60-Day Notice

1652-0039 TSAClaimsApp 60DN_83 FR 21788 (5.10.2018).pdf

TSA Claims Application

60-Day Notice

OMB: 1652-0039

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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 91 / Thursday, May 10, 2018 / Notices

Anyone wishing to employ this entity
to conduct laboratory analyses and
gauger services should request and
receive written assurances from the
entity that it is accredited or approved
by the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection to conduct the specific test or
gauger service requested. Alternatively,
inquiries regarding the specific test or
gauger service this entity is accredited
or approved to perform may be directed
to the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection by calling (202) 344–1060.
The inquiry may also be sent to
cbp.labhq@dhs.gov. Please reference the
website listed below for a complete
listing of CBP approved gaugers and
accredited laboratories: http://
Dated: May 2, 2018.
Dave Fluty,
Executive Director, Laboratories and
Scientific Services Directorate.
[FR Doc. 2018–10021 Filed 5–9–18; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. DHS–2018–0018]

The President’s National Infrastructure
Advisory Council
National Protection and
Programs Directorate, DHS.
ACTION: Committee management; notice
of an open federal advisory committee

The President’s National
Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC)
will meet Thursday, June 14, 2018, in
Washington, DC. This meeting will be
open to the public.
DATES: The NIAC will meet on
Thursday, June 14, 2018, 1:00 p.m.–5:00
p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). The
meeting may close early if the
committee has completed its business.
For additional information, please
consult the NIAC website,
www.dhs.gov/NIAC, or contact the NIAC
Secretariat by phone at (703) 235–2888
or by email at NIAC@hq.dhs.gov.
ADDRESSES: 1331 F Street NW, Suite
800, Washington, DC 20004. Members of
the public will register at the
registration table prior to entering the
meeting room. For information on
facilities or services for individuals with
disabilities, or to request special
assistance at the meeting, contact the
person listed under FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT below as soon as

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Members of the public are invited to
provide comments on issues to be
considered by the NIAC mentioned in
Comments must be submitted in writing
no later than 12:00 p.m. on June 7, 2018,
in order to be considered by the Council
in its meeting. The comments must be
identified by docket number DHS–
2018–0018, and may be submitted by
any one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting written
• Email: NIAC@hq.dhs.gov. Include
docket number DHS–2018–0018 in the
subject line of the message.
• Fax: (703) 235–9707, ATTN: Ginger
• Mail: Ginger Norris, National
Protection and Programs Directorate,
Department of Homeland Security, 245
Murray Lane SW, Mail Stop 0612,
Washington, DC 20598–0607.
Instructions: All written submissions
must include the words ‘‘Department of
Homeland Security’’ and docket number
DHS–2018–0018. Written comments
will be posted without alteration at
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket or to
read background documents or
comments received by the NIAC, go to
www.regulations.gov. Enter ‘‘NIAC’’ in
the search line and the website will list
all relevant documents for your review.
Members of the public will have an
opportunity to provide oral comments
on the topics on the meeting agenda
below, and on any previous studies
issued by the NIAC. We request that
comments be limited to the issues and
studies listed in the meeting agenda and
previous NIAC studies. All previous
NIAC studies can be located at
www.dhs.gov/NIAC. Public comments
may be submitted in writing or
presented in person for the Council to
consider. Comments for discussion
during the NIAC meeting can be
received on or after Thursday, June 7,
2018, no later than one hour prior to the
start of the meeting. Comments received
after the deadline will be added as part
of the subsuquent meeting minutes. Inperson presentations will be limited to
three minutes per speaker, with no more
than 15 minutes for all speakers. Parties
interested in making in-person
comments should register on the Public
Comment Registration list available at
the entrance to the meeting location
prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Ginger Norris, NIAC Designated Federal
Officer, Department of Homeland

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Security, 202–441–5885, ginger.norris@
Notice of
this meeting is given under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C.
Appendix. The NIAC shall provide the
President, through the Secretary of
Homeland Security, with advice on the
security and resilience of the Nation’s
critical infrastructure sectors. The NIAC
will meet to discuss issues relevant to
critical infrastructure security and
resilience, as directed by the President.
The Council will discuss future taskings
and host a cross-sector panel discussion
about various risks facing critical
infrastructure. All powerpoint
presentations will be posted prior to the
meeting on the Council’s public web
page; www.dhs.gov/NIAC.


I. Opening of Meeting
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Opening Remarks and Introductions
IV. Approval of November 2017 Meeting
V. Long Duration Power Outage Scoping
VI. Public Comment
VII. Discussion of New NIAC Business
VIII. Closing Remarks
IX. Adjournment
Deirdre Gallop-Anderson,
Alternate Designated Federal Officer for the
National Infrastructure Advisory Council.
[FR Doc. 2018–09946 Filed 5–9–18; 8:45 am]

Transportation Security Administration
Intent To Request Revision From OMB
of One Current Public Collection of
Information: TSA Claims Application
Transportation Security
Administration, DHS.
ACTION: 60-Day notice.

The Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) invites public
comment on one currently approved
Information Collection Request (ICR),
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number 1652–0039,
abstracted below that we will submit to
OMB for a revision in compliance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).
The ICR describes the nature of the
information collection and its expected
burden. The collection involves the
submission of information from
claimants in order to thoroughly
examine and resolve tort claims against
the agency.




Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 91 / Thursday, May 10, 2018 / Notices

Send your comments by July 9,

Comments may be emailed
to TSAPRA@tsa.dhs.gov or delivered to
the TSA PRA Officer, Office of
Information Technology (OIT), TSA–11,
Transportation Security Administration,
601 South 12th Street, Arlington, VA
Christina A. Walsh at the above address,
or by telephone (571) 227–2062.

Comments Invited
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The ICR documentation will be
available at http://www.reginfo.gov
upon its submission to OMB. Therefore,
in preparation for OMB review and
approval of the following information
collection, TSA is soliciting comments
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
information requirement is necessary for
the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including using
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Consistent with the requirements of
Executive Order (E.O.) 13771, Reducing
Regulation and Controlling Regulatory
Costs, and E.O. 13777, Enforcing the
Regulatory Reform Agenda, TSA is also
requesting comments on the extent to
which this request for information could
be modified to reduce the burden on

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Information Collection Requirement
OMB Control Number 1652–0039;
TSA Claims Application, previously
named the TSA Claims Management
Branch Program, allows the agency to
collect information from claimants in
order to thoroughly examine and resolve
tort claims against the agency. TSA is
revising the collection by changing the
name from ‘‘TSA Claims Management
Branch Program’’ to ‘‘TSA Claims
Application.’’ TSA receives
approximately 850 tort claims per

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month arising from airport screening
activities and other circumstances,
including motor vehicle accidents and
employee loss. The Federal Tort Claims
Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b), 1402(b), 2401(b),
2671–2680) is the authority under
which the TSA Claims, Outreach and
Debt Branch adjudicates tort claims.
The data is collected whenever an
individual believes s/he has
experienced property loss or damage, a
personal injury, or other damages due to
the negligence or wrongful act or
omission of a TSA employee, and
decides to file a Federal tort claim
against TSA. Submission of a claim is
entirely voluntary and initiated by
individuals. The claimants (or
respondents) to this collection are
typically the traveling public. Currently,
claimants file a claim by submitting to
TSA a Standard Form 95 (SF–95), which
has been approved under OMB control
number 1105–0008. Because TSA
requires further clarifying information,
claimants are asked to complete a
Supplemental Information page added
to the SF–95. If TSA determines
payment is warranted, TSA will send
the claimant a form requesting banking
information (routing and accounting
numbers) in order to direct payment to
the claimant. This form has been
approved under OMB control number
Claim instructions and forms are
available through the TSA website at
http://www.tsa.gov. Claimants must
download these forms and mail or fax
them to TSA. On the Supplemental
Information page, claimants are asked to
provide additional claim information
including: (1) Email address, (2) airport,
(3) location of incident within the
airport, (4) complete travel itinerary, (5)
whether baggage was delayed by the
airline, (6) why they believe TSA was
negligent, (7) whether they used a thirdparty baggage service, (8) whether they
were traveling under military orders,
and (9) whether they submitted claims
with the airline or insurance companies.
If TSA determines payment is
warranted, TSA sends the claimant a
form requesting: (1) Claimant signature,
(2) banking information, and (3) Social
Security number (required by the U.S.
Treasury for all Government payments
to the public pursuant to 31 U.S.C.
Under the current system of claims
submitted by mail or fax, TSA estimates
there will be approximately 10,200
respondents on an annual basis, for a
total annual hour burden of 5,300 hours.

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Dated: May 2, 2018.
Christina A. Walsh,
TSA Paperwork Reduction Act Officer, Office
of Information Technology.
[FR Doc. 2018–09925 Filed 5–9–18; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. FR–6104–N–01]

Announcement of the Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory
Committee Notice of Public Meeting
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
Commissioner, Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD).
ACTION: Notice of Housing Counseling
Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC)
Public Meeting.

This gives notice of a Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory Committee
(HCFAC) meeting and sets forth the
proposed agenda. The Committee
meeting will be held on Tuesday, May
22, 2018. The meeting is open to the
public and is accessible to individuals
with disabilities. This notice is being
published less than 15 days prior to the
meeting date due to unforeseen
administrative delays.
DATES: The meeting via teleconference
will be held on May 22, 2018, starting
at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (ET)
via conference phone.
Virginia F. Holman, Housing Specialist,
Office of Housing Counseling, U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 600 East Broad Street,
Richmond, VA 23219; telephone
number (804) 822–4911 (this is not a
toll-free number). Persons who have
difficulty hearing or speaking may
access this number via TTY by calling
the toll-free Federal Relay Service at
(800) 877–8339 (toll-free number).
Individuals may also email
convening the meeting of the HCFAC on
Tuesday May 22, 2018 from 11 a.m. to
2 p.m. ET. The meeting will be held and
via conference phone. This meeting
notice is provided in accordance with
the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5
U.S.C. App. 10(a)(2).

Draft Agenda—Housing Counseling
Federal Advisory Committee Meeting—
May 22, 2018
I. Welcome.
II. Advisory Committee—Review of



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File Modified2018-05-10
File Created2018-05-10

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