This report is used to identify certain national bank operating subsidiaries (OS) that are subject to Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) supervisory authority. This report identifies a bank’s operating subsidiaries that do business directly with consumers in the United States and are not functionally regulated as defined in section 5(c)(5) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (12 USC 1844(c)(5)). Specifically, an OS does business directly with consumers if it provides products or services to individuals to be used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
National banks that have OS covered by the annual reporting requirements can find additional information at 69 FR 64478 (November 5, 2004), and 12 CFR 5.34(e)(7).
All items must be answered with complete and accurate information that is subject to verification. If the answer is “none” or “not applicable,” so state. The OCC encourages national banks to submit this report using the BankNet secure mailbox. BankNet access is a free service available at the BankNet site, The OCC provides a sample report document on BankNet and its public Web site (refer to the Comptroller’s Licensing Manual, “Investment in Subsidiaries and Equities” booklet, “Application Documents” page).
The report may be attached as a Word, Excel, RTF, or text document. Whichever format is used, the data should be in numerical order as on the line item requirements numbered (1) through (14) below, with each data element clearly labeled. NOTE: All e-mailed reports must be sent through the BankNet-secure site.
Attach the completed report to the e-mail created in BankNet’s secure mailbox, This report may be written directly into the body of an e-mail message as long as each field is the proper length and listed sequentially down the page as displayed below.
Mail or fax a hardcopy report, including the information that identifies the bank official submitting the report, to
Licensing Activities, Attn: Op Sub Reporting
Mail Stop 10E-2
Comptroller of the Currency
400 7th St. SW
Washington, DC 20219
Fax: (202) 649-5728
Annual Report on Operating Subsidiaries (OS) Line Item Requirements
Line item requirements |
Maximum character length |
72 |
6 |
A blank line between line numbers 2 and 3. |
(Line intentionally left blank) |
72 |
40 |
60 |
28 |
2 |
10, include dash |
40 |
12, including dashes |
(11)a Street address of the PPB (11)b City of the PPB (11)c State of the PPB (11)d Zip code of the PPB (11)e Telephone number of the PPB |
60 28 2 10, including dash 12, including dashes |
4-6 per code |
Unlimited |
A blank line between each operating subsidiary listing of items 1 through 13, when applicable. |
(Line intentionally left blank) |
A blank line between items 13 and 14. |
(Line intentionally left blank) |
Example of Required Layout for a Bank With Two Operating Subsidiaries
Bank name (legal name) ABC National Bank and Trust Company
Charter number 000000
Operating subsidiary name ABC National Bank and Trust Mortgage Loans
DBA, abbreviated, or trade name(s) Anytime Mortgage Loans
Street address or PO box PO Box 61582
City name Anytime
State NE
Zip code+4 99999-0000
E-mail address
Telephone number 999-999-9999
PPB street address 12 Main Street
PPB city name Anytime
PPB state NE
PPB zip code+4 99999-0000
PPB telephone number 999-999-9999
NAICS codes 52231
Activity description (Use only if the NAICS code is 0000)
Operating subsidiary name ABC National Bank and Finance
DBA, abbreviated, or trade name(s) Anytime Finance
Street address or PO box 1 Main Street
City name Anywhere
State MA
Zip code+4 99999-0000
E-mail address of contact person
Telephone number 999-999-9999
PPB street address NA
PPB city name NA
PPB state NA
PPB zip code+4 NA
PPB telephone number NA
NAICS codes 52231
Activity description (Use only if the NAICS code is 0000)
John Doe
Assistant Vice President
1 Main St.
(Extracted from appendix B of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Instructions for Preparation of Report of Changes in Organizational Structure, Reporting Form FR Y-10, Effective December 2012)
Note: If an appropriate code that best describes the activity being reported is not listed here, select a five or six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that accurately describes the activity from the Census Bureau’s Web site at
Entities primarily engaged in accepting demand and other deposits, and making commercial, industrial, and consumer loans.
Branches of foreign banks
Commercial banking
Commercial banks
Depository trust companies
National commercial banks
State commercial banks
Entities primarily engaged in accepting time deposits, making mortgage and real estate loans, and investing in high-grade securities.
Federal savings and loan associations
Federal savings banks
Mutual savings banks
Savings and loan associations
Savings banks
Savings institutions
State savings and loan associations
State savings banks
Entities primarily engaged in accepting deposits and lending funds (except commercial banking, savings institutions, and credit unions).
Industrial banks
Morris Plans
Private banks
Entities primarily engaged in providing credit by issuing credit cards. Credit card issuance provides the funds required to purchase goods and services in return for payment of the full balance or payments on an installment basis.
Charge card issuing
Credit card banks
Credit card issuing
Entities primarily engaged in sales financing in combination with leasing. Sales financing establishments are primarily engaged in lending money for the purpose of providing collateralized goods through a contractual installment sales agreement, either directly from or through arrangements with dealers.
Automobile finance leasing companies
Automobile financing
Equipment finance leasing
Installment sales financing
Leasing in combination with sales financing
Machinery finance leasing
Sales financing
Truck finance leasing
Entities primarily engaged in making unsecured cash loans to consumers.
Consumer finance companies
Consumer lending
Finance companies
Loan companies (i.e., consumer, personal, small, student)
Personal credit institutions
Personal finance companies
Small loan companies
Student loan companies
Entities primarily engaged in lending funds with real estate as collateral.
Construction lending
Farm mortgage lending
Federal land banks
Home equity credit lending
Loan correspondents
Mortgage banking (i.e., nondepository mortgage lending)
Mortgage companies
Real estate credit lending
Reverse mortgage lending
Entities primarily engaged in providing one or more of the following: working capital funds to U.S. exporters, lending funds to foreign buyers of U.S. goods, and/or lending fund to domestic buyers of imported goods.
Agencies of foreign banks
Agreement corporations (except offices of other holding companies, see 551112)
Edge Act corporations (except nondepository credit intermediation, see 522298)
Export trading companies
Export-import banks
International trade financing
Trade banks
Trade financing, international
Entities primarily engaged in buying, pooling, and repackaging loans for sale to others on the secondary market.
Financing, secondary market
Real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs) issuing, private
Repackaging loans for sale to others (i.e., private conduits)
Secondary market financing
Entities primarily engaged in providing nondepository credit (except credit card issuing, sales finance, consumer lending, real estate credit, international trade financing, and secondary market financing).
Examples of types of lending in this industry are short-term inventory credit, agricultural lending (except real estate and sales financing), and consumer cash lending secured by personal property.
Agricultural credit institutions, making loans or extending credit
Agricultural lending (except real estate, sales financing)
Commodity Credit Corporation
Edge Act corporations (except international trade financing, see 522293)
Factoring account receivable
Industrial banks, nondepository
Industrial loan companies, nondepository
Morris Plans, nondepository
Purchasing of accounts receivable
Short-term inventory credit lending
Entities primarily engaged in arranging loans by bringing borrowers and lenders together on a commission or fee basis.
Loan agencies
Loan brokerages
Loan brokers’ or agents’ offices (i.e., independent)
Mortgage brokerages
Mortgage brokers’ or agents’ offices (i.e., independent)
Entities primarily engaged in one of more of the following: financial transaction processing (except central bank), reserve and liquidity services (except central bank), and/or check or other financial instrument clearinghouse services (except central bank).
Automated clearinghouses, bank or check
Bank clearinghouse associations
Check clearing services
Check clearinghouse services
Check validation services
Credit card processing services
Electronic financial payment services
Electronic funds transfer services
Financial transactions processing
Processing financial transactions
Reserve and liquidity services
Entities primarily engaged in facilitating credit intermediation (except mortgage and loan brokerage, and financial transactions processing, reserve, and clearinghouse activities).
Check cashing services
Loan servicing
Money order issuance services
Travelers’ check issuance services
Entities primarily engaged in underwriting, originating, and/or maintaining markets for issues of securities.
Investment bankers act as principals (i.e., investors who buy or sell on their own account) in firm commitment transactions or act as agents in best effort and standby commitments. This also includes entities acting as principals in buying or selling securities generally on a spread basis, such as securities dealers or stock option dealers.
Bond dealing
Commercial paper dealing
Investment banking
Making markets for securities
Market making for securities
Paper, dealing of commercial
Securities dealer
Securities dealing
Securities distributing
Securities floor traders
Securities flotation companies
Securities originating
Securities trading
Securities underwriting
Securities options dealing
Trading securities
Underwriting securities
Entities primarily engaged in acting as agents (i.e., brokers) between buyers and sellers in buying or selling securities on a commission or transaction fee basis.
Bond brokerage
Brokerages, securities
Certificate of deposit (CD) brokers’ offices
Commercial note brokers’ offices
Mutual fund agencies (i.e., brokerages)
Mutual fund agents’ (i.e., brokers’) offices
Securities brokers’ offices
Securities floor brokers
Stock brokerages
Stock brokers’ offices
Stock options brokerages
Entities primarily engaged in acting as principals (i.e., investors who buy or sell for their own account) in buying or selling spot or futures commodity contracts or options, such as precious metals, foreign currency, oil, or agricultural products, generally on a spread basis.
Commodity contract trading companies
Commodity contracts dealing
Commodity contracts floor traders
Commodity contracts floor trading
Commodity contracts options dealing
Commodity contracts traders
Foreign currency exchange dealing
Foreign currency exchange services
Futures commodity contracts dealing
Trading companies, commodity contracts
Entities primarily engaged in acting as agents (i.e., brokers) in buying or selling spot or future commodity contracts or options on a commission or transaction fee basis.
Brokerages, commodity contracts
Commodity contracts brokerages
Commodity contracts brokers’ offices
Commodity contracts floor brokers
Commodity contracts options brokerages
Commodity futures brokerages
Financial futures brokerages
Futures commodity contracts brokerages
Futures commodity contracts brokers’ offices
Entities primarily engaged in acting as principals (except investment bankers, securities dealers, and commodity contracts dealers) in buying or selling of financial contracts generally on a spread basis.
Principals are investors that buy or sell for their own account
Individuals investing in financial contracts on own account
Investment clubs
Mineral royalties or leases dealing
Oil royalty dealing
Tax liens dealing
Venture capital companies
Viatical settlement companies
Entities primarily engaged in managing the portfolio assets (i.e., funds) of others on a fee or commission basis. Entities have the authority to make investment decisions, and they derive fees based on the size and/or overall performance of the portfolio.
Investment management
Managing investment funds
Managing mutual funds
Managing personal investment trusts
Managing trusts
Mutual fund managing
Pension fund managing
Personal investment trusts, managing
Portfolio fund managing
Entities primarily engaged in providing customized investment advice to clients on a fee basis, but do not have the authority to execute trades. Primary activities performed by these entities are providing financial planning advice and investment counseling to meet the goals and needs of specific clients.
Certified financial planners, customized, fees paid by client
Financial investment advice services, customized, fees paid by client
Financial planning services, customized, fees paid by client
Investment advice consulting services, customized, fees paid by client
Investment advice counseling services, customized, fees paid by client
Investment advisory services, customized, fees paid by client
Entities primarily engaged in providing trust, fiduciary, and custody services to others, as instructed, on a fee or contract basis, such as bank trust offices and escrow agencies (except real estate).
Administrators of private estates
Bank trust offices
Escrow agencies (except real estate)
Fiduciary agencies (except real estate)
Personal investments trust administration
Securities custodians
Trust administration, personal investment
Trust companies, nondepository
Entities primarily engaged in acting as agents and/or brokers (except securities brokerages and commodity contracts brokerages) in buying or selling financial contracts and those providing financial investment services (except securities and commodity exchanges; portfolio management; investment advice; and trust, fiduciary, and custody services) on a fee or commission basis.
Clearinghouses, commodity exchange, or securities exchange
Deposit brokers
Exchange clearinghouses, commodities or securities
Gas lease brokers’ offices
Oil lease brokers’ offices
Protective committees, security holders
Quotation services, securities
Quotation services, stock
Securities holders’ protective services
Securities transfer agencies
Stock quotation services
Stock transfer agencies
Transfer agencies, securities
Entities primarily engaged in initially underwriting (i.e., assuming the risk and assigning premiums) annuities and life insurance policies, disability income insurance policies, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance policies.
Accidental death and dismemberment insurance carriers, direct
Accidental death and dismemberment insurance underwriting, direct
Cooperative life insurance organizations
Credit life insurance carriers, direct
Disability insurance carriers, direct
Disability insurance underwriters, direct
Fraternal life insurance organizations
Insurance carriers, disability, direct
Insurance carriers, life, direct
Insurance underwriting, disability, direct
Life insurance carriers, direct
Savings bank life insurance carriers, direct
Entities primarily engaged in initially underwriting (i.e., assuming the risk and assigning premiums) health and medical insurance policies. Group hospitalization plans and HMO establishments (except those providing health care services) that provide health and medical insurance policies without providing health care services are included in this industry.
Dental insurance carriers, direct
Health insurance carriers, direct
Hospitalization insurance carriers, direct, without providing health care services
Insurance carriers, health, direct
Insurance underwriting, health and medical, direct
Medical insurance carriers, direct
Entities primarily engaged in initially underwriting (i.e., assuming the risk and assigning premiums) insurance policies that protect policyholders against losses that may occur as a result of property damage or liability.
Agricultural (i.e., crop, livestock) insurance carriers, direct
Automobile insurance carriers, direct
Burglary and theft insurance carriers, direct
Casualty insurance carriers, direct
Credit and other financial responsibility insurance carriers, direct
Crop insurance carriers, direct
Fidelity insurance carriers, direct
Fire insurance carriers, direct
Homeowners’ insurance carriers, direct
Insurance carriers, fidelity, direct
Insurance carriers, property and casualty, direct
Insurance carriers, surety, direct
Insurance underwriting, property and casualty, direct
Liability insurance carriers, direct
Malpractice insurance carriers, direct
Marine insurance carriers, direct
Mortgage guaranty insurance carriers, direct
Plate glass insurance carriers, direct
Property and casualty insurance carriers, direct
Property damage insurance carriers, direct
Surety insurance carriers, direct
Workers’ compensation insurance underwriting
Entities primarily engaged in initially underwriting (i.e., assuming the risk and assigning premiums) insurance policies to protect the owners of real estate or real estate creditors against loss sustained by reason of any title defect to real property.
Guaranteeing titles
Insurance carriers, title, direct
Insurance underwriting, title, direct
Real estate title insurance carriers, direct
Title insurance carriers, real estate, direct
Entities primarily engaged in initially underwriting (e.g., assuming the risk, assigning premiums) insurance policies (except life, disability income, accidental death and dismemberment, health and medical, property and casualty, and title insurance policies).
Bank deposit insurance carriers, direct
Burial insurance carriers, direct
Contact lens insurance, direct
Deposit or share insurance carriers, direct
Funeral insurance carriers, direct
Homeowners’ warranty insurance carriers, direct
Pet health insurance carriers, direct
Product warranty insurance carriers, direct
Warranty insurance carriers (e.g., appliance, auto, homeowners, product)
Entities primarily engaged in assuming all or part of the risk associated with existing insurance policies originally underwritten by other insurance carriers.
Accidental and health reinsurance carriers
Life reinsurance carriers
Marine reinsurance carriers
Medical reinsurance carriers
Property and casualty reinsurance carriers
Reinsurance carriers
Entities primarily engaged in acting as agents (i.e., brokers) in selling annuities and insurance policies.
Agencies, insurance
Brokerages, insurance
Brokers’ offices, insurance
Insurance agencies
Insurance brokerages
Life insurance agencies
Entities primarily engaged in investigating, appraising, and settling insurance claims.
Cause-of-loss investigators, insurance
Claims adjusting, insurance
Fire investigators
Insurance claims adjusting
Insurance claims investigation services
Insurance settlement offices
Loss control consultants
Entities primarily engaged in providing third-party administration services of insurance and pension funds, such as claims processing and other administrative services to insurance carriers, employee-benefit plans, and self-insurance funds.
Claims processing services, insurance, third party
Employee benefit plans, third-party administrative processing services
Insurance claims, processing services, third party
Insurance fund, third-party administrative services (except claims adjusting only)
Insurance plan, third-party administrative services (except claims adjusting only)
Pension fund, third-party administrative services
Entities primarily engaged in providing insurance services on a contract or fee basis (except insurance agencies and brokerages, claims adjusting, and third-party administration). Insurance advisory services and insurance retaking services are included in this industry.
Insurance actuarial services
Insurance advisory services
Insurance coverage consulting services
Insurance exchanges
Insurance investigation services (except claims investigation)
Insurance loss prevention services
Insurance processing, contract or fee basis
Insurance rate making services
Insurance reporting services
Insurance underwriting laboratories and standards services
Medical cost evaluation services
Rate making services, insurance
Legal entities (i.e., funds [except pension, and health- and welfare-related employee benefit funds]) organized to provide insurance exclusively for the sponsor, firm, or its employees or members. Self-insurance funds (except employee benefit funds) and workers’ compensation insurance funds are included in this industry.
Compensation, workers, insurance funds
Funds, self-insurance (except employee benefit funds)
Self-insurance funds (except employee benefit funds)
Workers’ compensation insurance funds
Entities primarily engaged in renting, leasing, or otherwise allowing the use of tangible or intangible assets, and entities providing related services. This also includes entities primarily engaged in managing real estate for others, selling, renting and/or buying real estate for others, and appraising real estate.
Legal entities known as bank holding companies primarily engaged in holding the securities of (or other equity interests in) companies and enterprises for the purpose of owning a controlling interest or influencing the management decisions of these firms. The holding companies in this industry do not administer, oversee, and manage other establishments of the company or enterprise whose securities they hold.
Bank holding companies (except managing)
Legal entities known as holding companies (except bank holding) primarily engaged in holding the securities of (or other equity interests in) companies and enterprises for the purpose of owning a controlling interest or influencing the management decisions of these firms. The holding companies in this industry do not administer, oversee, and manage other establishments of the company or enterprise whose securities they hold.
Agreement corporation (except international trade financing, see 522293)
Financial holding companies
Holding companies (except bank, managing)
Insurance holding companies
Nonbank holding companies (except managing)
Personal holding companies
Public utility holding companies
Entities (except government establishments) primarily engaged in administering, overseeing, and managing other establishments of the entity or enterprise. These entities normally undertake the strategic or organizational planning and decision-making role of the entity or enterprise. Entities in this industry may hold the securities of the entity or enterprise.
Centralized administrative offices
Corporate offices
District and regional offices
Head offices
Holding companies that manage
Subsidiary management offices
Appendix B
(FR Y-10)
Board to NAICS Activity Codes Conversion Table
Board Activity |
Board Alphanumeric Code1 |
NAICS Code |
NAICS Activity |
Bank Holding Company |
551111 |
Offices of Bank Holding Companies |
Other Holding Company |
551112 |
Offices of Other Holding Companies |
Foreign Banks |
52211 |
Commercial Banking |
Edge/Agreement - Investment |
522293 |
International Trade Financing |
Edge/Agreement - Banking |
522293 |
International Trade Financing |
Commercial, Business, Consumer Finance |
52222 |
Sales Financing |
Mortgage Banking |
522292 |
Real Estate Credit |
Industrial Bank, Industrial Loan, Morris Plan - Depository |
02AA |
52219 |
Other Depository Credit Intermediation |
Industrial Bank, Industrial Loan, Morris Plan - Nondepository |
02AA |
522298 |
All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
Trust Company Functions, Acting as a Fiduciary |
04AA |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities |
Investment, Financial or Economic Advisory Services |
05AE |
52393 |
Investment Advice |
Leasing Property - Land, Buildings, Motor Vehicles, Equipment |
06AF |
53111 |
Lessors of Residential Buildings & Dwellings |
Community Development Investment or Advisory Services |
07AA |
62422 |
Community Housing Services |
Data Processing and Data Transmission Services |
08AA |
51821 |
Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services |
Insurance or Annuities Agent or Broker |
09BB |
52421 |
Insurance Agencies and Brokerages |
1In 2004, the Federal Reserve converted from using alphanumeric activity codes to NAICS codes. Therefore, the codes in this column are no longer used.
Board Activity |
Board Alphanumeric Code1 |
NAICS Code |
NAICS Activity |
Underwriting as a Reinsurer Insurance (an extension of credit by a BHC) |
09EA |
52413 |
Reinsurance Carriers |
Courier Services |
11BA |
49211 |
Couriers |
Consulting Services for Management, Employee Benefits, Compensation, Insurance Plans & Career Counseling |
12AA |
54161 |
Management Consulting Services |
Issuing or Selling Money Orders, Savings Bonds, Traveler's Checks |
13AA |
52239 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
Real Estate Appraisals |
14AA |
53132 |
Offices of Real Estate Appraisers |
Commercial Real Estate Equity Financing |
14AB |
52231 |
Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers |
Securities Brokerage Services |
15AA |
52312 |
Securities Brokerage |
Transactional Services (swaps, foreign exchange, derivative contract) |
17AA |
52314 |
Commodity Contracts Brokerage |
Credit Card Banks |
20CC |
52221 |
Credit Card Issuing |
Commercial Banking |
21AA |
52211 |
Commercial Banking |
Underwriting as a Reinsurer Life, Health, Disability or Medical Insurance |
31BA |
52411 |
Direct Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers |
Administrative and Other Services to Mutual Funds |
31BB |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities |
Owning Shares of a Securities Exchange |
31BC |
52231 |
Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers |
Certification Authority for Digital Signatures |
31BD |
51821 |
Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services |
Providing Credit Bureau Services |
31BE |
56145 |
Credit Bureaus |
Check Cashing & Wire Transmission Services |
31EA |
52239 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
Real Estate Title Abstracting |
31IA |
541191 |
Title Abstract and Settlement Offices |
Travel Agency Activities |
31LA |
56151 |
Travel Agencies |
Managing Mutual Funds |
31MA |
52392 |
Portfolio Management |
FHC Lending, Exchanging, Transferring, Investing for Others |
31NA |
52393 |
Investment Advice |
1In 2004, the Federal Reserve converted from using alphanumeric activity codes to NAICS codes. Therefore, the codes in this column are no longer used.
Board Activity |
Board Alphanumeric Code1 |
NAICS Code |
NAICS Activity |
Underwriting, Dealing in or making a market in Securities (also may provide brokerage services) |
31QA |
52311 |
Investment Banking and Securities Dealing |
Issuing Instruments Representing Interests in Pools of Assets |
31RA |
52591 |
Open-End Investment Funds |
Merchant Banking or Insurance Company Investments |
31UA |
52391 |
Miscellaneous Intermediation |
Conducting a Safe Deposit Business |
32CA |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities |
Acquiring a Debt in Default (excludes DPC) |
32CB |
52229 |
Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation |
Underwriting as a Reinsurer Property, Casualty or Title Insurance |
32GA |
524126 |
Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers |
Underwriting Annuities |
32GB |
524113 |
Direct Life Insurance Carriers |
Underwriting as a Reinsurer Other Insurance (not in 31 BA, 32GA, 32GB) |
32GC |
524128 |
Other Direct Insurance (except life, health, and medical) Carriers |
Finder Activities (bring together others to negotiate and consummate transactions) |
32IA |
52393 |
Investment Advice |
Lending, Exchanging, Investing for Others |
3218 |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities |
Providing Devices for Transferring Money or Other Financial Assets |
32IC |
523999 |
Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities |
Arranging Financial Transactions for the Account of Third Parties |
3210 |
523991 |
Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities |
Underwriting or Dealing in Bank Eligible Securities |
90AB |
523999 |
Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities |
Providing a Check Guarantee Service |
90AC |
52232 |
Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities |
Buying & Selling Bullion, Silver, Gold and Platinum Coins |
90AE |
52313 |
Commodity Contracts Dealing |
Savings Associations |
90AG |
52212 |
Savings Institutions |
Credit Unions |
90AG |
52213 |
Credit Unions |
Export Trading Companies |
90BA |
522293 |
International Trade Financing |
1In 2004, the Federal Reserve converted from using alphanumeric activity codes to NAICS codes. Therefore, the codes in this column are no longer used.
Board Activity |
Board Alphanumeric Code1 |
NAICS Code |
NAICS Activity |
Futures Commission or Commodity Merchant |
90BD |
52314 |
Commodity Contracts Brokerage |
Venture Capital Investments |
90BN |
52391 |
Miscellaneous Intermediation |
Collecting Overdue Accounts Receivable (retail or commercial) |
90BQ |
56144 |
Collection Agencies |
Printing and Selling Check (micr-encoded) |
91AC |
323116 |
Manifold Business Forms Printing |
Principal in Foreign Exchange, Swaps or Derivatives Contracts |
91AQ |
52313 |
Commodity Contracts Dealing |
Agent for Private Placement of Securities |
91AR |
52312 |
Securities Brokerage |
Real Estate Settlement Services |
91AV |
541191 |
Title Abstract and Settlement Offices |
Buying & Selling in the Secondary Market as "Riskless Principal" |
91BC |
523999 |
Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities |
Providing Services to an Affiliated BHC (accounting, appraising, auditing) |
91CA |
54199 |
All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
Other Servicing Activities |
91CD |
54199 |
All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
Liquidating Property Acquired from a BHC Subsidiary (excluding DPC) |
91CE |
52239 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
Asset Management, Servicing and Collection of Assets (excluding properties acquired DPC) |
91FA |
52239 |
Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation |
Issuing Trust Preferred Securities, Commercial Paper and Long-Term Debt |
97AA |
52599 |
Other Financial Vehicles |
Co-generator of Electric Power |
99CG |
22111 |
Electric Power Generation |
1In 2004, the Federal Reserve converted from using alphanumeric activity codes to NAICS codes. Therefore, the codes in this column are no longer used.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | OCC 2004-55 (attachment 2) |
Subject | Annual Report on Operating Subsidiaries: Final Rule |
Author | eric.fowler |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |