Form SBA Form 1920 SBA Form 1920 Lenders Application for Loan Guaranty for all 7(a) Loan

Borrower Information Form, Lenders Application for Guaranty, and 7(a) Loan Post Approval Action Checklist

3245-0348 Form 1920 (FINAL) 7-31-2020

SBA Express and Pilot Loan Programs(Export Express, Community Express and Patriot Express)

OMB: 3245-0348

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Lender’s Application for Loan Guaranty
For all 7(a) Loan Programs

OMB Control No.: 3245-0348
Expiration Date: XX/XX/2023

The purpose of this form is to collect identifying information about the Lender, the Small Business Applicant (“Applicant”), the
loan guaranty request, sources and uses of funds, the proposed structure and compliance with SBA Loan Program Requirements,
as defined in 13 CFR 120.10. Submission of the requested information is required for SBA or the Lender to make a determination
regarding eligibility for financial assistance. Failure to provide the information would affect that determination.
The Lender is responsible for complying with current SBA Loan Program Requirements. If there is any conflict between SBA
Form 1920 and any SBA Loan Program Requirement as a result of policy and/or procedural changes that occur before the expiration of this form, the SBA Loan Program Requirement supersedes the content of the form.
Instructions for Lenders

Select the Loan Processing Option (Delegated or Non-Delegated): For all loans (both Delegated and Non-Delegated): this
form is to be completed in its entirety, signed, dated, and retained in loan file. Additionally, Non- Delegated Lenders must
submit electronically to the LGPC.


Select the Loan Delivery Method: 7(a) Lenders must comply with the loan program specific requirements for the chosen
delivery method set forth in the current version of SOP 50 10.


Lender must complete Sections: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L M, U for all loans, and the applicable additional sections depending on the chosen delivery method and project.


Data requested in this form must be obtained prior to electronic submission to SBA.

A. Loan Processing Options:
 Non-Delegated Processing  Delegated Processing

Processing Method (Select One):

Loan Delivery Method: (complete the sections that apply to the box checked)
 7(a) Small Loan of $350,000 or less that meets or exceeds the minimum SBA SBSSSM credit score
 7(a) Loans over $350,000 or 7(a) Small Loan $350,000 or less that does not meet the minimum SBA SBSSSM credit score
 SBA Express (Delegated Processing Only):

 Revolving with Term-Out  Term Loan

 Export Express (Delegated Processing Only):  Revolving  Term Loan
 International Trade Loan:

 Permanent Working Capital  Fixed Assets

 Export Working Capital Program (EWCP) Loan:  Revolving  Not Revolving
 Asset Based  Transaction Based  Standby L/C  Renewal/Reissuance
 CAPLine (Revolving Lines of Credit):  Working Capital  Builder’s  Seasonal  Contract
 Community Advantage (CA) Pilot Program ($250,000 or less)
 Other (Explain):
B. Lender Information
Lender Location

Lender Name:


Lender Contact:





Cell or




Contact Email:
Alternate Contact Information ( Check to authorize the following contact for loan processing information)
Name (if other
Contact Type:  Lender Employee
 Lender Service Provider (LSP)
than Lender):
Cell or
Ph: (
Contact Email:
C. Part One: Small Business Applicant Information: Complete this section and Part Two if the eligible Small Business Applicant is organized as
an Eligible Passive Company (EPC, as defined in 13 CFR 120.10) for this project. Part Two must be completed for the Operating Company.
The Lender certifies that the EPC complies with all program requirements related to EPC/OC loans set forth in 13 CFR 120.111 and SOP
50 10 on Special Transaction Structures.
 Yes  No (If ‘No,’ the applicant is not eligible”)
If the Small Business Applicant is owned 20% or more by a 401(K) or ESOP, the loan cannot be structured as an EPC/OC. (13 CFR §
EPC Legal Name
Legal Structure:
SBA Form 1920 (Revised 07/20)

Date Established:
 Sole Prop  Partnership  Corp  LLC  Other ________
P a g e |1

Business Tax ID:

Physical address:


Primary Contact:

Contact Phone: (

Mailing Address (if different):
The Operating Company is



Zip Code:




Zip Code:

 Guarantor or  Co-Applicant

(When the use of proceeds includes working capital the EPC and OC must be Co-Applicants.)

Use a separate sheet if more than two Applicants.

Operating Company

C. Part Two: Small Business Applicant Information
 Startup Business (Not opened yet)

 New Business (2 years or less)

 Existing Business (more than 2 years old)

Date Business Established:

Date Current Ownership Established:

NAICS Code (6 digit)

Legal Structure:

 Sole Proprietor  Partnership  Corp  LLC  Other

Legal Business Name:

Business Tax ID:
DBA if applicable:

Physical Address:
Primary Contact:
Mailing Address (if different):
# of employees prior to this loan:



Contact Phone:




# of jobs created because of this loan:

Zip Code:

Zip Code

# of jobs retained because of this loan:

D. Loan Structure Information

Amount of Loan Request:


Guaranty %:

Loan Term in # of months
% (including interest-only period)


Interest-only Period:
(if applicable)

Payment Frequency:  Monthly  Quarterly  Semi-Annually  Annually  Other (explain in Credit Memo)

Initial Payment


Rate Structure (rates may have one rate for the full loan amount or separate rate structures for the guaranteed and unguaranteed portions)
Rate Type
Which Part of Loan
Base Rate
Base Rate
Full Rate
 Prime  SBA Peg Rate
 Variable
 Full  Guaranteed
 Fixed Rate  Other (explain in
 Fixed
 Un-Guaranteed
Credit Memo)
 Prime  SBA Peg Rate
 Variable
 Full  Guaranteed
 Fixed Rate  Other (explain in
 Fixed
 Un-Guaranteed
Credit Memo)
Frequency that Rate will Adjust:  Monthly  Quarterly  Calendar Quarter  Annually  Other (explain in Credit Memo)
When will first rate adjustment occur: (see SOP 50 10 “SBA requirements for SBA Note”)

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E. Complete Project Information ($ in thousands & must be supported in credit memo)
If more than $10,000 of the loan proceeds are used for construction/renovation an SBA Form 601 must be completed.
Applicant Equity InUse of Proceeds (Sources and Uses)
SBA 7(a) Loan
Other Financing
Total for Line
Land Acquisition (  with or  without improve$
 New Construction  Expansion  Renovations $
Leasehold Improvements to a property:
 owned by Applicant or  owned by others
Machinery & Equipment
Furniture & Fixtures





Inventory Purchase





Working Capital





Export Working Capital (EWCP or Export Express)
Support Standby Letter of Credit (EWCP or Export
Refinance Existing EWCP Loan or Export Line of
Credit (EWCP)
Business Acquisition (Change of Ownership)
( Asset or  Stock)
Pay off SBA Loan ( SID /  Other Lender / 
Pay Notes Payable ( SID /  Other Lender / 
Pay Accounts Payable
SBA Guarantee Fee
Other (explain):

































Total (sum of last column should match sum of
first 3 across):

Is any portion of the Applicant’s equity injection funded by a Rollover as Business Start-Up “ROBS”?

 Yes

 No

If “Yes” the Applicant and the 401(k) plan must be in compliance with all applicable IRS, Treasury, and Department of Labor requirements.

F. Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”) -  N/A Complete if the Small Business Applicant is a Qualified Employee Trust or equivalent
trust. (13 CFR §§ 120.351- 354) (All questions below must be answered “Yes” to be eligible.)


The Qualified Employee Trust (or equivalent trust) meets the requirements and conditions for an ESOP prescribed
in all applicable IRS, Treasury and Department of Labor regulations AND the small business will provide the
funds needed by the trust to repay the loan and will provide adequate collateral.

 Yes

 No

Loan will help finance the growth of the Qualified Employee Trust’s employer’s small business or will purchase
ownership or voting control of the employer.

 Yes

 No

Loan proceeds will be used either (a) by the Qualified Employee Trust to purchase: 1) qualified employer securities; or 2) a controlling interest (51% or more) in the employer (ownership and control will vest in the trust by the
time the loan is repaid), or (b) by the employer small business concern for the sole purpose of making a loan to
the Qualified Employee Trust that results in the Qualified Employees Trust owning a controlling interest (51% or
more) of the small business concern.

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

G. General Eligibility (If either of the statements below are answered “No,” the request is not eligible for an SBA guaranty.)


Small Business Applicant is (1) an operating business (except for loans to Eligible Passive Companies under 13
CFR 120.111), (2) organized for profit, (3) located in the United States and its territories or possessions, (4) small
(as defined by 13 CFR Part 121), and (5) able to demonstrate a need for the desired credit.

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The Small Business Applicant’s products and/or services are available to the public.
Lender has reviewed the small business applicant and has determined it is an eligible business (including, but not
limited to whether the business is an ineligible type of business under 13 CFR 120.110).


 Yes

 No

H. Credit Not Reasonably Available Elsewhere (If the statements below are answered “No,” the request is not eligible for an SBA guaranty)


Lender has assessed the Small Business Applicant’s access to credit outside of this SBA-guaranteed loan, and
determined that such credit is not available elsewhere on reasonable commercial terms from non-Federal nonState, and non-local government sources AND
Lender’s Credit Memo includes the credit elsewhere analysis and specifically identifies the factors in the present
financing that meet credit elsewhere, including an analysis of the personal liquidity of the principal(s), and the
loan file contains supporting documentation for the Lender’s determination.

 Yes

 No

I. Required Guarantors
The Lender has verified that all owners with an interest of 20% or more in the Small Business Applicant will guarantee the
loan, including each 20% or more owner of the EPC and each 20% or more owner of the OC in an EPC/OC structure. The
20% threshold includes a spouse when the combined ownership of both spouses is 20% or more. Only ESOPs and/or eligible 401(k) Plans are excluded from this requirement.

 Yes

 No


J. Character Determination (For those individuals who are required to execute Section II of SBA Form 1919) For any individual answering
affirmatively to the question of conviction(s) Lender must retain in its loan file the original Character Determination Package, including all
required supporting information and court documentation.


Lender has verified that no individual completing SBA Form 1919 is subject to an indictment, criminal information, arraignment, or other means by which formal criminal charges are brought.
(If the answer to the statement is No, the loan is not eligible.)

 Yes

 No

Lender has verified that no individual is currently on parole or probation.
currently on parole or probation, deferred prosecution, conditional discharge, order of protection, or who is on a
sex offender registry, the loan is not eligible).

 Yes

 No

Lender has confirmed that all disclosed crimes were misdemeanors, fully dispositioned by the court more than 6
months ago and there were no convictions for crimes against a minor. (If yes, submission to SBA of the Character
Determination Package is not required.)

 Yes

 No

Lender has confirmed that disclosed crime(s) included felony(ies) convictions or crimes against a minor; or was a
case that was dispositioned by the court within the last 6 months. Lender must have submitted all required documents electronically to SBA at and received an SBA clearance letter. (If the answer is “No,”
the loan is not eligible.)

 Yes

 No

K. Citizenship - The business must be at least 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens and/or those who have LPR status from USCIS to be
eligible for SBA Guaranty.


U. S. Citizen
Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status verified with the USCIS (applies to any owner with 20% or more ownership interest)

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

L. Prior Loss to Government/Delinquent Federal Debt (If “Yes,” loan is not eligible, unless waived by SBA for good cause.) 13 CFR
120.110(q) and 31 CFR § 285.13 (g)


Applicant previously defaulted on a Federal loan or federally assisted financing that resulted in the Federal
government, or any of its departments or agencies, sustaining a loss (a compromise agreement under which the
Federal agency/department accepted less than the full amount owed is also considered a loss).

 Yes

 No

Another business owned, operated, and/or controlled by the Applicant or any Associate of the Applicant
previously defaulted on a Federal loan (or guaranteed a loan which was defaulted) and caused the Federal
government, or any of its agencies or departments to sustain a loss in any of its programs (a compromise agreement under which the Federal agency/department accepted less than the full amount owed is also considered a

 Yes

 No

SBA Form 1920 (Revised 07/20)

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The Applicant or any of the guarantors is currently delinquent on a nontax debt to the Federal Government
(a Federal debt that is the subject of, or has been discharged in, a bankruptcy proceeding, or has been released or
compromised by the Federal agency/department is not considered delinquent).

 Yes

 No

M. Size Analysis
If the Applicant is an existing business that is applying for an SBA loan to acquire another business, the two businesses are combined to determine
whether or not the Small Business Applicant is small. If an application is for an EPC/OC, refer to the size determinations under the EPC rule in the
current SOP 50 10. If the Small Business Applicant has Affiliates, please provide a list, including Affiliate name and tax ID #, and discuss possible
bases of affiliation. If affiliation exists, complete a Size Analysis for each Affiliate.
Use this size standard 
Primary Industry
Average annual receipts over the last three completed fiscal years per Federal Tax Returns (exclude
affiliates) 13 CFR§ 121.104


SBA Size Standard based on NAICS (The size standards are found in 13 CFR § 121.201)
Number of Employees
Use the Alternative size standard 

Tangible Net Worth is (not in excess of $15 million) and


Average net income after Federal Income Taxes (excluding any carry over losses) for preceding 2
completed fiscal years is not in excess of $5.0 million. (The alternative size standard is found at §3(a)
of the Small Business Act.)


The combined size calculation of Applicant and its Affiliates meets the size standard for the Applicant’s primary industry or
the size standard for the primary industry of the Applicant and its Affiliates, whichever is higher (13 CFR §121.104);
The combined size calculation of Applicant and its Affiliates meets the alternative size standard.

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

If size standard is exceeded by no more than 25%, Applicant agrees to use the loan proceeds within a labor surplus area.

 Yes

 No

N. Occupancy and Leasing Requirements 13 CFR § 120.131 (If any of the statements below cannot be answered “Yes,” then the loan is not
eligible.)  N/A

Construction of a new building or refinancing of a short-term construction loan.
If checked, answer the following:



Applicant (or Operating Company(ies) will permanently occupy at least 60% of the Rentable Property for the term
of the loan; lease long term no more than 20% of the Rentable Property to one or more tenants; plans to occupy
within 3 years and all of it no later than 10 years.

 Yes

 No

Loan proceeds will be used to renovate or improve the Rentable Property for the Applicant (or Operating Company(ies)) only.

 Yes

 No

Acquisition, renovation, reconstruction of an existing building.
If checked, answer the following:

Applicant (or Operating Company(ies) will occupy at least 51% of the Rentable Property.

 Yes

 No


Loan proceeds will not be used to remodel or convert any rental space in the property.

 Yes

 No

O. Business Acquisition / Change of Ownership 13 CFR § 120. 202. Complete this section for all changes of ownership (including between
existing owners)  N/A
If part of the Use of Proceeds will be used to fund or refinance a change in ownership:


The change will promote the sound development or preserve the existence of the Applicant business.
(If “No,” the loan is not eligible.)

 Yes

 No

The change is between existing owners of the small business and will result in 100% ownership by the remaining
owner(s) or is the purchase of 100% of a business resulting in a new owner and meets the requirements set forth in
the SOP 50 10. (If “No,” the loan is not eligible.)

 Yes

 No

The loan proceeds will not pay off an SBA-guaranteed loan of the seller with the same Lender.
(If “No,” application may not be processed under delegated authority.)

 Yes

 No

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The portion of the loan proceeds allocated to the change of ownership will not exceed the value of the business as
stated in the required business valuation. (If “No,” the loan is not eligible.)


If the loan is an International Trade loan or Export Express loan, the Lender has followed the requirements of SOP
50 10 for changes of ownership financed by those types of loans. (If “No,” the loan is not eligible.)
Will a business broker receive a commission from the sale of the business paid by the Applicant?
(If Yes, complete below)
Name of Business Broker
Broker Address


 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No


P. Type of Business Valuation – (use worksheet to determine what type of business valuation is required)
Total Purchase Price to be paid to seller per purchase contract:


Less down payment paid to Seller:


Less buyer injection:


Total Amount being Financed (including 7(a), 504, Seller or Other financing) (A):


Source & Type of Injection:

Appraised Value of Commercial Real Estate being financed in purchase of /or with the business
Appraised Value of equipment being financed in the purchase of the business (C):
Value of intangible assets to be Financed (A) – (B) – (C) = (D):


If the value of (D) above is $250,000 or less AND there is not a close relationship between Buyer & Seller, you have obtained
an internally prepared business valuation that supports the value being paid for the business?


If the value of (D) above is over $250,000 OR there is a close relationship between Buyer & Seller (as described in SOP 50
10), you have obtained an independent business valuation from a qualified source that supports the value being paid for the
business? (For loans processed under Lender’s delegated authority, the independent business valuation has been or will be
obtained prior to closing/disbursement.)


Q. Debt Refinancing - for each debt being refinanced. The Lender must address in the credit memo that the eligible debt refinance and processing method is compliant with 13 CFR § 120 and SOP 50 10  N/A

Include a COMPLETE BUSINESS DEBT SCHEDULE that matches the most current interim business
financial statement.
Obtain copy of all supporting documentation for each debt to be refinanced (e.g., note, security agreement,
lease). For credit card debt provide a copy of the most recent credit card statement evidencing the name the
debt is in and the current balance. (Lenders must follow the procedures as outlined in the current SOP50 10
for documenting their files completely for any debt being refinanced.)

Included for each debt being

R. Franchise/License/Jobber/Membership or Similar Agreement  N/A


Does the Applicant operate under a Franchise/License/Jobber/Membership or similar Agreement?
(If “Yes,” answer the following questions.)

 Yes

 No

Franchise Identifier
Code (if applicable):
For non-delegated loans, if the Applicant’s brand is not on the SBA Franchise Directory, Lender has determined that the brand does not meet
the FTC definition of a franchise but is eligible for SBA financial assistance. Lender has explained its determination in its Credit Memo and
will submit a copy of the agreement and any other document the franchisor requires the franchisee to execute with their loan documentation to
the LGPC.
Tradename under the Agreement:

For delegated loans, if the Applicant’s brand is not on the SBA Franchise Directory, Lender has determined that the brand does not meet the
FTC definition of a franchise but is eligible for SBA financial assistance. Lender has explained its determination in its Credit Memo and
retained all supporting documentation in its file.

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S. CAPLine - If the loan is a CAPLine, please complete the following. Applicant must meet SBA Loan Program Requirements in
SOP 50 10. If either of the questions below are answered “No,” the request is not eligible for an SBA guaranty.  N/A
 Seasonal

Applicant has been in operation for at least 12 calendar months and is able to
demonstrate a definite pattern of seasonal activity.

 Yes

 No

 Builders

Applicant is a construction contractor or homebuilder under NAICS codes 236220,
236115, 236116, or 236118 with a demonstrated managerial and technical ability in
profitable construction or renovation, will either perform the construction/renovation
work or manage the job with at least one supervisory employee on the job site during
the entire construction phase, will conduct prompt and significant renovations, as
defined in SOP 50 10, and has demonstrated a successful performance record in
bidding and completing construction/renovation at a profit within the estimated
construction period, is able to demonstrate prior prompt payments to suppliers and
subcontractors, and the prior successful performance have been of comparable type and
size to the proposed project.

 Yes

 No

Applicant is able to demonstrate an ability to operate profitably based upon the prior
completion of similar contracts, possesses the overall ability to bid, accurately project
costs, perform the specific type of work required by the contract(s), and has the financial capacity and technical expertise to complete the contract on time and at a profit.

 Yes

 No

Applicant generates accounts receivable (not notes receivable) and/or has inventory.

 Yes

 No

 Contract

 Working Capital


 Export Loan Programs If the question below is answered “No,” the loan is not eligible for an SBA Guaranty.  N/A

Is the Applicant an exporter (direct or indirect) or will it become one as a result of this loan?


Projected export sales supported by this loan:




 Yes

 No


International Trade Loan (ITL) (If any question below is answered “No,” loan is not eligible for IT.)  N/A

The loan proceeds will be used solely for the purpose of 1) financing the acquisition, construction,
renovation, modernization, improvement, or expansion of productive facilities or equipment to be used
in the United States in the production of goods and services involved in international trade, and to
develop and penetrate foreign markets; 2) the refinancing of existing indebtedness that is not
structured with reasonable terms and conditions, including any debt that qualifies for refinancing
under the Debt Refinance section above; or 3) working capital (of up to $4,000,000 guaranteed
amount) when IT loan is for working capital.

 Yes

 No

The small business concern has demonstrated either 1) the loan proceeds will be used to expand
existing export markets or develop new export markets; or 2) it is confronting increased competition
with foreign firms in the relevant market and is injured by such competition.

 Yes

 No

The small business concern has demonstrated that the loan will allow it to improve its competitive

 Yes

 No

Lender will 1) take a first lien on the fixed assets financed (or re-financed) with this loan or on other
assets of the small business concern; or 2) take a second lien on the fixed assets financed
(or re-financed) with this loan or on other assets of the small business concern and Lender has
determined that the second lien provides adequate assurance of the payment of the loan and the Lender
will submit the application for non-delegated processing.

 Yes

 No

Collateral is located in the United States, its territories, and possessions.

 Yes

 No

Lender has reviewed the Ex-Im Bank Country Limitation Schedule (CLS) to verify that the
U.S. Government has not restricted trade with any foreign country that the applicant does business
with (i.e., no country is identified on the CLS by Note #7).

 Yes

 No

If the loan is for a change of ownership, the Lender has followed the requirements of SOP 50 10 for
changes of ownership financed by IT loans.

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

 Export Express (If any question below is answered “No,” loan is not eligible.)

The Applicant business has been operating, although not necessarily in exporting, for at least 12 full
months. If less than 12 months, the Applicant’s key personnel have clearly demonstrated export
expertise and substantial previous successful business experience, AND the Lender processes the
Export Express loan using conventional commercial loan underwriting procedures and does not rely
solely on credit scoring or credit matrices to approve the loan. For non-bank Lenders that do not have

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a conventional loan portfolio, a written approval from the Office of Credit Risk Management for their
underwriting procedures has been obtained prior to making the Export Express loan.



Loan proceeds will be used for an export development activity as defined in the SOP 50 10.

 Yes

 No

If proceeds are being used to finance indirect exports, the Applicant has provided documentation to
Lender from the Applicant’s domestic customer (typically in the form of a letter, invoice, order or
contract) that the goods or services are in fact being exported.

 Yes

 No

Proceeds will not be used to finance operations outside of the United States, except for the marketing
and/or distribution of products/services exported from the United States.

 Yes

 No

If proceeds are being used to finance specific export transactions (including indirect exports), Lender
has determined that U.S. companies are authorized to conduct business with the proposed country(ies)
to which the goods or services will be shipped and has reviewed the Ex-Im Bank Country Limitation
Schedule (CLS) to verify that the U.S. Government has not restricted trade with any foreign country
that the applicant does business with (i.e., no country is identified on the CLS by Note #7), and the
Lender has complied with any OFAC review requirements.

 Yes

 No

Loan will not refinance an existing SBA-guaranteed loan, except as allowed under SOP 50 10.

 Yes

 No

If the loan is for a change of ownership, the Lender has followed the requirements of SOP 50 10 for
changes of ownership financed by Export Express loans.

 Yes

 No

 Export Working Capital Program (EWCP) – (If any question below is answered “No,” loan is not eligible for EWCP.)


Applicant has been in business for at least 12 months, OR if in business for less than 12 months, the
Lender has included in its Credit Memo a recommendation for a waiver of the 12-month requirement
and a justification based upon the Applicant’s demonstrated export expertise and previous business
experience, and will be submitted under non-delegated processing.

 Yes

 No

If Applicant is an export management company (EMC) or export trading company (ETC), the EMC or
ETC will take title to the goods or services being exported and the EMC or ETC has no bank ownership.

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

Proceeds will be used only to finance export transactions, refinance an existing EWCP loan or export
line of credit, and/or support standby letter(s) of credit for export transactions.

 Yes

 No

If the loan will be used to refinance an existing EWCP loan or export line of credit, the Lender has
followed the requirements of SOP 50 10 applicable to EWCP refinancing.
The Applicant will provide a first security interest sufficient to cover 100 percent of the EWCP loan
amount, and all collateral is located in the United States, its territories or possessions.

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

Copy of letter(s) of credit and/or copy of buyer’s order/contract, if required.

 Yes

 N/A

Export credit insurance-related material (policy, application, buyer credit limit), if required.

 Yes

 N/A

Copy of export license(s), if required.

 Yes

 N/A

Aging of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and inventory reports (dated within 180 days of

 Yes

 N/A

Cash flow projection with monthly (may be quarterly for asset-based loans) sales projections for the
lesser of 12 months or the term of the loan, highlighting the proposed export transaction(s) to be

 Yes

 N/A

If proceeds are being used to finance indirect exports, the Applicant has provided documentation to
Lender from the Applicant’s domestic customer (typically in the form of a letter, invoice, order or
contract) that the goods or services are in fact being exported.
For the specific export transactions being financed (including indirect exports), Lender has
determined that U.S. companies are authorized to conduct business with the proposed country(ies) to
which the goods or services will be shipped and has reviewed the Ex-Im Bank Country Limitation
Schedule (CLS) to verify that the U.S. Government has not restricted trade with any foreign country
that the applicant does business with (i.e., no country is identified on the CLS by Note #7), and the
Lender has complied with any OFAC review requirements.



Lender must collect and retain the following information:

 To provide funds to support a standby letter of credit. (If checked, answer the following questions.) (If both answers are “No,” loan
proceeds cannot be used to support a standby letter of credit.)


Loan is an Export Express loan

 Yes

 No

Loan is an EWCP loan

 Yes

 No

SBA Form 1920 (Revised 07/20)

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 7(a) Small Loan

Applicant meets the minimum acceptable credit score requirements for 7(a) Small loans. (If the applicant does not
receive an acceptable credit score, non-delegated Lenders may submit a Standard 7(a) loan application to the LGPC
(following the procedures for loans over $350,000), while delegated Lenders may process using their delegated
authority (following the procedures for loans over $350,000), or, if the Lender is an SBA or Export Express Lender,
as an Express application.)

Lender’s Credit Memo includes:


 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

A brief description of the history of the business and the management team of the company; Owner/Guarantor analysis; when 50 percent
or more of the loan proceeds will be used for working capital, Lender must explain in its Credit Memo why this level of working capital is
necessary and appropriate for the subject business; the reason(s) why credit is not available elsewhere on reasonable commercial terms
from non-Federal, non-State, non-local government sources; whether life insurance or other insurances will be required in accordance with
Lender’s written policies and procedures it uses for its similarly-sized non-SBA guaranteed commercial loans; a list of collateral and its
estimated value (if secured); other specifics related to the loan (e.g., seller financing, standby debt, liens or judgements, franchise/license/similar agreements, management agreements, any debt refinancing); and the impact any affiliates may have on the applicant’s
repayment ability.

 Community Advantage (loan amount is $250,000 or less)

If the loan is being processed through Community Advantage, the information collected on SBA Form 2449,
Community Advantage Addendum, must be entered by Lender into E-Tran or SBA One.

 Yes

 No

Applicant meets the minimum acceptable credit score requirements for Community Advantage loans.
(If no, loan must be submitted under Standard 7(a) guidelines for loans over $350,000.)

 Yes

 No

 Yes

 No

V. Fees paid to others
Has the Applicant paid or committed to pay a fee to the Lender or a third party to assist in the preparation of the loan
application or application materials, or has the Applicant or Lender paid or committed to pay a referral agent or broker a
If “Yes,” SBA Form 159 must be completed, signed by all parties and a copy provided to SBA’s fiscal and transfer agent
after initial disbursement in accordance with SOP 50 10
Other Fees: Reminder: A Lender must obtain prior SBA approval to charge extraordinary servicing fee(s).

SBA Certification to Financial Institution under Right to Financial Privacy Act (12 U.S.C. 3401)
By signing SBA Form 1919, Borrower Information Form in connection with this application for an SBA-guaranteed loan, the applicant
certifies that it has read the Statements Required by Law and Executive Orders, which is attached to Form 1919. As such, SBA certifies
that it has complied with the applicable provisions of the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3401) and, pursuant to that
Act, no further certification is required for subsequent access by SBA to financial records of the applicant/borrower during the term of
the loan guaranty.
Statement Regarding Lobbying (applicable only to loans exceeding $150,000)
If any funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this
commitment providing for the United States to guarantee a loan, the Lender will complete and submit Standard Form LLL, “Disclosure
of Lobbying Activities,” in accordance with 13 CFR Part 146. Lender acknowledges submission of this disclosure is a prerequisite for
making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code, and that any person who fails to file or amend a
declaration required to be filed or amended will be subject to a civil penalty in the amounts set forth in 13 CFR §146.400.

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Lender Certification
On behalf of my Lending Institution,

I certify that my institution has complied and is familiar with SBA Loan Program Requirements, that we have accurately and correctly completed the Lender’s Application for Guaranty for All 7(a) Programs on behalf of the Lender, that the above information
is true and correct, to the best of our knowledge, and that we have exercised due diligence to obtain the true and correct information.


I approve this application to SBA subject to the terms and conditions stated in this and the attached documents. Without the participation of SBA, to the extent applied for, we would not be willing to make this loan, and, in our opinion, the financial assistance
approved is not otherwise available on reasonable commercial terms.


I certify that the Small Business Applicant is an eligible business and Lender’s credit file contains the documentation that supports
the Lender’s determination of eligibility in accordance with SOP 50 10.


For applications submitted under delegated authority, I am aware and acknowledge that SBA will not review eligibility prior to
issuing an SBA loan number and that if an SBA loan number is assigned and SBA later learns that the loan is not eligible, SBA
may deny liability on its guarantee.


For all applications submitted under non-delegated processing:


For loans with a Change of Ownership (including existing owners)


Lender’s credit memorandum contains confirmation of Lender’s collection of business tax returns and verification
and reconciliation of the applicant’s financial data against income tax data (received in response to IRS Form
4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return) prior to submitting the application to SBA.

All Seller financial information has been signed and dated by the Seller and has been verified against IRS tax
transcripts as set out in SOP 50 10. Where there is an acquisition of a division or a segment of an existing business,
other forms of verification may be used in lieu of the 4506-T (e.g., Sales tax payment records);

I approve and certify that the Applicant is a small business according to the standards in 13 CFR Part 121, the loan proceeds will
be used for an eligible purpose, and the owners and managers of the applicant business are of good character.

I certify that:

None of the Lender’s Associates*, including but not limited to its employees, officers, directors, or substantial stockholders
(more than 10%) has a financial interest in the Applicant.


No Lender or Associate of Lender has a real or apparent conflict of interest with Applicant, any of Applicant’s Associates, or
any of the close relatives of Applicant’s Associates.


No Lender or Associate or close relative of an Associate of the Lender has a significant direct or indirect financial or other
interest in the Applicant or has had such an interest within 6 months prior to the date of the application.


No Associate of a Lender is incarcerated, on parole, or on probation or is a convicted felon or has an adverse final civil
judgment (in a case involving fraud, breach of trust, or other conduct) that would cause the public to question the Lender’s
business integrity.


No Lender or any Associate of Lender has accepted funding from a source that restricts, prioritizes, or conditions the types of
small businesses that Lender may assist under an SBA program or that imposes any conditions or requirements upon
recipients of SBA assistance inconsistent with SBA’s loan programs or regulations.


Neither the Applicant, an Associate of Applicant, close relative nor household member** of an Associate of Applicant is
required to invest in Lender.


None of the loan proceeds will be used to acquire space in a project for which Lender has issued a real estate forward


Associate of a Lender is an officer, director, key employee, or holder of 20% or more of the value of the Lender’s stock or debt

** “Household member” means spouse and minor children of an employee, all blood relations of the employee and any spouse
who resides in the same place of abode with the employee. [13 CFR § 105.201(d)]

Authorized Lender Official:


Type or Print Name:

SBA Form 1920 (Revised 07/20)


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FOR PLP SUBMISSIONS ONLY (in addition to above):

I approve and certify that the applicant is a small business according to the standards in 13 CFR Part 121, the loans proceeds will
be used for an eligible purpose, and the owners and managers of the applicant business are of good character.

Authorized Lender Official:


Type or Print Name:


NOTE: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, you are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The estimated burden for completing this form, including time for reviewing
instructions, gathering data needed, and completing and reviewing the form is 25 minutes per response. Comments or questions on
the burden estimates should be sent to U.S. Small Business Administration, Director, Records Management Division, 409 3rd St.,
SW, Washington DC 20416, and/or SBA Desk Officer, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Rm.

SBA Form 1920 (Revised 07/20)

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLedford, Edward
File Modified2020-07-31
File Created2020-07-31

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