9_2019 NSECE Classroom Staff Workforce Survey Respondent Contact Materials

9_2019 NSECE Classroom Staff Workforce Survey Respondent Contact Materials.docx

National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE): The Household, Provider, and Workforce Surveys

9_2019 NSECE Classroom Staff Workforce Survey Respondent Contact Materials

OMB: 0970-0391

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Attachment 9 (A-H)

2019 NSECE

Classroom Staff (Workforce) Survey Respondent Contact Materials

August 2018

9A. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Advance Letter: Initial contact 1 - First mail contact with sampled classroom staff spawned from center-based provider survey.


We need your help with an important study about how we care for children in the United States. In 2012 the National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) conducted interviews with over 5,500 early care and education classroom staff to create the first national profile of the workforce of teachers and caregivers in early care and education centers. In 2019, we are collecting new information to update this profile and to learn how recent policy and program changes have affected individuals who work directly with children in the classroom.

Please participate in our study, the 2019 NSECE. An administrator or other leader at your facility has already contributed valuable information to this study. In order better understand the experiences of classroom staff, you were randomly selected to participate in this study as well. Your responses will inform the wide variety of how public funds are spent to help support early care and education and related services.

To thank you for your participation, we will send you a $10 gift card for completing the survey.

To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password:

URL address: [https://XYZ/]

PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]

NORC at the University of Chicago is conducting this study on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Participation is voluntary. The survey will take about 20 minutes, and your responses will be kept private. You have the option to skip any question or end the survey at any time. If you have questions or need help to get started, please call [PHONE] or email [EMAIL].

Individuals like you play a critical role in caring for our nation’s children. It is important for us to hear from every selected person to get a complete picture of early care and education services in your area.

We need your help to make this study a success!

Thank you,

A. Rupa Datta, Ph.D.

­­2019 NSECE Project Director


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].

NORC at the University of Chicago

9B. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Thank You/Reminder Postcard: Initial contact 2 - Sent to sampled classroom staff who have not yet participated approximately two weeks after the mailing of the advance letter.


We recently sent you a letter asking you to complete a survey about how we care for children in the United States. Your response will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other early childhood stakeholders understand how recent policy and program changes have affected individuals like yourself who work directly with children in the classroom.

The survey will take about 20 minutes. To thank you for your participation, we will send you a $10 gift card for completing the survey.

If you have already completed this survey, thank you! If not, we ask you complete it as soon as possible. You can access the survey by typing the secure URL into the browser of any computer or mobile device and entering your PIN and Password.

URL address: [https://XYZ/]

PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]

If you have any questions, please contact us at [EMAIL] or [PHONE].


Participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept private. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].

Thank you!

9C. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Follow-up Letter: Initial contact 3 - Sent to sampled classroom staff who have not yet participated approximately two weeks after the mailing of the thank you/reminder postcard. A self-administered paper-and-pencil questionnaire may be included with the mailing for some cases.


We recently contacted you to ask for your help with a national study about how we care for children in the United States. This study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one of the largest sources of public support for early and school age care in our country. Your responses will help government and local agencies better understand the experiences of the early care and education workforce and offer opportunities for them to improve their knowledge and skills.

To thank you for your participation, we will send you a $10 gift card for completing the survey. NORC at the University of Chicago is conducting this study on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept private. You can skip any question or stop the survey at any time.

To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password:

URL address: [https://XYZ/]

PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]

[IF SAQ INCLUDED: In addition to offering the survey online, we have included a paper version of the questionnaire for your convenience. Please respond to questions in relation to the organization listed on the cover of the survey. Once you have completed the paper survey, please return it to NORC using the enclosed postage paid envelope. Please complete either the web survey or the paper questionnaire, but not both.]

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call [PHONE] or email [EMAIL]. A professional interviewer will be contacting you in the near future regarding your participation.

Individuals like you play a critical role in caring for our nation’s children. It is important for us to hear from every selected person to get a complete picture of early care and education services in your area.

We need your help to make this study a success. We hope you will take part!

Thank you,


A. Rupa Datta

­­2019 NSECE Project Director

NORC at the University of Chicago


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].

9D. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Refusal Conversion Contact: As needed - Sent to sampled classroom staff who have refused participation.


Recently an interviewer from NORC at the University of Chicago talked to you about participating in the 2019 National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE). This letter includes some information about the NSECE. We hope it will encourage you to participate in this study.

In 2012 the NSECE created the first comprehensive profile of early care and education across the country. This profile included unique information on individuals like you who work directly with children. It has helped government agencies and policy makers get a clearer understanding of the work teachers, aides, and assistants do in the classroom and how they might better support them. Seven years have passed since we gathered this information, and we are now updating this profile.

The 2019 NSECE will be used:

  • to understand how early care and education services have changed since 2012 including how many children programs serve and how they are staffed.

  • to describe and analyze the important role that teachers, aides, and assistants play in the early care and education of children across the nation and in various communities.

  • to learn how effective certain initiatives and programs have been in helping classroom staff to build their skills and knowledge and get improved pay and benefits.

Why are you so important to the NSECE?

  • You were selected through scientific sampling. Because you represent so many others, you cannot be replaced.

  • Your participation allows you to share your experience and concerns. This information may be used for important policy decisions that could affect the needs of families in your community as well as your workplace.

  • Public policy decisions should be based on accurate information. The most effective way to get accurate information to inform such decisions is by going directly to the people who work closely with children in the early care and education field. We need you to answer these questions so public policy will not be based on wrong information and guesswork.

If you have any questions about the study, feel free to call me at <<800 number>>. I will be happy to explain what a valuable contribution you will be making through participation in the 2019 NSECE. The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept private.

Thank you for your consideration.


NORC Field Manager


An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].

9E. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Last Chance Contact: As needed - Sent to sampled classroom staff later in the data collection period who have not yet participated.


You still have a chance to contribute to an important, national study about how children are cared for in the United States! 

The 2019 National Survey of Early Care and Education is your opportunity to speak up for yourself and other early childhood educators and child care providers about the challenges that you face and the successes that you have providing quality care to children.

We believe that your work is among the most important and difficult to do in our communities, but better decisions about children’s care can only be made with good information, information that only you have.

Also, don’t forget that upon completion of your survey, we will send you a $10 gift card to thank you for your participation.

The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept private. To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password:

URL address: [https://XYZ/]

PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]

[IF SAQ INCLUDED: In addition to offering the survey online, we have included a paper version of the questionnaire. Please respond to questions in relation to the organization listed on the cover of the survey. Once you have completed the paper survey, please return it to NORC using the enclosed postage paid envelope. Please complete either the web survey or the paper questionnaire, but not both.]

If you have questions or need help completing your survey, please call your local Field Manager, [FNAME LNAME] at [XXX-XXX-XXXX]. You can also learn more about the study at http://nsece.norc.org.

Please participate; this is your chance to inform improvements in early care and education!  



An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].

9F. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Thank You Letter: Post participation - Sent to classroom staff respondents after completion of the survey to thank them for participation and provide the honorarium.


Thank you for taking part in the National Survey of Early Care and Education. The survey you completed will provide important information about how recent policy and program changes have affected individuals like you who work directly with children in the classroom.

In appreciation for the time and effort spent answering our questions, we have enclosed a $10 gift card.

If you have any additional questions, you may contact us at [PHONE] or email [EMAIL].

Thank you again for your help with this important research.


A. Rupa Datta, Ph.D.

­­2019 NSECE Project Director

NORC at the University of Chicago

9G. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): To be included on the back of respondent letters.

What is the NSECE?

The National Survey of Early Care and Education is the only study aimed at better understanding the people and programs throughout the country that take care of America’s children and the services that they provide. The study was first conducted in 2012 and we need to collect up-to-date information to properly inform policies and practices to support early care and education providers.

Who is NORC at the University of Chicago?

NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) is conducting this study. NORC is an independent, non-partisan research institution that helps federal agencies, decision-makers, and nonprofits make better decisions through data and analysis. For more information about us, please visit www.norc.org.

How can I learn more about the NSECE and how the 2012 survey data has been used?

More information about the NSECE 2012 data and findings can be found at: http://nsece.norc.org.

How was I selected for this survey?

The administrator or other leader at your facility completed a similar survey geared towards administrators, which included listing out classroom staff at the facility. You have been selected from this list. We need to hear from you as you represent other staff at your facility and at similar child care centers across the country. You cannot be replaced!

Your answers will give the nation’s policy makers, practitioners, and parents a better understanding of our nation’s early care and education.

How long does the survey take?

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Questions this study will help to answer:

  • Who is caring for and teaching America’s children when they are not with their parents?

  • How can policies better support the early care and education workforce?

How do I know my information will be kept safe and private?

The administrator at your facility will not be able to see your survey responses.

All NORC staff, including interviewers, must sign a pledge to protect your information. If this pledge is broken an employee can lose his/her job and face legal action. Answers that could identify you or your program in any way are separated from your other responses. Survey findings are put into summary reports that contain no names or other identifying information. Your name or any identifying information will never be released to the public.

How do you protect my answers?

Your answers are used for research purposes only. All information that you provide will be kept private to the fullest extent provided by the law. If you have questions about your rights as a study participant, you may call the NORC Institutional Review Board Administrator at 1-866-309-0542.

How do I know this is legitimate?

Visit us online at http://nsece.norc.org. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget has approved this survey (0970-0391). Without this number we could not conduct this survey.

If you have any other questions, call us toll-free at [PHONE] or email us at [EMAIL].


Participation is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].

9H. Classroom Staff (Workforce) Brochure Text: As needed – Available for any sampled classroom staff to provide a general study overview, explain benefits of participation, answer questions, and serve as a refusal conversion tool.



Why was I selected?

The center where you work was selected from a list of providers in your area based on geographic and program criteria. An administrator or other leader at your facility has already contributed valuable information to this study. In order to better understand about the experiences of individuals working with children, you have been randomly selected to participate from a list of classroom staff. It is important for us to hear from every selected individual to get a complete picture of ECE classroom staff. You represent many other providers across the nation.

Your participation will help to ensure that the nation’s policy-makers, practitioners, and parents have an accurate understanding of our nation’s early care and education landscape.

Will my responses be private?

All data provided by you and your staff will be used only for statistical purposes; identities of programs and individuals will not be disclosed except as required by law. All project staff who handle the information collected for the study must sign a privacy agreement that provides for criminal and civil penalties if privacy is breached.

The NSECE has also obtained a federal Certificate of Confidentiality from the Department of Health and Human Services in order to further protect your privacy. With this Certificate, NORC cannot be forced (for example by court order or subpoena) to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, local, civil, criminal, legislative, administrative, or other proceedings.



How can I participate?

Participating in the NSECE is easy. The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. In an effort to make this as convenient for you as possible, NORC offers multiple ways for you to complete your survey. Contact us at [EMAIL] or at [PHONE] and we’ll find the best option to suit your schedule.

Questions this study will help to answer

  • Who is caring for and teaching America’s children when they are not with their parents?

  • How do teachers plan activities for the children in their care?

  • What opportunities are available for classroom staff to build knowledge and skills?

  • How can we better support the early care and education workforce and help them improve the care they provide children?

Questions about NSECE?


Participation is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for this information collection is 0970-0391 and the expiration date is MM/DD/YEAR. Please send comments regarding the time required for this survey or any other aspect of the described information collection to: [Name and address to be added].





[Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families LOGO]



What is the NSECE?

The National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE) is sponsored by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation within the Administration for Children and Families, and conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago.

In 2012 the NSECE collected vital information from home-based and center-based providers including individuals working directly with children in the classroom to create the first national profile of early care and education (ECE) services in more than 20 years. This much-needed information helped inform funding decisions and other initiatives designed to improve early care and education across the country. In January 2019, we will be contacting over 15,000 centers to collect updated information to learn how the ECE landscape has changed since that time and how government agencies might better support ECE teachers, aides, and classroom assistants.

What is ACF?

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) administers Head Start and the Child Care and Development Fund (child care subsidies) programs, and sponsors ECE research. ACF is helping more children in low-income families access high-quality care and supports coordination efforts across multiple early childhood development programs throughout HHS and across the Federal Government. Through its direct work and in coordination with others, ACF supports efforts to build professional development systems and workforce initiatives to help ECE professionals pursue better training and higher education, moving up career ladders to higher compensation. The NSECE will assist ACF in its overall mission to improve the availability of high-quality ECE programs.



Why is the NSECE so important?

With responses from more than 5,000 classroom staff, the 2012 NSECE provided the first national picture of individuals working directly with children in the classroom, describing who they are, their qualifications, their compensation, and what motivates them to do this work. The information collected in 2012 highlighted the critical role teachers, aides, and assistants play in ECE services and what kinds of challenges they face in their jobs. The 2012 study helped agencies understand the kind of support classroom staff need in order to increase the quality of care offered and has informed initiatives to better support the ECE workforce, from professional development programs to improved pay and benefits.

Since 2012 new legislation, funding opportunities, and program standards have been introduced in an effort to better support center-based providers and make quality care more accessible to all families. These changes make it a critical time to collect updated information so we can examine what impact they have had on ECE services in general and on those working with children in the classroom in particular.

Who are you surveying?

The study focuses on early care and education providers and workforce, as well as the working families they support. We will implement four integrated surveys of:

  1. Centers, schools, and other programs: The survey will sample all types of organizational providers including license-exempt providers, Head Start and providers in school-based settings, and for-profit and non-profit community-based pre-school providers.

  1. Classroom staff: Teachers, assistant teachers, or aides working in early care and education classrooms will be selected to provide information about their professional experiences and classroom activities.

  1. Providers of home-based care: Individuals who provide care for children under age 13 (who are not their own) in a home-based setting will be surveyed.

  2. Families with children: Parents or guardians of children under age 13 will be interviewed to learn more about their early care and education use and needs.



Why should I participate?
Your survey responses will be combined with others’ to produce a rich data source that has the potential to benefit federal, state, and local or community-level child care policies. The data collected from this survey will be used to:

  • Create a comprehensive description of the range of individuals working directly with children in the classroom, describing who they are, their qualifications, their compensation, and what motivates them to look after children.

  • Help develop initiatives to support caregivers through such things as educational assistance, training, and improved pay and benefits.

  • Better understand the experiences of the early care and education workforce and offer opportunities for them to improve their knowledge and skills.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Title2019 NSECE Classroom/Group Staff (Workforce) Respondent Contact Materials
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-20

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