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pdfCAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 6.0
Summary of Updates and Emphasis
This document is a reference tool that highlights the major changes from the CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 5.0 to 6.0. This
document is not a substitute for reviewing the CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines V6.0 in its entirety. The CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality
Assurance Guidelines V6.0 manual is effective upon its release in September 2019. General formatting and minor wording revisions have occurred throughout the
manual and are not included in this change matrix. Please contact the CAHPS Hospice Survey Project Team for any specific questions.
QAG Section
Summary of Key Changes in V6.0
o Revised V5.0 to V6.0
o Revised dates as necessary (e.g., 2018 to 2019)
o Minor formatting and wording revisions throughout the manual
o Updated references to appendices as needed
o References to XML File Specification V5.0 have been updated to XML File Specification V6.0
o Changed the CAHPS Hospice Survey Technical Assistance email address throughout the manual to
o Added references to the CAHPS Hospice Survey Telephone Script (Russian)
o Update references to include the Telephone script (Russian) as needed
II. Introduction and
III. Program
September 2019
o Updated section regarding the public reporting of CAHPS Hospice Survey results
o Updated Hospice Compare Refresh Date Timeline table
o Updated CAHPS Hospice Survey Development and National Implementation Timeline
o Updated Data Collection and Submission Timeline
o Clarified that hospices may not contact caregivers directly regarding survey responses
o Clarified Customer Support Line requirement to support calls from the deaf or hearing impaired
o Clarified that a Consent to Share question is not required by CMS in order to share identifiable caregiver
responses with hospices
o Clarified that any responses that would identify a particular decedent/caregiver must not be shared with direct
care staff
o Clarified that a 24-month wait period is required for survey vendors that do not re-apply, when approval status
is withdrawn due to having no clients within the initial 24-month approval period, before the survey vendor is
eligible to apply again
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CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 6.0
Summary of Updates and Emphasis
QAG Section
V. Sampling Protocol
Summary of Key Changes in V6.0
o Clarified that contracted caregivers should not be considered primary informal caregivers
o Clarified that a caregiver relationship of “8-No caregiver of record” should be used to identify decedents who
have no caregiver of record
o Clarified that decedents/caregivers are eligible for inclusion in the sample frame if they meet all the eligibility
VI. Mail Only Survey
VII. Telephone Only
VIII. Mixed Mode
IX. Data Coding and
Data File Preparation
o Added the requirement for the OMB expiration date to be printed on the front page of the questionnaire
o Clarified the Customer Support Line requirement to support calls from the deaf or hearing impaired
o Added references to the Telephone script (Russian)
o Clarified requirement that telephone monitoring not be conducted from a residence
o Clarified the Customer Support Line requirement to support calls from the deaf or hearing impaired
o Added references to the Telephone script (Russian)
o Added the requirement for the OMB expiration date to be printed on the front page of the questionnaire
o Clarified requirement that telephone monitoring not be conducted from a residence
o Clarified the Customer Support Line requirement to support calls from the deaf or hearing impaired
o Clarified that for a survey vendor’s final submission(s) each quarter, a separate file for each month of data is not
o Clarified that “zero cases” submissions must not be used when survey vendors do not confirm in writing that the
hospice had zero eligible decedents/caregivers in a month
September 2019
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CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 6.0
Summary of Updates and Emphasis
QAG Section
X. Data Submission
Summary of Key Changes in V6.0
o Updated the instructions for completing the CAHPS Hospice Survey Vendor Authorization Form
o Clarified that each file uploaded to the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse must have a unique name,
even if the prior file uploaded was rejected from the Warehouse for any reason. Any file uploaded with an
identical file name to a prior file cannot be processed.
o Updated the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse new password creation requirement to be at least 8
characters in length and contain at least one of each of the following classes of characters: uppercase letters,
lowercase letters, numbers, and, special characters
o Update the instructions for accessing the CAHPS Hospice Survey Data Warehouse
o Clarified that for vendors, the “Upload” button within their organization’s “Hospice” folder will allow the user
to upload their organization’s files
XI. Oversight
No revisions
XII. Data Reporting
XIII. Exception
Request Process
No revisions
XIV. Discrepancy
Report Process
XV. Data Quality
No revisions
September 2019
o Updated the Provider Preview Period and Hospice Compare Refresh dates
o Added a table illustrating the Response Scales related to Top-Box, Middle-Box, and Bottom-Box scoring
o Updated the text regarding the Response Scales related to Top-Box, Middle-Box, and Bottom-Box scoring
o Clarified that a Discrepancy Report must be submitted when a sampled eligible decedent/caregiver is found to
be ineligible
o Added recommendation that hospices contact their survey vendors to inquire about the outcome of the review of
submitted Discrepancy Report(s)
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CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 6.0
Summary of Updates and Emphasis
QAG Section
Summary of Key Changes in V6.0
Appendix A
Minimum Business
Appendix B
Survey Vendor
Authorization Form
Appendix C
Data Warehouse
Access Form for
Vendors and Hospices
Appendix D
Sample File Layout
o Clarified that a 24-month wait period is required for survey vendors that do not re-apply, when approval status
is withdrawn due to having no clients within the initial 24-month approval period, before the survey vendor is
eligible to apply again
o Updated Survey Vendor Authorization Form
o Updated address, contact name, and phone number in the mailing and FedEx instructions
o Added additional guidance for determining start date for vendor authorization
o Updated address and contact name in the mailing and FedEx instructions
o Clarified the Decedent Last Location/Setting of Care
o Removed the “Decedent Primary Diagnosis Code Format” field
o Clarified “Caregiver Relationship to the Decedent” should be “8-No caregiver of record” to identify decedents
who have no caregiver of record
Appendix E
XML File Layout
Version 6.0
Appendix F
Interviewing Guidelines
for Telephone Surveys
No Revisions
Appendix G
Frequently Asked
Questions for Customer
No Revisions
September 2019
o Revised dates as necessary (e.g., 2018 to 2019)
o Removed the “diagnosis-code-format” field
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CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 6.0
Summary of Updates and Emphasis
QAG Section
Appendix H
Model Quality
Assurance Plan
Summary of Key Changes in V6.0
o Added additional survey vendor contact information to be provided in the Organizational Background and
Structure section
o Added “Note” emphasizing the importance that the CAHPS Hospice Survey Project Team be able to reach a
survey vendor organization in case of problems with the data or other operational issues
o Clarified that survey vendors must update and resubmit their QAP at the time of process and/or key personnel
changes as part of retaining participation status
Appendix I
Exception Request
o Added Captcha requirement for form submission
Appendix J
Discrepancy Report
Appendix K
Exemption for Size
o Added Captcha requirement for form submission
o Added Captcha requirement for form submission
Appendix L
Attestation Statement
Appendix M
Examples of Additional
Questions for Survey
Vendor Use
Appendix N
Mail Survey Materials
No revisions
Appendix O
Mail Survey Materials
September 2019
No revisions
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
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CAHPS Hospice Survey Quality Assurance Guidelines Version 6.0
Summary of Updates and Emphasis
QAG Section
Appendix P
Mail Survey Materials
(Traditional Chinese)
Summary of Key Changes in V6.0
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
Appendix Q
Mail Survey Materials
(Simplified Chinese)
Appendix R
Mail Survey Materials
Appendix S
Mail Survey Materials
Appendix T
Mail Survey Materials
Appendix U
Mail Survey Materials
Appendix V
Mail Survey Materials
Appendix W
Telephone Script
Appendix X
Telephone Script
Appendix Y
Telephone Script
September 2019
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Updated the Survey Instructions
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Added OMB Expiration Date on the front page of the questionnaire
o Added OMB Expiration Date to the OMB Paperwork Reduction Act Language
o Updated Initiating Contact instructions
o Updating Call Back to Complete a Previously Started Survey instruction
o Updated If Asked Whether Someone Else Can Serve as A Proxy For Sampled Caregiver instructions
o Updated Initiating Contact instructions
o Updating Call Back to Complete a Previously Started Survey instruction
o Updated If Asked Whether Someone Else Can Serve as A Proxy For Sampled Caregiver instructions
o New script
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | CAHPS Hospice Survey QAG V6.0 Change Matrix |
Subject | CAHPS Hospice Survey QAG V6.0 Change Matrix |
Author | CMS |
File Modified | 2019-09-23 |
File Created | 2019-09-23 |