Revised Excel Spreadsheet

Burden chart 9-25-2019.xls

Food Programs Reporting System (FPRS)

Revised Excel Spreadsheet

OMB: 0584-0594

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SF 425 Estimates
FNS 778-778A formerly SF 269
0081 FNS 388 and 388A
0293 FNS 152, 153 & 667
0025 FNS 101 AND 191
0045 FNS 798 and 798A
0447 FNS 203 & 683A


Food and Nutrition Service Data Collection Information (by Program)

Annual Burden Hours

Affected Public Current OMB Control Number Worksheet Number Title of Worksheet Estimated No. of Respondents1 Frequency of Response per Respondent2 Total Annual Response Estimated Hrs per Response Annual Burden Hrs Previous Submission Total Hours Differences due to Program Changes Differences due to Adjustments Hourly Wage Rate3 Respondent Cost
0584-0026 FNS-742 CN School Food Authority (SFA) Verification Collection Report 20,858.0 1.0 20,858.0 5.0 104,290.0

$27.22 $2,838,773.80
0584-0594 FNS-828 CN School Food Authority Paid Lunch Price Report 56.0 1.0 56.0 5.0 280.0

$27.22 $7,621.60
0584-0226 FNS-874 Local Education Agency Second Review of Applications 56.0 1.0 56.0 5.0 280.0

$27.22 $7,621.60

TOTAL 33,510.0


Reviewers Note: Methodology used to calculate annual burden hours is as folllows: Estimated No. of Respondents1 x Frequency of Response per Respondent x Estimated Hrs per Response2. The hourly wage rate is an hourly mean wage for education-related occupations for functions performed by State agency and local agency program staff.

Sheet 2: Sheet2

0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 2,719.0 1.0 2,719.0 2.0 5,438.0
0584-0025 FNS-101 (CNMI) PARTICIPATION IN FOOD PROGRAMS - BY ETHNICITY 3.0 1.0 3.0 2.5 7.5
0584-0025 FNS-191 CSFP Racial/Ethnic Group Participation 252.0 1.0 252.0 2.0 504.0
0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 134.0 1.0 134.0 1.9 254.6


Current OMB Control Number Worksheet Number Title of Worksheet Estimated No. of Respondents1 Frequency of Response per Respondent2 Total Annual Response Estimated Hrs per Response Annual Burden Hrs
0584-0293 FNS-667 Report of The Emergency Food Assistance Programs (TEFAP) Administrative Costs 55.0 5.0 275.0 3.5 962.5
0584-0293 FNS-152 Monthly Distribution of Donated Food to Family Units 115.0 12.0 1,380.0 2.5 3,450.0
0584-0293 FNS-153 Monthly Report of the CSFP and Quarterly Administrative Financial Status Report 57.0 12.0 684.0 6.3 4,309.2
0584-0293 FNS-667 TEFAP-SUP 55.0 5.0 275.0 3.5 962.5

115.0 22.7304347826087 2,614.0

Sheet 3: SF 425 Estimates

0348-0061 SF-425 NSLP 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SBP 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SMP 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CACFP 55.0 4.0 220.0 1.5 330.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SFSP 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0
0348-0061 SF 425 CN Team Nutrition 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF 425 CN - Administrative Review & Training (I) 57.0 2.0 114.0 1.5 171.0
0348-0061 SF 425 CN - Administrative Review & Training (II) 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF 425 CN - Summer Food Service Program Pilot Programs 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF 425 CN - Direct Certification & Verfication 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF 425 CN - CACFP Child Care Wellness Grants 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN Direct Certification and Improvement 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN National School Lunch Program Equipment Grants 57.0 4.0 228.0 1.5 342.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN National Food Service Management Institute (FSMI) 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN FSMI Produce Safety University Support 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN FSMI Food Safety 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN FSMI General Education 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 6.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN Community Gardens Pilot Program 150.0 4.0 600.0 1.5 900.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CN Hunger-Free Community Grants 150.0 4.0 600.0 1.5 900.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Outreach 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Health and Census Pilot 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Participation 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Increasing Participation Among Elderly 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0
0348-0061 SF-425 SNAP Healthy Incentives 53.0 4.0 212.0 1.5 318.0
0348-0061 SF-425 CSFP 42.0 1.0 42.0 1.5 63.0
0348-0061 SF-425 FDPNE 111.0 4.0 444.0 1.5 666.0
0348-0061 SF-425 FDPIR-NET 111.0 1.0 111.0 1.5 166.5
0348-0061 SF-425 FDPIR 111.0 4.0 444.0 1.5 666.0
0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA FDPIR 111.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0348-0061 SF-425 TEFAP - Infrastructure 150.0 4.0 600.0 1.5 900.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC General Infrastructure State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC State to State Technical Assistance 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Technology State Agency Model 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Special Project Full Grant 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Special Project Concept Grant 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Breastfeeding Performance Bonus 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.5 135.0
0348-0061 SF-425 WIC Electronic Benefits Transfer 90.0 4.0 360.0 1.5 540.0
0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA WIC Electronic Benefits Transfer 90.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA WIC State Agency Model 90.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0348-0061 SF-425 ARRA WIC Technology State Agency Model 90.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0348-0061 SF-425 Food Safety - Center of Excellence 3.0 4.0 12.0 1.5 18.0


Sheet 4: FNS 778-778A formerly SF 269

0348-0039 SF-269(778) SNAP 53.0 4.0 212.0 16.8 3,561.6
0348-0039 SF-269A(778a) SNAP 7.0 4.0 28.0 1.0 28.0


Sheet 5: 0081 FNS 388 and 388A

0584-0081 FNS-388 State Issuance and Participation Estimates 53.0 12.0 636.0 5.6 3,561.6 $24.25
0584-0081 FNS-388A Project Area Issuance and Participation 53.0 2.0 106.0 14.8 1,572.0 $24.25

742.0 20.4 5,133.6

Sheet 6: 0083fns366A-B-9-2019

0584-0083 FNS-366A Program and Budget Summary Statement: Budget Projection 53.0 1.0 53.0 13.0 689.0

0584-0083 FNS-366B Program and Budget Summary Statement: Program Activity Statement 53.0 4.0 212.0 15.0 3,180.0
per rulemaking make sure to align with 0584-0608

53 ---- 265.0 ---- 3,869.0

Sheet 7: 0293 FNS 152, 153 & 667

0584-0293 FNS-667 Rachelle Ragland Greene: remove, 2 year money ARRA-Report of The Emergency Food Assistance Programs (TEFAP) Administrative Costs 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 removed


0584-0293 FNS-667 Report of The Emergency Food Assistance Programs (TEFAP) Administrative Costs 55.0 5.0 275.0 3.5 962.5

0584-0293 FNS-152 Monthly Distribution of Donated Food to Family Units Rachelle Ragland Greene: 253.8(b) & 254.3(a), Commodity Inventories. The ITO or State agency, in coordination with the FNS Regional Office, tracks commodity inventories at storage facilities, utilizing Form FNS-152 “ Monthly Distribution of Donated Foods to Family Units.” This form is also used to report monthly participation of households. 97 ITOs and State agencies will report monthly participation on Form FNS-152. Because 97 ITOs and State agencies will report monthly participation 12 times per year,we anticipate 1,164 responses will be made annually. Each response will take about 2.5 hours to complete. The total burden for this activity is 2,910 hours. 111.0 12.0 1,332.0 2.5 3,330.0

0584-0293 FNS-153 Monthly Report of the CSFP and Quarterly Administrative Financial Status Report 42.0 12.0 504.0 6.3 3,175.2


Sheet 8: 0025 FNS 101 AND 191

0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 2,719.0 1.0 2,719.0 2.0 5,438.0
0584-0025 FNS-101 Participation in Food Programs-By Race 111.0 1.0 111.0 1.9 210.9
0584-0025 FNS-191 CSFP Racial/Ethnic Group Participation 192.0 1.0 192.0 2.0 384.0


Sheet 9: 0045 FNS 798 and 798A

0584-0045 FNS-798 WIC Financial Management and Participation Report 90.0 15.0 1,350.0 3.1 4,185.0
0584-0045 FNS-798A Addendum to WIC Financial Management and Participation Report - NSA Expenditures 90.0 1.0 90.0 1.7 153.0


Sheet 10: 0447 FNS 203 & 683A

0584-0447 FNS-683a WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Annual Financial Report 46.0 1.0 46.0 3.0 138.0
0584-0447 FNS-203 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Report 46.0 1.0 46.0 1.0 46.0

46 2.0 92.0

Sheet 11: Sheet1

FNS-388 State Issuance and Participation Estimates 53.0 12.0 636.0 5.6 3,561.6
FNS-388 (AS) State Issuance and Participation Estimates 1.0 12.0 12.0 8.0 96.0
FNS-388 (CNMI-NAP) State Issuance and Participation Estimates 1.0 12.0 12.0 2.5 30.0
FNS-388 (PR) State Issuance and Participation Estimates 1.0 12.0 12.0 6.0 72.0
FNS-388A Project Area Issuance and Participation 53.0 2.0 106.0 14.8 1,572.0
FNS-388A (CNMI-NAP) CNMI SNAP Project Area Data Format 3.0 2.0 6.0 2.5 15.0
FNS-388A (PR) Puerto Rico SNAP Project Area Data Format 10.0 2.0 20.0 6.0 120.0
FNS-683B WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) Annual Financial Report 49.0 1.0 49.0 3.0 147.0

53.0 16.3207547169811 865.0

Sheet 12: Sheet3

0348-0039 SF-425(778) SNAP Federal Financial Report 53.0 4.0 212.0 16.8 3,561.6
0348-0039 SF-425(778a) SNAP Federal Financial Report 7.0 4.0 28.0 1.0 28.0
0348-0039 SF-425 (FNS-778) (AS) FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT - America Samoa 1.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 32.0
0348-0039 SF-425 (FNS-778) (CNMI-NAP) FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT - CNMI 1.0 4.0 4.0 2.5 10.0
0348-0039 SF-425 (FNS-778) (PR) FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT - PR 1.0 4.0 4.0 80.0 320.0
0348-0039 SF-425 (FNS-778) (PR 2018/2019) PR Disaster Relief Grant 1.0 1.0 1.0 80.0 80.0

53.0 4.77358490566038 253.0
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