Appendix C

IC-CyanoScope-Appendix C.pdf

Generic Clearance for Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Projects (Renewal)

Appendix C

OMB: 2080-0083

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Interstate Harmful Algal Bloom Regulations and Guidance Matrix
Prepared by NEIWPCC in cooperation with the States of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Last Updated July 2014. For more information, contact Dan Peckham, NEIWPCC.

Statutory Authority:
Connecticut General Statutes outlines enforcement authority under Chapter
98, Municipal Powers. Section 7-148:
- power to "control and operate” recreation places, public beaches and beach
- power to "regulate and prohibit swimming or bathing in the public or exposed
places within the municipality”




Title 38, Chapter 3, Article 4A: Section 465-A
1B does not specifically mention HABs but
does state: Class GPA (only water quality
class for lakes) waters shall have a stable or
decreasing trophic state, subject only to natural
fluctuations and shall be free of culturally
induced algal blooms which impair their use
and enjoyment. DEP Rules (06-096 Chapter
581: 6B) define algal blooms as "planktonic
growth of algae which causes Secchi disk
transparency to be less than 2.0 m."

DES: No entities are required to test for
cyanobacteria. However, if cyanobacteria is
found, an advisory sign must be posted. Still
researching the state statutes to determine if
Health & Human Services has the authority to
close a beach or lake. DES does NOT have
that authority.

State program and volunteers in the Maine
Volunteer Lake Monitioring Program monitor
algal blooms using Secchi disk. Maine does
not have any monitoring specific to HABs;
when DEP staff are asked about HABs, our
standard answer pertains to general conditions
(blooms, risk of contracting Girardia) rather
than HABs (e.g., don't swallow water, some
species irritate skin - shower after swimming,
Specific to Harmful Algae Blooms: MDPH
relate personal perspective that if it were my
Guidelines for Cyanobacteria in Freshwater
Recreational Water Bodies in Massachusetts child and I couldn't see more than 6-7 feet into
the water, I wouldn't want them swimming in
the water because I might not be able to find
them if they had an accident). Preliminary
- Goals: Respond to reports of blooms and collect screening data indicate that toxic blooms are
samples as necessary and prevent exposures by not a prevalent issue in Maine, but the state
wants to be prepared for future bloom
recommending advisories as warranted
situations because changes in frequency and
duration of precipitation events coupled with an
- Values were proposed after conducting a
extended growing season due to early ice-off
literature review, and WHO and EPA
recommendations were followed in developing a and later ice-on, might change the types of
blooms that occur in the state.
recreational water body concentration for
microcystin (used TDI of 0.04 μg/kg of body
weight per day, 35kg child, intake rate of 0.1L
water per hour, and exposure duration of
1hr/day). Cell count guidelines considered
available literature on associations between cell
counts and toxin levels. Values were reviewed
internally at DPH and by a small workgroup
including MassDEP and Massachusetts
Department of Conservation and Recreation.

- Type: No requirements. Still researching the
state statutes to determine if Health & Human
Services has the authority to close a beach or
lake. DES does NOT have that authority.

- No specific regulations for HABs, but WQS may be interpreted
through a numeric translator for citing HAB-related standards

- Purpose: Notify public if cyanobacteria are

- DEC has integrated HABs sampling into their monitoring
programs; encourages the public to submit reports; provides weekly
updates on the public website based upon the information recieved;
developed comprehensive web pages about blue-green algae &
HABs and continues to improve the content; uses social media,
DEC listserves and email to build awareness and direct the public to
DEC & DOH information.

Visual scums or mats
Cell counts
Toxin levels of lysed cells (Microcystic-LR)

Visual bloom
Cell count
Percent of the total cell count in an algae
sample being identified as cyanobacteria.

Statutory Authority: Massachusetts General
Law 111, section 122: Regulations relative to
nuisances; examinations
- power of local boards of health to take action
against nuisances (including HABs)
Massachusetts General Law 11, section 5S:
Public bathing waters- describes roles and
responsibilities of bathing beach operation

CT Public Health Code does not include a pertinent regulation specific for lakes
and ponds, however; section 19-13-B34 may apply to impoundments.

- Comprehensive document includes public alert and action value components,
with less of a focus on watershed management/assuring compliance
- VT processes and procedures were mirrored closely in the development of the
CT approach

Regulations Comments:
- Type: Guidance, binding
regulation, etc.
- Purpose of the regulatory
framework (e.g., alerting the
public, assuring compliance)
- Comments on how state
reached the values, and how
values were moved through the
rulemaking process

Visual scums
Cell counts
Indicators Monitored

- Bathing beach regulations: 105 CMR 445:
- Binding
- The regulations allow for posting
advisories at beaches for any potential health
reason, including HABs.
- Regulations moved through public

Until 2014, Secchi Transparency only; we will
use indicators recommended by Region 1 for
the Regional project this summer.


Guidance Document Only:


Information below is from "Guidance to Local Health Departments For Blue–Green
Algae Blooms in Recreational Freshwaters" (June 2014) - linked under Information
Source(s): Web Access.

- Guidance Document

DEC: No specific regulations for HABs. A narrative standard for
phosphorus and nitrogen references algae (Part 703.2) "none in
amounts that will result in growths of algae, weeds and slimes that
will impair the waters for their best uses." and taste-, color-, and
odor-producing, toxic and other deleterious substances allows
"None in amounts that will adversely affect the taste, color or odor
thereof, or impair the waters for their best usages". The latter may
be disaggregated to separate "toxins" and be interpreted through a
numeric translator for citing HAB-related standards violations.

Type: Guidance, non-binding
- Type: Guidance
Purpose: Alerting the public
Comments: Guidance has not undertaken the rulemaking process. Guidance was developed based on
MA studies/policy, which are based on WHO guidelines.

- No official guidance for advisories for freshwater HABs. Guidance
thresholds, based on literature review and analysis of other state's
criteria, are used to categorize the alage bloom data received.
- Regulations specify that certain parameters must be met for a
water body to continue to be operated as a bathing beach.
Regulations contain qualitative requirements for chemical, physical,
and biological quality that are protective of public health; however,
cyanobacteria and maximum concentrations of their associated
compounds are not specified. Guidance developed response
protocols for beach closures based on guidance, not regulations.

Visual Evidence consistent with BGA (spilled paint, pea soup, green Visual scum/mat
Cyanobacteria cell count
BG chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll a
Microcystin concentration
Microcystis-LR, Anatoxin-a
Ancillary information (bloom increasing, unsampled denser
shoreline blooms, etc.)

Visual Monitoring
Cell Counts
Species ID

No volunteering monitoring program actively managed by the state, but
consultants and individual lake groups can conduct their own as desired.
State swimming beaches are monitored by DEEP staff (weekly).
Further efforts ongoing with EPA R1 (Monitoring and Analysis Focus Team).

From 2009-2013, using CDC funding, MDPH
We request that volunteers notify Maine DEP
conducted weekly monitoring at 5 locations with
when algal blooms decrease Secchi
known history of blooms (MDPH) during the
transparencies below 2.0 meters.
summer months. Tested for cyanobacteria count
& ID, Microcystin, and water quality parameters
(including pH, Turbidity, DO, Temp). That ceased
after the CDC funding ended.

DES conducts routine sampling at freshwater
beaches - the goal is to inspect each beach in
the program three times between Memorial
Day and Labor Day. Not all freshwater
beaches sampled by the DES program are
accessible to the general

Proactive Surveillance/
Sampling (DEP, DPH, Citizen)
- Note inicator being sampled for
each method

Surveillance Program by Rhode Island Department of 16 VTDEC Long Term monitoring sites visited biEnvironmental Management, as funding and manpower weekly (cell counts, visual, toxins when bloom
70 Lake Champlain Committee volunteer sites
14 VDH monitoring sites ( visual, cell count,

DEC monitoring conducted on other lakes; bloom samples
collected when blooms observed

Sampling for cell counts, visual observations, (secchi depth)
Sampling at the Shoreline
- Sampler should be using waders and long sleeved rubber gloves
- Clearly mark sampling containers with required information (site #, date, time,
- Wade to an approximate depth of three feet
- Invert sample bottle(s) to collect a sample at approximately 18 inches below the
- Decant water for required air space and/or pour into additional containers (if
necessary), cap bottles
- Visual observations – look to see if bottom is visible, if a scum on water’s surface
is present
- Fill out chain of custody, including visual observations
- Store samples in a cooler with ice until delivery to lab(s)
Sampling the Shoreline from a Dock, Wall, or Boat
Sampling Methods
- Sampler should be using long sleeved rubber gloves
- Note indicator being sampled for - Clearly mark sampling containers with required information (site #, date, time,
each method
- Choose a location that is approximately three feet deep (if possible)
- Lean over to collect sample (if possible), or use a pole sampling device to collect
- Invert sample bottle(s) to collect a sample at approximately 18 inches below the
- Decant water for required air space and/or pour into additional containers (if
necessary), cap bottles
- Visual observations – look to see if bottom is visible, if a scum on water’s surface
is present
- Use a Secchi disk with calibrated line to determine transparency and total depth
- Fill out chain of custody, including visual observations
- Store samples in a cooler with ice until delivery to lab(s)
Logistical Issues
1. Long holding times may result in higher counts.
2. Shoreline concentrations tend to be highest in the afternoon.
Visual Rank Category 2 (or blue-green algae cells >20k/ml and < 100k): Notify
CT DPH, CT DEEP, Increase regular visual surveillance until conditions change.

- MDPH has a written sampling protocol.
- Samples must be collected at 1 meter depth, six
inches below the surface.
- Hip waders and gloves are used.
- Depth is fixed but lateral location is not.
Sampling site is chosen based on bloom
appearance and access to water to target worst
case scenario for human exposure.
- Samples must be placed on ice and analyzed
for cell count and identification within 24 hours of

State program and volunteers in the Maine
Volunteer Lake Monitioring Program monitor
algal blooms using Secchi disk. Maine does
not have any monitoring specific to HABs.

Citizen Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP,; information about
what data is collected is available on DEC's website appx 120 lakes
sampled 8x per summer for open water blooms and as needed
when shoreline blooms observed.

At public access point (screening samples) or area of
See QAPP for detail.
complaint (response samples), a single grab sample is Beach area whole water samples collected near
collected for analysis of cyanobacteria cell count and
surface at 1-2 feet in depth.
microcystin concentration. If a bloom is noted in another
area of the waterbody, a second grab sample can be
collected from the bloom for cyanobacteria cell count
and microcystin concentration

Full sampling procedures listed here:

No official guidance for closures/advisories, but
DEP Rules (06-096 Chapter 581: 6B) define
algal blooms as "planktonic growth of algae
which causes Secchi disk transparency to be
less than 2.0 m."

Indicator Action Limits/Levels
(Advisories, Closures, Acute
and Chronic)

WHO (Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water: A guide to their public health consequences,
monitoring and management)
VTDOH (Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae) Guidance for Vermont Communities.)
USEPA (Exposure Factors Handbook)
Oberholster PJ, B. A. (Microcystis aeruginosa: source of toxic microcystins in
drinking water.)
Bress, D., & Stone, W. (Addressing Public Health Risks for Cyanobacteria in
Recreational Freshwaters: The Oregon and Vermont Framework.)

The goal of the freshwater beach program is
to inspect each beach in the program three
times over between Memorial Day and Labor

If a cell count sample exceeds 50,000 cells/mL,
toxin testing of lysed cells should be done to
ensure that guideline of 14 ppb is not exceeded.
The lysing should consist of three freeze and
thaw cycles.

Further sampling (toxin testing of lysed cells to
ensure that guideline of 14 ppb (microcystin) is
not exceeded) if cell count exceeds 50,000
Visual Rank Category 3, or blue-green algae cells > 100k/ml: POSTED BEACH cells/mL.
CLOSURE: If public has beach access, alert water users that a blue-green algae
bloom is present.
Advisory: Avoid contact with water if visible
scum or mat, ≥14 μg/L microcystin-LR, or
≥70,000 cells/mL for cyanobacteria cell counts.

Sources Referenced

DEC posts information about the programs and how the program
that collect blue-green algae data:
Citizens in lake communities that have a lake association may be
able to participate in the Citizen Statewide Lake Assessment
Program (CSLAP,;
information about what data is collected is available on DEC's
website appx 120
lakes sampled 8x per summer for open water blooms and as
needed when shoreline blooms observed.

See pages 7-11 of the document linked below
under Information Source(s): Web Access.
WHO, USEPA, VT, CA, OR, and Australia were
all key sources.


Beach Advisories issued when a bloom
exists, with a cyanobacteria cell count
exceeding 70,000 cells/mL OR >50% of the
bloom is a cyanobacteria.

"Suspicious" blooms = visual evidence consistent with BGA
(spilled paint, pea soup, green streaks)
"Confirmed" blooms = sample showing BG chlorophyll a > 30 ug/l
or total chlorophyll a > 50 with dominance by BGA species; beach
closure from DOH or OPR; chlorophyll > 20 with ancillary
A Lake WARNING is issued when a lake has information
no beach or the bloom covers area away
"Confirmed with high toxins" = microcystis-LR > 20 ug/l or
from the beach. Action values the same as a anatoxin-a levels > 4 ug/l; open water MC-LR > 10 and ancillary
beach advisory.
information (bloom increasing, unsampled denser shoreline
blooms, etc.)
Beach closures not issued.
DOH and OPR:
Advisory: bloom outside swimming area;
Closure: bloom within swimming area, post advisory
Advisory may be issued if DEC reports BGA near regulated beach
but no evidence of bloom at beach, or if beach has reopened and
some indication that bloom may return. Recommended:


Guidance thresholds, based on literature review and analysis of
other state's criteria, are used to categorize the alage bloom data

If any of the following guidelines are met, then a
recreational health advisory is issued:
1. A scum or mat of cyanobacteria.
2. Cyano cell count >70K cells/mL.
3. Microcystin concentration >14ug/L

Post Beach at Category 2
Close Beach at Category 3
Cell Count
Close Beach >4000 potential producer cells/mL
Close >6 ug/L microcystin or >10ug/L anatoxin

WHO. 1999. Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water:
Appendix G- Community Guidance Document A guide to their public health consequences,
WHO, CDC, Scottish Executive Health
monitoring and management.
Department, Providence of Quebec

Category 1: Visible material is not likely cyanobacteria or water is generally clear. Advisory: Avoid contact with water if visible
scum or mat, ≥14 μg/L microcystin-LR, or
Category 2: Cyanobacteria present in low numbers.
≥70,000 cells/mL for cyanobacteria cell counts.
There are visible small accumulations but water is generally clear.
Category 3: Cyanobacteria present in high numbers.
Scums may or may not be present. Water is discolored throughout. Large areas
affected. Color assists to rule out sediment and other algae.

Secchi transparency < 2.0 meters due to algal
growth is defined as a nusiance algal bloom.

Public Health Advisory: Avoid contact with

Bloom Classification System

"Suspicious" blooms = visual evidence consistent with BGA
(spilled paint, pea soup, green streaks)
"Confirmed" blooms = sample showing BG chlorophyll a > 30 ug/l
or total chlorophyll a > 50 with dominance by BGA species; beach
closure from DOH or OPR; chlorophyll > 20 with ancillary
"Confirmed with high toxins" = microcystis-LR > 20 ug/l or
anatoxin-a levels > 4 ug/l; open water MC-LR > 10 and ancillary
information (bloom increasing, unsampled denser shoreline
blooms, etc.)

Category 1: Little or no Blue-Green algae
present-clear water
Category 2: Blue-Green algae present, but less
than ‘bloom levels’
Category 3: Blue-Green algae bloom in progress

DOH and OPR:
Advisory may be issued if DEC reports BGA near regulated beach
but no evidence of bloom at beach, or if beach has reopened and
some indication that bloom may return

Labs Used

EcoAnalysts, Inc.
Green Water Laboratories
Northeast Laboratories, Inc.
PhycoTech, Inc.
State University of New York

Northeast Labs
Greenwater Lab

By Phone:
DPH: 860-509-7758
DEEP: 860-424-3020

Reports requested via phone to MDPH.

We used State University of New York and
University of New Hampshire for the screening
study. We've used a semi-quantitative kit in our
own lab since.

CSLAP: NYS Federation of Lake Associations, sent to SUNY Syracuse, ESF

GreenWater Laboratory, Palatka, FL

Vermont Public Health Lab

Non-CSLAP: SUNY - Syracuse, ESF
DOH: NYS DOH Office, Albany

By Email:,

To report a bloom, contact the DEP Lakes
Staff at 207-287-3901.

MDPH asks local health dept or individual
reporting the bloom to email photos of the bloom
before samplers are deployed.

Reporting Protocol

"If you suspect a cyanobacteria bloom is
occurring at your lake or pond, please call
DES immediately at 603-419-0918
(cyanobacteria hotline) or…

Email or call: Brian Zalewsky or Jane Sawyers at
Online: Citizens not assoicated with a lake association/CSLAP may RIDEM
submit information about potential blooms using DEC's online form
( and
limited sampling may be authorized under authority of DEC.

You may also collect a sample in a clean
container (plastic or glass jar) and bring it to
DES to identify."

By Phone: Contact regional DEC office or DEC HAB coordinators.

Call 800-439-8550 or 802-863-7220, or email

DOH/OPR: blooms observed by beach managers reported by
DOH/OPR HAB coordinators in Albany
All data reported to any agency shared amongst all agency HAB

Report Investigation

Intervention Protocol

1) Visit the site of a reported bloom.
2) If justifiable (Category 2), notify State Agencies
3) Continue regular field observations. (See example field observation form in
4) If conditions deteriorate to Category 3, post the site and the area.
5) When visual conditions improve, take a water sample for microscopic analysis.
6) Wait approximately one week and sample again.
7) A: If justifiable, terminate the posting; B: Otherwise wait approximately one more
week and sample again.
8) Repeat step 7 until termination or the end of the summer recreational season.

MDPH responds to all received reports of blooms
(reports come from state environmental and local
health officials, parks staff, residents, and
watershed associations):
- Asks local health dept or individual reporting the
bloom to email photos of the bloom before
samplers are deployed

Note: When issuing an advisory take note of all access points. Depending on the
size of the bloom relative to the lake, and the location of the access point relative
to the bloom, some access locations may not be impacted.

Advisory: Avoid contact with water if visible scum DEP staff are in contact with Department of
Health and Human Services Center for
or mat, ≥14 μg/L microcystin-LR, or ≥70,000
Disease Control staff when specific
cells/mL for cyanobacteria cell counts.
questions/issues arise. The CDC has not
engaged with DEP in moving to an Intervention
Once Avisory is posted: Weekly testing until
Protocol due to lack of resources, although the
avisory can be lifted, but follow-up testing more
frequently than weekly may be suggested based need for such protocols has been discussed.
Documented evidence of human or pet illness
on weather conditions.
specifically due to ingestion of algal toxins
Advisories may be lifted after two successive and would likely result in legislative appropriation of
representative sampling rounds one week apart resources to develop advisory specifics.
demonstrate cell counts or toxin levels below
those at which an advisory would be posted.

Visual Rank Category 1: [Notifications: Not needed], [Further Monitoring: No
change], [Public Posting: Not needed]
Visual Rank Category 2 (or blue-green algae cells >20k/ml and < 100k):
[Notifications: Notify CT DPH, CT DEEP], [Further Monitoring: Increase regular
visual surveillance until conditions change.], [Public Posting: Not needed]
Visual Rank Category 3 (or blue-green algae cells > 100k/ml): [Notifications:
Update/inform CT DPH & CT DEEP and expand risk communication efforts. (See
Risk Communication section.)], [Further Monitoring: Collect samples for analysis
and/or increase frequency of visual assessment.], [Public Posting: POSTED
BEACH CLOSURE: If public has beach access, alert water users that a blue-green
algae bloom is present. POSTED ADVISORY: At other impacted access points.]

Upon receiving notice of a suspected
DEC: Follows up with all reports received for updates to the status
cyanobacteria bloom, DES will conduct a site of bloom: once visual evidence and/or lab results indicate BGA
bloom conditions have dissipated, waterbody removed from DEC
nofification page
The Beach Program will also immediately
resample all beaches upon issuing an
DOH/OPR: Blooms observed by beach managers reported by
DOH/OPR HAB coordinators in Albany.

A picture is requested and reviewed by RIDEM for
evidence of cyano bloom. A qualitative sample for
citizen complaints is collected and reviewed by RIDEM
(Jane Sawyers) for potential exceedance of the cyano
cell count. If it may exceed, the sample is sent for
quantitative cell count and microcystin analysis.

Site Visit by : Town Health Officer, LCC volunteer,
VDH Staff, VTDEC Staff. Provide guidance
document, signs and testing supplies if needed.

If the guidelines are exceed, then a letter is sent by RI
Department of Health (HEALTH) to the town officials
asking for signs to be posted at public access points
and a press release is jointly issued by

Beach closure recommended at Category 3,
Advisory sign at Category 2


(Recommendations Only)
Visual: Category 3
Toxins: Close >6 ug/L microcystin, >10ug/L

All data reported to any agency shared amongst all agency HAB

Visual Rank Category 3, or blue-green algae cells > 100k/ml: POSTED BEACH Advisory: Signage posted at (all) water body
CLOSURE: If public has beach access, alert water users that a blue-green algae entry points.
bloom is present.

Closure Protocol

When a bloom is called in from a lake that has
not supported chronic algal blooms in the past,
DEP staff or VLMP staff will investigate extent
and collect water samples for TP & Chl

None at this time (see above).

At any beach, an advisory is posted if a
potential toxin-producing cyanobacterial scum
is present at the beach and cell dominance is
greater than 50 percent of the sample total
cell count.
Once an advisory is posted: Follow up
testing conducted until toxin-producing
cyanobacterial scum is less than 50 percent
of the total sample cell count.


DEC posts waterbodies with bloom notifications on its website.The
number of new waterbodies with blooms are announced in the
Division of Water's weekly listserv email (Making Waves).
DOH/OPR regulated beaches posted with signs (and some county
DOH press releases) when beaches closed; signs removed or
changed to advisory when beach reopened

DEC: Does not close freshwater waterbodies. Marine waters
(immediately surrounding the sample location) are closed for
shellfishing if mussels at a DEC monitoring sites test positive for
DOH/OPR: visual evidence of BGA bloom triggers beach closure;
bloom cleared and MC-LR < 10 required to reopen beach. DEC
regulated beaches would likely follow same protocol (blooms not
reported at any DEC beaches since DOH protocol established)

Health officials may justify lifting a blue-green algae bloom posting if
observations meet either or both of the following two criteria:
- Visual assessment remains at the Category 1 condition for at least two
successive and representative observational rounds one week apart
- Cell count results of the water column indicate that blue-green algal cell
abundance has markedly decreased over at least two successive and
representative sampling rounds one week apart and is below 70,000 cells per ml.

Advisories may be lifted after two successive and None at this time (see above).
representative sampling rounds one week apart
demonstrate cell counts or toxin levels below
those at which an advisory would be posted.
(Approach is similar to that of OR and Australia)

The Beach Program will immediately
resample all beaches upon issuing an
advisory. The sign will be removed from the
area when further samples indicate the
concentration of the cyanobacteria species is
below 50 percent of a sample.

Terminating an Advisory
As the situation requires, health officials may consider additional confirmation
through microcystin testing of the water column. As is stated for the above, the
water column should be below the threshold for at least two successive and
representative sampling rounds one week apart. CT DPH suggests a toxin
threshold of 15 ug/l microcystin.


Information Source(s): Web


Visually clear and toxins less than 6 ug/L
DEC follows up with all reports received for updates to the status of A third party must follow up and sample the location
with 2 samples at least 2 weeks apart meeting all of the microcystin, 10ug/L anatoxin
Resampled lakes- once visual evidence and/or lab results indicate
BGA bloom conditions have dissipated, waterbody removed from
DEC nofification page
Unsampled lakes- original or follow up- waterbodies that have not
had an update for >= 4 weeks will be removed from the list on the
DEC web page due to lack of information
All cases- DEC still advises the public to be aware of blooms
because blooms can come and go.
DOH/OPR- beach reopened if bloom cleared and MC-LR < 10
(sampling not initiated until bloom has cleared)

None at this time (see above).
Posting closure signs at swimming areas and advisory signs at other access For any Advisory, signage should be posted at
(all) water body entry points and should include
points used for public recreation is the primary intervention.
the following: date of the posting, contact
information for the posting authority, language (to
Further interventions include:
be provided or reviewed by MDPH) advising
- Notifying lake associations
against contact with the water, and a
- Posting information for public access via the internet or local newspapers via a
press release. Include information as to how the public can contact the CT DEEP recommendation that pets accidentally entering
the water be rinsed.
for the most up-to-date information on the status of the blue-green algae bloom.
- In some communities it may also be important to notify local Veterinarians and
Current advisories are listed on MDPH website.
Physicians and keep them updated on the status of the blue-green algae bloom.

Cyanobacteria Advisory Sign:
DEC posts waterbodies with bloom notifications on its website.The number of new waterbodies with blooms are announced in the
wmb/beaches/graphics/rec-exposureDivision of Water's weekly listserv email (Making Waves).
Beach Monitored and Safe Sign: Similar signs available from DEC for posting at non-regulated sites
(boat launches, common access points, etc.)
"DES will continue to monitor the water and
will notify the appropriate parties regarding
the results of initial and subsequent testing.
Public notification occurs through press
releases and the DES website."

RIDEM and HEALTH have annual meetings and
communicate regularly by email during active blooms.

Web Site
enalgae/d/ )
Annual Media Release
Social Media

DOH/OPR regulated beaches posted with signs (and some county
DOH press releases) when beaches closed; signs removed or
changed to advisory when beach reopened



Internal: Michael Celona, Algae Project
Coordinator -
Public: MDPH - (617) 624-5757

Internal: Linda Bacon
Public: DEP Lakes Staff - (207) 287-3901

Internal: Sonya Carlson
Public: (603) 271-2457 or


Internal: Sarah Vose, Andy Chevrefils 802-8637220
Public: 802-863-7220

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