Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program
1. Necessity of Information: The Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP), created by the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1998, is a unique U.S. Department of Justice initiative designed to provide a critical resource to state, tribal and local law enforcement agencies. The purpose of this program is to help protect the lives of law enforcement officers by helping states and units of local and tribal governments equip their officers with armor bulletproof vests. The collection of information is necessary to verify the eligibility of an applicant’s jurisdiction for partial reimbursement of costs (up to 50%) associated with the purchase of the armored bulletproof vests. The data provided in the application will determine the need and funding level and provide bank account information for electronic payments. This program is administered in accordance with BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP GRANT ACT OF 1998, Public Law 105-181, 42 USC 3796ll.
2. Purpose for Use: The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) uses the data provided in the application to certify eligibility for federal assistance under the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program. Eligibility is dependent upon several factors. BJA uses the data collected to review, approve, and make awards to jurisdictions in accordance with programmatic and statutory requirements. Certified eligible applicants may then submit documented requests for funds to defray the cost of one vest per officer per applicant agency’s vest replacement cycle.
3. Use of Information Technology: The Bulletproof Vest Partnership application form is accessible by the Internet at the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s web site: The BVP application is also available via mail by contacting:
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Bulletproof Vest Partnership
810 Seventh Street, NW.
Washington, DC 20531
1-877-758-3787 Toll free E-mail
4. Identification of Duplication: This is the only Federal program providing this assistance. The BVP application is the only form that asks the information required to determine if a jurisdiction is eligible for the BVP payment.
5. Impact on Small Businesses or Other Entities: The information collection requirements do not impact small businesses or other entities as described in the instructions for completing OMB Form 83-I.
6. Consequences if Collection is not Conducted: BJA would not be able to review, approve, nor provide jurisdictional reimbursement in a timely, equitable, and effective manner.
7. Special Circumstances: None.
8. Publication: The collection period is opened annually after Congressional appropriations.
9. Payment to Respondents: The completion and successful processing of this application will entitle the applicant to submit vest receipts and request payment in the Bulletproof Vest Partnership system.
10. Assurance of Confidentiality: All information on the application is collected in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. OJP is compliant with 28 CFR 22, which protects confidentiality of identifiable and statistical information and is committed to keeping a system of records that is consistent with the regulations of the Privacy Act.
11. Questions of a Sensitive Nature: No sensitive questions are asked of the respondents.
12. Estimate of the Hour Burden: Annual Hour Burden
Number of Respondents: 4,470 in FY 18
Number of applications submitted per respondent: 1 application
Total annual applications: 4,470 in FY 18
Hours per application: 1 hours / 60 minutes
Total Annual Reporting Burden: 4,470 x 1 hour = 4,470 hours
13. Estimate of the Total Annual Cost Burden: There is no capital or start up costs associated with information collection under this program. The minimal cost to the respondents is the time spent (approximately 1 hours) gathering the information and the transmission of the application.
14. Estimate of Annualized Cost to the Federal Government:
Federal Grant Manager: The assigned program manager for this program is paid at an annual rate of a GS-13/6 at $113,132 per year, plus $34,277 (or 35% in fringe benefits) 147,409/52 weeks/40 hours per week equal an hourly rate of $70.87. The grant manager assigned spends approximately 40% of work hours on the BVP program = $58,963.
Contractors: Open Application Period & Award Generation
Information collection is managed by contractors on behalf of OJP’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).
Application Period: 10 weeks
Post Application Period: 12 weeks.
Contractor Personnel total annual cost
Rent (N/A. Per Bruce Whitlock, rent cost for on-site contractors not collected)
Other Direct Cost (N/A)
Total Federal Cost = $811,898.
15. Program Changes or Adjustments: This is a request for a revision of a previously approved collection for which approval will expire in 2019.
16. Publishing Information: The information collected will not be published.
17. Approval to not Displaying the OMB Approval: The present information collection request does not seek such an approval.
18. Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submission: See attached Certification Statement.
This information collection does not employ the use of statistical collection methods.
M. Pressley
File Type | application/msword |
Author | presslem |
Last Modified By | SYSTEM |
File Modified | 2019-07-23 |
File Created | 2019-07-23 |