One-Year Post-Hurricane Matthew Field Study in Lumberton, North Carolina: Housing/Household Recovery Survey

NIST Generic Clearance for Community Resilience Data Collections


One-Year Post-Hurricane Matthew Field Study in Lumberton, North Carolina: Housing/Household Recovery Survey

OMB: 0693-0078

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One-Year Post-Hurricane Matthew Field Study in Lumberton, North Carolina

Housing/Household Recovery Survey

One-Year Post-Hurricane Matthew Field Study in Lumberton, North Carolina

Housing/Household Recovery Survey

OMB CONTROL NO. 0693-0078 Expiration date: 07/31/2019

Surveyor(s):_________________________________________ Date:________________________________________

Building ID:_____________________________________ Unit Address:__________________________________

Building Type: 1, Single family 2, Multi-family, # housing units _______ 3, Mobile home 4, Other, _____________

Results of Interview Attempt: ___________________ Comments:___________________________________________

Result/ Completion Codes

1. Completed interview

2. Ineligible, no adult or eligible person to answer questions

3. Bad address, could not locate HU

4. Incomplete/partial

5. Not occupied residence, abandoned; home destroyed 6. Ineligible, structure not a residence

7. No Answer or response, but evidence or confirmed occupied

8. No access, gated community, fence preventing entry

Housing Unit (HU) Occupancy status:

YES: household present interviewed or attempted

YES, evidence of current habitation

DK: Indeterminate/ uncertain

NO: not occupied, appears abandoned

YES, occupied confirmed by neighbor

YES, occupied, confirmed by management

NO: not occupied, under repair/reconstruction.

NO, damaged and not habitable

If interview not possible but neighbors, apartment managers, or others can provide information, record here:

Mark type of informant:


Other: (specify) ________________

Was the HU occupied at time of HM?
YES, #HH members_______ NO DK

If NO: Do you know where the former household lives now?
Lumberton NC Out of State DK

Is household still living there?

If NO: Will former HH return at any point? YES NO DK

Did household leave because of the flooding? YES NO DK

The following questions are to be answered by a household member above 18 years of age.

  1. Was your household living in this home at the time of Hurricane Matthew (October 2016)? Yes No

  2. How many people are in your household? Adults (over 18)_______ Children (under 18)_______

If NO to Question 1, ask Q2 – Q7, Q27-Q30 and then close survey. If YES to Question 1, skip to Q8.

  1. When did you move to this housing unit? DD/MM/YY____________________________

  2. Do you know where the former household lives now? Lumberton North Carolina Out of State DK

  3. Was your household living in Lumberton at the time of Hurricane Matthew? Yes No

  4. Was this house damaged from flooding when you moved in? Yes No DK

    1. If YES, how would you classify the damage level? (hand DS card) Minor Moderate Severe Complete

    2. If YES, how long until it was fully repaired?_________ days/weeks/months Still not repaired

  5. Do you mind if someone stops by to follow up with more questions later this week? Yes No

Skip to Q27.

If YES to Question 1, continue to Q8: The first set of questions are about initial damage and repair, and any assistance from insurance, FEMA, or other sources you may have received to help with your housing recovery.

  1. Was this house damaged from the flood? Yes No DK

    1. If YES, how would you classify the damage level? (hand DS card) Minor Moderate Severe Complete

    2. If YES, how long until it was fully repaired?_________ days/weeks/months Still not repaired

  1. Did your household OWN or RENT this house before the flooding? Own Rent Other, specify____________

      1. If RENT, did you have renter’s insurance? Yes No DK

      2. If OWN, did you have flood insurance? Yes No DK

      3. If OWN, did you have homeowner’s insurance? Yes No DK

      4. If YES to INSURANCE, did you receive a payout for damages from the flooding? Circle all that apply.

Yes, from renters ins. Yes, from flood ins. Yes, from homeowner’s ins. No DK

          1. If YES, when did you receive your insurance payout(s)? (Date mm/yr)____________________________

Homeowners continue to next question; Renters skip to Q16.

          1. How many of your repairs were covered by the insurance payout(s)? Very little Some Almost all/All

      1. Did you have a mortgage? Yes No DK

For each of the following types of disaster recovery assistance, did you apply for, and/or receive the following:

(Y or N)

(Y or N)

If received, how long after the flood? wks/mo.

10. Home repair funds from FEMA (IHP)

11. SBA (Small Business Administration) loans

12. Home repair grant (HUD/CDBG-DR) from the government

13. Financial assistance from any other organization that was not governmental?

14. Clean up or repair help from any other organization that was not governmental?


15. Financial assistance from friends or family

  1. If you received any of the above types of assistance and/or insurance, was the total amount you received enough to pay for repair/replacement of all of the physical damages to your home and contents? Yes/No

    1. If NO, how many of your repairs/replacement were covered? Very little Some Almost all/all

    2. If NO, did you and your household personally pay for the rest? Yes/No/DK

The next set of questions are intended to capture impacts of Hurricane Matthew and the flood for your household.

  1. How long were you and your household dislocated from your home because of the flood? _________d/wk/mo

  1. Did the timing of your insurance payout or other financial assistance cause a delay in your HH returning to your home? Yes/No/DK

  1. In the past 14 months, did you or HH members miss work due to housing issues caused by the flooding?
    (housing issues are any problems with your house that started with Hurricane Matthew and/or the flooding) Yes/No

  1. If YES, what was the greatest number of days/weeks of work missed by household members: _______d/wk

  2. If YES, where does the person who missed the greatest number of days/weeks work?__________________

  1. Did a closure or change in your place of work cause a delay in your HH returning to your home? Yes/No/DK

  1. Did a closure or change in your child/ren’s school cause a delay in your HH returning to your home? Yes/No/DK

  1. Did closure of businesses, such as day care or grocery stores, cause a delay in your HH returning to your home? Yes/No/DK

  1. Do you have the same access to school, work, grocery stores, and other essential needs in this home as you did before the flooding? Yes/No/DK

  1. Do you and your HH plan to move to a different housing unit within the next year because of the flooding?

Next I want to ask a two questions about the experience of the children in your household following Hurricane Matthew. [See Q2, if 0 children in HH, skip to Q27]

  1. Was your child/ren enrolled in school at the time of the flooding? Yes/No If NO, skip to Q27.

  1. When thinking about your child/ren’s educational recovery following Hurricane Matthew, would you say that your child/ren’s educational situation is…

a. Better than it was before the flooding b. Back to where it was before the flooding

c. Worse than before the flooding d. Uncertain, things are still changing for you child/ren

e. Other (Please specify)___________________________________________________________

Finally, just four questions about your household in general:

27. When considering all of the members in your household, what is the highest number of years of schooling completed?

Enter number of years _______ and/or indicate type of diploma or degree

High School Associate’s degree

Bachelor’s degree
Master’s deg. or higher

28. While we often ask about each member of a household, in general, when considering your household how would you characterize its racial makeup?

1) White

2) Black or African American

3) American Indian or Native American

4) Asian (Asian Indian, Chinese, Korean)

5) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

6) More than one (specify - codes): ______

7) Other/Mixed (Specify): ________________

29. Are members of your household of Hispanic or Latino origin?

1) No, none of Hispanic or Latino origin

2) Yes, Hispanic or Latino

30. Finally, I don’t want to know the exact amount, but can you identify the letter associated with the category that best captures your household’s combined annual income? (hand respondent the card)

A. $1 to $3,999

B. $4,000 to $5,999

C. $6,000 to $7,999

D. $8,000 to $9,999

E. $10,000 to $11,999

F. $12,000 to $14,999
G. $15,000 to $19,999

H. $20,000 to $24,999

I. $25,000 to $29,999

J. $30,000 to $39,999

K. $40,000 to $49,999
L. $50,000 to $74,999

M. $75,000 to $99,999

N. $100,000 to $149,999

O. $150,000+

This collection of information contains Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requirements approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the PRA unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number. For this collection, the OMB Control number is:0693-0078 with an expiration date: July 31, 2019. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to be 10 minutes per survey, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Attn: Dr. Jennifer Helgeson, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 8603, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1710, telephone 301-975-6133, or via

Privacy Act Statement

Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812, codified at 44 U.S.C. §§ 3501–3521).

Purpose: The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) conducts Community Resilience research and surveys through the Generic Paperwork Reduction Act Clearance, OMB CONTROL NO. 0693-0078 Expiration date: 07/31/2019.

Routine Uses: NIST will use this information to conduct a systematic process evaluation of the NIST Community Resilience Planning Guide implementation. This is not a Privacy Act system of Records, therefore there is no System of Records Notice associated with this collection.

Disclosure: Furnishing this information is voluntary. When you submit the form, you are indicating your voluntary consent for NIST to use of the information you submit for the purpose stated.

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AuthorDillard, Maria (Fed)
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