SBA Form 2237 7 (a) Loan Post Approval Action Checklist

Borrower Information Form, Lenders Application for Guaranty, and 7(a) Loan Post Approval Action Checklist

3245-0348 Form 2237 (FINAL) 7-31-2020

SBA Express and Pilot Loan Programs(Export Express, Community Express and Patriot Express)

OMB: 3245-0348

Document [pdf]
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OMB Control No.: 3245-0348
Expiration Date: xx/xx/2023




For approved loans prior to final disbursement:
__ Loan Processing Guaranty Center (LGPC)

FAX: 202.481.0861

For Loans in Servicing & Liquidation (after final disbursement):
__ Fresno Commercial Loan Service Center
FAX: 559.487.5803
__ Little Rock Commercial Loan Service Center
FAX: 202.292.3878

RE: SBA Loan Name:



___________________________________________ SBA Loan No.______________________________

FROM: Lender Name:
Lender Contact Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ E-mail: ______________________ Fax: _______________________________
For all loan modifications requested, attach memo to an email for each change that explains the following:
1. Provide full details of current loan terms;
2. Provide specific details of what needs to be changed (e.g., increase or decrease in loan amount or guaranty
percentage, change in use of proceeds); and
3. The justification for the change(s) and any supporting documentation (e.g., updated financial information, payments
to Denver).
For SBA loans that have not been closed or initially disbursed. The Lender certifies that this request complies with
SOP 50 10, and/or any applicable program guide:
Request that SBA approve an increase in the loan amount from $
to $
(Additional guaranty fee
in the amount of $___________ is attached/has been forwarded to Denver.) Not applicable to loans approved under a Lender’s
Delegated Authority. Request that SBA approve an increase in guaranty percentage from ____% to _____%. (Additional
guaranty fee in the amount of $_______ is attached/has been forwarded to Denver). Not applicable to Export Working Capital
Program (EWCP) loan and loans approved under a Lender’s Delegated Authority.
Request that SBA approve a decrease in the loan amount from $____________ to $____________. (For loans with a maturity
greater than 12 months, SBA must approve the decrease prior to the lender closing and initially disbursing the loan in order for the
guaranty fee owed to be decreased. For loans with a maturity of 12 months or less, there is no adjustment to the guaranty fee due to
any decrease or cancellation.) Not applicable to loans approved under a Lender’s Delegated Authority.
Request that SBA approve a decrease in the guaranty percentage from
% to
%. (For loans with a maturity greater
than 12 months, SBA must approve the decrease prior to the lender closing and initially disbursing the loan in order for the
guaranty fee owed to be decreased. For loans with a maturity of 12 months or less, there is no adjustment to the guaranty fee due to
any decrease or cancellation.) Not applicable to loans approved under a Lender’s Delegated Authority.
For SBA loans that have been closed and initially disbursed. The Lender certifies that this request complies with
SOP 50 10, SOP 50 50 and/or any applicable program guide:
Request that SBA approve an increase in the loan amount from $_________ to $__________
(Additional guaranty fee in the
amount of $______________ is attached/has been forwarded to Denver__________ (initials)
Inform SBA that the loan maturity has been changed from ____months to ____months. New maturity is __/__/__. If the extension
goes from a 12 month maturity to a maturity longer than 12 months, the additional guaranty fee of $_______________ is attached.
(Once SBA changes its records to reflect any approved extension of maturity beyond 12 months, the additional guaranty fee is
earned and will not be refunded.) Only required for Loans in Liquidation.
Extend final disbursement date to __/ __ / __. Not applicable to EWCP loans.


By: (Signature of Authorized Lender Official)


The estimated burden for completing this form is 5 minutes. You are not required to respond to any collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The number for this collection is 3245-0348. Comments on the burden estimate
should be sent to U. S. Small Business Administration, Director, Records Management Division, 409 3rd Street, SW, Washington, DC
20416, and/or SBA Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Rm. 10202, Washington DC
SBA Form 2237 (Revised 07/20)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleTo notify SBA of an action, check the appropriate box below and fill in any blanks
File Modified2020-07-31
File Created2020-07-31

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