SSO 60-Day Federal Register Notice

SSO 60-Day Vol 84 No 21404.pdf

Rail Fixed Guideway Systems; State Safety Oversight (SSO)

SSO 60-Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2132-0558

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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 93 / Tuesday, May 14, 2019 / Notices

James R. Rieck (CA)
Janusz Tyrpien (FL)
The drivers were included in docket
numbers FMCSA–2000–7918; FMCSA–
2003–14223; FMCSA–2010–0187. Their
exemptions are applicable as of April
21, 2019, and will expire on April 21,
As of April 24, 2019, and in
accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31136(e) and
31315, the following individual, Gale L.
Smith (PA), has satisfied the renewal
conditions for obtaining an exemption
from the vision requirement in the
FMCSRs for interstate CMV drivers (78
FR 14405; 78 FR 24296; 80 FR 16509;
82 FR 15277).
The driver was included in docket
number FMCSA–2013–0023. The
exemption is applicable as of April 24,
2019, and will expire on April 24, 2021.
In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 31315,
each exemption will be valid for two
years from the effective date unless
revoked earlier by FMCSA. The
exemption will be revoked if the
following occurs: (1) The person fails to
comply with the terms and conditions
of the exemption; (2) the exemption has
resulted in a lower level of safety than
was maintained prior to being granted;
or (3) continuation of the exemption
would not be consistent with the goals
and objectives of 49 U.S.C. 31136 and
Issued on: May 8, 2019.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2019–09939 Filed 5–13–19; 8:45 am]

Federal Transit Administration
[FTA Docket No. FTA 2019–0004]

Agency Information Collection Activity
Under OMB Review

Federal Transit Administration,


Notice of request for comments.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the intention of the
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to
request the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) to approve a revision of
a previously approved information
collection: Rail Fixed Guideway
Systems; State Safety Oversight.
DATES: Comments must be submitted
before July 15, 2019.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that your
comments are not entered more than
once into the docket, submit comments

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identified by the docket number by only
one of the following methods:
1. Website:
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments on the U.S. Government
electronic docket site. (Note: The U.S.
Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s)
electronic docket is no longer accepting
electronic comments.) All electronic
submissions must be made to the U.S.
Government electronic docket site at Commenters
should follow the directions below for
mailed and hand-delivered comments.
2. Fax: 202–366–7951.
3. Mail: U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Docket Operations, M–30,
West Building, Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, Washington, DC 20590–0001.
4. Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Docket Operations, M–30,
West Building, Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, Washington, DC 20590–0001
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except federal
Instructions: You must include the
agency name and docket number for this
notice at the beginning of your
comments. Submit two copies of your
comments if you submit them by mail.
For confirmation that FTA has received
your comments, include a selfaddressed stamped postcard. Note that
all comments received, including any
personal information, will be posted
and will be available to internet users,
without change, to
You may review DOT’s complete
Privacy Act Statement in the Federal
Register published April 11, 2000, (65
FR 19477), or you may visit Docket: For access
to the docket to read background
documents and comments received, go
to at any time.
Background documents and comments
received may also be viewed at the U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Docket
Operations, M–30, West Building,
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001 between
9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except federal holidays.
Maria Wright, Office of Transit Safety &
Oversight (202) 366–5922 or email:
parties are invited to send comments
regarding any aspect of this information
collection, including: (1) The necessity
and utility of the information collection
for the proper performance of the
functions of the FTA; (2) the accuracy

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of the estimated burden; (3) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the collected information; and (4)
ways to minimize the collection burden
without reducing the quality of the
collected information. Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval of this
information collection.
Title: Rail Fixed Guideway Systems;
State Safety Oversight
(OMB Number: 2132–0558)
Background: FTA administers a
national program for public
transportation safety under 49 U.S.C.
Section 5329. One element of this
program, at 49 U.S.C. 5329(e), requires
States to oversee the safety of the rail
transit agencies (RTAs) in their
jurisdictions, including heavy and light
rail systems, streetcars, inclined planes,
cable cars, monorail/automated
guideways and hybrid rail. Through this
program, State Safety Oversight
Agencies (SSOAs) ensure that RTAs
identify and address safety risks, follow
their safety rules and procedures, and
take corrective action to address safety
deficiencies. This program, which only
applies to RTAs, enhances and replaces
the State Safety Oversight (SSO)
program previously authorized at 49
U.S.C. 5330.
The previously authorized program
required SSOAs to perform oversight
without Federal grant funding available.
As a result, the approved information
collection includes burden hours
associated with activities administered
by SSO agencies to collect information
from RTAs and activities performed by
RTAs to provide information to SSOAs.
FTA decided to include these burden
hours to address concerns raised by
SSOAs and RTAs regarding unfunded
Federal requirements.
With the expiration of the previously
authorized program, and the new
Federal grant program for States,
authorized at 49 U.S.C. 5329(e)(6), FTA
wishes to amend the information
collection activities to focus only on the
activities of SSOAs and RTAs to report
information to FTA. Activities included
in the previous information collection
request that are not specifically related
to FTA information collection are
removed from this information
collection request and are addressed in
the Regulatory Impact Assessment
developed for the final rule
implementing 49 U.S.C. 5329(e). This
proposed change aligns with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, United States Office of Personnel



Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 93 / Tuesday, May 14, 2019 / Notices
Management, Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) Guide, Version 2.0, 2011.
The revised information collection
request includes the annual report FTA
requires from SSOAs, the burden of
which has been reduced substantially
through the development of a web-based
system designed to replace the existing
spreadsheet-based process and provides
direct interface with the National
Transit Database. It also includes the
FTA’s grant management reporting
requirement and the triennial audit
program, which requires information
from both SSOAs and RTAs. Further,
the information collection reflects
requirements for SSOAs and RTAs to
respond to FTA directives and
advisories and SSOAs participation in
monthly teleconference calls with FTA.
Finally, the information collection
request includes RTA event
notifications to FTA.
With these changes, the total burden
hours have decreased from 586,443
hours for the previous information
collection request to 16,365 representing
an overall decrease of 570,078 hours.
Respondents: States and Rail Transit
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 96 respondents.
Estimated Total Annual Burden:
16,365 hours.
Frequency: Annually.
Nadine Pembleton,
Director Office of Management Planning.
[FR Doc. 2019–09864 Filed 5–13–19; 8:45 am]

National Highway Traffic Safety
[Docket No. NHTSA–2018–0063]

Agency Information Collection
Request Under OMB Review; Request
for Comments
National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice and request for

In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the Information
Collection Request (ICR) abstracted
below is being forwarded to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and comment. A Federal
Register Notice with a 60-day comment
period soliciting comments on the
following information collection was
published May 16, 2018. The agency did
not receive any comments.

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Comments must be submitted on
or before June 13, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Send comments regarding
the burden estimate, including
suggestions for reducing the burden, to
the Office of Management and Budget,
Attention: Desk Officer for the Office of
the Secretary of Transportation, 725
17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20503.
Cristina Echemendia, Office of
Crashworthiness Standards, NRM–130,
202–366–6345, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, Room
W43–447, Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Please identify the relevant collection of
information by referring to its OMB
Control Number.
Federal agency can collect certain
information from the public, it must
receive approval from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). In
compliance with those requirements,
this notice announces the following
information collection request has been
forwarded to OMB.
NHTSA published a Federal Register
notice requesting public comment on
this information collection.1 No
comments were received.
The following describes the collection
of information for which NHTSA
intends to seek OMB approval. It is
titled ‘‘Consolidated Child Restraint
System Registration, Labeling and
Defect Notifications.’’ (OMB Control
Number: 2127–0576). NHTSA’s
information collection for child restraint
systems expired April 30, 2018;
therefore, this request is a reinstatement
of a previously approved collection of
Title: Consolidated Child Restraint
System Registration, Labeling and
Defect Notifications.
OMB Control Number: 2127–0576.
Type of Request: Reinstatement of a
previously approved collection of
Abstract: The National Traffic and
Motor Vehicle Safety Act, now codified
at 49 U.S.C. 30111, authorizes the
issuance of Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards (FMVSS). Moreover,
under 49 U.S.C. 30117, the Secretary is
also authorized to require manufacturers
to provide information to first
purchasers of motor vehicles or motor
vehicle equipment when the vehicle
equipment is purchased, in the form of
printed matter placed in the vehicle or
attached to the motor vehicle or motor
vehicle equipment. The Secretary is

1 83

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FR22744 (May 16, 2018).

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authorized to issue, amend, and revoke
such rules and regulations as he/she
deems necessary.
Child restraint manufacturers are
required to provide an owner’s
registration card for purchasers of child
safety seats in accordance with title 49
of the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR),
Part 571.213, ‘‘Child restraint systems.’’
The registration card is perforated into
two-parts (see Figures 1 and 2). The top
part contains a message and suitable
instructions to be retained by the
purchaser. The bottom part is to be
returned to the manufacturer by the
purchaser. The bottom part includes
prepaid return postage, the pre-printed
name/address of the manufacturer, the
pre-printed model and date of
manufacture, and spaces for the
purchaser to fill in his/her name and
address. Optionally, child restraint
manufacturers are permitted to add to
the registration form: (a) Specified
statements informing CRS owners that
they may register online; (b) the internet
address for registering with the
company; (c) revisions to statements
reflecting use of the internet to register;
and (d) a space for the consumer’s email
address. For those CRS owners with
access to the internet, online registration
may be a preferred method of registering
a CRS.
In addition to the registration card
supplied by the manufacturer, NHTSA
has implemented a CRS registration
system to assist those individuals who
have either lost the registration card that
came with the CRS or purchased a
previously owned CRS. Upon the
owner’s request, NHTSA provides a
substitute registration form that can be
obtained either by mail or from the
internet 2 (see Figure 3). When the
completed registration is returned to the
agency, it is then submitted to CRS
manufacturers. In the absence of a
substitute registration system, many
owners of child passenger safety seats,
especially any second-hand owners,
might not be notified of safety defects
and noncompliances and would not
have the defects and noncompliances
Child seat owner registration
information is retained in the event
owners need to be contacted for defect
recalls or replacement campaigns.
Chapter 301 of title 49 of the United
States Code specifies that if either
NHTSA or a manufacturer determines
that motor vehicles or items of motor
vehicle equipment contain a defect that
relates to motor vehicle safety or fails to
comply with an applicable Federal



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File Modified2019-05-14
File Created2019-05-14

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