60 Day Federal Register Notice


Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

60 Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2130-0593

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 234 / Tuesday, December 6, 2016 / Notices
boundaries; the runway configurations;
land uses such as residential, open
space, commercial/retail, community
facilities, libraries, churches, and
warehouses; and those areas within the
Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL)
65, 70 and 75 noise contours. Estimates
for the area within these contours for
the 2015 Base Year are shown in Table
4–8 and Table 4–9, and in Chapter 4 of
the NEM. Estimates of the residential
population within the 2020 Future Year
noise contours are shown in Table 5–5,
and in Chapter 5 of the NEM. Figure 3–
1, in Chapter 3, displays the location of
noise monitoring sites. Flight tracks are
found in Chapter 4, and detailed in
Appedix C. The type and frequency of
aircraft operations (including nighttime
operations) are found in Chapter 4,
Tables 4–5 and 4–6. The FAA has
determined that these noise exposure
maps and accompanying documentation
are in compliance with applicable
requirements. This determination is
effective on November 28, 2016.
FAA’s determination on an airport
operator’s noise exposure maps is
limited to a finding that the maps were
developed in accordance with the
procedures contained in Appendix A of
FAR Part 150. Such determination does
not constitute approval of the
applicant’s data, information or plans,
or a commitment to approve a noise
compatibility program or to fund the
implementation of that program. If
questions arise concerning the precise
relationship of specific properties to
noise exposure contours depicted on a
noise exposure map submitted under
Section 47503 of the Act, it should be
noted that the FAA is not involved in
any way in determining the relative
locations of specific properties with
regard to the depicted noise contours, or
in interpreting the noise exposure maps
to resolve questions concerning, for
example, which properties should be
covered by the provisions of Section
47506 of the Act. These functions are
inseparable from the ultimate land use
control and planning responsibilities of
local government. These local
responsibilities are not changed in any
way under Part 150 or through the
FAA’s review of noise exposure maps.
Therefore, the responsibility for the
detailed overlaying of noise exposure
contours onto the map depicting
properties on the surface rests
exclusively with the airport operator
that submitted those maps, or with
those public agencies and planning
agencies with which consultation is
required under Section 47503 of the
Act. The FAA has relied on the
certification by the airport operator,

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under Section 150.21 of FAR Part 150,
that the statutorily required consultation
has been accomplished.
Copies of the full noise exposure map
documentation and of the FAA’s
evaluation of the maps are available for
examination at the following locations:
Federal Aviation Administration,
Eastern Region, Airports Division,
AEA–600, 1 Aviation Plaza, Jamaica,
New York 11434.
Federal Aviation Administration,
Harrisburg Airports District Office,
3905 Hartzdale Drive, Suite 508,
Camp Hill, PA 17011.
Charles R. Everett, Executive Director,
Lehigh Valley International Airport,
Lehigh Northamption Aiport
Authority, 3311 Airport Road,
Allentown, PA 18109–3040.
Harrisburg Airports District Office (HAR
ADO), Susan L. McDonald,
Environmental Protection Specialist,
Federal Aviation Administration, HAR
ADO, 3905 Hartzdale Drive, Suite 508,
Camp Hill, PA 17011, Telephone: (717)
Issued in Camp Hill, PA on November 21,
Lori K. Pagnanelli,
Manager, Harrisburg Airports District Office,
Eastern Region.
[FR Doc. 2016–29145 Filed 12–5–16; 8:45 am]

Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket No. FRA–2014–0011–N–02]

Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities; Comment
Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice.

FRA is seeking public
comments on its proposal to renew its
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
clearance to participate in the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
program, ‘‘Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery’’ (OMB
program). FRA will submit the
information collection requirements
described below to OMB for review, as
required by the PRA. The OMB program
was created to facilitate Federal
agencies’ efforts to streamline the
process to seek public feedback on
service delivery. Current FRA clearance
under the OMB program expires May
31, 2017.


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Comments must be received no
later than February 6, 2017.


Submit written comments
on any or all of the following proposed
activities by mail to Ms. Kimberly
Toone, Office of Information
Technology, RAD–20, Federal Railroad
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave.
SE., Mail Stop 35, Washington, DC
20590. Commenters requesting FRA to
acknowledge receipt of their respective
comments must include a self-addressed
stamped postcard stating, ‘‘Comments
on OMB control number 2130–0593.’’
Alternatively, comments may be
transmitted via facsimile to (202) 493–
6497, or via email to Ms. Toone at
Kim.Toone@dot.gov. Please refer to the
assigned OMB control number in any
correspondence submitted. FRA will
summarize comments received in
response to this notice in a subsequent
notice and include them in its
information collection submission to
OMB for approval.


Kimberly Toone, Office of Information
Technology, RAD–20, Federal Railroad
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave.
SE., Mail Stop 35, Washington, DC
20590 (telephone: (202) 493–6132).
(These telephone numbers are not tollfree.)


Order 12862 (1993) (Setting Customer
Service Standards) directed all Federal
executive departments and agencies and
requested independent Federal agencies
to provide service to ‘‘customers’’ that
matches or exceeds the best service
available in the private sector. See also
Executive Order 13571 (2011)
(Streamlining Service Delivery and
Improving Customer Service). For
purposes of these orders, ‘‘customer’’
means an individual who or entity that
is directly served by a Federal
department or agency. FRA seeks
renewed OMB approval of a generic
clearance to collect qualitative feedback
on our service delivery (i.e., the
products and services that FRA creates
to help consumers and businesses
understand their rights and
responsibilities, including Web sites,
blogs, videos, print publications, and
other content).
Below is a brief summary of the
information collection activity FRA will
submit to OMB for clearance as required
under the PRA:
Title: Generic Clearance for the
Collection of Qualitative Feedback on
Agency Service Delivery OMB Control
Number: 2130–0593.
Status: Regular Review.



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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 234 / Tuesday, December 6, 2016 / Notices

Type of Request: Extension without
change of a previously approved
Abstract: This collection of
information is necessary to enable the
FRA to garner customer and stakeholder
feedback in an efficient, timely manner,
consistent with our commitment to
improving service delivery. The
information collected from our
customers and stakeholders will help
ensure users have an effective, efficient,
and satisfying experience with FRA’s
programs. This feedback will provide
insights into customer or stakeholder
perceptions, experiences and
expectations, provide an early warning
of issues with service, and focus
attention on areas where
communication, training or changes in
operations might improve delivery of
products or services. These collections
will allow ongoing, collaborative, and
actionable communications between
FRA and its customers and
stakeholders. It also allows feedback to
contribute directly to the improvement
of program management.
Improving FRA’s programs requires
ongoing assessment of service delivery,
meaning a systematic review of the
operation of a program compared to a
set of explicit or implicit standards as a
means of contributing to the continuous
improvement of the program. FRA will
collect, analyze, and interpret
information gathered through this
generic clearance to identify strengths
and weaknesses of current services and
make improvements in service delivery
based on feedback. The solicitation of
feedback will target areas such as:
Timeliness, appropriateness, accuracy
of information, courtesy, efficiency of
service delivery, and resolution of
issues with service delivery. FRA will
assess responses to plan and inform
efforts to improve or maintain the
quality of service offered to the public.
If this information is not collected, vital
feedback from customers and
stakeholders on the FRA’s services will
be unavailable.
FRA will only submit a collection for
approval under this generic clearance if
it meets the following conditions:
• FRA will only use the information
gathered internally for general service
improvement and program management
purposes and does not intend to release
it outside FRA;
• FRA will not use information
gathered to substantially inform
influential policy decisions;
• Information gathered will yield
qualitative information; FRA will not
design the collections or expect them to
yield statistically reliable results or use

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them as though the results are
generalizable to the population of study;
• Participation in the collections is
• The collections are low-burden for
respondents (based on considerations of
total burden hours, total number of
respondents, or burden-hours per
respondent) and are low-cost for both
the respondents and the Federal
• The collections are noncontroversial and do not raise issues of
concern to other Federal agencies;
• Any collection is targeted to the
solicitation of opinions from
respondents who have experience with
the OMB program or may have
experience with the OMB program in
the near future; and
• With the exception of information
needed to provide renumeration for
participants of focus groups and
cognitive laboratory studies, FRA will
collect personally identifiable
information (PII) only to the extent
necessary and will not retain it.
Affected Public: Individuals and
Households, Business and
Organizations, State, Local or Tribal
Frequency of Submission: Once per
Total Annual Number of
Respondents: 2,100.
Total Estimated Responses: 2,100.
Average Minutes per Response: 10
Total Annual Burden Hours: 354
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520.
Issued in Washington, DC, on November
30, 2016.
Patrick Warren,
Acting Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2016–29237 Filed 12–5–16; 8:45 am]

Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Department of the Treasury.


The Department of the
Treasury will submit the following
information collection requests to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104–
13, on or after the date of publication of
this notice.
DATES: Comments should be received on
or before January 5, 2017 to be assured
of consideration.

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Send comments regarding
the burden estimates, or any other
aspect of the information collections,
including suggestions for reducing the
burden, to (1) Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget, Attention:
Desk Officer for Treasury, New
Executive Office Building, Room 10235,
Washington, DC 20503, or email at
OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.gov and
(2) Treasury PRA Clearance Officer,
1750 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Suite
8142, Washington, DC 20220, or email
at PRA@treasury.gov.
Copies of the submissions may be
obtained by emailing PRA@treasury.gov,
calling (202) 622–0934, or viewing the
entire information collection request at

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
OMB Control Number: 1545–0732.
Type of Review: Extension without
change of a currently approved
Title: Credit for Increasing Research
Activity (TD 8251).
Abstract: This regulation provides
rules for the credit for increasing
research activities. Internal Revenue
Code section 41(f) provides that
commonly controlled groups of
taxpayers shall compute the credit as if
they are single taxpayer. The credit
allowed to a member of the group is a
portion of the group’s credit. Section
1.41–8(d) of the regulation permits a
corporation that is a member of more
than one group to designate which
controlled group they will be aggregated
with the purposes of Code section 41(f).
Affected Public: Businesses or other
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 63.
OMB Control Number: 1545–0232.
Type of Review: Extension without
change of a currently approved
Title: Information Return of
Nontaxable Energy Grants or Subsidized
Energy Financing.
Form: 6497.
Abstract: Section 6050D of the
Internal Revenue Code requires an
information return to be made by any
person who administers a Federal, state,
or local program providing nontaxable
grants or subsidized energy financing.
Form 6497 is used for making the
information return. The IRS uses the
information from the form to ensure that
recipients have not claimed tax credits
or other benefits with respect to the
grants or subsidized financing.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-12-06
File Created2016-12-06

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