OMB No.: 0915-0285. Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX |
Resources and Services Administration Expanded Services (formerly Increased Demand for Services) |
Grant Number |
Application Tracking Number |
Maximum Eligible Amount: |
Total Federal Requested Amount: |
Service Types Selected: |
Need |
Describe the need to expand or begin providing the proposed service(s), and how this proposal will respond to the health care needs of the target population (with reference to relevant special populations, demographic characteristics, and/or access to care/health status indicators).
(2,000 characters maximum – about one page) |
[Applicant enters required response here] |
Response |
Describe the following: |
(1,000 characters maximum – about half of a page) |
[Applicant enters required response here] |
(1,000 characters maximum – about half of a page) |
[Applicant enters required response here] |
(1,000 characters maximum – about half of a page) |
[Applicant enters required response here] |
(1,000 characters maximum – about half of a page) |
[Applicant enters required response here] |
(1,000 characters maximum – about half of a page) |
[Applicant enters required response here] |
Impact |
Describe the following: The impact of the proposed project, including the number of 1) proposed new patients, 2) existing patients with increased access to services (as applicable), and 3) new providers.
Include a detailed explanation for how the projections were calculated (including data sources).
(2,000 characters maximum – about one page) |
[Applicant enters required response here]
Existing Patient Impact |
Count each existing patient according to the service(s) they are expected to newly access. If an existing patient will newly accessfor each service accessed.should be counted once more than one service, they |
Enabling Services |
Medical Services |
Oral Health Services |
Mental Health Services |
Substance Use Disorder Services |
Pharmacy Services |
Vision Services |
New Patient Impact |
Count each projected new patient according to the service(s) they are expected to access. If a new patient will access more than one service, theyfor should be counted once each service accessed.
Enabling Services |
Medical Services |
Oral Health Services |
Mental Health Services |
Substance Use Disorder Services |
Pharmacy Services |
Vision Services |
New Patients by Population Type Enter the total number of new unduplicated patients by Health Center Program ntered in response to Question . The total must equal the number of new unduplicated patients epopulation type3 above, if any. The information entered in the table below will be used to populate future Budget Period Progress Reports. |
Pop Typeulation |
NEW Patients Projected |
Total NEW Patients (from Question #3) |
[Prepopulated from response to Question by EHB 3 above] |
Total NEW Patients by Population Type |
[Calculated by EHB by adding patients in each type – must match the number entered for Question 3 above] |
Public Burden Statement: Health centers (section 330 grant funded and Federally Qualified Health Center look-alikes) deliver comprehensive, high quality, cost-effective primary health care to patients regardless of their ability to pay. . paperwork@hrsa.gov HYPERLINK "https://sharepoint.hrsa.gov/sites/bphc/oppd/ED1/OMB%20Forms%20Approval%202020/paperwork@hrsa.gov" 42 U.S.C. 254b HYPERLINK "http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title42-section254b&num=0&edition=prelim"
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | FY15 ES Project Narrative Form |
Subject | FY15 ES Project Narrative Form |
Author | HRSA |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |