Helpful Hints: For Use of the e-TSCA/e-PMN Submission Software


Pre-Manufacture Review Reporting and Exemption Requirements for New Chemical Substances and Significant New Use Reporting Requirements for Chemical Substances (Revision

Helpful Hints: For Use of the e-TSCA/e-PMN Submission Software

OMB: 2070-0012

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Helpful Hints:
Q and A for Use of the e-TSCA/e-PMN Submission Software

Prepared by:

December, 2009

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
US Environmental Protection Agency

e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

Dec 2009

Disclaimer: This Q&A document is not a rule and is not legally enforceable. The document
explains some of the electronic reporting requirements in 40 CFR parts 720, 723 and 725
applicable to documents submitted pursuant to those provisions. The document also discusses
recommended practices for such submission. The document neither creates any new
requirements nor replaces existing established laws or regulations. The use of the word "should"
in this document means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.


e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

Dec 2009


Two Versions of the e-PMN Software............................................................................. 5
Why are there two versions of the e-PMN software? ......................................................... 5
Where to obtain/download each version of the e-PMN software? ..................................... 5
What can each version generate?........................................................................................ 5
What is the time table for each submission method of documents to EPA? ...................... 5
How CDX Registration Relates to the e-PMN Software ............................................... 5
Do I need to register with CDX if I only fill out a submission?......................................... 5
Who needs to register with CDX? ...................................................................................... 6
Who is an Authorized Official and what can he/she submit?............................................. 6
Who is a Support Registrant and what can he/she submit? ................................................ 6
Definitions in Context to the Software ............................................................................ 6
Why is the software called e-TSCA in this Q & A, when throughout the rule it is referred
to as e-PMN software?........................................................................................................ 6
What is the structure of a TSCA file?................................................................................. 7
What is an amendment? ...................................................................................................... 7
What are Test Data?............................................................................................................ 7
What is a mock PMN? ........................................................................................................ 7
What is a Submission Report number?............................................................................... 7
What kind of attachment file types can I add to a submission?.......................................... 7
Hints on the Preparation of Submissions ....................................................................... 8
How do I prepare a TMEA submission or a LVE/LoREX modification?.......................... 8
How do I prepare a Biotechnology submission? ................................................................ 8
How do I sanitize the attachments prior to electronic submission?.................................... 8
How do I submit amendment information? ........................................................................ 9
How do I send in an amendment for a NOC submission?.................................................. 9
How do I send in a Joint Submission? ................................................................................ 9
How do I submit a Letter of Support? ................................................................................ 9
How do I indicate that a Letter of Support is needed to make my submission complete? 10
How do I prepare a submission for multi-component chemicals?.................................... 10
How do I submit a mock PMN? ....................................................................................... 10
Software Hints................................................................................................................. 10
Can I submit via CDX from more than one computer? .................................................... 10
How do I create/add chemicals to a consolidated submission? ........................................ 10
How do I delete chemicals in a consolidated submission? ............................................... 11
How do I generate extra PMN pages? .............................................................................. 11
How do I delete extra PMN pages? .................................................................................. 11
How do I create a sanitized (non-CBI) copy of the PMN submission?............................ 11
How can I validate the submission?.................................................................................. 12
How do I add an attachment?............................................................................................ 12
How do I set up a contact profile? .................................................................................... 12
How does the system handle field overflow and table overflow? .................................... 12
What does it mean when I have a validation error or warning? ....................................... 12
How does the system handle extra information such as an extra technical contact?........ 13
How do I indicate CBI in the middle of a large body of text?.......................................... 13
What is the file size limitation of submitting via CDX?................................................... 13

e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

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40. Why are my total pages different in the sanitized version than in the CBI version?........ 13
41. What happens when I change the CBI status of an attachment? ...................................... 13
42. How do I enter data if the field validation won’t let me? ................................................. 14
End Steps for Delivery of Submission to EPA ............................................................. 14
43. What do I need to do in order to submit if I send in my submission via paper? .............. 14
44. What do I need to do in order to submit if I send in my submission via CD?.................. 14
45. What do I need in order to submit if I send in my submission via CDX? ........................ 14
Informational................................................................................................................... 14
46. What has changed between the old form and the new PMN form?.................................. 14
47. Do I have to submit a NOC or a Supporting Document for an older case by paper?....... 15
48. Do I have to use the e-PMN software to create an NOC for an older submission?.......... 15
49. What are some important things to avoid when using the e-PMN software to submit to
the Agency? ...................................................................................................................... 15
50. What do I need to register for CDX? ................................................................................ 15
51. For a CDX submission, how do I know if the EPA received my submission? ................ 16
52. How do I get help if I need it? .......................................................................................... 16


e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

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A. Two Versions of the e-PMN Software
1. Why are there two versions of the e-PMN software?
EPA is limiting accessibility of e-PMN software that contained the encryption software
(FIPS-validated RSA BSAFE Crypto-J) because of Export Administration Act restrictions.
Therefore, EPA is making available a more easily accessible version of the e-PMN software that
does not contain the encryption portion of the software for use by those submitters who prefer to
not submit notices to EPA via CDX during the first two years after the effective date of this rule.
This version can also be used by employees to prepare an electronic PMN that can be sent to the
authorizing official, who could use the full version of the program to submit the form to EPA via
2. Where to obtain/download each version of the e-PMN software?
e-PMN software which includes encryption will be available for download and
installation from CDX ( after a person has registered and has
been approved by EPA. The e-PMN software without encryption is available for download and
installation on EPA’s TSCA New Chemicals website
3. What can each version generate?
Both versions of the software as stated above contain the same document preparation
functionality and generate identical documents. The difference between the two software
versions lies with the ability to send documents directly to EPA electronically via CDX. The
version containing encrypted software is the only way to submit files to EPA via CDX. This
version of the software may also be used for submission of files to EPA via paper and optical
disc. The version of the e-PMN software which does not contain the encryption software may
only be used to submit files to EPA via paper or optical disc or to create draft files which may be
uploaded for use with the full version of e-PMN software, which does contain encryption
4. What is the time table for each submission method of documents to EPA?
Using the e-PMN software, there are three ways of submitting documents to EPA: by
paper, on optical disc, and electronically via CDX. Paper submissions will only be accepted for
1 year after the effective date of the rule (on or before April 6, 2011). Document files on optical
disc will only be accepted for 2 years after the effective date of the rule (on or before April 6,
2012). Document files can be submitted electronically as of the effective date of the rule and
will become mandatory after 2 years of that date (after April 6, 2012).

B. How CDX Registration Relates to the e-PMN Software
In order to submit documents electronically to EPA, a person will need to first pre-register with
CDX and become approved by EPA. Please read the Q and A for CDX for more information on
the registration process.
5. Do I need to register with CDX if I only fill out a submission?


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Dec 2009

No, a person does not need to register with CDX to work on a section 5 notice (such as a
PMN). A person only needs to register with CDX if he/she plans to submit a document
electronically via CDX to EPA. To create a new submission or to work on a current draft
submission without registering, the person will need to use the version of the e-PMN software
which does not contain the encryption algorithm (found on the New Chemicals website or via a
CD containing the software from EPA). Non-registered persons may also prepare finalized
submissions and send them via paper or CD to EPA (during the first two years after the effective
date of the e-PMN rule).
6. Who needs to register with CDX?
There are two types of persons who will be able to submit documents electronically via
CDX: those who are authorized to legally sign the PMN form or other notices (the Authorized
Official), and those who are designated and approved by the Authorized Official to submit
support documents. Only Authorized Officials and Support Registrants need to register with
CDX. Persons who prepare draft versions of Section 5 Notices and Notice supporting
documents need not register.
7. Who is an Authorized Official and what can he/she submit?
An Authorized Official is a person in a company legally responsible for the data in the
notice submission. This would be the person who signs the certification page on the paper
version of the PMN form.
An Authorized Official may submit any Section 5 document to EPA. This includes
Section 5 Notices (PMN, SNUN, LVE, TMEA, LoREX, Modifications to LVE and LoREX,
Biotechnology, NOC and Letters of Support) and support document to the Section 5 Notices
(amendments, test data, and correspondence). Note: Only Authorized Officials may submit
Section 5 Notices. Upon submission, the ePMN software will verify with CDX Registration that
the Authorized Official is the same as that listed in Section A.1a. of the PMN form, Section I of
the Biotechnology form, the top of Part I of the NOC form and Section II and/or III of the
Support form.
8. Who is a Support Registrant and what can he/she submit?
A Support Registrant is a person designated by an Authorized Official to submit
supporting documents in his/her behalf. The Support Registrant can be another person from the
Authorized Official’s company or they can be a person from outside the company such as an
agent or a consultant.
A Support Registrant may submit only support documents to Section 5 Notices
(amendments, test data, and correspondence). Note: Only Authorized Officials may submit
Section 5 Notices. Upon submission, the ePMN software will verify with CDX Registration that
the Support Registrant is the same as that listed in Section III of the Support form.

C. Definitions in Context to the Software
9. Why is the software called e-TSCA in this Q & A, when throughout the rule it is
referred to as e-PMN software?
The software is envisioned as eventually encompassing other TSCA notification and
reporting programs besides section 5 PMN or SNUN reporting. For the purposes of this e-PMN

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reporting, e-TSCA and e-PMN should be considered the same because e-PMN is the first
component of e-TSCA.
10. What is the structure of a TSCA file?
There are four file types created by the e-PMN software: PMN (includes exemptions), NOC,
Biotechnology and Support. The extensions for these file types are: .pmn_tsca, .noc_tsca,
.bio_tsca and .sup_tsca. These files are actually folders which contain many documents. All file
folders contain the xml data and a copy of all attachments. A finalized file folder also contains
the sanitized xml as well as pdfs of the original and the sanitized document. When a submission
is sent to EPA via CD or CDX, the entire finalized file folder will be sent.
11. What is an amendment?
An amendment is a correction or additional information to an original notice for PMN Pages
1-13, MSDS or Physical Chemical properties or to a Biotechnology submission. An amendment
may also be submitted for correcting pages in an attachment regarding Fate, Ecotoxicity or
Health submitted with the original notice. Complete data sets submitted for Fate, Ecotoxicity or
Health endpoints not contained in the original submission should be sent to the EPA as Test
Data. For a correction/amendment to a NOC, see the Q & A #13.
12. What are Test Data?
Data submitted for Fate, Ecotoxicity or Health endpoints not contained in the original
submission and which may be the result of action requested by the Agency should be sent to the
EPA as Test Data. To submit test data to the Agency, you will need to create a submission using
the “PMN Support Document” module of the e-TSCA/e-PMN software.
13. What is a mock PMN?
A mock PMN is an enforcement-related Premanufacturing Notice. For example, if a
company had manufactured/imported a chemical in the past and is no longer
manufacturing/importing the material and a PMN was not filed in the past for this chemical, the
current submission is therefore a “mock” PMN.
14. What is a Submission Report number?
The Report Number (found at the top of each submission whether it is a notice submission,
NOC, support document or Biotechnology) is a unique value generated by the e-TSCA/e-PMN
software for each submission. It is automatically generated (or re-generated) whenever you
finalize a project for submission.
This number will be used for tracking purposes by the EPA. It only appears when the
submission has been finalized. Therefore, EPA will know if the submission received had passed
the validation and was finalized. The Support Document module has the Submission Report
Number as one of three tracking numbers which link the support with the original submission
(the TS Number and the EPA case number are the other two tracking numbers). Please note that,
if the original submission does not have a TS number or an EPA case number, the submitter will
need to enter the Submission Report Number in the Support Document header page.
15. What kind of attachment file types can I add to a submission?
The list of allowable attachment file types can be found in the main help file in the e-PMN
software for the attachment page. The file types are:
* Chemical Structure files (.mol, .skc) (note: structures may also be displayed in an image file

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or PDF file)
* PDF files (.pdf)
* Powerpoint files (.ppt)
* Excel (.xls)
* Word documents (.doc)
* Rich text documents (.rtf)
* Text files (.txt)
* Image files (.gif, .jpg, .png, .bpm)
For nucleic acid, amino acid or sequence data submitted for Biotechnology MCANs and TERAs
or enzyme related PMNs, the preferred file formats are:
*FASTA files (.fas)
*GenBank (.gbk)
*EMBL (.embl)

D. Hints on the Preparation of Submissions
16. How do I prepare a TMEA submission or a LVE/LoREX modification?
Some submission types did not previously have a required form. Since industry is familiar
with the Premanufacture Notice (PMN) form, EPA has adapted the form to be used for other
types of notices. Persons submitting a TMEA or a Low Volume Exemption/Low Release Low
Exposure modification will now submit their information using the PMN module. The
modification type is marked on PMN page 1 (continued) and the certification statements are
checked on PMN page 2. The contact information is filled on PMN page 3. The rest of the
modification information can be entered into the form in one of three ways. One way is to fill in
the applicable fields in the PMN pages 4-13. Another way is to enter the modification
information in the cover letter. The third way to enter the modification information is in an
attachment. It should be noted that for modifications, the e-TSCA/e-PMN software does not
validate any data beyond PMN page 3. This will allow more flexibility to industry.
17. How do I prepare a Biotechnology submission?
Some submission types did not previously have a required form. In order to accommodate
biotechnology submissions, a separate module was created in the e-TSCA/e-PMN software. In
the opening screen of the software, choose to create a new project and then select
“Biotechnology”. You will be required to enter information into the Header Sheet regarding the
submitting company and the technical contact. There are 5 choices of Biotechnology submission
covered in this module: MCANs, TERAs, Tier I and Tier II exemptions, and Biotechnology
TMEAs. After selecting a submission type, the rest of the submission information can be
entered in a cover letter and as attachments.
18. How do I sanitize the attachments prior to electronic submission?
All attachments containing confidential business information (CBI) with notices and test data
will need to be sanitized. The e-TSCA/e-PMN software does not sanitize attachments. The
sanitization of attachments will have to be performed outside of the e-PMN software and then
added to the file using the software. The submitter may electronically sanitize a document (i.e.,
use software that can modify the image), or they can sanitize by covering the CBI information on
the paper copy and then scanning the sanitized paper copy.

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19. How do I submit amendment information?
The PMN Support Document module of the e-TSCA/e-PMN software refers to supplemental
information for PMN notices and Biotechnology submissions, such as correspondences,
amendments and test data. From the opening screen of the e-TSCA/e-PMN software, select to
create a new PMN Support Document. Enter the file location and file name to save. Within the
Header Sheet, enter at least one of the three identifying fields which will link the support with an
EPA case number: the original’s Submission Report Number (see Q and A number 14), TS
Number or EPA case number. Enter the original submission company information to the extent
known. Enter the contact information for the person responsible for the support information.
Enter Amendment as the support type. If the support information is being submitted at the
request of an EPA employee or a contractor to the EPA, select the check box and enter the
person’s name in the space provided. The support information can than be entered in two
different ways: either by entering the information into the text box provided or by entering the
information as an attached file.
20. How do I send in an amendment for a NOC submission?
The PMN Support Document module of the e-TSCA/e-PMN software refers to supplemental
information for PMN notices and Biotechnology submission such as correspondences,
amendments and test data. If a company is asked by EPA to amend a NOC submission, the
company should either fill in a new NOC or use their “draft” form of the NOC that was used to
file the original submission, make the appropriate changes, re-finalize the form and then
resubmit. EPA will note in its tracking system that the first NOC sent to the Agency will
constitute the official receipt date of the NOC for that PMN and any subsequent submissions for
that PMN number will be considered as amendments.
21. How do I send in a Joint Submission?
Because signatures are required by each party of a joint submission, each party will need to
complete its own sections of information and submit as two separate notices (note: this requires
both parties of the joint submission to register to submit to the EPA if submitting via CDX). The
TS number should be the same for each notice. The person sending in the notice should be listed
in section 1a and the other party should be listed as the joint submitter in section 1c. Each
submission should have a cover letter in which the primary submitter for the chemical is
identified and the secondary joint submitter is also identified. Also, due to validation
requirements, each joint submitter will need to enter “see joint submitter” in required text fields,
add an attachment which says “see joint submitter” for required structure fields, and enter “1” for
any required number fields like production volume (and they can attach the “see joint submitter”
attachment to the section as an explanation).
22. How do I submit a Letter of Support?
If you are a secondary party person submitting information regarding a notice but are not
designated as a joint submitter, you will need to complete a Letter of Support. To create a Letter
of Support, open the e-TSCA/e-PMN software and select “PMN Support Document”. In the
Header Sheet, enter the Submission Report Number or TS number for the original submission
document (the EPA Case number will not have been assigned yet). Fill in contact information
and choose “Letter of Support” as the support type. In section V, enter comments regarding
what company requested the information and what information will be supplied in this support
submission. Then, either enter the support information completely in section V of the Header
Sheet or enter the support information in an attachment. A sanitized version is not required for
this type of submission.

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23. How do I indicate that a Letter of Support is needed to make my submission complete?
Sometimes a secondary party person needs to send in information for a submission to make it
complete (e.g., chemical identity information or use information). If chemical identity
information is to be supplied in a letter of support, the primary submitter should check the box on
the Chemical ID Info header page indicating such and then supply the contact information for the
person sending in the Letter of Support. If other information is to be supplied in a letter of
support that is not related to the chemical identity, the primary submitter needs to designate in
the appropriate fields or as an attachment to sections that the information will be supplied in the
letter of support. In both instances, the primary submitter should check the box at the bottom of
PMN page 1 continued that says “Mark if Pending Letter of Support”. This will alert EPA that
information from a secondary source will be coming to complete this submission.
24. How do I prepare a submission for multi-component chemicals?
The Premanufacture Notice module of the e-TSCA/e-PMN software is designed to enter one
chemical name and one CAS number for each single notice submission. Sometimes, a company
wants to submit a set of multi-component chemicals. Multi-component chemicals are two or
more similar chemicals that are always present, are not separated, and are generated in the same
reaction vessel. Because there is only one field to capture the chemical name and one field to
capture the CAS number, the Agency prefers that all chemical names with their CAS numbers (if
available) be listed in the chemical name field. This way the chemicals are not separated and
potentially lost when capturing the data electronically.
25. How do I submit a mock PMN?
To submit a “mock” PMN, use the Premanufacture Notice form and indicate “Mock
submission” on Page 1 continued as the Type of Notice.

E. Software Hints
26. Can I submit via CDX from more than one computer?
When you log into the CDX portal via the e-TSCA/e-PMN tool by entering your ID and
password the first time, a file is copied into the e-TSCA default location (most likely, in the
C:\Documents and Settings\username folder and has the extension “.[userid]-cromerrkeystore.jks”). This file contains the key which is needed for encryption and decryption. If you
will be logging into the CDX portal from another computer, make sure to copy this file onto the
second computer into the corresponding e-TSCA folder location. This will allow the user to
decrypt files created with this key.
27. How do I create/add chemicals to a consolidated submission?
There are two ways of adding additional pages (chemical ID pages - PMN pages 4, 5 and 6)
for a consolidated submission. To generate blank chemical ID pages for a known number of
consolidated cases, mark “Yes” at the bottom of PMN page 1 (continued), enter the Precommunication number (PCN) when prompted, enter the number of chemicals in the
consolidated set and select the “Update” button.
Consolidated chemicals may also be generated one at a time, blank or copied from an
existing chemical. To generate a blank new chemical, go to the Chemical ID Info screen and

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select “Add Chemical” from the software menu or select the shortcut icon from the action bar.
To clone or copy information on an existing chemical into a new chemical, select the Chemical
ID Info screen on the chemical you would like to copy and then select “Clone Chemical” from
the software menu or select the shortcut icon from the action bar.
28. How do I delete chemicals in a consolidated submission?
In order to delete a chemical of the consolidated set, select the Chemical ID Info screen for
that chemical and select “Delete Chemical” from the software menu or select the shortcut icon
on the action bar. If there are only two chemicals in the file and one of them is deleted, the
software will automatically change the information on PMN page 1 to remove the consolidation
flag. Note that the PC number remains on PMN page 3.
To delete all chemicals except for the first chemical, go to PMN page 1 (continued) and
deselect the “Yes this is a consolidated submission” radio button. A warning will appear to say
that all extra chemicals will be deleted and then you select “Yes” to delete the extra chemicals.
Please note that when the chemical has been deleted, any attachment associated with the
deleted chemical pages remains in the attachment list. To delete these attachments, go to PMN
page 12 and remove them from the list.
29. How do I generate extra PMN pages?
The e-TSCA/e-PMN software is set up to generate extra pages for PMN pages 7, 8, 9, 10,
and 13 as needed. These new pages may be the result of the submission being consolidated or
because the company has additional sites or processes. A consolidated submission has separate
pages for the chemical ID (PMN pages 4, 5 and 6) but does not need to have separate pages for
use, releases and exposures (PMN pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13). For those persons who would like
additional pages, they can select the PMN page (7, 8, 9, 10 or 13) and then select “Add new copy
of the current page” or select “Add cloned copy of the current page” from the software menu.
Shortcut icons are also activated on the action bar to add, delete or clone extra pages. Blank
extra pages can also be added from any screen by selecting “Insert Page” from the software
menu and then selecting which PMN page to add. For consolidated submissions, the company
should indicate at the top of the extra page which chemical(s) the data for this screen refers to.
30. How do I delete extra PMN pages?
To delete an extra page in the PMN form (PMN page 7, 8, 9, 10 or 13), select the page you
want to delete and then select “Delete the Current Page” from the software menu or the shortcut
icon on the action bar.
Please note that when the extra pages have been deleted, any attachment associated with the
deleted pages remain in the attachment list. To delete these attachments, go to PMN page 12 and
remove them from the list.
31. How do I create a sanitized (non-CBI) copy of the PMN submission?
If any data is marked CBI in a notice submission, than a sanitized version of the notice must
be submitted to the Agency. To view and/or print the sanitized data in the PMN form (pages 113), select the icon to “Print a sanitized version of the PMN” and an Adobe file of the PMN form
will be generated. Please note that the software does not sanitize attachments; the submitter must
attach a pre-sanitized file to the submission when the CBI file is attached. When the submission
is finalized, a finalized file is generated which contains both the CBI information and a sanitized

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version of the information. This finalized file will be submitted to the Agency (see Q & As #4345 on the submission process).
32. How can I validate the submission?
The e-TSCA/e-PMN modules have rules for validating the data. The results of the validation
appear in a separate window and indicate errors (required validations) or warnings (suggested
hints). The data are validated at three different times: when you save the file, when you select
the validate icon, and when you finalize the file. There are field level validations, e.g. if a CAS
number is entered, the system checks to make sure that it is a valid number. There are also
“conditional” level validations, e.g. if the chemical name is marked CBI then a generic name
must be provided. Only some of the fielded data in the forms are validated; attachments are not
33. How do I add an attachment?
There are two ways to add an attachment to a submission. One way is to select the
attachment page from the navigator on the left and then select “Add” to enter a new attachment.
In the Premanufacturing notice module, attachments for MSDS and test data are added this way.
The second way to add an attachment in the Premanufacturing module is to add attachments
from within various PMN pages. You will either need to select “[Attach File]” where structures
or diagrams are often added or select the check box which says “Check here to include an
attachment for…” next to various fields or sections.
For paper submissions you need to add the attachment to the list on the attachments page but
you do not have to attach the electronic file. Once the attachment is listed on the attachments
page, a Header Sheet will be generated when the PDF is created. The header pages need to be
included in the submission as the first page of the attachment because it includes codes for
proper scanning of the document.
34. How do I set up a contact profile?
Contact profiles containing names, companies, address, phone and email information are
stored in a file in the TSCA folder. There are several areas in the e-TSCA/e-PMN software
where the stored contact information can be used to populate the contact fields. To create new
contact profiles, select “Create/Edit Profile” under the Tools option in the software menu or
select the shortcut icon on the action bar.
35. How does the system handle field overflow and table overflow?
The concept of field overflow and table overflow only exists with the paper form. The eTSCA/e-PMN system is set up so that overflow information is automatically handled. Field
overflow prompts the system to generate a continuation page immediately after the PMN page
with the complete data given on the continuation page and a note (e.g., See continuation page. id:
) designating which field overflowed in that field. Table overflow prompts the
system to check the box at the end of the table which says “Mark (X) this box if the data
continues on the next page” and generates an extra page immediate after the PMN page with the
data continued in the table on that page. All of these additional PMN pages contain bar codes
which enable scanning software to properly identify the data contained on these pages.
36. What does it mean when I have a validation error or warning?
The e-TSCA/e-PMN software has validation rules to standardize information and prevent
certain kinds of errors. Many of the validations depend upon the submission type. All

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Premanufacturing submission types validate pages 1-3, but only some validate all 13 pages.
There are also validations depending upon whether the chemical is a polymer or non-polymer.
The results of the validation are found in a second window at the bottom of the screen. In the
window, there are two lists: errors and warnings. Errors are required information/formats that
must be resolved before the submission can be finalized and submitted. Warnings are suggested
issues that are not required. To go to the page where the error/warning is noted, double click on
the error/warning.
37. How does the system handle extra information such as an extra technical contact?
In order to standardize data amongst all submissions, validations and field data types were
established by EPA. Sometimes submitters would like to put data into fields but are restricted
from doing so by the software (for example, either they want to put text into a number field or
the field is too small). When a submitter encounters this problem, he or she needs to populate
the field with something (if it is a required field) and then include in an attachment the different
or extra information. Another example would be if the chemical name had a Greek character and
the system does not accept a Greek letter. You can create an Adobe file (.pdf) of the full
chemical name, include this as an attachment and in the chemical name field, put “See
38. How do I indicate CBI in the middle of a large body of text?
Most of the fields within the e-TSCA/e-PMN software have a CBI box associated with it so
that when the CBI box is checked, the entire field is considered to be CBI. There are a few fields
indicated in the system where the submitter is able to designate what information is CBI by
enclosing the CBI information in curvy brackets (i.e. {}). For the most part, the brackets will be
used for large bodies of text such as cover letters, the pollution prevention information PMN
page 11, and the process description fields on PMN pages 8 and 10. When the curvy brackets
are used for these indicated fields, the data between the curvy brackets will be replaced with
“XXX” upon sanitization.
39. What is the file size limitation of submitting via CDX?
Sending information via CDX has a few limiting factors. One factor could be that the person
may have older technology such as “dial up” and sending a large file may cause the application
to time out. Another factor is that CDX has a file size limit; the overall finalized file size needs
to be smaller than 80 megabytes in order to submit via CDX.
Some things to try to reduce the size of the attachments are: (1) if the attachment file is an
Adobe file, run the OCR Text Recognition function within the Adobe software - this can
sometimes reduce the file size 2-5 fold; (2) if the combined total of all attachments makes the
finalized file size too large, try sending some of the data files as supporting documents and label
them as test data. Make sure to mention in the original submission that you will be sending the
files this way.
40. Why are my total pages different in the sanitized version than in the CBI version?
Extra pages are created in the CBI version for various reasons. If a continuation page is
generated due to a field overflow (the data is too large for the printed page space) and the data is
marked CBI, then upon sanitization, the field will no longer need an overflow continuation page
and the sanitized version will be one page less.
41. What happens when I change the CBI status of an attachment?

e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

Dec 2009

If a CBI attachment was added along with the sanitized version of this attachment and the
checkmark for the field “Contains CBI Information” is unchecked, the system will warn you that
by removing this checkmark, you will be deleting the sanitized file from the attachment list.
42. How do I enter data if the field validation won’t let me?
In order to standardize the data among all submissions, certain field data types are
programmed into the software. If you are having a problem entering information because the
field validation will not let you, then for a number field, enter a “0” (if possible), and for a text
field, enter “See attachment”. In both instances, add an attachment for further explanation where

F. End Steps for Delivery of Submission to EPA
43. What do I need to do in order to submit if I send in my submission via paper?
When a submission is finalized, the e-TSCA/e-PMN software asks how it will be sent to the
EPA. If paper is selected, a finalized version of the form will be saved as a PDF file. You will
need to submit one copy of the CBI version along with one copy of the sanitized version or one
copy of the non-CBI version. The submitting company’s authorized official must sign the paper
copy at the bottom of PMN page 2. The e-TSCA/e-PMN tool will print Header Sheets which
need to be placed at the front of each attachment. The Header Sheets will contain codes to
ensure that the scanning process is correctly performed. Note: the pre e-PMN version of the
paper form will not be accepted; the e-TSCA/e-PMN software must be used to generate the
finalized PDF for printing and submitting.
44. What do I need to do in order to submit if I send in my submission via CD?
When a submission is finalized, the e-TSCA/e-PMN software asks how it will be sent to the
EPA. If CD is selected, a finalized version of the file will be saved and another file containing
the cover letter and certification pages will be created. You will need to print and complete the
certification pages and the company’s authorized official must sign the paper copy at the bottom
of PMN page 2. The finalized file can than be copied to a CD. The CD and the paperwork must
than be sent to the Agency via courier (or hand delivered) to avoid exposure to the mail room
security irradiation procedures.
45. What do I need in order to submit if I send in my submission via CDX?
When a submission is finalized, the e-TSCA/e-PMN software asks how it will be sent to the
EPA. If CDX is selected, a finalized version of the file will be saved and the system will check
to see if you are registered and approved to submit with CDX. Please note that the
information provided in CDX Registration must agree with the contact information in the
submission document. If your profile information in the submission does not exactly agree
with the data in CDX Registration, than you will be prompted to select which information you
would like to have represented in this submission. Your submission will be updated with the
selected information before saving and submitting to the Agency.

G. Informational
46. What has changed between the old form and the new PMN form?

e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

Dec 2009

The print version of the form looks different because it had to be modified for scanning. The
information is still found in the same location.
New fields have been added. Some fields were added to capture the information where
before the data had been sent to the Agency either in a cover letter or in an attachment. The
fields include: pending Letter of Support (PMN page 1 continued) and IES Order number (PMN
pages 4 and 5a).
One field which is new (and is often provided in the submission) is the Payment ID number.
This number is the user fee payment transaction number, e.g. check number, transaction
number, or wire number. It will be a required payment number for submissions when a fee
Another new field is the email address. Since the Agency is trying to eliminate paper and
paper transactions, the Agency will need the electronic address to make contact with submitters.
The email address is not a required field. It should be noted that CBI will not be transmitted
from the EPA to the company using email. CBI will only be sent electronically via CDX or
One field has been removed. On PMN page 1 (continued), one of the Type of Notice choices
was Intermediate PMN. In the e-TSCA/e-PMN software, to indicate an intermediate PMN, the
submitter will choose PMN as the Type of Notice and on the certification page (PMN page 2),
the submitter will select the middle User Fee option for Intermediate PMN user fee.
47. Do I have to submit a NOC or a Supporting Document for an older case by paper?
Yes. Notice of Commencements and Supporting Documents for Section 5 submissions first
received at EPA before the effective date of the rule (April 6, 2010) must be submitted on paper.
The e-PMN software restricts finalizing NOCs and supporting documents for designated original
submissions prior to 2010 to paper submissions only.
48. Do I have to use the e-PMN software to create an NOC for an older submission?
When the rule becomes effective (April 6, 2010), the Adobe version of the NOC form will be
removed from the New Chemicals website. Submitters will need to use the new e-PMN software
to create Notices of Commencement for all PMNs. NOCs for submissions originally received
before April 6, 2010 must be sent via paper.
49. What are some important things to avoid when using the e-PMN software to submit to
the Agency?
a. Not using the tool to generate and finalize the submission no matter what method
of submitting to the EPA (paper, CD or via CDX).
b. Not including the tool generated Header Sheets for all attachments when
submitting by paper.
c. Not using a courier or hand delivery of CD submissions.
d. Not finalizing the submission.
50. What do I need to register for CDX?
Any person who wants to send information to the Agency via CDX must first register with
CDX and obtain a UserID and password. At the CDX website, you will need to fill in some
identification information. Using this information, the e-TSCA/e-PMN Electronic Signature

e-TSCA/e-PMN: Questions and Answers

Dec 2009

Agreement form will then need to be printed. In the e-TSCA/e-PMN Electronic Signature
Agreement form the electronic signature holder will need to sign and have the signature
notarized. Once the form has been completed and returned to the Agency, the account will
become active.
51. For a CDX submission, how do I know if the EPA received my submission?
By using CDX, the submitter has set up a two-way communication system with the Agency.
When a submission such as a notice is sent to the EPA using CDX, the submitter will receive an
e-mail notice from CDX to indicate that CDX successfully received the transmission. Next the
submitter will receive an e-mail notice from CDX to indicate that the Copy of Record is
available for review/download.
52. How do I get help if I need it?
The EPA will have a centralized call center number for any issues associated with the
software or CDX. Please contact CDX by email at or by calling the
CDX Help Desk through the toll free telephone support on 888-890-1995 between 8:00 am to
6:00 pm (EST) Monday through Friday. International callers who wish to contact the CDX Help
Desk should dial 970-494-5500.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - ePMN Software Helpful Hints 122909.doc
File Modified2011-10-12
File Created2010-01-06

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