11/01/2018 OMB
Control No. 0648-0665 Expiration Date:
Application for a Community Quota Entity (CQE) to Receive a Non-trawl Groundfish LLP License |
U.S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Restricted Access Management Program (RAM) P.O. Box 21668 Juneau, AK 99802-1668 (800) 304-4846 toll free / 586-7202 in Juneau (907) 586-7354 fax |
1. Name of Non-Profit (CQE) Organization: |
2. Name of CQE Contact Person: |
3. CQE NMFS Person ID: |
4. Name of Community on whose behalf the CQE is applying for an LLP(s): |
5. Permanent Business Mailing Address: |
6. Business Telephone Number: |
7. Business Fax Number: |
8. Business E-mail Address: |
1. Enter the total number of License Limitation Program (LLP) groundfish licenses being requested: (see instructions for the maximum number of licenses that can be issued per eligible community, for a management area) |
2. Enter the non-trawl gear type to be designated on each groundfish license requested.
NOTE: By regulation, NMFS may issue only pot gear Pacific cod endorsements for licenses that are endorsed for the Western Gulf of Alaska. |
License |
Gear Type |
License |
Gear Type |
The following information must be included as attachments to this application. The application will not be processed unless appropriate information and documentation are provided. |
A statement describing:
I am a duly authorized representative of the applicant; by my signature below, I declare that I have examined this application in its entirety, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information presented here is true, correct, and complete. |
1. Signature of Applicant (or Authorized Representative): |
2. Date: |
3. Printed Name of Applicant (or Authorized Representative): If representative, attach authorization. |
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 hours per response, including time for reviewing the instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden to Assistant Regional Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries Division, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, P.O. box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668.
Before completing this form, please note the following: 1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number; 2) This information is mandatory and is required to manage commercial fishing efforts under 50 CFR part 679 and under section 402(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act (16 U.S.C. 1801, et seq.); 3) Responses to this information request are confidential under section 402(b) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act as amended in 2006. They are also confidential under NOAA Administrative Order 216-100, which sets forth procedures to protect confidentiality of fishery statistics.
Authority: The collection of this information is authorized under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Purpose: NMFS uses the information provided on this application to determine eligibility of a Community Quota Entity to receive a non-trawl groundfish LLP license with a Pacific cod endorsement. This permit is necessary to conduct directed fishing for Pacific cod in the Western Gulf of Alaska or Central Gulf of Alaska with hook-and-line gear, pot gear, or jig gear.
Routine Uses: Disclosure of this information is subject to the published routine uses identified in the Privacy Act System of Records Notice COMMERCE/NOAA-19, Permits and Registrations for the United States Federally Regulated Fisheries. NMFS posts some information from this form on its public website ( In addition, NMFS may share information submitted on this application with other State and Federal agencies or fishery management commissions, including staff of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Disclosure: Furnishing this information is voluntary; however, failure to provide complete and accurate information will prevent the determination of eligibility for an LLP permit.
Groundfish License Limitation Program (LLP) License
A license holder must have a Pacific cod endorsement on his or her groundfish License Limitation Program (LLP) license to conduct directed fishing for Pacific cod in the Western Gulf of Alaska (Western GOA) or Central Gulf of Alaska (Central GOA) with hook-and-line gear, pot gear, or jig gear. A license holder can only use the specific non-trawl gear(s) indicated on his or her license to conduct directed fishing for Pacific cod in the Western GOA or Central GOA.
A groundfish license approved for issuance to a CQE by the Regional Administrator for a community listed in Table 21 to part 679 (see below) may not be transferred to any person from the CQE and will be assigned a Pacific cod endorsement with a non-trawl gear designation. In addition, the LLP will—
have only the regional designation specified for that community;
have an maximum length overall of 60 feet specified on the license;
have only a catcher vessel designation; Eligible Community
Prior to initially receiving quota share by transfer on behalf of a specific eligible community, a non-profit entity that intends to represent that eligible community as a CQE must have approval from the Regional Administrator. To receive that approval, the non-profit entity seeking to become a CQE must submit a complete Application for a Non-profit Corporation to Be Designated as a CQE to:
Regional Administrator, NMFS,
P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802.
The Regional Administrator will provide a copy of the complete application to:
Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development, Commissioner,
P.O. Box 110809, Juneau, AK 99811-0809.
Each CQE approved by the Regional Administrator may apply to receive the maximum number of groundfish licenses on behalf of the eligible communities the CQE is designated to represent. A CQE may not apply for, and may not receive more than the maximum number of groundfish licenses designated in the regulatory area specified for a community.
CQE Authorization Letter
The CQE must provide a copy of its annual CQE authorization letter, and any subsequent amendment to that authorization letter that is made by the CQE, to NMFS. A copy of the CQE authorization letter also must be provided to the vessel operator prior to the person(s) designated in the authorization letter using that groundfish license aboard a vessel. The vessel operator must maintain a copy of the annual CQE authorization letter, and any subsequent amendment to that authorization letter that is made by the CQE, onboard the vessel when that vessel is directed fishing for Pacific cod under the authority of that groundfish license.
The authorization letter, and any subsequent amendment to that authorization letter, must be sent to the Regional Administrator, NMFS
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802
The CQE must attest in the annual CQE authorization letter, or any subsequent amendment to that authorization letter, that the person(s) using a groundfish license issued to a CQE:
Is a citizen of the United States;
Has maintained a domicile in a CQE community in the Central GOA or Western GOA eligible to receive an LLP license endorsed for Pacific cod for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the time when the assertion of residence is made; and
Is not claiming residency in another community, state, territory, or country, except that residents of the Village of Seldovia shall be considered to be eligible community residents of the City of Seldovia for the purposes of eligibility to serve as an authorized person.
The CQE authorization letter must list for each LLP license held by the CQE:
The vessel to be assigned to the license for the calendar year
The individual authorized to use the LLP license
Certifies that the individual authorized to use the LLP license is
A citizen of the United States
Has maintained a domicile, for the 12 consecutive months preceding the authorization in the CQE Community that is eligible to receive an LLP license endorsed for Pacific cod in the Central GOA or Western GOA and on whose behalf this LLP license is to be held.
Type or print legibly in ink and retain a copy of completed application for your records.
Please allow at least 10 working days for your application to be processed. Items will be sent by first class mail, unless you provide alternate instructions and include a prepaid mailer with appropriate postage or corporate account number for express delivery.
To receive a groundfish LLP license, a CQE must submit a complete application to the Regional Administer at the address below.
♦ |
Mail to: |
NMFS Alaska Region Restricted Access Management (RAM) |
P.O. Box 21668 Juneau, AK 99802-1668 |
♦ |
Hand Deliver to: |
Room 713, Federal Building 709 West 9th Street |
♦ |
Or Fax to: |
(907) 586-7354 |
Additional information is available from RAM, as follows:
Telephone (toll free): 800-304-4846 (press “2”)
Telephone (in Juneau): 907-586-7202 (press “2”) e-Mail:
Name of Non-Profit Organization (CQE) seeking to receive a Non-trawl Groundfish LLP License.
Name of CQE Contact Person.
NMFS person ID of the CQE.
Name of the community on whose behalf the CQE is applying for an LLP.
Permanent Business Mailing Address, including street or P.O. Box, city, state, and zip code.
6 -8. Business Telephone Number, business fax number, including the area codes, and business e-mail address.
Enter the number of GOA Groundfish LLP Licenses that the CQE is requesting on behalf of the eligible community in Block A.
Indicate for each license requested, the gear non-trawl type to be designated on each license.
For example, if requesting two Central GOA LLP non-trawl licenses, indicate gear on each as follows: License #1 – Longline Gear
License #2 – Pot Gear
The CQE applying to receive a non-trawl groundfish LLP license must provide all of the documentation listed in this section. Failure to provide any of the required documentation will result in a denial of this application.
Enter applicant signature, printed name, and date of application. If completed by a representative, attach authorization.
Table 21 to Part 679 – Eligible communities, Halibut IFQ Regulatory Area Location, Community Governing Body that Recommends the CQE, and the Fishing Programs and Associated Areas where a CQE Representing an Eligible Community may be Permitted to Participate.
Eligible GOA or AI community |
Halibut IFQ regulatory area in which the community is located |
Community governing body that recommends the CQE |
May hold halibut QS in halibut IFQ regulatory area and vessel category |
May hold sablefish QS in sablefish IFQ regulatory areas |
Maximum number of CHPs that may be held in halibut IFQ regulatory |
Maximum number of Pacific cod endorsed non-trawl groundfish licenses that may be assigned in the GOA groundfish regulatory area |
Area 2C |
Area 3A |
Area 3B |
Area 4B |
CG, SE, WG, and WY (All GOA) |
AI |
Area 2C |
Area 3A |
Central GOA |
Western GOA |
Adak |
4B |
City of Adak |
All |
X |
Akhiok |
3A |
City of Akhiok. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Angoon |
2C |
City of Angoon. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Chenega Bay |
3A |
Chenega IRA Village. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Chignik |
3B |
City of Chignik. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
3 |
Chignik Lagoon |
3B |
Chignik Lagoon Village Council. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
4 |
Chignik Lake |
3B |
Chignik Lake Traditional Council. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
2 |
Coffman Cove |
2C |
City of Coffman Cove. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Cold Bay |
3B |
City of Cold Bay. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
2 |
Craig |
2C |
City of Craig. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
Edna Bay |
2C |
Edna Bay Community Association. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Elfin Cove |
2C |
Community of Elfin Cove. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
Game Creek |
2C |
N/A. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Gustavus |
2C |
Gustavus Community Association. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
Halibut Cove |
3A |
N/A. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Hollis |
2C |
Hollis Community Council. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Hoonah |
2C |
City of Hoonah. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Hydaburg |
2C |
City of Hydaburg. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Ivanof Bay |
3B |
Ivanof Bay Village Council. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
2 |
Kake |
2C |
City of Kake. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Karluk |
3A |
Native Village of Karluk. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Kasaan |
2C |
City of Kasaan. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
King Cove |
3B |
City of King Cove. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
9 |
Klawock |
2C |
City of Klawock. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Larsen Bay |
3A |
City of Larsen Bay. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Metlakatla |
2C |
Metlakatla Indian Village. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Meyers Chuck |
2C |
N/A. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Nanwalek |
3A |
Nanwalek IRA Council. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Naukati Bay |
2C |
Naukati Bay, Inc. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Old Harbor |
3A |
City of Old Harbor. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
5 |
Ouzinkie |
3A |
City of Ouzinkie. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
9 |
Pelican |
2C |
City of Pelican. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Perryville |
3B |
Native Village of Perryville. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
2 |
Point Baker |
2C |
Point Baker Community. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Port Alexander |
2C |
City of Port Alexander. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Port Graham |
3A |
Port Graham Village Council. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Port Lions |
3A |
City of Port Lions. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
6 |
Port Protection |
2C |
Port Protection Community Association. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Sand Point |
3B |
City of Sand Point. |
A,B,C |
All |
X |
14 |
Seldovia |
3A |
City of Seldovia. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
8 |
Tatitlek |
3A |
Native Village of Tatitlek. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Tenakee Springs |
2C |
City of Tenakee Springs. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Thorne Bay |
2C |
City of Thorne Bay. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Tyonek |
3A |
Native Village of Tyonek. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
2 |
Whale Pass |
2C |
Whale Pass Community Association. |
A,B,C |
A,B,C |
X |
4 |
Yakutat |
3A |
City of Yakutat. |
All |
All |
X |
7 |
3 |
N/A means there is not a governing body recognized in the community at this time.
CHPs are Charter halibut permits.
All means category A, B, C, and D quota share.
for a CQE to Receive a Non-Trawl LLP Page
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
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