Participant Data Collection

American Apprenticeship Initiative Grants

AAIGrants_MasterDataElements 052920.xlsx

Participant Data Collection

OMB: 1205-0528

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Title Page
Grantee Information
Program Sponsor
Pre-Apprentice Provider

Sheet 1: Sheet2

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1205-0528. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 hours per quarter reviewing and verifying the Quarterly Performance Report as well as preparing the Narrative Report. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: John V. Ladd, Administrator, Office of Apprenticeship, Room C-5321, Employment and Training Administration, US Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20210.

Sheet 2: Title Page

American Apprenticeship Grants
Individual Record File: Data Dictionary and Instructions
March 2019 - Version 3.1

Sheet 3: Grant

Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Required (Yes/No)
Grant Number Grant number as it appears on the appropriate Notice of Obligation (NOO) or equivalent official document from the U.S. Department of Labor
Project Name Grant number as it appears on the appropriate Notice of Obligation (NOO) or equivalent official document from the U.S. Department of Labor

Sheet 4: Grantee Information

Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Required (Yes/No)
Grantee Street Address Street address as it appears on the appropriate NOO or equivalent official document from the U.S. Department of Labor
Grantee City City mailing address as it appears on the appropriate NOO or equivalent official document from the U.S. Department of Labor
Grantee State State mailing address as it appears on the appropriate NOO or equivalent official document from the U.S. Department of Labor
Grantee 5-Digit ZIP Code ZIP code as it appears on the appropriate NOO or equivalent official document from the U.S. Department of Labor
Contact_Type Valid Values: Grantee, ProgramSponsor, Employer1….20, Pre-Apprentice Provider, RtiProvider
Grantee Contact Name Enter the name the grantee official that is certifying submission of the report to the Department. This contact is usually the Grant Signatory. This person must be available at the time of report submission and available to re-validate data that may be returned with errors. This available time-frame may include up-to three weeks after initial report submission.
Grantee Contact Title Enter the title of the grantee official that is certifying submission of the report to the Department . Contact Title refers to the business title such as "Chief Financial Officer"
Grantee Contact Telephone Number Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) of the authorized official
Grantee Contact Telephone Extension If Applicable, enter the authorized official's telephone extension
Grantee Contact Fax Number Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999)
Grantee Contact Email Address Enter the email address of the authorized official
Grantee Contact Street Address Enter the Grantee Contact's street address. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
Grantee Contact City Enter the Grantee Contact's city. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
Grantee Contact State Enter the Grantee Contact's state. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
Grantee Contact 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the Grantee Contact's 5-digit zip code. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
Grantee: Last Event Date The date that the Grantee information was last modified DATE

Sheet 5: Program Sponsor

Data Element Number Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Required (Yes/No)
Program Sponsor Information

3 Program Sponsor Number A unique identifier for the Program Sponsor
*A program must have only one program sponsor number that associates all employers/occupations
*The same program sponsor number cannot be registered by another program simultaneously

4 Program Sponsor 6-digit NAICS Code Enter the 6-digit North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Code (
5 Program Sponsor Name This may or may not be the same of the Grantee name
6 Program Sponsor Street Address Enter the Program Sponsor's street address.  This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
7 Program Sponsor City Enter the Program Sponsor's city. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
8 Program Sponsor State Enter the Program Sponsor's state. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
9 Program Sponsor 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the Program Sponsor's 5-digit zip code. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
10 Registration Date Date the program was officially registered by the Office of Apprenticeship or State Apprenticeship Agency.
Program Information

11 Program Type Choose the program type:
Independent, non joint = single employer not covered by collective bargaining agreement
Independent, joint = single employer covered by a collective bargaining agreement
Group, joint = multi employer association, covered by a collective bargaining agreement
Group, non joint = multi employer association not covered by a collective bargaining agreement
1 = Independent, Non Joint
2 = Independent, Joint
3 = Group, Joint
4 = Group, Non Joint
12 Number of Participating Employers Number of employers who are signatories to the standards of apprenticeship for training of apprentices. Default value = 1 employer
13 Employer: Name Enter the name of the employer
14 Employer: Street Address Enter the employer's street address.
15 Employer: City Enter the employer's city.
16 Employer: State Enter the employer's state.
17 Employer: 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the employer's 5-digit zip code.
18 Employer: Status Choose the employer's status 1 = Active
2 = Cancelled
19 Bargaining Agency Name If applicable, name of local union
20 National Union Affiliation If applicable, Union acronym, example: IBEW, SMWIA, etc.
Occupation Information

21 Occupation: Apprentice Occupation 8-digit O*NET Code Enter the 8-digit O*NET code that best fits the apprenticeable occupation (
22 Occupation: Occupational Title Specific title of an occupation that may or may not be the same as that designated by the O*NET data system (
23 Occupation: RAPIDS/State Occupation Code Enter RAPIDS occupation code if known
24 Occupation: Training Approach Time-Based Approach = apprentice required to complete a specific number of hours of on-the-job learning (OJL) and related training instruction (RTI)
Competency-Based Approach = apprentice required to demonstrate competency in defined subject areas and does not require any specific hours of OJL or RTI
Hybrid Approach = apprentice required to complete a minimum number of OJL and RTI hours and demonstrate competency in the defined subject areas
1 = Time-Based
2 = Competency-Based
3= Hybrid
25 Occupation: Primary RTI Type of Instruction 1= Community college
2= Adult education
3= Sponsor
4 = Private colleges
9 = Other

26 Occupation: Primary RTI Provider Name Enter the name of college, adult education, or sponsor
27 Occupation: Secondary RTI Provider Name Enter the name of college, adult education, or sponsor
28 Occupation: Secondary RTI Type of Instruction 1= Community college
2= Adult education
3= Sponsor
4 = Private colleges
9 = Other


Sheet 6: Apprentices

Data Element Number Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Required (Yes/No)
Apprentice Program Sponsor

1 Program Sponsor Associated with Apprentice This may or may not be the same of the Grantee name
Apprentice Information

2 Apprentice First Name Enter the first name of the apprentice
3 Apprentice Middle Name Enter the middle name of the apprentice
4 Apprentice Last Name Enter the last name of the apprentice
5 Apprentice Suffix This is the suffix to the apprentice name. Values include I, II, III, Jr., Sr. Default is Null. I II III Jr Sr N
6 Apprentice ID A unique identifier for the apprentice
*An apprentice must have only one apprentice id that associates all programs/occupations that the apprentice has been registered in.
*The same apprentice cannot be registered in another program and/or occupation simultaneously.

7 Apprentice Social Security Number Enter the apprentice social security number. The value is 999999999 if the user does not supply a value it is set to 999999999 and the SSN Identifier is set to 'N' This value is to be encrypted. xxxxxxxxx
999999999 = individual did not disclose
8 Date of Birth Record the participant's date of birth

Month value greater than 12 is not allowed. The largest date for each month is validated. Value larger than the largest date in each month is not allowed. January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days. February has 29. April, June, and November have 30 days.
9 Gender Record 1 if the participant indicates that he is male
Record 2 if the participant indicate that she is female
Record 9 if the participant does not self-identify sex

Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person
1 = Male
2 = Female
9 = Participant did not self-identify
10 Employment Status Enter participant's employment status. Incumbent workers are defined as existing employees of the company. 1 = New Employee
2 = Existing Employee (Incumbent Worker)
11 Date Apprenticeship Begins Enter the date the apprentice was registered
12 Start Date Enter the date that the apprentice began their apprenticeship. This date may be the same as the registration date, but cannot be prior to the registration date.
Contact Information

13 Apprentice Street Address Enter the apprentice's street address.
14 Apprentice City Enter the apprentice's city.
15 Apprentice State Enter the apprentice's state.
16 Apprentice 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the apprentice's 5-digit zip code.
17 Primary Telephone Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) of the apprentice
18 Other Phone Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) of the apprentice
19 Email Enter the email address of the apprentice

20 Ethnicity Hispanic / Latino Record 1 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture in origin, regardless of race.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant does not self-identify his/her ethnicity.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person (covered entrants, TAA non participants) and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not self-identify
21 Race Record 1 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South America (including Central America), and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
Record 2 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent (e.g.,, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan). This area includes, for example, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Record 3 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Record 4 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Record 5 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Record 6 if the participant selects more than one race.
Record 7 if the participant does not wish to answer.

1 = American Indian or Alaska Native
2 = Asian
3 = Black or African American
4 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
5 = White
6 = More than one race
7 = Do not wish to answer
22 Disability Record 1 if the participant indicates that he/she has any "disability," as defined in Section 3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Under that definition, a "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities. (For definitions and examples of "physical or mental impairment" and "major life activities," see paragraphs (1) and (2) of the definition of the term "disability" in 29 CFR 37.4, the definition section of the WIA non-discrimination regulations.) If the response is yes, answer data element #109.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that he/she does not have a disability that meets the definition.
Record 9 if the participant does not wish to disclose his/her disability status.

Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not self-identify
23 Veteran Status Record 1 if the participant is a person who served on active duty in the armed forces and who was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable. Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Record 9 if participant does not disclose veteran status.

Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not self-identify
24 Education Enter the apprentice's education status. Default Value = 5 for unknown/not provided. 1 = 8th grade or less
2 = 9th to 12th grade
3 = GED
4 = high school diploma
5 = unknown
6 = Post Secondary or Technical Training
Apprentice Occupation Information

25 Occupation 8-digit O*NET Code Enter the 8-digit O*NET code that best fits the apprenticeable occupation (  NOTE: This code must match an occupation code registered by the program sponsor.
26 Entry Wage Enter the apprentices hourly starting wage. This wage cannot be less than the apprentice hourly entry wage for the occupation as established by the program sponsor.
27 Expected Completion Date This date is derived by adding the term length to the apprentice start date and subtracting any OJT and RTI credit the apprentice has gained prior to entering the program. The expected completion date cannot be prior to the registration or start date.
Employment History

28 Weeks worked in 12 month period prior to Apprenticeship How many weeks did the participant work in the prior 12 months?
29 Apprentice Earnings in the prior 12 months Numeric field. Approximate total earnings for individual apprentice from work, including tips and overtime pay during the past 12 months. $0
$1 to $9,999
$10,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $29,999
$30,000 to $39,999
$40,000 to $49,999
$50,000 or over
30 Employment status at participation
1 = Employed
2 = Underemployed
3 = Long-term unemployed (27 weeks or more)
0 = Unemployed
9 = Unknown
31 Occupational Code of Most Recent Employment Prior to Participation (if available) Enter the 8-digit O*NET code that best fits the apprenticeable occupation to which the individual trained (  NOTE: This code must match an Pre-Apprentice Provider occupation code.
32 Credentials Received These are credentials issued by the Registration Agency, upon request of the appropriate sponsor, as certification of competency attainment by an apprentice. Issued in the form of certificates, interim credentials provide portable recognition of an apprentice’s accomplishments. Interim credentials can only be issued for recognized components of an apprenticeable occupation.
Apprentice Exit Form

33 Exit status
1 = Complete
2 = Cancelled
3 = Registered
34 Degree Attainment During Apprenticeship The highest academic degree level achieved. 1= Associate
2= Undergraduate
3= Graduate
4= Doctorate
0 = None
35 Received Interim Credential These are credentials issued by the Registration Agency, upon request of the appropriate sponsor, as certification of competency attainment by an apprentice. Issued in the form of certificates, interim credentials provide portable recognition of an apprentice’s accomplishments. Interim credentials can only be issued for recognized components of an apprenticeable
1 = Yes
0 = No
36 Exit Wage Enter the actual hourly wage paid to the participant at the time they either leave or complete the program.
37 Exit Wage Date Enter the date associated with the exit wage. This date can be less than or equal to the last event date.
38 Employment Outcomes Enter the employment outcome of the participant 1 = Remain with current employer
2= Move to another employer
39 Incumbent Worker Employment Outcome As an Incumbent worker, enter whether or not the participant advanced into higher-skilled position 1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown

Sheet 7: Pre-Apprentice Provider

Data Element Number Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Required (Yes/No)
Pre-Apprentice Provider Information

1 Pre-Apprentice Provider Name This may or may not be the same of the Grantee name
2 Pre-Apprentice Provider Street Address Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider's street address. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
3 Pre-Apprentice Provider City Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider's city. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
4 Pre-Apprentice Provider State Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider's state. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
5 Pre-Apprentice Provider 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider's 5-digit zip code. This may or may not differ from the Grantee address.
6 Direct Linkage to Registered Apprenticeship Enter if the program has a direct link to Registered Apprenticeship? 1 = No pre-apprentices go to registered apprenticeship
2 = Some pre-apprentices go to registered apprenticeship
3 = Most pre-apprentices go to registered apprenticeship
7 Program Type Enter the program type. 1 = For-Profit
2 = Not-for-Profit
3 = Others

Start Date Enter the Pre-Apprentice provider start date with the grant.
Contact Information

8 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact Title Enter the title of the Pre-Apprentice Provider official that is certifying the apprentice data reported to the Department.  Contact Title refers to the business title such as "Chief Financial Officer"
9 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact Name Enter the name there-Apprentice Provider Contact. This contact may or may not be the Grant Signatory/Program Sponsor. This person must be available at the time of report submission and available to re-validate data that may be returned with errors. This available time-frame may include up-to three weeks after initial report submission.
10 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact Street Address Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact's street address. This may or may not differ from the Pre-Apprentice Provider address.
11 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact City Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact's city. This may or may not differ from the Pre-Apprentice Provider address.
12 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact State Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact's state. This may or may not differ from the Pre-Apprentice Provider address.
13 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact's 5-digit zip code. This may or may not differ from the Pre-Apprentice Provider address.
14 Pre-Apprentice Provider primary Telephone Number Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) of the authorized official
15 Pre-Apprentice Provider primary Telephone Extension If Applicable, enter the authorized official's telephone extension

Pre-Apprentice Provider Fax If applicable, enter the provider fax number
16 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact Other Phone Number Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) 1 = Mobile
2= Home
3 = Work
17 Pre-Apprentice Provider Contact Email Address Enter the email address of the authorized official
Pre-Apprentice Provider Type

19 Pre-Apprentice Provider Type Type(s) of Pre-Apprentice organization(s) providing service to participants. Check all that apply. 1 -Apprenticeship sponsor
2 Postsecondary educational institution, non-profit
3 Business
4 Consortium of business
5 Postsecondary educational institution, for-profit
6 Community-based organization
7 Business-Related Nonprofit Organization
8 School district
9 Local workforce investment Board
10 Workforce intermediary
11 Tribal organization
Screening Information

20 Drug/Alcohol Screening Record 1 if the participant received drug/alcohol test at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received drug/alcohol test at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information is missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
21 Criminal Background Check Record 1 if the a criminal background check was conducted on the participant at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received a criminal background check at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information is missing or unknown.
 1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
22 Physical Examination Record 1 if the participant received physical examination at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received physical examination at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
Target Population

23 Target Population(s) Served Enter the target population(s) served. Check all that apply. 1 = Women
2 = Men
3 = Minorities
4 = Youth
5 = People with Disabilities
6 = Ex-Offenders
7 = Veterans
8 = Other
24 Describe "Other" category above Describe the Target Population if "Other" is selected.
25 Average Age Enter the average age of the population served. 1 = 16-19
2 = 20-24
3 = 25-34
4 = 35+
26 Supportive Services Does your program provide supportive services? Such support services may include transportation, child care, dependent care, emergency housing, work clothing or uniforms, licensing or testing fees, medical and healthcare supportive services. 1 = Yes
2 = No
27 Referral Protocol Does your program have a referral protocol in place to build basic skills and conduct remedial training for participants who did not score well on an assessment? 1 = Yes
2 = No
28 Skills Assessments Does your program conduct skills assessments and Adult Basic Education tests to determine eligibility of participants? 1 = Yes
2 = No
29 Case Manager Does your program have a case manager on staff to refer participants to support programs? 1 = Yes
2 = No
30 Readiness Checklists Does your program use participant readiness checklists or standards? 1 = Yes
2 = No
31 Primary recruitment sources What are the primary recruitment sources? Check all that apply. 1 = High schools
2 = American Job Centers (One Stops)
3 = Community colleges
4 = Community-based organizations
5 = Word of mouth
6 = Other
32 Average Frequency of Case Management Contact Enter the average frequency of case management for participants 1 Weekly
2 Bi-weekly
3 Monthly
4 Bi-monthly
5 Less often than bi-monthly
6 Not applicable
33 Case Management Average Caseload Enter the average caseload for case managers 1 = 0
2 = 1-25
3 = 26-49
4 = 50-74
5 = 75-99
6 = 100-124
7 = More than 125
34 Target apprenticeship occupation 1 (8-digit O*NET Code) Enter the 8-digit O*NET code ( that best fits the primary apprenticeable occupation of the pre-apprenticeship training. NOTE: This code must match an occupation code registered by the program sponsor.
Program Services

37 Work-Based Learning Opportunities Type(s) of work-based learning opportunity(ies). Check all that apply. 1 = Job Shadowing
2 = Clinical as a Part of Training
3 = Unpaid Internship or Externship
4 = Paid Internship or Externship
5 = On-the-job training
6 = Not applicable
38 Program Services Type(s) of skill(s) and service(s) provided by the Pre-Apprentice provider. Check all that apply. 1 = Adult Basic Education
2 = Basic Skills Instruction
3 = Study Skills or Test Preparation Skills Instruction
4 = Work-Based Learning Experience
5 = Pre-Occupational Skills Instruction
6 = Occupational Skills Instruction (and check one of following)
i. Courses for credit
ii. Courses not for credit
iii. Courses leading to non-degree certifications
7 = GED Instruction
8 = High school completion
9 = English as a Second Language
10 = Life Skills/ Job Readiness Instruction
11 = Work-Based Learning Experience
12 = Type of case management
i. Academic advising
ii. Career counseling/job development
iii. Advising on personal issues
iv. No case management provided
40 Occupational Training Providers Type(s) of entity(ies) that will provide occupational training. Check all that apply. 1 = pre-apprenticeship provider
2 = community college
3 = employment setting
4 = community-based organization
5 = private college
6 = ther private training provider
7 = Not Applicable
41 Type of Case Management Type(s) of Case Management provided to participant 1 = Academic Advising
2 = Career Counselling/Job Development
3 = Advising on Personal Issues
4 = No Case Management Provided

Sheet 8: Pre_Apprentice

Data Element Number Data Element Name Data Definition and Instruction Code Value Required (Yes/No)
Select Pre-Apprentice Provider

1 Pre-Apprentice Provider Name This may or may not be the same as the Grantee name
Pre-Apprentice Information

2 Pre-Apprentice First Name Enter the first name of the pre-apprentice
3 Pre-Apprentice Middle Name Enter the middle name of the pre-apprentice
4 Pre-Apprentice Last Name Enter the last name of the pre-apprentice
5 Pre-Apprentice Suffix This is the suffix to the pre-apprentice name. Values include I, II, III, Jr., Sr. Default is Null.
6 Pre-Apprentice Social Security Number Enter the pre-apprentice social security number. The value is 999999999 if the user does not supply a value it is set to 999999999 and the SSN Identifier is set to 'N' This value is to be encrypted. xxxxxxxxx
999999999 = individual did not disclose
7 Date of Birth Record the participant's date of birth

Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person

Month value greater than 12 is not allowed. The largest date for each month is validated. Value larger than the largest date in each month is not allowed. January, March, May, July, August, October and December have 31 days. February has 29. April, June, and November have 30 days.
8 Sex Record 1 if the participant indicates that he is male
Record 2 if the participant indicate that she is female
Record 9 if the participant does not self-identify gender

Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person
1 = Male
2 = Female
9 = Participant did not self-identify
9 Pre-Apprentice Start Date Enter the date that the participant began their pre-apprenticeship.
Contact Information

10 Pre-Apprentice Street Address Enter the pre-apprentice's street address.
11 Pre-Apprentice City Enter the pre-apprentice's city.
12 Pre-Apprentice State Enter the pre-apprentice's state.
13 Pre-Apprentice 5-Digit Zip Code Enter the pre-apprentice's 5-digit zip code.
14 Pre-Apprentice Primary Telephone Number Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) of the pre-apprentice
15 Pre-Apprentice Other Phone Number Enter the area code (999) and telephone number (999-9999) Mobile
16 Email Address of Pre-Apprentice Enter the email address of the pre-apprentice
17 Pre-Apprentice Al Contact First Name Enter the first name of the pre-apprentice secondary contact
18 Pre-Apprentice Secondary Contact Last Name Enter the last name of the pre-apprentice secondary contact
19 Email Address of Pre-Apprentice Secondary Contact Enter the email address of the pre-apprentice secondary contact
20 Pre-Apprentice Secondary Contact Telephone Number Enter the telephone number of the pre-apprentice secondary contact

21 Disability Record 1 if the participant indicates that he/she has any "disability," as defined in Section 3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Under that definition, a "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities. (For definitions and examples of "physical or mental impairment" and "major life activities," see paragraphs (1) and (2) of the definition of the term "disability" in 29 CFR 37.4, the definition section of the WIA non-discrimination regulations.) If the response is yes, answer data element #109.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that he/she does not have a disability that meets the definition.
Record 9 if the participant does not wish to disclose his/her disability status.

Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the person and the data is not available.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not self-identify
22 Offender Record 1 if the participant is a person who either (a) is or has been subject to any stage of the criminal justice process for committing a status offense or delinquent act, or (b) requires assistance in overcoming barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or conviction for committing delinquent acts, such as crimes against persons, crimes against property, status offenses, or other crimes.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet any one of the conditions described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unkown
23 Marital status Check applicable marital status 1 = currently married
2 = widowed
3 = divorced
4 = separated
5 = never married
24 Low Income Record 1 if the participant is a person who:
(A) receives, or is a members of a family which receives, cash payments under a federal, state or local income-based public assistance program, or
(B) received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income, for the six-month period prior to program participation (exclusive of unemployment compensation, child support payments, payments described in subparagraph A and old-age and survivors insurance benefits received under section 202 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C 402)) that, in relation to family size does not exceed the higher of (i) the poverty line, for an equivalent period, or (ii) 70 percent of the lower living standard income level, for an equivalent period; or
(C) is a member of a household that receives (or has been determined within the 6-month period prior to program participation) Food Stamps under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.); or
(D) qualifies as a homeless individual, as defined in subsections (a) and (c) of section 103 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302); or
(E) is a foster child on behalf of whom State or local government payments are made; or
(F) is a person with a disability whose own income meets the income criteria established in WIA
section 101(25)(A) or (B), but is a member of a family whose income does not meet the
established criteria.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the criteria presented above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unkown
25 Limited English Language Proficiency Record 1 if the participant is a person who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing or understanding the English language and (a) whose native language is a language other than English, or (b) who lives in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the conditions described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unkown
26 Basic Literacy Skills Deficiency Record 1 if the participant is a person who computes or solves problems, reads, writes, or speaks English at or below the 8th grade level or is unable to compute or solve problems, read, write, or speak English at a level necessary to function on the job, in the individual's family, or in society. In addition, states and grantees have the option of establishing their own definition, which must include the above language. In cases where states or grantees establish such a definition, that definition will be used for basic literacy skills determination.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the conditions described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unkown
27 Number of children Enter number of children ##### N
28 Ethnicity Hispanic / Latino Record 1 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture in origin, regardless of race.
Record 0 if the participant indicates that he/she does not meet any of these conditions.
Record 9 if the participant does not self-identify his/her ethnicity.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not self-identify
29 Race Record 1 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and South America (including Central America), and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
Record 2 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent (e.g.,, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan). This area includes, for example, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Record 3 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Record 4 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Record 5 if the participant indicates that he/she is a person having origins in any of the of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Record 6 if the participant selects more than one race.
Record 7 if the participant does not wish to answer.

1 = American Indian or Alaska Native
2 = Asian
3 = Black or African American
4 = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
5 = White
6 = More than one race
7 = Do not wish to answer
30 Veteran Status Record 1 if the participant is a person who served on active duty in the armed forces and who was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable. Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Record 9 if participant does not self-identify veteran status.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Participant did not self-identify
31 Education Enter the pre-apprentice's education status. 5 = Unknown
1 = 8th Grade or Less
2= 9th to 12th Grade
3= GED
4= High School Diploma
6= Post Secondary or Technical
Public Program Participation

32 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Record 1 if the participant is a person who is listed on the welfare grant or has received cash assistance or other support services from the TANF program in the last twelve months prior to participation in the program.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1= Currently receiving
2 = Received in last 12 months
9 = None
33 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Record 1 if the participant is a person who is listed on the welfare grant or has received cash assistance or other support services from the SNAP agency in the last twelve months prior to participation in the program.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1= Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
34 Housing Assistance Record 1 if the participant is a person who is listed on the welfare grant or has received housing assistance in the last twelve months prior to participation in the program.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1= Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
35 Participation in other youth training programs Record 1 if the participant is a person who has participated in other youth training programs such as YouthBuild or Job Corps in the last twelve months prior to participation in the program.
Record 0 if the participant does not meet the condition described above.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
1= Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
36 Supplemental Security Income(SSI) / Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Record 1 if the individual is a person who is receiving or has received SSI under Title XVI of the Social Security Act in the last twelve months prior to participation in the program.
Record 2 if the individual is a person who is receiving or has received SSDI benefit payments under Title XIX of the Social Security Act in the last six months prior to participation in the program.
Record 3 if the individual is receiving or has received both SSI and SSDI in the last six months prior to participation in the program.
Record 0 if the individual does not meet any of the conditions described above.
 1 = SSI
2 = SSDI
3 = Both
0 = No
9 = Unknown
37 WIA/WIOA Participant (During Enrollment in Pre-Apprenticeship Program) Record 1 if the participant received services financially assisted under WIA/WIOA.
Record 0 or leave Blank if the participant did not receive services under the condition described above.
Record 9 if grantee is unable to track enrollment in the program.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
38 Wagner-Peyser Act Record 1 if the participant received services financially assisted under the Wagner-Peyser Act (29 USC 49 et seq.) WIA section 121 (b)(1)(B)(ii).
Record 0 if the participant did not receive services financially assisted under the Wagner-Peyser Act.
Record 9 if grantee is unable to track enrollment in the program.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
Employment History

39 Pre-Apprentice weeks worked in prior 12 months How many weeks did the Pre-Apprentice work in the prior 12 months?
40 Pre-Apprentice Earnings in the prior 12 months Numeric field. Approximate total earnings for individual apprentice from work, including tips and overtime pay during the past 12 months. $0
$1 to $9,999
$10,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $29,999
$30,000 to $39,999
$40,000 to $49,999
$50,000 or over
41 Employment status at participation
1 = Employed
0 = Unemployed
9 = Unknown
42 Occupational Code of Most Recent Employment Prior to Participation (if available) Enter the 8-digit O*NET code that best fits the apprenticeable occupation to which the individual trained (  NOTE: This code must match an Pre-Apprentice Provider occupation code.
Exit Form

43 Pre-Apprentice Final Status
CA = Cancelled
CO = Completed
44 Pre-Apprenticeship End Date Enter date the pre-apprentice completed/cancelled from the pre-apprenticeship program YYYYMMDD

45 Program Outcome Choose only one 1 = entering registered apprenticeship program
2 = entering employment (not an apprenticeship)
3 = entering military
4 = entering further education
9 = Unknown

If apprenticeship/employment is choosen, is the program related to training? 1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
46 Occupation 8-digit O*NET Code for Occupational Specific Training Enter the 8-digit O*NET code that best fits the apprenticeable occupation to which the individual trained (  NOTE: This code must match an Pre-Apprentice Provider occupation code. xx-xxxx.xx Y
47 Type of Recognized Credential Received Use the appropriate code to record the type of recognized educational or occupational certificate/credential/diploma attained by the individual who received training services. Record 0 if the individual received education or training services but did not receive a recognized credential. Credentials must be attained either during participation or by the end of the third quarter after the quarter of exit from services (other than follow up services). 1 = High School Diploma/GED or other alternative HS credential
2 = Occupational Skills Licensure
3 = Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
4 = Other Recognized Educational or Occupational Skills Certificate/Credential
0 = No Recognized Credential
48 Receipt of Adult Basic Education (ABE) Record 1 if the participant was enrolled in Adult Basic Education any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received Adult Basic Education at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
49 Number of Certificate/Credential Received Enter certificate/Credential participant received upon completion of classroom and hands-on instruction
50 Receipt of Foundational Skills Instruction Record 1 if the participant received Foundational Skills Instruction at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received Foundational Skills Instruction at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
51 Receipt of Study Skills or Test Preparation Skills Instruction Record 1 if the participant received instruction in study skills or test preparation instructionn\ any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received study skills or test preparation at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
52 Receipt of Work-Based Learning Experience Record 1 if the participant work-based learning experience (including internship, work experience, job shadowing)
Record 0 if the participant did not receive work-based learning experience
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
53 Work-Based Learning Experience - Hours Received Record the number of hours of work-based learning experience completed by the individual.
54 Receipt of English as a Second Language (ESL) Record 1 if the participant was enrolled in English as a Second Language Instruction at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received English as a Second Language instruction at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
55 Receipt of Life Skills/Job Readiness Instruction Record 1 if the participant received job readiness or life skills instruction
Record 0 if the participant did not received job readiness/life skills instruction
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
56 Receipt of Pre-Occupational Skills or Basic Occupational Skills Instruction Record 1 if the participant received classroom instruction and/or hands-on experience to prepare the individual for entry into an apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received classroom instruction and/or hands-on experience to prepare the individual for entry into an apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
57 GED Instruction Record 1 if the participant was enrolled in GED instruction any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 0 if the participant did not received GED instruction at any time during participation in the pre-apprenticeship program
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
58 Hours of Classroom and Hands-On Instruction received Enter number of hours of classroom and hands-on instruction participant received #### Y
Support Services

59 Receipt of Case Management Assistance Record 1 if the participant received case management assistance
Record 0 if the participant did not receive case management assistance
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
60 Child Care Assistance Record 1 if the participant received assistance with childcare paid for with AII grant funds
Record 0 if the participant did not received assistance with childcare paid for with AII grant funds
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
61 Transportation Assistance Record 1 if the participant received transportation assistance (e.g, bus passes, gas reimburesement) paid for with AII grant funds
Record 0 if the participant did not received assistance with childcarepaid for with AII grant funds
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
62 Work Clothes/Tools/Equipment Record 1 if the participant received work clothes/uniforms, work tools, or work equipment paid for with AII grant funds
Record 0 if the participant did not received assistance with childcarepaid for with AII grant funds
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
63 Other Supportive Services Record 1 if the participant received supportive services paid for with AII grant funds
Record 0 if the participant did not received assistance with childcarepaid for with AII grant funds
Record 9 if information missing or unknown.
1 = Yes
0 = No
9 = Unknown
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