Formative Evaluation of Professional Development Resources - Web Survey

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Formative Evaluation of Professional Development Resources - Web Survey

OMB: 0920-0840

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OMB No. 0920-0840

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Formative Evaluation of Professional Development Resources

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DASH PD Formative Evaluation Web Survey

Languages: English only

Survey Appearance:

  • Header: Please include ICF logo and name of survey “Professional Development: What Resources Do School Districts Use?”

  • Footer: This can be blank unless you think it needs something

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  • Survey Submit completion page text: Use default

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Landing Page Mock-up: Please include the ICF logo and name of the survey “Professional Development: What Resources Do School Districts Use?”, along with the consent form below. Include an “EXIT” button.


CONSENT. Purpose of the survey: The Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is working with an independent evaluation consulting firm, ICF, to learn more about what resources school districts are using to provide professional development (PD) to their middle school and high school teachers and other school staff.

As someone who works on these issues at the district level, you are being asked to help us learn about resources your school district is using to provide PD. We are specifically interested in face-to-face trainings, conferences, webinars, self-paced e-learning opportunities, observations, etc. that you use to prepare your staff to implement effective practices related to:

1. Classroom management

2. Supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students

3. Sexual health education

Additionally, we will ask you some questions about what kinds of training or resources you may need related to providing health services to students, including sexual and reproductive health services.

A total of 475 school districts are being asked to participate in this survey.

What you will do: You will use a computer to fill out a web-based survey. The question will indicate whether to select only one or more than one answer. You will not be asked to provide your personal information, and your survey responses will not be linked with your personal information.

Time needed: The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.

Possible risks: Completing this survey will cause little to no risk to study participants. The survey is voluntary and you may choose to discontinue at any time for any reason. We will not use your name, and when summarizing results, the evaluation team will take care to ensure that all data is presented in aggregate in a manner that is not identifiable to a specific school district.

Benefits: Answering this survey will give you the chance to share information about PD resources being used in school districts. This information can promote broader use of effective PD resources and can inform development of new materials and adaptation of programs to enhance impact.

Deciding not to take the survey: Completing this survey is entirely voluntary. If you choose to complete the survey, you can stop at any time. Other staff and administrators in your district will have no knowledge of your decision to participate or not participate in this request.

Contacting the evaluator: You may call Catherine Lesesne at (404) 592-2230 if you have questions about this survey. If you have questions about your rights related to this study you can call the ICF Review Board at (877) 556-2218.

Clicking “yes” below confirms that you agree to complete the survey. If you wish to stop at any time, click the “exit” button at the bottom of the screen. Thank you.

1 Yes - I have read the informed consent statement and agree to participate in the survey


Q1. What is your job title?



Q3. In which state is your school district?

[AL Alabama
AK Alaska
AZ Arizona
AR Arkansas
CA California
CO Colorado
CT Connecticut
DE Delaware
DC District of Columbia
FL Florida
GA Georgia
HI Hawaii
ID Idaho
IL Illinois
IN Indiana
IA Iowa
KS Kansas
KY Kentucky
LA Louisiana
ME Maine
MD Maryland
MA Massachusetts
MI Michigan
MN Minnesota
MS Mississippi
MO Missouri
MT Montana
NE Nebraska
NV Nevada
NH New Hampshire
NJ New Jersey
NM New Mexico
NY New York
NC North Carolina
ND North Dakota
OH Ohio
OK Oklahoma
OR Oregon
PA Pennsylvania
RI Rhode Island
SC South Carolina
SD South Dakota
TN Tennessee
TX Texas
UT Utah
VT Vermont
VA Virginia
WA Washington
WV West Virginia
WI Wisconsin
WY Wyoming


Q2. In which school district do you work?






H1. Professional Development (PD):

PD is a set of skill-building processes and activities designed to assist targeted groups in mastering specific learning objectives. Such events are delivered in an adequate time span and may include trainings, workshops, and online or distance learning courses.

This first set of questions is about what type of PD resources related to classroom management your school district uses to prepare staff. Classroom management refers to the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings.


Q5. Has your school district offered PD related to classroom management in the past five years?

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]


Q6. In your school district, which staff are offered PD related to classroom management? (Select all that apply)

1 All teachers

2 Sexual health education, health education, or physical education teachers

3 School administrators

4 School counselors, social workers, or psychologists

5 Other staff: [TEXT BOX]

6 PD is offered, but I don’t know to which staff it is offered [EXCLUSIVE]

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]


Q7. In your school district, who usually delivers PD related to classroom management? (Select all that apply)

1 District-level staff

2 School-level staff

3 State education agency staff

4 External partners (e.g., community/clinical partner, university partner, national organization)

5 Other [TEXT BOX]


[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]


Q8A. Has your school district used this PD resource on classroom management in the past five years?

Resource: Classroom Management Resources

Author: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

Format: Online

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]


Q8B. Has your school district used this PD resource on classroom management in the past five years?

Resource: Classroom Management: Teacher Modules

Author: American Psychological Association

Format: Online

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]


Q8C. Has your school district used this PD resource on classroom management in the past five years?

Resource: Tools for Teaching

Author: Fred Jones

Format: Online

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]

[IMAGE AT LINK 3 R’s Teacher Guide: Classroom Management: Answering Students’ Questions.]

Q8D. Has your school district used this PD resource on classroom management in the past five years?

Resource: Rights, Respect, Responsibility Teacher Guide: Classroom Management: Answering Students’ Questions

Author: Advocates for Youth

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]


Q8E. Has your school district used this PD resource on classroom management in the past five years?

Resource: The First Days of School

Author: HK Wong & RT Wong

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q5=1 OR Q5=88]

Q9. List up to five additional PD resources (not previously listed) related to classroom management that your school district has used in the past five years. Please include name, author, format, link, and any additional information to help identify the resource.

Name of Resource




Additional information

E.g. ABCs of Classroom Management

E.g. ABC Inc.

E.g. In-person training, Print, On-line


  • I do not know of any additional resources my district has used for classroom management.


H2. This next set of questions is about what type of PD resources related to supporting LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) youth your school district uses to help prepare staff. Supporting LGBT youth refers to a variety of ways that schools promote a safe and supportive environment for LGBT youth, such as safe spaces, gay-straight alliances, and inclusive sexual health education, etc. LGBT youth are disproportionately more likely than their non-LGBT peers to experience a negative school environment and report negative health behaviors and experiences.


Q10. Has your school district offered PD related to supporting LGBT youth in the past five years?

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]


Q11. In your school district, which staff are offered PD related to supporting LGBT youth? (Select all that apply)

01 All teachers

02 Sexual health education, health education, or physical education teachers

03 School nurses

04 School counselors, social workers, or psychologists

05 School administrators

06 Other school support staff (e.g., resource officers, cafeteria staff, front office staff)

07 Other staff: [TEXT BOX]

08 PD is offered, but I don’t know to which staff it is offered [EXCLUSIVE]

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]


Q12. In your school district, who usually delivers PD related to supporting LGBT youth? (Select all that apply)

1 District-level staff

2 School-level staff

3 State education agency staff

4 External partners (e.g., community/clinical partner, university partner, national organization)

5 Other [TEXT BOX]


[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]


Q13A. Has your school district used this PD resource on supporting LGBT youth in the past five years?

Resource: RESPECT workshop

Author: American Psychological Association

Format: Online/in-person

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]


Q13B. Has your school district used this PD resource on supporting LGBT youth in the past five years?

Resource: Out for Safe Schools professional development materials

Author: The Los Angeles LGBT Center

Format: Online/in-person/print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]


Q13C. Has your school district used this PD resource on supporting LGBT youth in the past five years?

Resource: GLSEN’s (Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network) professional development materials, including toolkits, webinars, and workshops

Author: GLSEN

Format: Online/in-person

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]


Q13D. Has your school district used this PD resource on supporting LGBT youth in the past five years?

Resource: Step In, Speak Up!

Author: Trevor Project and Kognito Interactive

Format: Online

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]

[IMAGE AT LINK Gender Spectrum. Schools in Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools.]

Q13E. Has your school district used this PD resource on supporting LGBT youth in the past five years?

Resource: Schools in Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools

Author: Gender Spectrum

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q10=1 OR Q10=88]

Q14. List up to five additional resources (not previously listed) related to supporting LGBT youth that your school district has used in the past five years. Please include name, author, format, link, and any additional information to help identify the resource.

Name of Resource




Additional information

E.g. ABCs of Supporting LGBT Youth

E.g. ABC Inc.

E.g. In-person training, Print, On-line


  • I do not know of any additional resources my district has used for supporting LGBT youth.


H3. This set of questions is about what type of PD resources related to sexual health education your school district uses to prepare staff. Sexual health education refers to instruction that uses learning objectives, lessons, materials, and assessments that are medically accurate, age- and developmentally appropriate, to enhance knowledge and skills to prevent negative sexual health outcomes.


Q15. Has your school district provided sexual health education to students in the past five years?

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q15=1 OR Q15=88]

Q16. Has your school district offered PD related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education in the past five years?

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]


Q17. In your school district, which staff are offered PD related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., teaching methods & skills) for sexual health education? (Select all that apply)

01 All teachers

02 Sexual health education, health education, or physical education teachers

03 School nurses

04 School counselors, social workers, or psychologists

05 School administrators

06 Other school support staff (e.g., resource officers, cafeteria staff, front office staff)

07 Other staff: [TEXT BOX]

08 PD is offered, but I don’t know to which staff it is offered [EXCLUSIVE]

[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]


Q18. In your school district, who usually delivers PD related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education? (Select all that apply)

1 District-level staff

2 School-level staff

3 State education agency staff

4 External partners (e.g. community/clinical partner, university partner, national organization)

5 Other [TEXT BOX]


[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]


Q19A. Has your school district used this PD resource related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education in the past five years?

Resource: 2008 NCATE Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards

Author: American Association for Health Education (AAHE)/The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]


Q19B. Has your school district used this PD resource related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education in the past five years?

Resource: Instructor Competency Assessment Tool

Author: Healthy Teen Network

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]


Q19C. Has your school district used this PD resource related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education in the past five years?

Resource: Performance Assessment Tool for Teacher Candidates Teaching Sexuality Education for use in middle school and high school levels

Author: Future of Sexuality Education (FoSE)

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]


Q19D. Has your school district used this PD resource related to improving teacher’s instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education in the past five years?

Resource: 2018 National Standards for Initial Health Education Teacher Education

Author: Society for Health Education and Physical Education (SHAPE) and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

Format: Print

1 Yes

2 No

[ASK IF Q16=1 OR Q16=88]

Q20. List up to five additional resources (not previously listed) related to improving teachers’ instructional competencies (i.e., essential teaching knowledge & skills) for sexual health education that your school district has used in the past five years. Please include name, author, format, link, and any additional information to help identify the resource. *You do not need to include PD that is part of the sexual health education content/curriculum training.

Name of Resource




Additional information

E.g. ABCs of Sexual Health Education

E.g. ABC Inc.

E.g. In-person training, Print, On-line


  • I do not know of any additional resources my district has used for sexual health education.


H4. Now we are going to ask you questions about what kind of PD school district staff may use or need related to access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Sexual and reproductive health services refers to activities to increase student access to key clinical sexual and reproductive health services including specific services like testing for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing, contraception and condom provision, as well as counseling about preventive behaviors.


Q21. Does your school district provide sexual and reproductive health services through a school-based health center(s)?

1 Yes, our district has a school-based health center that provides sexual and reproductive health services.

2 No, our district has one or more school-based health centers, but they do not provide sexual and reproductive health services.

3 No, our district does not have any school-based health centers.

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22A. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Basic overview of sexual and reproductive health risks of young people, including information about needs of local students

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22B. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Sexual health services that adolescents should receive

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22C. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Laws and policies related to adolescent sexual health services, such as minor consent for sexual health services (the ability of adolescents to provide consent for their sexual health services without parent’s permission)

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22D. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Importance of maintaining student confidentiality for sexual health services

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22E. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

How to create or use a guide of local service providers

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22F. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

How to make successful referrals of students to sexual health services

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22G. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

Best practices for adolescent sexual health services provision including making services youth-friendly

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22H. Are the following PD topics offered to school-based health center staff to help them provide sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

Ensuring sexual health services are inclusive of LGBT students

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22_O1. Does your school district offer any other PD topics related to providing sexual and reproductive health services for students, not previously listed?

1 Yes: please describe: [TEXT BOX]

2 No

[ASK IF Q21=1 OR Q21=88]

Q22_O2. Are there any other PD topics related to providing sexual and reproductive health services for students, not previously listed, that are needed but not offered?

1 Yes: please describe: [TEXT BOX]

2 No


H5. Some school districts help students access sexual and reproductive health services (like testing for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV testing, contraception and condom provision, as well as counseling about preventive behaviors) by providing referrals to health care providers in the community who offer these services.


Q23. Does your school district provide students with referrals to health care providers in the community who offer sexual and reproductive health services?

1 Yes, our district provides students with referrals to help them access sexual and reproductive health services in the community.

2 No, our district does not provide referrals to students to help them access sexual and reproductive health services in the community.

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]

Q24. Which teacher or other school staff are involved in providing referrals to students?

01 All teachers

02 Sexual health education, health education, or physical education teachers

03 School nurses

04 School-based health center staff

05 School counselors, social workers, or psychologists

06 District staff

07 School administrators

08 Other school support staff (e.g., resource officers, cafeteria staff, front office staff)

09 Other staff: [TEXT BOX]

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]

Q25A. Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Basic overview of sexual and reproductive health risks of young people, including information about needs of local students

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Sexual health services that adolescents should receive

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Laws and policies related to adolescent sexual health services, such as minor consent for sexual health services (the ability of adolescents to provide consent for their sexual health services without parent’s permission)

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students?

Importance of maintaining student confidentiality for sexual health services

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

How to create or use a guide of local service providers

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

How to make successful referrals for students to sexual health services

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

Best practices for adolescent sexual health services provision including making services youth-friendly

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]


Are the following PD topics offered to teachers or other school staff to help them to provide referrals to students for sexual and reproductive health services for students? (continued)

Ensuring sexual health services are inclusive of LGBT students

1 PD offered

2 PD needed but not available

3 No PD needed

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]

Q25_O1. Does your school district offer any other PD topics related to providing referrals for sexual and reproductive health services for students, not previously listed?

1 Yes: please describe: [TEXT BOX]

2 No

[ASK IF Q23=1 OR Q23=88]

Q25_O2. Are there any other PD topics related to providing referrals for sexual and reproductive health services for students, not previously listed, that are needed but not offered?

1 Yes: please describe: [TEXT BOX]

2 No



H6. This last set of questions will be about PD Provision.


Q26. In your school district, what mode or format is most commonly used to deliver PD?

1 Face-to-face training

2 Conference (off-site)

3 Webinar/facilitated virtual training

4 Self-paced e-learning/online self-directed training

5 Observation

6 Other [TEXT BOX]


Q27. In your school district, what mode or format of delivery of PD do you think teachers/staff prefer?

1 Face-to-face training

2 Conference (off-site)

3 Webinar/facilitated virtual training

4 Self-paced e-learning/online self-directed training

5 Observation

6 Other [TEXT BOX]

7 We do not have information on teacher PD format preference



Q28. In your school district, what has made it difficult to implement any format of PD on classroom management, supporting LGBT youth, sexual health education, and sexual health services? (Select all that apply)

01 Limited physical resources (e.g., supplies, personnel, space within school)

02 Limited financial resources

03 Time constraints (e.g., staff time, time allotted for PD)

04 Lack of teacher engagement and participation

05 Lack of support from school administration and/or other staff

06 Poor attendance

07 Policy does not require PD on these topics

08 Staff attitudes toward topics

09 Other: please describe: [TEXT BOX]

10 We have not had any difficulty implementing PD [EXCLUSIVE]



Q29. In your school district, what has made it easier to implement any format of PD on classroom management, supporting LGBT youth, sexual health education, and sexual health services? (Select all that apply)

01 Sufficient physical resources to implement the PD (e.g., supplies, personnel, space)

02 Sufficient financial resources

03 Sufficient time to implement PD

04 Teacher engagement and participation

05 Sufficient support from school administration and/or other staff

06 Interesting and relevant PD topics

07 Policy requires PD on these topics

08 Staff attitudes toward topics

09 Other: please describe: [TEXT BOX]

10 Not applicable [EXCLUSIVE]


CLOSE. Thank you for completing this survey on professional development. Your responses will be very valuable in helping us identify resources currently being used, and to inform the development of new resources that can support professional development for school districts related to classroom management, supporting LGBT youth, sexual health education, and sexual health services.

If you have any questions about this survey, please feel free to contact the Project Director, Cathy Lesesne at (404) 592-2230 or


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