Program Performance Report (Private Sector)

DOL-Only Performance Accountability, Information, and Reporting System

NFJP QPR Template and Specifications FINAL.XLSX

Program Performance Report (Private Sector)

OMB: 1205-0521

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NFJP Template
Adult - Specifications
Youth - Specifications
Total - Specifications

Sheet 1: NFJP Template

OMB Control Number: 1205-0521

Expiration Date: 06-30-2021

Date of Report:


PY 20xx Qtr x Performance Report for NFJP Employment and Training Grantee Summary

Time Period: (choose only one) o Quarterly o Program to Date

Population: (choose only one) o Adult o Youth o Total

REPORTING PERIOD COVERED: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy


Submitter Name:

Submitter Contact Information:

Grant Number:

Performance Items Received Basic Career Services Received Individualized Career Servcies Received Training Services Received Related Assistance Total

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

1. Total Exiters (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) A-1-1 A-1-2 A-1-3

2. Total Participants Served (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) A-2-1 A-2-2 A-2-3

3. Total Reportable Individuals (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

A-3-4 A-3-5

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

sex 1a. Male B-1a-1 B-1a-2 B-1a-3 B-1a-4 B-1a-5

1b. Female B-1b-1 B-1b-2 B-1b-3 B-1b-4 B-1b-5

1c. Did Not Specify B-1c-1 B-1c-2 B-1c-3 B-1c-4 B-1c-5

Ethnicity/Race 2a. Hispanic/Latino B-2a-1 B-2a-2 B-2a-3 B-2a-4 B-2a-5

2b. American Indian or Alaskan Native B-2b-1 B-2b-2 B-2b-3 B-2b-4 B-2b-5

2c. Asian B-2c-1 B-2c-2 B-2c-3 B-2c-4 B-2c-5

2d. Black or African American B-2d-1 B-2d-2 B-2d-3 B-2d-4 B-2d-5

2e. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander B-2e-1 B-2e-2 B-2e-3 B-2e-4 B-2e-5

2f. White B-2f-1 B-2f-2 B-2f-3 B-2f-4 B-2f-5

2g. More Than One Race B-2g-1 B-2g-2 B-2g-3 B-2g-4 B-2g-5

Other Demographics 3a. Eligible Veterans B-3a-1 B-3a-2 B-3a-3 B-3a-4 B-3a-5

3b. Individuals with a Disability B-3b-1 B-3b-2 B-3b-3 B-3b-4 B-3b-5

3c. Incumbent Workers B-3c-1 B-3c-2 B-3c-3 B-3c-4 B-3c-5

3d. Unemployed Individuals B-3d-1 B-3d-2 B-3d-3 B-3d-4 B-3d-5

Education Level 4a. Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent B-4a-1 B-4a-2 B-4a-3 B-4a-4 B-4a-5

4b. Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education B-4b-1 B-4b-2 B-4b-3 B-4b-4 B-4b-5

4c. Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) B-4c-1 B-4c-2 B-4c-3 B-4c-4 B-4c-5

4d. Associate's Degree B-4d-1 B-4d-2 B-4d-3 B-4d-4 B-4d-5

4e. Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent B-4e-1 B-4e-2 B-4e-3 B-4e-4 B-4e-5

4f. Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree B-4f-1 B-4f-2 B-4f-3 B-4f-4 B-4f-5

4g. Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout B-4g-1 B-4g-2 B-4g-3 B-4g-4 B-4g-5

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

1. Displaced Homemakers C-1-1 C-1-2 C-1-3 C-1-4 C-1-5

2. Low-Income Individuals C-2-1 C-2-2 C-2-3 C-2-4 C-2-5

3. Older Individuals C-3-1 C-3-2 C-3-3 C-3-4 C-3-5

4. Ex-Offenders C-4-1 C-4-2 C-4-3 C-4-4 C-4-5

5. Homeless or Runaway Youth C-5-1 C-5-2 C-5-3 C-5-4 C-5-5

6. Current or Former Foster Care Youth C-6-1 C-6-2 C-6-3 C-6-4 C-6-5

7. English Language Learners C-7-1 C-7-2 C-7-3 C-7-4 C-7-5

8. Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers C-8-1 C-8-2 C-8-3 C-8-4 C-8-5

9. Dependent of an MSFW C-9-1 C-9-2 C-9-3 C-9-4 C-9-5

10. Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) C-10-1 C-10-2 C-10-3 C-10-4 C-10-5

11. Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) C-11-1 C-11-2 C-11-3 C-11-4 C-11-5

12. Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) C-12-1 C-12-2 C-12-3 C-12-4 C-12-5


1. Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental


UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match

2. Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental


UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match

3. Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental


UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match

4. Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

D-4-4 D-4-5

5. Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

D-5-4 D-5-5

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS Numerator Denominator Current Period Rate Previous Period Rate

1. Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit
(Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)
Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental Combined Supplemental


UI Match UI Match UI Match UI Match

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)

1a. Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-1 F-1a-2 F-1a-3 F-1a-4 F-1a-5

1b. New Participants (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1b-1 F-1b-2 F-1b-3 F-1b-4 F-1b-5

1c. Total Exiters (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1c-1 F-1c-2 F-1c-3 F-1c-4 F-1c-5

1d. Co-Enrollments (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1d-1 F-1d-2 F-1d-3 F-1d-4 F-1d-5

Exit Information 2a. Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-2a-1 F-2a-2 F-2a-3 F-2a-4 F-2a-5

2b. Other Reasons for Exit (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-2b-1 F-2b-2 F-2b-3 F-2b-4 F-2b-5

Common Exit Programs: Please indicate by checking the box below each program below that  utilizes a common exit policy with this program in this state.

Program Wagner-Peyser Adults, Dislocated Workers, Youth TAA Job Corps National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) Indian and Native American Program (INA) Reentry Employment Opportunities (Adult) Reentry Employment Opportunities (Youth) YouthBuild H1B SCSEP

Common Exit?

Public Burden Statement (1205-0521)
Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Respondent’s reply to these reporting requirements is mandatory (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Section 116). Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate to the Office of Policy Development and Research ● U.S. Department of Labor ● Room N-5641 ● 200 Constitution Ave., NW, ● Washington, DC ● 20210.
Do NOT send the completed application to this address.

Sheet 2: Adult - Specifications

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Basic Career Services - Adult

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-1 Total Exiters - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-1 Total Participants Served - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-1 Total Reportable Individuals - BCS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-1 Male - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-1 Female - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-1 Did Not Specify - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-1 Hispanic/Latino - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-1 American Indian or Alaskan Native - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-1 Asian - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-1 Black or African American - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-1 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-1 White - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-1 More Than One Race - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1,2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-1 Eligible Veterans - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-1 Individuals with a Disability - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-1 Incumbent Workers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-1 Unemployed Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-1 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-1 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-1 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-1 Associate's Degree - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-1 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-1 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-1 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-1 Displaced Homemakers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-1 Low-Income Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-1 Older Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service - Staff Assisted) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-1 Ex-Offenders - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-1 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-1 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-1 English Language Learners - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-1 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1 or 2 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-1 Dependent of an MSFW - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-1 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-1 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-1 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-1 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-1 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-1 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-1 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS

D-5-1 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS E-1-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Numerator - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1 ,2 or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP))=1 and and where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1

E-2-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL 923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-1 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-1 New Participants - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-1 Total Exiters - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-1 Co-Enrollments - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Adult [PIRL 903] = 1,2,3 OR
Adult Education [PIRL 910] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR Senior Community Service Employment Program [PIRL 920] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900]<= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null and 2200 is not blank

F-2a-1 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and 1600 =1 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-1 Other Reasons for Exit - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] ≠ 00 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Individualized Career Services - Adult

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-2 Total Exiters - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1,2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null AND PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-2 Total Participants Served - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1,2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-2 Total Reportable Individuals - ICS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-2 Male - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-2 Female - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-2 Did Not Specify - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-2 Hispanic/Latino - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-2 American Indian or Alaskan Native - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-2 Asian - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1,2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-2 Black or African American - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-2 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-2 White - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-2 More Than One Race - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1,2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-2 Eligible Veterans - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-2 Individuals with a Disability - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-2 Incumbent Workers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-2 Unemployed Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-2 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-2 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-2 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-2 Associate's Degree - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-2 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-2 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-2 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-2 Displaced Homemakers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-2 Low-Income Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-2 Older Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-2 Ex-Offenders - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-2 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-2 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-2 English Language Learners - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-2 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1 or 2 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-2 Dependent of an MSFW - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-2 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-2 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-2 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-2 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-2 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-2 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-2 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS

D-5-2 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS


E-2-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-2 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-2 New Participants - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-2 Total Exiters - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-2 Co-Enrollments - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Adult [PIRL 903] = 1,2,3 OR
Adult Education [PIRL 910] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR Senior Community Service Employment Program [PIRL 920] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900]<= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-2 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and 1600 = 1 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-2 Other Reasons for Exit - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] ≠ 00 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Training Services - Adult

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-3 Total Exiters - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-3 Total Participants Served - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-3 Total Reportable Individuals - TS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-3 Male - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-3 Female - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-3 Did Not Specify - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-3 Hispanic/Latino - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-3 American Indian or Alaskan Native - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-3 Asian - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-3 Black or African American - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-3 White - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-3 More Than One Race - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-3 Eligible Veterans - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-3 Individuals with a Disability - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-3 Incumbent Workers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-3 Unemployed Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-3 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-3 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-3 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-3 Associate's Degree - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-3 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-3 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-3 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-3 Displaced Homemakers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-3 Low-Income Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-3 Older Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-3 Ex-Offenders - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-3 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-3 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-3 English Language Learners - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-3 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1 or 2 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-3 Dependent of an MSFW - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-3 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-3 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-3 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-3 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-3 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-3 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-3 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS

D-5-3 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS


E-2-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-3 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-3 New Participants - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-3 Total Exiters - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-3 Co-Enrollments - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Adult [PIRL 903] = 1,2,3 OR
Adult Education [PIRL 910] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR Senior Community Service Employment Program [PIRL 920] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900]<= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-3 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-3 Other Reasons for Exit - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] ≠ 00 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Related Assistance - Adult


A-2-4 Total Participants Served - RA

A-3-4 Total Reportable Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and(PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-4 Male - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-1b-4 Female - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-1c-4 Did Not Specify - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)= 9 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2a-4 Hispanic/Latino - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2b-4 American Indian or Alaskan Native - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2c-4 Asian - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2d-4 Black or African American - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2e-4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2f-4 White - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2g-4 More Than One Race - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, or 215] = 1) and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3a-4 Eligible Veterans - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3b-4 Individuals with a Disability - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3c-4 Incumbent Workers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3d-4 Unemployed Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4a-4 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4b-4 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4c-4 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4d-4 Associate's Degree - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4e-4 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4f-4 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4g-4 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-4 Displaced Homemakers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-2-4 Low-Income Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 aand (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-3-4 Older Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-4-4 Ex-Offenders - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-5-4 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-6-4 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-7-4 English Language Learners - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-8-4 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1 or 2 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-9-4 Dependent of an MSFW - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-10-4 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-11-4 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-12-4 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-4 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-2-4 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-3-4 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-4-4 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-5-4 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS E-1-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Numerator - RA

E-2-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - RA

E-3-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - RA

E-4-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - RA

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-4 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - RA

F-1b-4 New Participants - RA

F-1c-4 Total Exiters - RA

F-1d-4 Co-Enrollments - RA

F-2a-4 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - RA

F-2b-4 Other Reasons for Exit - RA

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Total Current Period - Adult

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-5 Total Exiters - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is <= the end of the reporting period and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period)

A-2-5 Total Participants Served - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-5 Total Reportable Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-5 Male - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-5 Female - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-5 Did Not Specify - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)= 9 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-5 Hispanic/Latino - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-5 American Indian or Alaskan Native - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-5 Asian - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-5 Black or African American - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-5 White - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-5 More Than One Race - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-5 Eligible Veterans - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-5 Individuals with a Disability - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-5 Incumbent Workers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-5 Unemployed Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-5 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-5 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-5 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-5 Associate's Degree - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-5 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-5 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-5 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-5 Displaced Homemakers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-5 Low-Income Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-5 Older Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-5 Ex-Offenders - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-5 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-5 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-5 English Language Learners - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-5 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1 or 2 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-5 Dependent of an MSFW - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-5 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-5 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-5 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-5 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Employment Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00

D-2-5 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from Employment Rate (Q4) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and (PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-5 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-5 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR where (((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 > 1)) or ((((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 = 1)) and ((DATE ENROLLED IN POST-EXIT EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) or EMPLOYED 1ST QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 3RD QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9))) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and Date of Program Entry is not null and Date of Program Exit is within the report period and ((TYPE OF TRAINING #1 = 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 or TYPE OF TRAINING #2 = 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 or TYPE OF TRAINING #3 = 02 or 03 or 04 or 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10) or Participated in POSTSECONDARY Education During Program Participation = 1 or (HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL LEVEL COMPLETED AT PROGRAM ENTRY = 0 and ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM = 1)) and OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00)

D-5-5 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from MEASURABLE SKILLS GAIN DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1806 (Date of Most Recent Measurable skill gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL)) is within the reporting period or (PIRL 1801 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL ) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1800 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL) = 1) or (PIRL 1803 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL#2) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1802 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2)=1 or (PIRL 1805 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1804 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3)=1 or PIRL 1808 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1807 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: POSTSECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1809 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: TRAINING MILESTONE) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1810 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SKILLS PROGRESSION) is within the reporting period DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) is not null and (PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is null or within the report period) and PIRL 1811 (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT (WIOA)) is not null and PIRL 1813 (DATE COMPLETED, DURING PROGRAM COMPLETION, AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT) is null or within the reporting period, and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00 or 07) or PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) is null


E-2-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-5 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-5 New Participants - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-5 Total Exiters - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-5 Co-Enrollments - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Adult [PIRL 903] = 1, 2, or 3 OR
Adult Education [PIRL 910] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1 or 2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, or 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR Senior Community Service Employment Program [PIRL 920] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1 or 2 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900]<= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-5 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and PIRL 1600 (Employed in 1st Quarter after Exit Quarter) =1 and PIRL 923 (Other Reason for Exit) = 00 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-5 Other Reasons for Exit - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] ≠ 00 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Sheet 3: Youth - Specifications

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Basic Career Services - Youth

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-1 Total Exiters - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-1 Total Participants Served - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-1 Total Reportable Individuals - BCS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-1 Male - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-1 Female - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-1 Did Not Specify - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-1 Hispanic/Latino - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-1 American Indian or Alaskan Native - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-1 Asian - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-1 Black or African American - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-1 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-1 White - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-1 More Than One Race - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-1 Eligible Veterans - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-1 Individuals with a Disability - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-1 Incumbent Workers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-1 Unemployed Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-1 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-1 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-1 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-1 Associate's Degree - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-1 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-1 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-1 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-1 Displaced Homemakers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-1 Low-Income Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-1 Older Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-1 Ex-Offenders - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-1 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-1 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-1 English Language Learners - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-1 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-1 Dependent of an MSFW - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-1 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-1 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-1 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-1 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Placement Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2nd QUARTER PLACEMENT(TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-1 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (PLACEMENT RATE)(Q4) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) <= end of the report period AND 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-1 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-1 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS

D-5-1 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS E-1-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Numerator - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1

E-2-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-1 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-1 New Participants - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period ANDDate of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-1 Total Exiters - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-1 Co-Enrollments - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Youth [PIRL 905] = 1,2,3 OR Job Corps [PIRL 911] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR YouthBuild [PIRL 919] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-1 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and 1600 =1 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-1 Other Reasons for Exit - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923]≠ 0 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Individualized Career Services - Youth

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-2 Total Exiters - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null AND PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-2 Total Participants Served - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-2 Total Reportable Individuals - ICS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-2 Male - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-2 Female - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-2 Did Not Specify - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-2 Hispanic/Latino - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-2 American Indian or Alaskan Native - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-2 Asian - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-2 Black or African American - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-2 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-2 White - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-2 More Than One Race - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-2 Eligible Veterans - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-2 Individuals with a Disability - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-2 Incumbent Workers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-2 Unemployed Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-2 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-2 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-2 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-2 Associate's Degree - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-2 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-2 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-2 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-2 Displaced Homemakers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-2 Low-Income Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-2 Older Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-2 Ex-Offenders - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-2 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-2 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-2 English Language Learners - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-2 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-2 Dependent of an MSFW - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-2 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-2 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-2 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-2 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Placement Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2nd QUARTER PLACEMENT(TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-2 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (PLACEMENT RATE)(Q4) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) <= end of the report period AND 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-2 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-2 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS

D-5-2 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS


E-2-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (PIRL 912 (National Farmworker Jobs Program) is not blank and PIRL 2233(NFJP Grant Enrollment) =1 and PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (PIRL 912 (National Farmworker Jobs Program) is not blank and PIRL 2233(NFJP Grant Enrollment) =1 and PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (PIRL 912 (National Farmworker Jobs Program) is not blank and PIRL 2233(NFJP Grant Enrollment) =1 and PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-2 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-2 New Participants - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period ANDDate of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-2 Total Exiters - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-2 Co-Enrollments - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Youth [PIRL 905] = 1,2,3 OR Job Corps [PIRL 911] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR YouthBuild [PIRL 919] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-2 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period 1600 = 1 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-2 Other Reasons for Exit - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Training Services - Youth

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-3 Total Exiters - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period)

A-2-3 Total Participants Served - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-3 Total Reportable Individuals - TS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-3 Male - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-3 Female - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-3 Did Not Specify - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-3 Hispanic/Latino - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-3 American Indian or Alaskan Native - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-3 Asian - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-3 Black or African American - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-3 White - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-3 More Than One Race - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-3 Eligible Veterans - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-3 Individuals with a Disability - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-3 Incumbent Workers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-3 Unemployed Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-3 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-3 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 1, 2, or 4 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-3 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-3 Associate's Degree - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-3 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-3 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-3 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-3 Displaced Homemakers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-3 Low-Income Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-3 Older Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-3 Ex-Offenders - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-3 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-3 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-3 English Language Learners - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-3 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-3 Dependent of an MSFW - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-3 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-3 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-3 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status (WIOA sec. 167)) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-3 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Placement Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2nd QUARTER PLACEMENT(TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-3 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (PLACEMENT RATE)(Q4) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) <= end of the report period AND 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-3 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS The value wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-3 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS

D-5-3 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS


E-2-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-3 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-3 New Participants - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period ANDDate of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-3 Total Exiters - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-3 Co-Enrollments - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Youth [PIRL 905] = 1,2,3 OR Job Corps [PIRL 911] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR YouthBuild [PIRL 919] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-3 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-3 Other Reasons for Exit - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status)= 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923]≠00 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Related Assistance - Youth


A-2-4 Total Participants Served - RA

A-3-4 Total Reportable Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-4 Male - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-1b-4 Female - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-1c-4 Did Not Specify - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)= 9 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2a-4 Hispanic/Latino - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2b-4 American Indian or Alaskan Native - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2c-4 Asian - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2d-4 Black or African American - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2e-4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2f-4 White - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2g-4 More Than One Race - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, or 215] = 1) and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3a-4 Eligible Veterans - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3b-4 Individuals with a Disability - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3c-4 Incumbent Workers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3d-4 Unemployed Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4a-4 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4b-4 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4c-4 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4d-4 Associate's Degree - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4e-4 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4f-4 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4g-4 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-4 Displaced Homemakers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-2-4 Low-Income Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-3-4 Older Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-4-4 Ex-Offenders - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-5-4 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-6-4 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-7-4 English Language Learners - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-8-4 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-9-4 Dependent of an MSFW - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-10-4 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-11-4 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-12-4 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-4 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-2-4 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-3-4 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-4-4 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-5-4 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS E-1-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Numerator - RA

E-2-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - RA

E-3-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - RA

E-4-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - RA

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-4 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - RA

F-1b-4 New Participants - RA

F-1c-4 Total Exiters - RA

F-1d-4 Co-Enrollments - RA

F-2a-4 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - RA

F-2b-4 Other Reasons for Exit - RA

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Total Current Period - Youth

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-5 Total Exiters - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is <= the end of the reporting period and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the begining of the reporting period)

A-2-5 Total Participants Served - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-5 Total Reportable Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-5 Male - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-5 Female - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-5 Did Not Specify - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)= 9 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-5 Hispanic/Latino - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-5 American Indian or Alaskan Native - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-5 Asian - TCP Count of unique records PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-5 Black or African American - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-5 White - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-5 More Than One Race - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-5 Eligible Veterans - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-5 Individuals with a Disability - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-5 Incumbent Workers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-5 Unemployed Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-5 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-5 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-5 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-5 Associate's Degree - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-5 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-5 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-5 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-5 Displaced Homemakers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-5 Low-Income Individuals - TCP Count of unique records wherePIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-5 Older Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-5 Ex-Offenders - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-5 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-5 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-5 English Language Learners - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-5 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-5 Dependent of an MSFW - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-5 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-5 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-5 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-5 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (PLACEMENT RATE (Q2) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT)(TITLE I)(WIOA) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-5 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Placement Rate (Q4) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and (PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) <=end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-5 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) =3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-5 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR where (((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 > 1)) or ((((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 = 1)) and ((DATE ENROLLED IN POST-EXIT EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) or EMPLOYED 1ST QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 3RD QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9))) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and Date of Program Entry is not null and Date of Program Exit is within the report period and ((TYPE OF TRAINING #1 = 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 or TYPE OF TRAINING #2 = 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 or TYPE OF TRAINING #3 = 02 or 03 or 04 or 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10) or Participated in POSTSECONDARY Education During Program Participation = 1 or (HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL LEVEL COMPLETED AT PROGRAM ENTRY = 0 and ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM = 1)) and OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00)

D-5-5 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from MEASURABLE SKILLS GAIN DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1806 (Date of Most Recent Measurable skill gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL)) is within the reporting period or (PIRL 1801 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL ) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1800 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL) = 1) or (PIRL 1803 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL#2) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1802 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2)=1 or (PIRL 1805 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1804 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3)=1 or PIRL 1808 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1807 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: POSTSECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1809 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: TRAINING MILESTONE) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1810 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SKILLS PROGRESSION) is within the reporting period DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) is not null and (PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is null or within the report period) and PIRL 1811 (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT (WIOA)) is not null and PIRL 1813 (DATE COMPLETED, DURING PROGRAM COMPLETION, AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT) is null or within the reporting period, and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00 or 07) or PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) is null


E-2-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS wherePIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-5 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-5 New Participants - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-5 Total Exiters - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-5 Co-Enrollments - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Adult [PIRL 903] = 1, 2, or 3 OR
Adult Education [PIRL 910] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1 or 2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, or 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR Senior Community Service Employment Program [PIRL 920] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1 or 2 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900]<= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-5 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and PIRL 1600 (Employed in 1st Quarter after Exit Quarter) =1 and PIRL 923 (Other Reason for Exit) = 00 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-5 Other Reasons for Exit - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Sheet 4: Total - Specifications

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Basic Career Services - Total

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-1 Total Exiters - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-1 Total Participants Served - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-1 Total Reportable Individuals - BCS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-1 Male - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-1 Female - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-1 Did Not Specify - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-1 Hispanic/Latino - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-1 American Indian or Alaskan Native - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-1 Asian - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-1 Black or African American - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-1 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-1 White - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-1 More Than One Race - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-1 Eligible Veterans - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-1 Individuals with a Disability - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-1 Incumbent Workers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-1 Unemployed Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-1 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-1 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-1 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-1 Associate's Degree - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-1 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-1 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-1 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-1 Displaced Homemakers - BCS Count of unique records PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-1 Low-Income Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-1 Older Individuals - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-1 Ex-Offenders - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-1 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-1 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-1 English Language Learners - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-1 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-1 Dependent of an MSFW - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-1 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-1 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-1 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - BCS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-1 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2)(RECEIVED INDIVIDUAL CAREER SERVICES-TOTAL) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2nd QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-1 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4)(RECEIVED INDIVIDUAL CAREER SERVICES-TOTAL) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND ((PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-1 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-1 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS

D-5-1 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - BCS


E-2-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 andand PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL 923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-1 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL 923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-1 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-1 New Participants - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-1 Total Exiters - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-1 Co-Enrollments - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND ((Adult [PIRL 903] = 1,2,3 OR Youth [PIRL 905] = 1,2,3) OR Job Corps [PIRL 911] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR YouthBuild [PIRL 919] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-1 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and 1600 =1 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-1 Other Reasons for Exit - BCS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] ≠0 AND PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Individualized Career Services - Total

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-2 Total Exiters - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null AND PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period

A-2-2 Total Participants Served - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-2 Total Reportable Individuals - ICS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-2 Male - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-2 Female - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-2 Did Not Specify - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-2 Hispanic/Latino - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-2 American Indian or Alaskan Native - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-2 Asian - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-2 Black or African American - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-2 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-2 White - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-2 More Than One Race - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-2 Eligible Veterans - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-2 Individuals with a Disability - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-2 Incumbent Workers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-2 Unemployed Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-2 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-2 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-2 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-2 Associate's Degree - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-2 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-2 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-2 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-2 Displaced Homemakers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-2 Low-Income Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-2 Older Individuals - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-2 Ex-Offenders - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-2 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-2 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-2 English Language Learners - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-2 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-2 Dependent of an MSFW - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-2 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-2 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-2 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - ICS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-2 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2)(RECEIVED INDIVIDUAL CAREER SERVICES-TOTAL) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2nd QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-2 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4)(RECEIVED INDIVIDUAL CAREER SERVICES-TOTAL) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND ((PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-2 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-2 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS

D-5-2 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - ICS


E-2-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-2 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-2 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-2 New Participants - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-2 Total Exiters - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-2 Co-Enrollments - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND ((Adult [PIRL 903] = 1,2,3 OR Youth [PIRL 905] = 1,2,3) OR Job Corps [PIRL 911] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR YouthBuild [PIRL 919] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-2 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and 1600 =1 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-2 Other Reasons for Exit - ICS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) ≠ 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Training Services - Total

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-3 Total Exiters - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period)

A-2-3 Total Participants Served - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-3 Total Reportable Individuals - TS

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-3 Male - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-3 Female - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-3 Did Not Specify - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=9 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-3 Hispanic/Latino - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-3 American Indian or Alaskan Native - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-3 Asian - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-3 Black or African American - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 1200 (Date of First Individualized Career Service) is not null and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-3 White - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-3 More Than One Race - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-3 Eligible Veterans - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-3 Individuals with a Disability - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-3 Incumbent Workers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-3 Unemployed Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-3 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-3 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-3 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-3 Associate's Degree - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-3 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-3 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-3 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-3 Displaced Homemakers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-3 Low-Income Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-3 Older Individuals - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-3 Ex-Offenders - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-3 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-3 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-3 English Language Learners - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-3 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-3 Dependent of an MSFW - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-3 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-3 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-3 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - TS Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-3 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2)(RECEIVED INDIVIDUAL CAREER SERVICES-TOTAL) DENOMINATOR where (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2nd QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-3 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4)(RECEIVED INDIVIDUAL CAREER SERVICES-TOTAL) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND ((PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR (PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-3 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) =1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-3 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS

D-5-3 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TS


E-2-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-3 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER) = 1 DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-3 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-3 New Participants - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period ANDDate of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-3 Total Exiters - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-3 Co-Enrollments - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND ((Adult [PIRL 903] = 1,2,3 OR Youth [PIRL 905] = 1,2,3) OR Job Corps [PIRL 911] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1,2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR YouthBuild [PIRL 919] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1, 2 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-3 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-3 Other Reasons for Exit - TS Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] ≠00 and PIRL 1300 (Received Training) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Received Related Assistance - Total


A-2-4 Total Participants Served - RA

A-3-4 Total Reportable Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-4 Male - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-1b-4 Female - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-1c-4 Did Not Specify - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 201 (Sex)= 9 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2a-4 Hispanic/Latino - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2b-4 American Indian or Alaskan Native - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2c-4 Asian - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2d-4 Black or African American - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2e-4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and (PIRL 2209 (Related assistance: Transportation) = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2f-4 White - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-2g-4 More Than One Race - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status) = 3 or 5 and PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, or 215] = 1) and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3a-4 Eligible Veterans - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and (PIRL 2209 (Related assistance: Transportation) = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3b-4 Individuals with a Disability - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability = 1 and (PIRL 2209 (Related assistance: Transportation) = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3c-4 Incumbent Workers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and (PIRL 2209 (Related assistance: Transportation) = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-3d-4 Unemployed Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and (PIRL 2209 (Related assistance: Transportation) = 1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4a-4 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4b-4 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4c-4 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4d-4 Associate's Degree - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4e-4 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4f-4 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B-4g-4 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-4 Displaced Homemakers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-2-4 Low-Income Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-3-4 Older Individuals - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-4-4 Ex-Offenders - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-5-4 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-6-4 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-7-4 English Language Learners - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-8-4 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-9-4 Dependent of an MSFW - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-10-4 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-11-4 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

C-12-4 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - RA Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service)) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-4 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-2-4 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-3-4 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-4-4 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

D-5-4 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - RA

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS E-1-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Numerator - RA

E-2-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - RA

E-3-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - RA

E-4-4 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - RA

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-4 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - RA

F-1b-4 New Participants - RA

F-1c-4 Total Exiters - RA

F-1d-4 Co-Enrollments - RA

F-2a-4 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - RA

F-2b-4 Other Reasons for Exit - RA

Report Item No. Identifier (Definition) Total Current Period - Total

A. SUMMARY INFORMATION A-1-5 Total Exiters - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is <= the end of the reporting period and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the begining of the reporting period)

A-2-5 Total Participants Served - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

A-3-5 Total Reportable Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 2 and (PIRL 1002 (Most Recent Date Received Basic Career Services (Self-Service) => beginning of the report period or PIRL 1007 (Date of Most Recent Reportable Individual Contact) >= beginning of the reporting period)

B. PARTICIPANT SUMMARY AND SERVICE INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) B-1a-5 Male - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1b-5 Female - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)=2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-1c-5 Did Not Specify - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 201 (Sex)= 9 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2a-5 Hispanic/Latino - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 210 (Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2b-5 American Indian or Alaskan Native - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 211 (American Indian / Alaska Native)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2c-5 Asian - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 212 (Asian)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2d-5 Black or African American - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 213 (Black / African American)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2e-5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 214 (Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2f-5 White - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 215 (White)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-2g-5 More Than One Race - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and at least 2 of [PIRL 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215] = 1) and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3a-5 Eligible Veterans - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 301 (Eligible Veteran Status)=1, 2, or 3 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3b-5 Individuals with a Disability - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 202 (Individual with a Disability = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3c-5 Incumbent Workers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 907 (Recipient of Incumbent Worker Training)=6 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-3d-5 Unemployed Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 400 (Employment Status at Program Entry)=0 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4a-5 Secondary School Graduate or Equivalent - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)=1 or 2 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4b-5 Completed 1 or More Years of Postsecondary Education - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 4 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4c-5 Postsecondary Certification, License, or Educational Certificate (Non-Degree) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 5 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4d-5 Associate's Degree - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 6 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4e-5 Bachelor's Degree or Equivalent - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 7 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4f-5 Advanced Degree Beyond Bachelor's Degree - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 408 (Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry)= 8 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

B-4g-5 Not Attending School or Secondary School Dropout - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 409 (School Status at Program Entry)=4 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C. EMPLOYMENT BARRIER (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) C-1-5 Displaced Homemakers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 807 (Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-2-5 Low-Income Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 802 (Low Income Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-3-5 Older Individuals - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) - PIRL 200 (Date of Birth) => 55 years and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-4-5 Ex-Offenders - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 801 (Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-5-5 Homeless Individuals or Runaway Youth - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 800 (Homeless participant, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-6-5 Current or Former Foster Care Youth - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 704 (Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry)=1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-7-5 English Language Learners - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 803 (English Language Learner at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-8-5 Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-9-5 Dependent of an MSFW - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-10-5 Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 601 (Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-11-5 Single Parents (Including Single Pregnant Women) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 806 (Single Parent at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

C-12-5 Long-Term Unemployed (27 or More Consecutive Weeks) - TCP Count of unique records where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 402 (Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry) =1 and PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= the end of the reporting period and (PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) >= the first date of the reporting period or PIRL 901 (Date of Exit) is null))

D. WIOA PRIMARY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE D-1-5 Employment Rate (Q2) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q2) DENOMINATOR where(PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS) = 1 ,2 or 4 AND PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2nd QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9), OR (PIRL 808 (ELIGIBLE MIGRANT and SEASONAL FARMWORKER STATUS)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1602 (EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR PIRL 1900 (YOUTH 2ND QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA)) is >0)) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-2-5 Employment Rate (Q4) (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from (Employment Rate (Q4) DENOMINATOR where PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status)= 1,2 or 4 AND PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and < 9) OR PIRL 808 (Eligible Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status)= 3 or 5 AND (PIRL 1606 (EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER) is >0 and <9 OR PIRL 1901 (YOUTH 4TH QUARTER PLACEMENT (TITLE I)(WIOA) is >0) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and (PIRL 1001 (Date of First Basic Career Service) is not null and PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is within the report period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00)

D-3-5 Median Earnings (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP The value of wages 2ND quarter after exit quarter that is the mid-point between the value of the lowest wage reported and the value of the highest wage reported for the UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and (PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) > 0 and PIRL 1704 (WAGES 2ND QUARTER AFTER THE EXIT QUARTER) < 999999.99) and PIRL 901 (DATE OF Program EXIT) is within the reporting Period and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT)= 00)

D-4-5 Credential Rate (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from CREDENTIAL RATE DENOMINATOR where (((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 > 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 > 1)) or ((((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2 = 1) or ((DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 – Date of Program Exit <= 365) and TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3 = 1)) and ((DATE ENROLLED IN POST-EXIT EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL – Date of Program Exit <= 365) or EMPLOYED 1ST QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 2ND QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 3RD QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9) or EMPLOYED 4TH QUARTER AFTER EXIT QUARTER is (> 0 and < 9))) DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and Date of Program Entry is not null and Date of Program Exit is within the report period and ((TYPE OF TRAINING #1 = 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 or TYPE OF TRAINING #2 = 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 or TYPE OF TRAINING #3 = 02 or 03 or 04 or 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10) or Participated in POSTSECONDARY Education During Program Participation = 1 or (HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL LEVEL COMPLETED AT PROGRAM ENTRY = 0 and ENROLLED IN SECONDARY EDUCATION PROGRAM = 1)) and OTHER REASON FOR EXIT = 00)

D-5-5 Measurable Skill Gains (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS from MEASURABLE SKILLS GAIN DENOMINATOR where PIRL 1806 (Date of Most Recent Measurable skill gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL)) is within the reporting period or (PIRL 1801 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL ) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1800 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL) = 1) or (PIRL 1803 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL#2) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1802 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #2)=1 or (PIRL 1805 (DATE ATTAINED RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3) is within the reporting period and PIRL 1804 (TYPE OF RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL #3)=1 or PIRL 1808 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1807 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: POSTSECONDARY TRANSCRIPT/REPORT CARD) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1809 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: TRAINING MILESTONE) is within the reporting period or PIRL 1810 (DATE OF MOST RECENT MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS: SKILLS PROGRESSION) is within the reporting period DIVIDED BY Count of UNIQUE RECORDS Where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 900 (DATE OF PROGRAM ENTRY) is not null and (PIRL 901 (DATE OF EXIT) is null or within the report period) and PIRL 1811 (DATE ENROLLED DURING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT (WIOA)) is not null and PIRL 1813 (DATE COMPLETED, DURING PROGRAM COMPLETION, AN EDUCATION OR TRAINING PROGRAM LEADING TO A RECOGNIZED POSTSECONDARY CREDENTIAL OR EMPLOYMENT) is null or within the reporting period, and PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) = 00 or 07) or PIRL 923 (OTHER REASON FOR EXIT) is null

E. EFFECTIVENESS IN SERVING EMPLOYERS E-1-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Numerator - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (Retention with the same employer in the 2nd Quarter and the 4th Quarter (WIOA)) = 1

E-2-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Denominator - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-3-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Current Period Rate - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (Retention with the same employer in the 2nd Quarter and the 4th Quarter (WIOA)) = 1 divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

E-4-5 Retention with Same Employer in the 2nd and 4th Quarters After Exit - Previous Period Rate - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where (RETENTION WITH THE SAME EMPLOYER IN THE 2ND QUARTER AND THE 4TH QUARTER DENOMINATOR and PIRL 1618 (Retention with the same employer in the 2nd Quarter and the 4th Quarter (WIOA)) = 1 divided by Count of UNIQUE RECORDS where PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 and PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is within the reporting period and PIRL923 (Other Reasons For Exit (WIOA)) = 00 and PIRL 1602 (Employed 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter (WIOA)) is > 0 and < 9

F. PARTICIPATION LEVEL & SUMMARY INFORMATION (Cohort Period: mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy) F-1a-5 Participants Carried Over from the Previous Period - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the previous program year AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the previous program year) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1b-5 New Participants - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] >= beginning of the report period) AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period OR Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null)

F-1c-5 Total Exiters - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND PIRL 900 (Date of Program Entry) <= end of the report period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) is not blank AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) <= the end of the reporting period AND PIRL 901 (Date of Program Exit) >= the beginning of the reporting period

F-1d-5 Co-Enrollments - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Adult [PIRL 903] = 1, 2, or 3 OR
Adult Education [PIRL 910] = 1 OR Indian and Native American Programs [PIRL 913] = 1 OR Veterans' Program [PIRL 914] = 1 or 2 OR Vocational Education [PIRL 916] = 1 OR Vocational Rehabilitation [PIRL 917] = 1, 2, or 3 OR Wagner-Peyser Employment Program [PIRL 918] = 1 OR Senior Community Service Employment Program [PIRL 920] is not null OR Employment and Training Services Related to SNAP [PIRL 921] = 1 OR Other WIOA or Non-WIOA Programs [PIRL 922] = 1 or 2 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900]<= end of the report period AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is null

F-2a-5 Exit Due to Unsubsidized Employment - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] <= end of the report period AND (Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901]=> beginning of the report period and PIRL 1600 (Employed in 1st Quarter after Exit Quarter) =1 and PIRL 923 (Other Reason for Exit) = 00 and PIRL 2200 (For Those Who Were Placed in Employment: Job Covered by Unemployment Insurance) is not blank

F-2b-5 Other Reasons for Exit - TCP Count of UNIQUE RECORDS WHERE PIRL 941 (National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)) = 1 AND (Other Reasons for Exit [PIRL 923] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 AND Date of Program Entry [PIRL 900] is not null AND Date of Program Exit [PIRL 901] is within the reporting period AND Category of Exit [PIRL 2208] = 8

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