FPRS Forms Purpose

Forms Purpose 9-24-19_.xls

Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS)

FPRS Forms Purpose

OMB: 0584-0594

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Affected Public Current OMB Control Number Worksheet Number Title of Worksheet Estimated No. of Respondents Description of Respondents Purpose of Form/Abstract

Child Nutrition Program
State, Local and Tribal Agencies 0584-0002 FNS-10 Report of School Program Operations 57.0 State Agencies FNS-10 is used to collect data on school program operations from State agencies on a monthly basis.
0584-0075 FNS-13 Annual Report of State Revenue Matching 57.0 State Agencies FNS-13 is used to collect data to ensure State agency compliance with the matching requirements of the National School Lunch Program.
0584-0280 FNS-418 Summer Food Service Program for Children 53.0 State Agencies FNS-418 is used to establish eligibility for the Summer Food Program and insure that the program is administered according to statutory and USDA implementing regulations.
0584-0055 FNS-44 Report of Child and Adult Care Food Program 56.0 State Agencies FNS-44 is used to establish Child and Adult Care Food Program eligibility and insure that the program is administered according to statutory and USDA implementing regulations
0584-0006 FNS-640 CN Administrative Review Report 56.0 State Agencies FNS-640 is used to collect information at the School Food Authority (e.g., school district) and school or site level as part of the Administrative Review process.
0584-0026 FNS-742 CN School Food Authority (SFA) Verification Collection Report 56.0 State Agencies FNS-742 is used to collect information from State agencies for each School Food Authority (e.g., school district) with schools operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or the School Breakfast Program (SBP).
0584-0594 FNS-828 CN School Food Authority Paid Lunch Price Report 56.0 State Agencies FNS-828 is used to collect information on States' paid reimbursable lunch prices for publication by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). School Food Authorities (e.g., school districts) are required to report the most frequently charged price for elementary, middle/junior high and high school levels to their State agency.
0584-0577 FNS-834 State Agency (NSLP/SNAP) Direct Certification Rate Data Element Report 106.0 State Agencies FNS-834 is used to collect data elements from the State agencies that administer the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and from the State agencies that administer the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). These data elements are needed to compute the Direct Certification Rate with SNAP that is required by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-246) and by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, as amended by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296) and promulgated by the regulations published on February 22, 2013, the National School Lunch Program: Direct Certification Continuous Improvement Plans required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which added a new section 7 CFR 245.12 to NSLP regulations and amended SNAP regulations at 7 CFR 272.5 to allow for this collection.
0584-0226 FNS-874 Local Education Agency Second Review of Applications 56.0 State Agencies FNS-874 is used for the Second Review of Applications after information is collected/analyzed in the first round data collection using the FNS-742. Local educational agencies (LEAs) that demonstrate high levels of, or a high risk for administrative error associated with certification, verification and other administrative processes to conduct an independent review of the initial eligibility determinations for free and reduced price school meal applications for accuracy prior to notifying households of eligibility
0584-0567 QTR-SFA-CERT Quarterly Report for SFA Certification 57.0 State Agncies The "QTR-SFA-CERT" is used to report the number of School Food Authorities that have met the nutritional criteria to be eligible for the additional "performance based" funding per the Healthly Hunger Free Kids Act.
0584-0067 FNS-777(SAE) NSLP, SBP, SMP, CACFP and Food Distribution Program (FDP) 87.0 State Agencies (local schools, school districts and child and adult care institutions) FNS-777 will be used to provide each State agency (SA) with funds for its state administrative expenses in providing oversight and technical assistance.
4040-0014 SF-425 NSLP 57.0 State Agencies SF-425 is used to to report financial data for new and continuation grants that were awarded and to monitor the financial status of the grantee and to assess grantee compliance with the fiscal requirements.
4040-0014 SF-425 SBP 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 SMP 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CACFP 55.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 SFSP 53.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN Team Nutrition 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN-School NutritionTraining Grant for Allied Professional Organizations 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Administrative Review & Training (I) 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Administrative Review & Training (II) 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Summer Food Service Program Pilot Programs 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Local Wellness Policy Surveillance System Cooperative Agreement 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - USDA Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Center 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Professional Standards for All School Nutrition Employees 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Summer 2011 SFSP Home Delivery and Food Backpacks Demonstration Projects 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - SFSP, Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children, SNAP 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - SFSP SNAP EBT Pilot Food Funds 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - SFSP, Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Childrent, WIC 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - SFSP WIC EBT Pilot Food Funds 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - SFSP-RDEMO, Rural Summer Meals Demonstration 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Technology Innovation Grants 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Block Funding for Territories 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Team Nutrition E-STAR Program Training Grant 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Team Nutrition Training Grant for Innovative State Training Programs 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Direct Certification & Verfication 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - CACFP AUDIT Reallocated Funds 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - CACFP Child Care Wellness Grants 57.0 State Agencies
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - CACFP Meal Service Training Grants 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - CACFP Training Grants 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Direct Certification and Improvement 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Conference and Events 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Implementation 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Planning - Semi-Annual Report 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Planning - Quarterly Report 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Support Services 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Team 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Training Grant 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Farm to School Traning and Curricula 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - National School Lunch Program Equipment Grants 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Administrative Funds 57.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 CN - Demonstration Projects to end Childhood Hunger - HHFKA of 2010 57.0 State Agencies
Business for-not-for-profit 4040-0014 SF-425 CN National Food Service Management Institute (FSMI) 1.0 Business for-not-for-profit
4040-0014 SF-425 CN FSMI Produce Safety University Support 1.0
4040-0014 SF-425 CN FSMI Food Safety 1.0
4040-0014 SF-425 CN FSMI General Education 1.0
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - ICN - Chef's Move to School 1.0
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - ICN - Professional Standards 1.0
4040-0014 SF-425 CN - ICN - School Nutrition Strategies, Training, Action Plans, Resources 1.0

4040-0014 SF-425 CN Community Gardens Pilot Program 150.0
4040-0014 SF-425 CN Hunger-Free Community Grants 150.0


Special Nutrition Assistance Program

0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 2,722.0 State Agencies (SNAP & FDPIR & CSFP local agencies ) FNS-101 is used to track and monitor racial/ethnic data for program evaluation and compliance with the Civil Rights Act.

0584-0069 FNS-209 Status of Claims Against Households 54.0 State Agencies FNS-209 is used to establish, collect and manage overpayments against households and to determine program compliance

0584-0083 FNS-366A Program and Budget Summary Statement: Budget Projection 55.0 State Agencies The FNS-366A is used by State agencies to request Federal funding of State administrative costs to operate the SNAP.

0584-0083 FNS-366B Program and Budget Summary Statement: Program Activity Statement 53.0 State Agencies The FNS-366B is used to report Program activity. The data is used for monitoring

0584-0081 FNS-388 State Issuance and Participation Estimates 57.0 State Agencies FNS-388 is used to monitor program actual participation data by State agencies to assure that they remain within their allotment.

0584-0081 FNS-388A Project Area Issuance and Participation 66.0 State Agencies FNS-388 A is used to capture participation data by program for non-assistance (NA) and public assistance (PA) rates by State agencies to assure that they remain within their allotment; to validate the Annual SNAP Household Characteristic Survey; to validate the Annual SNAP Household Characteristic Survey; to compare against the reconciliation points’ FNS-46.

0584-0542 FNS-759 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) EARS Reporting Form 52.0 State Agencies FNS-759 is used to collect descriptive information from State agencies on nutrition education activities funded by theSNAP

0584-NEW FNS-778 SNAP 57.0 State Agencies (SNAP local agencies FNS-778 will be used to collect administrative costs in total and by functional category; to monitor the actual cost of each function against budgeted amounts approved; to ensure that the Federal rate of reimbursement are appropriate & State agency has met its matching requirement. FNS also uses the data to look at both total costs and cost per case.

0584-NEW FNS-778a SNAP 7.0 State Agencies FNS 778-A will be used to requests the program cash-out benefits; FNS will use the reported data to monitor the actual benefit cost & participation trends. To determine total costs and cost per case. The actual cost data (along with participation trends) to helps estimate, budget, and set funding levels for these costs for the upcoming fiscal year.

0584-0339 FNS-583 Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Activity Report 53.0 State Agencies FNS 583 is used to report E&T activities conducted by State agencies. Data reported on the FNS-583 are used in program planning and management.

0584-0080 FNS-46 Issuance Reconciliation Report 55.0 State Agencies FNS-46 is used to monitor, review, and account for benefit issuance.

0584-0037 FNS-292A&B Disaster Relief 110.0 State agencies FNS-292 A & B, both are used to monitors distribution of Food Stamp benefits and USDA commodities by State education and welfare agencies following disasters.

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Assessment of Alternatives to Face-to-Face Interviews 53.0 State agencies SF-425 is used to to report financial data for new and continuation grants that were awarded and to monitor the financial status of the grantee and to assess grantee compliance with the fiscal requirements.

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Attorney General Prosecution Pilot 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP American Public Human Services Association 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP CAP 1.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP CNMI - Enhanced Nutrition Assistance Program 1.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Employment & Training Data and Technical Assistance 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Education Toolkit 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Employment and Training 2014 Farm Bill Pilots 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Farmer's Market Equipment 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Fraud Framework Implementation Grant 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Farmer's Market Support Grant 53.0 State Agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit Pilot Program 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Healthy Incentives Pilot 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Integrity Education Grant 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Increasing SNAP Participation Among Medicare Beneficiaries 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC) Pilot Project 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Outreach 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Participation 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Process and Technology Improvement 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Recipient Integrity Information Technology Grant 53.0 State agencies

4040-0014 SF-425 SNAP Recipient Trafficking Prevention Grants 53.0 State agencies


Food Distribution Program

0584-0293 FNS-667 Report of The Emergency Food Assistance Programs (TEFAP) Administrative Costs 55.0 State Agency FNS-667 is used to identify funds obligated and disbursed to cover administrative costs associated with the program at the State, Local and Tribal levels.

0584-0293 FNS-152 Monthly Distribution of Donated Food to Family Units 115.0 State Agencies FNS-152 is used to track commodity inventories at storage facilities & to report monthly participation of households.

0584-0293 FNS-153 Monthly Report of the CSFP and Quarterly Administrative Financial Status Report 57.0 State Agencies FNS 153 is used to detail the receipt, disposal, and inventory of donated foods and records participation for each category of persons receiving benefits.

0348-0061 SF-425 CSFP 57.0 State Agencies SF-425 is used to to report financial data for new and continuation grants that were awarded and to monitor the financial status of the grantee and to assess grantee compliance with the fiscal requirements.

0584-0025 FNS-191 CSFP Racial/Ethnic Group Participation 252.0 State Agencies (SNAP & FDPIR & CSFP local agencies ) FNS-191 is used to track and monitor racial/ethnic data for program evaluation and compliance with the Civil Rights Act.

0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 134.0 State Agencies (SNAP & FDPIR & CSFP local agencies ) FNS-101 is used to track and monitor racial/ethnic data for program evaluation and compliance with the Civil Rights Act.

4040-0014 SF-425 FDPNE 115.0 State Agencies (SNAP & FDPIR & CSFP local agencies ) SF-425 is used to to report financial data for new and continuation grants that were awarded and to monitor the financial status of the grantee and to assess grantee compliance with the fiscal requirements.

4040-0014 SF-425 FDPIR-NET 115.0

4040-0014 SF-425 FDPIR 115.0

4040-0014 SF-425 FDPIR-Infrastructure 115.0

4040-0014 SF-425 TEFAP -SUPP 55.0

4040-0014 SF-425 TEFAP - Infrastructure 150.0


Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

0584-0447 FNS-683B WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Annual Financial Report 49.0 State Agencies FNS-683 is used to report financial and recipient data. FNS will use this data for funding and program management decisions

0584-0541 FNS-683A Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) Annual Financial and Program Data Report 54.0 State Agencies FNS-683A is used to o reconcile and close out grants & to determine eligibility, monitor program administration.

0584-0431 FNS-648 WIC Local Agency Directory 1,826.0 State Agencies (Local WIC Agencies) FNS-648 is used to report changes (additions and deletions) of local agencies operating the WIC Program, and local agency address changes.

0584-0045 FNS-798 WIC Financial Management and Participation Report 90.0 State Agencies (Local WIC Agencies) FNS-798 is used to eport monthly financial participation data and closeout WIC grants as required

0584-0045 FNS-798A Addendum to WIC Financial Management and Participation Report - NSA Expenditures 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling 90.0 SF-425 is used to to report financial data for new and continuation grants that were awarded and to monitor the financial status of the grantee and to assess grantee compliance with the fiscal requirements.

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Loving Support Campaign 1.0

BFDLA WIC Breastfeeding Data by Local Agency 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure State Agency Model 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC State Agency Model 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Technology State Agency Model 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Special Project Full Grant 1.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Performance Bonus 15.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Performance Bonus (2 Year) 15.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Electronic Benefits Transfer 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Electronic Benefit Transfer Implementation 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Electronic Benefit Transfer Planning 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Infrastructure Electronic Benefit Transfer 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Infrastructure Management Information System 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure State Agency Model 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Management Information System Implementation 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Management Information System Planning 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Nutrition Education Innovations 5.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Periconceptual Nutrition Research 5.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Participant Research Information Laboratory for Enhancing WIC Services 1.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Relief Equipment Grant 2.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Relief Infrastructure Grant 2.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Technology Administrative Oversight 1.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Technology Management Information System 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Technology State Agency Model 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC Technical Standardization Projects 90.0

4040-0014 SF-425 WIC University of Minnesota 1.0


TOTAL 12,708.0

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