OMB No. 0535-0039 Approval Expires: 8/31/2019 Project Code: 749 QID: 163862 SMetaKey: 3863 |
United States Department of Agriculture |
California Department of Food and Agriculture |
USDA/NASS - California Pacific Region 650
Capitol Mall, #6-100 Phone: 1-800-851-1127 Fax: 1-855-270-2722 Email: NASSRFOPCR@nass.usda.gov |
Please make corrections to name, address and ZIP Code, if necessary |
The 2016 Grape Crush and Purchase Inquiry is being conducted by the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Pacific Regional Field Office in cooperation with corresponding industries. Your help in completing and returning the enclosed parcel record (s) will assist in preparing and publishing a timely report on California acreage for these crops. We will summarize the data and results will be available upon request. The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions of Title V, Subtitle A, Public Law 107-347 and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed in identifiable form to anyone other than employees or agents. By law, every employee and agent has taken an oath and is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both if he or she willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation. |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0039. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. State law (Section 55601.5 of the Food and Agricultural Code) requires all wineries that crush or purchase grapes to submit a report to the California Department of Food and Agriculture by January 10 of the year following harvest. |
1. Did you crush any grapes (at your facility) in 2016? |
Yes No |
2. Did you purchase any grapes directly from growers in 2016? |
Yes No |
In an effort to reduce print costs, we are moving towards greater use of the internet to access reports. Both preliminary and final reports will be available to view and download from the NASS website at www.nass.usda.gov/ca. Please indicate below if, in addition to internet access to the reports, you want to receive a paper copy |
Yes, send me a paper copy of the Preliminary Grape Crush Report (February 10, 2017) |
Yes, send me a paper copy of the final Grape Crush Report (March 10, 2017) |
I declare that this report contains only final prices and has been examined by me, and to be the best of my knowledge and belief is an accurate and complete report. |
Responsible Officer: ____________________________ |
Title: __________________________________________ |
Signature of Officer: ____________________________ |
Name of Firm: __________________________________ |
Date: __________________________________________ |
Telephone: ____________________________________ |
Preparer: (person to contact for questions) ____________________ |
E-mail Address: ________________________________ |
Please list all grapes crushed and/or purchased on the data pages.
You may report using computer-generated data, however, please follow the exact format found in the inquiry. Variety code numbers should be identical and the data reported should read across the page, not vertically. Brix code numbers from the previous season should not be used. Brix adjustment factors and a code number should be provided by each winery using computer printouts. Call one of the telephone numbers listed on the cover for a current list of variety codes. New reporters are often confused by the magnitude of this inquiry. We are here to help you. lf you have any problems, please call one of the telephone numbers listed on the cover. |
VARIETY: Column (1): |
List the full name of the variety in Column 1. Mixed variety lots should be reported by grape type (i.e., raisin, table, or wine) on the data page(s) lf you have red wine grapes and white wine grapes mixed in the same lot, enter them as "mixed red" wine grapes. lf you have a lot of mixed red wine grapes, enter them as "mixed red” wine grapes. ln the same manner, mixed white wine grapes should be entered as "mixed white". |
DISTRICTS: Column (2) |
ldentify crushed grapes by the district where they were grown using the map on page 12 and ENTER THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT NUMBER ON THE ENCLOSED FORMS. Remember: Report grapes in the district where grown, not the district where crushed. |
Column (3) |
Total Grapes Crushed, Over-the-scale-tons: Report, by variety and Grape Reporting District, total over-the scale fresh weight tonnage (include Material Other than Grapes (MOG) and defects) for all grapes crushed at your facility. Grape distilling material should be included. Report tonnage to the nearest tenth (i.e., 130.0, 120.4, or 150.1 tons). Report weight of crushed tonnage in the district where the grapes were grown, not where the grapes were crushed. |
Column 3 includes grapes that were: (a) Purchased and crushed by your firm. (b) Custom crushed for the account of an independent grower and/or other firm. (c) Grown and crushed by your firm. (d) Grown by cooperative members and crushed by you. (e) Field crushed and delivered to you.
Don't forget to report Gross weight that includes MOG and grapes with defects. |
Column 3 does not include: (a) Grapes purchased, but not crushed by your firm.
ln this case, the processor
actually crushing the grapes should enter the tonnage crushed and
degrees Brix on his (b) Any raisin distilling material. |
Column 4 |
Total Grapes Crushed. Weighted Average Degrees Brix: Report, by variety, the weighted average degrees Brix of deliveries. These should be to the nearest tenth (i.e., 19.0, 20.6 or 21.2 percent). lf not available, please estimate. (See Page 4, Example 1, for an explanation of how to calculate the "weighted average Degrees Brix.") |
Column (5) |
All Purchased Tons: Report, to the nearest tenth, fresh tons purchased for which prices are final on or before January 8, 2016. Report net weight of purchased tonnage in the district where the grapes were grown and not where the grapes were crushed.
Column 5 includes grapes: (a) Purchased from growers for wine, wine vinegar, juice, concentrate and beverage brandy. (b) Purchased from other wineries only if that winery was also the producer of the grapes. (c) Purchased from growers which are considered separate entities from your processor operation (i.e., separate tax filings are made for the vineyard and winery entities). (d) Purchased from growers or other processors, but not crushed by your firm- Column 5 does not include: (a) Material other than grapes (MOG), and defects or other weight adjustments deducted from the gross weight ticket. (b) Any raisin distilling material. (c) Grapes grown by your winery which are grown in vineyards under the same ownership as the winery. (d) Grapes purchased from other wineries that were previously purchased from growers. (e) Grapes crushed to grower accounts or crushed for other wineries. (See Page 5, Example 2, for an explanation of how to report "packaged grape purchasing.") |
Column (6) |
Non-Related Purchased Tons: Exclude tonnage of grapes purchased from a grower if: (a) The grower or an affiliate of the grower, or both the grower and the affiliate of the grower, owned, directly or indirectly, at least 5 percent of the indicia of ownership or voting authority of the winery (processor); (b) The winery (processor) or an affiliate of the winery, or both the winery and the affiliate of the winery, owned, directly or indirectly, at least 5 percent of the indicia of ownership or voting authority of the grower; (c) The winery (processor) or an affiliate of the winery, or both the winery and the affiliate of the winery, provided long term financing to the grower in exchange for rights or options to purchase a significant portion of the grower's harvest. |
Definitions |
Affiliate" or "affiliated with" means a person who directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control of another person. For the purposes of this paragraph, "control" means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of any person.
"Long-term financing" means (i) financing that by its terms is due over a period of more than one year, or (ii) more than 180 days if there is a purchase agreement between a grower and a processor or (iii) if there is a farming agreement where the purchase price is on a per-acre basis.
"Purchase" means the taking by sale, discount, negotiation, mortgage, pledge, lien, issue or reissue, gift, or any other voluntary transaction creating an interest in property. For the purposes of this paragraph, "sale" shall consist of the passing of title from the seller to the buyer for a price. |
Verification of Data |
Pursuant to Section 55601.5 of the Food and Agricultural Code, the Department of Food and Agriculture may examine your records to determine the accuracy of the information provided in this report. Any such determination will occur following publication of the Final Grape Crush and lnquiry Report. |
Column (7) |
Weighted Average Degrees Brix: Report, by variety, weighted average degrees Brix for all grapes listed in Column 5 or Column 6. These should be to the nearest tenth (i.e., 20.0, 2O.7 or 21.3). lf not available, please estimate. (See Page 4, Example 1, for an explanation of how to calculate the "weighted average Degrees Brix.") |
Column (8) |
Base Price Per Ton (Contract Price): Report, by variety, the base price for grapes delivered to the winery. Include local hauling allowances normally paid to growers or roadside basis if it is the same price as paid delivered to winery. Exclude any adjustments made for sugar, bonuses, or other allowances where prices are final. A separate line entry must be made for each base price, Brix adjustment factor. or other allowance. Tonnages for the same variety must also be entered on separate lines, if they were purchased under different base price contracts. if deliveries failed to meet contract specifications and the price was renegotiated, enter this renegotiated price in Column 8. lf only part of a delivery failed to meet specifications, enter the renegotiated price and tonnage for that portion on a separate line.
(If the winery has a final base price list and degrees Brix adjustment schedule, rather than completing Columns 9 through 15 for each variety purchased, the list may be attached.) Please report prices to the nearest cent. If the final base price is four hundred, fifty dollars, report this as $450.00. Four hundred, fifty dollars and twenty-five cents should be reported as $450.25.
The base price paid to the grower by the original purchaser should be reported on the inquiry of the original purchaser. For example: If grapes were sold by Winery A (original purchaser) to Winery B for crushing, Winery B should only report the purchased tons crushed and degrees Brix. The original price paid to the grower, by Winery A, should be reported by Winery A on his inquiry (i.e, Winery A reports price in Section ll, while Winery B leaves Section ll blank and complete Section I). Because the Grape Crush Report is only concerned with original prices paid to grape growers, the second price paid by Winery B is not to be included on either winery's inquiry. |
Columns (9 and 10) |
Acceptable Brix Limits: lf grapes were purchased, specify the maturity limits of acceptance. Report (in degrees Brix) the minimum limit in Column 9 and the maximum limit in Column 10. |
Column (11) |
Brix Adjustment Factors Plus and Minus. Report adjustment factors that were applied to the base price reported in Column 7. When calculating the adjusted final payment to producers, report ONE of the following: (a) If no adjustment for Brix was applied to the base price, please indicate "None" and skip Columns 13, 14 and 15. (b) The percentage adjustment from the base price for each degree Brix (or fraction of degree Brix) from the base level in Column 13. (c) The dollar and cent adjustment from the base price for each degree Brix (or fraction of degree Brix) from the base level in Column 13. |
Columns (13, 14 & 15) |
Degrees Brix Adjustment Limits: If Brix adjustments were reported in Column 11, report the degrees Brix used as a base in Column 13. ln Column 14, report the minimum degree to which adjustments would have been made for low sugar and in Column 15 the maximum degree to which adjustments would have been made for high sugar. lf no minimum and/or maximum adjustments were specified, report "None" in Column 14 and/or 15. |
Columns (16) |
Weighted Average Price Per Ton: Report net prices paid on a delivered winery basis (or roadside basis if that is the same price as paid delivered to winery). include local hauling allowances normally paid to growers; premiums or penalties for low or high sugar; and any other bonuses or allowances.
For each grape variety reported in Column 5 or Column 6, a weighted average net price must be calculated using actual final payments to growers and actual tons received from growers. Prices must include all sugar calculations and any bonuses or allowances. Do not include MOG or defects deducted from deliveries. Report only final prices in Column 16 (i.e., prices not subject to further revision).
To calculate a delivered price, use the following instructions: (a) Roadside basis, include any usual local delivery hauling allowances. (b) On-vine basis, include an allowance for both picking and usual local hauling costs. (c) Local distance delivered basis, deduct any additional allowance added to the grape price for long distance hauling to the winery. (See Page 4, Example 1, for an explanation of how to calculate the "Degrees Brix and price per ton weighted averages.") |
Column (17) |
Purchased Tons Only: lnclude all purchased grapes (fresh basis) that have been graded or designated for distilling material (DM), other than beverage brandy, that are reported in Section I. ln some areas, these grapes are referred to as substandard. Do not include any tonnage previously reported in section II (columns 5-16). Do not include raisin distilling material. |
Column (18) |
Weighted Average Degrees Brix: Report, by variety, the weighted average degrees Brix for DM purchased and reported in Column 17. Report figures to the nearest tenth. If not available, please estimate |
Column (19) |
Weighted Average Price Per Ton: Using the net weight in Column 17 and actual price paid, follow the same procedure shown in the example for Column 16's weighted average price calculations. |
Examples for “Calculating weighted Averages” and Reporting Packaged Grape Purchasing |
Example 1: How to calculate a weighted average degrees Brix and weighted average price per ton. |
Use the following method to calculate weighted average degrees Brix and final weighted average price for each variety and reporting district where the contract base price and Brix adjustment factors (including Brix limits) ARE THE SAME. |
Here is an example: You made the following purchases. |
Variety |
District |
Tons |
Degrees Brix |
Base Price |
Price Paid per Ton |
Acceptable Brix Limits |
Brix Adjustment Factors |
Brix Adjustment Limits |
Petite Sirah |
1 |
155.5 |
20.6 |
$450.00 |
$364.50 |
19-25 |
+ or – 10% |
Base 22, Min 20, Max 24 |
Petite Sirah |
1 |
20.5 |
19.0 |
$450.00 |
$418.50 |
19-25 |
+ or – 10% |
Base 22, Min 20, Max 24 |
Note: The variety, district, base price, and Brix Adjustment Factors (including Brix limits) are the same. The tons purchased, degrees Brix and price per ton are the only differences in this example. |
Step 1: Multiply the tons by the Brix for each lot purchased and then add the products to get the total. You should also add the tons purchased. |
Variety |
District |
Tons |
Degrees Brix |
Total (Tons X Brix) |
Petite Sirah |
1 |
155.5 |
20.6 |
155.5 X 20.6 = 3203.3 |
Petite Sirah |
1 |
20.5 |
19.0 |
20.5 X 19.0 = 389.5 |
176.0 |
3,592.8 |
Step 2: Divide the total (3,592.8) by the total tons purchased (176.0) to get the Weighted Average Degrees Brix.: 3592.8/176.0 = 20.4 |
Step 3: Multiply the purchased tons by the price paid per
ton for each lot purchased and then add the products to |
Variety |
District |
Tons |
Price Paid per Ton |
Total (Tons X Brix) |
Petite Sirah |
1 |
155.5 |
$364.50 |
155.5 X 364.50 = 56,679.8 |
Petite Sirah |
1 |
20.5 |
$418.50 |
20.5 X 418.50 = 8,579.3 |
176.0 |
65,259.1 |
Step 4: Divide the total (65,259.1) by the total tons purchased (176.0) to get the Weighted Average Price Per Ton: 65,259.1/176.0 = $370.79 |
The correct way to report these two lots of purchased grapes on the Data Page of the Grape Crush and Purchase Inquiry is shown below. |
Total Grapes Crushed At your Facility |
Final Prices of Grapes purchased from Grower(s) for Wine, Concentrate, Juice, Vinegar, and Beverage Brandy |
Variety (List full name) |
Dist. where grown |
Code |
Line |
Over the scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
Purchased Tons Only |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
Base Price Per Ton |
Acceptable Brix Limits |
Brix Adjustment Factors Per Degrees Brix Per Ton Plus & Minus |
Office Use |
Brix Adjustment Limits |
Wtd. Avg. Price Per Ton |
All Purchased Tons |
Non-Related Purchased Tons |
Min. |
Max. |
Base |
Min |
Max |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
Petite Sirah |
11 |
176.0 |
20.4 |
176.0 |
176.0 |
20.4 |
450.00 |
19.0 |
25.0 |
+ or – 10% |
22.0 |
20.0 |
24.0 |
370.79 |
Note: The only time a weighted average should be calculated is if the district, variety, base price, and Brix adjustment factors (including Brix limits) ARE THE SAME. If any of these items are different, a separate line must be recorded for each purchase on the Data page. |
EXAMPLE 2: How to report packaged grapes purchasing |
If several grape varieties were packaged together and purchased for one price, report the average price per ton as one mixed lot in Column 5 (Section II). When reporting crush information (Section I), report individual variety and tonnage information. |
The table below shows how to complete the data page if a winery purchases the following grapes from District 1: 15 tons Zinfandel, 20 tons Merlot, 5 tons Chardonnay. These grapes were purchased for $63,000. The average price per ton was $900.00 ($63,000/70). This transaction should be reported in the following manner. |
Total Grapes Crushed At your Facility |
Final Prices of Grapes purchased from Grower(s) for Wine, Concentrate, Juice, Vinegar, and Beverage Brandy |
Final Prices for Grapes purchased from Growers as Distilling Material other than Beverage Brandy |
Variety (List full name) |
* Dist. where grown |
Ofc Use |
Ofc. Use |
Over the scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
Purchased Tons Only |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
Base Price Per Ton |
Acceptable Brix Limits |
Brix Adjustment Factors Per Degrees Brix Per Ton Plus and Minus |
Ofc. Use |
Brix Adjustment Limits |
Wtd. Avg Price Per Ton |
Purchased Tons Only |
Wtd Avg. Degrees Brix |
Wtd. Avg. Price Per Ton |
All Purchased Tons |
Non-Related Purchased Tons |
Min |
Max |
Base |
Min |
Max |
Example |
1 |
110.6 |
21.2 |
86.3 |
73.6 |
21.2 |
800.00 |
21 |
25 |
-15%. above or below |
22.2-24 |
680.00 |
Chardonnay |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
Zinfandel |
1 |
15.0 |
Merlot |
1 |
50.0 |
Mixed Red |
1 |
65.0 |
65.0 |
22.0 |
900.00 |
21 |
23 |
N/A |
900.00 |
Chardonnay |
1 |
5.0 |
Mixed White |
1 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
22.5 |
900.00 |
21 |
23 |
N/A |
900.00 |
Page Total (Incl. in Totals Pg.9) |
70.0 |
70.0 |
70.0 |
0.0 |
*Refer to the map on Page 12 to identify the Districts where grown |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Section I |
Final Prices of Grapes purchased from Grower(s) for Wine, Concentrate, Juice, Vinegar, and Beverage Brandy |
Total Grapes Crushed at your Facility |
VARIETY (list full name) |
Dist. Where Grown 1/ |
Office Use |
Ofc. Use |
Over the Scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. degrees Brix |
Purchased Tons Only |
Wtd. Avg.
Degrees Brix |
All Purchased Tons 2/ |
Non-Related Purchased Tons 2/ |
Example: Merlot (Non-Related) |
1 |
110.8 |
21.2 |
86.3 |
86.3 |
21.2 |
Example: Merlot (Related) |
1 |
59.7 |
21.8 |
59.7 |
21.8 |
1 |
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Page Total (Included in Totals on Page 9). |
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1/ Refer to the map on Page 10 to identify the Districts where grown. 2/ Include tonnage of grapes purchased froma grower where there is less than 5 percent common ownership between the winery 3/ List same variety purchases on different lines if the terms of the contracts (i.e., base price or minimum and maximum Brix limit |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
Section II |
Final Prices of Grapes purchased from Grower(s) for Wine, Concentrate, Juice, Vinegar, and Beverage Brandy |
Final Prices for Grapes Purchased from Growers as Distilling Material Other than Beverage Brandy |
Base Price Per Ton 3/ |
Acceptable Brix Limits |
Brix Adjustment Factors Per Degrees Brix Per Ton Plus and Minus |
Ofc. Use |
Brix Adjustments Limits |
Wtd. Avg. Price Per Ton |
Purchased Tons only |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
Wtd. Avg. Price Per Ton |
Min. 3/ |
Max. 3/ |
Base |
Min. |
Max. |
$800.00 |
21 |
21 |
-15%, above or below |
22.2 - 24 |
$680.00 |
$600.00 |
25 |
25 |
None |
$680.00 |
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Refer to Page 3 for further details regarding related and non-related purchases. |
******************************************************** GRAPE PURCHASES ******************************************************** |
NO |
1. Did your winery purchase grapes in 2016? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
If yes, continue |
If no, proceed to question 2 |
a. Did you PURCHASE any grapes directly from growers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
If yes, report the purchase in Section II on the Data Page (pages 6 & 7) |
b. Did
you RESELL grapes from an original grower to another
(i) If yes, please list these wineries and requested information below, AND |
(ii) Report the original purchase in Section II on the “Data Page” (pages 6 & 7), not the resale price. |
Firm Resold To |
For Office Use |
Variety |
For Office Use |
District Where Grown |
Over The Scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
1 |
.___ |
.___ |
2 |
.___ |
.___ |
NO |
c. Did you REPURCHASE grapes from a seller, who was not the original grower? |
(i) If yes, please list these wineries and requested information below, AND |
(ii) Include
tonnage crushed in Section I, but exclude
tons purchased from Sections II and III |
Firm Repurchased From |
For Office Use |
Variety |
For Office Use |
District Where Grown |
Over The Scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
1 |
___ |
___ |
2 |
___ |
___ |
****************************************** CRUSHED FOR YOU/CRUSHED BY YOU ******************************************** |
NO |
2. Were grapes crushed for you by other processors in 2016?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
(i) If yes, please list these wineries and requested information below. |
(ii) If
tons were purchased, include
these crushed tons in Section II on the “Data Page”
(pages 6 & 7). |
Processor Name Where Crushed |
For Office Use |
Total Grapes Crushed For You By Others |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
Was Tonnage Purchased By You from Grower(s)? |
Variety Crushed For you |
For Office Use |
District Where Grown |
Over The Scale Tons |
1 |
.___ |
.___ |
NO |
2 |
.___ |
.___ |
3 |
.___ |
.___ |
4 |
.___ |
.___ |
NO |
3. Did you crush grapes for ANY processors and/or firms or growers, who PURCHASED grapes in 2016? |
(i) If yes, please list these firms and requested information below, AND |
(ii) Include
this tonnage in Section I on the “Data Page” (pages 6
& 7) for the appropriate district contained |
Firm/Operation Name |
For Office Use |
Total Grapes Crushed By You For Others |
Variety Crushed |
For Office Use |
District Where Grown |
Over The Scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
1 |
.___ |
.___ |
2 |
.___ |
.___ |
3 |
.___ |
.___ |
4 |
.___ |
.___ |
NO |
4. Did you crush grapes for growers, who DID NOT PURCHASE grapes in 2016? |
(i) If yes, please list the varieties and tonnages below, AND |
(ii) Include
this tonnage in Section I on the “Data Page” (pages 6
& 7) for the appropriate district contained |
Vineyard or Grower Name |
Total Grapes Crushed By You For Others |
Variety Crushed |
For Office Use |
District Where Grown |
Over The Scale Tons |
Wtd. Avg. Degrees Brix |
1 |
.___ |
.___ |
2 |
.___ |
.___ |
3 |
.___ |
.___ |
4 |
.___ |
.___ |
Summarize your crush and purchases as detailed on the data page(s)
(columns 1-19) and general information page. |
SECTION A: Each ton crushed or purchased should only be entered once in this section. |
NOTE: (Enter a zero if the question does not apply.) |
Tons Crushed |
All Purchased Tons |
Non-Related Purchased Tons |
Tons Grown By Your Firm |
1. Total tons you crushed for ANY processors and/or firms or growers, who PURCHASED grapes in 2016. (Question 3 on “General Information” page.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
1 |
.___ |
2. Total tons crushed for growers, who DID NOT PURCHASE grapes in 2016. (Question 4 on “General Information” page.) . . . |
2 |
.___ |
3. Total tons that were crushed for you by other processors. (Question 2 on “General Information” page), but were: |
a. Purchased
by your firm for wine, concentrates, etc. |
3a |
.___ |
3a |
.___ |
b. Purchased by your firm for distilling materials, (Section II) . . |
3b |
.___ |
3b |
.___ |
c. Grown by your firm (crushed by others) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
3c |
.___ |
4. Total tons purchased from growers and resold to other processors, but not crushed by your firm (Question 1b on “General Information” page.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
4 |
.___ |
4 |
.___ |
5. Total tons crushed by your firm that were repurchased from another processor (winery) not from the original grower. (Question 1c on “General Information” page.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
5 |
.___ |
6. Total tons crushed by your firm (column. 3) that were purchased as distilling material (column 17). Enter this tonnage in both columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
6 |
.___ |
6 |
.___ |
7. Total tons crushed by your firm (column. 3) that were grown by your firm, not purchased. (Cooperatives report total membership tons crushed.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
7 |
.___ |
8. Total
tons crushed by your firm (column 3) that were purchased from
growers (column 5). Enter this amount in both columns. |
8 |
.___ |
8 |
.___ |
9. Total Non-related purchased tons crushed by your firm that were purchased from growers (column 6). Do not include purchases for distilling material that were listed on line 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
9 |
.___ |
10. GRAND TOTAL TONS: Sum lines 1 through 9. Totals should agree with grand totals in Section B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
10 |
* |
.___ |
10 |
.___ |
10 |
.___ |
11. Of the GRAND TOTAL TONS, what was the tonnage purchased and crushed for CONCENTRATE PRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . |
11 |
.___ |
11 |
.___ |
11 |
.___ |
* |
This figure should be the same as reported on your 2016 Assessment Form. |
SECTION B: Include total tonnage by district from the data page(s). Crushed tonnage from column 3 and purchased tonnages from columns 5 and 17. |
Districts |
Tons Crushed |
All Purchased Tons |
Non-Related Purchased Tons |
District 1 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 2 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 3 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 4 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 5 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 5 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 7 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 8 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 9 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 10 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 11 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 12 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
Districts 13 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 14 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 15 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 16 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
District 17 |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
.___ |
Sum of Districts 1 through 17 should agree with grand totals in Section A |
No grapes were purchased or crushed in 2016 by: (Firm Name) ________________________________________ |
I declare under penalties provided by law that this report, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is an accurate and complete report. |
Responsible Officer: __________________________________ |
Title: ________________________________ |
Signature of Officer: ______________________________________________________ |
Date: ________________________________________________ |
Name of Firm: __________________________________________________________ |
Telephone: __________________________________________ |
Do you intend to purchase or crush grapes at your facility during
the |
Respondent Name: ________________________________________ |
9911 |
9910 MM DD YY |
Phone: _____________________ |
Date: __ __ __ __ __ __ |
This completes the survey. Thank you for your help. |
Response |
Respondent |
Mode |
Enum. |
Eval. |
Change |
Office Use for POID |
1-Comp 2-R 3-Inac 4-Office Hold 5-R – Est 6-Inac – Est 7-Off Hold – Est
9901 |
1-Op/Mgr 2-Sp 3-Acct/Bkpr 4-Partner 9-Oth
9902 |
1-Mail 2-Tel 3-Face-to-Face 4-CATI 5-Web 6-e-mail 7-Fax 8-CAPI 19-Other |
9903 |
9998 |
9900 |
9985 |
__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ |
Optional Use |
9907 |
9908 |
9906 |
9916 |
S/E Name |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |