MIHOPE-K Caregiver Contact Materials
MIHOPE-K Caregiver Contact Materials
July 2019
The materials included in this document are organized as follows:
First email message, version 1 9
First email message, version 2 10
Now that [CHILD/your child] is
older, the MIHOPE team wants you to share your experiences with us
again. But first, we
need to make sure [CHILD/your child] is entering kindergarten this
these easy steps today to update us! It will take just a few
Login at [website]
Enter your username and password
Secure Username: [USERNAME]
Secure Password: [PASSWORD]
What is MIHOPE?
You may remember [if baseline respondent: joining the MIHOPE study about home visiting in [MONTH/YEAR ENROLLED IN MIHOPE] [if participated since baseline: and talking to us about your family as [[CHILD]/your child] has grown up]]/[if non-baseline respondent: participating in the MIHOPE study about home visiting as [[CHILD]/your child] has grown up]. While the study started when [CHILD/your child] was a baby, it is not over. We are still learning more about how home visiting can make a difference for families.
A thank you for you and [CHILD/your child]
You are one of 4,000 families who are contributing their unique experiences to the study, and we are grateful! With your help, we have been able to learn about how home visiting programs help families. Your unique experiences are essential to understanding what services can help families.
As a thank you for everything you have done for MIHOPE, we’ve included [GIFT] for [[CHILD]/your child].
What will happen next
You will receive another [letter/email] from us in the next few weeks with more information. We are excited to hear from you as your child goes to kindergarten!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research
| P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
You have been such an
important part of the MIHOPE study! We want to make sure that
[CHILD/your child] is starting kindergarten this year so you can
share your experience. Follow these easy steps today to update us! It
will take just a few minutes.
Login at [website]
Enter your username and password
Secure Username: [USERNAME]
Secure Password: [PASSWORD]
Why we are contacting you
You may remember talking to us about the MIHOPE home visiting study earlier this year. Now that [CHILD/your child] is starting kindergarten, we’d like to talk to you again. We are still learning about how home visiting services can make a difference for families.
A thank you for you and [CHILD/your child]
You are one of 4,000 families who have contributed their unique experiences to the study, and we are grateful! With your help, we have been able to learn about how home visiting programs help families. Your unique experiences are essential to understanding what services can help families.
As a thank you for everything you have done for MIHOPE, we’ve included [GIFT] for [[CHILD]/your child].
What will happen next
You will receive another letter from us in the next few weeks with more information. We are excited to hear from you as your child goes to kindergarten!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS
The MIHOPE study needs your help again! You
may remember joining the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program
Evaluation in [MONTH/YEAR ENROLLED IN MIHOPE]. We recently sent you
a letter with an update about the study.
Now that [[CHILD]/your child] is in kindergarten, we want to talk to you again to see how you and [CHILD/your child] are doing.
The information you provide will help us learn more about home visiting and will help home visiting programs know what they can do to help more families like yours. MIHOPE wants to understand how these programs affect families as children grow up. Only you can share your story.
If you are willing to share your opinions and experiences in person and by phone, we will give you $75 as a thank you for your time.
What you should do now
Login to [website]. Your username is [USERNAME] and your password is [PASSWORD].
Let us know if [CHILD/your child] is starting kindergarten this year and confirm your address, phone number, and email.
What will happen in the next few days?
A MIHOPE team member will call you in the next few days from a 609 area code to do a phone interview with you for one hour. We will give you a $25 gift card as a thank you for completing the interview.
Then, we’d like to visit your home, where a MIHOPE team member will spend about 1.5 hours to do some fun activities with you and your child. You will receive a $50 gift card and your child will receive a [BOOK/SMALL GIFT] to thank you.
You can find more information about these activities on the back of this letter.
Please call us anytime at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] or visit [WEBSITE] if you have questions about the study.
We look forward to speaking with you soon,
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director], on behalf of the MIHOPE study team
Mathematica Policy Research | P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
FAQ’s – MIHOPE Kindergarten Phase
What is the telephone interview about?
We would like to learn about how your family has been doing since participating in MIHOPE. We would like to ask you some questions about your health, your child’s health, what you do as a parent, your child’s development, and your family’s economic situation.
All of these questions are voluntary. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. All of your answers will be kept private. These questions take about one hour.
You will know we are calling because your caller ID will display [DISPLAY].
What activities will you be doing in my home?
Your child will play a few games (language, math, and memory games)
You will play a memory game
We will videotape you and your child playing with toys
We will ask for your consent to contact your child’s teacher
We will do these activities in whichever way is most comfortable for you. For example, you can take breaks between activities, refuse to do any of them, and/or stop an activity at any time. All of these activities are voluntary. If you do not want to do an activity, you do not have to. Information collected from these activities will be kept private. These activities are expected to take about an hour and a half.
Why do you want to contact my child’s teacher?
We want to know if home visiting affected how children are doing in kindergarten. Asking your child’s teacher some questions is the best way for us to get this information.
The survey will take your child’s teacher about 15-30 minutes to complete. We will ask them about your child’s learning, behavior, attendance, and whether your child is receiving any special services.
We will only ask the teacher these questions if you give us permission. If you do not want us to contact the teacher, that is fine. We will not share any information about your child that we have gathered from you with your child’s teacher.
You and your child have been so important to the success of the MIHOPE home visiting study. Because of you, the study team has been able to learn how home visiting is improving the lives of families when children are toddlers. I understand that you were not interested in participating when our interviewers contacted you [when your child was about (15 months /2½ years /3½ years) old/in the past].
There are a lot of reasons why you may not have wanted to talk to us in the past. Perhaps we reached you at a busy time, maybe it was a bad day, maybe you saw it as of no benefit to you. Whatever the reason, we hope that this time you will choose to participate.
I know you are very busy, but we wanted to ask if you would consider talking to us again now that [CHILD/your child] is in kindergarten. We’re trying to learn how to make home visiting programs better so they can have a lasting impact on the families they serve. You and [CHILD] represent other families like yours and cannot be replaced.
This time around, we would like to interview you over the phone and visit your home. You can find more information about these activities on the back of this letter. If you are willing to help us again, please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to schedule these activities. You can also visit [website]. Your username and password are:
Our research team can answer any questions or address any concerns that you have.
If you choose to talk to us, we would like to thank you with $75 in the following ways:
We have a $25 gift card to give you for the telephone interview.
We have a $50 gift card and a [book/small gift] for your child for the visit to your home.
[As a thank you for everything you have done for MIHOPE, we’ve included [GIFT] for [[CHILD]/your child].]
I hope you understand how thankful we are for your past participation in MIHOPE, and how important you are to its success. I hope you will reconsider talking to us.
I wish you all the best,
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
FAQ’s – MIHOPE Kindergarten
What is the telephone interview about?
We would like to learn about how your family has been doing since participating in MIHOPE. We would like to ask you some questions about your health, your child’s health, what you do as a parent, your child’s development, and your family’s economic situation.
All of these questions are voluntary. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. All of your answers will be kept private. These questions take about one hour. When we finish, you will receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your help.
What activities will you be doing in my home?
1. Your child will play a few games (language, math, and memory games)
2. You will play a memory game
3. We will videotape you and your child playing with toys
We will ask for your consent to contact your child’s teacher
We will do these activities in whichever way is most comfortable for you. For example, you can take breaks between activities, refuse to do any of them, and/or stop an activity at any time. All of these activities are voluntary. If you do not want to do an activity, you do not have to. activities. Information collected from these activities will be kept private. These activities are expected to take about an hour and a half. You will receive $50 for doing these activities.
Subject: Has [CHILD/your child] started kindergarten?
(Este correo electrónico está disponible en español más abajo.)
[MIHOPE STUDY SURVEY DIRECTOR NAME] here, from the MIHOPE team. We wanted to reach out to you because you have been such an important part of the MIHOPE study. We recently sent you a letter in the mail with [GIFT] for {CHILD/your child], but we also wanted to send you an email to make sure you receive this important information.
We need to make sure [CHILD/your child] is entering kindergarten this year. Follow these easy steps today to update us! It will take just a few minutes.
Login at [website]
Enter your username and password
Secure Username: [USERNAME]
Secure Password: [PASSWORD]
Why we are contacting you
You may remember [if baseline respondent: joining the MIHOPE study about home visiting in [MONTH/YEAR ENROLLED IN MIHOPE] [if participated since baseline: and talking to us as [[CHILD]/your child] has grown up]]/[if non-baseline respondent: participating in the MIHPE study about home visiting as [[CHILD]/your child] has grown up]. While the study started when [CHILD/your child] was a baby, it is not over. We are still learning about how home visiting services can make a difference for families.
You are one of 4,000 families who have contributed their perspectives to the study, and we are grateful! With your help, we have been able to learn about how home visiting programs help families. Your unique experiences are essential to understanding what services can help families.
What will happen next
You will receive another [letter/email] from us in the next few weeks with more information. We are excited to hear from you as your child transitions into kindergarten! Please call us anytime at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] or email us at [EMAIL ADDRESS] if you have questions about the study.
If you do not want to receive MIHOPE emails, reply to this message and type “unsubscribe” in the message.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director], on behalf of the MIHOPE study team
Mathematica Policy Research
Subject: Has [CHILD/your child] started kindergarten?
(Este correo electrónico está disponible en español más abajo.)
[MIHOPE STUDY SURVEY DIRECTOR NAME] here, from the MIHOPE team. We wanted to reach out to you because you have been such an important part of the MIHOPE study. We recently sent you a letter in the mail with [GIFT] for {CHILD/your child], but we also wanted to send you an email to make sure you receive this important information.
We want to make sure that [CHILD/your child] is starting kindergarten this year so you can share your experience. Follow these easy steps today to update us! It will take just a few minutes.
Login at [website]
Enter your username and password
Secure Username: [USERNAME]
Secure Password: [PASSWORD]
Why we are contacting you
You may remember about the MIHOPE home visiting study earlier this year. Now that [CHILD/your child] is starting kindergarten, we’d like to talk to you again. We are still learning about how home visiting services can make a difference for families.
You are one of 4,000 families who have contributed their perspectives to the study, and we are grateful! With your help, we have been able to learn about how home visiting programs help families. Your unique experiences are essential to understanding what services can help families.
What will happen next
You will receive another [letter/email] from us in the next few weeks with more information. We are excited to hear from you as your child transitions into kindergarten! Please call us anytime at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] or email us at [EMAIL ADDRESS] if you have questions about the study.
If you do not want to receive MIHOPE emails, reply to this message and type “unsubscribe” in the message.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director], on behalf of the MIHOPE study team
Mathematica Policy Research
Invitation letter included via hyperlink
Subject: The MIHOPE study needs your help
My name is [MIHOPE Study Survey Director], and I am part of the MIHOPE team. You may remember receiving [letters/emails] from me on recently with updates on MIHOPE. You can read my most recent letter here [“here” is a hyperlink to the invitation letter].
Now that [[CHILD]/your child] is in kindergarten, we want to see how you and your child are doing. We would like you to complete a phone interview, and we would like to visit your home to do some fun activities with you and [CHILD/your child]. We will give you $75 total for helping us.
What you should do today
Login to [website]. Your username is [USERNAME] and your password is [PASSWORD]
Let us know if [CHILD/your child] is starting kindergarten this year.
Make sure we have the best address, phone number, and email to reach you.
Don’t miss out on the chance to tell us about your unique experiences!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Your perspective is important and helps us learn more about home visiting. With your help, we are learning more about how home visiting can help children and families just like yours.
If you want more information about the study:
Click here to read the letter we recently sent you
Visit us at [website]
Email us at [email address]
We appreciate everything you have done for the MIHOPE study. We are excited to hear from you!
If you do not want to receive MIHOPE emails, reply to this message and type “unsubscribe” in the message.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director], on behalf of the MIHOPE study team
Mathematica Policy Research
Subject: There’s still time to complete your [next] MIHOPE interview
We have been trying to reach you to complete an interview for the MIHOPE study. You may have seen calls from a 609 area code or [DISPLAY] or your phone or received voicemails.
Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete the interview today!
We want to talk to you because you and your child have been so important to the success of this study. Because of you, we have been able to learn that home visiting is improving the lives of families when children are toddlers.
We’d like to speak with you to see how you and your child are doing now that [CHILD/your child] is in kindergarten.
You will receive a $25 gift card for completing a phone interview. [You can also receive a $50 gift card as a thank you for completing a few fun activities in your home.]
We look forward to hearing from you. Because of you, we’re continuing to learn about how home visiting can make a difference!
For more information about MIHOPE:
Visit [website]
Call us at [toll free number]
Email us at [email address]
If you do not want to receive MIHOPE emails, reply to this message and type “unsubscribe” in the message.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director], on behalf of the MIHOPE study team
Mathematica Policy Research
Subject: Participate in MIHOPE and receive $75
The MIHOPE study still needs your help! We have been trying to reach you but haven’t heard back.
Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete your interview.
You will receive $25 as a thank you for your help. [If we do not hear from you, a MIHOPE team member will be in your area in the next few weeks to complete the interview. While our team member is in your area, you can also receive another $50 for doing some fun activities with your child in your home.]
Every time you talk to the study team, you are giving us important feedback about how home visiting programs affect children and families. We look forward to hearing from you!
To learn more about MIHOPE call [TOLL FREE NUMBER], send an email to [EMAIL ADDRESS], or click on this link [WEBSITE].
If you do not want to receive MIHOPE emails, reply to this message and type “unsubscribe” in the message.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director], on behalf of the MIHOPE study team
Mathematica Policy Research
Body: Hello [NAME]! The MIHOPE study team would love to hear from you. Please join 4,000 mothers like you and call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete or schedule an interview. You will receive a $25 gift card. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: Thank you for being part of MIHOPE! Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete your interview and receive $25. Also, if you haven’t already, please go to [WEBSITE LINK] to give us permission to contact your child’s teacher. Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: Hello! Don’t miss out on the chance to share your perspective with the MIHOPE team! Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete or schedule the interview. You will receive a $25 gift card. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: [NAME], we need your feedback to learn how home visiting works for families! Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete the interview and receive a $25 gift card. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: Thank you for being part of MIHOPE! We’re still waiting to hear from you! A MIHOPE team member will be in your area on [DATE] to interview you. You will receive a $25 gift card for sharing your experiences. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: Thank you for completing the MIHOPE interview! As a next step, please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to schedule a visit to your home. You will receive a $50 gift card for doing these activities. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: The MIHOPE team is still waiting to hear from you! Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to schedule a visit to your home to do some fun activities. You will receive a $50 gift card. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Body: Hello! There’s still time to finish the MIHOPE activities! Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete a phone interview [and schedule a visit to your home]. You will receive [$25/$75] for [this activity/both activities]. Thank you! Reply STOP to opt-out.
Thank you for completing the MIHOPE phone interview! We hope you enjoy this $25 gift card in appreciation of your time.
What’s next
A MIHOPE team member will be visiting your home in the next few weeks to complete some fun activities with you and your child. You will receive a $50 gift card, and your child will receive a [BOOK/SMALL GIFT].
What to do now
Thank you for giving us permission to talk to [[CHILD]/your child]’s teacher.
We would like teachers to know that we will be contacting them soon to complete the survey. Could you please help us and give the attached letter to [[CHILD]/your child]’s teacher?
If you would like to learn more about the teacher survey, please visit [WEBSITE LINK].
Thank you for participating in MIHOPE. We look forward to seeing you soon!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research | P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
Thank you for completing the MIHOPE phone interview! We hope you enjoy this $25 gift card in appreciation for your time.
What’s next
A MIHOPE team member will be visiting your home in the next few weeks to complete some fun activities with you and your child. You will receive a $50 gift card, and your child will receive a [BOOK/SMALL GIFT].
If you would like to learn more about the visit to your home, please visit [website].
Thank you for participating in MIHOPE. We look forward to seeing you soon!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research | P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
The MIHOPE study team wants to hear from you again. An interviewer from our team has been trying to contact you from a 609 phone number to interview you on the phone, but has not been able to reach you. As a reminder, we would like to interview you over the phone and visit your home to do some fun activities with you and [CHILD/your child].
A MIHOPE team member will be in your area [soon/in the next few weeks] to visit your home and complete an interview.
You will receive $75 as a thank you for your participation.
You can also visit [website] to schedule the visit to your home.
By helping us, you’ll be joining over 4,000 mothers across the country. Together your opinions will help us understand how to support children and families like yours. Your opinions and experiences matter and cannot be replaced!
We look forward to hearing from you,
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
Team | Mathematica Policy Research | P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ
The MIHOPE study team wants to hear from you again. You and your child have been so important to the success of the MIHOPE study. Because of you, we have been able to learn that home visiting is improving the lives of families when children are toddlers.
An interviewer from our team has been trying to contact you from a 609 phone number to interview you on the phone, but has not been able to reach you. Perhaps it was an inconvenient time or you were surprised by the unknown number. Whatever the reason, I want to let you know that it is still possible to talk to us about how you and your child are doing.
Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete your phone interview
You will receive $25 as a thank you for your participation.
calling us back and speaking to us for one hour, you’ll be
joining over 4,000 mothers across the country. Together your
opinions will help us understand how to support children and
families like yours. Your
opinions and experiences matter and cannot be replaced!
We look forward to hearing from you,
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
Thank you for recently completing the MIHOPE activities in your home! If you have any comments about our field representative’s recent visit to your home, please call us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] and ask for [SUPERVISOR NAME].
If your address, phone number, or email changes in the future, please update your contact information. You can do so by [visiting [WEBSITE] or] calling [TOLL FREE NUMBER].
We appreciate everything you have done for MIHOPE so far!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research | P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
Thank you for recently completing the MIHOPE home visit!
There is still time to complete the phone interview. Please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] today to complete the interview. You will receive a $25 gift card.
We appreciate everything you have done for MIHOPE so far!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team
[Mathematic Policy Research]
Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021.
Thank you for completing the MIHOPE phone interview!
is still time to finish the MIHOPE activities. Please call us today
schedule a visit to your home. You will receive a $50
gift card,
and your child will receive a [book/small gift].
We appreciate everything you have done for MIHOPE so far!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team
[Mathematica Policy Research]
Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021.
Thank you for recently completing the MIHOPE phone interview! We hope you enjoy this $25 gift card.
If your address, phone number, or email changes in the future, please contact us to update your contact information. You can do so by [visiting [WEBSITE] or] calling [TOLL FREE NUMBER].
We really appreciate you talking to us. Thank you again for all of your contributions to MIHOPE!
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research | P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
It is time to check in with you as part of the MIHOPE study! We want to speak with you again to see how you and your child are doing. Please call us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete or schedule your phone interview. You will receive $25 as a thank you. We look forward to hearing from you soon! T [MIHOPE Study Survey Director] MIHOPE Study Team [Mathematica Policy Research] Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct of sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021. |
The MIHOPE team has been trying to reach you! Please call us today at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete your phone interview [and schedule a visit to your home]. You will receive [$25/$75] as a thank you for completing [the interview/all of the study activities]. T [MIHOPE Study Survey Director] MIHOPE Study Team [Mathematica Policy Research] Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct of sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021. |
There’s still time to participate in MIHOPE! Help young mothers across the nation by completing the next MIHOPE interview! Please call us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete your interview [and schedule a visit to your home]. You will receive [$25/$75] as a thank you for completing [the interview/all of the study activities.] Your continued participation is very important to us! We look forward to speaking with you soon. T [MIHOPE Study Survey Director] MIHOPE Study Team [Mathematica Policy Research] Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct of sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021. |
There’s still time to participate in MIHOPE!
Help young mothers across the nation by completing the next MIHOPE interview!
Please call us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete your interview. You will receive $25 as a thank you.
Your continued participation is very important to us! We look forward to speaking with you soon.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team
[Mathematica Policy Research]
Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021.
There’s still time to participate in MIHOPE!
Help young mothers across the nation by completing the next MIHOPE home visit!
Please call us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to schedule a visit to your home. You will receive $50 as a thank you, and your child will receive a [book/small gift].
Your continued participation is very important to us! We look forward to speaking with you soon.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team
[Mathematica Policy Research]
Call 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Weekdays 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Weekends Eastern Time
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021.
Over the past few weeks, our team has tried to contact you about this next phase of MIHOPE. You may remember agreeing to be a part of this study back in [RANDOM ASSIGNMENT MONTH, RANDOM ASSIGNMENT YEAR] [IF ANY PARTICIPATION AFTER BASELINE: and talking to our team over the years].
We need your help. We would like to speak with you to see how you and your child are doing now that [CHILD/your child] is in kindergarten. It is important that we speak to as many mothers in the study as possible. Your experiences are important to our understanding about how families are doing.
Helping out is easy. It starts with calling [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to complete your telephone interview [and schedule a visit to your home]. You can find more information about [this activity/these activities] on the back of this letter. Afterwards, as a thank you, we will give you [$25/$75] for completing [this interview/all of the study activities].
We cannot stress enough how important your continued participation is to us and the success of MIHOPE. Information we have learned from past MIHOPE interviews has helped inform policy decisions about services that can help mothers and children. Help young mothers across the nation by completing the next MIHOPE interview.
We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Thank you,
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
FAQ’s – MIHOPE Kindergarten
What is the telephone interview about?
We would like to learn about how your family has been doing since participating in MIHOPE. We would like to ask you some questions about your health, your child’s health, what you do as a parent, your child’s development, and your family’s economic situation.
All of these questions are voluntary. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. All of your answers will be kept private. These questions take about one hour.
[What activities will you be doing in my home?
Your child will play a few games (language, math, and memory games)
You will play a memory game
We will videotape you and your child playing with toys
We will ask for your consent to contact your child’s teacher
We will do these activities in whichever way is most comfortable for you. For example, you can take breaks between activities, refuse to do any of them, and/or stop an activity at any time. All of these activities are voluntary. If you do not want to do an activity, you do not have to. Information collected from these activities will be kept private. These activities are expected to take about an hour and a half.]
You and your child have been so important to the success of the MIHOPE study. Because of you, we have been able to learn that home visiting is improving the lives of families when children are toddlers.
I understand that when we recently contacted you that you were not interested in talking to us. Perhaps it was an inconvenient time or our team member surprised you by knocking on your door. Whatever the reason, I want to let you know that it is still possible to talk to us about how you and your child are doing.
We’d like to talk to you again now that [CHILD] is in kindergarten. We’re trying to learn how to make home visiting programs better so they can have a lasting impact on the families they serve. You and [CHILD] represent other families like yours and cannot be replaced in the study.
We would like to thank you in the following ways if you choose to participate:
We have a $25 gift card to give you in appreciation for a telephone interview; and
We have a $50 gift card in recognition of your help with a visit to your home; and
We have a [book/small gift] for your child.
You can find more information about the study activities these on the back of this letter.
If you are interested, please call [TOLL FREE NUMBER] to schedule an interview or a visit to your home. It is still possible to participate in these activities until [DATE]. We will not attempt to directly contact you again about these kindergarten activities.
Thank you again for all of your contributions to MIHOPE! We hope to hear from you and wish you all the best.
[MIHOPE Study Survey Director]
MIHOPE Study Team | Mathematica Policy Research
P.O. Box 2393 | Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 | [TOLL FREE NUMBER] | [EMAIL ADDRESS]
FAQ’s – MIHOPE Kindergarten
What is the telephone interview about?
We would like to learn about how your family has been doing since you last participated in MIHOPE. We would like to ask you some questions about your health, your child’s health, what you do as a parent, your child’s development, and your family’s economic situation.
All of these questions are voluntary. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. All of your answers will be kept private. These questions take about one hour. When we finish, you will receive a $25 gift card to thank you for your help.
What activities will you be doing in my home?
1. Your child will play a few games (language, math, and memory games)
2. You will play a memory game
3. We will videotape you and your child playing with toys
We will ask for your consent to contact your child’s teacher
We will do these activities in whichever way is most comfortable for you. For example, you can take breaks between activities, refuse to do any of them, and/or stop an activity at any time. All of these activities are voluntary. If you do not want to do an activity, you do not have to. activities. Information collected from these activities will be kept private. These
activities are expected to take about an hour and a half. You will receive $50 for doing these activities.
Happy Birthday from the MIHOPE study team! Here’s to another year! You are a valued member of the MIHOPE study. We so appreciate your continued participation, so we want to stay in touch
Please let us know if you have moved, changed phone numbers, or have a new email address.
[Visit [WEBSITE] or] [Call/call] us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER]
[Your username and password:
You can also find updates on the study on www.mdrc.org/mihope.
Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation Informing the future of home visiting
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct of sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021. |
Happy Birthday!
Best wishes from the MIHOPE study team on your child’s birthday!
Here’s to another year! And just like [[CHILD]/your child], the MIHOPE study is a year older too. Because you have been so important to the study, we want to stay in touch.
Please let us know if you have moved, changed phone numbers, or have a new email address.
[Visit [WEBSITE] or] [Call/call] us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER]
[Your username and password:
You can also find updates to the study on www.mdrc.org/mihope.
Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation Informing the future of home visiting
The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct of sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021. |
Happy [Holidays/Spring]! [Dear [CAREGIVER]], The MIHOPE study team wishes you and your family a happy [and healthy holiday season/spring]!
Please let us know if you have moved, changed phone numbers, or have a new email address.
[Visit [WEBSITE] or] [Call/call] us at [TOLL FREE NUMBER]
[Your username and password:
You can also find updates to the study on www.mdrc.org/mihope.
Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation Informing the future of home visiting The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct of sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 0970-0402 and it expires 11/30/2021. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Ashley Qiang |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |