Published 30 Day FRN

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Community Disaster Loan (CDL) Program

Published 30 Day FRN

OMB: 1660-0083

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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 167 / Wednesday, August 28, 2019 / Notices

Community map repository address

Unincorporated Areas of Person County .................................................

Person County Planning and Zoning Department, 325 South Morgan
Street, Roxboro, NC 27573.

Robeson County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket Nos.: FEMA–B–1523 and B–1616
City of Lumberton .....................................................................................
Town of Maxton ........................................................................................
Town of Pembroke ...................................................................................
Unincorporated Areas of Robeson County ..............................................

Planning Department, 500 North Cedar Street, Lumberton, NC 28358.
Town Hall, 201 McCaskill Avenue, Maxton, NC 28364.
Town Hall, 100 South Union Chapel Road, Pembroke, NC 28372.
Robeson County Administration Office, 701 North Elm Street, Lumberton, NC 28358.

Sampson County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–1523
Unincorporated Areas of Sampson County .............................................

Sampson County Administration Office, 406 County Complex Road,
Building C, Suite 110, Clinton, NC 28328.

Scotland County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–1523
Unincorporated Areas of Scotland County ...............................................

Scotland County Building Inspections, 507 West Covington Street,
Laurinburg, NC 28352.

Vance County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–1616
City of Henderson .....................................................................................
Unincorporated Areas of Vance County ..................................................

Planning Department, 134 Rose Avenue, Henderson, NC 27536.
Vance County Planning and Development Office, 156 Church Street,
Suite 003, Henderson, NC 27536.

Wake County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–1616
Unincorporated Areas of Wake County ...................................................

Wake County Environmental Services Department, Waverly F. Akins
Office Building, 336 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, NC 27601.

Monroe County, Wisconsin and Incorporated Areas
Docket No.: FEMA–B–1851
Unincorporated Areas of Monroe County ................................................

[FR Doc. 2019–18550 Filed 8–27–19; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID: FEMA–2019–0010; OMB No.

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request;
Community Disaster Loan (CDL)
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Notice and request for

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The Federal Emergency
Management Agency, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the


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Monroe County Zoning Office, 14345 County Highway B, Suite 5,
Sparta, WI 54656.

general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on a revision, of a currently
approved information collection. In
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, this notice seeks
comments concerning the Community
Disaster Loan (CDL) Program. This
revision will combine collections found
under OMB Control Numbers 1660–
0082 and 1660–0083. Upon approval of
this revision, OMB Control Number
1660–0082, Application for Community
Disaster Loan Cancellation will be
Comments must be submitted on
or before September 27, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the proposed information collection
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget. Comments
should be addressed to the Desk Officer
for the Department of Homeland
Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, and sent via

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electronic mail to dhsdeskofficer@

Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
should be made to Director, Information
Management Division, 500 C Street SW,
Washington, DC 20472, email address or Martha
Polanco, Program Manager, Disaster
Assistance Directorate, Public
Assistance Division, (202) 212–5761.
proposed information collection
previously published in the Federal
Register on April 24, 2019 at 84
FR17183 with a 60 day public comment
period. FEMA received one comment.
The commenter stated that loans
following disasters, such as those under
the CDL Program, are important after
disasters, and that Congress and FEMA
should ensure that adequate loan
amounts are available for jurisdictions
with needs after disasters, particularly



Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 167 / Wednesday, August 28, 2019 / Notices
for west coast States such as California,
Oregon, and Washington, following a
major earthquake. The CDL Program
provides operational funding to help
local governments that have incurred a
significant loss in revenue, due to a
major disaster, that has or will adversely
affect their ability to provide essential
municipal services. Local governments
within a declared disaster area are
eligible to apply for loans through the
CDL program if they suffer a substantial
loss of tax and other revenues for the
current or succeeding fiscal year.
Communities affected by major
earthquakes, or any other Federally
declared major disasters, that meet the
eligibility criteria may apply for loans
through the CDL program.
The purpose of this notice is to notify
the public that FEMA will submit the
information collection abstracted below
to the Office of Management and Budget
for review and clearance.

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Collection of Information
Title: Community Disaster Loan (CDL)
Type of information collection:
Revision of a currently approved
information collection.
OMB Number: 1660–0083.
Form Titles and Numbers: FEMA
Form 090–0–4, Letter of Application;
FEMA Form 090–0–1, Certification of
Eligibility for Community Disaster
Loans; FEMA Form 116–0–1,
Promissory Note; FEMA Form 085–0–1,
Local Government Resolution—
Collateral Security; FEMA Form 112–0–
3c, Certification Regarding Lobbying;
FEMA Form 009–0–15, Application for
Loan Cancellation.
Abstract: The loan package for the
CDL Program provides Local
governments that have suffered
substantial loss of tax or other revenues
as a result of a major disaster or
emergency, the opportunity to obtain
financial assistance in order to perform
their governmental functions. The loan
must be justified on the basis of need
and actual expenses.
Affected Public: State, local or Tribal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses: 360.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 1,006.67 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Respondent
Cost: $53,937.11.
Estimated Respondents’ Operation
and Maintenance Costs: $0.
Estimated Respondents’ Capital and
Start-Up Costs: $0.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to the
Federal Government: $1,022,264.28.

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William H. Holzerland,
Sr. Director for Information Management,
Mission Support, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2019–18544 Filed 8–27–19; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID FEMA–2019–0002]

Changes in Flood Hazard
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Notice.

New or modified Base (1percent annual chance) Flood
Elevations (BFEs), base flood depths,
Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
boundaries or zone designations, and/or
regulatory floodways (hereinafter
referred to as flood hazard
determinations) as shown on the
indicated Letter of Map Revision
(LOMR) for each of the communities
listed in the table below are finalized.
Each LOMR revises the Flood Insurance
Rate Maps (FIRMs), and in some cases
the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports,
currently in effect for the listed
communities. The flood hazard
determinations modified by each LOMR
will be used to calculate flood insurance
premium rates for new buildings and
their contents.


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Each LOMR was finalized as in
the table below.
ADDRESSES: Each LOMR is available for
inspection at both the respective
Community Map Repository address
listed in the table below and online
through the FEMA Map Service Center
Sacbibit, Chief, Engineering Services
Branch, Federal Insurance and
Mitigation Administration, FEMA, 400
C Street SW, Washington, DC 20472,
(202) 646–7659, or (email); or visit
the FEMA Map Information eXchange
(FMIX) online at https://
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) makes the final flood hazard
determinations as shown in the LOMRs
for each community listed in the table
below. Notice of these modified flood
hazard determinations has been
published in newspapers of local
circulation and 90 days have elapsed
since that publication. The Deputy
Associate Administrator for Insurance
and Mitigation has resolved any appeals
resulting from this notification.
The modified flood hazard
determinations are made pursuant to
section 206 of the Flood Disaster
Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105,
and are in accordance with the National
Flood Insurance Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C.
4001 et seq., and with 44 CFR part 65.
For rating purposes, the currently
effective community number is shown
and must be used for all new policies
and renewals.
The new or modified flood hazard
information is the basis for the
floodplain management measures that
the community is required either to
adopt or to show evidence of being
already in effect in order to remain
qualified for participation in the
National Flood Insurance Program
This new or modified flood hazard
information, together with the
floodplain management criteria required
by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that
are required. They should not be
construed to mean that the community
must change any existing ordinances
that are more stringent in their
floodplain management requirements.
The community may at any time enact
stricter requirements of its own or
pursuant to policies established by other
Federal, State, or regional entities.
This new or modified flood hazard
determinations are used to meet the
floodplain management requirements of

Comments may be submitted as
indicated in the ADDRESSES caption
above. Comments are solicited to (a)
evaluate whether the proposed data
collection is necessary for the proper
performance of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) minimize the burden
of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2019-18544.pdf
File Modified2019-08-29
File Created2019-08-28

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