FinCEN – BSA E-Filing System Customer Satisfaction Survey
FinCEN – BSA E-Filing System
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (often referred to as FinCEN) is committed to serving and satisfying their customers. FinCEN records indicate that your organization has submitted Bank Secrecy Act reports through the BSA E-Filing system. We want to ask for feedback regarding your satisfaction with FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System.
All information you provide will be combined with others’ for research and reporting purposes. Your individual responses will not be released.
This interview is authorized by Office of Management and Budget Control No. 1506-0062. This interview will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
INTRO1. Have you used FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System?
(If No, ask below before terminating survey)
INTRO2. Please specify the reason(s) for not using FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System. (Open-End)
Demo1. Which of the following best describes your organization? (Select one)
Individual filing a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) (ask Demo 2, then skip to Compatibility Section)
Bank, Credit Union, or Depository Institution
Money Services Business (MSB)
Dealer in Precious Metals, Stones, or Jewels
Mutual Fund
Futures Commission Merchant or Introducing Broker in Commodities
Securities Broker/Dealer
Insurance Company
Residential Mortgage Lender and Originator (Mortgage Company or Broker)
Other (specify)
Demo2. How long have you been using the BSA E-Filing System?
Less than one month
More than one month but less than six months
More than six months but less than one year
One year or longer
Demo3. Which best describes how frequently you use the BSA E-Filing System?
Once a day or more often
A few times a week
About once a week
About once a month
Once every few months
Once every six months
Once a year
Demo 4. What type of filing method is currently used by your organization? (Select all that apply)
Discrete (Single Filings)
Batch (Multiple Filings)
Secure Direct Transfer Mode (i.e. Connect: Direct/Sterling File Gateway)
Don’t Know
Demo 5. Does your organization use a vendor or service bureau to submit batch filings?
Yes (if yes, please specify the name of the vendor or service bureau) __________________
OC1. On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System on meeting your filing needs.
OC2. Is the technology used by the BSA E-Filing System compatible with your IT systems? (i.e. web browser compatibility, Adobe reports etc.)
No (if no, please explain: _________________________________)
On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System on the following:
U1. Ease of use
U2. Timeliness of file upload
U3. Ability to submit filings with no issues (i.e., errors with uploading, etc)
U4 Timeliness of acknowledgements
U5. Usefulness of acknowledgements
The BSA E-Filing System contains multiple training tools. On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate the usefulness of each tool you have used. If you have not used a particular tool, please select N/A.
U6. Usefulness of online Help (pop-up window with instructions that appears when cursor hovers over a particular field)
U7. BSA E-Filing User Manual
U8. BSA E-Filing Supervisory User Manual (Supervisory Users only)
U9. BSA E-Filing Quick Reference Guide
U10 BSA E-Filing Technical Support Request Form Online Help (ability to search the FAQ for common issues and resolutions)
U11. FinCEN continues to look for ways to improve the user experience, functionality and overall layout of the BSA E-Filing System website. Please provide any recommendations to improve the usability and functionality of the BSA E-Filing website. (open ended)
On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System User Support/Helpline on the following. If you have not used the Technical Support Helpline, please select N/A:
HELP1. Courtesy of representative
HELP2. Knowledge of the representative
HELP3. Timeliness of response
HELP4. Ability to resolve your problem/issue
HELP5. Do you have any recommendations to improve the user technical support/helpline?
Yes (if yes, please specify recommendation: __________________)
FRC1. The FinCEN Resource Center’s Regulatory Support Section answers inquiries for those who need guidance or clarification on BSA reporting or recordkeeping requirements (1-800-767-2825 or Have you ever contacted FinCEN’s Resource Center’s Regulatory Support Section for assistance?
Yes (if yes, go to FRC2, if no skip to ACSI1).
No (Skip to ACSI 1)
FRC2. On a scale from “1” to “10” where “1” is not at all useful and “10” is “very useful” please rate the usefulness of the guidance you received from the FinCEN Resource Center’s Regulatory Support Section for meeting your BSA reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements?
On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate the response you received from FinCEN’s Regulatory Resource Center’s Regulatory Support Section on the following:
FRC3. Response was understandable
FRC4. Response was delivered in a courteous manner
Now we are going to ask you to please consider your experiences with FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System with respect to the following:
ACSI1. First, please consider your experience with submitting BSA Reports using FinCEN’s E-Filing System. Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “Very dissatisfied” and “10” means “Very satisfied,” how satisfied are you with FinCEN’s E-Filing System?
ACSI2. To what extent has FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System met your expectations? Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" now means "Falls short of your expectations" and "10" means, "Exceeds your expectations."
ACSI3. Forget about FinCEN for a moment. Imagine the ideal E-Filing System. How well does FinCEN’s E-Filing System compare with that ideal? Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means “not very close to the ideal” and “10” means “very close to the ideal.
On behalf of FinCEN, I thank you for your time and participation today. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
CFI Group Page
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