1018-0167 Attachment A - Burden Calculation Spreadsheet

1018-0167 Eagle Burden Calcs final 03172020.xlsx

Eagle Take Permits and Fees, 50 CFR 22

1018-0167 Attachment A - Burden Calculation Spreadsheet

OMB: 1018-0167

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Regulation/Activity Number of Annual Respondents Number of Responses per Respondent Total Annual Responses Completion Time/ Response (Hours) Annual Burden Hours* Hourly Labor Rate (Incl. Benefits) $ Value of Annual Burden Hours Average Nonhour Burden Cost (per Response) Total Annual Nonhour Burden Cost Avg. Time (Hrs) per Response for Gov’t Review Cost to Government ($61.74/hour)
5 Year Permit Reviews 50 CFR 22.26(c)(7)(ii)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 17.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 4 1 4 17.00 68 121.84 8,285.12 8,000 32,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 12 121.84 1,462.08

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 17.00 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 4
$32,000 40 $9,878.40
Pre-construction Eagle Exposure Surveys 50 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 50.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 50.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 15 1 15 50.00 750 121.84 91,380.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 50.00 750 121.84 91,380.00

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 50.00 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 50.00 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 15
$0 20 $18,522.00
Eagle Fatality Monitoring and Reporting (Eagle Incidental Take) 50 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 114.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 114.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 15 1 15 114.00 1,710 121.84 208,346.40 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 114.00 1,710 121.84 208,346.40

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 114.00 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 114.00 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 15
$0 4 $3,704.40
Reporting (In-time) Take of Eagles 50 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 1.75 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 1.75 18 34.77 625.86 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.25 2 34.77 69.54

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 1.75 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 10
$0 1 $617.40
Reporting Take of Threatened and Endangered Species 50 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 1.75 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 1.75 2 34.77 69.54 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 1.75 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 1
$0 1 $61.74
Application - Eagle Exhibition Permit (Form 3-200-14) 50 CFR 21

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 5.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $75 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 15 1 15 5.00 75 34.77 2,607.75 75 1,125

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 8 34.77 278.16

Government - Reporting 5 1 5 5.00 25 51.66 1,291.50 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 3 51.66 154.98

Subtotal 20
$1,125 4 $4,939.20
Application - Eagle Exhibition Permit (Form 3-200-14) 50 CFR 21 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 4.50 0 $37.03 $0.00 $75 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 75 1 75 4.50 338 34.77 11,752.26 75 5,625

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 37 34.77 1,286.49

Government - Reporting 25 1 25 4.50 113 51.66 5,837.58 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 12 51.66 619.92

Subtotal 100
$5,625 3.5 $21,609.00
Application - Eagle Parts for Native American Religious Purposes - Permit Application and Order (Form 3-200-15a) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 1,200 1 1,200 1.50 1,800 $37.03 $66,654.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 600 37.03 22,218.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 1.50 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 1.50 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 1,200
$0 2 $148,176.00
Application - Eagle Parts for Native American Religious Purposes - Permit Application and Order (Form 3-200-15a) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1,200 1 1,200 0.60 720 $37.03 $26,661.60 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.20 240 37.03 8,887.20

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 0.60 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.20 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 0 1 0 0.60 0 51.66 0.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.20 0 51.66 0.00

Subtotal 1,200
$0 1.5 $111,132.00
Application - Take of Depredating Eagles and Eagles that Pose a Risk to Human or Eagle Health or Safety (Form 3-200-16) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 3.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $100 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 3.00 30 34.77 1,043.10 100 1,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 34.77 173.85

Government - Reporting 10 1 10 3.00 30 51.66 1,549.80 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 20
$1,000 4 $4,939.20
Application - Take of Depredating Eagles and Eagles that Pose a Risk to Human or Eagle Health or Safety (Form 3-200-16) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 2.50 0 $37.03 $0.00 $100 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 2.50 25 34.77 869.25 100 1,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 34.77 173.85

Government - Reporting 10 1 10 2.50 25 34.77 869.25 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 20
$1,000 3.5 $4,321.80
Application - Take of Golden Eagle Nests During Resource Development or Recovery (Form 3-200-18) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 9.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $100 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 1.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 2 1 2 9.00 18 34.77 625.86 100 200

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 1.00 2 34.77 69.54

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 9.00 9 51.66 464.94 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 1.00 1 51.66 51.66

Subtotal 3
$200 20 $3,704.40
Application - Take of Golden Eagle Nests (Form 3-200-18) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 7.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $100 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 1.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 2 1 2 7.00 14 34.77 486.78 100 200

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 1.00 2 34.77 69.54

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 7.00 7 34.77 243.39 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 1.00 1 51.66 51.66

Subtotal 3
$200 19 $3,519.18
Application - Eagle Incidental Take; Short-term (Form 3-200-71) 15 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 5 1 5 5.00 25 $37.03 $925.75 $500 $2,500

Individuals - Recordkeeping 1.00 5 37.03 185.15

Private Sector - Reporting 20 1 20 18.00 360 121.84 43,862.40 2,500 50,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 40 121.84 4,873.60

Government - Reporting 5 1 5 18.00 90 51.66 4,649.40 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 10 51.66 516.60

Subtotal 30
$52,500 20 $37,044.00
Application - Eagle Incidental Take; Short-term (Form 3-200-71) 15 CFR 22.26 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 5 1 5 4.00 20 $37.03 $740.60 $500 $2,500

Individuals - Recordkeeping 1.00 5 37.03 185.15

Private Sector - Reporting 20 1 20 16.00 320 121.84 38,988.80 2,500 50,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 40 121.84 4,873.60

Government - Reporting 5 1 5 16.00 80 51.66 4,132.80 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 10 51.66 516.60

Subtotal 30
$52,500 19.5 $36,117.90
Application - Eagle Incidental Take; Long-term (Form 3-200-71) 15 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 160.00 160 $37.03 $5,924.80 $36,000 $36,000

Individuals - Recordkeeping 40.00 40 37.03 1,481.20

Private Sector - Reporting 12 1 12 160.00 1,920 121.84 233,932.80 36,000 432,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 40.00 480 121.84 58,483.20

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 160.00 160 51.66 8,265.60 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 40.00 40 51.66 2,066.40

Subtotal 14
$468,000 400 $345,744.00
Application - Eagle Incidental Take; Long-term (Form 3-200-71) 15 CFR 22.26 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 140.00 140 $37.03 $5,184.20 $36,000 $36,000

Individuals - Recordkeeping 40.00 40 37.03 1,481.20

Private Sector - Reporting 12 1 12 140.00 1,680 121.84 204,691.20 36,000 432,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 40.00 480 121.84 58,483.20

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 140.00 140 51.66 7,232.40 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 40.00 40 51.66 2,066.40

Subtotal 14
$468,000 385 $332,778.60
Application - Transfer of Long-Term Eagle Incidental Take (Form 3-200-71) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 18.00 18 $37.03 $666.54 $1,000 $1,000

Individuals - Recordkeeping 2.00 2 37.03 74.06

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 18.00 18 121.84 2,193.12 1,000 1,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 2 121.84 243.68

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 18.00 18 51.66 929.88 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 2 51.66 103.32

Subtotal 3
$2,000 10 $1,852.20
Application - Transfer of Long-Term Eagle Incidental Take (Form 3-200-71) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 14.00 14 $37.03 $518.42 $1,000 $1,000

Individuals - Recordkeeping 2.00 2 37.03 74.06

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 14.00 14 121.84 1,705.76 1,000 1,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 2 121.84 243.68

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 14.00 14 51.66 723.24 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 2 51.66 103.32

Subtotal 3
$2,000 9.5 $1,759.59
Amendment - Eagle Incidental Take; Short-term (Form 3-200-71) 50 CFR 22.26-27

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 5.00 5 $37.03 $185.15 $150 $150

Individuals - Recordkeeping 1.00 1 37.03 37.03

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 5.00 50 121.84 6,092.00 500 5,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 1.00 10 121.84 1,218.40

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 5.00 5 51.66 258.30 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 1.00 1 51.66 51.66

Subtotal 12
$5,150 8 $5,927.04
Amendment - Eagle Incidental Take; Short-term (Form 3-200-71) 50 CFR 22.26-27 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 4.00 4 $37.03 $148.12 $150 $150

Individuals - Recordkeeping 1.00 1 37.03 37.03

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 4.00 40 121.84 4,873.60 500 5,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 1.00 10 121.84 1,218.40

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 4.00 4 51.66 206.64 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 1.00 1 51.66 51.66

Subtotal 12
$5,150 7.5 $5,556.60
Amendment - Eagle Incidental Take; Long-term (Form 3-200-71) 50 CFR 22.26-27

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 35.00 35 $37.03 $1,296.05 $36,000 $36,000

Individuals - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 37.03 185.15

Private Sector - Reporting 2 1 2 35.00 70 121.84 8,528.80 36,000 72,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 5.00 10 121.84 1,218.40

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 35.00 35 51.66 1,808.10 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 4
$108,000 40 $9,878.40
Amendment - Eagle Incidental Take; Long-term (Form 3-200-71) 50 CFR 22.26-27 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 33.00 33 $37.03 $1,221.99 $36,000 $36,000

Individuals - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 37.03 185.15

Private Sector - Reporting 2 1 2 33.00 66 121.84 8,041.44 36,000 72,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 5.00 10 121.84 1,218.40

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 33.00 33 51.66 1,704.78 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 4
$108,000 38 $9,384.48
Application - Eagle Nest Take; Single Nest (Form 3-200-72) 5 CFR 22.27

Individuals - Reporting 3 1 3 14.00 42 $37.03 $1,555.26 $500 $1,500

Individuals - Recordkeeping 2.00 6 37.03 222.18

Private Sector - Reporting 8 1 8 14.00 112 121.84 13,646.08 2,500 20,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 16 121.84 1,949.44

Government - Reporting 4 1 4 14.00 56 51.66 2,892.96 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 8 51.66 413.28

Subtotal 15
$21,500 40 $37,044.00
Application - Eagle Nest Take; Single Nest (Form 3-200-72) 5 CFR 22.27 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 3 1 3 13.00 39 $37.03 $1,444.17 $500 $1,500

Individuals - Recordkeeping 2.00 6 37.03 222.18

Private Sector - Reporting 8 1 8 13.00 104 121.84 12,671.36 2,500 20,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 16 121.84 1,949.44

Government - Reporting 4 1 4 13.00 52 51.66 2,686.32 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 8 51.66 413.28

Subtotal 15
$21,500 38 $35,191.80
Application - Eagle Nest Take; Multiple Nests (Form 3-200-72) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 35.00 35 $37.03 $1,296.05 $500 $500

Individuals - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 37.03 185.15

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 35.00 35 121.84 4,264.40 5,000 5,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 121.84 609.20

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 35.00 35 51.66 1,808.10 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 3
$5,500 40 $7,408.80
Application - Eagle Nest Take; Multiple Nests (Form 3-200-72) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 33.00 33 $37.03 $1,221.99 $500 $500

Individuals - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 37.03 185.15

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 33.00 33 121.84 4,020.72 5,000 5,000

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 121.84 609.20

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 33.00 33 51.66 1,704.78 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 5.00 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 3
$5,500 38 $7,038.36
Amendment - Eagle Nest Take; Single Nest (Form 3-200-72) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 17.00 17 $37.03 $629.51 $150 $150

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 37.03 111.09

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 17.00 17 121.84 2,071.28 500 500

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 121.84 365.52

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 17.00 17 51.66 878.22 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 51.66 154.98

Subtotal 3
$650 10 $1,852.20
Amendment - Eagle Nest Take; Single Nest (Form 3-200-72) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 13.00 13 $37.03 $481.39 $150 $150

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 37.03 111.09

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 13.00 13 121.84 1,583.92 500 500

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 121.84 365.52

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 13.00 13 51.66 671.58 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 51.66 154.98

Subtotal 3
$650 9 $1,666.98
Amendment - Eagle/Eagle Nest Take; Multiple Nests (Form 3-200-72) 50 CFR 22.26-27

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 17.00 17 $37.03 $629.51 $150 $150

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 37.03 111.09

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 17.00 17 121.84 2,071.28 500 500

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 121.84 365.52

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 17.00 17 51.66 878.22 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 51.66 154.98

Subtotal 3
$650 20 $3,704.40
Amendment - Eagle/Eagle Nest Take; Multiple Nests (Form 3-200-72) 50 CFR 22.26-27 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 1 1 1 13.00 13 $37.03 $481.39 $150 $150

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 37.03 111.09

Private Sector - Reporting 1 1 1 13.00 13 121.84 1,583.92 500 500

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 121.84 365.52

Government - Reporting 1 1 1 13.00 13 51.66 671.58 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 3 51.66 154.98

Subtotal 3
$650 19 $3,519.18
Application - Native American Eagle Take (Form 3-200-77) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 8.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 2.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 8.00 0 121.84 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 0 121.84 0.00

Government - Reporting 2 1 2 8.00 16 51.66 826.56 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 4 51.66 206.64

Subtotal 2
$0 20 $2,469.60
Application - Native American Eagle Take (Form 3-200-77) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 7.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 2.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 7.00 0 121.84 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 2.00 0 121.84 0.00

Government - Reporting 2 1 2 7.00 14 51.66 723.24 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 2.00 4 51.66 206.64

Subtotal 2
$0 19 $2,346.12
Application - Native American Eagle Aviary (Form 3-200-78) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 17.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 17.00 0 121.84 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 0 121.84 0.00

Government - Reporting 2 1 2 17.00 34 51.66 1,756.44 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 6 51.66 309.96

Subtotal 2
$0 12 $1,481.76
Application - Native American Eagle Aviary (Form 3-200-78) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 16.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 3.00 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 16.00 0 121.84 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 3.00 0 121.84 0.00

Government - Reporting 3 1 3 16.00 48 51.66 2,479.68 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 3.00 9 51.66 464.94

Subtotal 3
$0 11.5 $2,130.03
Application - Eagle Transport Permit (Form 3-200-82) 50 CFR 22

Individuals/Households 0 1 0 1.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $75 $0

Private Sector 1 1 1 1.00 1 34.77 34.77 75 75

State/Local/Tribal 1 1 1 1.00 1 51.66 51.66 0 0

Subtotal 2
$75 4 $493.92
Application - Eagle Transport Permit (Form 3-200-82) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals/Households 0 1 0 0.75 0 $37.03 $0.00 $75 $0

Private Sector 1 1 1 0.75 1 34.77 34.77 75 75

State/Local/Tribal 1 1 1 0.75 1 51.66 51.66 0 0

Subtotal 2
$75 3.5 $432.18
Annual Report - Eagle Depredation (Form 3-202-11) 50 CFR 22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 0.50 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 0.50 5 34.77 173.85 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 34.77 173.85

Government - Reporting 10 1 10 0.50 5 51.66 258.30 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 20
$0 1.5 $1,852.20
Annual Report - Eagle Depredation (Form 3-202-11) 50 CFR 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 0.33 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 10 1 10 0.33 3 34.77 104.31 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 34.77 173.85

Government - Reporting 10 1 10 0.33 3 51.66 154.98 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 5 51.66 258.30

Subtotal 20
$0 1.25 $1,543.50
Annual Report - Eagle Exhibition (Form 3-202-13) 50 CFR 13, 21, and 22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 0.80 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.20 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 250 1 250 0.80 200 34.77 6,954.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.20 50 34.77 1,738.50

Government - Reporting 100 1 100 0.80 80 51.66 4,132.80 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.20 20 51.66 1,033.20

Subtotal 350
$0 0.5 $10,804.50
Annual Report - Eagle Exhibition (Form 3-202-13) 50 CFR 13, 21, and 22 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 0.55 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.20 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 250 1 250 0.55 138 34.77 4,798.26 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.20 50 34.77 1,738.50

Government - Reporting 100 1 100 0.55 55 51.66 2,841.30 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.20 20 51.66 1,033.20

Subtotal 350
$0 0.33 $7,130.97
Annual Report - Native American Eagle Aviary (Form 3-202-14) 50 CFR 14

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 1.75 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 1.75 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 5 1 5 1.75 9 51.66 464.94 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.25 1 51.66 51.66

Subtotal 5
$0 1 $308.70
Annual Report - Native American Eagle Aviary (Form 3-202-14) 50 CFR 14 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 1.50 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 1.50 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 5 1 5 1.50 8 51.66 413.28 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.25 1 51.66 51.66

Subtotal 5
$0 0.75 $231.53
Annual Report - Eagle Take (Monitoring and Reporting); Short-term (Form 3-202-15) 50 CFR 22.26

Individuals - Reporting 5 1 5 20.00 100 $37.03 $3,703.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 20.00 100 37.03 3,703.00

Private Sector - Reporting 80 1 80 20.00 1,600 121.84 194,944.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 20.00 1,600 121.84 194,944.00

Government - Reporting 10 1 10 20.00 200 51.66 10,332.00 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 20.00 200 51.66 10,332.00

Subtotal 95
$0 1.5 $8,797.95
Annual Report - Eagle Take (Monitoring and Reporting); Short-term (Form 3-202-15) 50 CFR 22.26 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 5 1 5 18.00 90 $37.03 $3,332.70 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 20.00 100 37.03 3,703.00

Private Sector - Reporting 80 1 80 18.00 1,440 121.84 175,449.60 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 20.00 1,600 121.84 194,944.00

Government - Reporting 10 1 10 18.00 180 51.66 9,298.80 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 20.00 200 51.66 10,332.00

Subtotal 95
$0 1.25 $7,331.63
Annual Report - Eagle Nest Take and Monitoring (Form 3-202-16) 50 CFR 22.27

Individuals - Reporting 3 1 3 8.00 24 $37.03 $888.72 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 8.00 24 37.03 888.72

Private Sector - Reporting 8 1 8 8.00 64 121.84 7,797.76 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 8.00 64 121.84 7,797.76

Government - Reporting 4 1 4 8.00 32 51.66 1,653.12 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 8.00 32 51.66 1,653.12

Subtotal 15
$0 1 $926.10
Annual Report - Eagle Nest Take and Monitoring (Form 3-202-16) 50 CFR 22.27 (ePermits)

Individuals - Reporting 3 1 3 7.00 21 $37.03 $777.63 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 8.00 24 37.03 888.72

Private Sector - Reporting 8 1 8 7.00 56 121.84 6,823.04 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 8.00 64 121.84 7,797.76

Government - Reporting 4 1 4 7.00 28 51.66 1,446.48 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 8.00 32 51.66 1,653.12

Subtotal 15
$0 0.75 $694.58
Eagle Recovery Tag (Form 3-2480) 50 CFR 22

Individuals/Households 0 2 0 0.25 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Private Sector 0 2 0 0.25 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

State/Local/Tribal 250 2 500 0.25 125 51.66 6,457.50 0 0

Subtotal 250
$0 0.5 $15,435.00
Application - Native American Eagle Take (Form 3-1552) 50 CFR 22.22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 3.50 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 3.50 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.50 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 20 1 20 3.50 70 51.66 3,616.20 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.50 10 51.66 516.60

Subtotal 20
$0 2 $2,469.60
Report - Tribal Eagle Retention – Acquisition Form (Form 3-1591) 50 CFR 22.22

Individuals - Reporting 0 1 0 1.00 0 $37.03 $0.00 $0 $0

Individuals - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 37.03 0.00

Private Sector - Reporting 0 1 0 1.00 0 34.77 0.00 0 0

Private Sector - Recordkeeping 0.25 0 34.77 0.00

Government - Reporting 30 1 30 1.00 30 51.66 1,549.80 0 0

Government - Recordkeeping 0.25 8 51.66 413.28

Subtotal 30
$0 2 $3,704.40
Grand Total 4,068
* Rounded to match ROCIS

Cost Calculation Legend (From question 12 in SSA)

#1 - Standard BLS Rates

#2 - Oil & Gas Industry Consultants

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