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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 158 / Thursday, August 15, 2019 / Notices
As required by the ESA, as applicable,
issuance of these permit was based on
a finding that such permits: (1) Were
applied for in good faith; (2) will not
operate to the disadvantage of such
endangered species; and (3) are
consistent with the purposes and
policies set forth in Section 2 of the
Authority: The requested permits have
been issued under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act of 1972, as amended (16
U.S.C. 1361 et seq.), the regulations
governing the taking and importing of marine
mammals (50 CFR part 216), the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA; 16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), and the regulations
governing the taking, importing, and
exporting of endangered and threatened
species (50 CFR parts 222–226), as
Dated: August 12, 2019.
Julia Marie Harrison,
Chief, Permits and Conservation Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2019–17565 Filed 8–14–19; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. CPSC–2009–0044]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request—Safety
Standard for Cigarette Lighters
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.
As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Consumer
Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
announces a submission to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB),
requesting an extension of approval for
a collection of information associated
with testing and recordkeeping
requirements in regulations
implementing the Safety Standard for
Cigarette Lighters, approved previously
under OMB Control No. 3041–0116. On
June 5, 2019, CPSC published a notice
announcing the agency’s intent to seek
an extension of approval of this
collection of informations. CPSC
received no comments in response to
that notice.
DATES: Written comments on this
request for extension of approval of
information collection requirements
should be submitted by September 16,
ADDRESSES: Submit comments about
this request by email: OIRA_
jspears on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:10 Aug 14, 2019
Jkt 247001 or fax: 202–
395–6881. Comments by mail should be
sent to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk
Officer for the CPSC, Office of
Management and Budget, Room 10235,
725 17th Street NW, Washington, DC
20503. In addition, written comments
that are sent to OMB also should be
submitted electronically at: https://, under Docket No.
Bretford Griffin, Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; (301)
504–7037, or by email to: bgriffin@
seeks to renew the following currently
approved collection of information.
CPSC previously published a notice
announcing the agency’s intent to seek
an extension of approval of this
collection of information (84 FR 26079),
and did not receive any comments.
Accordingly, the information collection
has been submitted to OMB without
Title: Safety Standard for Cigarette
OMB Number: 3041–0116.
Type of Review: Renewal of
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Affected Public: Manufacturers and
importers of cigarette lighters.
Estimated Number of Respondents: In
2018, 42 firms submitted information to
the CPSC on 231 lighter models. There
were four new lighter models and 227
lighters that were comparable to models
previously tested (comparison lighters).
Estimated Time per Response: The
burden associated with the standard
includes the time and cost spent testing
and maintaining the test records, either
by the firm or by outside contractors. If
tests are conducted in-house, staff
expects that testing new lighter models
would take about 90 hours per model.
The total testing time for the four
models would be 360 hours.
Recordkeeping consists of two separate
components: Recordkeeping for new
lighter models, and recordkeeping for
comparison lighters.
New Lighter Models—Staff estimates
the time burden for recordkeeping for
new lighter models to be 20 hours per
model. Staff expects the total time for
recordkeeping to be 80 hours (20 hours
× 4 models). If tests are conducted inhouse for each new model, product
testing for each firm would take
approximately 90 hours per model, for
a total of 360 hours (90 hours × 4
PO 00000
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Comparison Lighters—Firms may also
submit comparison lighters to
demonstrate compliance with the
standard. In 2018, 227 comparison
lighters were reported to the CPSC.
Although firms bear no testing costs for
comparison lighters, staff estimates the
burden hours for recordkeeping to be 3
hours per model. Thus, staff estimates
recordkeeping for comparison lighters
would take 681 hours (227 models × 3
Reporting Requirements—Firms will
require approximately 1 hour per model
to submit forms to CPSC, for a total
annual reporting burden of 231 hours
(231 models × 1 hour).
Total Estimated Annual Burden: The
annual total number of hours could be
as high as 1,352 hours (360 testing + 761
recordkeeping hours + 231 reporting
hours) per year. If some firms elect to
outsource testing of new models, the
burden could be less. The CPSC
estimates the total cost for firms to test,
and prepare, maintain, and submit
records to the CPSC in compliance with
the lighter regulation would be in the
range of $59,064 to $115,929, depending
upon the test method chosen.
General Description of Collection: In
1993, the CPSC issued the Safety
Standard for Cigarette Lighters (16 CFR
part 1210) under the Consumer Product
Safety Act (CPSA) (15 U.S.C. 2051 et
seq.) to eliminate or reduce risks of
death and burn injury from fires
accidentally started by children playing
with cigarette lighters. The standard
requires certain test protocols, as well as
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements. 16 CFR part 1210, subpart
B. In addition, section 14(a) of the CPSA
(15 U.S.C. 2063(a)) requires
manufacturers, importers, and private
labelers of a consumer product subject
to a consumer product safety standard
to issue a certificate stating that the
product complies with all applicable
consumer product safety standards.
Section 14(a) of the CPSA also requires
that the certificate of compliance must
be based on a test of each product or
upon a reasonable testing program.
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2019–17493 Filed 8–14–19; 8:45 am]
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2019-08-15 |
File Created | 2019-08-15 |