Emerging Infections Programs (EIP)
OMB Control Number 0920-0978
Expiration Date: 02/28/2019
Program Contact
Sonja Mali Nti-Berko
Emerging Infections Programs (EIP)
Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd, MS-C18
Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone: (404) 488-4780
E-mail: skm5@cdc.gov
Submission Date: January 19, 2018
Circumstances of Change Request for OMB 0920-0978
This is a nonmaterial/non-substantive change request for OMB No. 0920-0978, expiration date 02/28/2019, for the Emerging Infections Programs (EIP). The Emerging Infections Programs (EIPs) are population-based centers of excellence established through a network of state health departments collaborating with academic institutions, local health departments, public health and clinical laboratories, infection control professionals, and healthcare providers. EIPs assist in local, state, and national efforts to prevent, control, and monitor the public health impact of infectious diseases.
Activities of the EIPs fall into the following general categories: (1) active surveillance; (2) applied public health epidemiologic and laboratory activities; (3) implementation and evaluation of pilot prevention/intervention projects; and (4) flexible response to public health emergencies. Activities of the EIPs are designed to: (1) address issues that the EIP network is particularly suited to investigate; (2) maintain sufficient flexibility for emergency response and new problems as they arise; (3) develop and evaluate public health interventions to inform public health policy and treatment guidelines; (4) incorporate training as a key function; and (5) prioritize projects that lead directly to the prevention of disease.
Activities in the EIP Network in which all applicants must participate are:
Active Bacterial Core surveillance (ABCs): active population-based laboratory surveillance for invasive bacterial diseases.
Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet): active population-based laboratory surveillance to monitor the incidence of select enteric diseases.
Influenza: active population-based surveillance for laboratory confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations.
Healthcare-Associated Infections-Community Interface (HAIC) surveillance: active population-based surveillance for healthcare-associated pathogens and infections.
This non-substantive change request is for changes to the disease-specific data elements for HAIC only. As a result of proposed changes, the estimated annualized burden is expected to decrease by 383 hours, from 22,473 to 22,090. The data elements and justifications are described below.
The forms for which approval for changes and additions are being sought include:
2018 Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli (MuGSI) Case Report Form for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter baumannii (Att. 1)
2018 Invasive Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Infection Case Report Form (Att. 2)
2018 Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) Case Report Form (Att. 3). NOTE: the 2018 form combines two approved 2017 forms (the CDI Case Report Form and the CDI Treatment Form) into a single form.
Persons in the Community with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): Screening Form (discontinued)
Persons in the Community with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): Telephone Interview Form (discontinued)
Detailed Description of Changes
2017 MuGSI Case Report Form for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB)
There is no impact on burden due to the changes on this form. Minor changes are being requested for the 2018 MuGSI CRE/CRAB Case Report Form. We are adding a single question, clarifying wording of some questions, and adding a type of infection.
Changes include:
New Questions (Q16b): A. baumannii Cultures ONLY: Did the patient have a sputum culture positive for CRAB in the 30 days prior to the date of culture (Day 1)?
Added this question to capture this additional piece of information.
Q12: Patient Outcome Question: Was the organism cultured from a normally sterile site or urine, ≤ calendar day 7 before death?
Clarified the wording of this question only, changed the < symbol to ≤
Q19: Types of infections: Adding “epidural abscess”
Collecting a new type of infection “epidural abscess”
Q21: Risk Factor Questions: Culture collected ≥ calendar day 3 after hospital admission.
Clarified the wording of this question only, change the > symbol to ≥
2017 Invasive MRSA Infection Case Report Form
There is no impact on burden due to the change on this form. One minor change is being requested for the 2018 Invasive MRSA Infection Case Report Form.
Changes include:
Question 19: Types of MRSA infection associated with culture(s) (check all that apply):
Adding one check box for “epidural abscess”. This information was previously captured by checking “meningitis” and “osteomyelitis”.
2017 CDI Case Report Form and Treatment Form
These approved 2017 forms are combined into a single CDI Case Report Form for 2018. There is no impact on burden due to this format change. Other minor changes are being requested; for example, to clarify wording of some questions.
Changes include:
Changes to wording for clarification and harmonization that do not affect the meaning of the question or responses
Questions 4a, 4b, 8a, 8c, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17b, 17c, 18, 19, 20.1, 23 (formerly 24), 23e (formerly 24e), 26
Adding two days to reference period for question about ICU admission (Q17b), rewording question
Adding question about ileus and toxic megacolon described in the medical record somewhere other than on a radiology report (Q20.2e)
Combining questions about diarrhea and upper GI symptoms into a single “symptoms” question (Q20.2d, formerly Q20.2d and 20.2e), reworded question
Adding “pregnancy” to list of underlying conditions (Q21), removed standalone question about pregnancy, post-partum status, and delivery date (formerly Q23)
Post-partum status and delivery date no longer of interest
Removing “edited & correct” from list of CRF status options (Q25)
Incorporating standalone treatment form into CRF (now Q24)
Checkbox instead of yes/no question for treatment options of probiotics and stool transplant (Q24, formerly on treatment form)
Changing date associated with stool transplant from start and stop dates to a single date (Q24, formerly on treatment form)
Stool transplant only ever occurs on a single day; this eliminates a workaround where surveillance officers entered the same date for start and stop date
Restructuring treatment data to simplify data collection, eliminated collection of dose and frequency for all medications
Formerly: each change of medication, route, dose, or frequency would be recorded as a separate course of medication
Currently: each change of medication or route will be recorded as a separate course of medication, without regard to dose or frequency
Adding option for duration of course of medication when start and stop days are not available
This eliminates a workaround where surveillance officers assumed that the start date of a medication was the date of incident C.diff+ stool collection when the start date was unavailable.
Persons in the Community with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): Screening Form (discontinued)
This form has been discontinued. There is no longer a need for EIP to continue interviewing persons with community-associated CDI. Sufficient interviews have been conducted to describe risk factors for community-associated infection.
Persons in the Community with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): Telephone Interview Form (discontinued)
This form has been discontinued. There is no longer a need for EIP to continue interviewing persons with community-associated CDI. Sufficient interviews have been conducted to describe risk factors for community-associated infection.
Justification for changes
The changes made to the HAIC forms under this non-substantive request will aid in improving surveillance efficiency and data quality to clarify the burden of disease and possible risk factors for disease. This information can be used to inform strategies for preventing disease and negative outcomes. Specifically, changes were made for clarification purposes, to assist data collectors in capturing data in a standardized fashion to improve accuracy. The CDI Screening and Telephone Interview Forms have been discontinued.
Cross walk of 2018 form changes
2018 MuGSI Case Report Form for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB)
Question on 2017 form |
Question on 2018 form |
New Question: Q16b. A. baumannii Cultures Only: Did the patient have a sputum culture positive for CRAB in the 30 days prior to the date of culture (Day 1)?
□ Yes □ No □ Unknown □ NA
Q12: Patient Outcome
Was the organism cultured from a normally sterile site or urine, < calendar day 7 before death? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
Q12: Patient Outcome
Was the organism cultured from a normally sterile site or urine, ≤ calendar day 7 before death? □ Yes □ No □ Unknown
Q19. Types of infections associated with culture(s) (check all that apply) None Unknown Abscess (not skin) AV Fistula/Graft infection Bacteremia Bursitis Catheter Site infection Cellulitis Chronic ulcer/Wound (non-decubitus) Decubitus/Pressure Ulcer Empyema Endocarditis Meningitis Osteomyelitis Peritonitis Pneumonia Phyelonephritis Septic arthritis Septic emboli Septic shock Skin abscess Surgical incision infection Surgical site infection (internal) Traumatic wound Urinary tract infection Other (Specify):________________
Q19. Types of infections associated with culture(s) (check all that apply) None Unknown Abscess (not skin) AV Fistula/Graft infection Bacteremia Bursitis Catheter Site infection Cellulitis Chronic ulcer/Wound (non-decubitus) Decubitus/Pressure Ulcer Empyema Endocarditis Epidural abscess Meningitis Osteomyelitis Peritonitis Pneumonia Phyelonephritis Septic arthritis Septic emboli Septic shock Skin abscess Surgical incision infections Surgical site infection (internal) Traumatic wound infection Urinary tract Other (Specify):________________
Q21. Risk factors of interest (check all that apply).
□ Culture collected > calendar day 3 after hospital admission |
Q21. Risk factors of interest (check all that apply).
□ Culture collected ≥ calendar day 3 after hospital admission |
2018 Invasive MRSA Infection Case Report Form
Question on 2017 form |
Question on 2018 form |
19. Types of MRSA infection associated with cultures(s) (check all that apply): None Unknown Abscess (not skin) AV Fistula/Graft infection Bacteremia Bursitis Catheter Site infection Cellulitis Chronic ulcer/Wound (non-decubitus) Decubitus/Pressure Ulcer Empyema Endocarditis Meningitis Peritonitis Pneumonia Osteomyelitis Septic arthritis Septic emboli Septic shock Skin abscess Surgical incision Surgical site (internal) Traumatic wound Urinary tract Other (Specify):________________
19. Types of MRSA infection associated with cultures(s) (check all that apply): None Unknown Abscess (not skin) AV Fistula/Graft infection Bacteremia Bursitis Catheter Site infection Cellulitis Chronic ulcer/Wound (non-decubitus) Decubitus/Pressure Ulcer Empyema Endocarditis Epidural abscess Meningitis Peritonitis Pneumonia Osteomyelitis Septic arthritis Septic emboli Septic shock Skin abscess Surgical incision Surgical site (internal) Traumatic wound Urinary tract Other (Specify):________________
2018 CDI Case Report Form
Question on 2017 form |
Question on 2018 form |
4a. Laboratory ID where incident specimen identified |
4b. Facility ID where patient treated |
8a. Date of incident C. diff+ stool collection |
8c. Location of stool collection: (Check
one) |
8c. Location of incident C. diff+ stool stool collection: (Check
one) |
9. Was patient hospitalized at the time of, or within 7 days after incident C. diff+ stool collection? |
9. Was patient hospitalized on the date of or in the 6 calendar days after incident C. diff+ stool collection? |
10. Where was the patient a resident 4 days prior to stool
collection? (Check one) |
10. Where was the patient located on the 3rd calendar day before
the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection? (Check one) |
11a. Was stool collected ≥4 days after hospital admission? |
11a. Was incident C. diff+ stool collected at least 3 calendar
days after the date of hospital admission? |
11b. If no, was stool collected at LTCF/SNF/LTACH? |
11b. Was incident C. diff+ stool collected at an outpatient
setting for a LTCF resident, or in a LTCF or LTACH? |
11c. If no, was the patient admitted from LTCF/SNF or another
acute care setting? |
11c. Was the patient admitted from a LTCF or a LTACH? |
11d. If HCFO, was this case selected
sampled for full CRF based on sampling frame (1:10)? |
11d. If HCFO, was this case selected sampled for full CRF based
on sampling frame (1:10)? |
13. Were other enteric pathogens isolated from stool at the same date incident C. diff+ stool was collected? |
13. Were other enteric pathogens isolated from stool collected on the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection? |
14. Exclusion criteria for CA-CDI: (Check all that apply) |
14. Exclusion criteria for CA-CDI: (Check
all that apply) |
15. Exposures to Healthcare: |
15. Exposures to Healthcare in the 12 weeks
before the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection:: |
16. If survived, patient was discharged to: |
16. If survived, patient was discharged to: |
17b. ICU Admission (on the day of or within 7 days after incident stool collection) |
17b. ICU Admission (in the 2 calendar days before, the day of, or the 6 calendar days after the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection) |
17c. Any additional positive stool tests for C. diff ≥2 and ≤8 weeks after the last C. diff+ stool specimen? |
17c. Any additional positive stool tests for C. diff ≥2 and ≤8 weeks after the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection? |
18. RADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS (within 7 days before or after incident
C. diff+ stool): |
18. RADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS (in the 6 calendar days before, the day
of, or the 6 calendar days after the date of incident C. diff+
stool collection): |
19. Was pseudomembranous colitis listed in the surgical pathology, endoscopy, or autopsy report (within 7 days before or after incident C. diff+ stool)? |
19. Was pseudomembranous colitis listed in the surgical pathology, endoscopy, or autopsy report in the 6 calendar days before, the day of, or the 6 calendar days after the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection? |
20.1. LABORATORY FINDINGS (within 7 days before or after incident C. diff + stool): |
20.1. LABORATORY FINDINGS (in the 6 calendar days before, the day of, or the 6 calendar days after the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection) |
20.2. CLINICAL FINDINGS (within 7 days
before and up to 1 day after incident C. diff + stool): |
[question did not exist] |
e. Other findings in the 6 calendar days before, the day of, or
the 6 calendar days after the date of incident C. diff+ stool
collection |
21. UNDERLYING CONDITIONS: (Check all that apply) If none or no
chart available, check appropriate box |
21. UNDERLYING CONDITIONS: (Check all that apply) |
23. At time of incident C. diff+ stool, patient was: |
[removed question] |
24. MEDICATIONS TAKEN 12 WEEKS PRIOR TO INCIDENT STOOL COLLECTION DATE (including current hospital stay if collection date > admission date) (If none or no chart available, check appropriate box) |
23. Medications taken in the 12 weeks before the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection |
24e. Was patient treated for previous suspected or confirmed CDI in the prior 12 weeks? |
23e. Was patient treated for previous suspected or confirmed CDI in the 12 weeks before the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection? |
25. CRF Status: |
25. CRF Status: |
26. Previous unique CDI episode (>8 weeks prior to this episode): |
26. Previous unique CDI episode (>8 weeks before the date of incident C. diff+ stool collection): |
[Treatment form] Probiotics |
24. □ Probiotics (specify): __________________ |
[Treatment form] Stool transplant |
24. □ Stool transplant |
[Treatment form] [For each of up to 4 courses of
Vancomycin] |
24. [For each of up to 6 courses of treatment] |
[Treatment form][For each of up to 4 courses of
Metronidazole] |
[For each of up to 4 courses of Fidaxomicin] |
[Treatment form][For each of up to 4 courses of
Nitazoxanide] |
[Treatment form][For each of up to 4 courses of Rifaximin] |
[Treatment form][For each of up to 6 courses of other
medication] |
Table A.1 Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
As a result of proposed changes to forms highlighted in yellow, the estimated annualized burden is expected to decrease by 383 hours, from 22,473 to 22,090. The changes to the amended forms have no impact on burden estimates. The discontinuation of the CDI Screening and Telephone Interview Forms will result in a 383 hour reduction in annual burden.
The following table is updated for the entire 0920-0978 burden table. The forms included in this change request are highlighted:
Type of Respondent |
Form Name |
No. of respondents |
No. of responses per respondent |
Avg. burden per response (in hours) |
Total burden (in hours) - APPROVED |
Total Burden (in hours) - REQUESTED |
State Health Department
ABCs Case Report Form |
10 |
809 |
20/60 |
2697 |
2697 |
Invasive MRSA Infection Case Report Form |
10 |
609 |
20/60 |
2030 |
2030 |
ABCs Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Children Case Report Form |
10 |
22 |
10/60 |
37 |
37 |
ABCs Non-Bacteremic Pneumococcal Disease Case Report Form |
10 |
125 |
10/60 |
208 |
208 |
Neonatal Infection Expanded Tracking Form |
10 |
37 |
20/60 |
123 |
123 |
Campylobacter |
10 |
637 |
20/60 |
2123 |
2123 |
Cryptosporidium |
10 |
130 |
10/60 |
217 |
217 |
Cyclospora |
10 |
3 |
10/60 |
5 |
5 |
Listeria monocytogenes |
10 |
13 |
20/60 |
43 |
43 |
Salmonella |
10 |
827 |
20/60 |
2757 |
2757 |
Shiga toxin producing E. coli |
10 |
90 |
20/60 |
300 |
300 |
Shigella |
10 |
178 |
10/60 |
297 |
297 |
Vibrio |
10 |
20 |
10/60 |
33 |
33 |
Yersinia |
10 |
16 |
10/60 |
27 |
27 |
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome |
10 |
10 |
1 |
100 |
100 |
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Case Report Form |
10 |
400 |
15/60 |
1000 |
1000 |
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Vaccination Telephone Survey |
10 |
100 |
5/60 |
83 |
83 |
Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Project Vaccination Telephone Survey Consent Form |
10 |
100 |
5/60 |
83 |
83 |
2015 ABCs H. influenza Neonatal Sepsis Expanded Surveillance Form |
10 |
6 |
10/60 |
10 |
10 |
EIP site
CDI Case Report Form (combines the 2017 Case Report Form and Treatment Form into single form with same overall burden) |
10 |
1650 |
30/60 (incorporation of Treatment Form) |
5500 |
5500 + 2750 = 8250 (incorporation of Treatment Form) |
(no longer a separate form; part of the CDI Case Report Form for 2018) |
2750 |
0 |
Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli (MuGSI) CRE/CRAB Case Report Form |
10 |
500 |
20/60 |
1667 |
1667 |
Person(s) in the community infected with C. difficile (CDI Cases)
Screening Form (discontinued) |
0 |
Telephone interview (discontinued) |
0 |
Total |
22,473 |
22,090 |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | OMB CY 08 |
Author | wsb2 |
Last Modified By | SYSTEM |
File Modified | 2018-01-23 |
File Created | 2018-01-23 |