

Welding and Hot Works Permits; Posting of Warning Signs


OMB: 1625-0016

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§ 127.1507

33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition)

of resources for firefighting or pollution control. Response and rescue may
be performed by facility personnel or
by an off-site organization.
(1) If response and rescue are performed by facility personnel, appropriate training and equipment for personnel protection must be furnished to
those personnel. Training and equipment that meets 29 CFR 1910.120, hazardous-waste operations and emergency response, will be appropriate.
(2) If response and rescue are performed by an off-site organization, the
organization must enter into a written
agreement with the facility indicating
the services it will perform and the
time within which it will perform them
to injured or trapped personnel.
(b) [Reserved]

(b) Fixed systems for extinguishing
or controlling fires may be appropriate
for protection against particular hazards. The evaluation required by
§ 127.1501(a) may specify the use of one
or more of the following fixed systems:
(1) Low-, medium-, or high-expansion
(2) Dry chemicals.
(3) Water applied as deluge, spray, or
(4) Carbon dioxide.
(5) Other NFPA approved fire extinguishing media.
§ 127.1511

Each marine transfer area for LHG
that receives foreign flag vessels must
have an international shore connection
meeting the requirements of ASTM F
1121 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 127.003).

§ 127.1507 Water systems for fire protection.
(a) Each waterfront facility handling
LHG must have a supply of water and
a means for distributing and applying
the water to protect personnel; to cool
storage tanks, equipment, piping, and
vessels; and to control unignited leaks
and spills in the marine transfer area
for LHG except when the evaluation required by § 127.1501(a) indicates otherwise. The evaluation must address fire
protection for structures, cargo, and
vessels. Each water system must include on the pier or wharf at least one
21⁄2-inch supply line, one 21⁄2-inch fire
hydrant, and enough 21⁄2-inch hose to
connect the hydrant to the vessel.
(b) Each water system must fully and
simultaneously supply, for at least 2
hours, all fixed fire-protection systems,
including monitor nozzles, at their designed flow and pressure for the worst
single incident foreseeable, plus 63 L/s
(1000 gpm) for streams from hand-held

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International shore connec-

[CGD 88–049, 60 FR 39796, Aug. 3, 1995, as
amended by USCG–2000–7223, 65 FR 40057,
June 29, 2000]

§ 127.1601


Each operator of a waterfront facility handling LHG shall ensure that no
person smokes in the marine transfer
area for LHG unless—
(a) Neither flammable LHG nor its
vapors are present in the area; and
(b) The person is in a place designated and marked in accordance with
local law.
§ 127.1603


Each operator of a waterfront facility handling LHG shall ensure that no
person conducts welding, torch cutting,
or other hotwork on the facility, or on
a vessel moored to the facility, unless—
(a) The COTP has issued a permit for
that hotwork; and
(b) The conditions of the permit are

§ 127.1509 Equipment for controlling
and extinguishing fires.
(a) Within each marine transfer area
for LHG of each waterfront facility
handling LHG that transfers a flammable LHG, portable or wheeled fire
extinguishers suitable for gas fires,
preferably dry chemical extinguishers,
must be available at strategic sites, as
determined by the evaluation required
by § 127.1501(a).

§ 127.1605

Other sources of ignition.

Each operator of a waterfront facility handling LHG shall ensure that in
the marine transfer area for LHG—
(a) There are no open fires or open
flame lamps;


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