment information
5 Performance
reviews or evaluations of teachers
6 Factors
external to the center, like QRIS or accreditation requirements
d Don’t
Source: Newly developed item
[Wording if director is not the coach/wording if director is the coach]: [Do you or the coaches’ supervisor direct coaches about the topics they should work on with teachers in your center?/ Does your supervisor (or someone else in a managerial role for your program) direct you on the topics to work on with teachers?] |
Yes |
No GO TO D9 |
Don’t know
Source: Newly developed item
[IF D7=1]:
[Wording if director is not the coach/wording if director is the coach and center is part of a larger organization/wording if director is coach and center is not part of a larger organization]: [Which of the following topics have you directed coaches to work on with your teachers?/ What topics have you been directed to work on with teachers?/What topics do you need to work on with teachers?]
1 Developmentally
appropriate practice
2 Child
development and learning
3 Culture,
diversity and equity
4 Relationships,
interactions, or behavior management/guidance
5 Teacher-child
interactions (individual or small group)
6 Family
7 Community
8 Dual-language
development and learning
9 Observation,
screening, assessment, or documentation
10 Special
needs and inclusion
11 Learning
12 Curriculum
13 Teaching
content areas (e.g., math, science, literacy)
14 Health,
safety, and nutrition
99 Other
(please specify)
Source: Adapted from LA Advance Administrative Survey
[Wording if director is not the coach/wording if director is the coach]: [Do you or someone else in a management or supervisory role do the following with coaches?/ Does your supervisor (or someone else in a managerial role in your program) do the following with you?] Please provide a response for each activity listed. NOTE: Instrument will show only a single yes option if there is only one coach in the center using the selected approach, or if the director is the coach.
Source: New item
Is coaching ongoing for most teachers in your center? Or is there a set time limit for the coaching or a limit on the amount of coaching each teacher receives? SELECT ONE ONLY |
Coaching is ongoing for most teachers (there is no preset limit) |
Coaching ends when the focus of the coaching ends (for example, the goal that was set is met or the performance issue identified is addressed) |
Teachers typically receive coaching for a set number of sessions or a set period of time |
Other (specify)
Source: Newly developed item
Typically, how long do teachers in your center receive coaching? SELECT ONE ONLY |
Less than 6 months |
6 months to 1 year |
1 to 1 1/2 years |
1 1/2 to 2 years |
2 years or more |
Source: Newly developed item
E. Supports for Coaching and Professional Development
DISPLAY BANNER HERE FOR EACH ITEM IN SECTION E: [Please focus on the coaching for teachers of preschool aged children that is focused on improving their classroom practice. If more than one, please pick the one you consider primary./Please focus on FILL COACHING TYPE FROM SCREENER.]
Teachers can receive coaching for a lot of different reasons. From the following list, please select the main reasons teachers of preschool-age children in your center received coaching during the last 12 months. |
Source: Newly developed item
What information is used to determine which teaching staff in your center will receive coaching?
1 All
teachers receive coaching
2 Classroom
3 Regular
performance reviews or evaluations
4 Number
of years of experience
5 Directly
ask the staff if they need or want coaching/teachers volunteer
6 Child
assessment data for classrooms
8 Direct
assessment of teachers’ needs
99 Other
(please specify)
Source: Adapted from FACES 2014 Program Director Survey
IF E2 does not only = “All teachers receive coaching”: Who is involved in deciding which teaching staff will receive coaching?
1 Center
director (I am)
2 Education
or child development coordinator or manager in my organization
3 Specialists
or other types of managers in my organization
4 If
part of a larger organization based on screener/A5: Program
director or administrator of a larger organization or franchise my
center is part of
5 The
6 Center
policy decides who will receive coaching
Source: Newly developed item
If selected for coaching, are teachers required to participate?
1 Yes, all teachers selected for coaching are required to participate
2 Yes, some (but not all) teachers selected for coaching are required to participate
0 No, teachers are never required to participate in coaching (they can opt out)
Source: Newly developed item
Do some teachers receive more intensive coaching than others?
1 Yes
0 No,
all teachers receive the same intensity of coaching
Source: Newly developed item
IF E5 = 1: What makes coaching more intensive?
1 Coaching
meetings are longer
2 Coaching
meetings are more frequent
Coaching is planned to take place over a longer period of time
(e.g., more months)
4 Teacher
progress is assessed more frequently
5 There
is more director or administrator involvement in monitoring coaching
6 Teachers
are asked to do more work between coaching sessions
7 Coaching
is done individually with teachers
99 Other
Source: Newly developed item
IF E5 = 1: Why do some teachers receive more intensive coaching?
1 Center
management determines intensity of coaching
2 Teacher
requests more intensive coaching
3 Coach
recommends more intensive coaching
4 Assessment
identifies teacher level of need
5 Teacher
is new to the center
99 Other
Source: Newly developed item
How often do coaches in your center coach teaching teams together (such as a teacher with an assistant teacher)?
1 Always
2 Frequently
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
Source: Adapted from ELMC Coach Survey
Thinking about the coaching currently happening in your center, please tell me whether you strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, or strongly agree with the following statements. |
New item
In the past 12 months, has the center used any formal observation measures to inform the coach and your program about a teacher’s strengths and needs? Please select all measures that have been used in your center in the past year for these purposes.
1 Early
Childhood Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R)
2 Early
Childhood Rating Scale, Third Edition (ECERS-3)
3 Infant/Toddler
Environmental Rating Scale-Revised (ITERS-R)
4 Classroom
Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)
5 Observational
Record of the Caregiving Environment
6 Preschool
Program Quality Assessment
7 Assessment
Profile for Early Childhood Programs
8 Emerging
Academics Snapshot
99 Other
(please specify)
9 None
of these tools have been used for coaching purposes
Source: Newly developed item
Are the following types of data available to you or other management or supervisory staff?
1 Data
from classroom observations conducted by coaches
2 Data
from classroom observations related to monitoring program or teacher
performance conducted by someone else (not the coach)
3 Child
assessment data
4 Number
of completed coaching sessions
5 Coach
assessments of teachers
6 Coach
logs on activities and action steps for particular teachers
7 Coach
logs on teacher progress
8 Teacher
evaluations of coaching
9 Coach
reports of teacher engagement in coaching
99 Other
(please specify)
9 None
of these types of data are available
Newly developed item
How often do you or someone in a management or supervisory role review the following types of data with coaches? [DISPLAY ONLY THOSE SELECTED IN E10] |
Source: Newly developed item
F. Challenges and Supports for Coaching and Professional Development
Do teaching staff in your center receive coaching from the same person/people responsible for supervising them?
1 Yes,
all teachers are coached by their own supervisor
2 Yes,
some of the teachers are coached by their own supervisor
0 No,
none of the teachers are coached by their own supervisor
Source: Adapted from FACES 2014 Program Director Survey, Spring 2017
IF F1 = 1 or 2: In your center, what are some reasons supervisory staff coach the teachers they supervise?
SELECT one or more
1 Supervisors
know teachers and their needs best
2 This
is the only way we can afford to provide coaching
3 Supervisors
in my center wanted to provide coaching
4 There
is no one else on the center/program staff who is able to provide
5 In
my local area there are no or too few outside consultants,
contractors, or organizations who can provide coaching
6 Teachers
prefer to have their supervisor coach them
99 Other
d Don’t
Source: Newly developed item
IF C8a=1: When your center needs a coach, how challenging is it to find someone qualified for that role?
select ONE ONLY
Never challenging |
Occasionally challenging |
Often challenging |
Always challenging |
Source: Newly developed item
[IF C9b_a=1] Have you ever been formally trained on how to supervise coaches? SELECT ONE OR MORE (May not select other options if “No” is checked) |
No |
Yes, a full, multi-session course or class |
Yes, a professional development training or workshop |
Yes, by a supervisor or coach |
Other (specify) |
Source: Newly developed item
[IF C9b_a=1] Have you ever been formally trained on adult learning strategies? |
Yes |
No |
Source: Newly developed item
[IF C9b_a=1] Have you ever worked in any of the following roles? select one or more [if respondent selects option 6, no other responses may be selected] |
Source: Newly developed item
In the past 12 months, to what extent were any of the following factors a challenge to coaching? |
Source: Adapted from ELMC Coach Survey
Has your center consistently encountered the following challenges during the past 12 months? In other words, are these challenges something you have to deal with on a regular basis? Please check all that apply. |
Source: Adapted from Head Start CARES End-of-Year Reflections
Thank you for your participation in this survey. Please provide the mailing address to where we should send your $20 thank-you gift card. You will receive it in about 2 weeks. |
First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address Line 1:
Street Address Line 2:
Zip Code:
Thank you for completing the SCOPE Director Survey!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mathematica Policy Research |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-04-27 |