Pretest Screener (phone and mail); Pretest (phone and mail); Survey Screener (phone and mail); Phone Survey; Mail Survey

Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

0345 survey script.xlsx

Pretest Screener (phone and mail); Pretest (phone and mail); Survey Screener (phone and mail); Phone Survey; Mail Survey

OMB: 0910-0345

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Eat-Food Safety Risk Perception
Eat-Preference For Risky Food
Eat-Food Allergies
Eat-Diet Knowledge and Practice
Shop-Look at Labels
Shop-Look at Food Packages
Preparing-Raw foods
Preparing-Food handling

Sheet 1: Eat-Restaurant

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics ABS Question ABS Response Skip pattern

At restaurant Eating at restaurant frequency About how often do you get food and drink for yourself or others from each of the following places? Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Include eat-in, take-out, and delivery.

Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Taco Bell, or Subway
Fast casual restaurants such as Panera, Blaze Pizza, and Qdoba (Chipotle)
Coffee shops or bakeries such as Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts
Sit down, full service restaurants with waiter or waitress such as Chili's, or Applebee's
Food stands or food trucks
Gas stations and/or convenience stores
Grocery store hot food bar or food that you order from a menu board such as pizza slices and sandwiches
Grocery store deli foods such as luncheon meats and cheeses, salads, and ready to eat and prepared foods
Meal kits that are delivered to your house such as from Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, Plated, or Sun Basket
Once a day or more frequently
3 to 6 times a week
Once or twice a week
1 to 3 times per month
Less than once a month
Just tried it once or twice
Ask all

At restaurant Eating at restaurant In general, when ordering food and drink at a restaurant, how often do you try to make healthier choices? Always
Never eat at restaurants
Ask all

At restaurant Menu labeling In general, when you order at any restaurant, how often do you see calorie information listed on menus or menu boards?
Never eat at restaurants
Ask all

Menu labeling Do you ever use the calorie information on menus or menu boards to decide what to order? Yes
If yes to seeing calorie info

At restaurant Menu labeling How did you use the calorie information when deciding what to order? Check all that apply. Version 1
Order something with fewer calories
Order something with more calories
Order fewer items
Order more items
Order smaller sized items (e.g. small vs. large)
Order larger sized items
Share the meal with someone else
Save part of the meal for later
If yes to using calorie info

Menu labeling How did you use the calorie information when deciding what to order? Check all that apply. Version 2
Avoid ordering high-calorie menu items
Avoid ordering something that would leave you hungry
Decide on a smaller portion size
Decide on a larger portion size
Order fewer items
Order more items
If yes to using calorie info

At restaurant Health inspection scores Have you ever seen health inspection scores or grades posted at restaurants? The inspection score or grade is a score (0% - 100%) or an overall grade (A, B, or C) a restaurant receives after being inspected by local health departments. Yes
Ask all

At restaurant Health inspection scores Have you ever changed your mind about eating at a restaurant because of the health inspection score or grade? Yes
If yes to the previous question

At restaurant Consumer advisory Restaurant menus or menu boards sometimes have statements that describe the risk of consuming certain raw or undercooked foods like the one shown here. "Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness." Have you seen this kind of statement on a menu or menu board? Yes
Ask all

At restaurant Consumer advisory How helpful is the statement when you are deciding what to order? 1 -- Not at all helpful
2 -- Slightly helpful
3 -- Somewhat helpful
4 -- Very helpful
5 -- Extremely helpful
Don't know
If yes to the previous question

Sheet 2: Eat-Food Safety Risk Perception

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS REVISED RDD RESPONSE ABS RESPONSES Skip pattern
Diet Knowledge Knowledge of food bacteria How common do you think it is for people in the US to get food poisoning because of food being contaminated with germs?
How common do you think it is for people in the US to get food poisoning because of food being contaminated with germs? Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
Don't know
Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety - risk of foods in general How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning because of the way food is prepared in their home? Would you say that it is… How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning because of the way food is prepared in their home? Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
Don’t know
Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety - risk of foods in general How about food prepared at restaurants? How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning because of the way food is prepared at restaurants? Would you say that it is… How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning because of the way food is prepared at restaurants? Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
Don’t know
Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Who is at risk for foodborne illness Do you think certain types of people such as pregnant women, the elderly, or young children have a higher risk, lower risk, or the same risk of getting food poisoning as everyone else?
Do you think certain types of people such as pregnant women, the elderly, or young children have a higher risk, lower risk, or the same risk of getting food poisoning as everyone else?
Higher risk
Lower risk
Same risk as everyone else
Don't know
Higher risk
Lower risk
Same risk as everyone else
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety risk of personal behavior Now, I’m going to read a list of some ways that food may be handled. For each, please tell me how likely it is that you would get sick if you ate food that was handled that way. Please use any number between 1 and 5, where 1 is “not at all likely” and 5 is “very likely.” (IF RESPONDENT SAYS THEY DON’T PREPARE THE FOOD, ASK THEM FOR THEIR OPINION. How likely are you to get sick if you ate food that was handled in each of the following ways? (THIS WILL BE A MATRIX WITH THE ITEMS BELOW) NEED HELP WITH SCALES MATCHING. 1 - Not at all likely
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - Very likely
Don’t know
1 - Not at all likely
5 - Very likely
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety risk of personal behavior If you forget to wash your hands before you begin cooking, how likely are you to get sick? Where 1 is “not at all likely” and 5 is “very likely.” (IF NECESSARY: Where 1 is not at all likely and 5 is very likely. ) If you forget to wash your hands before you begin cooking.

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety risk of personal behavior If vegetables you will eat raw happen to touch raw meat or chicken, how likely are you to get sick? (IF NECESSARY: Where 1 is not at all likely and 5 is very likely.) If you eat raw vegetables that touched raw meat or chicken.

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety risk of personal behavior If you eat meat or chicken that is not thoroughly cooked, how likely are you to get sick? (IF NECESSARY: Where 1 is not at all likely and 5 is very likely.) (Version 1)
If you eat meat or chicken that is not cooked the recommended temperature, how likely are you to get sick?(IF NECESSARY: Where 1 is not at all likely and 5 is very likely.) (Version 2)
If you eat meat or chicken that is not thoroughly cooked (Version 1)
If you eat meat or chicken that is not cooked to the recommended temperature.(Version 2)

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Food safety risk of personal behavior If you eat a meat or chicken that was left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. (IF NECESSARY: Where 1 is not at all likely and 5 is very likely. ) If you eat meat or chicken that was left at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Knowledge of food bacteria Have you ever heard of Salmonella (sal - mon - ELL - la) as a problem in food? (NOTE: IF THE RESPONDENT HAS HEARD OF SALMONELLA, BUT NOT AS A PROBLEM IN FOOD, CODE AS “NO”) Which of the following have your heard of as a problem in food? (Check all that apply)
E. coli

Check all that apply Ask all
Diet Knowledge Knowledge of food bacteria [Have you ever heard of] Listeria (lis - TEER - ee - ah) as a problem in food? (NOTE: IF THE RESPONDENT HAS HEARD OF LISTERIA, BUT NOT AS A PROBLEM IN FOOD, CODE AS “NO”) See above

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Knowledge of food bacteria [Have you ever heard of] Campylobacter (KAM - pee - low - BACK - ter) as a problem in food? (NOTE: IF THE RESPONDENT HAS HEARD OF CAMPYLOBACTER, BUT NOT AS A PROBLEM IN FOOD, CODE AS “NO”) See above

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Knowledge of food viruses Have you ever heard of Norovirus as a problem in food?
See above

Ask all
Diet Knowledge Knowledge of food bacteria
[Have you ever heard of ] E. coli as a problem in food? [NOTE: IF THE RESPONDENT HAS HEARD OF E.COLI, BUT NOT AS A PROBLEM IN FOOD, CODE AS “NO”]
See above

Ask all

Sheet 3: Eat-Preference For Risky Food

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD Response ABS Response Skip pattern
Eat- risky foods Raw food consumption In the past 12 months which of the following raw foods did you eat?
Raw clams?
Raw oysters?
Steak tartare or raw ground beef such as raw hack, raw kibbeh, or tiger meat?
Sushi with raw fish, ceviche, or other raw fish?
Raw alfalfa sprouts, bean sprouts, or other spouts?
Raw chicken or other raw poultry
Raw pork
In the past 12 months which of the following raw foods did you eat? (Check all that apply)
Don't know
Raw clams
Raw oysters
Steak tartare or raw ground beef such as raw hack, raw kibbeh, or tiger meat
Sushi with raw fish, ceviche, or other raw fish
Raw alfalfa sprouts, bean sprouts, or other spouts
Raw chicken or other raw poultry
Raw pork
None of the above

Ask all
Eat- risky foods Raw food consumption In the past 12 months, have you eaten eggs with runny yolks, soft scrambled eggs, or soft meringue? In the past 12 months, have you eaten eggs with runny yolks, soft scrambled eggs, or soft meringue? Yes
Don't know
Ask all
Eat- risky foods Raw food consumption In the past 12 months, did you eat any foods that contain raw eggs? We are talking about things like raw homemade cookie dough or raw homemade frosting that has raw egg in it where you eat the food .
[IF NECESSARY: We mean foods that contain raw egg when you eat them, not foods made with a raw egg that is cooked before eaten.]
In the past 12 months, did you eat any foods that contain raw eggs? Please include any things like raw homemade cookie dough or raw homemade frosting that has raw egg in it when you eat it. Yes
Don't know
Ask all
Eat-risky foods Raw food consumption In the past 12 months have you ever tasted or eaten something with uncooked flour in it, such as raw cookie dough or cake batter ? In the past 12 months have you ever tasted or eaten something with uncooked flour in it, such as raw cookie dough or cake batter ? Yes
Don't know
Ask all
Eat- risky foods Raw food perceptions How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs or other microorganisms that could make you sick? Please use a 1 to 5 scale where 1 is “not at all likely” and 5 is “very likely.”
Raw chicken
Raw beef
Raw shellfish
Raw fish, like ceviche or sushi
How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs that could make you sick? (MATRIX)

Raw chicken
Raw beef
Raw shellfish
Raw fish, like ceviche or sushi
1 (Not at all likely)
5 (Very likely)
Don't know
1 (Not at all likely)
5 (Very likely)
Don't know
Ask all

How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs or other microorganisms that could make you sick? Please use a 1 to 5 scale where 1 is “not at all likely” and 5 is “very likely.”
Raw eggs
Uncooked flour
Raw homemade cookie dough
How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs that could make you sick? (MATRIX)

Raw eggs
Uncooked flour
Raw homemade cookie dough
1 (Not at all likely)
5 (Very likely)
Don't know
1 (Not at all likely)
5 (Very likely)
Don't know

How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs that could make you sick? Please use a 1 to 5 scale where 1 is “not at all likely” and 5 is “very likely.”

Bagged, pre-cut lettuce or packaged, pre-cut salads
Fresh, raw vegetables
Uncooked frozen packaged vegetables such as packaged frozen spinach or peas
Fresh, raw fruit
Fresh, raw fruit that you buy at the store already cut and peeled
How likely do you think it is that the following foods contain germs that could make you sick? (MATRIX)

Bagged, pre-cut lettuce or packaged, pre-cut salads
Fresh whole heads of lettuce
Fresh, raw vegetables
Uncooked frozen packaged vegetables such as packaged frozen spinach or peas
Fresh, raw fruit
Fresh, raw fruit that you buy at the store already cut and peeled
Frozen fruit
1 (Not at all likely)
5 (Very likely)
Don't know
1 (Not at all likely)
5 (Very likely)
Don't know

Eat- risky foods Raw food perceptions -- sprouts Have you heard or read about any possible health problems related to eating “raw” sprouts, such as alfalfa or bean sprouts? Have you heard or read about any possible health problems related to eating “raw” sprouts, such as alfalfa or bean sprouts? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Ask all
Eat-risky foods Raw food perceptions -- sprouts Have you heard or read about any possible health benefits related to eating "raw" sprouts, such as alfalfa or bean sprouts Have you heard or read about any possible health benefits related to eating "raw" sprouts, such as alfalfa or bean sprouts Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Ask all

Some cheese is made from milk that is not pasteurized. It is sometimes called "raw milk" cheese or "unpasteurized cheese." Have you heard or read about any possible health problems related to eating "raw milk" cheese?
Don't know
Ask all
Eat - risky foods Raw cheese In the past 12 months have you eaten any cheese that was made from milk that was not pasteurized? This type of cheese is sometimes called "raw milk" cheese. In the past 12 months have you eaten any cheese that was made from milk that was not pasteurized? This type of cheese is sometimes called "raw milk" cheese. Yes
[Do not eat any cheese (include those with cheese allergies)]
[Do not eat any milk (include those with milk allergies)]
[Do not eat either milk or cheese]
Don't know
Eat - risky foods Raw milk In the past 12 months, did you drink any raw milk or milk that was not pasteurized? This type of milk is often sold off-the-farm or door-to-door. (n = 4,099)
[Asked of all except those that said they did not drink any milk.]
In the past 12 months, did you drink any raw milk or milk that was not pasteurized? This type of milk is often sold off-the-farm or door-to-door.

Don't know
Eat - risky foods Raw milk How often do you drink raw milk? Would you say…

How often do you drink raw milk?

Less than once a year
A few times a year
Once a month
A few times a month
Once a week
Two to three times per week
[Don't know]
Less than once a year
A few times a year
Once a month
A few times a month
Once a week
Two to three times per week
[Asked of those who said they drank raw milk in the past 12 months.]

Sheet 4: Eat-Food Allergies

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics Revised RDD Revised ABS RDD Response ABS Response Skip pattern
Food allergies Food allergy experience Now, I’d like to ask if you have any current food allergies, or do you suspect you have a food allergy? (IF NEEDED: Do not count allergies you used to have but outgrew or were desensitized to). (MARK YES IF RESPONDENT THINKS HE/SHE HAS A FOOD ALLERGY. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED BY A DOCTOR. DO NOT COUNT ALLERGIES THAT OTHER HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS HAVE.) Do you have any current food allergies or do you suspect you have a food allergy? Yes
No or not aware of
Someone in household died from food allergy (not read outload)
Don't know
Ask all
Food allergies Food allergy experience Has a medical doctor diagnosed your condition as a food allergy? Has a medical doctor diagnosed your condition as a food allergy? Yes
Don't know
If yes to above

Sheet 5: Eat-Diet Knowledge and Practice

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD Response ABS Response Skip pattern
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Awareness of diet-health relationship I am going to read four statements about health and food. As I read each statement, please tell me how much you disagree or agree with it:

1. " If I eat a healthy diet I can reduce my chance of getting heart disease." Do you strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, or strongly agree with it?
2. "If I eat a healthy diet I can reduce my chance of getting cancer." Do you strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, or strongly agree with it?
3. "I am confident that I know how to choose healthy foods." Do you strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, or strongly agree with it?
4. "Eating a healthy diet is important for my long-term health." Do you strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, or strongly agree with it?
How strongly do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements? (MATRIX)
1. " If I eat a healthy diet I can reduce my chance of getting heart disease."
2. "If I eat a healthy diet I can reduce my chance of getting cancer."
3. "I am confident that I know how to choose healthy foods."
4. "Eating a healthy diet is important for my long-term health."
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Awareness of diet-health relationship In general, how healthy is your overall diet? Would you say… In general, how healthy is your overall diet? excellent,
very good,
fair, or
Don't know
very good,
fair, or
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Vegetable consumption During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat vegetables? Count all raw, cooked, canned, and frozen vegetables. Do not count French fries or fried potatoes or other deep fried vegetables. Include vegetables you ate at all mealtimes and for snacks. During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat vegetables? Count all raw, cooked, canned, and frozen vegetables. Do not count French fries or fried potatoes or other deep fried vegetables. Include vegetables you ate at all mealtimes and for snacks. 3 or more times per day
1 - 2 times per day
4 - 6 times in the past 7 days
1 - 3 times in the past 7 days
I did not eat vegetables during the past 7 days
Don't know
3 or more times per day
1 - 2 times per day
4 - 6 times in the past 7 days
1 - 3 times in the past 7 days
I did not eat vegetables during the past 7 days
Don't know
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Sweet consumption During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat “sweets” such as soda, cake, cookies, pastries, donuts, muffins, chocolate, candies or ice cream? Do not count diet soda or items made with artificial sweeteners.

During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat “sweets” such as soda, cake, cookies, pastries, donuts, muffins, chocolate, candies or ice cream? Do not count diet soda or items made with artificial sweeteners.

3 or more times per day
1 - 2 times per day
4 - 6 times in the past 7 days
1 - 3 times in the past 7 days
I did not eat sweets in the past 7 days
Don't know
3 or more times per day
1 - 2 times per day
4 - 6 times in the past 7 days
1 - 3 times in the past 7 days
I did not eat sweets in the past 7 days
Don't know
Diet Knowledge
and Practice

Diet with focus on calorie Are you on a weight loss diet? Are you on a weight loss diet? Yes
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice

Diet with focus on calorie On a scale of 1 to 5, where one is not at all confident and 5 is very confident, how confident are you that you know how many calories you should eat each day? How confident are you that you know how many calories you should eat each day? 1 -- not at all confident
5 -- Extremely confident
Don't know
1 -- Not at all confident
2 - Slightly confident
3 -- Somewhat confident
4 -- Very confident
5 -- Extremely confident
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice

Diet with focus on calorie On a scale of 1 to 5, where one is not at all confident and 5 is very confident, how confident are you that you know how many calories are in the foods you eat? How confident are you that you know how many calories are in the foods you eat? 1 -- not at all confident
5 -- Extremely confident
Don't know
1 -- Not at all confident
2 - Slightly confident
3 -- Somewhat confident
4 -- Very confident
5 -- Extremely confident
Don't know

Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Diet with focus on calorie About how many calories do you think a person of your age, gender, and physical activity needs to consume a day to maintain your current weight? About how many calories do you think a person of your age, gender, and physical activity needs to consume a day to maintain your current weight? Number
Don't know
Less than 500 calories
500-1000 calories
1001-1500 calories
1501-2000 calories
2001-2500 calories
2501-3000 calories
More than 3000 calories

Don't know
Less than 500 calories
500-1000 calories
1001-1500 calories
1501-2000 calories
2001-2500 calories
2501-3000 calories
More than 3000 calories

Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice

Diet with focus on calorie Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in calories? Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in calories? Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice

Diet with focus on calorie Do you try to keep track, on a daily basis, of the amount of calories you eat? Do you try to keep track, on a daily basis, of the amount of calories you eat? Yes
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Fat Have you ever heard of the following types of fat?
Trans fat or trans fatty acids
Saturated fat
Omega -3 fatty acids
Unsaturated fat
Monounsaturated fat
Polyunsaturated fat
Which of the following types of fats have you heard of? (Check all that apply)
Don't know
Trans fat or trans fatty acids
Saturated fat
Omega -3 fatty acids
Unsaturated fat
Monounsaturated fat
Polyunsaturated fat
Have not heard of any of these.
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Which of the following do you consider to be "good fat"? (Check all that apply.)

Trans fat or trans fatty acids
Saturated fat
Omega -3 fatty acids
Unsaturated fat
Monounsaturated fat
Polyunsaturated fat

None of the above

Don't know
Ask all?
Diet knowledge and Practice Fat
Which of the following foods contain high amounts of "good fats"? (Check all that apply.)

Olive oil
Red meat
Whole milk

None of the above

Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Sugar Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in sugar? Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in sugar? Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge
and Practice
Are you currently trying to reduce your sugar intake?
Ask all
Diet knowledge and Practice Fiber Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in fiber? Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in fiber? Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Ask all
Diet knowledge and Practice Fiber
Are you currently watching your diet to make sure you get enough fiber?
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Dietary fiber & whole grain
Which of the following foods contain high amounts of fiber? (Check all that apply.)
Whole apples
Fresh vegetables
Fruit juice

None of the above

Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Salt & sodium Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in salt or sodium? Do you think your diet is too low, too high, or about right in salt or sodium? Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Too low
Too high
About right
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Salt & sodium Are you currently watching or reducing your salt or sodium intake? Are you currently watching or reducing your salt or sodium intake? Yes
Don't know
Ask all
Diet Knowledge Salt & sodium Why did you decide to watch or reduce your salt or sodium intake?
• A doctor or other health professional advised me to
• Talking with family members or friends
• Hearing or seeing something in the news about salt or sodium
• Don’t know
Why did you decide to watch or reduce your salt or sodium intake?? (Check all that apply.)
• A doctor or other health professional advised me to
• Talking with family members or friends
• Hearing or seeing something in the news about salt or sodium
* Other
Don't know

If yes to previous question

Sheet 6: Shop-Look at Labels

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD Response ABS Response Skip pattern

Shopping How much of your household's food shopping do you do? How much of your household's food shopping do you do? All of the food shopping
Most of it
About half of it
Only a little of it
None of it
Don’t know
All of the food shopping
Most of it
About half of it
Only a little of it
None of it
Don’t know

About how often do you, or someone in your household, buy food or shop for food from each of the following places? (Include both in-person and online purchases.)
Traditional grocery stores (Supermarkets such as Safeway, Giant, Kroger, Wegmans, Harris Teeter, Stop and Shop, and Food Lion)
Big box stores/Supercenters (e.g. Walmart, Target, Kmart)
Warehouse club stores (such as Sam’s Club, Costco)
Limited assortment stores (such as Save-A-Lot, Aldi, Grocery Outlet, Trader Joe’s)
Dollar store
Drug stores
Military commissary
Natural/organic grocery stores (Whole Foods, Mom’s Organic)
Convenience stores
Farmer’s market
Ethnic or international grocery store (for example, HMart, Asian grocery stores, Hispanic grocery stores)
Specialty stores (e.g. butcher, cheese shop, bakery)
Online only store such as Amazon

3 ore more times per week
Once or twice a week
1 to 3 times per month
Less than once a month
Just tried it once or twice
Don't know

About how often do you or someone else in your household shop for food/groceries online that are delivered to you? (Do not include food from restaurants or weekly farm deliveries)
3 ore more times per week
Once or twice a week
1 to 3 times per month
Less than once a month
Just tried it once or twice
Don't know

Look at Labels New NFL
Think about the Nutrition Facts label on many food products that list the amounts of things like calories, fat, vitamins and minerals in the product. In the past year, have you heard anything about changes to the Nutrition Facts label?
Don't know
Look at Labels NFL - general When buying a food product for the first time, how often do you use the Nutrition Facts label? Would you say always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never use the Nutrition Facts label? When buying a food product for the first time, how often do you use the Nutrition Facts label? Always
Most of the time
Never seen the label
Don't know

Most of the time
Never seen the label

Ask all
Look at Labels NFL - general People may use the Nutrition Facts label in different ways,. When you look at Nutrition Facts labels, either in the store or at home, how often, if at all, do you use the labels in the following ways? Would you say you often, sometimes, rarely or never use the label [READ AND ROTATE LIST]?
a. To help you decide which brand of a particular food item to buy
b. To figure out how much of the food product you or your family should eat
c. To compare different food items with each other
d. To see if something said in advertising or on the package is actually true
e. To get a general idea of the nutritional content of the food
f. To see how high or low the food is in things like calories, salt, vitamins, or fat
g. To help you in meal planning
When you look at Nutrition Facts labels, either in the store or at home, how often, if at all, do you use the labels in the following ways? (MATRIX)
a. To help you decide which brand of a particular food item to buy
b. To figure out how much of the food product you or your family should eat
c. To compare different food items with each other
d. To see if something said in advertising or on the package is actually true
e. To get a general idea of the nutritional content of the food
f. To see how high or low the food is in things like calories, salt, vitamins, or fat
g. To help you in meal planning
Don't know


SKIP those that never use the label or have never seen the label.
Look at Labels NFL - general How much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? Would you say that you strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, or strongly agree?
a. I am interested in the Nutrition Facts label.
b. The information on the Nutrition Facts label is easy to understand.
c. When I use the Nutrition Facts label, I make better choices.
d. The information on the Nutrition Facts label is believable.
e. The information on the Nutrition Facts label is useful to me.
How much do you disagree or agree with the following statements?
a. I am interested in the Nutrition Facts label.
b. The information on the Nutrition Facts label is easy to understand.
c. When I use the Nutrition Facts label, I make better choices.
d. The information on the Nutrition Facts label is believable.
e. The information on the Nutrition Facts label is useful to me.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree not disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know
Ask of all
Look at Labels NFL - general
& New NFL

Which of the following do you usually look for when looking at a Nutrition Facts label? (Check all that apply)

Serving size
Number of servings
Total fat
Saturated fat
Trans fat
Total carbohydrate
Dietary fiber
Total Sugars
Added Sugars
Vitamins and minerals
None of the above

Check all that apply Ask all
Look at Labels NFL - general What does serving size mean to you? You can choose more than one answer. [RANDOMIZE ITEMS: ACCEPTABLE MULTIPLE ANSWERS.] What does serving size mean to you? (Check all that apply.) The amount of a food that people should eat
The amount of a food that people usually eat
Something that makes it easier to compare foods
Don't know
The amount of a food that people should eat
The amount of a food that people usually eat
Something that makes it easier to compare foods
Don't know
Ask all
Look at Labels %DV When you look at the Nutrition Facts label on a food product, which information do you use, the gram or milligram amounts, the percent Daily Value amounts, or both? When you look at the Nutrition Facts label, which of the following do you look at? The gram or milligram amounts
The percent daily value amounts
Don't know
The gram or milligram amounts
The percent daily value amounts
Don't know
Ask all
Look at Labels NFL - general
The Nutrition Facts label (below) shows that the product contains 5% Daily Value for Total Fat in a serving of the product. What does the 5% Daily Value mean to you?
5 percent of the calories in one serving of the product come from Total Fat.
One serving of the product contains 5 percent Total Fat by weight.
One serving of the product contains 5 percent of the Total Fat that an average person should eat in an entire day.
Don’t know
Ask all
Look at Labels NFL - general
The Nutrition Facts label (below) shows that one serving of the food contains 25% of your Daily Value (DV) of Sodium. Based on the information, would you consider a serving of this product to have a low, medium, or high amount of Sodium?
Don’t know
Ask all
Look at Labels NFL-ingredient list When buying a food product for the first time, how often do you check the list of ingredients for an ingredient that you or someone in your family should avoid?” When buying a food product for the first time, how often do you check the list of ingredients for an ingredient that you or someone in your family should avoid?” Often
Don't know


Sheet 7: Shop-Look at Food Packages

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD Response ABS Response Skip pattern
Look at Food
Label claims -

Which of the following, if you saw on the front of a food package, would make you more likely to purchase that product? (Check all that apply.)
Low sugar
Low sodium
No artificial ingredients
No artificial colors
No added sugar
Whole grain
High fiber
No preservatives
No antibiotics
Low calorie
Low fat
Low saturated fat
No HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)
No additives
Sustainably raised

Look at Food
Food additives
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 not at all concerned and 5 being very concerned, how concerned are you about each of the following? (MATRIX)
Artificial colors in food
Artificial ingredients in food
Preservatives in food
Bacteria in food
Antibiotics in food
Pesticides in food

Not at all concerned
Slightly concerned
Somewhat concerned
Very concerned
Extremely concerned

Look at Food
Organic vs. non- As you may know, some fruits and vegetables are produced by organic methods. Using a 5-point scale, how well informed would you say you are about organically grown fruits and vegetables, if one means you are not at all informed about organically grown fruits and vegetables and five means you are very well informed? How well informed would you say you are about organic fruits and vegetables? 1 -- not at all informed
5 -- Very well informed
Don't know
1 -- not at all informed
2 -- Slightly informed
3 -- Somewhat informed
4 -- Moderately informed
5 -- Very well informed

Look at Food
Organic vs. non- When available, how often do you buy organically grown fruits or vegetables? When available, how often do you buy organically grown fruits or vegetables? All of the time
Don't know
All of the time
Don't know

Look at Food
Organic vs. non- Do you think that organically grown fruits and vegetables are more likely or less likely to have harmful germs than those grown without using organic methods, or are they the same? Do you think organically grown fruit and vegetables are more or less likely to have harmful germs than other fruits and vegetables? More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know
More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
Organic vs. non- Do you think that organically grown fruits and vegetables are more likely or less likely to cause long term health problems than those grown without using organic methods, or are they the same? Do you think organically grown fruit and vegetables are more or less likely to cause long-term health problems than other fruits and vegetables? More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know
More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
Organic vs. non- How about the environment? Do you think that organically grown fruits and vegetables are better or worse for the environment, or are they the same as those grown without using organic methods? Do you think organically grown fruit and vegetables are better or worse for the environment than other fruits and vegetables? Better
About the same
Don't know
Better for the environment
Worse for the environment
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
Organic vs. non- How about nutrition? Do you think that organically grown fruits and vegetables are more nutritious or less nutritious than those grown without using organic methods, or are they the same? Do you think organically grown fruit and vegetables are more or less nutritious than other fruits and vegetables? More nutritious
Less nutritious
About the same
Don't know
More nutritious
Less nutritious
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
GE foods Some food products are being developed with the help of scientific techniques, such as genetic engineering. Sometimes these new foods are called “genetically modified” foods, "GMO", or "bioengineered foods." How much do you know about bout genetically engineered foods? Some food products are being developed with the help of scientific techniques, such as genetic engineering. Sometimes these new foods are called “genetically modified” foods, "GMO", or "bioengineered foods." How much do you know about bout genetically engineered foods? Nothing
Very little
A lot
Don’t know
Very little
A lot
Don’t know

Look at Food
GE foods
Do you think that genetically engineered foods are more likely or less likely to have harmful germs than foods produced without genetic engineering, or are they the same? (IF RESPONDENT ASKS WHETHER YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS OR FOODS, THE ANSWER IS YES.)
Do you think genetically engineered foods are more or less likely to have harmful germs than other foods? More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know
More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
GE foods Do you think that genetically engineered foods are more likely or less likely to cause long term health problems than foods produced without genetic engineering, or are they the same? (IF RESPONDENT ASKS WHETHER YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS OR FOODS, THE ANSWER IS YES.) Do you think genetically engineered foods are more or less likely to cause long-term health problems than other foods? More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know
More likely
Less likely
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
GE foods How about the environment? Do you think that genetically engineered foods are better or worse for the environment, or are they the same as foods produced without genetic engineering? Do you think genetically engineered foods are better or worse for the environment than other foods? Better
About the same
Don't know
Better for the environment
Worse for the environment
About the same
Don't know

Look at Food
GE foods How about the nutrition? Do you think that genetically engineered foods are more nutritious or less nutritious than foods produced without genetic engineering, or are they the same? Do you think genetically engineered foods are more or less nutritious than other foods? More nutritious
Less nutritious
About the same
Don't know
More nutritious
Less nutritious
About the same
Don't know

Sheet 8: Preparing-Raw foods

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD response ABS response Skip pattern
Preparing -- Raw foods Frozen vegetables Now, I would like to ask you about store bought, packaged frozen vegetables such as frozen spinach, peas, and corn. How often do you look at the cooking instructions for packaged frozen vegetables? Would you say...? How often do you look at the cooking instructions for store bought, packaged frozen vegetables such as frozen spinach, peas, and corn? Every time I make them
Just the first time I make them
Never prepare
Don't know
Every time I make them
Just the first time I make them
Never prepare store bought packaged frozen vegetables
Don't know
Preparing -- Raw foods Frozen vegetables
Do you ever prepare and eat any of the following store bought, packaged frozen vegetables without first cooking or heating them? For example by adding them to a salad, dip, or smoothie. (MATRIX)
Frozen spinach
Frozen corn
Frozen peas
Frozen carrots
Frozen broccoli
Frozen kale
Frozen asparagus
Frozen cauliflower
Frozen mixed vegetables
Other frozen vegetables -- Specify

I never prepare this food.
Preparing -- Raw foods Frozen other
Have you ever eaten store bought, packaged frozen waffles or pancakes without first heating them?
I never prepare this food.

Preparing -- Raw foods Fruit and vegetable washing Do you ever buy bagged, pre-cut lettuce marked “prewashed” or “ready to eat”?

Preparing -- Raw foods Fruit and vegetable washing Do you usually wash or rinse bagged, pre-cut lettuce that is marked “prewashed” or “ready to eat” or do you eat it as is from the bag? Do you usually wash or rinse bagged, pre-cut lettuce that is marked “prewashed” or “ready to eat” or do you eat it as is from the bag? Wash or rinse
Eat as is without washing
It depends (I.e. product type, how it looks, how it smells)
Don't know
Wash or rinse
Eat as is without washing
It depends (I.e. product type, how it looks, how it smells)
Don't eat bagged, pre-cut lettuce
Don't know

Of those who buy bagged lettuce for RDD, ABS all
Preparing -- Raw foods Fruit and vegetable washing Do you ever buy whole avocados?
Don't know

Preparing -- Raw foods Fruit and vegetable washing Do you usually wash or rinse avocados before you prepare or eat them? Do you usually wash or rinse avocados before you prepare or eat them? Yes
Don't know
I never prepare this food.
Of those who buy avocados for RDD, ABS all
Preparing -- Raw foods Fruit and vegetable washing Do you ever buy whole cantaloupe?
Don't know

Preparing -- Raw foods Fruit and vegetable washing Do you usually wash or rinse cantaloupe before you prepare or eat them? Do you usually wash or rinse cantaloupe before you prepare or eat them? Yes
Don't know
I never prepare this food.
Of those who buy whole cantaloupe RDD, ABS all

Sheet 9: Preparing-Food handling

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD response ABS response Skip pattern
Preparing-food handling resources Where you live, do you have a refrigerator and either a stove or microwave? Where you live, do you have a refrigerator and either a stove or microwave? Yes
Don't know
Preparing-food handling Cooking experience Version 1. How often do you prepare the main meal in your household? Do you prepare the main meal…?
Version 2. When eating food cooked at home, how often are you the one who cooks or prepares the food? (FoodNet modified)

Version 1. How often do you prepare the main meal in your household?
Version 2. When eating food cooked at home, how often are you the one who cooks or prepares the food? (Food Net modified)
All or nearly all of the time
Only some of the time
Don't know
All or nearly all of the time
Only some of the time
Preparing-food handling Follow recipes How strongly do you disagree or agree with the following statements? Would you say that you strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, somewhat agree, or strongly agree?
I often cook new recipes
I have many cookbook
I often look up recipes online
I usually cook new recipes by instinct
I consider myself a creative cook
I use a wide variety of spices
I am a good cook
Others view me as a good cook
I am a relatively better cook than my friends
How strongly do you disagree or agree with the following statements?
I often cook new recipes
I have many cookbooks
I often look up recipes online
I usually rely on recipes when preparing something new
I consider myself a creative cook
I use a wide variety of spices
I am a good cook
Others view me as a good cook
I am a relatively better cook than my friends
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know

Preparing-food handling Follow recipes Have you ever seen information about using a food thermometer included in recipes? Have you ever seen information about using a food thermometer included in recipes? Yes
Don't know

Follow recipes Have you ever seen information about hand washing included in recipes? Have you ever seen information about hand washing included in recipes? Yes
Don't know
Preparing-food handling Hand washing Before you begin preparing food, how often do you wash your hands with soap? Before you begin preparing food, how often do you wash your hands with soap? All of the time
Most of the time
Some of the time
Don't know
All of the time
Most of the time
Some of the time

Preparing-food handling Hand washing After you have cracked open raw eggs, do you usually continue cooking, or do you first rinse your hands with water, or wipe them, or wash them with soap?[IF NECESSARY TO CLARIFY “CONTINUE COOKING”: You touch anything besides the eggs such as cookware, bottles of seasoning or other ingredients.] After you have cracked open raw eggs, what do you usually do?
Continue cooking
Rinse or wipe hands
Wash with soap
[Never handle raw eggs]
Don't know
Continue cooking
Rinse or wipe hands
Wash hands with soap
Never handle raw eggs

Preparing-food handling Prepare meat or chicken When you cook food at home, do you ever prepare meals where you begin with raw meat or chicken? When you cook food at home, do you ever prepare meals where you begin with raw meat or chicken? Yes
Don't know
All or just those who cook the main meal at least some of the time
Preparing-food handling Hand washing After handling raw meat or chicken, do you usually continue cooking, or do you first rinse your hands with water, or wipe them, or wash them with soap? IF NECESSARY TO CLARIFY “CONTINUE COOKING”: You touch anything besides the meat
such as cookware, bottles of seasoning or other ingredients.]
After handling raw meat or chicken, what do you usually do? Continue cooking
Rinse or wipe hands
Wash with soap
[Never handle raw meat or chicken]
Don't know
Continue cooking
Rinse or wipe hands
Wash with soap
Never handle raw meat or chicken
Don't know
Asked of those who prepare raw meat or chicken.
Preparing-food handling Cutting board After you have used a cutting board or other surface for cutting raw meat or chicken, do you use it as it is for other food to be eaten raw for the same meal, or do you first rinse it, or wipe it, or wash it with soap? After cutting raw meat or chicken, what do you do with the cutting board or surface? [Mark all that apply.] Use as it is
Rinse or Wipe it
Wash with soap
[Wash with bleach/disinfectant]
[Use a different board]
[Don't cut raw meat or poultry]
[Put in the dishwasher]
[Bleach/Disinfectant and soap]
[Bleach/Disinfectant and dishwasher]
[Disposable board]
[Flip board]
[Hand wash with soap then put in dishwasher]
[Don't know]
Use as it is
Rinse or Wipe it
Wash with soap
[Wash with bleach/disinfectant]
[Use a different board]
[Don't cut raw meat or poultry]
[Put in the dishwasher]
[Bleach/Disinfectant and soap]
[Bleach/Disinfectant and dishwasher]
[Disposable board]
[Flip board]
[Hand wash with soap then put in dishwasher]
[Don't know]
Continue using it
Rinse or Wipe it
Wash it with soap
Wash with bleach
Put in dishwasher
Don't cut raw meat or poultry
Don't know
Asked of those who prepare raw meat or chicken.
Preparing-food handling Thawing raw meat How often do you use the following methods to thaw frozen raw meat or chicken?
Put in the refrigerator to thaw
Thaw on the counter or table
Thaw in microwave
Thaw in container of water.
Cook raw meat or chicken from frozen without thawing.
How often do you use the following methods to thaw frozen raw meat or chicken?
Put in the refrigerator to thaw
Thaw on the counter or table
Thaw in microwave
Thaw in container of water.
Cook raw meat or chicken from frozen without thawing.
Don’t ever thaw raw meat or chicken
Don't know
Don’t ever thaw raw meat or chicken
Don't know
Ask of those who thaw raw meat or chicken.
Preparing-food handling Washing chicken pieces Would you say that you always, sometimes, or never wash or rinse raw chicken pieces before cooking them?
[IF NEEDED: We are talking about chicken breasts, thighs, legs, and wings.]
How often do you wash or rinse raw chicken pieces before cooking them?

Don't cook raw chicken pieces
Don't know
Don't cook raw chicken pieces
Don't know
Ask of those who prepare raw meat or chicken.
Preparing-food handling Washing whole chicken What about when you prepare a whole chicken or whole turkey, do you always, sometimes
or never wash or rinse whole chicken or turkeys before cooking?
How often do you wash whole chickens or turkeys before cooking them? Always
Don't cook whole chickens or turkeys
Don't know
Don't cook raw chicken pieces
Don't know
Ask of those who prepare raw meat or chicken.
Preparing-food handling Hamburgers In your home, how are beef hamburgers usually served? In your home, how are beef hamburgers usually served? Rare
Medium rare
Medium - well
Well done
Hamburgers are never served
Don't know
Medium rare
Medium - well
Well done
Hamburgers are never served
Don't know
Ask all. -- may need to move location of question to another tab (Eat -- Preference for Risky food) or another location on this tab
Preparing-food handling Hamburgers When you say beef hamburgers are usually served [INSERT medium, medium rare, or medium well DEPENDING ON PREVIOUS ANSWER] do you mean they are brown all the way through or that they still have some pink in the middle? When you say beef hamburgers are usually served "medium," how would you describe the color? Brown all the way through
Still have pink in the middle
Don't know
Brown all the way through
Still have pink in the middle
Don't know
Ask those who serve hamburgers medium.
Preparing-food handling Storing food If you cook a large pot of soup, stew, or other food with meat or chicken and want to save it for the next day, when do you put the food in the refrigerator? Would it be…? If you cook a large pot of soup, stew, or other food with meat or chicken and want to save it for the next day, when do you put the food in the refrigerator? Immediately
After first cooling it at room temperature
After first cooling it in cold water
[Do not cook such foods]
[Would not refrigerate it]
[Don't know]
After first cooling it at room temperature
After first cooling it in cold water
Do not cook such foods
Would not refrigerate it
Don't know
Ask all
Preparing-food handling Storing food For about how long would you let it cool at room temperature? For about how long would you let it cool at room temperature? [Less than two hours]
[Two hours or more/about two hours]
[Don't know]
Less than two hours
Two hours or more
Don't know
Asked of those who let it cool at room temperature
Preparing-food handling Grilling Have you grilled meat, chicken, or fish outside in the past year? Have you grilled meat, chicken, or fish outside in the past year? Yes
Don't know

Ask those who prepare the main meal at least some of the time
Preparing-food handling Grilling After the food is cooked, what do you usually use to carry it from the grill to the place where it will be eaten? Do you use…? After the food is cooked, what do you usually use to carry it from the grill to the place where it will be eaten? Do you use…? The same plate or pan you used to carry the food to the grill
A different plate or pan
Serve directly from the grill to individual plates
Don't know
The same plate or pan you used to carry the food to the grill
A different plate or pan
Serve directly from the grill to individual plates
Don't know
Asked of those who grill
Preparing-food handling Grilling Do you use the plate or pan as it is, or do you first wipe it, or rinse it, or wash it with soap? Do you use the plate or pan as it is, or do you first wipe it, or rinse it, or wash it with soap? Use as it is
Rinse or Wipe it
Wash with soap
Don't know
Use as it is
Rinse or Wipe it
Wash with soap
Don't know

Asked of those who grill
Preparing-food handling Prepare raw fish Do you ever prepare meals where you begin with raw fish or shellfish? Do you ever prepare meals where you begin with raw fish or shellfish? Yes
Don't know

Asked of those who prepare main meal
Preparing-food handling Hand washing After handling raw fish, do you usually continue cooking, or do you first rinse your hands with water, or wipe them, or wash them with soap? [IF NECESSARY TO CLARIFY “CONTINUE COOKING”: You touch anything besides the fish such as cookware, bottles of seasoning or other ingredients.] After handling raw fish, what do you usually do?
Continue cooking
Rinse or wipe hands
Wash with soap
Never handle raw fish
Don't know
Asked of those who prepare raw fish or shellfish.
Preparing-food handling Cutting board After cutting raw fish or shellfish, what do you do with the cutting board or surface? [IF NECESSARY: Do you use it as it is for cutting food to be eaten raw for the same meal, or do you first rinse it, wipe it or wash it with soap?] After cutting raw fish or shellfish, what do you do with the cutting board or surface? [Mark all that apply.]
Continue using it
Rinse or Wipe it
Wash it with soap
Wash with bleach
Put in dishwasher
Don't cut raw meat or poultry
Don't know
Asked of those who prepare raw fish/shellfish
Preparing-food handling Storing food If you cooks a large pot of soup, stew, or other food with fish or shellfish and want to save it for the next day, when do you put the food in the refrigerator? Would it be…? If you cook a large pot of soup, stew, or other food with fish or shellfish and want to save it for the next day, when do you put the food in the refrigerator? Immediately
After first cooling it at room temperature
After first cooling it in cold water
[Do not cook such foods]
[Would not refrigerate it]
[Don't know]
After first cooling it at room temperature
After first cooling it in cold water
Do not cook such foods
Would not refrigerate it
Don't know
Asked of those who prepare fish or shellfish
With modification can ask all
Preparing-food handling Storing food For about how long would you let it cool at room temperature? For about how long would you let it cool at room temperature? [Less than two hours]
[Two hours or more/about two hours]
[Don't know]
Less than two hours
Two hours or more
Don't know
Asked of those who let it cool at room temperature
Preparing-food handling Thermometer Do you have a food thermometer, such as a meat thermometer? Do you have a food thermometer, such as a meat thermometer? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Ask all.
Preparing-food handling Thermometer Thinking of your usual habits over the past year, when you prepare the following foods, how often do you use a food thermometer? For beef, lamb, or pork roasts - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook roasts? Would you say… Over the past 12 months, how often do you use a food thermometer to test for doneness when you prepare the following foods?
Beef, lamb, or pork roasts
Whole chickens or turkeys
Chicken parts such as breasts or legs
Baked egg dishes such as quiche, custard, or bread pudding
Frozen foods such as meals, entrees, burritos, and sandwiches
[Never cook the food]
Don't know
Always use a food thermometer
Often use a food thermometer
Sometimes use a food thermometer
Never use a food thermometer
Did not cook the food in the past 12 months
Don't know
Asked of those who have a food thermometer and who prepare raw meat/poultry
For ABS, just ask all who have a food thermometer.
Preparing-food handling Thermometer How about whole chickens or turkeys - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook whole chickens or turkeys? Would you say…
[Never cook the food]
Don't know

Asked of those who have a food thermometer and who prepare raw meat/poultry
For ABS, just ask all who have a food thermometer.
Preparing-food handling Thermometer How about chicken parts, such as breasts or legs - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook chicken parts? Would you say…
[Never cook the food]
Don't know

Asked of those who have a food thermometer and who prepare raw meat/poultry
For ABS, just ask all who have a food thermometer.
Preparing-food handling Thermometer How about baked egg dishes such as quiche, custard, or bread pudding - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook baked egg dishes?
[Never cook the food]
Don't know

Asked of those who have a food thermometer and who prepare the main meal all or some of the time.
For ABS, just ask all who have a food thermometer.
Preparing-food handling Thermometer How about hamburgers - how often do you use a thermometer when you cook or grill hamburgers? [ NOTE: Turkey burgers are included if the respondent volunteers but do not probe for turkey burgers. Do not include veggie burgers.]
Never cook the food
Don't know

Asked of those who have a food thermometer and prepare raw meat/poultry.
For ABS, just ask all who have a food thermometer.

Pets in kitchen Do you have any pets in your household? Do you have any pets in your household? Yes
Don't know
Don't know

Pets in kitchen What type of pets you have? (Accept multiples) Which of the following pets do you have? (Select all that apply) Dog
Reptile - snake, turtle, lizard, frog
Hamster or other small rodent
Other pet
Don't know
Reptile - snake, turtle, lizard, frog
Hamster or other small rodent
Other pet
Don't know
Of those who have pets

Pets in kitchen When you are preparing food, do your pets ever come in the kitchen? When you are preparing food, do your pets ever come in the kitchen? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Of those who have pets (other than fish)

Pets in kitchen Do(es) your pet(s) ever get on the kitchen counter? Do(es) your pet(s) ever get on the kitchen counter? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Of those who have pets (other than fish)

Sheet 10: Demographics

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD response ABS Response Skip pattern
LANDLINE PARTICIPANTS: Now I have a couple of questions for statistical purposes:
For personal calls, do you only use a landline phone at your household, or do you also have a cell phone on which I could have reached you?

LANDLINE PARTICIPANTS: Are there any other phone numbers at your home, in addition to this phone number, that you receive phone calls? Please exclude any cell phones and also exclude any phone numbers used only for fax machines or computers.

CELL PHONE PARTICIPANTS: For personal calls, do you only use a cell phone, or do you have a landline phone at your household on which I could have reached you?
Do you have a landline telephone in your home that is used to make and receive calls?

Do you or anyone in your household have a cell phone that is used to make and receive calls?
Landline only
Cell phone also
Don't know

Don't know

Cell phone only
Landline also
Don't know


What is the zip code where you live? What is the zip code where you live? Enter number Enter number All
How many total people, including yourself, live in your household? How many total people, including yourself, live in your household? Enter number Enter number All
How many of these people [in your household] are children five years and younger? How many of the people in your household are children five years and younger? Enter number Enter number All
How many of these people [in your household] are children between 6 and 17 years? How many of the people in your household are children between 6 and 17 years? Enter number Enter number All
Are you the parent or primary caregiver to any of the children in your household? Are you the parent or primary caregiver to any of the children in your household? Yes
Don't know
Those with children in household
How many of these people [in your household] are adults age 18-59 years? How many of these people in your household are adults age 18-59 years? Enter number Enter number All
How many of these people [in your household] are adults 60 years of age or older? How many of these people in your household are adults 60 years of age or older? Enter number Enter number All
How do you describe yourself? Would you say that you are male, female, transgender, or do you not identify as male, female, or transgender? How do you describe yourself? (Check one) Male
Something else
Don't know
Something else
Don't know
What year were you born in? What year were you born in? Enter number Enter number All
Which of the following best describes your house, apartment, or mobile home?
Is it owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan? Include home equity loans.
Is it owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?
Is it rented?
Is it occupied without payment of rent?
Is this house, apartment, or mobile home – Mark (X) ONE box.
Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan? Include home equity loans.
Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)?
Occupied without payment of rent?
Select response See question
Is anyone in your household pregnant? Is anyone in your household pregnant? Yes
Don't know

Are you pregnant or is it someone else? Are you pregnant? I'm pregnant
Someone else
Someone else and me

If yes to 15.
Are you Hispanic or Latino? Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes
Don't know
Do you usually speak English, Spanish, or some other language at home? Do you usually speak English, Spanish, or some other language at home? English
Other language
Multiple languages
Don't know
Other language
Multiple languages
Don't know
What is your race? Please select one or more. Are you…[Multiple responses are allowed.]
What is your race? Please select one or more. White
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Don't know
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Don't know
What is the last grade or year of school that you have completed? What is the last grade or year of school that you have completed? Less than high school degree
High school graduate or GED (12 years)
1 - 3 years college/some college (13-15 years)
College graduate -- Bachelors' degree or equivalent (16 years)
Postgraduate, master's degree, doctorate, law degree, other professional degree
Don't know
Less than high school degree
High school graduate or GED (12 years)
1 - 3 years college/some college (13-15 years)
College graduate -- Bachelors' degree or equivalent (16 years)
Postgraduate, master's degree, doctorate, law degree, other professional degree
Is your annual household income from all sources…
(A household consists of all people who occupy a particular housing unit as their usual residence, or who live there at the time of the interview and have no usual residence elsewhere.)
Is your annual household income from all sources…
(A household consists of all people who occupy a particular housing unit as their usual residence, or who live there at the time of the interview and have no usual residence elsewhere.)
Less than $25,000
Less than $20,000
Less than $15,000
Less than $10,000
Less than $35,000
Less than $50,000
Less than $75,000
Less than $150,000

Less than $10,000
$10,000 to $14,999
$15,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $24,999
$25,000 to $34,999
$35,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$75,000 to $149,999
More than $150,000
We appreciate your taking the time to participate in our study. Those are all of the questions I have. Is there anything you’d like to add?” We appreciate your taking the time to participate in our study. Is there anything you’d like to add?”


Sheet 11: Covariates

OMB Control No. 0910-0345

Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Food Safety, Health, and Diet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0910-0345. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to

Level 1 Topic Level 2 Topics RDD ABS RDD Response ABS Response Skip pattern
Covariates Food service worker Have you worked for any of the following in the past five years?
Food manufacturing plant
Grocery store
Public Health Organization
Health care provider
State or local food agency
Have you worked for any of the following in the past five years? (Check all that apply.)
Food manufacturing plant
Grocery store
Public Health Organization
Health care provider
State or local food agency
Don't know

Covariates ServSafe Do you have or have you ever had a ServSafe or other similar safe food handling certification? Do you have or have you ever had a ServSafe or other similar safe food handling certification? Yes
Don't know

Covariates Internet Do you use the internet or email, at least occasionally? Do you use the internet or email, at least occasionally? Yes
Don't know

Covariates Internet Do you access the internet on a cellphone, tablet or other mobile handheld device, at least occasionally? Do you access the internet on a cellphone, tablet or other mobile handheld device, at least occasionally? Yes
Don't know
Don't know

Covariates Health Status Would you say your health in general is . . Would you say your health in general is . . Excellent
Very good
Don't know
Very good
Don't know
modified to match NHANES
Covariates Foodborne illness experience In the past year, did you get sick from eating spoiled or unsafe food? Don't include allergies to food. (Version 1)
In the past year, did you have any foodborne illness or food poisoning? (Version 2)
In the past year, did you get sick from eating spoiled or unsafe food? Don't include allergies to food. (Version 1)
In the past year, did you have any foodborne illness or food poisoning? (Version 2)
Don't know
Don't know

Covariates Health Status Have you ever been told by a doctor or other healthcare professional that you have any of the following health conditions? I don’t need to know which condition, just whether you have any of them. [READ: “high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, overweight, or cancer.] Have you ever been told by a doctor or other healthcare professional that you have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, or cancer? Yes
Don't know
Don't know

Covariates Health Status
Have you ever been told by a doctor or other healthcare professional that you are overweight or obese?
Don't know

Covariates Health Status How tall are you without shoes? How tall are you without shoes? Enter height in ft, inch
Enter height in m, cm
Don't know
Enter height in ft, inch
Enter height in m, cm

Don't know
modified to match NHANES
Covariates Health Status How much do you weigh without clothes or shoes? How much do you weigh without clothes or shoes? Enter weight in lbs.
Enter weight in kg
Don't know
Enter weight in lbs.
Enter weight in kg

Don't know
modified to match NHANES
Covariates Calories About how many calories does a medium size apple have? About how many calories does a medium size apple have? Please give us your best guess without consulting others.

Covariates SNAP In the past 12 months has anyone living in your household received SNAP/food stamp benefits? In the past 12 months has anyone living in your household received SNAP/food stamp benefits? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Covariates SNAP30days In the past 30 days has anyone living in your household received SNAP/Food stamp benefits? In the past 30 days has anyone living in your household received SNAP/Food stamp benefits? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
Of those who were on SNAP in the last 12 months
Covariates WIC In the past 12 months has anyone living in your household received food through the WIC (Women Infant Children) program? In the past 12 months has anyone living in your household received food through the WIC (Women Infant Children) program? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
If female 18-55, or if family includes females 12-55 or children 0-5:
Covariates School lunch In the past 12 months have any children in the family received free or reduced-cost lunches at school? In the past 12 months have any children in the family received free or reduced-cost lunches at school? Yes
Don't know
Don't know
If family includes children 7-17.
Covariates Exercise About how many days per week do you engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity (such as brisk walking, jogging, biking, aerobics, or yard work)? About how many days per week do you engage in moderate or vigorous physical activity (such as brisk walking, jogging, biking, aerobics, or yard work)? 1
Don't know
Ask all
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