CSP Data Collection Form - State Entity (SE) Grantees

Expanding Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Program: Technical Assistance to Support Monitoring, Evaluation, Data Collection, and Dissemination of Best Practices

1855-0016_CSPDataCollectionForm _SE_FY20 Grants copy.xlsx

OMB: 1855-0016

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Instruction Sheet
Part A-CSP Grant Award
Part B-CSP Subgrant Awards
Summary Sheet

Sheet 1: Instruction Sheet

Charter Schools Program (CSP)
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
U.S. Department of Education
CSP Data Collection Form - State Entity (SE) Grantees
Purpose of Data Collection: The new data collection will collect CSP grant award information from SE grantees to create a new database of subgrant award data. The CSP Data Collection Form will allow the U.S Department of Education (ED) to monitor CSP grant performance and analyze data related to accountability for academic performance and financial integrity. The data collection will assist in carrying out the purpose of the Charter Schools Program which is to expand the number of high quality charter schools and increase the national understanding of the charter school model.

The CSP Data Collection Form has two parts:

Part A asks for CSP SE grantee award information. The state name, the state contact person, and the contact person's title has already been entered in the form. If this information is incorrect, please contact the data collection administrators (see "Contact Information" below). In the gray boxes, please enter the number of new CSP subgrantees that receive CSP funds for each Federal Fiscal Year. The Total Number of Current Active Subgrants in Part A should match the number of subgrant awards in Part B.

Part B asks for CSP subgrant award information. In all, grantees will provide the following information for each active subgrant within the State's project period: 1) the name and contact information for the charter school and LEA; 2) the charter school's management organization (CMO, EMO or freestanding); 3) the authorized public chartering agency; 4) the total amount of funding an applicant received to start a charter school, along with the beginning and end date of the grant project period and budget periods; and 5) other charter school information (e.g., enrollment) as needed.
Form Submission: The completed CSP Data Collection Form should be sent to CSPdatacollection@wested.org. In the subject heading please include "CSP Data Collection" followed by your state name. Please be sure to save a copy of the completed form for your own records.
Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the completion of the CSP Data Collection Form, please contact WestEd. You can email us at CSPdatacollection@Wested.org, or call toll-free 866-902-4887.
Paperwork Burden Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1855-0016. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average two hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit in accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR 75.253. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact the Charter Schools Program c/o Nicoisa Jones, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202, Nicoisa.Jones@ed.gov directly.
OMB Number: 1855-0016 Approval Expires 7/31/2021

Sheet 2: Part A-CSP Grant Award

Data Collection Form: Part A: SE CSP Grant Award Information

State Contact Person:

Title of Contact Person:

PR/Award #: S282A20XXXX

Project Period Begin Date: 10/1/2020

Project Period End Date: 9/30/2025

Total Award Amount Obligated: $0

The award amount includes the total amount obligated to your state from each Budget Period, including the original obligated amount and additional supplemental, frontloading and continutation obligation amounts. See the breakdown of funds across years below.

In the gray boxes below, please list the number of new subgrants funded from your CSP grant in each Budget Period. The total should equal the number of subgrants funded across your entire grant. On the following worksheet, you will provide award information for each of these subgrantees.
Number of new subgrant awards per Budget Period
Budget Period 1 - FY 2020 (10/1/20-9/30/21) $0 $0

Total Number of Subgrants: => 0
Comments? If any of the above information is incorrect, or if you need to provide any additional information regarding your CSP grant, please use the box below. You may also direct comments to us at CSPdatacollection@Wested.org, or call toll-free 866-902-4887.

Please turn to Part B to provide data for each subgrant

OMB Number: 1855-0016 Approval Expires 7/31/2021 (Version 4/2021)

Sheet 3: Part B-CSP Subgrant Awards

Data Collection Form: Part B: SE CSP Subgrant Award Information

1) Charter School Contact Information. For each active subgrant, please identify: 1) the name and contact information for the charter school; and 2) the LEA/District information, including whether or not the school acts as its own LEA.

2) Charter School Management. Please indicate if the charter school is operated by a non-profit Charter Management Organization (CMO), a for-profit Education Management Organization (EMO), or is "freestanding" (operated by neither). If operated by a CMO or EMO, please provide the name and contact information. 3) Authorized Public Chartering Agency. Please identify the charter authorizer by type and name. 4) Subgrant Award Information. Please provide the breakdown of funds obligated to subgrantees within each Budget Period. The total amount obligated across one or more years will equal the Total Subgrant Award Amount Obligated (column AI) for that subgrantee. The Total Payments to Subgrantee (column AJ) should equal the total amount dispersed to each subgrantee to date. Projected Future Obligations (column AK) are future obligations anticipated over the grant project period.
5) Charter School Operation. Please indicate the school year in which the charter school first enrolled students, and the yearly enrollment data. While we can access some of this information in EDFacts, it is not always available for charter schools, so we must also request it here. When providing the status of the charter school, please explain the circumstances surrounding schools that have "Closed" or "Will Not Open" (e.g., enrollment targtes were not reached or a charter was not approved or revoked, etc.). Additional Comments.

Charter School Information

Charter School Management Organization

Authorized Public Chartering Agency

Total award amount obligated from ED (from Part A)--> $0
Projected Future Obligations $0 <--Budget Period award amount from ED (from Part A)

Total subgrant obligations (sum of column AI)--> $0 Grant Payments $0 <--Total obligated to subgrantees (sum of column AL)

Total award amount remaining from ED (from Part A)--> $0 $0 $0 $0 <--Total remaining

LEA/District Information

Budget Period 1 – FY 2020 FUNDS (10/1/20-9/30/21)

Charter school name School NCES ID address line 1 address line 2 city state zipcode LEA/District name LEA/District NCES ID address line 1 address line 2 city state zipcode Does the charter school act as its own LEA? Is it an LEA with only charter schools? Management Organization Type (choose one) Management Organization Name ("NA" if Freestanding) address line 1 address line 2 city state zipcode Authorizer Type
(choose one)
Authorizer Name address line 1 address line 2 city state zipcode Project Period Begin Date Project Period End Date Total Subgrant Award Amount Obligated (calculated from amounts provided in each Budget Period columns) Total Payments to Subgrantee Total Projected Subgrant Obligations Dollar amount of subgrant award Beginning date of subgrant budget period End date
of subgrant budget period
Type of subgrant (choose one) School year in which the school first enrolled students School enrollment in 2018-19
(if not opened, enter "0")
School enrollment in 2019-20
(if not opened, enter "0")
School enrollment in 2020-21
(if not opened, enter "0")
School status (if "Closed" or "Future" please explain in next column) School status explained

(Please provide a reason for schools that
Will Not Open or Closed)
If you need to provide any additional information regarding this CSP subgrant, please use the box below. You may also direct comments to us at CSPdatacollection@Wested.org or call toll-free 866-902-4887.
Subgrant 1


Subgrant 2


Subgrant 3


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Sheet 4: Summary Sheet

Data Collection Form: SE Summary Sheet

Check your data: This sheet summarizes the CSP Grant Award Data already provided in Part A and the CSP Subgrant Award data you entered in Part B. If there are discrepancies in the amount of funds obligated and awarded in each Budget Period, please use the gray space below to explain.
State: 0

State Contact Person: 0

Title of Contact Person: 0

PR/Award #: S282A20XXXX

Project Period Begin Date: 10/1/2020

Project Period End Date: 9/30/2025

Total Award Amount Obligated: $0

|------------Summarized from Part B------------|
Supplemental Award Amount Number of new subgrant awards per Budget Period Total award amount obligated from ED per Budget Period Total subgrant award amount per Budget Period Total remaining to be obligated
Budget Period 1 - FY 2020 (10/1/20-9/30/21) $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0

Total Number of Subgrants: 0 $0 $0 $0

Comments or questions? Please contact us at CSPdatacollection@Wested.org, or call toll-free 866-902-4887.

OMB Number: 1855-0016 Approval Expires 7/31/2021

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