Systems of Records Notice


Application for Court-Ordered Benefits for Former Spouses, Standard Form 3119

Systems of Records Notice

OMB: 3206-0275

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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 55 / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Notices
copied for a fee, at the NRC’s Public
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Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 13th day
of March, 2008.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Daniel S. Collins,
Chief, Research and Test Reactors Branch
A, Division of Policy and Rulemaking, Office
of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. E8–5643 Filed 3–19–08; 8:45 am]

Privacy Act of 1974; Notice of
Amended System of Records
Notice to amend and republish
system of records.

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SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of
the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a),
the Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) is giving notice that it proposes
to republish an amended system of
records, OPM/Central-1, due to changes
in technology by Retirement Systems
Modernization (RSM). This system of
records is an integrated application that
works from one central database that
allows OPM designated employees and
contractors to access the records on a
need to know basis in accordance with
OPM and Federal rules, regulations and
safeguard procedures for personally
identifiable information. RSM will
enhance the system’s functionality to
enable Federal employees and retirees
to access personal and benefits-related
information. This notice proposes to
amend and republish an existing
internal system of records.
DATE: The changes will be effective
April 21, 2008, without further notice
unless comments are received that
would result in a contrary
ADDRESSES: Send written comments to
Office of Personnel Management, ATTN:
Marc Flaster, Chief, Support Group,
Center for Retirement and Insurance

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Services, 1900 E Street, NW., Room
3313, Washington, DC 20415–7900.
Sharon Glick (412) 657–5013.
amend and republish system of records.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of
the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a),
the Office of Personnel Management
(OPM) is giving notice that it proposes
to republish an amended system of
records, OPM/Central-1, due to changes
in technology by Retirement Systems
Modernization (RSM). RSM is a strategic
initiative of OPM to improve quality
and timeliness of services to individuals
covered by the Civil Service Retirement
System (CSRS) and the Federal
Employees’ Retirement System (FERS),
the Federal Employees’ Group Life
Insurance Program (FEGLI), and the
Federal Employees Health Benefits
Program (FEHBP) by modernizing
business practices and technology that
support the programs. The RSM
program will transform the retirement
process, and health and life insurance
elections, by devising more efficient and
effective business systems to respond to
increased customer demand for higher
levels of customer service and online
self-service tools. This system of records
reflects the republishing of the SORN
from October 1999, as amended May
2000, inclusion of the prefatory uses as
published in 1996 and the addition of
two new routine uses.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
Linda M. Springer,

Civil Service Retirement and
Insurance Records.

Deputy Associate Director, Center for
Retirement and Insurance Services,
Office of Personnel Management (OPM),
1900 E Street, NW., Washington, DC
20415–0001. Certain records pertaining
to State income tax withholdings from
annuitant payments are located with
State Taxing Offices. Certain
information concerning enrollment/
change in enrollment in a health plan
under the Federal Employees Health
Benefits Program (FEHBP) may be
located at other agencies. Certain
records pertaining to overpayments
must be forwarded to the Department of
the Treasury for collection activity.
Certain records pertaining to enrollment
in a Preauthorized Debit Program (PAD)
for sending recurring remittances to
OPM for service credit and voluntary
contributions accounts are maintained

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with a lockbox bank, which operates the
PAD program for OPM.

a. Former Federal employees and
members of Congress who performed
service subject to the Civil Service
Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal
Employees’ Retirement System (FERS).
b. Current Federal employees who
1. Performed Federal service subject
to the CSRS or FERS other than with
their present agency; or
2. Had data converted to the OPM
Retirement Systems Modernization
Program; or
3. Filed a designation of beneficiary
for benefits payable under the CSRS; or
4. Requested OPM to review a claim
for health benefits made under the
5. Enrolled/changed enrollment in a
plan under the FEHBP; or
6. Filed a service credit application in
connection with former Federal service;
7. Filed an application for disability
retirement with OPM and are awaiting
final decision, or whose disability
retirement application has been
disapproved by OPM.
c. Former Federal employees who
died subject to or who retired under the
CSRS or FERS, or their surviving
spouses, and/or children who have
received or are receiving CSRS or FERS
benefits and/or benefits under the
Federal Employees’ Group Life
Insurance (FEGLI) Program, or Federal
Employees Health Benefits Program
d. Former Federal employees who
died subject to or who retired under a
Federal Government retirement system
other than CSRS or FERS, or their
surviving spouses and/or children, who
have received or are receiving benefits
from FEGLI and/or FEHBP.
e. Applicants for Federal employment
found unsuitable for employment on
medical grounds.
f. Former spouses of Federal
employees who have received or are
receiving CSRS or FERS benefits, or
who have filed a court order awarding
future benefits.

This system comprises those
retirement service history records of
employee’s service in the Federal
Government from their current
employing agency if the employee has
been converted to the Retirement
Systems Modernization Program and/or
an agency other than for the agency in
which they may presently be employed.




Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 55 / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Notices

Also included in the system are current
personnel data pertaining to active
United States Postal Service employees
who, by virtue of the provisions set
forth in 5 U.S.C. 2105(e), are not
considered civil service employees. It
also contains information concerning
health benefit enrollment/change in
enrollment, and information developed
in support of claims for benefits made
under the retirement, health benefits,
and life insurance programs for Federal
employees that OPM administers. Also
included are medical records and
supporting evidence on those
individuals whose application for
disability retirement has been rejected.
Consent forms and other records related
to the withholding of State income tax
from annuitant payments, whether
physically maintained by the State or
OPM, are included in this system.
Consent forms and other records related
to enrollment in the Preauthorized Debit
Program, whether physically
maintained by the authorized lockbox
bank or OPM, are included in the

mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES

a. Documentation of Federal service
subject to the CSRS or FERS.
b. Documentation of service credit
and refund claims made under the CSRS
or FERS.
c. Documentation of voluntary
contributions made by eligible
d. Retirement and death claims files,
including documents supporting the
retirement application, health benefits,
and life insurance eligibility, medical
records supporting disability claims
(after receipt by OPM), and designations
of beneficiary.
e. Claim review files pertaining to
requests made under the FEHBP
reviewed by OPM.
f. Enrollment and change in
enrollment information under the
g. Documentation of continuing
coverage for life insurance and health
benefits for annuitants and their
survivors under a Federal Government
retirement system other than the CSRS
or FERS, or for compensationers and
their survivors under the Office of
Workers’ Compensation programs.
h. The system also maintains a file of
court orders submitted by former
spouses of Federal employees. These
court orders are submitted to support
claims to apportion funds/benefits due
to a Federal employee at some point in
the future.
i. Records relating to overpayments
made to annuitants, survivor annuitants,

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Includes the following with any
revisions or amendments:
Section 3301 and chapters 83, 84, 87,
89 of title 5, United States Code, Pub.
L. 83–598, 84–356, 86–724, and 94–455;
and Executive Order 9397.


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spouses and/or dependents. These
records may be retained in OPM or
provided to the Department of the
Treasury, pursuant to the Debt
Collection Act of 1996. There are two
different systems applicable to
overpayments. The OPM financial
management system uses the Social
Security Number (SSN) as part of the
identifying information in the record.
The Debt Collection Act of 1996
requires agencies to turn over all
receivables more than 180 days past due
to the Department of the Treasury for all
further collection activity. The SSN is
one of the required fields for
transferring the record to the
Department of the Treasury. OPM may
obtain the SSN from case files or
requests made to credit bureaus.

These records provide information
and verification on which to base
entitlement and computation of CSRS
and FERS benefits, CSRS and FERS and
survivors’ benefits, FEHBP and
enrollments, and FEGLI benefits, and to
withhold State income taxes from
annuitant payments. These records may
also be used to compute CSRS and FERS
benefit estimates. These records also
serve to review rejection of applicants
for Federal employment on medical
suitability grounds. These records also
may be used to locate individuals for
personnel research. These records also
provide information and verification
concerning enrollment/change in
enrollment in a plan under the FEHBP

a. For Law Enforcement Purposes—To
disclose pertinent information to the
appropriate Federal, State, or local
agency responsible for investigating,
prosecuting, enforcing, or implementing
a statute, rule, regulation, or order,
where OPM becomes aware of an
indication of a violation or potential
violation of civil or criminal law or
b. For Certain Disclosures to Other
Federal Agencies—To disclose
information to a Federal agency, in
response to its request in connection
with the hiring or retention of an
employee, the issuance of a security
clearance, the conducting of a suitability

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or security investigation of an
individual, the classifying of jobs, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of
a license, grant, or other benefit by the
requesting agency, to the extent that the
information is relevant and necessary to
the requesting agency’s decision on the
c. For Congressional Inquiry—To
provide information to a congressional
office from the record of an individual
in response to an inquiry from that
congressional office made at the request
of that individual.
d. For Judicial/Administrative
Proceedings—To disclose information to
another Federal agency, to a court, or a
party in litigation before a court or in an
administrative proceeding being
conducted by a Federal agency, when
the Government is a party to the judicial
or administrative proceeding. In those
cases where the Government is not a
party to the proceeding, records may be
disclosed if a subpoena has been signed
by a judge.
e. For National Archives and Records
Administration—To disclose
information to the National Archives
and Records Administration for use in
records management inspections.
f. Within OPM for Statistical/
Analytical Studies—By OPM in the
production of summary descriptive
statistics and analytical studies in
support of the function for which the
records are collected and maintained, or
for related workforce studies. While
published studies do not contain
individual identifiers, in some instances
the selection of elements of data
included in the study may be structured
in such a way as to make the data
individually identifiable by inference.
g. For Litigation—To disclose
information to the Department of
Justice, or in a proceeding before a
court, adjudicative body, or other
administrative body before which OPM
is authorized to appear, when:
(1) OPM, or any component thereof;
(2) Any employee of OPM in his or
her official capacity; or
(3) Any employee of OPM in his or
her individual capacity where the
Department of Justice or OPM has
agreed to represent the employee; or
(4) The United States, when OPM
determines that litigation is likely to
affect OPM or any of its components; is
a party to litigation or has an interest in
such litigation, and the use of such
records by the Department of Justice or
OPM is deemed by OPM to be relevant
and necessary to the litigation provided,
however, that the disclosure is
compatible with the purpose for which
records were collected.



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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 55 / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Notices
h. For the Merit Systems Protection
Board—To disclose information to
officials of the Merit Systems Protection
Board or the Office of the Special
Counsel, when requested in connection
with appeals, special studies of the civil
service and other merit systems, review
of OPM rules and regulations,
investigations of alleged or possible
prohibited personnel practices, and
such other functions, e.g., as
promulgated in 5 U.S.C. 1205 and 1206,
or as may be authorized by law.
i. For the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC)—To
disclose information to the EEOC when
requested in connection with
investigations into alleged or possible
discrimination practices in the Federal
sector, compliance by Federal agencies
with the Uniform Guidelines on
Employee Selection Procedures or other
functions vested in the Commission and
to otherwise ensure compliance with
the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 7201.
j. For the Federal Labor Relations
Authority (FLRA)—To disclose
information to the FLRA or its General
Counsel when requested in connection
with investigations of allegations of
unfair labor practices or matters before
the Federal Service Impasses Panel.
k. For Non-Federal Personnel—To
disclose information to private
organizations, contractors, grantees,
volunteers, or other non-Federal
personnel performing or working on a
project, contract, service, grant,
cooperative agreement, or job for, to the
benefit of, or consistent with the
interests of the Federal Government
when OPM has determined that the use
of that information is compatible with
proper disclosure and will benefit
Federal employees, annuitants or their
dependents, survivors, and
beneficiaries. To disclose information to
contractors, grantees, or volunteers
performing or working on a contract,
service, grant, cooperative agreement, or
job for the Federal Government.
l. To disclose, to the following
recipients, information needed to
adjudicate a claim for benefits under
OPM’s or the recipient’s benefits
program(s), or information needed to
conduct an analytical study of benefits
being paid under such programs: Office
of Workers’ Compensation Programs;
Department of Veterans Affairs Pension
Benefit Program; Social Security
Administration’s Old Age, Survivor and
Disability Insurance and Medical
Programs and Supplemental Security
Income Program; Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Services; Department of
Defense; Railroad Retirement Board;
military retired pay programs; Federal
civilian employee retirement programs

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(other than the CSRS or FERS); or other
national, State, county, municipal, or
other publicly recognized charitable or
social security administrative agencies;
m. To disclose to the Office of Federal
Employees Group Life Insurance
(OFEGLI) information necessary to
verify the election, declination, or
waiver of regular and/or optional life
insurance coverage or eligibility for
payment of a claim for life insurance.
n. To disclose to health insurance
carriers contracting with OPM to
provide a health benefits plan under the
FEHB, SSN, and other information
necessary to identify enrollment in a
plan, to verify eligibility for payment of
a claim for health benefits, or to carry
out the coordination for benefits
provisions of such contracts.
o. To disclose to any inquirer, if
sufficient information is provided to
assure positive identification of an
individual on whom a department or
agency maintains retirement or
insurance records, the fact that an
individual is or is not on the retirement
rolls, and if so, the type of annuity
(employment or survivor, but not
retirement on disability) being paid, or
if not, whether a refund has been paid.
p. When an individual to whom a
record pertains dies, to disclose to any
person possibly entitled in the order of
precedence for lump-sum benefits,
information in the individual’s record
that might properly be disclosed to the
individual, and the name and
relationship of any other person whose
claim for benefits takes precedence or
who is entitled to share the benefits
payable. When a representative of the
estate has not been appointed, the
individual’s next of kin may be
recognized as the representative of the
q. To disclose to the Internal Revenue
Service, Department of the Treasury,
information as required by the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954, as amended.
r. To disclose to the Department of
Treasury information necessary to issue
benefit checks or savings bonds.
s. To disclose information to any
person who is responsible for the care
of the individual to whom a record
pertains, and who is found by a court
or OPM Contract Doctors to be
incompetent or under other legal
disability, information necessary to
assure payment of benefits to which the
individual is entitled.
t. To disclose to the Parent Locator
Service of the Department of Health and
Human Services, upon its request, the
present address of an annuitant, or
former employee, for enforcing child
support obligations against such

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u. In connection with an examination
ordered by the agency under:
(1) Medical examination procedures;
(2) Agency-filed disability retirement
To disclose to the agency-appointed
representative of an employee all
notices, decisions, other written
communications, or any pertinent
medical evidence other than medical
evidence that a prudent physician
would hesitate to inform the individual
of; such medical evidence will be
disclosed only to a licensed physician,
designated in writing for that purpose
by the individual or his or her
v. To disclose information to any
source from which additional
information is requested relevant to
OPM determination on an individual’s
eligibility for or entitlement to coverage
under the retirement, life insurance, and
health benefits program, to the extent
necessary to identify the individual and
the type of information requested.
w. To disclose information to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) at any stage of the legislative
coordination and clearance process in
connection with private relief
legislation as set forth in OMB circular
No. A–19.
x. To provide an official of another
Federal agency information needed in
the performance of official duties
related to reconciling or reconstructing
data files; compiling descriptive
statistics; and making analytical studies
to support the function for which the
records were collected and maintained.
y. To disclose to a Federal agency, in
response to its request, the address of
any annuitant or applicant for refund of
retirement deductions, if the agency
requires that information to provide
consideration in connection with the
collection of a debt due the United
z. To disclose to an allottee, as
defined in 5 CFR 831.1501, the name,
address, and the amount withheld from
an annuitant’s benefits, pursuant to 5
CFR 831.1501 et seq. as an allotment to
that allottee to implement the program
of voluntary allotments authorized by 5
U.S.C. 8345(h) or 8465.
aa. To disclose to a State agency
responsible for the collection of State
income taxes the information required
by an Agreement to Implement State
Income Tax Withholdings from Civil
Service Annuities entered pursuant to
section 1705 of Pub. L. 97–35 or 5
U.S.C. 8469 to implement the program
of voluntary State income tax
withholding required by 5 U.S.C.
8345(k) or 8469.



mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 55 / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Notices

bb. To disclose to the Social Security
Administration the SSN of civil service
annuitants to determine:
(1) Their vital status as shown in the
Social Security Master Records;
(2) Whether recipients of the
minimum annuity are receiving at least
the Special Primary Insurance Amount
benefit from the Social Security
Administration; and
(3) Whether civil service retirees with
post-1956 military service credit are
receiving benefits from the Social
Security Administration.
cc. To disclose information contained
in the Retirement Annuity Master File;
including the name, SSN, date of birth,
sex, OPM’s claim number, health benefit
enrollment code, retirement date,
retirement code (type of retirement),
annuity rate, pay status of case,
correspondence address, and ZIP code,
of all Federal retirees and their
survivors to Federal agencies and
requesting States to help eliminate fraud
and abuse in the benefit programs
administered by the Federal agencies
and States (and those States to local
governments) and to collect debts and
overpayments owed to the Federal
Government, and to State Governments
and their components.
dd. To disclose to a Federal agency,
a person or an organization contracting
with a Federal agency for rendering
collection services within the purview
of section 13 of the Debt Collection Act
of 1982, in response to a written request
from the head of the agency or his other
designee, or from the debt collection
contractor, the following data
concerning an individual owing a debt
to the Federal Government:
(1) The debtor’s name, address, SSN,
and other information necessary to
establish the identity of the individual;
(2) the amount, status, and history of
the claim; and
(3) the agency or program under
which the claim arose.
ee. To disclose information contained
in the Retirement Annuity Master File,
upon written request, to State tax
administration agencies, for the express
purpose of ensuring compliance with
State tax obligations by persons
receiving benefits under the CSRS or the
FERS and to prevent fraud and abuse,
but only the following data elements:
Name, correspondence address, date of
birth, sex, SSN, annuity rate,
commencing date of benefits, and
retirement code (type of retirement).
ff. To disclose information to a State
court or administrative agency in
connection with a garnishment,
attachment, or similar proceeding to
enforce an alimony or child support

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gg. To disclose to a former spouse
when necessary to explain how that
former spouse’s benefit under 5 U.S.C.
8341(h), 8345(j), 8445, or 8467 was
hh. To disclose to a Federal or State
agency (or its agent) when necessary to
locate individuals who are owed money
or property either by a Federal agency,
State or local agency, or by a financial
institution or similar institution.
ii. To disclose to a health plan
participating in the FEHBP and to an
FEHBP enrollee or covered family
member or an enrollee or covered family
member’s authorized representative, in
connection with the review of a
disputed claim for health benefits, from
information maintained within this
system of records, the decision of OPM
regarding the disputed claim review.
jj. To disclose to a State or local
government, or private individual or
association engaged in volunteer work,
identifying and address information and
other pertinent facts, for the purpose of
developing an application as
representative payee for an annuitant or
survivor annuitant who is mentally
incompetent or under other legal
kk. To disclose on request to a spouse
or dependent child (or court-appointed
guardian thereof) of a CSRS or FERS
annuitant or an annuitant of any other
Federal retirement system enrolled in
the FEHBP whether the annuitant has
changed from a self-and-family to a selfonly health benefits enrollment.
ll. To the Defense Manpower Data
Center, Department of Defense, and the
U.S. Postal Service to conduct computer
matching programs for the purpose of
identifying and locating individuals
who are receiving Federal salaries or
benefit payments and are past due in
their repayment of debts owed to the
U.S. Government under certain
programs administered by the OPM in
order to collect the debts under the
provisions of the Debt Collection Act of
1982 (Pub. L. 97–365) by voluntary
repayment, or by administrative or
salary offset procedures.
mm. To any other Federal agency for
the purpose of effecting administrative
or salary offset procedures against a
person employed by that agency or
receiving or eligible to receive some
benefit payments from the agency when
OPM as a creditor has a claim against
that person.
nn. To disclose information
concerning past due receivables to the
U.S. Department of the Treasury,
Financial Management Service, and to
any other debt collection center
designated by the Secretary of the
Treasury, or any debt collection

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contractor for the purpose of collecting
the receivable by cross servicing in
accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711(M).
oo. To disclose information
concerning past due receivables to the
Department of Justice for the purpose of
litigating to enforce collection of a past
due account or to obtain the Department
of Justice’s concurrence in a decision to
compromise, suspend, or terminate
collection action on an overpayment
with the principal amount in excess of
$100,000 or such higher amount as the
Attorney General may, from time to
time, prescribe in accordance with 31
U.S.C. 3711(a).
pp. To disclose information
concerning past due receivables to the
U.S. Department of the Treasury,
Financial Management Service, or to
any other debt collection center
designated by the Secretary of the
Treasury, or any other Federal agency
for the purpose of collecting the
receivable through offset under 31
U.S.C. 3716 (administrative offset), 31
U.S.C. 3720A (Tax refund offset), 5
U.S.C. 5514 (Salary offset), or offset
under any other statutory or common
law authority.
qq. To disclose information
concerning overpayees in arrears to
other Federal agencies for the purpose
of implementing 31 U.S.C. 3720B,
which prohibits persons who are past
due on Federal debts from obtaining
Federal financial assistance in the form
of loans or loan insurance or guaranties.
rr. To disclose information concerning
past due receivables to any employer of
the debtor for the purpose of conducting
administrative wage garnishment
pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3720D.
ss. To disclose information or
publicly disseminate information
concerning overpayees in arrears and
the debt to the public for the purpose of
publicly disseminating information
regarding the identity of the debtor
pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3720B.
tt. To disclose information concerning
past due receivables to State and local
governments in an effort to collect
monies owed the Federal government.
uu. To disclose information
concerning past due receivables to the
Internal Revenue Service for the
purpose of: Effecting an administrative
offset against the individual’s income
tax refund to recover monies owed the
Federal government by the individual,
or obtaining the mailing address of a
taxpayer in order to locate the
individual to collect or compromise a
Federal receivable against the taxpayer
in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3711,
3717, 3728, and 3718 and 26 U.S.C.
6103(m)(2) and 6402.



Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 55 / Thursday, March 20, 2008 / Notices
vv. To disclose information
concerning past due receivables to any
person or for any debt collection
purpose authorized by statue not
specifically enumerated here.
ww. To provide an official of another
Federal agency information needed in
the performance of official duties
related to retirement, federal employee
health, and/or federal employee life
insurance benefits counseling.
xx. To authorized agencies, entities,
and persons when:
(1) OPM suspects or has confirmed
that the security or confidentiality of
information in the system of records has
been compromised;
(2) OPM has determined that as a
result of the suspected or confirmed
compromise there is a risk of harm to
economic or property interests, identity
theft or fraud, or harm to the security or
integrity of this system or other systems
or programs (whether maintained by
OPM or another agency or entity) that
rely upon the compromised
information; and
(3) the disclosure made to such
agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist in
connection with OPM’s efforts to
respond to the suspected or confirmed
compromise and prevent, minimize, or
remedy such harm.

Disclosures pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(12): Disclosures may be made
from this system to consumer reporting
agencies as defined in the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(f)) or the
Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966
(31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3)) Policies and
practices for storing, retrieving,
retaining and disposing of records in the

These records are maintained on
secured LAN drives, databases,
mainframes, magnetic tapes, disks,
microfiche, and in folders.
These records are retrieved by the
name, SSN, date of birth and/or claim
number of the individual to whom they

mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES


Records are kept in lockable metal file
cabinets or in a secured facility with
access limited to those whose official
duties require access. Systems storing
electronic data undergo system
certification & accreditation processes
and follow other appropriate federal
security standards. Transfer of data to
and from this system of record occurs

16:44 Mar 19, 2008

Jkt 214001


All records on a claim for retirement,
life insurance, health benefits, and tax
withholdings are maintained
permanently in paper and/or electronic
imaged format. Medical suitability
records are maintained for 18 months.
Requests for review of health benefits
claims are maintained up to 3 years.
Disposal of manual records is by
shredding or burning; magnetic tapes
and discs are erased.

Deputy Associate Director, Center for
Retirement and Insurance Services,
Office of Personnel Management, 1900
E Street, NW., Washington, DC 20415–

Individuals wishing to access their
own records online through Your
Benefits Resource (YBR) must follow a
two-step identification and
authorization process. Individuals must
provide personal identifiers and/or a
system user id for identification
followed by a system password and/or
personal indicative data for

Designated OPM, agency, and shared
service center employees may be
granted a defined level of access to other
participants’ records in this system for
the purpose of performing official duties
related to retirement, federal employee
health, and/or federal employee life
insurance benefits counseling. Those
granted access to other participants’
records must furnish their user
identifying information and
authentication information to obtain


VerDate Aug<31>2005

over secure connections using
encryption when appropriate. Personnel
screening is employed to prevent
unauthorized disclosure.

Individuals wishing to request access
to their records in this system should
contact the system manager. Individuals
must furnish the following information
for their records to be located and
a. Name, including all former names.
b. Date of birth.
c. SSN.
d. Name and address of office in
which currently and/or formerly
employed in the Federal service.
e. Annuity, service credit, or
voluntary contributions account
number, if assigned.
Individuals requesting access must
also follow OPM’s Privacy Act

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regulations on verification of identity
and access to records (5 CFR part 297).

Individuals wishing to request
amendment of their records in this
system that are originated by OPM
should contact the system manager.
Individuals must furnish the
following information for their records
to be located and identified:
a. Name, including all former names.
b. Date of birth.
c. SSN.
d. Name and address of office in
which currently and/or formerly
employed in the Federal service.
e. Annuity, service credit, or
voluntary contributions account
number, if assigned.
Individuals requesting amendment of
their records must also follow OPM’s
Privacy Act regulations regarding
verification of identity and amendment
of records (5 CFR part 297).
Individuals requesting amendment of
records that were not originated by OPM
must contact the agency that established
the record in accordance with (5 CFR
831.102 and 841.106).

The information in this system is
obtained from:
a. The individual to whom the
information pertains.
b. Agency pay, leave, and allowance
c. National Personnel Records Center.
d. Federal civilian retirement systems
other than the CSRS/FERS.
e. Military retired pay system records.
f. Office of Workers’ Compensation
Benefits Program.
g. Veteran’s Administration Pension
Benefits Program.
h. Social Security Old Age, Survivor,
and Disability Insurance and Medicare
i. Health insurance carriers and plans
participating in the FEHBP.
k. Official Personnel Folders.
l. The individual’s co-workers and
m. Physicians who have examined or
treated the individual.
n. Former spouse of the individual.
o. State courts or support enforcement
p. Credit bureaus.
[FR Doc. E8–5659 Filed 3–19–08; 8:45 am]



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File Modified2016-02-08
File Created2016-02-08

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