Self Response Operations

2020 Census

ISR-Internet Choice Paper Materials

Self Response Operations

OMB: 0607-1006

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Draft 8 (6-20-2018)

OMB No. xxxx-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
Office of the Director

March 12, 2020
A Message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau
Dear Resident:
This is your invitation to respond to the 2020 Census. We need your help to count everyone
in the United States by providing basic information about all adults, children, and babies living
or staying at this address.


Results from the 2020 Census will be used to:

● Direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other

public services.

● Help your community prepare to meet transportation and emergency readiness needs.
● Determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and

your political representation at all levels of government.

Please respond by April 1 using ONE of the following options:


Option 1:
Go to to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire
online. You will need your 12-digit Census ID, which is printed below the
barcode on the front of the enclosed questionnaire.
Option 2:
Complete and mail back the enclosed questionnaire in the postage-paid
envelope provided.

Respond online to help us conserve natural resources, save taxpayer money, and process
data more efficiently.
The census is so important that your response is required by law, and your answers are kept
completely confidential. If you do not respond, we will need to send a Census Bureau
interviewer to your home to collect your answers in person. If you need help completing your
2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free 1–844–330–2020.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

Mensaje importante: Para completar su cuestionario del Censo del 2020, visite o llame gratis al 1–844–468–2020.
D-LC1 (6-2018)

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What is the 2020 Census?
The goal of the census is to count every person living in the United States once, only once
and in the right place. Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution mandates that this
population and housing count occur every 10 years. Census data guide how more than $675
billion in federal funding is distributed to states and communities each year.
Am I required to respond to the 2020 Census?
Yes, you are required by law to respond to the 2020 Census (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections
141 and 193). This collection of information has been approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB). The eight-digit OMB approval number is XXXX-XXXX. If this number were
not displayed, we could not conduct the 2020 Census.
How long will my 2020 Census questionnaire take?
The Census Bureau estimates that completing the 2020 Census questionnaire will take 10
minutes on average.


Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this burden to:
Paperwork Reduction Project XXXX-XXXX, U.S. Census Bureau, DCMD-2H174,
4600 Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC 20233. You may email comments to
<>. Use "Paperwork Reduction Project XXXX-XXXX"
as the subject.
How do I respond?
Go to to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire online. You will need the
12-digit Census ID found below the barcode on the questionnaire.


How will the Census Bureau use the information I provide?
By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics.
Are my answers con dential and private?
Yes. The Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information (Title 13, U.S. Code,
Section 9). The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your responses in a way
that could identify you or your household. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of
2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that
transmit your data. All web data submissions are encrypted in order to protect your privacy.
Title 13 of the U.S. Code protects the confidentiality of all your information. Violating the
confidentiality of a respondent is a federal crime with serious penalties, including a federal
prison sentence of up to five years, a fine of up to $250,000, or both. Only authorized
individuals have access to the stored data, and the information you provide to the Census
Bureau may only be used by a restricted number of authorized individuals who are sworn for
life to protect the confidentiality of your individual responses. Your answers cannot be used
against you by any government agency or court.
For more information about how we protect your information, please visit our website at and click on "Data Protection and Privacy Policy" at the bottom of the home page.
This page also includes information about the collection, storage, and use of these records.
Click on "System of Records Notices (SORN)" and look for Privacy Act System of Records
Notice COMMERCE/CENSUS-5, Decennial Census Program.

D-LC1 (6-2018)

Draft 7 (6-7-2018)

OMB No. xxxx-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
Office of the Director

March 12, 2020
A Message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau
Dear Resident:


This is your invitation to respond to the 2020 Census. We need your help to count everyone
in the United States by providing basic information about all adults, children, and babies living
or staying at this address.
Results from the 2020 Census will be used to:

● Direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other

public services.

● Help your community prepare to meet transportation and emergency readiness needs.
● Determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and


your political representation at all levels of government.

Please respond by April 1 using ONE of the following options:
Option 1:
Go to to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire
online. You will need your 12-digit Census ID, which is printed below the
barcode on the front of the enclosed questionnaire.
Option 2:
Complete and mail back the enclosed questionnaire in the postage-paid
envelope provided.

Respond online to help us conserve natural resources, save taxpayer money, and process
data more efficiently.
The census is so important that your response is required by law, and your answers are kept
completely confidential. If you do not respond, we will need to send a Census Bureau
interviewer to your home to collect your answers in person. If you need help completing your
2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free 1–844–330–2020.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.
D-LC1(E/S) (6-2018)

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Núm. de OMB xxxx-xxxx: Aprobado hasta xx/xx/xxxx

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
Office of the Director

12 de marzo de 2020
Mensaje del Director de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Estimado residente de esta vivienda:

Esta es su invitación para responder al Censo del 2020. Necesitamos su ayuda para contar a todas
las personas en los Estados Unidos al proveer información básica sobre todos los adultos, niños y
bebés que viven o se quedan en esta dirección.
Los resultados del Censo del 2020 se usarán para:

● Destinar miles de millones de dólares de fondos federales a las comunidades locales
para escuelas, carreteras y otros servicios públicos.
● Ayudar a su comunidad a prepararse para satisfacer necesidades relacionadas con
el transporte y la preparación para emergencias.


● Determinar el número de escaños que tiene cada estado en la Cámara de Representantes
de los EE. UU., así como su representación política a todos los niveles del gobierno.
Responda antes del 1 de abril usando UNA de las siguientes opciones:
Opción 1:
Visite para completar el cuestionario del Censo del 2020 por
internet. Usted va a necesitar su número de Identificación del Censo de 12 dígitos, que
se encuentra debajo del código de barras en la primera página del cuestionario adjunto.
Opción 2:
Complete y envíe por correo postal el cuestionario impreso adjunto en el sobre con
franqueo pagado que se provee.

Responda por internet para conservar recursos naturales, ahorrar dinero de los contribuyentes y
procesar datos con más eficiencia.
El censo es tan importante que la ley requiere que usted responda, y sus respuestas se mantienen
completamente confidenciales. Si usted no responde, tendremos que enviar a un entrevistador de la
Oficina del Censo para que recopile sus respuestas en persona. Si necesita ayuda para completar el
cuestionario del Censo del 2020, llame gratis al 1–844–468–2020.
Gracias de antemano por su rápida respuesta.
Documentos adjuntos
D-LC1(E/S) (6-2018)

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Draft 7 (6-7-2018)

OMB No. xxxx-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
Office of the Director

March 16, 2020

Dear Resident:


A Message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Recently, you should have received instructions for completing your 2020 Census
questionnaire online. Local communities depend on information from the Census Bureau to
fund programs that promote the well-being of families and children as well as equal
employment opportunities for you and your neighbors. If you have not already responded,
please complete your short 10-minute 2020 Census questionnaire online now, or complete and
return the paper questionnaire that we sent you earlier.
Your Census ID is:


Respond now at

If we do not receive your response online or by mail, we will mail another paper questionnaire
to your address in a few weeks.
Your response is important to your local community and your country. By law, your response is
required, and your answers are confidential. If you do not respond, we will need to send a Census
Bureau interviewer to your home to collect your answers in person.
If you need help completing your 2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free 1–844–330–2020.
If you have already completed your 2020 Census questionnaire, we thank you.

Mensaje importante: Para completar su cuestionario del Censo del 2020, visite o llame gratis al 1–844–468–2020.

D-LC2 (6-2018)

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Draft 8 (10-19-2018)

OMB No. xxxx-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
Office of the Director

March 16, 2020
A Message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau


Dear Resident:


Recently, you should have received instructions for completing your 2020 Census
questionnaire online. Local communities depend on information from the Census Bureau to
fund programs that promote the well-being of families and children as well as equal
employment opportunities for you and your neighbors. If you have not already responded,
please complete your short 10-minute 2020 Census questionnaire online now, or complete and
return the paper questionnaire that we sent you earlier.
Your Census ID is:


Respond now at


If we do not receive your response online or by mail, we will mail another paper questionnaire
to your address in a few weeks.
Your response is important to your local community and your country. By law, your response
is required, and your answers are confidential. If you do not respond, we will need to send a
Census Bureau interviewer to your home to collect your anwers in person.
If you need help completing your 2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free
If you have already completed your 2020 Census questionnaire, we thank you.

D-LC2(E/S) (10-2018)

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Núm. de OMB xxxx-xxxx: Aprobado hasta xx/xx/xxxx

U.S. Census Bureau
Washington, DC 20233-0001
Office of the Director

16 de marzo de 2020

Estimado residente de esta vivienda:


Mensaje del Director de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.


Recientemente, usted debe haber recibido instrucciones para completar el cuestionario del
Censo del 2020 por internet. Las comunidades locales dependen de la información de la
Oficina del Censo para asignar fondos a los programas que promueven el bienestar de las
familias y los niños, así como la igualdad de oportunidades de empleo para usted y para sus
vecinos. Si usted no ha respondido aún, complete ahora mismo este breve cuestionario del
Censo del 2020 de 10 minutos o complete y envíe de vuelta el cuestionario impreso que le
enviamos anteriormente.
Su Identificación del Censo es:



Responda ahora en

Si no recibimos su respuesta por internet o por correo postal, dentro de unas semanas le
enviaremos otro cuestionario impreso por correo postal a su dirección.
Su respuesta es importante para su comunidad local y para su país. La ley requiere que usted
responda, y sus respuestas se mantienen confidenciales. Si usted no responde rápido,
tendremos que enviar a un entrevistador de la Oficina del Censo para que recopile sus
respuestas en persona.
Si necesita ayuda para completar el cuestionario del Censo del 2020, llame gratis al
Si usted ya ha completado el cuestionario del Censo del 2020, se lo agradecemos.
D-LC2(E/S) (10-2018)

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Draft 6 (6-7-2018)


U.S. Census Bureau
National Processing Center
1201 E 10th Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132
Penalty for Private Use $300




Your response is required by law.

March 26, 2020

Dear Resident:
Now is the time to respond.


A Message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau

The Census Bureau sent you several requests to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire. If you have not already
responded, it is important that you complete your 10-minute questionnaire now.
Respond now at OR complete and return the paper questionnaire that we sent you earlier.


You are required by law to respond to the 2020 Census. Help us conserve natural resources, process data more efficiently, and
save taxpayer money by responding online. Otherwise, a Census Bureau interviewer may visit you to complete your 2020
Census questionnaire.
The Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. The Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your
information in a way that could identify you or your household.
If you are unable to respond online, we will send you another paper questionnaire next week. If you need help completing your
2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free 1–844–330–2020.
Mensaje importante: Para completar su cuestionario del Censo del 2020, por favor visite o llame
gratis al 1–844–468–2020.

D-PC3 (6-2018)

OMB No. xxxx-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx

Draft 7 (6-7-2018)



U.S. Census Bureau
National Processing Center
1201 E 10th Street
Jeffersonville IN 47132


Penalty for Private Use $300


Your response is required by law.



La ley requiere que usted responda.

26 de marzo de 2020

A Message from the Director, U.S. Census Bureau

Mensaje del Director de la Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU.

Dear Resident:

Estimado residente de esta vivienda:

Now is the time to respond.

Ahora es el momento de responder.

La Oficina del Censo le ha enviado varias solicitudes para que complete el
cuestionario del Censo del 2020. Si todavía no ha respondido, es
importante que complete ahora este cuestionario de 10 minutos.


The Census Bureau sent you several requests to complete your
2020 Census questionnaire. If you have not already responded, it is
important that you complete your 10-minute questionnaire now.


March 26, 2020

Responda ahora en
O complete y envíe el cuestionario impreso
que le enviamos anteriormente.

You are required by law to respond to the 2020 Census. Help us conserve
natural resources, process data more efficiently, and save taxpayer money
by responding online. Otherwise, a Census Bureau interviewer may visit
you to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire.

A usted se le requiere por ley que responda al Censo del 2020. Ayúdenos a
conservar recursos naturales, a procesar los datos de manera más eficiente
y a ahorrar dinero de los contribuyentes respondiendo por internet. De lo
contrario, un entrevistador de la Oficina del Censo podría visitarlo para
completar el cuestionario del Censo del 2020.


Respond now at
OR complete and return the paper questionnaire
that we sent you earlier.

The Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. The
Census Bureau is not permitted to publicly release your information in a
way that could identify you or your household.

If you are unable to respond online, we will send you another paper
questionnaire next week. If you need help completing your 2020 Census
questionnaire, please call toll-free 1–844–330–2020.

D-PC3(E/S) (6-2018)

OMB No. xxxx-xxxx: Approval Expires xx/xx/xxxx

La Oficina del Censo está obligada por ley a proteger su información. A la
Oficina del Censo no se le permite divulgar sus respuestas de manera que
usted o su hogar pudieran ser identificados.
Si usted no puede responder por internet, le enviaremos otro cuestionario
impreso la semana que viene. Si necesita ayuda para completar el
cuestionario del Censo del 2020, lláme gratis al 1–844–468–2020.

Núm. de OMB xxxx-xxxx: Aprobado hasta xx/xx/xxxx

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