Document Type |
Form No. |
Form Name |
Instrument File |
Available Electronically? |
Can Be Submitted Electronically? |
Electronic Capability |
Form and Instruction |
Alfalfa Seed Growers Inquiry
0002 - Alfalfa Seed Growers Inquiry.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Oregon Grass Seed Forecast
0002 - Grass Seed Forecast - OR - Revised.docx
No |
Paper Only |
Form and Instruction |
Alfalfa Seed Cleaners Inquiry
0002 - Alfalfa Seed Cleaners Inquiry.docx
No |
Paper Only |
Form and Instruction |
QID 030356 |
Dry Bean Inquiry - Dec 1
0002 - Dry Bean Inquiry - Dec.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 050250 |
Pea and Lentil Survey - Sept - ND
0002 - Pea and Lentils - ND.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 050250 |
Pea and Lentil Survey - Master
0002 - Pea and Lentils - Master.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Dry Bean Inquiry - Dec
0002 - Dry Bean Inquiry - Dec.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 030378 |
Mint Grower Survey - Dec - Sample
0002 - Mint Grower - Sample Questionnaire.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 030376 |
Mint Grower Survey - Dec - Master
0002 - Mint Grower - Master Questionnaire.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Oilseed Survey - Dec - Sample
0002 - Oilseeds - Sample Questionnaire.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Oilseed Survey - Dec - Master
0002 - Oilseeds - Master Questionnaire.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 060041 |
Non-Oil Sunflower - March
0002 - Sunflower - Non-Oil - Dealer - Mar.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 060041 |
Non-Oil Sunflower - June
0002 - Sunflower - Non-Oil - Dealer - June.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 060041 |
Non-Oil Sunflower Acreage and Yield
0002 - Sunflower - Non-Oil - Acreage and Yield - Dealer.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 163915 |
Popcorn Grower Inquiry
0002 - Popcorn Grower Survey - IN.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Popcorn Processor Inquiry
0002 - Popcorn Processor Inquiry.docx
No |
Paper Only |
Form and Instruction |
QID 133505 |
Potato Grower Inquiry - May - Spring Potatoes
0002 - Potato Grower Inquiry - May - CA.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 133658 |
Potato Grower Inquiry - Aug - Summer Potatoes
0002 - Potato Grower Inquiry - Aug - MO.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 143427 |
Potato Grower Inquiry - Nov - Fall Potatoes
0002 - Potato Grower Inquiry - Nov - HQ.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 143551 |
Potato Acreage and Disposition - Sept - Spring Potatoes
0002 - Potato Acreage and Disposition - Sept - HQ.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 123478 |
Potato Acreage and Disposition - Dec - Summer Potatoes
0002 - Potato Acreage and Disposition - Dec - TX.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 133530 |
Potato Acreage and Disposition - Aug - Fall Potatoes
0002 - Potato Acreage and Disposition - Aug - ID.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 123479 |
Sweet Potato Price Inquiry - 2019
0002 - Sweet Potato Price Inquiry - CA - 2019.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Sugarbeets Processing Inquiry - June
0002 - Sugarbeet Processing - June.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Sugarbeets Processing Inquiry Aug
0002 - Sugarbeet Processing - August - December.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Sugarbeets Processing Inquiry - Mar
0002 - Sugarbeet Processing - March.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 173947 |
Sugarcane Inquiry - June
0002 - Sugarcane Inquiry - June.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Sugarcane Inquiry - Aug
0002 - Sugarcane Inquiry - Aug.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Sugarcane Inquiry - Mar
0002 - Sugarbeet Processing - March.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Tobacco Price Inquiry
0002 - Tobacco Price Inquiry - Dec - KY.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Wyoming Winter Wheat Varieties
0002 - Winter Wheat Varieties - 2018 - WY.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Colorado Winter Wheat Varieties
0002 - Winter Wheat Variety Survey - CO.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Wheat and Barley Variety Survey
0002 - Wheat and Barley Variety Survey.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 365014 |
Wheat Variety Survey - ND
0002 - Wheat Varieties - 2018 - ND.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Wheat Variety Survey - MT
0002 - Wheat Variety Survey - MT.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Colorado Fall Potato Varieties
0002 - Fall Potato Varieties - CO.docx
No |
Paper Only |
Form and Instruction |
QID 301091 |
County Agricultural Production Survey - Small Grains - ND
0002 - County Agricultural Production Survey - Small Grains - ND.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 301091 |
County Agricultural Production Survey - Small Grains - Master
0002 - County Agricultural Production Survey - Small Grains - Master.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 301123 |
County Agricultural Production Survey - Row Crops - ND
0002 - County Agricultural Production Survey - Row Crops - ND.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 301123 |
County Agricultural Production Survey - Row Crops - Master
0002 - County Agricultural Production Survey - Row Crops - Master.pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Crop Weather
0002 - Crop Progress and Condition Reprot - Sample.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Crop Progress and Condition Report or Crop Weather - Master Listing of Questions
0002 - Crop Progress and Condition Reprot - Master List.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
QID 2009921 |
Cash Rents and Leases
0002 - Cash Rents and Leases - AL.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Form and Instruction |
Wildlife Damage and Attitudes Towards Wildlife
0002 - Wildlife Damage Survey - 2018.docx
No |
Paper Only |