ACS NSC YearBuilt_Respondent Letters_Fifth Mailing Feb 2020

ACS NSC_YearBuilt_RespondentLetters_FifthMailing_Mar2020.pdf

The American Community Survey

ACS NSC YearBuilt_Respondent Letters_Fifth Mailing Feb 2020

OMB: 0607-0810

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Request for Non-Substantive Change to the American Community Survey (ACS)
OMB Control No. 0607-0810
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau
The American Community Survey (ACS) mails survey materials to about 287,000 HU addresses
each month. The mailing operations are conducted through the U.S. Postal Service and use
first-class postage rates for all pieces. For addresses that were mailed survey materials but did
not respond by mail, internet, or by calling the telephone questionnaire assistance line, the
Census Bureau selects a subsample of all households and assign them to the CAPI (nonresponse
follow-up) data collection mode. Unmailable household addresses are sampled and included in
the CAPI data collection mode.
In 2017, the HU sample yielded approximately 135,000 self-response interviews. The HU CAPI
follow-up yielded an estimated response rate of approximately 87 percent in 2017. The 2017
final weighted response rate for ACS was 94 percent.
On June 7, 2019, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the American
Community Survey (0607-0810) information collection. The current collection will expire on
June 30, 2022. This non-substantive change request includes updates to the Year Structure Built
response options, respondent letters used during the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing
operation, and modifications to the fifth mailing in the self-response operation.
In addition, on March 18, 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau announced a two-week suspension of
2020 Census field operations to help protect the American public and our employees from the
coronavirus outbreak. (Press release is available here: On the same day, the Census Bureau also
made temporary adjustments to operations at two Census Bureau facilities in Jeffersonville,
Indiana: the National Processing Center and Paper Data Capture Center East. Until April 1, 2020,
these two facilities will transition to the minimum number of on-site staff necessary to continue
operations. After April 1, 2020, it is likely that NPC will continue with minimal operations due to
staff absences because of the COVID-19 guidance for federal employees.
Operations, including printing, assembly, mail out, and data capture, for the ACS are already
experiencing negative impacts because of this reduction in operations and the significant
shortages of available staff. Therefore, it is likely that the ACS program will need to adapt the
respondent contact strategy for the ACS to ensure continued high response rates and to lessen
the effects on data quality. The Census Bureau plans to engage regularly with OMB on any
implementation changes to the respondent contact strategy for ACS and will document changes
implemented through a nonsubstantive change request once every month for the effected time


Year Structure Built (ACS-1)
We are proposing to modify the Year Structure Built response options for the 2021 American
Community Survey (ACS) and the Puerto Rico Community Survey (PRCS). Adding new response
categories makes the options more current and have more years as a check box option.
Currently, the response options are as follows:
About when was this building first built?
□ 2000 or later - Specific year □ 1990 to 1999
□ 1980 to 1989
□ 1970 to 1979
□ 1960 to 1969
□ 1950 to 1959
□ 1940 to 1949
□ 1939 or earlier
The proposed change is as follows:
About when was this building first built?
□ 2020 or later - Specific year □ 2010 to 2019
□ 2000 to 2010
□ 1990 to 1999
□ 1980 to 1989
□ 1970 to 1979
□ 1960 to 1969
□ 1950 to 1959
□ 1940 to 1949
□ 1939 or earlier


Respondent Letters
The final mode of data collection is computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and is used
to conduct personal interviews for a sample of addresses for which the Census Bureau has not
obtained a self-response (paper or internet). The CAPI interviewers have several tools available
to explain the ACS to households, including an introductory letter, a thank you letter,
brochures, and letters for reluctant CAPI respondents.
We are proposing to include letters to provide more information to respondents, such as how
to respond to the online instrument, information to better understand the benefit and value of
the data being collected, information to respondents who the field representative have not
been able to contact, and a final attempt letter to encourage participation.
The letter describing how to respond to the survey online is available in English, with a version
for each of the six Regional Offices (ROs). The no one home letter is available in English,
Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese, with two versions, one for households with
a mailing address and one for households with no mailing address (NMB). The better
understanding letter is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese.
The final attempt letter is available in English. These letters are included in Attachment V.

Fifth Mailing (ACS-23)
As part of the October 2019 ACS panel, the Census Bureau conducted the 2019 ACS Due Dates
Test (OMB Control Number: 0607-0936). The test was designed to determine if including a due
date in the fifth mailing increases self-response rates. The current mailing does not contain an
explicit due date but does encourage quick response. A message on the address-side of the
mailer tells respondents to “Respond Now” and in the letter tells the respondent that “ is
the time to respond.”
The due date is designed to create a sense of urgency, communicate the importance of the
survey, and provide a timeframe for response (which may be beneficial, for example, to those
with a busy schedule). Research has shown that when a request has a sense of urgency, people
are more likely to comply with the request (Kotter, 2008; Gunelius, 2009).
Initial results of the 2019 ACS Due Dates Test indicate that adding an explicit due date in the
fifth mailing increased self-response return rates by about 1.5 percentage points prior to the
start of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). For this test, the due date was set 10
days after the respondent was mailed the fifth letter and about 8 days prior to the start of CAPI.
The due date used in production ACS would mirror the timing tested, but may vary month to
month based on the data collection schedule.


The updated version of the letter contains the due date in three elements (with an example due
date from the October 2019 panel):

A call-out box in the letter:


Text in the letter after the call-out box that reads:
“Because your response is critically important to your local community and to your
country, a Census Bureau interviewer may come to your home to complete the survey
in person. Respond by November 22, 2019 to be removed from our schedule for a


A box on the address-side of the pressure seal mailer:

See Attachment VI for a copy of the updated fifth mailing.
There is no change to the burden to the public associated with these changes.
The following materials are attached:
Paper questionnaire (ACS-1)
Internet Data Collection application (ACS-400C)
Failed-edit Follow-up instrument (HU Failed Edit Follow Up Qts)
Telephone Questionnaire Assistance / Housing Unit Personal Interview instrument (HU
CAPI-TQA DY21 YBL Updates)
Respondent Letters
o Internet Letter
o Better Understanding Letter (ACS-613BUL)
o No One Home Letter (ACS-613NOH)
o No One Home Letter (ACS-613NOH-NMB)
o ACS Final Attempt Letter
Fifth Mailing (ACS-23)

Attachment I: Paper Questionnaire



The American Community Survey

Start Here
You have two ways to respond:


Respond online today at:

Please print the name and telephone number of the
person who is filling out this form. We will only
contact you if needed for official Census Bureau business.
Last Name

First Name

Complete this form and mail it
back as soon as possible.

Area Code + Number

Your response is required by law.
The American Community Survey is
conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
This survey is one of only a few
surveys for which all recipients are
required by law to respond. The
U.S. Census Bureau is required by
law to protect your information.




How many people are living or staying at this address?
• INCLUDE everyone who is living or staying here for more
than 2 months.
• INCLUDE yourself if you are living here for more than 2
• INCLUDE anyone else staying here who does not have
another place to stay, even if they are here for 2 months or

If you need help or have
questions about completing
this form, please call

• DO NOT INCLUDE anyone who is living somewhere else for
more than 2 months, such as a college student living away or
someone in the Armed Forces on deployment.

Number of people

Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD):
Call 1–800–582–8330.
¿NECESITA AYUDA? Llame sin cargo
alguno al 1-877-833-5625.
For more information about the American
Community Survey, visit our website at:


Fill out pages 2 – 7 for everyone, including yourself,
who is living or staying at this address for more
than 2 months. Then complete the rest of the form.




OMB No. 0607-0810
OMB No. 0607-0936


Person 1
(Person 1 is the person living or staying here in whose
name this house or apartment is owned, being bought,
or rented. If there is no such person, start with the name
of any adult living or staying here.)


➜ NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 5 about
Hispanic origin and Question 6 about race. For this
survey, Hispanic origins are not races.


Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

Please print today’s date.

No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin


Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano



Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print,
for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian,
Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc. C

What is Person 1’s name?
Last Name (Please print)

First Name


What is Person 1’s race?
Mark (X) one or more boxes AND print origins.

How is this person related to Person 1?
Person 1
Black or African Am. – Print, for example,
African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian,
Somali, etc. C

What is Person 1’s sex? Mark (X) ONE box.



White – Print, for example, German, Irish, English,
Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. C





What is Person 1’s age and what is Person 1’s
date of birth? For babies less than 1 year old, do not
write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.

American Indian or Alaska Native – Print name of enrolled
or principal tribe(s), for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet
Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. C

Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years)



Year of birth



Native Hawaiian




Asian Indian



Other Asian –
Print, for example,
Hmong, etc. C

Some other race – Print race or origin. C



Other Pacific
Islander – Print,
for example,
Tongan, Fijian,
Marshallese, etc. C


Person 2
➜ NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 5 about
Hispanic origin and Question 6 about race. For this
survey, Hispanic origins are not races.



What is Person 2’s name?
Last Name (Please print)

Is Person 2 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano

First Name

Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print,
for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian,
Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc. C

How is this person related to Person 1?
Mark (X) ONE box.
Opposite-sex husband/wife/spouse
Opposite-sex unmarried partner


Same-sex husband/wife/spouse

What is Person 2’s race?
Mark (X) one or more boxes AND print origins.
White – Print, for example, German, Irish, English,
Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. C

Same-sex unmarried partner
Biological son or daughter
Adopted son or daughter

Black or African Am. – Print, for example,
African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian,
Somali, etc. C

Stepson or stepdaughter
Brother or sister
Father or mother

American Indian or Alaska Native – Print name of enrolled
or principal tribe(s), for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet
Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. C

Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Other relative
Roommate or housemate


Foster child



Native Hawaiian

Other nonrelative




Asian Indian



What is Person 2’s sex? Mark (X) ONE box.


Other Asian –
Print, for example,
Hmong, etc. C


What is Person 2’s age and what is Person 2’s
date of birth? For babies less than 1 year old, do not
write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years)



Year of birth
Some other race – Print race or origin. C



Other Pacific
Islander – Print,
for example,
Tongan, Fijian,
Marshallese, etc. C


Person 3
➜ NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 5 about
Hispanic origin and Question 6 about race. For this
survey, Hispanic origins are not races.



What is Person 3’s name?
Last Name (Please print)

Is Person 3 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano

First Name

Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print,
for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian,
Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc. C

How is this person related to Person 1?
Mark (X) ONE box.
Opposite-sex husband/wife/spouse
Opposite-sex unmarried partner


Same-sex husband/wife/spouse

What is Person 3’s race?
Mark (X) one or more boxes AND print origins.
White – Print, for example, German, Irish, English,
Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. C

Same-sex unmarried partner
Biological son or daughter
Adopted son or daughter

Black or African Am. – Print, for example,
African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian,
Somali, etc. C

Stepson or stepdaughter
Brother or sister
Father or mother

American Indian or Alaska Native – Print name of enrolled
or principal tribe(s), for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet
Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. C

Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Other relative
Roommate or housemate


Foster child



Native Hawaiian

Other nonrelative




Asian Indian



What is Person 3’s sex? Mark (X) ONE box.


Other Asian –
Print, for example,
Hmong, etc. C


What is Person 3’s age and what is Person 3’s
date of birth? For babies less than 1 year old, do not
write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years)



Year of birth
Some other race – Print race or origin. C



Other Pacific
Islander – Print,
for example,
Tongan, Fijian,
Marshallese, etc. C


Person 4
➜ NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 5 about
Hispanic origin and Question 6 about race. For this
survey, Hispanic origins are not races.



What is Person 4’s name?
Last Name (Please print)

Is Person 4 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano

First Name

Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print,
for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian,
Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc. C

How is this person related to Person 1?
Mark (X) ONE box.
Opposite-sex husband/wife/spouse
Opposite-sex unmarried partner


Same-sex husband/wife/spouse

What is Person 4’s race?
Mark (X) one or more boxes AND print origins.
White – Print, for example, German, Irish, English,
Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. C

Same-sex unmarried partner
Biological son or daughter
Adopted son or daughter

Black or African Am. – Print, for example,
African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian,
Somali, etc. C

Stepson or stepdaughter
Brother or sister
Father or mother

American Indian or Alaska Native – Print name of enrolled
or principal tribe(s), for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet
Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. C

Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Other relative
Roommate or housemate


Foster child



Native Hawaiian

Other nonrelative




Asian Indian



What is Person 4’s sex? Mark (X) ONE box.


Other Asian –
Print, for example,
Hmong, etc. C


What is Person 4’s age and what is Person 4’s
date of birth? For babies less than 1 year old, do not
write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years)



Year of birth
Some other race – Print race or origin. C



Other Pacific
Islander – Print,
for example,
Tongan, Fijian,
Marshallese, etc. C


Person 5
➜ NOTE: Please answer BOTH Question 5 about
Hispanic origin and Question 6 about race. For this
survey, Hispanic origins are not races.



What is Person 5’s name?
Last Name (Please print)

Is Person 5 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano

First Name

Yes, Puerto Rican


Yes, Cuban


Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print,
for example, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian,
Guatemalan, Spaniard, Ecuadorian, etc. C

How is this person related to Person 1?
Mark (X) ONE box.
Opposite-sex husband/wife/spouse
Opposite-sex unmarried partner


Same-sex husband/wife/spouse

What is Person 5’s race?
Mark (X) one or more boxes AND print origins.
White – Print, for example, German, Irish, English,
Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, etc. C

Same-sex unmarried partner
Biological son or daughter
Adopted son or daughter

Black or African Am. – Print, for example,
African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian,
Somali, etc. C

Stepson or stepdaughter
Brother or sister
Father or mother

American Indian or Alaska Native – Print name of enrolled
or principal tribe(s), for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet
Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat
Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc. C

Son-in-law or daughter-in-law
Other relative
Roommate or housemate


Foster child



Native Hawaiian

Other nonrelative




Asian Indian



What is Person 5’s sex? Mark (X) ONE box.


Other Asian –
Print, for example,
Hmong, etc. C


What is Person 5’s age and what is Person 5’s
date of birth? For babies less than 1 year old, do not
write the age in months. Write 0 as the age.
Print numbers in boxes.
Age (in years)



Year of birth
Some other race – Print race or origin. C



Other Pacific
Islander – Print,
for example,
Tongan, Fijian,
Marshallese, etc. C



If there are more than five people living or staying here, print their names in the spaces for Person 6
through Person 12. We may call you for more information about them. C

Person 6
Last Name (Please print)




First Name


First Name


First Name


First Name


First Name


First Name


First Name


Age (in years)

Person 7
Last Name (Please print)




Age (in years)

Person 8
Last Name (Please print)




Age (in years)

Person 9
Last Name (Please print)




Age (in years)

Person 10
Last Name (Please print)




Age (in years)

Person 11
Last Name (Please print)




Age (in years)

Person 12
Last Name (Please print)





Age (in years)




Please answer the following questions about
the house, apartment, or mobile home at the
address on the mailing label.


Which best describes this building?
Include all apartments, flats, etc., even if vacant.


Answer questions 4 – 5 if this is a HOUSE OR A
MOBILE HOME; otherwise, SKIP to question 6a.


How many acres is this house or mobile home on?

A mobile home

Less than 1 acre ➔ SKIP to question 6a

A one-family house detached from any
other house

1 to 9.9 acres

A one-family house attached to one or
more houses

10 or more acres

A building with 2 apartments


A building with 3 or 4 apartments
A building with 5 to 9 apartments


A building with 10 to 19 apartments

$1 to $999

A building with 20 to 49 apartments

$1,000 to $2,499

A building with 50 or more apartments

$2,500 to $4,999

Boat, RV, van, etc.


$5,000 to $9,999
$10,000 or more

About when was this building first built?
2020 or later – Specify year

IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, what were the actual
sales of all agricultural products from this


2010 to 2019

a. How many separate rooms are in this house,
apartment, or mobile home? Rooms must be
separated by built-in archways or walls that extend
out at least 6 inches and go from floor to ceiling.

2000 to 2009

• INCLUDE bedrooms, kitchens, etc.
• EXCLUDE bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers,
halls, or unfinished basements.

1990 to 1999

Number of rooms

1980 to 1989
1970 to 1979
1960 to 1969

b. How many of these rooms are bedrooms?
Count as bedrooms those rooms you would list if this
house, apartment, or mobile home were for sale or
rent. If this is an efficiency/studio apartment, print "0".

1950 to 1959
1940 to 1949

Number of bedrooms

1939 or earlier


When did PERSON 1 (listed on page 2) move into
this house, apartment, or mobile home?




Housing (continued)

Does this house, apartment, or mobile home
have –

11 Do you or any member of this household have
access to the Internet using a –


a. cellular data plan for a
smartphone or other mobile

a. hot and cold running water?
b. a bathtub or shower?


b. broadband (high speed)
Internet service such as cable,
fiber optic, or DSL service
installed in this household?
c. satellite Internet service
installed in this household?
d. dial-up Internet service
installed in this household?
e. some other service?
Specify service C

c. a sink with a faucet?
d. a stove or range?
e. a refrigerator?



Can you or any member of this household
both make and receive phone calls when at
this house, apartment, or mobile home?
Include calls using cell phones, land lines, or
other phone devices.


12 How many automobiles, vans, and trucks of
one-ton capacity or less are kept at home for
use by members of this household?

At this house, apartment, or mobile home –
do you or any member of this household own
or use any of the following types of computers?



a. Desktop or laptop


b. Smartphone


c. Tablet or other portable
wireless computer


d. Some other type of computer
Specify C

6 or more

13 Which FUEL is used MOST for heating this
house, apartment, or mobile home?

10 At this house, apartment, or mobile home –

Gas: from underground pipes serving the

do you or any member of this household have
access to the Internet?

Gas: bottled, tank, or LP

Yes, by paying a cell phone company or
Internet service provider


Yes, without paying a cell phone company or
Internet service provider ➔ SKIP to question 12

Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
Coal or coke

No access to the Internet at this house, apartment,
or mobile home ➔ SKIP to question 12

Solar energy
Other fuel
No fuel used




Housing (continued)
14 a. LAST MONTH, what was the cost of electricity 16 Is this house, apartment, or mobile home part of
for this house, apartment, or mobile home?

a condominium?

Last month’s cost – Dollars


Yes ➔ What is the monthly condominium
fee? For renters, answer only if you pay
the condominium fee in addition to your
rent; otherwise, mark the "None" box.



Monthly amount – Dollars

Included in rent or condominium fee


No charge or electricity not used



b. LAST MONTH, what was the cost of gas for
this house, apartment, or mobile home?


Last month’s cost – Dollars




17 Is this house, apartment, or mobile home –
Mark (X) ONE box.


Owned by you or someone in this household
with a mortgage or loan? Include home equity loans.

Included in rent or condominium fee
Included in electricity payment entered above

Owned by you or someone in this household free
and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?

No charge or gas not used

Occupied without payment of rent? ➔ SKIP to
on the next page

c. IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, what was the cost
of water and sewer for this house, apartment,
or mobile home? If you have lived here less than
12 months, estimate the cost.
Past 12 months’ cost – Dollars





Answer questions 18a and b if this house,
apartment, or mobile home is RENTED.
Otherwise, SKIP to question 19.

Included in rent or condominium fee

18 a. What is the monthly rent for this house,
apartment, or mobile home?

No charge

Monthly amount – Dollars

d. IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, what was the cost
of oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc., for this
house, apartment, or mobile home? If you have
lived here less than 12 months, estimate the cost.



b. Does the monthly rent include any meals?

Past 12 months’ cost – Dollars





Included in rent or condominium fee
No charge or these fuels not used

15 IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you or any
member of this household receive benefits
from the Food Stamp Program or SNAP (the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)?
Do NOT include WIC, the School Lunch Program, or
assistance from food banks.






Housing (continued)


c. Does the regular monthly mortgage payment
include payments for real estate taxes on THIS

Answer questions 19 – 23 if you or any member
of this household OWNS or IS BUYING this
house, apartment, or mobile home.
Otherwise, SKIP to E .

Yes, taxes included in mortgage payment
No, taxes paid separately or taxes not required

19 About how much do you think this house and lot,

d. Does the regular monthly mortgage payment
include payments for fire, hazard, or flood
insurance on THIS property?

apartment, or mobile home (and lot, if owned)
would sell for if it were for sale?
Amount – Dollars

Yes, insurance included in mortgage payment





20 What are the annual real estate taxes on THIS

No, insurance paid separately or no insurance

23 a. Do you or any member of this household have
a second mortgage or a home equity loan on
THIS property?

Annual amount – Dollars


Yes, home equity loan



Yes, second mortgage


Yes, second mortgage and home equity loan


No ➔ SKIP to

21 What is the annual payment for fire, hazard, and

b. How much is the regular monthly payment on
all second or junior mortgages and all home
equity loans on THIS property?

flood insurance on THIS property?
Annual amount – Dollars


Monthly amount – Dollars









No regular payment required

22 a. Do you or any member of this household have
a mortgage, deed of trust, contract to
purchase, or similar debt on THIS property?
Yes, mortgage, deed of trust, or similar debt


Answer question 24 if this is a MOBILE HOME.
Otherwise, SKIP to E .

Yes, contract to purchase
No ➔ SKIP to question 23a

24 What are the total annual costs for personal
property taxes, site rent, registration fees, and
license fees on THIS mobile home and its site?
Exclude real estate taxes.

b. How much is the regular monthly mortgage
payment on THIS property? Include payment
only on FIRST mortgage or contract to purchase.

Annual costs – Dollars

Monthly amount – Dollars







No regular payment required ➔ SKIP to
question 23a




Answer questions about PERSON 1 on the next
page. If no one is listed as PERSON 1 on page 2,
SKIP to page 48 for mailing instructions.


Person 1

Please copy the name of Person 1 from page 2,
then continue answering questions below.

10 a. At any time IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS, has this
person attended school or college? Include only
nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary
school, home school, and schooling which leads
to a high school diploma or a college degree.

Last Name

First Name

No, has not attended in the last 3
months ➔ SKIP to question 11


Yes, public school, public college
Yes, private school, private college, home school


b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Where was this person born?
In the United States – Print name of state.

Nursery school, preschool

Grade 1 through 12 – Specify
grade 1 – 12

Outside the United States – Print name of
foreign country, or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.

College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)


Graduate or professional school beyond a
bachelor’s degree (for example: MA or PhD
program, or medical or law school)

Is this person a citizen of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States ➔ SKIP to
question 10a

11 What is the highest degree or level of school this

Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas

person has COMPLETED? Mark (X) ONE box.
If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or
highest degree received.

Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents


Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization – Print year
of naturalization C

No schooling completed
Nursery school

No, not a U.S. citizen


Grade 1 through 11 – Specify
grade 1 – 11

When did this person come to live in the
United States? If this person came to live in the
United States more than once, print latest year.

12th grade – NO DIPLOMA
Regular high school diploma
GED or alternative credential
Some college credit, but less than 1 year of
college credit
1 or more years of college credit, no degree
Associate’s degree (for example: AA, AS)
Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA, BS)
Master’s degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng,
Professional degree beyond a bachelor’s
degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)




Person 1 (continued)
15 a. Did this person live in this house or apartment


1 year ago?

Answer question 12 if this person has a bachelor’s
degree or higher. Otherwise, SKIP to question 13.

Person is under 1 year old ➔ SKIP to question 16
Yes, this house ➔ SKIP to question 16
No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico –
Print name of foreign country, or
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then SKIP
to question 16

12 This question focuses on this person’s
BACHELOR’S DEGREE. Please print below the
specific major(s) of any BACHELOR’S DEGREES
this person has received. (For example: chemical
engineering, elementary teacher education,
organizational psychology)

No, different house in the United States or
Puerto Rico

b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?
Address (Number and street name)

13 What is this person’s ancestry or ethnic origin?
Name of city, town, or post office

(For example: Italian, Jamaican, African Am.,
Cambodian, Cape Verdean, Norwegian, Dominican,
French Canadian, Haitian, Korean, Lebanese, Polish,
Nigerian, Mexican, Taiwanese, Ukrainian, and so on.)

Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico

Name of U.S. state or
Puerto Rico

14 a. Does this person speak a language other

ZIP Code

than English at home?
No ➔ SKIP to question 15a

16 Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.

b. What is this language?

a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)

For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)

c. How well does this person speak English?
Very well

c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities


d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability

Not well
Not at all

e. TRICARE or other military health care
f. VA (enrolled for VA health care)
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
or health coverage plan – Specify C






Person 1 (continued)

Answer question 17a if this person is covered by
health insurance. Otherwise, SKIP to question 18a.

17 a. Is there a premium for this plan? A premium

Answer question 20 if this person is 15 years old
or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 2 on page 19.

20 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have difficulty doing
errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office
or shopping?

is a fixed amount of money paid on a regular
basis for health coverage. It does not include
copays, deductibles, or other expenses such
as prescription costs.




No ➔ SKIP to question 18a

b. Does this person or another family member
receive a tax credit or subsidy based on
family income to help pay the premium?

21 What is this person’s marital status?
Now married





18 a. Is this person deaf or does he/she have

Never married ➔ SKIP to

serious difficulty hearing?

J on the next page


22 In the PAST 12 MONTHS did this person get –

b. Is this person blind or does he/she have
serious difficulty seeing even when wearing


a. Married?
b. Widowed?


c. Divorced?


23 How many times has this person been married?


Answer question 19a – c if this person is 5 years
old or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 2 on page 19.

Two times
Three or more times

19 a. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have serious
difficulty concentrating, remembering, or
making decisions?

24 In what year did this person last get married?


b. Does this person have serious difficulty
walking or climbing stairs?

c. Does this person have difficulty dressing or




Person 1 (continued)
27 Has this person ever served on active duty in the


U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Answer question 25 if this person is female and
15 – 50 years old. Otherwise, SKIP to question 26a.

Never served in the military ➔ SKIP to question 30a
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves
or National Guard ➔ SKIP to question 29a

25 In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has this person given
birth to any children?

Now on active duty
On active duty in the past, but not now


28 When did this person serve on active duty in the
U.S. Armed Forces? Mark (X) a box for EACH period
in which this person served, even if just for part of the

26 a. Does this person have any of his/her own
grandchildren under the age of 18 living in
this house or apartment?

September 2001 or later


August 1990 to August 2001 (including
Persian Gulf War)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

May 1975 to July 1990

b. Is this grandparent currently responsible for
most of the basic needs of any grandchildren
under the age of 18 who live in this house or

Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
February 1955 to July 1964


Korean War (July 1950 to January 1955)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

January 1947 to June 1950
World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)

c. How long has this grandparent been responsible
for these grandchildren? If the grandparent is
November 1941 or earlier
financially responsible for more than one grandchild,
answer the question for the grandchild for whom
the grandparent has been responsible for the
29 a. Does this person have a VA service-connected
disability rating?
longest period of time.
Less than 6 months

Yes (such as 0%, 10%, 20%, ... , 100%)

6 to 11 months

No ➔ SKIP to question 30a

1 or 2 years

b. What is this person’s service-connected
disability rating?

3 or 4 years

0 percent

5 or more years

10 or 20 percent
30 or 40 percent
50 or 60 percent
70 percent or higher




Person 1 (continued)
30 a. LAST WEEK, did this person work for pay at a
job (or business)?


Yes ➔ SKIP to question 31

Answer question 33 if you marked "Car, truck,
or van" in question 32. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 34.

No – Did not work (or retired)

33 How many people, including this person,
usually rode to work in the car, truck, or van

b. LAST WEEK, did this person do ANY work for
pay, even for as little as one hour?


No ➔ SKIP to question 36a

31 At what location did this person work LAST
WEEK? If this person worked at more than one
location, print where he or she worked most last

34 LAST WEEK, what time did this person’s trip to
work usually begin?


a. Address (Number and street name)

If the exact address is not known, give a description
of the location such as the building name or the
nearest street or intersection.



35 How many minutes did it usually take this
person to get from home to work LAST WEEK?

b. Name of city, town, or post office

c. Is the work location inside the limits of that
city or town?



Answer questions 36 – 39 if this person
did NOT work last week. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 40a.

No, outside the city/town limits

36 a. LAST WEEK, was this person on layoff from

d. Name of county

a job?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 36c

e. Name of U.S. state or foreign country

b. LAST WEEK, was this person TEMPORARILY
absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness,
maternity leave, other family/personal
reasons, bad weather, etc. ➔ SKIP to
question 39

f. ZIP Code

No ➔ SKIP to question 37

32 How did this person usually get to work LAST
WEEK? Mark (X) ONE box for the method of
transportation used for most of the distance.
Car, truck, or van




Subway or elevated rail


Long-distance train or
commuter rail


Light rail, streetcar,
or trolley

Worked from
home ➔ SKIP
to question 40a


Other method


c. Has this person been informed that he or she
will be recalled to work within the next 6
months OR been given a date to return to work?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 38



Person 1 (continued)
37 During the LAST 4 WEEKS, has this person been
ACTIVELY looking for work?


Answer questions 42a – f if this person worked in
the past 5 years. Otherwise, SKIP to question 43.

No ➔ SKIP to question 39

The next series of questions is about the type of
employment this person had last week.

38 LAST WEEK, could this person have started a job
if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?

If this person had more than one job, describe the one
at which the most hours were worked. If this person
did not work last week, describe the most recent
employment in the past five years.

Yes, could have gone to work
No, because of own temporary illness
No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)

a. Which one of the following best describes this
person’s employment last week or the most
recent employment in the past 5 years?
Mark (X) ONE box.

39 When did this person last work, even for a
few days?


Within the past 12 months
1 to 5 years ago ➔ SKIP to

For-profit company or organization


Non-profit organization (including
tax-exempt and charitable organizations)

Over 5 years ago or never worked ➔ SKIP to
question 43


40 a. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), did

Local government (for example: city or
county school district)

this person work EVERY week? Count
paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military
service as work.

State government (including state

Yes ➔ SKIP to question 41

Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or
Commissioned Corps


Federal government civilian employee

b. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), how
many WEEKS did this person work? Include
paid time off and include weeks when the
person only worked for a few hours.


Owner of non-incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm


Owner of incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm
Worked without pay in a for-profit family
business or farm for 15 hours or more per week

41 During the PAST 12 MONTHS, in the WEEKS
WORKED, how many hours did this person
usually work each WEEK?

b. What was the name of this person’s employer,
business, agency, or branch of the
Armed Forces?

Usual hours worked each WEEK

c. What kind of business or industry was this?
Include the main activity, product, or service provided
at the location where employed. (For example:
elementary school, residential construction)

d. Was this mainly – Mark (X) ONE box.
wholesale trade?
retail trade?
other (agriculture, construction, service,
government, etc.)?




Person 1 (continued)
d. Social Security or Railroad Retirement.

e. What was this person’s main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

Yes ➔

f. Describe this person’s most important activities
or duties. (For example: instruct and evaluate students
and create lesson plans, assemble and install pipe
sections and review building plans for work details)




12 months

e. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Yes ➔




12 months

f. Any public assistance or welfare payments
from the state or local welfare office.


Yes ➔

Mark (X) the "Yes" box for each type of income this
person received, and give your best estimate of the
(NOTE: The "past 12 months" is the period from
today’s date one year ago up through today.)


If net income was a loss, mark the "Loss" box to the
right of the dollar amount.
For income received jointly, report the appropriate
share for each person – or, if that’s not possible,
report the whole amount for only one person and
mark the "No" box for the other person.




12 months








Yes ➔



12 months






12 months



12 months




12 months


c. Interest, dividends, net rental income, royalty
income, or income from estates and trusts.
Report even small amounts credited to an account.





PAST 12 MONTHS? Add entries in questions 43a to
43h; subtract any losses. If net income was a loss, enter
the amount and mark (X) the "Loss" box next to the
dollar amount.


12 months



44 What was this person’s total income during the


Yes ➔

Yes ➔


b. Self-employment income from own nonfarm
businesses or farm businesses, including
proprietorships and partnerships. Report
NET income after business expenses.
Yes ➔

12 months

h. Any other sources of income received
regularly such as Veterans’ (VA) payments,
unemployment compensation, child support or
alimony. Do NOT include lump sum payments such
as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home.

a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips
from all jobs. Report amount before deductions for
taxes, bonds, dues, or other items.




g. Retirement income, pensions, survivor or
disability income. Include income from a previous
employer or union, or any regular withdrawals or
distributions from IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or
other accounts specifically designed for retirement.
Do not include Social Security.

Mark (X) the "No" box to show types of income
NOT received.

Yes ➔



Continue with the questions for Person 2 on the
next page. If no one is listed as Person 2 on page 3,
SKIP to page 48 for mailing instructions.


Person 2

Please copy the name of Person 2 from page 3,
then continue answering questions below.

10 a. At any time IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS, has this
person attended school or college? Include only
nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary
school, home school, and schooling which leads
to a high school diploma or a college degree.

Last Name

First Name

No, has not attended in the last 3
months ➔ SKIP to question 11


Yes, public school, public college
Yes, private school, private college, home school


b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Where was this person born?
In the United States – Print name of state.

Nursery school, preschool

Grade 1 through 12 – Specify
grade 1 – 12

Outside the United States – Print name of
foreign country, or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.

College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)


Graduate or professional school beyond a
bachelor’s degree (for example: MA or PhD
program, or medical or law school)

Is this person a citizen of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States ➔ SKIP to
question 10a

11 What is the highest degree or level of school this

Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas

person has COMPLETED? Mark (X) ONE box.
If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or
highest degree received.

Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents


Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization – Print year
of naturalization C

No schooling completed
Nursery school

No, not a U.S. citizen


Grade 1 through 11 – Specify
grade 1 – 11

When did this person come to live in the
United States? If this person came to live in the
United States more than once, print latest year.

12th grade – NO DIPLOMA
Regular high school diploma
GED or alternative credential
Some college credit, but less than 1 year of
college credit
1 or more years of college credit, no degree
Associate’s degree (for example: AA, AS)
Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA, BS)
Master’s degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng,
Professional degree beyond a bachelor’s
degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)




Person 2 (continued)
15 a. Did this person live in this house or apartment


1 year ago?

Answer question 12 if this person has a bachelor’s
degree or higher. Otherwise, SKIP to question 13.

Person is under 1 year old ➔ SKIP to question 16
Yes, this house ➔ SKIP to question 16
No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico –
Print name of foreign country, or
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then SKIP
to question 16

12 This question focuses on this person’s
BACHELOR’S DEGREE. Please print below the
specific major(s) of any BACHELOR’S DEGREES
this person has received. (For example: chemical
engineering, elementary teacher education,
organizational psychology)

No, different house in the United States or
Puerto Rico

b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?
Address (Number and street name)

13 What is this person’s ancestry or ethnic origin?
Name of city, town, or post office

(For example: Italian, Jamaican, African Am.,
Cambodian, Cape Verdean, Norwegian, Dominican,
French Canadian, Haitian, Korean, Lebanese, Polish,
Nigerian, Mexican, Taiwanese, Ukrainian, and so on.)

Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico

Name of U.S. state or
Puerto Rico

14 a. Does this person speak a language other

ZIP Code

than English at home?
No ➔ SKIP to question 15a

16 Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.

b. What is this language?

a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)

For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)

c. How well does this person speak English?
Very well

c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities


d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability

Not well
Not at all

e. TRICARE or other military health care
f. VA (enrolled for VA health care)
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
or health coverage plan – Specify C






Person 2 (continued)

Answer question 17a if this person is covered by
health insurance. Otherwise, SKIP to question 18a.

17 a. Is there a premium for this plan? A premium

Answer question 20 if this person is 15 years old
or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 3 on page 26.

20 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have difficulty doing
errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office
or shopping?

is a fixed amount of money paid on a regular
basis for health coverage. It does not include
copays, deductibles, or other expenses such
as prescription costs.




No ➔ SKIP to question 18a

b. Does this person or another family member
receive a tax credit or subsidy based on
family income to help pay the premium?

21 What is this person’s marital status?
Now married





18 a. Is this person deaf or does he/she have

Never married ➔ SKIP to

serious difficulty hearing?

J on the next page


22 In the PAST 12 MONTHS did this person get –

b. Is this person blind or does he/she have
serious difficulty seeing even when wearing


a. Married?
b. Widowed?


c. Divorced?


23 How many times has this person been married?


Answer question 19a – c if this person is 5 years
old or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 3 on page 26.

Two times
Three or more times

19 a. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have serious
difficulty concentrating, remembering, or
making decisions?

24 In what year did this person last get married?


b. Does this person have serious difficulty
walking or climbing stairs?

c. Does this person have difficulty dressing or




Person 2 (continued)
27 Has this person ever served on active duty in the


U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Answer question 25 if this person is female and
15 – 50 years old. Otherwise, SKIP to question 26a.

Never served in the military ➔ SKIP to question 30a
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves
or National Guard ➔ SKIP to question 29a

25 In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has this person given
birth to any children?

Now on active duty
On active duty in the past, but not now


28 When did this person serve on active duty in the
U.S. Armed Forces? Mark (X) a box for EACH period
in which this person served, even if just for part of the

26 a. Does this person have any of his/her own
grandchildren under the age of 18 living in
this house or apartment?

September 2001 or later


August 1990 to August 2001 (including
Persian Gulf War)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

May 1975 to July 1990

b. Is this grandparent currently responsible for
most of the basic needs of any grandchildren
under the age of 18 who live in this house or

Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
February 1955 to July 1964


Korean War (July 1950 to January 1955)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

January 1947 to June 1950
World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)

c. How long has this grandparent been responsible
for these grandchildren? If the grandparent is
November 1941 or earlier
financially responsible for more than one grandchild,
answer the question for the grandchild for whom
the grandparent has been responsible for the
29 a. Does this person have a VA service-connected
disability rating?
longest period of time.
Less than 6 months

Yes (such as 0%, 10%, 20%, ... , 100%)

6 to 11 months

No ➔ SKIP to question 30a

1 or 2 years

b. What is this person’s service-connected
disability rating?

3 or 4 years

0 percent

5 or more years

10 or 20 percent
30 or 40 percent
50 or 60 percent
70 percent or higher




Person 2 (continued)
30 a. LAST WEEK, did this person work for pay at a
job (or business)?


Yes ➔ SKIP to question 31

Answer question 33 if you marked "Car, truck,
or van" in question 32. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 34.

No – Did not work (or retired)

33 How many people, including this person,
usually rode to work in the car, truck, or van

b. LAST WEEK, did this person do ANY work for
pay, even for as little as one hour?


No ➔ SKIP to question 36a

31 At what location did this person work LAST
WEEK? If this person worked at more than one
location, print where he or she worked most last

34 LAST WEEK, what time did this person’s trip to
work usually begin?


a. Address (Number and street name)

If the exact address is not known, give a description
of the location such as the building name or the
nearest street or intersection.



35 How many minutes did it usually take this
person to get from home to work LAST WEEK?

b. Name of city, town, or post office

c. Is the work location inside the limits of that
city or town?



Answer questions 36 – 39 if this person
did NOT work last week. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 40a.

No, outside the city/town limits

36 a. LAST WEEK, was this person on layoff from

d. Name of county

a job?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 36c

e. Name of U.S. state or foreign country

b. LAST WEEK, was this person TEMPORARILY
absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness,
maternity leave, other family/personal
reasons, bad weather, etc. ➔ SKIP to
question 39

f. ZIP Code

No ➔ SKIP to question 37

32 How did this person usually get to work LAST
WEEK? Mark (X) ONE box for the method of
transportation used for most of the distance.
Car, truck, or van




Subway or elevated rail


Long-distance train or
commuter rail


Light rail, streetcar,
or trolley

Worked from
home ➔ SKIP
to question 40a


Other method


c. Has this person been informed that he or she
will be recalled to work within the next 6
months OR been given a date to return to work?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 38



Person 2 (continued)
37 During the LAST 4 WEEKS, has this person been
ACTIVELY looking for work?


Answer questions 42a – f if this person worked in
the past 5 years. Otherwise, SKIP to question 43.

No ➔ SKIP to question 39

The next series of questions is about the type of
employment this person had last week.

38 LAST WEEK, could this person have started a job
if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?

If this person had more than one job, describe the one
at which the most hours were worked. If this person
did not work last week, describe the most recent
employment in the past five years.

Yes, could have gone to work
No, because of own temporary illness
No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)

a. Which one of the following best describes this
person’s employment last week or the most
recent employment in the past 5 years?
Mark (X) ONE box.

39 When did this person last work, even for a
few days?


Within the past 12 months
1 to 5 years ago ➔ SKIP to

For-profit company or organization


Non-profit organization (including
tax-exempt and charitable organizations)

Over 5 years ago or never worked ➔ SKIP to
question 43


40 a. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), did

Local government (for example: city or
county school district)

this person work EVERY week? Count
paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military
service as work.

State government (including state

Yes ➔ SKIP to question 41

Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or
Commissioned Corps


Federal government civilian employee

b. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), how
many WEEKS did this person work? Include
paid time off and include weeks when the
person only worked for a few hours.


Owner of non-incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm


Owner of incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm
Worked without pay in a for-profit family
business or farm for 15 hours or more per week

41 During the PAST 12 MONTHS, in the WEEKS
WORKED, how many hours did this person
usually work each WEEK?

b. What was the name of this person’s employer,
business, agency, or branch of the
Armed Forces?

Usual hours worked each WEEK

c. What kind of business or industry was this?
Include the main activity, product, or service provided
at the location where employed. (For example:
elementary school, residential construction)

d. Was this mainly – Mark (X) ONE box.
wholesale trade?
retail trade?
other (agriculture, construction, service,
government, etc.)?




Person 2 (continued)
d. Social Security or Railroad Retirement.

e. What was this person’s main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

Yes ➔

f. Describe this person’s most important activities
or duties. (For example: instruct and evaluate students
and create lesson plans, assemble and install pipe
sections and review building plans for work details)




12 months

e. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Yes ➔




12 months

f. Any public assistance or welfare payments
from the state or local welfare office.


Yes ➔

Mark (X) the "Yes" box for each type of income this
person received, and give your best estimate of the
(NOTE: The "past 12 months" is the period from
today’s date one year ago up through today.)


If net income was a loss, mark the "Loss" box to the
right of the dollar amount.
For income received jointly, report the appropriate
share for each person – or, if that’s not possible,
report the whole amount for only one person and
mark the "No" box for the other person.




12 months








Yes ➔



12 months






12 months



12 months




12 months


c. Interest, dividends, net rental income, royalty
income, or income from estates and trusts.
Report even small amounts credited to an account.





PAST 12 MONTHS? Add entries in questions 43a to
43h; subtract any losses. If net income was a loss, enter
the amount and mark (X) the "Loss" box next to the
dollar amount.


12 months



44 What was this person’s total income during the


Yes ➔

Yes ➔


b. Self-employment income from own nonfarm
businesses or farm businesses, including
proprietorships and partnerships. Report
NET income after business expenses.
Yes ➔

12 months

h. Any other sources of income received
regularly such as Veterans’ (VA) payments,
unemployment compensation, child support or
alimony. Do NOT include lump sum payments such
as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home.

a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips
from all jobs. Report amount before deductions for
taxes, bonds, dues, or other items.




g. Retirement income, pensions, survivor or
disability income. Include income from a previous
employer or union, or any regular withdrawals or
distributions from IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or
other accounts specifically designed for retirement.
Do not include Social Security.

Mark (X) the "No" box to show types of income
NOT received.

Yes ➔



Continue with the questions for Person 3 on the
next page. If no one is listed as Person 3 on page 4,
SKIP to page 48 for mailing instructions.


Person 3

Please copy the name of Person 3 from page 4,
then continue answering questions below.

10 a. At any time IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS, has this
person attended school or college? Include only
nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary
school, home school, and schooling which leads
to a high school diploma or a college degree.

Last Name

First Name

No, has not attended in the last 3
months ➔ SKIP to question 11


Yes, public school, public college
Yes, private school, private college, home school


b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Where was this person born?
In the United States – Print name of state.

Nursery school, preschool

Grade 1 through 12 – Specify
grade 1 – 12

Outside the United States – Print name of
foreign country, or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.

College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)


Graduate or professional school beyond a
bachelor’s degree (for example: MA or PhD
program, or medical or law school)

Is this person a citizen of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States ➔ SKIP to
question 10a

11 What is the highest degree or level of school this

Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas

person has COMPLETED? Mark (X) ONE box.
If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or
highest degree received.

Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents


Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization – Print year
of naturalization C

No schooling completed
Nursery school

No, not a U.S. citizen


Grade 1 through 11 – Specify
grade 1 – 11

When did this person come to live in the
United States? If this person came to live in the
United States more than once, print latest year.

12th grade – NO DIPLOMA
Regular high school diploma
GED or alternative credential
Some college credit, but less than 1 year of
college credit
1 or more years of college credit, no degree
Associate’s degree (for example: AA, AS)
Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA, BS)
Master’s degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng,
Professional degree beyond a bachelor’s
degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)




Person 3 (continued)
15 a. Did this person live in this house or apartment


1 year ago?

Answer question 12 if this person has a bachelor’s
degree or higher. Otherwise, SKIP to question 13.

Person is under 1 year old ➔ SKIP to question 16
Yes, this house ➔ SKIP to question 16
No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico –
Print name of foreign country, or
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then SKIP
to question 16

12 This question focuses on this person’s
BACHELOR’S DEGREE. Please print below the
specific major(s) of any BACHELOR’S DEGREES
this person has received. (For example: chemical
engineering, elementary teacher education,
organizational psychology)

No, different house in the United States or
Puerto Rico

b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?
Address (Number and street name)

13 What is this person’s ancestry or ethnic origin?
Name of city, town, or post office

(For example: Italian, Jamaican, African Am.,
Cambodian, Cape Verdean, Norwegian, Dominican,
French Canadian, Haitian, Korean, Lebanese, Polish,
Nigerian, Mexican, Taiwanese, Ukrainian, and so on.)

Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico

Name of U.S. state or
Puerto Rico

14 a. Does this person speak a language other

ZIP Code

than English at home?
No ➔ SKIP to question 15a

16 Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.

b. What is this language?

a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)

For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)

c. How well does this person speak English?
Very well

c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities


d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability

Not well
Not at all

e. TRICARE or other military health care
f. VA (enrolled for VA health care)
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
or health coverage plan – Specify C






Person 3 (continued)

Answer question 17a if this person is covered by
health insurance. Otherwise, SKIP to question 18a.

17 a. Is there a premium for this plan? A premium

Answer question 20 if this person is 15 years old
or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 4 on page 33.

20 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have difficulty doing
errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office
or shopping?

is a fixed amount of money paid on a regular
basis for health coverage. It does not include
copays, deductibles, or other expenses such
as prescription costs.




No ➔ SKIP to question 18a

b. Does this person or another family member
receive a tax credit or subsidy based on
family income to help pay the premium?

21 What is this person’s marital status?
Now married





18 a. Is this person deaf or does he/she have

Never married ➔ SKIP to

serious difficulty hearing?

J on the next page


22 In the PAST 12 MONTHS did this person get –

b. Is this person blind or does he/she have
serious difficulty seeing even when wearing


a. Married?
b. Widowed?


c. Divorced?


23 How many times has this person been married?


Answer question 19a – c if this person is 5 years
old or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 4 on page 33.

Two times
Three or more times

19 a. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have serious
difficulty concentrating, remembering, or
making decisions?

24 In what year did this person last get married?


b. Does this person have serious difficulty
walking or climbing stairs?

c. Does this person have difficulty dressing or




Person 3 (continued)
27 Has this person ever served on active duty in the


U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Answer question 25 if this person is female and
15 – 50 years old. Otherwise, SKIP to question 26a.

Never served in the military ➔ SKIP to question 30a
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves
or National Guard ➔ SKIP to question 29a

25 In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has this person given
birth to any children?

Now on active duty
On active duty in the past, but not now


28 When did this person serve on active duty in the
U.S. Armed Forces? Mark (X) a box for EACH period
in which this person served, even if just for part of the

26 a. Does this person have any of his/her own
grandchildren under the age of 18 living in
this house or apartment?

September 2001 or later


August 1990 to August 2001 (including
Persian Gulf War)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

May 1975 to July 1990

b. Is this grandparent currently responsible for
most of the basic needs of any grandchildren
under the age of 18 who live in this house or

Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
February 1955 to July 1964


Korean War (July 1950 to January 1955)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

January 1947 to June 1950
World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)

c. How long has this grandparent been responsible
for these grandchildren? If the grandparent is
November 1941 or earlier
financially responsible for more than one grandchild,
answer the question for the grandchild for whom
the grandparent has been responsible for the
29 a. Does this person have a VA service-connected
disability rating?
longest period of time.
Less than 6 months

Yes (such as 0%, 10%, 20%, ... , 100%)

6 to 11 months

No ➔ SKIP to question 30a

1 or 2 years

b. What is this person’s service-connected
disability rating?

3 or 4 years

0 percent

5 or more years

10 or 20 percent
30 or 40 percent
50 or 60 percent
70 percent or higher




Person 3 (continued)
30 a. LAST WEEK, did this person work for pay at a
job (or business)?


Yes ➔ SKIP to question 31

Answer question 33 if you marked "Car, truck,
or van" in question 32. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 34.

No – Did not work (or retired)

33 How many people, including this person,
usually rode to work in the car, truck, or van

b. LAST WEEK, did this person do ANY work for
pay, even for as little as one hour?


No ➔ SKIP to question 36a

31 At what location did this person work LAST
WEEK? If this person worked at more than one
location, print where he or she worked most last

34 LAST WEEK, what time did this person’s trip to
work usually begin?


a. Address (Number and street name)

If the exact address is not known, give a description
of the location such as the building name or the
nearest street or intersection.



35 How many minutes did it usually take this
person to get from home to work LAST WEEK?

b. Name of city, town, or post office

c. Is the work location inside the limits of that
city or town?



Answer questions 36 – 39 if this person
did NOT work last week. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 40a.

No, outside the city/town limits

36 a. LAST WEEK, was this person on layoff from

d. Name of county

a job?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 36c

e. Name of U.S. state or foreign country

b. LAST WEEK, was this person TEMPORARILY
absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness,
maternity leave, other family/personal
reasons, bad weather, etc. ➔ SKIP to
question 39

f. ZIP Code

No ➔ SKIP to question 37

32 How did this person usually get to work LAST
WEEK? Mark (X) ONE box for the method of
transportation used for most of the distance.
Car, truck, or van




Subway or elevated rail


Long-distance train or
commuter rail


Light rail, streetcar,
or trolley

Worked from
home ➔ SKIP
to question 40a


Other method


c. Has this person been informed that he or she
will be recalled to work within the next 6
months OR been given a date to return to work?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 38



Person 3 (continued)
37 During the LAST 4 WEEKS, has this person been
ACTIVELY looking for work?


Answer questions 42a – f if this person worked in
the past 5 years. Otherwise, SKIP to question 43.

No ➔ SKIP to question 39

The next series of questions is about the type of
employment this person had last week.

38 LAST WEEK, could this person have started a job
if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?

If this person had more than one job, describe the one
at which the most hours were worked. If this person
did not work last week, describe the most recent
employment in the past five years.

Yes, could have gone to work
No, because of own temporary illness
No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)

a. Which one of the following best describes this
person’s employment last week or the most
recent employment in the past 5 years?
Mark (X) ONE box.

39 When did this person last work, even for a
few days?


Within the past 12 months
1 to 5 years ago ➔ SKIP to

For-profit company or organization


Non-profit organization (including
tax-exempt and charitable organizations)

Over 5 years ago or never worked ➔ SKIP to
question 43


40 a. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), did

Local government (for example: city or
county school district)

this person work EVERY week? Count
paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military
service as work.

State government (including state

Yes ➔ SKIP to question 41

Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or
Commissioned Corps


Federal government civilian employee

b. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), how
many WEEKS did this person work? Include
paid time off and include weeks when the
person only worked for a few hours.


Owner of non-incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm


Owner of incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm
Worked without pay in a for-profit family
business or farm for 15 hours or more per week

41 During the PAST 12 MONTHS, in the WEEKS
WORKED, how many hours did this person
usually work each WEEK?

b. What was the name of this person’s employer,
business, agency, or branch of the
Armed Forces?

Usual hours worked each WEEK

c. What kind of business or industry was this?
Include the main activity, product, or service provided
at the location where employed. (For example:
elementary school, residential construction)

d. Was this mainly – Mark (X) ONE box.
wholesale trade?
retail trade?
other (agriculture, construction, service,
government, etc.)?




Person 3 (continued)
d. Social Security or Railroad Retirement.

e. What was this person’s main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

Yes ➔

f. Describe this person’s most important activities
or duties. (For example: instruct and evaluate students
and create lesson plans, assemble and install pipe
sections and review building plans for work details)




12 months

e. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Yes ➔




12 months

f. Any public assistance or welfare payments
from the state or local welfare office.


Yes ➔

Mark (X) the "Yes" box for each type of income this
person received, and give your best estimate of the
(NOTE: The "past 12 months" is the period from
today’s date one year ago up through today.)


If net income was a loss, mark the "Loss" box to the
right of the dollar amount.
For income received jointly, report the appropriate
share for each person – or, if that’s not possible,
report the whole amount for only one person and
mark the "No" box for the other person.




12 months








Yes ➔



12 months






12 months



12 months




12 months


c. Interest, dividends, net rental income, royalty
income, or income from estates and trusts.
Report even small amounts credited to an account.





PAST 12 MONTHS? Add entries in questions 43a to
43h; subtract any losses. If net income was a loss, enter
the amount and mark (X) the "Loss" box next to the
dollar amount.


12 months



44 What was this person’s total income during the


Yes ➔

Yes ➔


b. Self-employment income from own nonfarm
businesses or farm businesses, including
proprietorships and partnerships. Report
NET income after business expenses.
Yes ➔

12 months

h. Any other sources of income received
regularly such as Veterans’ (VA) payments,
unemployment compensation, child support or
alimony. Do NOT include lump sum payments such
as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home.

a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips
from all jobs. Report amount before deductions for
taxes, bonds, dues, or other items.




g. Retirement income, pensions, survivor or
disability income. Include income from a previous
employer or union, or any regular withdrawals or
distributions from IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or
other accounts specifically designed for retirement.
Do not include Social Security.

Mark (X) the "No" box to show types of income
NOT received.

Yes ➔



Continue with the questions for Person 4 on the
next page. If no one is listed as Person 4 on page 5,
SKIP to page 48 for mailing instructions.


Person 4

Please copy the name of Person 4 from page 5,
then continue answering questions below.

10 a. At any time IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS, has this
person attended school or college? Include only
nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary
school, home school, and schooling which leads
to a high school diploma or a college degree.

Last Name

First Name

No, has not attended in the last 3
months ➔ SKIP to question 11


Yes, public school, public college
Yes, private school, private college, home school


b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Where was this person born?
In the United States – Print name of state.

Nursery school, preschool

Grade 1 through 12 – Specify
grade 1 – 12

Outside the United States – Print name of
foreign country, or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.

College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)


Graduate or professional school beyond a
bachelor’s degree (for example: MA or PhD
program, or medical or law school)

Is this person a citizen of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States ➔ SKIP to
question 10a

11 What is the highest degree or level of school this

Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas

person has COMPLETED? Mark (X) ONE box.
If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or
highest degree received.

Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents


Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization – Print year
of naturalization C

No schooling completed
Nursery school

No, not a U.S. citizen


Grade 1 through 11 – Specify
grade 1 – 11

When did this person come to live in the
United States? If this person came to live in the
United States more than once, print latest year.

12th grade – NO DIPLOMA
Regular high school diploma
GED or alternative credential
Some college credit, but less than 1 year of
college credit
1 or more years of college credit, no degree
Associate’s degree (for example: AA, AS)
Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA, BS)
Master’s degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng,
Professional degree beyond a bachelor’s
degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)




Person 4 (continued)
15 a. Did this person live in this house or apartment


1 year ago?

Answer question 12 if this person has a bachelor’s
degree or higher. Otherwise, SKIP to question 13.

Person is under 1 year old ➔ SKIP to question 16
Yes, this house ➔ SKIP to question 16
No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico –
Print name of foreign country, or
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then SKIP
to question 16

12 This question focuses on this person’s
BACHELOR’S DEGREE. Please print below the
specific major(s) of any BACHELOR’S DEGREES
this person has received. (For example: chemical
engineering, elementary teacher education,
organizational psychology)

No, different house in the United States or
Puerto Rico

b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?
Address (Number and street name)

13 What is this person’s ancestry or ethnic origin?
Name of city, town, or post office

(For example: Italian, Jamaican, African Am.,
Cambodian, Cape Verdean, Norwegian, Dominican,
French Canadian, Haitian, Korean, Lebanese, Polish,
Nigerian, Mexican, Taiwanese, Ukrainian, and so on.)

Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico

Name of U.S. state or
Puerto Rico

14 a. Does this person speak a language other

ZIP Code

than English at home?
No ➔ SKIP to question 15a

16 Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.

b. What is this language?

a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)

For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)

c. How well does this person speak English?
Very well

c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities


d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability

Not well
Not at all

e. TRICARE or other military health care
f. VA (enrolled for VA health care)
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
or health coverage plan – Specify C






Person 4 (continued)

Answer question 17a if this person is covered by
health insurance. Otherwise, SKIP to question 18a.

17 a. Is there a premium for this plan? A premium

Answer question 20 if this person is 15 years old
or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 5 on page 40.

20 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have difficulty doing
errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office
or shopping?

is a fixed amount of money paid on a regular
basis for health coverage. It does not include
copays, deductibles, or other expenses such
as prescription costs.




No ➔ SKIP to question 18a

b. Does this person or another family member
receive a tax credit or subsidy based on
family income to help pay the premium?

21 What is this person’s marital status?
Now married





18 a. Is this person deaf or does he/she have

Never married ➔ SKIP to

serious difficulty hearing?

J on the next page


22 In the PAST 12 MONTHS did this person get –

b. Is this person blind or does he/she have
serious difficulty seeing even when wearing


a. Married?
b. Widowed?


c. Divorced?


23 How many times has this person been married?


Answer question 19a – c if this person is 5 years
old or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the questions for
Person 5 on page 40.

Two times
Three or more times

19 a. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have serious
difficulty concentrating, remembering, or
making decisions?

24 In what year did this person last get married?


b. Does this person have serious difficulty
walking or climbing stairs?

c. Does this person have difficulty dressing or




Person 4 (continued)
27 Has this person ever served on active duty in the


U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Answer question 25 if this person is female and
15 – 50 years old. Otherwise, SKIP to question 26a.

Never served in the military ➔ SKIP to question 30a
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves
or National Guard ➔ SKIP to question 29a

25 In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has this person given
birth to any children?

Now on active duty
On active duty in the past, but not now


28 When did this person serve on active duty in the
U.S. Armed Forces? Mark (X) a box for EACH period
in which this person served, even if just for part of the

26 a. Does this person have any of his/her own
grandchildren under the age of 18 living in
this house or apartment?

September 2001 or later


August 1990 to August 2001 (including
Persian Gulf War)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

May 1975 to July 1990

b. Is this grandparent currently responsible for
most of the basic needs of any grandchildren
under the age of 18 who live in this house or

Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
February 1955 to July 1964


Korean War (July 1950 to January 1955)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

January 1947 to June 1950
World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)

c. How long has this grandparent been responsible
for these grandchildren? If the grandparent is
November 1941 or earlier
financially responsible for more than one grandchild,
answer the question for the grandchild for whom
the grandparent has been responsible for the
29 a. Does this person have a VA service-connected
disability rating?
longest period of time.
Less than 6 months

Yes (such as 0%, 10%, 20%, ... , 100%)

6 to 11 months

No ➔ SKIP to question 30a

1 or 2 years

b. What is this person’s service-connected
disability rating?

3 or 4 years

0 percent

5 or more years

10 or 20 percent
30 or 40 percent
50 or 60 percent
70 percent or higher




Person 4 (continued)
30 a. LAST WEEK, did this person work for pay at a
job (or business)?


Yes ➔ SKIP to question 31

Answer question 33 if you marked "Car, truck,
or van" in question 32. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 34.

No – Did not work (or retired)

33 How many people, including this person,
usually rode to work in the car, truck, or van

b. LAST WEEK, did this person do ANY work for
pay, even for as little as one hour?


No ➔ SKIP to question 36a

31 At what location did this person work LAST
WEEK? If this person worked at more than one
location, print where he or she worked most last

34 LAST WEEK, what time did this person’s trip to
work usually begin?


a. Address (Number and street name)

If the exact address is not known, give a description
of the location such as the building name or the
nearest street or intersection.



35 How many minutes did it usually take this
person to get from home to work LAST WEEK?

b. Name of city, town, or post office

c. Is the work location inside the limits of that
city or town?



Answer questions 36 – 39 if this person
did NOT work last week. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 40a.

No, outside the city/town limits

36 a. LAST WEEK, was this person on layoff from

d. Name of county

a job?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 36c

e. Name of U.S. state or foreign country

b. LAST WEEK, was this person TEMPORARILY
absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness,
maternity leave, other family/personal
reasons, bad weather, etc. ➔ SKIP to
question 39

f. ZIP Code

No ➔ SKIP to question 37

32 How did this person usually get to work LAST
WEEK? Mark (X) ONE box for the method of
transportation used for most of the distance.
Car, truck, or van




Subway or elevated rail


Long-distance train or
commuter rail


Light rail, streetcar,
or trolley

Worked from
home ➔ SKIP
to question 40a


Other method


c. Has this person been informed that he or she
will be recalled to work within the next 6
months OR been given a date to return to work?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 38



Person 4 (continued)
37 During the LAST 4 WEEKS, has this person been
ACTIVELY looking for work?


Answer questions 42a – f if this person worked in
the past 5 years. Otherwise, SKIP to question 43.

No ➔ SKIP to question 39

The next series of questions is about the type of
employment this person had last week.

38 LAST WEEK, could this person have started a job
if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?

If this person had more than one job, describe the one
at which the most hours were worked. If this person
did not work last week, describe the most recent
employment in the past five years.

Yes, could have gone to work
No, because of own temporary illness
No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)

a. Which one of the following best describes this
person’s employment last week or the most
recent employment in the past 5 years?
Mark (X) ONE box.

39 When did this person last work, even for a
few days?


Within the past 12 months
1 to 5 years ago ➔ SKIP to

For-profit company or organization


Non-profit organization (including
tax-exempt and charitable organizations)

Over 5 years ago or never worked ➔ SKIP to
question 43


40 a. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), did

Local government (for example: city or
county school district)

this person work EVERY week? Count
paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military
service as work.

State government (including state

Yes ➔ SKIP to question 41

Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or
Commissioned Corps


Federal government civilian employee

b. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), how
many WEEKS did this person work? Include
paid time off and include weeks when the
person only worked for a few hours.


Owner of non-incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm


Owner of incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm
Worked without pay in a for-profit family
business or farm for 15 hours or more per week

41 During the PAST 12 MONTHS, in the WEEKS
WORKED, how many hours did this person
usually work each WEEK?

b. What was the name of this person’s employer,
business, agency, or branch of the
Armed Forces?

Usual hours worked each WEEK

c. What kind of business or industry was this?
Include the main activity, product, or service provided
at the location where employed. (For example:
elementary school, residential construction)

d. Was this mainly – Mark (X) ONE box.
wholesale trade?
retail trade?
other (agriculture, construction, service,
government, etc.)?




Person 4 (continued)
d. Social Security or Railroad Retirement.

e. What was this person’s main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

Yes ➔

f. Describe this person’s most important activities
or duties. (For example: instruct and evaluate students
and create lesson plans, assemble and install pipe
sections and review building plans for work details)




12 months

e. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Yes ➔




12 months

f. Any public assistance or welfare payments
from the state or local welfare office.


Yes ➔

Mark (X) the "Yes" box for each type of income this
person received, and give your best estimate of the
(NOTE: The "past 12 months" is the period from
today’s date one year ago up through today.)


If net income was a loss, mark the "Loss" box to the
right of the dollar amount.
For income received jointly, report the appropriate
share for each person – or, if that’s not possible,
report the whole amount for only one person and
mark the "No" box for the other person.




12 months








Yes ➔



12 months






12 months



12 months




12 months


c. Interest, dividends, net rental income, royalty
income, or income from estates and trusts.
Report even small amounts credited to an account.





PAST 12 MONTHS? Add entries in questions 43a to
43h; subtract any losses. If net income was a loss, enter
the amount and mark (X) the "Loss" box next to the
dollar amount.


12 months



44 What was this person’s total income during the


Yes ➔

Yes ➔


b. Self-employment income from own nonfarm
businesses or farm businesses, including
proprietorships and partnerships. Report
NET income after business expenses.
Yes ➔

12 months

h. Any other sources of income received
regularly such as Veterans’ (VA) payments,
unemployment compensation, child support or
alimony. Do NOT include lump sum payments such
as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home.

a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips
from all jobs. Report amount before deductions for
taxes, bonds, dues, or other items.




g. Retirement income, pensions, survivor or
disability income. Include income from a previous
employer or union, or any regular withdrawals or
distributions from IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or
other accounts specifically designed for retirement.
Do not include Social Security.

Mark (X) the "No" box to show types of income
NOT received.

Yes ➔



Continue with the questions for Person 5 on the
next page. If no one is listed as Person 5 on page 6,
SKIP to page 48 for mailing instructions.


Person 5

Please copy the name of Person 5 from page 6,
then continue answering questions below.

10 a. At any time IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS, has this
person attended school or college? Include only
nursery or preschool, kindergarten, elementary
school, home school, and schooling which leads
to a high school diploma or a college degree.

Last Name

First Name

No, has not attended in the last 3
months ➔ SKIP to question 11


Yes, public school, public college
Yes, private school, private college, home school


b. What grade or level was this person attending?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Where was this person born?
In the United States – Print name of state.

Nursery school, preschool

Grade 1 through 12 – Specify
grade 1 – 12

Outside the United States – Print name of
foreign country, or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.

College undergraduate years (freshman to senior)


Graduate or professional school beyond a
bachelor’s degree (for example: MA or PhD
program, or medical or law school)

Is this person a citizen of the United States?
Yes, born in the United States ➔ SKIP to
question 10a

11 What is the highest degree or level of school this

Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas

person has COMPLETED? Mark (X) ONE box.
If currently enrolled, mark the previous grade or
highest degree received.

Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents


Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization – Print year
of naturalization C

No schooling completed
Nursery school

No, not a U.S. citizen


Grade 1 through 11 – Specify
grade 1 – 11

When did this person come to live in the
United States? If this person came to live in the
United States more than once, print latest year.

12th grade – NO DIPLOMA
Regular high school diploma
GED or alternative credential
Some college credit, but less than 1 year of
college credit
1 or more years of college credit, no degree
Associate’s degree (for example: AA, AS)
Bachelor’s degree (for example: BA, BS)
Master’s degree (for example: MA, MS, MEng,
Professional degree beyond a bachelor’s
degree (for example: MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD)
Doctorate degree (for example: PhD, EdD)




Person 5 (continued)
15 a. Did this person live in this house or apartment


1 year ago?

Answer question 12 if this person has a bachelor’s
degree or higher. Otherwise, SKIP to question 13.

Person is under 1 year old ➔ SKIP to question 16
Yes, this house ➔ SKIP to question 16
No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico –
Print name of foreign country, or
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then SKIP
to question 16

12 This question focuses on this person’s
BACHELOR’S DEGREE. Please print below the
specific major(s) of any BACHELOR’S DEGREES
this person has received. (For example: chemical
engineering, elementary teacher education,
organizational psychology)

No, different house in the United States or
Puerto Rico

b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?
Address (Number and street name)

13 What is this person’s ancestry or ethnic origin?
Name of city, town, or post office

(For example: Italian, Jamaican, African Am.,
Cambodian, Cape Verdean, Norwegian, Dominican,
French Canadian, Haitian, Korean, Lebanese, Polish,
Nigerian, Mexican, Taiwanese, Ukrainian, and so on.)

Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico

Name of U.S. state or
Puerto Rico

14 a. Does this person speak a language other

ZIP Code

than English at home?
No ➔ SKIP to question 15a

16 Is this person CURRENTLY covered by any of the
following types of health insurance or health
coverage plans? Mark "Yes" or "No" for EACH type
of coverage in items a – h.

b. What is this language?

a. Insurance through a current or
former employer or union (of this
person or another family member)

For example: Korean, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese

b. Insurance purchased directly from
an insurance company (by this
person or another family member)

c. How well does this person speak English?
Very well

c. Medicare, for people 65 and older,
or people with certain disabilities


d. Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or
any kind of government-assistance
plan for those with low incomes
or a disability

Not well
Not at all

e. TRICARE or other military health care
f. VA (enrolled for VA health care)
g. Indian Health Service
h. Any other type of health insurance
or health coverage plan – Specify C






Person 5 (continued)

Answer question 17a if this person is covered by
health insurance. Otherwise, SKIP to question 18a.

17 a. Is there a premium for this plan? A premium

Answer question 20 if this person is 15 years old
or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the mailing
instructions on page 48.

20 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have difficulty doing
errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office
or shopping?

is a fixed amount of money paid on a regular
basis for health coverage. It does not include
copays, deductibles, or other expenses such
as prescription costs.




No ➔ SKIP to question 18a

b. Does this person or another family member
receive a tax credit or subsidy based on
family income to help pay the premium?

21 What is this person’s marital status?
Now married





18 a. Is this person deaf or does he/she have

Never married ➔ SKIP to

serious difficulty hearing?

J on the next page


22 In the PAST 12 MONTHS did this person get –

b. Is this person blind or does he/she have
serious difficulty seeing even when wearing


a. Married?
b. Widowed?


c. Divorced?


23 How many times has this person been married?


Answer question 19a – c if this person is 5 years
old or over. Otherwise, SKIP to the mailing
instructions on page 48.

Two times
Three or more times

19 a. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional
condition, does this person have serious
difficulty concentrating, remembering, or
making decisions?

24 In what year did this person last get married?


b. Does this person have serious difficulty
walking or climbing stairs?

c. Does this person have difficulty dressing or




Person 5 (continued)
27 Has this person ever served on active duty in the


U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard?
Mark (X) ONE box.

Answer question 25 if this person is female and
15 – 50 years old. Otherwise, SKIP to question 26a.

Never served in the military ➔ SKIP to question 30a
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves
or National Guard ➔ SKIP to question 29a

25 In the PAST 12 MONTHS, has this person given
birth to any children?

Now on active duty
On active duty in the past, but not now


28 When did this person serve on active duty in the
U.S. Armed Forces? Mark (X) a box for EACH period
in which this person served, even if just for part of the

26 a. Does this person have any of his/her own
grandchildren under the age of 18 living in
this house or apartment?

September 2001 or later


August 1990 to August 2001 (including
Persian Gulf War)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

May 1975 to July 1990

b. Is this grandparent currently responsible for
most of the basic needs of any grandchildren
under the age of 18 who live in this house or

Vietnam era (August 1964 to April 1975)
February 1955 to July 1964


Korean War (July 1950 to January 1955)

No ➔ SKIP to question 27

January 1947 to June 1950
World War II (December 1941 to December 1946)

c. How long has this grandparent been responsible
for these grandchildren? If the grandparent is
November 1941 or earlier
financially responsible for more than one grandchild,
answer the question for the grandchild for whom
the grandparent has been responsible for the
29 a. Does this person have a VA service-connected
disability rating?
longest period of time.
Less than 6 months

Yes (such as 0%, 10%, 20%, ... , 100%)

6 to 11 months

No ➔ SKIP to question 30a

1 or 2 years

b. What is this person’s service-connected
disability rating?

3 or 4 years

0 percent

5 or more years

10 or 20 percent
30 or 40 percent
50 or 60 percent
70 percent or higher




Person 5 (continued)
30 a. LAST WEEK, did this person work for pay at a
job (or business)?


Yes ➔ SKIP to question 31

Answer question 33 if you marked "Car, truck,
or van" in question 32. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 34.

No – Did not work (or retired)

33 How many people, including this person,
usually rode to work in the car, truck, or van

b. LAST WEEK, did this person do ANY work for
pay, even for as little as one hour?


No ➔ SKIP to question 36a

31 At what location did this person work LAST
WEEK? If this person worked at more than one
location, print where he or she worked most last

34 LAST WEEK, what time did this person’s trip to
work usually begin?


a. Address (Number and street name)

If the exact address is not known, give a description
of the location such as the building name or the
nearest street or intersection.



35 How many minutes did it usually take this
person to get from home to work LAST WEEK?

b. Name of city, town, or post office

c. Is the work location inside the limits of that
city or town?



Answer questions 36 – 39 if this person
did NOT work last week. Otherwise, SKIP to
question 40a.

No, outside the city/town limits

36 a. LAST WEEK, was this person on layoff from

d. Name of county

a job?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 36c

e. Name of U.S. state or foreign country

b. LAST WEEK, was this person TEMPORARILY
absent from a job or business?
Yes, on vacation, temporary illness,
maternity leave, other family/personal
reasons, bad weather, etc. ➔ SKIP to
question 39

f. ZIP Code

No ➔ SKIP to question 37

32 How did this person usually get to work LAST
WEEK? Mark (X) ONE box for the method of
transportation used for most of the distance.
Car, truck, or van




Subway or elevated rail


Long-distance train or
commuter rail


Light rail, streetcar,
or trolley

Worked from
home ➔ SKIP
to question 40a


Other method


c. Has this person been informed that he or she
will be recalled to work within the next 6
months OR been given a date to return to work?
Yes ➔ SKIP to question 38



Person 5 (continued)
37 During the LAST 4 WEEKS, has this person been
ACTIVELY looking for work?


Answer questions 42a – f if this person worked in
the past 5 years. Otherwise, SKIP to question 43.

No ➔ SKIP to question 39

The next series of questions is about the type of
employment this person had last week.

38 LAST WEEK, could this person have started a job
if offered one, or returned to work if recalled?

If this person had more than one job, describe the one
at which the most hours were worked. If this person
did not work last week, describe the most recent
employment in the past five years.

Yes, could have gone to work
No, because of own temporary illness
No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.)

a. Which one of the following best describes this
person’s employment last week or the most
recent employment in the past 5 years?
Mark (X) ONE box.

39 When did this person last work, even for a
few days?


Within the past 12 months
1 to 5 years ago ➔ SKIP to

For-profit company or organization


Non-profit organization (including
tax-exempt and charitable organizations)

Over 5 years ago or never worked ➔ SKIP to
question 43


40 a. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), did

Local government (for example: city or
county school district)

this person work EVERY week? Count
paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military
service as work.

State government (including state

Yes ➔ SKIP to question 41

Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or
Commissioned Corps


Federal government civilian employee

b. During the PAST 12 MONTHS (52 weeks), how
many WEEKS did this person work? Include
paid time off and include weeks when the
person only worked for a few hours.


Owner of non-incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm


Owner of incorporated business,
professional practice, or farm
Worked without pay in a for-profit family
business or farm for 15 hours or more per week

41 During the PAST 12 MONTHS, in the WEEKS
WORKED, how many hours did this person
usually work each WEEK?

b. What was the name of this person’s employer,
business, agency, or branch of the
Armed Forces?

Usual hours worked each WEEK

c. What kind of business or industry was this?
Include the main activity, product, or service provided
at the location where employed. (For example:
elementary school, residential construction)

d. Was this mainly – Mark (X) ONE box.
wholesale trade?
retail trade?
other (agriculture, construction, service,
government, etc.)?




Person 5 (continued)
d. Social Security or Railroad Retirement.

e. What was this person’s main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

Yes ➔

f. Describe this person’s most important activities
or duties. (For example: instruct and evaluate students
and create lesson plans, assemble and install pipe
sections and review building plans for work details)




12 months

e. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Yes ➔




12 months

f. Any public assistance or welfare payments
from the state or local welfare office.


Yes ➔

Mark (X) the "Yes" box for each type of income this
person received, and give your best estimate of the
(NOTE: The "past 12 months" is the period from
today’s date one year ago up through today.)


If net income was a loss, mark the "Loss" box to the
right of the dollar amount.
For income received jointly, report the appropriate
share for each person – or, if that’s not possible,
report the whole amount for only one person and
mark the "No" box for the other person.




12 months








Yes ➔



12 months






12 months



12 months




12 months


c. Interest, dividends, net rental income, royalty
income, or income from estates and trusts.
Report even small amounts credited to an account.





PAST 12 MONTHS? Add entries in questions 43a to
43h; subtract any losses. If net income was a loss, enter
the amount and mark (X) the "Loss" box next to the
dollar amount.


12 months



44 What was this person’s total income during the


Yes ➔

Yes ➔


b. Self-employment income from own nonfarm
businesses or farm businesses, including
proprietorships and partnerships. Report
NET income after business expenses.
Yes ➔

12 months

h. Any other sources of income received
regularly such as Veterans’ (VA) payments,
unemployment compensation, child support or
alimony. Do NOT include lump sum payments such
as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home.

a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips
from all jobs. Report amount before deductions for
taxes, bonds, dues, or other items.




g. Retirement income, pensions, survivor or
disability income. Include income from a previous
employer or union, or any regular withdrawals or
distributions from IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or
other accounts specifically designed for retirement.
Do not include Social Security.

Mark (X) the "No" box to show types of income
NOT received.

Yes ➔



Now continue with the mailing instructions
on page 48.


Page 47 is intentionally
left blank




➜ Please make sure you have...

• listed all names and answered the
questions on pages 2 – 7
• answered all Housing questions
• answered all Person questions for each
➜ Then...

• put the completed questionnaire into the
postage-paid return envelope. If the
envelope has been misplaced, please
mail the questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau
P.O. Box 5240
Jeffersonville, IN 47199-5240
• make sure the barcode above your
address shows in the window of the
return envelope
Thank you for participating in
the American Community Survey.

For Census Bureau Use









The Census Bureau estimates that, for the average
household, this form will take 40 minutes to complete,
including the time for reviewing the instructions and
answers. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of
information, including suggestions for reducing this
burden, to: Paperwork Project, U.S. Census Bureau,
4600 Silver Hill Road, ADDC – 4H277,
Washington, D.C. 20233. You may e-mail comments to; use "Paperwork Project" as the
subject. Please DO NOT RETURN your questionnaire
to this address. Use the enclosed preaddressed
envelope to return your completed questionnaire.
Respondents are not required to respond to any
information collection unless it displays a valid
approval number from the Office of Management
and Budget. This 8-digit number appears in the
bottom right on the front cover of this form.

Form ACS-1(2020) (07-13-2019)



Attachment II: Internet Data Collection
application (ACS-400C)

January 2020

American Community Survey
Internet Data Collection Instrument Screen Capture Guide

ACS-400C (January 2020)

ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide


New response categories for internet screen ‘yearbuilt’ will be as follows:
About when was this building first built?
□ 2020 or later - Specific year ______ (4 digits)
□ 2010 to 2019
□ 2000 to 2010
□ 1990 to 1999
□ 1980 to 1989
□ 1970 to 1979
□ 1960 to 1969
□ 1950 to 1959
□ 1940 to 1949
□ 1939 or earlier

Return to Top

ACS-400C (January 2020)

ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide

yearbuilt help

Return to Top

ACS-400C (January 2020)

ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide

Return to Top

ACS-400C (January 2020)

ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide

yearbuilt arrow and highlighting
- ‘yearbuilt’ arrow and highlighting will now be listed under ‘2020 or later – Specific year’ answer category

Return to Top

ACS-400C (January 2020)

ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide

yearbuilt edit message
-‘yearbuilt’ edit message will now appear when specific year entered does not equal a value in range [2020-current year]
- ‘yearbuilt’ edit message update will say “between 2020 and [current year]”

Return to Top

ACS-400C (January 2020)

ACS Internet Screen Capture Guide

Return to Top

Attachment III: Failed-edit Follow-up
instrument (HU Failed Edit Follow Up Qts)

If RAC is <20>:
What is that other Asian group?
(For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on.)
If RAC is <24>:
What is that other Pacific Islander group?
(For example, Fijian, Tongan, and so on.)
If RAC is <20> and <24>
What is that other Asian group and other Pacific Islander group?
(For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, Fijan, Tongan, and so on.)

FEFU Screen Name: RCW3

What is {his/her/’s/your} other race group?

Paper Questionnaire Item Number: Housing 2
FEFU Screen Name: YBL
About when was this  first built?
(If you do not know exact year, give your best estimate.)
♢ If the building was built in the year 2020 or later, enter <1> and enter the specific year on
the following screen.
❍ 1. 2020 or later

❍ 2. 2010 to 2019
❍ 3. 2000 to 2009

❍ 4. 1990 to 1999

❍ 5. 1980 to 1989


❍ 6. 1970 to 1979
❍ 7. 1960 to 1969
❍ 8. 1950 to 1959
❍ 9. 1940 to 1949

❍ 10. 1939 or earlier
FEFU Screen Name: YBLW
(What year was this  built?)
♢ Enter specific year  was built if 2020 or later.

Paper Questionnaire Item Number: Housing 3
FEFU Screen Name: MVM
When did (you/) move into this ?
♢ Select month

FEFU Screen Name: MVY
When did (you/) move into this ?
♢ Enter the year the household moved into this (mobile home/ house/ apartment/ unit).

Paper Questionnaire Item Number: Housing 7a
FEFU Screen Name: RWATPR (Puerto Rico Only)
Does this  have running water?

Paper Questionnaire Item Number: Housing 7b
FEFU Screen Name: HOTWAT (Puerto Rico Only)
Does this  have a water heater?

Paper Questionnaire Item Number: Housing 8


Attachment IV: Telephone Questionnaire
Assistance / Housing Unit Personal Interview
instrument (HU CAPI-TQA DY21 YBL Updates)

Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2


Housing Part A
Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report

Last Modified: Monday, November 25, 2019

Page 1 of 8

Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2



Section3.Housing Part A.YBL
Description: Year Built
Form Pane Label: Year Built
SAS Name:
Tag Name:
Inherited Universe:
Universe: If USTAT = 0, 1 or 2
Universe Description: Date Type of Building was built
Help Screen: H_YBL
Question Text: About when was this ^F_BUILDING_TYPE first built?
If the building was built in the year 2020 or later, enter <1> and enter the specific
year on the following screen.

Instructions: If (BLD=1) OR (BLDA=1), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "mobile home"
If (BLD=2, 3) OR (BLDA=2), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "house"
If BLD=4-9, (OR BLDA=3), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "apartment"
If BLD=10, D, R, (OR BLDA=4,D,R), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "unit"

Type: Enumerated
Length: 1
Answer List: T_YBL




2020 or later















Last Modified: Monday, November 25, 2019

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Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2




1939 or earlier
x Don't Know
x Refuse
On Input
x On Output
Skip Instructions: <1> [go to YBL1>
If USTAT=2 [go to MVY]
If USTAT=0,1and (BLD=1,2,3 or BLDA=1,2) [go to ACR]
If USTAT=0,1and (BLD=4-9 or BLDA=3) [go to EFFIC]
If USTAT=0,1and (BLD=10,D,R or BLDA=4,D,R) [go to RMS]

Last Modified: Thursday, November 21, 2019

Page 3 of 8

Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2



Section3.Housing Part A.YBL1
Description: Specific Year Built
Form Pane Label: Specific Year Built
SAS Name:
Tag Name:
Inherited Universe:
Universe: If USTAT = 0, 1 or 2
Universe Description: Specific year building was built
Help Screen: H_YBL1
Question Text: (What year was this ^F_BUILDING_TYPE built?)
Enter specific year ^F_BUILDING_TYPE was built if 2020 or later

Instructions: If (BLD=1) OR (BLDA=1), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "mobile home"
If (BLD=2, 3) OR (BLDA=2), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "house"
If BLD=4-9, (OR BLDA=3), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "apartment"
If BLD=10, D, R, (OR BLDA=4,D,R), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "unit"

Type: String
Length: 4
x Don't Know
x Refuse
On Input
x On Output
Skip Instructions: <2020 - Current Year,D,R>
IF USTAT=2 [go to MVY]
IF USTAT=0,1 AND (BLD=1,2,3 or BLDA=1,2) [go to ACR]
IF USTAT=0,1 AND (BLD=4-9 or BLDA=3) [go to EFFIC]
Last Modified: Thursday, November 21, 2019

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Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2

IF USTAT=0,1 AND (BLD=10,D,R or BLDA=4,D,R) [go to RMS]

Last Modified: Thursday, November 21, 2019

Page 5 of 8

Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2



Section3.Housing Part A.YBL1_HRDCHK
Description: IF YBL1 is in the future or before 2020
Inherited Universe:
Universe: IF YBL1 > Current Year
Universe Description:
Text: - Input invalid. Value not in range 2020 to ^F_currentyear.

Check Instructions:
Type: Hard
Fills: F_currentyear
Instructions: fill with the current year

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Page 6 of 8

Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2



Section3.Housing Part A.MVY_SFTCHK
Description: MVY before Year Built
Inherited Universe:
Universe: IF MVY<>(D,R) and ((YBL=1 and YBL1 > MVY) or
(YBL in (2-8,D,R) and MVY < YBL Year))
Universe Description: Moved in before 'YBL Year', defined in the instructions below.
Text: I recorded that this ^F_BUILDING_TYPE was built ^F_YBL_year and you also
reported that ^F_you_HHoldername moved in ^F_MVY. Which is correct?

Check Instructions: YBL Year definition:
If YBL=1 and YBL1 <>D,R, then YBL Year= [YBL1 value]
If YBL=1 and YBL1=D,R, then YBL Year= 2020
if YBL=2, then YBL Year= 2010
if YBL=3, then YBL Year= 2000
if YBL=4, then YBL Year= 1990
if YBL=5, then YBL Year= 1980
if YBL=6, then YBL Year= 1970
if YBL=7, then YBL Year= 1960
if YBL=8, then YBL Year= 1950
if YBL=9, then YBL Year= 1940
if YBL=10, Calculate: Current year -126 = [goto MVY_HRDCHK1]
Type: Soft
Instructions: If (BLD=1) OR (BLDA=1), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "mobile home"
If (BLD=2, 3) OR (BLDA=2), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "house"
If BLD=4-9, (OR BLDA=3), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "apartment"
If BLD=10, D, R, (OR BLDA=4,D,R), set FILL BUILDING TYPE = "unit"

Fills: F_YBL_year
Instructions: If YBL=1 and YBL1 <>D,R, then "[YBL1 value]"
If YBL=1 and YBL1=D,R, "in 2020"
if YBL=2, "after 2010"
if YBL=3, "after 2000"
if YBL=4, "after 1990"
if YBL=5, "after 1980"
if YBL=6, "after 1970"
Last Modified: Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Page 7 of 8

Survey: ACS HU CAPI/TQA 2021
Section: Section3.Housing Part A

Blaise Item-Level Specifications Report
Spider Version 1.6.2

if YBL=7, "after 1960"
if YBL=8, "after 1950"
if YBL=9, "after 1940"
if YBL=10, Calculate: Current year -126 = [goto MVY_HRDCHK1]
Fills: F_you_HHoldername
Instructions: If respondent is householder, THEN "you"
If householder is not respondent, THEN "[HHoldername]"
Fills: F_MVY
Instructions: Fill MVY value

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Page 8 of 8

Attachment V: Respondent Letters
o Internet Letter
o Better Understanding Letter (ACS-613BUL)
o No One Home Letter (ACS-613NOH)
o No One Home Letter (ACS-613NOH-NMB)
o ACS Final Attempt Letter

U.S. Census Bureau
Philadelphia Regional Office
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2320

Dear Resident:
A U.S. Census Bureau representative will soon contact you in person to complete the
American Community Survey. You can complete the survey online by going to and logging on with your user ID: <>
The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193,
and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the
importance of the survey and the uses of the results.
The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including
such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information
that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from
this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed.
Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and
your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations
that might affect you and your neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
A member of our staff will contact you in a few days. Your participation and cooperation are
important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any
questions, call us at the phone number provided at the bottom of this letter. We will be pleased
to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at

Regional Director
Office Phone Number: <>
Control Number: <>


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58

U.S. Census Bureau
Philadelphia Regional Office
100 South Independence Mall West
Suite 410
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2320
Penalty for Private Use $300


U.S. Census Bureau
Atlanta Regional Office
Atlanta, GA 30303-2700

Dear Resident:
A U.S. Census Bureau representative will soon contact you in person to complete the
American Community Survey. You can complete the survey online by going to and logging on with your user ID: <>
The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193,
and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the
importance of the survey and the uses of the results.
The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including
such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information
that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from
this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed.
Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and
your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations
that might affect you and your neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
A member of our staff will contact you in a few days. Your participation and cooperation are
important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any
questions, call us at the phone number provided at the bottom of this letter. We will be pleased
to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at

Regional Director
Office Phone Number: <>
Control Number: <>


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58

U.S. Census Bureau
Atlanta Regional Office
101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 3200
Atlanta, GA 30303-2700
Penalty for Private Use $300


U.S. Census Bureau
Chicago Regional Office
Oak Brook, IL 60523-1918

Dear Resident:
A U.S. Census Bureau representative will soon contact you in person to complete the
American Community Survey. You can complete the survey online by going to and logging on with your user ID: <>
The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193,
and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the
importance of the survey and the uses of the results.
The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including
such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information
that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from
this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed.
Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and
your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations
that might affect you and your neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
A member of our staff will contact you in a few days. Your participation and cooperation are
important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any
questions, call us at the phone number provided at the bottom of this letter. We will be pleased
to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at

Regional Director
Office Phone Number: <>
Control Number: <>


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58

U.S. Census Bureau
Chicago Regional Office
1111 W. 22nd Street, Suite 400
Oak Brook, IL 60523-1918
Penalty for Private Use $300


U.S. Census Bureau
Denver Regional Office
Lakewood, CO 80235

Dear Resident:
A U.S. Census Bureau representative will soon contact you in person to complete the
American Community Survey. You can complete the survey online by going to and logging on with your user ID: <>
The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193,
and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the
importance of the survey and the uses of the results.
The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including
such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information
that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from
this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed.
Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and
your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations
that might affect you and your neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
A member of our staff will contact you in a few days. Your participation and cooperation are
important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any
questions, call us at the phone number provided at the bottom of this letter. We will be pleased
to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at

Regional Director
Office Phone Number: <>
Control Number: <>


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58

U.S. Census Bureau
Denver Regional Office
6950 W. Jefferson Avenue, Suite 250
Lakewood, CO 80235
Penalty for Private Use $300


U.S. Census Bureau
Los Angeles Regional Office
Burbank, CA 91504

Dear Resident:
A U.S. Census Bureau representative will soon contact you in person to complete the
American Community Survey. You can complete the survey online by going to and logging on with your user ID: <>
The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193,
and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the
importance of the survey and the uses of the results.
The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including
such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information
that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from
this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed.
Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and
your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations
that might affect you and your neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
A member of our staff will contact you in a few days. Your participation and cooperation are
important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any
questions, call us at the phone number provided at the bottom of this letter. We will be pleased
to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at

Regional Director
Office Phone Number: <>
Control Number: <>


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58

U.S. Census Bureau
Los Angeles Regional Office
2300 West Empire Avenue, Suite 300
Burbank, CA 91504
Penalty for Private Use $300


U.S. Census Bureau
New York Regional Office
New York, NY 10005-3500

Dear Resident:
A U.S. Census Bureau representative will soon contact you in person to complete the
American Community Survey. You can complete the survey online by going to and logging on with your user ID: <>
The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193,
and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the
importance of the survey and the uses of the results.
The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including
such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information
that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from
this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed.
Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop
programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and
your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations
that might affect you and your neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not
permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the
Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks
through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use
your responses to produce statistics.
A member of our staff will contact you in a few days. Your participation and cooperation are
important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any
questions, call us at the phone number provided at the bottom of this letter. We will be pleased
to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at

Regional Director
Office Phone Number: <>
Control Number: <>


U.S. Census Bureau
Permit No. G-58

U.S. Census Bureau
New York Regional Office
32 Old Slip, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10005-3500
Penalty for Private Use $300


Revised June 2017



> Dear <>: Recently, a U.S. Census Bureau representative, <>, contacted you in connection with the American Community Survey. The Census Bureau is conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193, and 221, of the United States Code. The following is provided to give you an explanation of the importance of the survey and the uses of the results. The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed. Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations that might affect you and your neighbors. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. We enclosed some published survey results compiled from other households like yours that participated in this survey. A member of our staff will contact you again in a few days, or you can contact <> at <>. Your participation and cooperation are important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have any questions, call <>, Program Supervisor, on<>. We will be pleased to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at Sincerely, Program Supervisor Enclosures ACS-613B(L)(SPANISH) Revised September 2017 APPROVED BETTER UNDERSTANDING LETTER <> <> <> <
> Estimado(a) <>: Recientemente, un representante de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., <>, se comunicó con usted en relación con la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense. La Oficina del Censo realiza esta encuesta en conformidad con las Secciones 141, 193 y 221 del Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos. A continuación, le damos una explicación sobre la importancia de la encuesta y los usos de los resultados. La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense contiene preguntas sobre las características del hogar, incluidos temas como la educación, el empleo y la vivienda. La encuesta genera información fundamental y actualizada que se usa para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades en todos los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, los resultados de esta encuesta pueden usarse para decidir dónde se necesitan nuevas escuelas, hospitales y estaciones de bomberos. Los gobiernos federal, estatales y locales usan los datos de la encuesta para tomar decisiones y desarrollar programas que brindarán servicios de salud, educación y transporte que les afectan a usted y a su comunidad. Esta información también ayuda a las comunidades a planificar para lidiar con situaciones de emergencia que puedan afectarles a usted y a sus vecinos. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está obligada por ley a mantener confidencial su información. No se nos permite divulgar sus respuestas de manera que su hogar pudiera ser identificado. En conformidad con la Ley para el Fortalecimiento de la Seguridad Cibernética Federal del 2015, sus datos están protegidos contra los riesgos de seguridad cibernética mediante los controles aplicados a los sistemas que los transmiten. Por ley, la Oficina del Censo puede usar sus respuestas solamente para producir estadísticas. Adjuntamos algunos resultados de encuestas que se han publicado, recopilados de otros hogares como el suyo que participaron en esta encuesta. Uno de nuestros empleados se comunicará de nuevo con usted en los próximos días, o usted puede comunicarse con <> al <>. Su participación y cooperación son importantes para el éxito de la encuesta. ¡Su respuesta marca la diferencia! Si tiene preguntas, llame a <>, el supervisor del programa, al <>. Lo ayudaremos con gusto. Para obtener más información sobre la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense, visite nuestro sitio web en Atentamente, Supervisor del programa Documentos adjuntos ACS-613B(L)(CHINESE) Revised January 2018 APPROVED BETTER UNDERSTANDING LETTER <> <> <> <
> 尊敬的 <>: 近期,美国人口普查局代表 <> 就美国社区调查事宜联系了您。人口普查局在 美国法典第 13 章第 141、193 和 221 节的授权下进行这项调查。提供以下信息是为了 向您说明调查的重要性及调查结果的使用。 美国社区调查包含关于家庭特征的问题,包括教育、就业和住房等主题。它生成重要、 最新信息,用于满足美国各个社区的需求。例如,本调查的结果可用于决定是否需要新 学校、医院和消防站。联邦、州和地方政府使用调查数据作出决定并制定计划,提供影 响您和您的社区的医疗保健、教育和交通服务。本调查信息还帮助社区为可能影响您和 您的邻居的紧急情况制定计划。 法律要求美国人口普查局将您的信息保密。我们不允许以可能识别此家庭的方式公开发 布您的回复。根据 2015 年联邦网络安全增强法案,我们通过筛查传输您的数据的系统, 消除您的数据的网络安全风险。根据法律,人口普查局只能使用您的回复生成统计数据。 我们附上根据参加本调查的其他家庭(和您的家庭一样)的数据编写而成的某些已公布 的调查结果。 我们的员工将在几天内再次联系您,或者您可拨打电话 <> 联系 <>。 您的参与和合作对调查取得成功很重要。您的回复意义非凡!如果您有任何问题,请拨 打电话 <> 联系项目主管 <>。我们将很高兴向您提供帮 助。有关美国社区调查的详细信息,请访问我们的网站。 此致, 项目主管 附件 ACS-613B(L)(KOREAN) Revised January 2018 APPROVED BETTER UNDERSTANDING LETTER <> <> <> <
> <>님께: 최근에 미국 통계청(U.S. Census Bureau) 직원인 <>이(가) 미국 지역사회 설문조사와 관련하여 귀하께 연락을 드렸습니다. 통계청은 미국 연방 법령 제 13 장 141, 193 및 221 조항에 의거하여 본 설문조사를 실시하고 있습니다. 다음 내용은 설문조사의 중요성과 결과의 활용에 대한 설명을 드리고자 제공되었습니다. 미국 지역사회 설문조사는 교육, 고용 및 주택과 같은 주제를 포함하여 가정의 특성과 관련된 질문을 포함하고 있습니다. 질문 내용은 미국 전역에 걸친 지역사회의 필요에 부합하기 위하여 사용되는 매우 중요한 최신 정보를 얻기 위한 것입니다. 예를 들면, 본 설문조사의 결과는 신설 학교, 병원 및 소방서가 어디에 필요한지를 결정하는데 사용될 수 있습니다. 설문조사 자료는 연방, 주 및 지방 정부에서 의사결정을 하고, 여러분과 지역사회에 영향을 미치는 의료 서비스, 교육 및 교통 서비스를 제공하는 프로그램을 개발하기 위해 사용됩니다. 본 설문조사 정보는 또한 귀하 및 귀하의 이웃들에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 긴급 상황에 대한 지역사회 계획에 도움이 됩니다. 미국 통계청은 법률에 따라 귀하의 정보를 기밀로 유지합니다. 저희가 참여 가정을 식별할 수 있는 방법으로 귀하의 답변을 공개적으로 발표하는 것은 허용되지 않습니다. 2015 년 연방 사이버보안 개선 법안에 따라서 데이터를 전송하는 시스템의 검사를 통하여 귀하의 데이터를 사이버 보안 위험으로부터 보호합니다. 법률에 의거하여 통계청에서는 귀하의 응답을 통계 목적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 귀하와 마찬가지로 본 설문조사에 참여한 다른 가정으로부터 수집한 일부 설문조사 결과를 첨부하였습니다. 저희 직원이 수 일 내로 귀하께 다시 연락드리거나 전화번호<>로 <>에게 연락하실 수 있습니다. 귀하의 참여와 협조는 성공적인 설문조사를 위해 중요합니다. 귀하의 답변이 변화를 만듭니다! 문의사항이 있으신 경우에는 프로그램 감독관인 <>에게 <>번으로 연락하여 ACS-613B(L)(KOREAN) Revised January 2018 주십시오. 기쁜 마음으로 여러분을 도와 드릴 것입니다. 미국 지역사회 설문조사에 관한 보다 자세한 정보는 웹사이트 에서 확인하십시오. 감사합니다. 프로그램 감독관 첨부 ACS-613B(L)(RUSSIAN) Revised January 2018 APPROVED BETTER UNDERSTANDING LETTER <> <> <> <
> Уважаемый(-ая) <>: Недавно представитель Бюро переписи США, <>, связался с вами по поводу Анкетирования населения США по месту жительства. Бюро переписи проводит это анкетирование в соответствии с пунктом 13, разделов 141, 193 и 221 Кодекса Соединенных Штатов. В настоящем документе дается разъяснение в отношении важности этого анкетирования и использования его результатов. В Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства содержатся вопросы о характеристиках домохозяйств, включая такие темы, как образование, занятость и жилье. Оно позволяет получить критически важную и актуальную информацию, которая используется для удовлетворения потребностей сообществ, проживающих на всей территории Соединенных Штатов. Например, результаты этого анкетирования могут быть использованы для определения того, где необходимы новые школы, больницы и пожарные станции. Данные анкетирования используются федеральными и местными органами власти для принятия решений и разработки программ, которые будут предоставлять услуги в области здравоохранения, образования и перевозок, которые оказывают влияние на вас и ваше сообщество. Информация, полученная в результате этого анкетирования, также помогает сообществам разрабатывать планы на случай чрезвычайных ситуаций, которые могут оказать влияние на вас и ваших соседей. В соответствии с законом Бюро переписи США обязано сохранять конфиденциальность вашей информации. Нам не разрешается публиковать ваши ответы таким образом, чтобы можно было идентифицировать конкретное домохозяйство. В соответствии с Федеральным законом об усилении кибербезопасности от 2015 года ваши данные защищены от рисков нарушения кибербезопасности посредством скрининга систем, которые передают ваши данные. По закону Бюро переписи может использовать ваши ответы только для получения статистических данных. Во вложениях находятся некоторые опубликованные результаты анкетирования других домохозяйств, подобных вашему, которые участвовали в этом анкетировании. Через несколько дней наш сотрудник снова свяжется с вами, или вы сможете связаться с <>, позвонив по номеру <>. Ваше участие и сотрудничество очень важны для успешного проведения анкетирования. Ваши ответы действительно имеют значение! Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, звоните >, руководителю программы, по номеру <>. Мы будем рады помочь вам. Для получения дополнительной информации об Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства посетите наш веб-сайт по адресу С уважением, руководитель программы Вложения ACS-613B(L)(VIETNAMESE) Revised January 2018 APPROVED BETTER UNDERSTANDING LETTER <> <> <> <
> Kính gửi <>: Gần đây, một đại diện của Cục Thống Kê Dân Số, <>, đã liên hệ với quý vị về cuộc Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ. Cục Thống Kê Dân Số tiến hành cuộc khảo sát này theo thẩm quyền của Mục 13, Phần 141, 193 và 221 của Đạo Luật Hoa Kỳ. Phần sau đây sẽ giải thích cho quý vị về tầm quan trọng của cuộc khảo sát và mục đích sử dụng các kết quả. Cuộc Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ gồm các câu hỏi về đặc điểm hộ gia đình bao gồm các chủ đề như giáo dục, việc làm và nhà ở. Cuộc khảo sát cung cấp thông tin quan trọng, cập nhật được sử dụng để đáp ứng nhu cầu của cộng đồng trên toàn Hoa Kỳ. Ví dụ, kết quả từ cuộc khảo sát có thể được sử dụng để quyết định nơi nào cần trường học, bệnh viện và trạm cứu hỏa mới. Dữ liệu khảo sát được chính quyền liên bang, tiểu bang và địa phương sử dụng để ra quyết định và phát triển những chương trình để cung cấp dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe, giáo dục và giao thông vận tải ảnh hưởng tới quý vị và cộng đồng của quý vị. Thông tin khảo sát này cũng giúp các cộng đồng lập kế hoạch cho các tình huống khẩn cấp có thể ảnh hưởng tới quý vị và hàng xóm của quý vị. Luật pháp yêu cầu Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ giữ bảo mật thông tin của quý vị. Chúng tôi không được phép công bố công khai phần trả lời của quý vị theo cách thức có thể xác định hộ gia đình này. Theo Đạo Luật Củng Cố An Ninh Mạng Liên Bang 2015, dữ liệu của quý vị được bảo vệ khỏi các rủi ro an ninh mạng thông qua sàng lọc các hệ thống truyền tải dữ liệu của quý vị. Theo luật, Cục Thống Kê Dân Số chỉ có thể sử dụng phần trả lời của quý vị để lập số liệu thống kê. Chúng tôi đính kèm các kết quả khảo sát đã công bố được thu thập từ những hộ gia đình khác giống quý vị tham gia vào cuộc khảo sát này. Một nhân viên của chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ lại với quý vị trong vài ngày tới, hoặc quý vị có thể liên hệ với <> theo số <>. Sự tham gia và hợp tác của quý vị rất quan trọng để khảo sát này thành công. Câu trả lời của quý vị thực sự tạo ra sự khác biệt! Nếu quý vị có bất kỳ thắc mắc nào, xin hãy gọi tới <>, Giám Sát Viên Chương Trình, theo số<>. Chúng tôi sẽ sẵn lòng giúp đỡ quý vị. Để biết thêm thông tin về Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ, xin hãy truy cập trang web của chúng tôi tại địa chỉ Trân trọng, Giám Sát Viên Chương Trình Tài liệu đính kèm ACS-613N(L)(ENGLISH) Revised June 2017 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER <> <> <> <
> Dear <>: Your address has been selected for participation in the American Community Survey (ACS). A U.S. Census Bureau representative, <>, recently tried to contact you to complete the survey. This survey is conducted by the Census Bureau to produce critical, up-to-date information that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. All information is collected under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193, and 221, of the United States Code. The American Community Survey contains questions about your household characteristics including such topics as education, employment, and housing. These questions are required to collect data needed to manage or evaluate government programs. The ACS will provide communities annually updated, detailed information previously available only when the Census Bureau conducted a census every 10 years. Because of the importance of the survey, we would appreciate if you would let us know how to contact you by completing the information at the bottom of this letter and returning it in the postage paid envelope. You may also call <> at <> or <>, Program Supervisor, on<>. We will be happy to arrange an interview at your convenience and conduct the interview as quickly as possible. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. Your participation and cooperation are important to the success of the survey. Thank you for your help. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at Sincerely, Program Supervisor ACS-613N(L)(ENGLISH) Revised June 2017 Time when I can usually be reached: Telephone number where I can usually be reached: Language Preference: ACS-613N(L)(SPANISH) Revised September 2017 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER <> <> <> <
> Estimado(a) <>: Su dirección fue seleccionada para participar en la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense (ACS). Un representante de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., <>, intentó comunicarse con usted recientemente para completar la encuesta. La Oficina del Censo lleva a cabo esta encuesta a fin de generar información fundamental y actualizada que se usa para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades en todos los Estados Unidos. Toda la información se recopila en conformidad con la autoridad del Título 13, Secciones 141, 193 y 221 del Código de los Estados Unidos. La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense contiene preguntas sobre las características de su hogar, incluidos temas como la educación, el empleo y la vivienda. Estas preguntas son necesarias para recopilar datos precisos para gestionar o evaluar programas del gobierno. La ACS les proporcionará a las comunidades información anual actualizada y detallada que previamente solo estaba disponible cuando la Oficina del Censo llevaba a cabo el censo cada 10 años. Debido a la importancia de la encuesta, le agradeceríamos que nos informara cómo comunicarnos con usted al completar la información que se encuentra al final de esta carta y devolverla en el sobre con franqueo pagado. También puede comunicarse con <> al <> o con <>, el supervisor del programa, al <>. Será un placer concertar una entrevista a su conveniencia y realizarla tan rápido como sea posible. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está obligada por ley a mantener confidencial su información. No se nos permite divulgar sus respuestas de manera que su hogar pudiera ser identificado. En conformidad con la Ley para el Fortalecimiento de la Seguridad Cibernética Federal del 2015, sus datos están protegidos contra los riesgos de seguridad cibernética mediante los controles aplicados a los sistemas que los transmiten. Por ley, la Oficina del Censo puede usar sus respuestas solamente para producir estadísticas. Su participación y cooperación son importantes para el éxito de la encuesta. Le agradecemos por su ayuda. Para obtener más información sobre la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense, visite nuestro sitio web en Atentamente, Supervisor del programa ACS-613N(L)(SPANISH) Revised September 2017 Hora a la que generalmente me pueden contactar: Número de teléfono donde generalmente me pueden contactar: Idioma de preferencia: ACS-613N(L)(CHINESE) Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER <> <> <> <
> 尊敬的 <>: 您的地址已被选中参加美国社区调查 (ACS)。美国人口普查局代表 <> 最近试 图联系您以完成调查。本调查由人口普查局执行,以生成重要、最新信息,用于满足美 国各个社区的需求。人口普查局在美国法典第 13 章第 141、193 和 221 节的授权下收 集所有信息。 美国社区调查包含关于家庭特征的问题,包括教育、就业和住房等主题。收集管理或评 估政府计划所需数据必须提出这些问题。ACS 将每年向社区提供最新、详细的信息,以 前只有在人口普查局每隔 10 年进行人口普查时才会提供这些信息。 因为调查的重要性,如果您能够填写本信函底部的信息并用邮资已付信封寄回它来告诉 我们如何联系您,我们将不胜感激。您也可拨打电话 <> 联系 <>, 或拨打 <> 联系项目主管 <>。我们将很乐意安排在您方便 的时间尽快进行面谈。 法律要求美国人口普查局将您的信息保密。我们不允许以可能识别此家庭的方式公开发 布您的回复。根据 2015 年联邦网络安全增强法案,我们通过筛查传输您的数据的系统, 消除您的数据的网络安全风险。根据法律,人口普查局只能使用您的回复生成统计数据。 您的参与和合作对调查取得成功很重要。感谢您的帮助。有关美国社区调查的详细信息, 请访问我们的网站。 此致, 项目主管 ACS-613N(L)(CHINESE) Revised January 2018 通常可联系到我的时间是: 通常可联系到我的电话号码是: 首选语言: ACS-613N(L)(KOREAN) Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER <> <> <> <
> <>님께: 귀하의 주소는 미국 지역사회 설문조사 (ACS)에 참여하기 위하여 선택되었습니다. 미국 통계청 직원인 <>이(가) 최근에 설문조사 작성을 위하여 귀하께 연락을 시도하였습니다. 본 설문조사는 매우 중요한 최신 정보를 얻기 위해 통계청에 의해서 수행되며, 이 정보는 미국 전역에 걸친 지역사회의 요구에 부합하기 위하여 사용됩니다. 모든 정보는 미국 연방 법령 제13장 141, 193 및 221 조항에 의거하여 수집됩니다. 미국 지역사회 설문조사는 교육, 고용 및 주택과 같은 주제를 포함하여 가정의 특성과 관련된 질문을 포함하고 있습니다. 이러한 질문사항은 정부 프로그램을 관리하거나 평가하기 위해 필요한 정보를 수집하기 위해 요구됩니다. ACS는 통계청이 예전에는 10년 마다 인구조사를 수행했을 경우에만 이용가능한 상세 정보를 매년 갱신해서 지역사회에 제공합니다. 설문조사의 중요성으로 인하여 본 서신의 아래에 있는 정보를 작성하셔서 요금별납 봉투를 이용하여 회신해서 연락 방법을 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다. 또한 <>번으로 <>에게 전화하시거나 프로그램 감독관인 <>에게 <>번으로 전화하실 수 있습니다. 귀하의 편의에 맞추어 인터뷰를 예약하고 가능한 빠른 시간내에 인터뷰를 수행하도록 하겠습니다. 미국 통계청은 법률에 따라 귀하의 정보를 기밀로 유지합니다. 저희가 참여 가정을 식별할 수 있는 방법으로 귀하의 답변을 공개적으로 발표하는 것은 허용되지 않습니다. 2015년 연방 사이버보안 개선 법안에 따라서 데이터를 전송하는 시스템의 검사를 통하여 귀하의 데이터를 사이버 보안 위험으로부터 보호합니다. 법률에 의거하여 통계청에서는 귀하의 응답을 통계 목적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 귀하의 참여와 ACS-613N(L)(KOREAN) Revised January 2018 협조는 성공적인 설문조사를 위해 중요합니다. 귀하의 도움에 감사드립니다. 미국 지역사회 설문조사에 관한 보다 자세한 정보는 웹사이트 에서 확인하십시오. 감사합니다. 프로그램 감독관 전화 통화 가능한 시간: 전화 통화 가능한 번호: 선호하는 언어: ACS-613N(L)(RUSSIAN) Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER <> <> <> <
> Уважаемый(-ая) <>: Ваш адрес выбран для участия в Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства (ACS). Представитель Бюро переписи США, <>, недавно пытался связаться с вами для прохождения анкетирования. Это анкетирование проводится Бюро переписи и позволяет получить критически важную и актуальную информацию, которая используется для удовлетворения потребностей сообществ, проживающих на всей территории Соединенных Штатов. Вся информация собирается согласно пункту 13, разделов 141, 193 и 221 Кодекса Соединенных Штатов. В Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства содержатся вопросы о характеристиках домохозяйств, включая такие темы, как образование, занятость и жилье. Эти вопросы позволяют осуществить сбор данных, необходимых для управления и оценки функционирования государственных программ. Анкетирование населения США по месту жительства (ACS) будет предоставлять сообществам ежегодно обновляемую подробную информацию, ранее доступную только каждые 10 лет, когда Бюро переписи проводило перепись населения. В силу важности этого анкетирования мы будем признательны, если вы сообщите нам, как связаться с вами, заполнив информационную форму в нижней части этого письма и отправив ее нам в конверте с предварительно оплаченным почтовым сбором. Вы также можете позвонить <> по номеру <> или <>, руководителю программы, по номеру <>. Мы будем рады организовать интервью в удобное для вас время и провести его в кратчайшие сроки. В соответствии с законом Бюро переписи США обязано сохранять конфиденциальность вашей информации. Нам не разрешается публиковать ваши ответы таким образом, чтобы можно было идентифицировать конкретное домохозяйство. В соответствии с Федеральным законом об усилении кибербезопасности от 2015 года ваши данные защищены от рисков нарушения кибербезопасности посредством скрининга систем, которые передают ваши данные. По закону Бюро переписи может использовать ваши ответы только для получения статистических данных. Ваше участие и сотрудничество очень важны для успешного проведения анкетирования. Благодарю за помощь! Для получения дополнительной информации об Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства посетите наш веб-сайт по адресу С уважением, руководитель программы ACS-613N(L)(RUSSIAN) Revised January 2018 Время, когда со мной обычно можно связаться: Номер телефона, по которому со мной обычно можно связаться: Предпочтительный язык: ACS-613N(L)(VIETNAMESE) Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER <> <> <> <
> Kính gửi <>: Địa chỉ của quý vị đã được chọn để tham gia vào cuộc Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ (American Community Survey, ACS). Gần đây, một đại diện của Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ, <>, đã cố gắng liên hệ với quý vị để hoàn tất bài khảo sát. Cuộc khảo sát này do Cục Thống Kê Dân Số tiến hành để cung cấp các thông tin quan trọng, cập nhật được sử dụng nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu của các cộng đồng trên toàn Hoa Kỳ. Mọi thông tin được thu thập theo thẩm quyền của Mục 13, Phần 141, 193 và 221 của Đạo Luật Hoa Kỳ. Cuộc Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ gồm các câu hỏi về đặc điểm hộ gia đình của quý vị bao gồm các chủ đề như giáo dục, việc làm và nhà ở. Những câu hỏi này được yêu cầu để thu thập dữ liệu cần thiết nhằm quản lý hoặc đánh giá chương trình của chính phủ. ACS sẽ cung cấp cho cộng đồng thông tin cập nhật, chi tiết hàng năm mà trước đó chỉ có khi Cục Thống Kê Dân Số tiến hành điều tra dân số 10 năm một lần. Do tầm quan trọng của cuộc khảo sát này, chúng tôi sẽ đánh giá cao nếu quý vị cho chúng tôi biết cách liên hệ với quý vị bằng cách điền thông tin vào phần cuối thư này và gửi lại bằng phong bì đã trả bưu phí. Quý vị cũng có thể gọi cho <> theo số <> hoặc <>, Giám Sát Viên Chương Trình, theo số <>. Chúng tôi sẽ sẵn lòng bố trí phỏng vấn theo lịch của quý vị và tiến hành phỏng vấn nhanh nhất có thể. Luật pháp yêu cầu Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ giữ bảo mật thông tin của quý vị. Chúng tôi không được phép công bố công khai phần trả lời của quý vị theo cách thức có thể xác định hộ gia đình này. Theo Đạo Luật Củng Cố An Ninh Mạng Liên Bang 2015, dữ liệu của quý vị được bảo vệ khỏi các rủi ro an ninh mạng thông qua sàng lọc các hệ thống truyền tải dữ liệu của quý vị. Theo luật, Cục Thống Kê Dân Số chỉ có thể sử dụng phần trả lời của quý vị để lập số liệu thống kê. Sự tham gia và hợp tác của quý vị rất quan trọng để khảo sát này thành công. Cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ của quý vị. Để biết thêm thông tin về Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ, xin hãy truy cập trang web của chúng tôi tại địa chỉ Trân trọng, Giám Sát Viên Chương Trình ACS-613N(L)(VIETNAMESE) Revised January 2018 Thời gian có thể liên hệ với tôi: Số điện thoại có thể liên hệ với tôi: Ưu Tiên Ngôn Ngữ: ACS-613N(L)(ENGLISH) No Mail Back Revised June 2017 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER (NO MAIL BACK) <> <> <> <
> Dear <>: Your address has been selected for participation in the American Community Survey (ACS). A U.S. Census Bureau representative, <>, recently tried to contact you to complete the survey. This survey is conducted by the Census Bureau to produce critical, up-to-date information that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. All information is collected under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193, and 221, of the United States Code. The American Community Survey contains questions about your household characteristics including such topics as education, employment, and housing. These questions are required to collect data needed to manage or evaluate government programs. The ACS will provide communities annually updated, detailed information previously available only when the Census Bureau conducted a census every 10 years. Because of the importance of the survey, we would appreciate if you would call <> at <> or <>, Program Supervisor, on<>. We will be happy to arrange an interview at your convenience and conduct the interview as quickly as possible. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. Your participation and cooperation are important to the success of the survey. Thank you for your help. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at Sincerely, Program Supervisor ACS-613N(L)(CHINESE) No Mail Back Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER (NO MAIL BACK) <> <> <> <
> 尊敬的 <>: 您的地址已被选中参加美国社区调查 (ACS)。美国人口普查局代表 <> 最近试 图联系您以完成调查。本调查由人口普查局执行,以生成重要、最新信息,用于满足美 国各个社区的需求。人口普查局在美国法典第 13 章第 141、193 和 221 节的授权下收 集所有信息。 美国社区调查包含关于家庭特征的问题,包括教育、就业和住房等主题。收集管理或评 估政府计划所需数据必须提出这些问题。ACS 将每年向社区提供最新、详细的信息,以 前只有在人口普查局每隔 10 年进行人口普查时才会提供这些信息。 因为调查的重要性,如果您能够拨打电话 <> 联系 <>,或拨打 <> 联系项目主管 <>,我们将不胜感激。我们将很乐意安 排在您方便的时间尽快进行面谈。 法律要求美国人口普查局将您的信息保密。我们不允许以可能识别此家庭的方式公开发 布您的回复。根据 2015 年联邦网络安全增强法案,我们通过筛查传输您的数据的系统, 消除您的数据的网络安全风险。根据法律,人口普查局只能使用您的回复生成统计数据。 您的参与和合作对调查取得成功很重要。感谢您的帮助。有关美国社区调查的详细信息, 请访问我们的网站。 此致, 项目主管 ACS-613N(L)(KOREAN) No Mail Back Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER (NO MAIL BACK) <> <> <> <
> <>님께: 귀하의 주소는 미국 지역사회 설문조사 (ACS)에 참여하기 위하여 선택되었습니다. 미국 통계청 직원인 <>이(가) 최근에 설문조사 작성을 위하여 귀하께 연락을 시도하였습니다. 본 설문조사는 매우 중요한 최신 정보를 얻기 위해 통계청에 의해서 수행되며, 이 정보는 미국 전역에 걸친 지역사회의 요구에 부합하기 위하여 사용됩니다. 모든 정보는 미국 연방 법령 제13장 141, 193 및 221 조항에 의거하여 수집됩니다. 미국 지역사회 설문조사는 교육, 고용 및 주택과 같은 주제를 포함하여 가정의 특성과 관련된 질문을 포함하고 있습니다. 이러한 질문사항은 정부 프로그램을 관리하거나 평가하기 위해 필요한 정보를 수집하기 위해 요구됩니다. ACS는 통계청이 예전에는 10년 마다 인구조사를 수행했을 경우에만 이용가능한 상세 정보를 매년 갱신해서 지역사회에 제공합니다. 설문조사의 중요성으로 인하여 <>번으로 <>에게 전화주시거나 프로그램 감독관인 <>에게 <>번으로 연락주시면 감사하겠습니다. 귀하의 편의에 맞추어 인터뷰를 예약하고 가능한 빠른 시간내에 인터뷰를 수행하도록 하겠습니다. 미국 통계청은 법률에 따라 귀하의 정보를 기밀로 유지합니다. 저희가 참여 가정을 식별할 수 있는 방법으로 귀하의 답변을 공개적으로 발표하는 것은 허용되지 않습니다. 2015년 연방 사이버보안 개선 법안에 따라서 데이터를 전송하는 시스템의 검사를 통하여 귀하의 데이터를 사이버 보안 위험으로부터 보호합니다. 법률에 의거하여 통계청에서는 귀하의 응답을 통계 목적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 귀하의 참여와 협조는 성공적인 설문조사를 위해 중요합니다. 귀하의 도움에 감사드립니다. 미국 ACS-613N(L)(KOREAN) No Mail Back Revised January 2018 지역사회 설문조사에 관한 보다 자세한 정보는 웹사이트 에서 확인하십시오. 감사합니다. 프로그램 감독관 ACS-613N(L)(RUSSIAN) No Mail Back Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER (NO MAIL BACK) <> <> <> <
> Уважаемый(-ая) <>: Ваш адрес выбран для участия в Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства (ACS). Представитель Бюро переписи США, <>, недавно пытался связаться с вами для прохождения анкетирования. Это анкетирование проводится Бюро переписи и позволяет получить критически важную и актуальную информацию, которая используется для удовлетворения потребностей сообществ, проживающих на всей территории Соединенных Штатов. Вся информация собирается согласно пункту 13, разделов 141, 193 и 221 Кодекса Соединенных Штатов. В Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства содержатся вопросы о характеристиках домохозяйств, включая такие темы, как образование, занятость и жилье. Эти вопросы позволяют осуществить сбор данных, необходимых для управления и оценки функционирования государственных программ. Анкетирование населения США по месту жительства (ACS) будет предоставлять сообществам ежегодно обновляемую подробную информацию, ранее доступную только каждые 10 лет, когда Бюро переписи проводило перепись населения. В силу важности этого анкетирования мы будем признательны, если вы позвоните <> по номеру << FRPHONE >> или <>, руководителю программы, по номеру <>. Мы будем рады организовать интервью в удобное для вас время и провести его в кратчайшие сроки. В соответствии с законом Бюро переписи США обязано сохранять конфиденциальность вашей информации. Нам не разрешается публиковать ваши ответы таким образом, чтобы можно было идентифицировать конкретное домохозяйство. В соответствии с Федеральным законом об усилении кибербезопасности от 2015 года ваши данные защищены от рисков нарушения кибербезопасности посредством скрининга систем, которые передают ваши данные. По закону Бюро переписи может использовать ваши ответы только для получения статистических данных. Ваше участие и сотрудничество очень важны для успешного проведения анкетирования. Благодарю за помощь! Для получения дополнительной информации об Анкетировании населения США по месту жительства посетите наш веб-сайт по адресу С уважением, руководитель программы ACS-613N(L)(RUSSIAN) No Mail Back Revised January 2018 ACS-613N(L)(SPANISH) No Mail Back Revised September 2017 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER (NO MAIL BACK) <> <> <> <
> Estimado(a) <>: Su dirección fue seleccionada para participar en la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense (ACS). Un representante de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU., <>, intentó comunicarse con usted recientemente para completar la encuesta. La Oficina del Censo lleva a cabo esta encuesta a fin de generar información fundamental y actualizada que se usa para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades en todos los Estados Unidos. Toda la información se recopila en conformidad con la autoridad de las Secciones 141, 193 y 221 del Título 13 del Código de los Estados Unidos. La Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense contiene preguntas sobre las características del hogar, incluidos temas como la educación, el empleo y la vivienda. Estas preguntas son necesarias para recopilar datos precisos para gestionar o evaluar programas del gobierno. La ACS les proporcionará a las comunidades información anual actualizada y detallada que previamente solo estaba disponible cuando la Oficina del Censo llevaba a cabo el censo cada 10 años. Debido a la importancia de la encuesta, le agradeceríamos que llamara a <> al <> o a <>, el supervisor del programa, al <>. Será un placer concertar una entrevista a su conveniencia y realizarla tan rápido como sea posible. La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. está obligada por ley a mantener confidencial su información. No se nos permite divulgar sus respuestas de manera que su hogar pudiera ser identificado. En conformidad con la Ley para el Fortalecimiento de la Seguridad Cibernética Federal del 2015, sus datos están protegidos contra los riesgos de seguridad cibernética mediante los controles aplicados a los sistemas que los transmiten. Por ley, la Oficina del Censo puede usar sus respuestas solamente para producir estadísticas. Su participación y cooperación son importantes para el éxito de la encuesta. Le agradecemos por su ayuda. Para obtener más información sobre la Encuesta sobre la Comunidad Estadounidense, visite nuestro sitio web en Atentamente, Supervisor del programa ACS-613N(L)(VIETNAMESE) No Mail Back Revised January 2018 APPROVED NO ONE HOME LETTER (NO MAIL BACK) <> <> <> <
> Kính gửi <>: Địa chỉ của quý vị đã được chọn để tham gia vào cuộc Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ (American Community Survey, ACS). Gần đây, một đại diện của Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ, <>, đã cố gắng liên hệ với quý vị để hoàn tất bài khảo sát. Cuộc khảo sát này do Cục Thống Kê Dân Số tiến hành để cung cấp các thông tin quan trọng, cập nhật được sử dụng nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu của các cộng đồng trên toàn Hoa Kỳ. Mọi thông tin được thu thập theo thẩm quyền của Mục 13, Phần 141, 193 và 221 của Đạo Luật Hoa Kỳ. Cuộc Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ gồm các câu hỏi về đặc điểm hộ gia đình của quý vị bao gồm các chủ đề như giáo dục, việc làm và nhà ở. Những câu hỏi này được yêu cầu để thu thập dữ liệu cần thiết nhằm quản lý hoặc đánh giá chương trình của chính phủ. ACS sẽ cung cấp cho cộng đồng thông tin cập nhật, chi tiết hàng năm mà trước đó chỉ có khi Cục Thống Kê Dân Số tiến hành điều tra dân số 10 năm một lần. Vì tầm quan trọng của cuộc khảo sát này, chúng tôi sẽ đánh giá cao nêu quý vị gọi cho <> theo số <> hoặc <>, Giám Sát Viên Chương Trình, theo số <>. Chúng tôi sẽ sẵn lòng bố trí phỏng vấn theo lịch của quý vị và tiến hành phỏng vấn nhanh nhất có thể. Luật pháp yêu cầu Cục Thống Kê Dân Số Hoa Kỳ giữ bảo mật thông tin của quý vị. Chúng tôi không được phép công bố công khai phần trả lời của quý vị theo cách thức có thể xác định hộ gia đình này. Theo Đạo Luật Củng Cố An Ninh Mạng Liên Bang 2015, dữ liệu của quý vị được bảo vệ khỏi các rủi ro an ninh mạng thông qua sàng lọc các hệ thống truyền tải dữ liệu của quý vị. Theo luật, Cục Thống Kê Dân Số chỉ có thể sử dụng phần trả lời của quý vị để lập số liệu thống kê. Sự tham gia và hợp tác của quý vị rất quan trọng để khảo sát này thành công. Cảm ơn sự giúp đỡ của quý vị. Để biết thêm thông tin về Khảo Sát Cộng Đồng tại Mỹ, xin hãy truy cập trang web của chúng tôi tại địa chỉ Trân trọng, Giám Sát Viên Chương Trình Final Attempt Revised June 2017 APPROVED FINAL ATTEMPT LETTER <> <> <
> <> Dear <>: Your address has been selected for participation in the American Community Survey. A U.S. Census Bureau representative, <>, recently tried to contact you to complete the survey. This survey is conducted by the Census Bureau to produce critical, up-to-date information that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. All information is collected under the authority of Title 13, Sections 141, 193, and 221, of the United States Code. The American Community Survey contains questions about household characteristics including such topics as education, employment, and housing. It produces critical, up-to-date information that is used to meet the needs of communities across the United States. For example, results from this survey may be used to decide where new schools, hospitals, and fire stations are needed. Survey data are used by federal, state, and local governments to make decisions and to develop programs that will provide health care, education, and transportation services that affect you and your community. This survey information also helps communities plan for emergency situations that might affect you and your neighbors. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to keep your information confidential. We are not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way that could identify this household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. We are in the final days of collecting data on the American Community Survey for your address, and we have not been able to include data from your household. Because of the importance of the survey, we would appreciate if you would contact us to conduct the interview by telephone or in person. You may call the Field Representative who has previously attempted to contact you, or call us at our Regional Office at <>. We would like to complete your interview within the next five (5) days. You can also complete the survey online by going to and logging on using the following User ID number: <>. Your participation and cooperation are important to the success of the survey. Your response does make a difference! If you have further concerns or questions, please call <> at <>, or the Program Supervisor, <>. We will be pleased to help you. For more information about the American Community Survey, visit our website at Final Attempt Revised June 2017 Sincerely, Program Supervisor Attachment VI: Fifth Mailing Letter (ACS-23) DC U.S. Census Bureau Washington, DC 20233 Office of the Director A message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau ... The U.S. Census Bureau has sent you several requests to complete the American Community Survey. If you have not already done so, now is the time to respond. Due: November 22, 2019 Respond now at Log in using this user ID: OR complete and mail back your paper questionnaire. Your response is required by law. Because your response is critically important to your local community and to your country, a Census Bureau interviewer may come to your home to complete the survey in person. Respond by November 22, 2019 to be removed from our schedule for a visit. If you would like to complete the survey by telephone or need assistance, please call our toll-free number (1–800–354–7271). Thank you. Sincerely, Steven D. Dillingham DC PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL POSTAGE & FEES PAID U.S. Census Bureau Permit No. G-58 U.S. Census Bureau National Processing Center 1201 E 10th Street Jeffersonville IN 47132 OFFICIAL BUSINESS Penalty for Private Use $300 FINAL NOTICE RESPONSE DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2019 ACS-23(LX)(DDT)(BOD) (07-10-2019)
File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMarcella S Jones-Puthoff (CENSUS/ACSO FED)
File Modified2020-03-20
File Created2020-02-27

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