Form 2 Leadership Follow-up 1

NCCC Impact Studies

Instrument 2 _NCCC Leadership Development Corps Member Early Exit Short Questionnaire

NCCC Impact Studies

OMB: 3045-0189

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NCCC Leadership Development Corps Member Early Exit Short Questionnaire

OMB Control Number: XXX (Expires XX/XX/XX)

Reasons for Ending Service Early

There are many reasons why Corps members end their service early. NCCC is interested in understanding your NCCC experience and the reasons you might wish to end your service before graduation.

1. For each of the reasons below please indicate whether it contributed to your decision to leave early?*



a. I was dismissed by the program

( )

( )

b. I want to go back to school

( )

( )

c. I found a job / I will start working

( )

( )

d. I am not earning enough money / I need to earn more money to help my family pay the bills

( )

( )

e. I have a condition that substantially limits my ability to do some physical activities

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f. I have a mental or emotional condition that limits my ability to do some activities

( )

( )

g. I need to care for a family member or close friend

( )

( )

h. I felt disrespected by the people in the program

i. I do not feel valued by people in the program

j. People in the program did not try to get to know me

k. I do not get along with my supervisor or leadership (team leader, unit leader, or site supervisor)

( )

( )

l. I do not get along with the other members on my team

( )

( )

m. I am not making friends with the other people on my team

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( )

n. I am not learning the skills I need for the career I want

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( )

o. I do not feel part of the team

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( )

p. I am not gaining any leadership skills

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q. I am not making a difference in people’s live with the projects I was assigned

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r. I am not getting to do the type of work I thought I would be doing

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s. My parents/guardians have told me I can come home

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t. The work I was assigned is not fulfilling

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u. I do not like the type of housing

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v. I am joining the military

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w. I am going to serve with Peace Corps

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x. I am going to serve with another AmeriCorps program (ASN, VISTA)

( )

( )

y. NCCC has too much structure / too strict

( )

( )

z. Other reason for leaving, please explain

( )

( )

1z. Please explain reason for leaving:*





2. Thinking about your NCCC service projects, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:*

Strongly disagree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly agree

a. I developed an understanding of the strengths of communities.

( )

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b. I can recognize solutions to challenges communities face..

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c. I spent a lot of time doing meaningless “make work” tasks.

( )

( )

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( )

d. I felt defeated by the complexities of the problems that I worked on.

( )

( )

( )

( )


3. Thinking about the people you interacted with in your NCCC team and in the communities you served, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:*

Strongly disagree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly agree

a. I was exposed to new ideas and ways of seeing the world.

( )

( )

( )

( )

b. I had an opportunity to interact with people who were different than me.

( )

( )

( )

( )

c. I re-examined my beliefs and attitudes about other people.

( )

( )

( )

( )

d. I re-examined my beliefs and attitudes about challenges communities face

e. I did not get along well with my supervisor or leadership (team leader, , unit leader, or site supervisor)

( )

( )

( )

( )

f. I did not feel value by the people in my team or group.

( )

( )

( )

( )

g. I felt that the people I worked with or lived with did not understand me.

( )

( )

( )

( )

h. I felt a sense of belonging on my team.

( )

( )

( )

( )

i. I felt accepted by my teammates.

( )

( )

( )

( )

j. I felt personally accepted in the communities in which I worked and served.

( )

( )

( )

( )

k. I get asked to contribute in planning social activities not directly related to my volunteer work

l. I am told about informal social activities and events

m. I am rarely invited to join other team members when they go out or to take a break

4. How often has your NCCC team done the following:*





Very often

a. We discuss issues and problems and share ideas.

( )

( )

( )

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( )

b. We involve everyone and avoid favoritism.

( )

( )

( )

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( )

c. We can disagree and be different from one another.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

d. We take time to work out any conflicts.

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )


Contact information for the follow-up surveys

Thank you again for taking the time to participate in this survey.

Just to make sure we are able to contact you for the follow-survey, could you provide your contact information. We will protect all the information from the surveys and phone interviews. Your information will be stored in a safe and secure manner and (b) only used for research and/or statistical purposes. It will only be shared with CNCS staff and external parties who require the PII to complete their work. You will only be contacted for the purpose of this study. Your participation is voluntary, you can end your participation at any time.

First Name: ________________ Last Name: ____________________

Street Address: ____________________________________________________


City: ____________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________

Phone: ____________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________

5. How would you prefer we contact you in the future?

1. Phone ____

2. Email ____

3. Mail ____

6. What is the best phone number, email address, or physical address where you can be reached?


Contact Information for Relative and Friend:

In order for the research team to reach you for the next survey, please answer the next two questions about how to find you.]

7. Is there a relative or friend, who does not live in this household, who will always know how to get in touch with you? The research team will only contact this person if it cannot locate you for the next survey.

NO.............................................................. 0 (END THE SURVEY)

YES............................................................. 1 (GO TO 8)

DON’T KNOW ............................................. 8 (END THE SURVEY)

Prefer not to answer ................................................... 9 (END THE SURVEY)

8. What is the name, address, and telephone number of that person?

First Name: ________________ Last Name: ____________________

Street Address: ____________________________________________________


City: ____________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________

Phone: (_____)__________________

Email: _________________________

9. What is this person’s relationship to you?

RELATIVE _________________ 2

NEIGHBOR ________________ 3

FRIEND ___________________ 4

OTHER (SPECIFY)___________________ 7

PREFER NOT TO ANSWER ................................................... 9

10. Is there another relative or friend, who does not live in this household, who will always know how to get in touch with you? The research team will only contact this person if it cannot locate you for the next interview.

NO.............................................................. 0 (END SURVEY)

YES............................................................. 1 (GO TO 11)

DON’T KNOW ............................................. 8 (END SURVEY)

REFUSED ................................................... 9 (END SURVEY)

11. What is the name, address, and telephone number of that person?

First Name: ______________________ Last Name: ____________________

Street Address: ____________________________________________________


City: ____________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________

Phone: (_____) ________________________

12. What is this person’s relationship to you?

RELATIVE (SPECIFY)_________________ 2

NEIGHBOR (SPECIFY)________________ 3

FRIEND (SPECIFY)___________________ 4

OTHER (SPECIFY)___________________ 7

PREFER NOT TO ANSWER ................................................... 9

Attachment C. Leadership and Retention Qualitative Instrument

(Privacy Statements and assurances will be included in the pre-interview/focus group consent and introductory script – (See above Consent))

NCCC Focus Groups and Interviews Questions Leadership Development and Member Retention by Target Group


Questions Asked Follow-Up Time Point

Corps Members and Team Leaders

  1. What were the things you wished you had learned or known prior to your NCCC service time?

  1. What are the reasons that motivated you to stay in the program? Was there any point that you considered leaving NCCC? What was happening that made you want to leave? How did you overcome and decided to remain through the end of your service? What might cause you to leave? [Probe if Members considering/consider leaving NCCC] What would convince/convinced you to stay? Why do you think some members leave before completing their term of service?

  1. What can or could the program do to best support you/Members in the program? What would motivate you to stay connected to NCCC after you complete your service year? [Prompts: donating, talking with new members, volunteering, sitting on an advisory committee, getting regular updates on the programs etc.]

NCCC Staff

  1. What factors motivate/have motivated Members to stay in the program? What factors might cause Members to consider leaving?

  2. What can or could the program do to best support Members in the program?

  3. What can NCCC do to motivate Members to stay connected after their service?

Site Sponsors

  1. How do you think the service project experience that members are engaged in with your organization motivates them to continue with their service experience? During their service time at your organization, are there any pressure points that might negatively affect members to consider ending their service early? What are/were these pressure points? What factors have motivated Members to stay in your project/FEMA program? What factors might cause them to consider leaving?

  2. Given that NCCC is trying to maximize retention, what can or could your organization do to best support NCCC? What can NCCC do to support you/your organization in helping support volunteer retention?

  3. Given your experience working with NCCC teams in your community, what areas do you feel that NCCC should explore to maximize retention? [Probe: In what areas do you think NCCC could be improved? Examples: better recruitment process, more trainings on communication or professionalism, more technical trainings, etc. ]


Questions Asked at Follow-Up Time Point

Corps Members and Team Leaders

  1. What skills or strengths do you have that you were able to apply in your service projects? What skills or strengths do you have that you did not get to apply in your service?

  1. What did you value from your Team Leader/Member? Can you tell us a story about how your Team Leader/Member contributed to your/Member’s success? In what ways could the Team Leader be more helpful/effective?

  1. What Sponsor trainings and resources did you/Members receive/have received that helped you/them perform your/their role and were useful during your service year? What trainings do you think you/Members need more of so that you/they can (better) perform your/their role?

For FEMA Corps also ask: What does FEMA do differently from NCCC to support Team Leaders?

[Probe: Did the coaching, on the job training, supervision, and professional support you/Members received from your/their sponsor/POCs prepare and support you/Members in having a successful service experience?]

    1. This might include an orientation to the organization and the community, supervision and training from your sponsor, one-on-one meetings and team meetings, and general guidance throughout the year. If so, how? Was there anything that could have been done differently so that you/Members could have had a more successful service experience?

  1. Which AmeriCorps/NCCC training and resources did you/Members receive/received prepare you/Members and support you/Members in having a successful service experience? If so, how? Was there anything that could have been done differently so that you/Members could have had a more successful service experience?

    1. Training might include orientation (TLT, CTI or FEMA trainings), online tutorials and resources, Service Learning Initiative (SLI), NCCC transition/midyear/Life After AmeriCorps training, webinars, blended courses, and social media forums presented by AmeriCorps (including AmeriCorps NCCC, FEMA Corps, and AmeriCorps VISTA).

  1. [Moderator: Define leadership before asking the question] What leadership skills did you/Members gain during the service year? What could have helped you/Members gain those leadership skills [Probe: NCCC training, mentorship, other]?

Questions #6 thru 7Asked at Follow-Up Data Collection Only

  1. [Moderator: Define professional skills before asking the question] What professional skills do you believe you have gained from being an NCCC member? What was your experience like with NCCC program that enabled you to develop the professional skills?

  1. [Moderator: Define life skills before asking the question] What life skills did you have before joining NCCC? How do you feel your life skills changed because of your NCCC experience?

[Probe: What personal knowledge and skills did you learn from your NCCC experience that are/will be valuable in your/their future education/career/personal growth in this area? Do you think you will use your NCCC college credits in the future?]

NCCC Staff

  1. What makes a successful member service experience?

Which AmeriCorps/NCCC training did Members receive/received prepare Members and support Members in having a successful service experience? If so, how? Was there anything that could have been done differently so that they could have had a more successful service experience?

    1. Training might include orientation (TLT, CTI or FEMA trainings), online tutorials and resources, Service Learning Initiative (SLI), NCCC transition/midyear/Life After AmeriCorps training, webinars, blended courses, and social media forums presented by AmeriCorps (including AmeriCorps NCCC, FEMA Corps, and AmeriCorps VISTA).

Which AmeriCorps/NCCC resources did Members receive/received that prepares Members and supports Members in having a successful service experience? If so, how? Was there anything that could have been done differently so that they could have had a more successful service experience?

  1. Did the coaching, on the job training, supervision, and professional support Members received from their project sponsor/FEMA POC prepare and support Members in having a successful service experience? If so, how? What can NCCC do to ensure project sponsors are giving members a successful experience?

    1. Project sponsor/FEMA POC examples: This might include an orientation to the organization and the community, supervision and training from your sponsor, one-on-one meetings and team meetings, and general guidance throughout the year.

  1. [Moderator: Define leadership before asking the question]

What growth did you see in Members regarding leadership skills? What barriers may have prevented Corps members from gaining leadership skills? [Probe: NCCC training, mentorship, others?]

In which ways do you feel Members have developed through NCCC? [Probe: Professionally, educationally, personally, civically?] How will they use these skills once they are out of NCCC?

Site Sponsor

  1. What (Sponsor/FEMA) trainings and resources did Members receive that prepares Members and supports them in having a successful service experience? If so, how? Has your organization identified any aspects of the training and resources that should be done differently to support Member success their during service experience?

For example,

    1. For FEMA – FEMA Corps 2-week training? Computer or software trainings?

    2. For Traditional sponsors – computer or software trainings?

  1. In which ways do you feel that your organization’s service project supports/supported Members to develop professionally, educationally, personally, and civically? How do you anticipate members might use the skills they gained through your service projects/FEMA Program once their complete their service with NCCC? [Probe for: Professionally, educationally, personally, civically?] How will they use these skills once they are out of NCCC?

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorGouge, Melissa
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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