Appendix J1 Appendix J1 MyNAEP System Content

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2019 and 2020

Appendix J1 NAEP 2019-2020 MyNAEP System Content

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2019 and 2020

OMB: 1850-0928

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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
2019 and 2020
Appendix J1
Content of the MyNAEP System

OMB# 1850-0928 v.10

March 2018

Revised September 2018
Note: the contents included in Appendix J reflect the final version of the 2019 MyNAEP system. The 2020
version will be submitted as a non-substantive change request no later than October 2019.

Table of Contents
MyNAEP Login Screen..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Home page ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Provide School Information .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Prepare for Assessment ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP ................................................................................................. 10
Review and Verify Student Information ..................................................................................................................... 11
Print Reports ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Complete SD/ELL Student Information .......................................................................................................................... 16
Review NAEP Inclusion Policy .................................................................................................................................. 18
Give Access to SD and/or ELL Specialists ................................................................................................................. 19
Provide Information for Students Who Are Both SD and ELL .................................................................................. 20
Provide Information for SD (IEP or 504 Plan) Only ................................................................................................... 25
Provide Information for ELL Only.............................................................................................................................. 29
Print Reports ................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Create Accommodation Sessions (Field Staff Only) ................................................................................................... 38
Notify Parents .................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Download Parent/Guardian Notification Template ..................................................................................................... 41
Upload Letter............................................................................................................................................................... 42
Verify Parent/Guardian Notification ........................................................................................................................... 43
Manage Questionnaires ................................................................................................................................................... 44
Identify Questionnaire Respondents............................................................................................................................ 45
Send Welcome Emails and Questionnaires ................................................................................................................. 48
Monitor Questionnaire Completion and Send Reminder Emails ................................................................................ 49
Plan for Assessment Day ................................................................................................................................................. 50
Record Assessment Details ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Provide NAEP Team Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 57
Encourage Participation .................................................................................................................................................. 62
Review Resources ........................................................................................................ ...............................................63
Select Strategies to Encourage Participation ................................................................ ...............................................68
Update Student List ......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Give Access for Student Data Specialist ..................................................................................................................... 70
Submit Current List ..................................................................................................................................................... 71
Support Assessment Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 80
Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Wrap Up .......................................................................................................................................................................... 81
Additional Resources ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
Prepare for Assessment ............................................................................................................................................... 82
Instructions for the School Coordinator brochure ................................................................................................... 82
Digitally-based Assessments ................................................................................................................................... 86
Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP ............................................................................................. 87
Information Needed to Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP ................................................... 87
Dept. of Agriculture Memo Authorizing Release of NSLP to NAEP ..................................................................... 89
Complete SD/ELL Student Information...................................................................................................................... 90
Inclusion on NAEP Fact Sheet ................................................................................................................................ 90
Letter from Department of Education Encouraging Inclusion ................................................................................ 94
Information Needed to Include SD/ELL Students .................................................................................................. 95
Notify Parents .............................................................................................................................................................. 97
Parent’s page on Nation’s Report Card website ...................................................................................................... 97
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP: PDF version ............................................................................... 97
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP: Video version............................................................................. 97
Sample Questions Booklets ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Manage Questionnaire ................................................................................................................................................. 98
Manage Questionnaires Welcome Email ................................................................................................................ 98
Manage Questionnaires Reminder Email ................................................................................................................ 99
Hardcopy Reminder .............................................................................................................................................. 100
Plan for Assessment Day ........................................................................................................................................... 101
Suggested Testing Room Layouts ......................................................................................................................... 101
Encourage Participation ............................................................................................................................................ 112
Measure Up: NAEP News for the School Community ......................................................................................... 112
Digitally-based Assessments ................................................................................................................................. 112
Update Student List ................................................................................................................................................... 113
Student List Requirements and Instructions .......................................................................................................... 113
Support Assessment Activities .................................................................................................................................. 116
Teacher Notification Letter ................................................................................................................................... 116
Appointment Cards................................................................................................................................................ 117

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Description of MyNAEP: The school coordinators are responsible for preparing for the assessment in the school
using the MyNAEP system, which is an online secure site that provides participating schools with a convenient way to
prepare for the upcoming assessment. MyNAEP serves as the primary resource and action center throughout the
assessment process. The site also offers school coordinators an electronic way to prepare for the assessment at their
own pace. The NAEP field representative will schedule an initial call in December to pre-review the major areas of the
MyNAEP system with the school coordinator. A description of the tasks completed in the MyNAEP system can be
found in Part B. The content of the MyNAEP system is included in this appendix.
Notes on the organization of Appendix J

Red text indicates descriptive notes and references to Appendices other than J1
Green text indicates text from hyperlinks or references within this document.
The Additional Resources section of this document (beginning on page 78) contains the text of hyperlinks

The confidentiality citation has been updated in September 2018. The confidentiality language will reflect
the new confidentiality citation, as reflected in Part A.

MyNAEP Login Screen
MyNAEP is a restricted-use website that contains information on the National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP), widely known as The Nation's Report Card.
Email or Username:
Forgot Username or Password |
Having trouble logging in?
First time visiting the 2018 MyNAEP site?
Please register
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this voluntary information
collection is 1850-0928. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 180 minutes
for schools that do not submit student sample information or 300 minutes for schools that submit student sample
information manually, plus an additional 10 minutes for each student identified as SD or ELL, plus an additional 30
minutes for schools participating in the NAEP-NTPS Linking Study, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any
comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this collection, or any comments or
concerns regarding the status of your individual submission, please write to: National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Potomac Center Plaza, 550 12th St., SW, 4th
floor, Washington, DC 20202.
OMB No. 1850-0928 APPROVAL EXPIRES 07/31/2020
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is authorized to conduct NAEP by the National Assessment of
Educational Progress Authorization Act (20 U.S.C. §9622) and to collect students’ education records from education
Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


agencies or institutions for the purposes of evaluating federally supported education programs under the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, 34 CFR §§ 99.31(a)(3)(iii) and 99.35).

Note: the NAEP data security and confidentiality citations have changed, as reflected below.
All of the information provided by participants may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or
used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). By
law, every NCES employee as well as every NCES agent, such as contractors and NAEP coordinators, has taken an
oath and is subject to a jail term of up to 5 years, a fine of $250,000, or both if he or she willfully discloses ANY
identifiable information about participants. Electronic submission of participant’s information will be monitored for
viruses, malware, and other threats by Federal employees and contractors in accordance with the Cybersecurity
Enhancement Act of 2015. The collected information will be combined across respondents to produce statistical
[The following text will be added for 2019]
Notice: You are accessing a U.S. Government information system.
This warning banner provides privacy and security notices consistent with applicable federal laws, directives, and
other federal guidance for accessing this Government system, which includes all devices/storage media attached to this
system. This system is provided for Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is
prohibited and may result in disciplinary action and/or civil and criminal penalties.
If you have questions or need help accessing the website, please contact the NAEP help desk at 1-800-283-6237 or Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. ET.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Home page
Welcome to the National Assessment of Educational Progress!
The MyNAEP website will help you prepare for the assessment.
Assessment Details
Assessment Date:
Preassessment Review Call Date:
NAEP Representative:
MyNAEP Registration ID:
NAEP School Coordinator:
*If a school coordinator name does not appear above, then no one is currently assigned as school coordinator. Notify
your NAEP State Coordinator, _________, at ________ if this information is missing. School coordinators must
register their own MyNAEP account.
Prepare for Assessment
It's time to prepare for your school's upcoming assessment date.

The first step is to watch this quick tutorial video (, which will give you an
overview of the Prepare for Assessment menu.
Complete the activities in the menu before your scheduled preassessment review call.

What's Next?
Download teacher notification letters and student appointment cards in the Support Assessment Activities section.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide School Information
Provide School Information
Please use the links below to ensure that NAEP has the most up-to-date information about your school.
Complete the following:
School Contact Information

School name and address
Shipping address
Principal contact information
School coordinator contact information

School Characteristics Information

Student enrollment
Charter school status
Date school adjourns for winter break in December
Date school returns from winter break in January
School calendar type (traditional or year round)
School start and end times


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Prepare for Assessment
Prepare for Assessment
The list of students selected for NAEP will become available in early December. The school coordinator will need to
complete some activities after the list is available. Completion of these activities will ensure a successful
administration of NAEP. Use the links in the checklist on the left-hand menu under Prepare for Assessment to:

Review and verify the list of students selected for NAEP
Complete information about how students with disabilities and English language learners will participate in
Notify parents/guardians of sampled students
Manage school and/or teacher questionnaires
Plan assessment day logistics
Encourage participation and motivate students to do their best

Complete the following activity upon return from winter break…

Update the student list to include any new grade 8 students at your school

Your NAEP representative will contact the school coordinator in early December to explain how to complete these
activities and to schedule a preassessment review call. Please complete all activities before the preassessment review
call date.
A storage envelope and the Instructions for School Coordinator brochure will be mailed in early December. Store any
printed reports that include student names and information in the NAEP Storage Envelope.
Additional Resources

Instructions for the School Coordinator (see Additional Resources section of this document)
Digitally-based Assessments (


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP
Note: The student list is initially submitted outside of the MyNAEP system and the information is loaded into
MyNAEP for the school coordinator to review and verify for accuracy.
Prepare for Assessment
Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP
NAEP reports results for student demographic groups, so it is important to collect accurate data. Review the list of
students to be tested at your school and update their enrollment status and demographic information as needed.
Complete the following:

Watch the Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP Tutorial (5:36)
Review and Verify Student Information
Print Reports

Additional Resources

Information Needed to Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP Coordinator
(see Additional Resources section of this document)
Dept. of Agriculture Memo Authorizing Release of NSLP to NAEP Coordinator
(see Additional Resources section of this document)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review and Verify Student Information
Review and Verify Student Information
Print Worksheet – REV-INFO-1
Select Print Worksheet to review and note changes to student enrollment status and demographics on a hardcopy
worksheet. Select Continue when you are ready to enter information into MyNAEP.
Some students may not be eligible to participate in NAEP. A list of possible reasons is available here.
(Note the content of the list is below for convenience of reviewing this appendix)
Reasons Student Cannot Take NAEP:

Does not attend any academic classes on campus
Home schooled and receives limited services on campus
Student listed more than once
Not in tested grade
Foreign exchange student
Student deceased
Long-term illness/homebound
Parent notified about NAEP and refused NAEP testing
Student notified about NAEP and refused NAEP testing
Enrolled in U.S. schools less than one full academic year before the NAEP assessment and cannot access
NAEP (applies only to English language learners)
Meets (or met) participation criteria for one or more state alternative assessments (applies only to students with


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review and Verify Student Information
Demographic Data-REV-INFO-2
Note: School coordinators will be asked to review and verify student demographic information (as shown in the
screenshot below), and also to indicate whether students were displaced from a natural disaster (screen REV-INFO-6).
Review all demographic data for the students listed below.
Select the Edit pencil next to the student name to enter a student's correct or missing information, or indicate a
reason the student cannot take NAEP.

If a student has a Section 504 Plan and requires an accommodation to be tested, change his or her Student
with a Disability status to Yes, 504.
If there are missing data for a student, there will be an icon in the column. Hover over the icon to see how
many students have missing data.
All columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header. Missing data will filter to the top.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review and Verify Student Information
Review and Verify Student Information-REV-INFO-5
The students listed below have been identified as American Indian or Alaska native. These students will complete an
additional shorty questionnaire for the National Indian Education Study. Please review and confirm the race of each

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review and Verify Student Information
Print Summary Report-REV-INFO-6
Select Print Summary to print a record of the student information entered into MyNAEP. Keep this report in the
NAEP Storage Envelope and refer to it during the preasessment review call.
Select Submit when you are finished with this section.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Print Reports
Print Reports – REV-REP-1
Before entering student data in the system
Print this worksheet and use it to review and verify student enrollment status and demographics before entering the
data into the system.
After entering student data in the system
Select Print Summary Report to print a record of the student information entered in the system. Keep this report in
the NAEP Storage Envelope and refer to it during the preassessment review call.


Sample of information included in the worksheet and summary report (note the worksheet is a
resource to assist teachers in collecting the information that will be contained in the summary report)

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Complete SD/ELL Student Information
Note: In this section the school coordinator will provide information to determine how students participate in NAEP
(i.e., without accommodations, with accommodations, or do not test). The school coordinator will provide the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) disability status, English proficiency, primary language, gradelevel performance, and accommodations, using the state-specific NAEP inclusion policies (see Appendices D1-8 and
D1-9 for templates of the SD and ELL inclusion policies, which are customized by the NAEP State Coordinators). The
purpose of providing this information is to make sure students have appropriate supports to access the NAEP
Prepare for Assessment
Complete SD/ELL Student Information
To ensure that NAEP reflects the educational progress of all students, students with disabilities (SD) and English
language learners (ELL) must be included to the fullest extent possible.
NAEP provides accommodations only for SD and ELL. Therefore, this section only includes students whose SD status
is "Yes, IEP" or "Yes, 504" or ELL status is "Yes, ELL." Changes to these status codes can only be made in the
Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP section.
The information that you provide in this section indicates how students will participate in NAEP and the
accommodations they will receive.
Complete the following:

Watch Complete SD/ELL Student Information Tutorial (5:59) (
Review NAEP Inclusion Policy
Give Access to SD and/or ELL Specialist(s) (optional)
Provide Information for Students Who Are Both SD and ELL
Provide Information for SD (IEP or 504 Plan) Only
Provide Information for ELL Only
Print Reports
Create Accommodation Sessions (Field Staff Only)

Additional Resources

Inclusion on NAEP Fact Sheet
Letter from Department of Education Encouraging Inclusion
Information Needed to Include SD/ELL Students

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review NAEP Inclusion Policy
Review NAEP Inclusion Policy-COMP-INCL 1-1 (see Appendices D1-8 and D1-9)
NAEP Inclusion Policy for Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners
The policy provides inclusion expectations, lists the NAEP accommodations, and describes how the accommodations
are administered.
SD Inclusion Policy (see Appendix D1-8)
ELL Inclusion Policy (see Appendix D1-9)
We expect most students with disabilities and English language learners to participate. The only students eligible for
exclusion are:
Students who meet (or met) participation criteria for the State Alternate Assessment
English language learners who have been enrolled in U.S. schools less than 1 full academic year before the NAEP
assessment and cannot access NAEP
All other SD and ELL students should participate with or without NAEP accommodations.
Monitoring Exclusions
Your NAEP State Coordinator will monitor exclusions and may contact you regarding excluded students. If you have
any questions about how to include a student, contact your NAEP State Coordinator, NAME, at EMAIL ADDRESS.
I downloaded and reviewed the NAEP Inclusion Policy for Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners.



Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Give Access to SD and/or ELL Specialists
Give Access to SD and/or ELL Specialists-COMP-SPEC 1-1
The person most familiar with how students with disabilities (SD) and English language learners (ELL) are tested
should provide the information for these students. Complete and submit the information below to give access to the
Complete SD/ELL Student Information section for one or more SD/ELL specialists.

For confidentiality reasons, access is limited to you and five additional school staff.

Enter all names and email addresses then select Save.
Select the Send Email button for each record.
Select Submit.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide Information for Students Who Are Both SD and ELL
Print Worksheet-COMP-BOTH-2
Select Print Worksheet to record the information for each student on a hardcopy worksheet. Select Continue when
you're ready to enter information into MyNAEP.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see appendices D1-8 and D1-9) to see the universal design elements and
accommodations for NAEP, and to determine how students should participate.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


ELL Details-COMP-BOTH-3
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see appendices D1-8 and D1-9) prior to completing.



What is the student's primary language?
Including this year, how long has this student been receiving academic instruction primarily in English? (note
a hover note displays in the system that reads: Instructor presents academic content in English and the student
receives only occasional translation of words or explanation of ideas/concepts in his/her native language.)
At what grade level (note a hover note displays in the system that reads: For example, a grade 4 student is
selected to take the NAEP math assessment who performs at a second-grade level should be marked as two or
more years below grade level.) does this student perform in the NAEP subject?
How would you characterize this student’s English proficiency (note a hover note displays in the system that
reads: How this student's English language proficiency compares to other ELLS in the same grade.) in
listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


SD Details-COMP-BOTH-4
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy prior to completing.


Which of the following IDEA categories (see list below) best describes each student’s identified
o Autism
o Deaf-blindness
o Developmental delay
o Emotional disturbance
o Hearing impairment, including deafness
o Intellectual disability
o Multiple disabilities
o Orthopedic impairment
o Other health impairment
o Specific learning disability
o Speech or language impairment
o Traumatic brain injury
o Visual impairment, including blindness
What is the degree (note that in the system a hover note appears that reads: The response should be based on
the knowledge of the person most familiar with this student's disability(ies) and based on the professional
judgment how it/they might compare to other students with similar) of each student's disability(ies)?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


How Students Should Participate-COMP-BOTH-5
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see Appendices D1-8 and D1-9) prior to completing.

How is each student assessed on the state or classroom assessments in the NAEP subject?
How should each student be assessed on NAEP?
(If appropriate) What universal design elements and accommodations does the student need to access NAEP?
(If appropriate) Reason student cannot take NAEP?
(If appropriate) Is the decision to exclude each student a school decision or a parent/student decision?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Print Summary Report-COMP-BOTH-8
Select Print Summary to print a record of the student information entered into MyNAEP. Keep this report in the
NAEP Storage Envelope and refer to it during the preassessment review call.
Select Submit when you are finished with this section.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide Information for SD (IEP or 504 Plan) Only
Print Worksheet-COMP-SD-2
Select Print Worksheet to record the information for each student on a hardcopy worksheet. Select Continue when
you're ready to enter information into MyNAEP.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see Appendix D1-8) to see the universal design elements and accommodations for
NAEP, and to determine how students should participate.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


SD Details-COMP-SD-3
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name:



Which of the following IDEA categories (see list below) best describes each student’s identified
disability(ies)? (Note: This question is not applicable to students marked as Yes, 504.)
o Autism
o Deaf-blindness
o Developmental delay
o Emotional disturbance
o Hearing impairment, including deafness
o Intellectual disability
o Multiple disabilities
o Orthopedic impairment
o Other health impairment
o Specific learning disability
o Speech or language impairment
o Traumatic brain injury
o Visual impairment, including blindness
What is the degree (note that in the system a hover note appears that reads: The response should be based on
the knowledge of the person most familiar with this student's disability(ies) and based on the professional
judgment how it/they might compare to other students with similar) of each student's disability(ies)?
At what grade level (note that in the system a hover note appears that reads: For example, a grade 4 student is
selected to take the NAEP math assessment who performs at a second-grade level should be marked as two or
more years below grade level) does this student perform in the NAEP subject?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


How Students Should Participate-COMP-SD-4
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see Appendix D1-8) prior to completing.

How is each student assessed on the state or classroom assessments in the NAEP subject?
How should each student be assessed on NAEP?
(If appropriate) What universal design elements and accommodations does the student need to access NAEP?
(If appropriate) Reason student cannot take NAEP?
(If appropriate) Is the decision to exclude each student a school decision or a parent/student decision?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Print Summary Report-COMP-SD-7
Select Print Summary to print a record of the student information entered into MyNAEP. Keep this report in the
NAEP Storage Envelope and refer to it during the preassessment review call.
Select Submit when you are finished with this section.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide Information for ELL Only
Print Worksheet-COMP-ELL-2
Select Print Worksheet to record the information for each student on a hardcopy worksheet. Select Continue when
you're ready to enter information into MyNAEP.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see Appendix D1-9) to see the universal design elements and accommodations for
NAEP, and to determine how students should participate.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


ELL Details-COMP-ELL-3
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see Appendix D1-8) prior to completing.



What is the student's primary language?
Including this year, how long has this student been receiving academic instruction primarily in English? (note
a hover note displays in the system that reads: Instructor presents academic content in English and the student
receives only occasional translation of words or explanation of ideas/concepts in his/her native language.)
At what grade level (note a hover note displays in the system that reads: For example, a grade 4 student is
selected to take the NAEP math assessment who performs at a second-grade level should be marked as two or
more years below grade level) does this student perform in the NAEP subject?
How would you characterize this student’s English proficiency (note a hover note displays in the system that
reads: How this student's English language proficiency compares to other ELLS in the same grade.) in
listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


How Students Should Participate-COMP-ELL-4
For each student listed below, record the following information by selecting the Edit pencil next to the student name.
Review the NAEP inclusion policy (see Appendix D1-8) prior to completing.

How long has each student been enrolled in U.S. schools? (One full academic year is defined as one full
school year before the assessment)
How should the student be assessed on NAEP?
(If appropriate) What universal design elements and accommodations does the student need to access NAEP?
(If appropriate) Reason student cannot take NAEP?
(If appropriate) Is the decision to exclude each student a school decision or a parent/student decision?

All columns can be sorted by selecting the column header.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Print Summary Report-COMP-ELL-6
Select Print Summary to print a record of the student information entered into MyNAEP. Keep this report in the
NAEP Storage Envelope and refer to it during the preassessment review call.
Select Submit when you are finished with this section.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Print Reports
Print Reports-COMP-REP-1
Before entering student data in the system
Print the worksheets to record student information.
After entering student data in the system
Select Print Summary Report to print a record of the student information entered in the system. Keep this report in
the NAEP Storage Envelope and refer to it during the preassessment review call. Print the Exclusion Report to
discuss with the NAEP State Coordinator.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Sample of information contained in worksheets and reports:
(note the worksheets are resources to assist teachers in collecting the information that will be contained in the
summary reports)
Both SD and ELL


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Worksheet Page 3

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


For SD Only
Worksheet Page 1

Worksheet Page 2

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


For ELL Only

Worksheet Page 1

Worksheet Page 2

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Create Accommodation Sessions (Field Staff Only)
The Submit button will be greyed out until you have green checkmarks for all the following links:

Provide Information for Students Who Are Both SD and ELL
Provide Information for SD (IEP or 504 Plan) Only
Provide Information for ELL Only

Once you select Submit, the system will create accommodation sessions based on the accommodations recorded for
each student.
Do not select Submit until you have confirmed the SD/ELL data for each student, as you can only complete this task


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Notify Parents
Note: In this section the school coordinator will download and customize the parent notification letter (see Appendix
D2-12 [public schools] and D2-11 [private schools] for the template of the letter), upload the customized letter to the
system, and certify the date parents were notified. This is to ensure that parents/legal guardians are notified of their
student’s selection to participate in NAEP, which is a requirement of the Reauthorized Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA).1
Prepare for Assessment
Notify Parents
All parents and guardians of selected students must be notified in writing before NAEP can conduct the assessment.
Complete the following:

Watch Notify Parents Tutorial (3:46) (
Download Parent/Guardian Notification Template
Upload Letter
Verify Parent/Guardian Notification

Additional Resources


Parent's page on Nation’s Report Card website
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP: PDF version
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP: Video version
Sample Questions Booklets

Please note that parents/legal guardians are required to receive notification of student participation but NAEP does not require
explicit parental consent (by law, parents/guardians of students selected to participate in NAEP must be notified in writing of
their child’s selection prior to the administration of the assessment).

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Download Parent/Guardian Notification Template
Download Parent/Guardian Notification Template-PAR-TMP-1
You can download, customize, and distribute the parent notification letter(s) below.
Parent/Guardian Notification Letter – (National 4&8) (see Appendices D2-11 and D2-12)
Here are some suggestions for notifying parents about NAEP:

Mail/email the letter to parents
Send the letter home with students
Include the letter on the school website or in a newsletter

Unable to download the template? Try disabling pop-up blockers or adding as a trusted site to your
browser. Still having trouble? Contact the NAEP help desk at 1-800-283-6237.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Upload Letter
Upload Letter-PAR-UPLD-1
1. When do you plan on distributing the letter?
2. Please upload the letter that you distributed to parents and guardians. If you distributed the letter in more than one
language, just upload the English version.
Select Choose File or Browse... to locate and upload your file.
SC chose to provide hard copy parent letter
Unable to upload your letter? Try removing any large graphics such as school letterhead. Or you can give your NAEP
representative a hardcopy on assessment day.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Verify Parent/Guardian Notification
Verify Parent/Guardian Notification-PAR-VER-1
Please tell us a few details about how you notified parents of the assessment.
1. When did you notify parents?
2. How did you notify them?
Mailed/emailed letter to parents
Sent letter home with students
Posted notice in newsletter
*If you answered Other to the above question, please explain.
3. Other than updating the placeholder text, did you make any changes to the letter?


4. Who received a notification?
Parents/guardians of sampled students only
Parents/guardians of all grade 8 students
5. Please certify that you notified parents and guardians of the assessment by typing your name in the box.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Manage Questionnaires
Note: In this section the school coordinator identifies respondents for school and teacher questionnaires, sends
respondents links to online questionnaires, and monitors completion of questionnaires. Additionally, the school
coordinator distributes information about NAEP to teachers (see Appendix D1-7). The results of the questionnaire are
used to provide contextual data from schools and teachers in The Nation’s Report Card.
Prepare for Assessment
Manage Questionnaires
NAEP collects information using questionnaires to provide a context for reporting student performance.

School Questionnaires gather information on school policies and characteristics.
Teacher Questionnaires gather information on teacher training and instructional practices.

This section also allows you to monitor the completion of the questionnaires and to send reminders. Please note that
each one of your questionnaire recipients will receive automatic reminder emails to complete the questionnaire weekly,
so you will likely not need to send any reminders yourself.
Complete the following:

Watch Manage Questionnaires Tutorial (4:03) (
Identify Questionnaire Respondents
Send Welcome Emails and Questionnaires
Monitor Questionnaire Completion and Send Reminder Emails
Print Reports

Additional Resources

Measure Up News for the School Community (see Appendix D1-11)
Facts for Teachers (see Appendix D1-7)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Identify Questionnaire Respondents
Identify Questionnaire Respondents-QX-RES-1
Check this box if all your teachers use the same email domain.

For example,
What email domain do they use? @
Select Save to save the domain for all teachers.

Select the Add Teacher button to enter contact information for all teachers who teach mathematics or reading to
grade 8 students. (Note: teacher’s first name, last name, and email address are entered by the school coordinator as
shown in the screenshot below)


Please include special education, ESL, and resource teachers who teach mathematics or reading to grade 8
Make sure each name and email address is correct.
o Select the pencil to make corrections.
o Select the red x to delete a teacher.
When finished entering all teachers, select Save and Continue.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Identify Questionnaire Respondents-NIES-QX-RES-3
This year NAEP is also collecting information from teachers who teach Math or Reading to American Indian or
Alaskan Native students. These teachers will complete an additional brief National Indian Education Study
The following grade 8 students were selected for NAEP and have been identified as American Indian or Alaskan
Native. Please select each student’s math and reading teacher from the drop down list in the corresponding Math
Teacher or Reading Teacher columns. Up to 10 students will be displayed at a time. Click the Save button frequently
to avoid losing data. To see the next page of students (if applicable), click the Next 10 records button.
For more information about the National Education Study, watch the NIES video or read the NIES brochure.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Identify Questionnaire Respondents-QX-RES-2
The School Questionnaire is used to gather information concerning school administration, staffing patterns,
curriculum, and student services. It should be completed by the principal or another school official.
Make any necessary updates to the contact information of the School Questionnaire recipient by selecting the Edit
Pencil. Make any updates in the pop-up box and select Save. When finished with all updates, select Submit.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Send Welcome Emails and Questionnaires
Send Welcome Emails-QX-WEL-1
(see the Additional Resources section of this document for the text of the Welcome Email)
Now it's time to make sure that NAEP has the correct email addresses of your recipients. Select the Send buttons in the
table below to send each person a welcome email.
Not sure if everyone received the welcome email?

Check to ensure each recipient received the email.
Double-check the email address. If the address is correct and the recipient still did not receive the email, the
recipient should check his or her junk email folder.
To add, edit, or delete recipients, return to the Identify Respondents page.
Print a Hard Copy Reminder to place in recipients' mailboxes. (see the Additional Resources section of this
document for the text of the Hard Copy Reminders)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Monitor Questionnaire Completion and Send Reminder Emails

Please confirm that these are the correct teachers and the list is complete, showing all teachers who teach
mathematics or reading to grade 8 students.
Monitor questionnaire completion using the Status column. Please ensure that all questionnaires have a status
of "Completed" before your assessment day.
Select Send to send teachers and administrators email reminders.
Use the Print Hard Copy Reminder button to print reminders that you can place in teacher/administrator
If you need to add a teacher, select the Add Teacher button.

*The green check mark will only appear if the questionnaire status is Complete, Hard Copy, Refused, or No longer at


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Plan for Assessment Day
Note: In this section the school coordinator will determine assessment session times and locations, share cell phone
policy to ensure security of NAEP items, and make a plan to encourage student participation. This is meant to ensure
that the school is prepared for a successful administration of NAEP.
Prepare for Assessment
Plan for Assessment Day
In this section, record assessment details and provide logistical instructions for the NAEP team to ensure that
assessment day runs smoothly.
Note: If less than 90% of the selected students attend the assessment, the NAEP team may need to return to your
school for a makeup assessment at a later date. Your NAEP representative will discuss this with you after the original
assessment has been conducted.
Complete the following:

Watch Plan for Assessment Day Tutorial (4:39) (
Record Assessment Details
Provide NAEP Team Instructions

Additional Resources

Suggested Testing Room Layouts


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Record Assessment Details
Record Assessment Details-PLN-DET-1
Students will take NAEP on tablets.
Review the information below, then record a testing location and start times for each session.
Testing Locations
Select locations that…

have enough seats and adequate space for all students
are free of distractions and interruptions
has a board available for the NAEP team to write information
is on the first floor or is elevator-accessible (NAEP team will transport heavy equipment)
has flat desks or tables (no slanted and/or small desks)
has electric outlets that are easily accessible

Click here to view photos of the NAEP equipment and an ideal testing location.
Sample photo:

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Time Requirements

Locations should be available 60 minutes before the start time so that the NAEP team can set up.
Sessions will last about 120 minutes.
Allow 45 minutes between tablet sessions for equipment refresh.

Entire the time that grade 8 students take their lunch break, and include the length of their lunch break.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Record Assessment Details-PLN-DET-2
Warning: Tablet Session Timing Issue
Our team can only assess 25 students at a time.
Please edit the start times to allow at least 2 hours and 30 minutes between the start times for groups A and B.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Record Assessment Details-PLN-DET-4
Combined Sessions
You’ve combined one more sessions together.
To help the NAEP team conduct the assessment as smoothly as possible, please review these guidelines:

check the Number of Students column and make sure that your assessment location has enough seats
ask if a school staff member can monitor room entrances during the assessment
provide a microphone for the NAEP team to use while giving instructions to the students


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Record Assessment Details-PLN-DET-5

Students taking NAEP with extended time should be placed in the group that allows ample time for their
Students who will not be taking NAEP and students who will be assessed in separate sessions do not appear on
this page.

Tablet Groups
NAEP has assigned each student taking the tablet assessment to a group. The maximum number of students per
group is 25.
If there is a scheduling conflict, you may switch students between groups below. If you don't need to make any
changes to the groupings, select Submit.
Group DS0801-A: 25 student(s)
Group DS0801-B: 25 student(s)
Group DS0802-A: 25 student(s)
Group DS0802-B: 25 student(s)
Group DS0803-A: 25 student(s)
Group DS0803-B: 25 student(s)
Total number of students taking the tablet assessment (includes students in accommodation sessions): 150


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide NAEP Team Instructions
Provide NAEP Team Instructions
Before the Assessment-PLN-TEAM-1
1. Where should the team park?
2. The team will bring their NAEP ID badges and check in at the front office. Do they need to follow any other school
3. The team will be bringing in several cases of tablets or laptops for testing the sampled students. Does your school
have a suitable testing location on the first floor? If not, is there an available elevator that we can use when we arrive
60-90 minutes before testing is scheduled to begin (usually early morning)?
4. Where is the best place for the team to unload the equipment for testing that is closest to the testing location?
5. Before the assessment, your NAEP representative will need to briefly meet with you. Where will you be?
6. How and by what time does your school announce closings or delays?
7. The NAEP team wants to be sensitive to any special needs your students may have. Have there been any traumatic
events with the students, the school, or the community during the last year?
8. Students respond more positively when they know that the school administration supports NAEP. Can the principal
or other school staff member take a moment during the daily announcements or before the assessment to introduce
NAEP, reinforce its importance, and ask students to do their best?
9. NAEP provides appointment cards (available in the Support Assessment Activities section) to remind students of the
assessment. You can print out the cards yourself or we can mail them to you. Which do you prefer?
I'll print the cards myself
Please mail the cards to me
I won't be using them

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide NAEP Team Instructions
During the Assessment-PLN-TEAM-2
1. The law prohibits students from photographing or sharing NAEP questions. Please assist us with one of these
security measures:
Notify students that cell phones are banned from the testing location
Notify students that cell phones must be turned off and placed under their seats
No assistance can be provided
2. In case of an emergency, who should the NAEP team contact for assistance?
3. Is there anything scheduled, such as a fire drill or assembly, that might interrupt the assessment?
4. Are there any procedures or protocols that the NAEP team should follow in the event of an emergency situation
such as a lock-down or an extreme weather event?
5. How should the NAEP team handle restroom breaks? Do students need hall passes?
6. Is it possible for a school staff member to remain in the room(s) during the assessment? If not, how should NAEP
representatives address disruptive students?


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Provide NAEP Team Instructions
After the Assessment-PLN-TEAM-3
1. NAEP grants 90 minutes of community service to students who take the assessment. How would you like to
distribute the certificates of community service?
The NAEP team should give the certificates to students after the assessment
The NAEP team should give the certificates to me
We will not be offering certificates of community service to students
2. Students taking the paper assessment must be dismissed all together at the end of each session. Students in the tablet
sessions may be dismissed either

as a group once the last student is finished (students with extended time or later arrivals will be dismissed later,
if needed), or
individually as they finish after 70 minutes of testing

For either option, students may bring a book to read or complete schoolwork after they finish
Option 1: Dismiss as a group once the last student is finished (students may bring a book to read or complete
schoolwork if they finish early)
Option 2: Dismiss students individually as they finish but no earlier than 70 minutes after students begin the
assessment (students may bring a book to read or complete schoolwork if they finish early)
Additional Notes:
3. How should the NAEP team dismiss students who receive extended time, which may take up to three times as long?
4. Where should the NAEP team send students after the assessment?
5. After the assessment, your NAEP representative will need to briefly meet with you and access the red NAEP storage
envelope. Where will you be?
(Note: School coordinators store student and teacher lists in the red NAEP storage envelope. The envelope and its
contents are destroyed by the school at the end of the schools year.)

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
Note: In this section the school coordinator can access resources to encourage participation among students to ensure
that the administration is successful.
Prepare for Assessment
Encourage Participation
NAEP is successful because of your support, and we want NAEP to be a positive experience for everyone involved at
your school. The more that teachers, parents, and students know about NAEP, the more smoothly assessment day will
If less than 90% of the selected students attend the assessment, the NAEP team may need to return to your school for a
makeup assessment at a later date. Use the resources in this section to encourage students to attend and to do their best
on NAEP.
Complete the following:

Watch Encourage Participation Tutorial (2:06) (
Review Resources
Select Strategies to Encourage Participation

Additional Resources

Measure Up News for the School Community (see Appendix D1-11)
Digitally-based Assessments (


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
Review Resources-ENC-RES-1
Explore the resources below to promote NAEP in your school. Schools that implement these strategies have higher
student participation.

Notify Students
Show NAEP Videos
Introduce Online Resources
Thank Students for their Participation

When you are finished, select the Submit button.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
Notify Students about NAEP-ENC-STDT-1
It’s important for students to know the importance of NAEP and that they have been selected to represent their peers
across the country. Use the templates below to share information about NAEP, its importance, and details about the
upcoming assessment.

Sample Morning Announcements - Grade 8
Sample Student Notification Letter - Grade 8
Social Media Posts - Grade 8

Note: See appendix D1-11 for Sample Morning Announcements, Sample Student Notification Letter, and Social
Media Posts


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
See what real students and teachers have to say about NAEP. These videos share information about how NAEP results
are used, and how students and teachers can make a difference through their participation.

Introducing NAEP to Teachers (4:27) (
Introducing NAEP to Students (4:36) (
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP (4:51) (


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
The Nation's Report Card website has resources for all audiences. (
Nation’s Report Card: Digitally Based Assessments (
Learn how NAEP is using new technologies to assess students in a digital environment. Introduce this brief interactive
tutorial ( to students selected for the tablet
assessments, so that they can become familiar with how to use the on-screen interactive tools.
Nation’s Report Card: Student’s page (
Students selected for NAEP can test themselves and answer real assessment questions
( for different subject areas.
Nation’s Report Card: Educator's page (
Teachers can create their own tests ( using NAEP assessment items, and can
also explore NAEP results.
Nation’s Report Card: Parent’s page (
Parents can review what participation in NAEP means for their child
( and how results from assessments are used.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Thank Students for Their Participation
Schools have been very creative in the variety of incentives used to encourage students to “show up” for the NAEP
assessment. Many of their strategies did not cost the school anything. Examples of incentives that schools implemented

extra credit;
reduced-price or free school event tickets;
raffle of gift certificates; and
certificate for community service (provided by NAEP)

Work with your principal to consider ways to thank students for their participation.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
Select Strategies to Encourage Participation-ENC-STRAT-1
Which strategies below have you used or do you plan on using at your school? This information helps us develop more
effective resources for you.

Notify students
Show NAEP videos
Introduce NAEP online resources
Thank students for their participation
Other, specify


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Update Student List
Note: In this section the school coordinator will identify any newly enrolled students since the original list of students
was provided in the fall. The school coordinator will upload a current list of students via Excel or review original list
and add newly enrolled students. This is meant to ensure all students have an opportunity to be sampled so NAEP can
assess a representative sample of students.
Prepare for Assessment
Update Student List
A list of grade 8 students was submitted in the fall, and NAEP selected students from this list to participate. Any new
students, or students who were mistakenly left off this list last fall, must have an opportunity to be selected.
In this section you will upload a list of all currently enrolled grade 8 students. The updated list should reflect January
2019 enrollment.
After you submit the current list, you will receive email notifications when you need to complete additional steps.
Complete the following:

Watch Update Student List Tutorial (8:29) (
Give Access for Student Data Specialist (optional)
Designate Method
Submit Current List

Additional Resources

Student List Requirements and Instructions


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Update Student List
Give Access for Student Data Specialist-INES-SPE 1-1
The person at your school most familiar with creating a report of currently enrolled grade 8 students should submit the
current roster in early January. The roster must be an Excel file, and it should include the following information for
each student.

Student ID (optional, no SSNs)
First name
Middle name/initial (optional)
Last name
Month of birth
Year of birth

Use the table below if you would like to designate a student data specialist to complete this task.

After entering the name and email information select Save
Then select the Send Email button
Select Submit


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List
Designate Method to Update Student List-USL-DES-1
Designate how you would like to update the student list. You can submit an Excel file of all currently enrolled grade 8
students, or you can review the list that was submitted in the fall and add any missing students.
Review options:

Submit Current List of Students Using Excel
Add Newly Identified Students by Reviewing the Original List Submitted in the Fall

Select how you would like to identify newly enrolled students:
Submit Current List of Students (recommended for schools with more than 50 students enrolled in grade 8)
Add Newly Enrolled Students (recommended for schools with 50 or fewer students enrolled in grade 8)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List
Prepare File-USL-SUB-1
NAEP needs a complete and current list of all students in grade 8 (not just new students). The list should reflect
January 2019 enrollment and will help NAEP identify any students who have enrolled since the fall of 2018. Include
all students, even students who are commonly excluded from other testing programs.
To prepare your list:

Read the instructions.
Download the Excel template.
Read tips for formatting the Excel file.
Select Continue when you are ready to upload your file.

Note: the details for the bullets above can be found in the Additional Resources section of this document under Student
List Requirements and Instructions section of this document.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List
Upload File-USL-SUB-2
1. Does your student data file contain column headers?
2. Date list is accurate as of:
Click to show calendar (mm/dd/yyyy)
3. Select Choose File or Browse to locate and select the file on your computer. This must be an Excel file
containing all currently enrolled grade 8 students at your school.
4. Select the Upload button.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List-USL-SUB-3
How is each student name formatted in your Excel file?
Split across multiple columns (regardless of order)
For example:
First Name

Last Name

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Contained within a single column (regardless of order)
For example:
Rosa Parks
Rosa Louise Parks


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List-SCR-SUB-4
How is date of birth formatted in your Excel file?
Split across multiple columns (regardless of order)
For example:
Month Year
Month Day


Contained within a single column (regardless of order)
For example:
Date of Birth


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List-SCR-SUB-8
How is month of birth formatted in your Excel file?
As a number (1 or 01)
As a word (January) or an abbreviation (Jan.)


Submit Current List-USL-SUB-9
How is year of birth formatted in your Excel file?
As four digits (2016)
As two digits (16)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List
Identify Your Columns-USL-SUB-5
NAEP needs to know what student data is in each column of your Excel file.
We have matched your column headings (on the left) with our required categories (on the right). For example, if your
file has a column called "FName," the system already matched that to our "First Name" category.

Review the matches in the table below, making any changes by selecting the drop-down menu.
If your Excel file contains information that NAEP doesn't need (like homeroom), mark those columns as Not

Tip: Do the column headings on the left display student data (e.g., Rosa) instead of column headings (e.g., Name)?

Select the Back to Beginning button.
On the Upload File screen, specify that your file does not contain column headers by selecting No for question
number 1.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List
Final Review-USL-SUB-13
You're almost done!

Check to make sure that student names are in the appropriate columns and that months and years of birth
appear correctly.
Select the Edit pencil to make changes to individual students.
If something looks wrong and you need to upload a new file, select Start Over.
To complete this task, select Submit.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Submit Current List
Thank You – USL-SUB-14
Thank you for submitting your list. You will soon receive an email letting you know if any additional students are
selected to participate in NAEP.


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Support Assessment Activities
Support Assessment Activities
Help students remember the date, time, and location of the assessment. Use the link below to print Student
Appointment Cards and distribute them to the students.
Circulate the Measure Up newsletter and Teacher Notification Letter. Attach the Listing of Sampled Students to
the letter so that teachers can direct students to the correct assessment location. This list is confidential and should be
returned to you and placed in the red NAEP Storage Envelope after the assessment.
Complete the following:

Print Student Appointment Cards (see Additional Resources section of this document)
Print Teacher Notification Letter for distribution to teachers (see Additional Resources section of this
Print Listing of Sampled Students

Additional Resources

Measure Up News for the School Community (see Appendix D1-11)
Facts for Teachers (see Appendix D1-7)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Wrap Up
Wrap Up
Thank you for serving as your school’s NAEP coordinator. The assessment could not have taken place without your
Now that the assessment is done, we would like your feedback about the MyNAEP website. Was it easy to use? What
would make it better? Please take a few minutes and use the link below to give feedback so that NAEP can continue to
improve its practices.
The final task remaining for you is to securely store and eventually dispose of all NAEP materials. Keep the red NAEP
Storage Envelope in a secure place at your school. Shred all the materials after May 1st.
Complete the following:

Provide MyNAEP Feedback (optional)
Destroy Storage Envelope (Note: School coordinators store student and teacher lists in the red NAEP storage
envelope. The envelope and its contents are destroyed by the school at the end of the schools year.)


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Note: The following content is the text that displays from hyperlinks in the preceding

Additional Resources
Prepare for Assessment
Instructions for the School Coordinator brochure
Instructions for the School Coordinator
Completing Preassessment Activities for NAEP 2018
Thank you for your support of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for 2018. We look forward to
working with you to make NAEP a positive experience at your school. This begins with completing activities before
the assessment.
For the upcoming assessments, the MyNAEP for Schools website will serve as your primary resource to prepare for
the assessment. MyNAEP provides you with an electronic way to complete the preassessment tasks at your own pace.
Visit the MyNAEP website at to get started. If you have not yet registered for MyNAEP, refer to
the School Coordinator Responsibilities: A Guide to MyNAEP brochure you received earlier this fall for instructions,
or your NAEP representative can assist you.
Your NAEP representative will follow up with you very soon to review the activities listed in this brochure and answer
any questions you may have about completing these tasks. There are short video tutorials for each task, and we
recommend reviewing them before completing the tasks.
If you need assistance before then, contact the NAEP help desk at
1-800-283-NAEP (6237) or by email at
Thank you for your support of the National Assessment of Educational Progress!
December 4, 2017
On December 4, 2017, the sections of Prepare for Assessment on MyNAEP will be available to schools. At that time
you can begin to complete the preassessment tasks listed below by selecting the Prepare for Assessment link.
Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP
In this section, you will review the list of students selected for NAEP for accuracy and completeness. This section
must be completed before completing the SD/ELL student information.

Update missing or incorrect student demographic data.
Update missing or incorrect classifications for students with disabilities (SD) and English language learners
Indicate if there are students with a Section 504 Plan who need testing accommodations.
Identify any students who cannot take NAEP.

Complete SD/ELL Student Information
In this section, you will review the list of students identified as SD and/or ELL and provide information on what
accommodations (if any) students require for NAEP.
Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Review NAEP inclusion policy.
Identify up to five specialists at your school to provide information for students with disabilities and English
language learners.
Indicate how each student identified as SD and/or ELL should be assessed on NAEP.

Notify Parents/Guardians
By law, the parents/guardians of the students selected for NAEP must be notified in writing before the assessments can
take place. In this section, you are given instructions for notifying parents/guardians about the assessment and will
confirm that parents/guardians of the students selected for NAEP have been notified.

Notify parents/guardians as soon as possible using the Parent/Guardian Notification Letter (see Appendices
D2-11 and D2-12) available to download in this section (available in both English and Spanish).
Verify parent/guardian notification.
Upload your Parent/Guardian Notification Letter and indicate when you plan to send the letter.

Manage Questionnaires
In this section, you will identify school staff members to complete online NAEP questionnaires and you will ensure
that questionnaires are completed by the assessment date.

Identify who will complete Teacher Questionnaires and record their email addresses and which subjects they
Confirm who will complete the School Questionnaire.
Send welcome emails and questionnaire links to questionnaire recipients.
Monitor completion of the questionnaires.
Grade 12 and TEL schools do not complete Teacher Questionnaires.

Plan for Assessment Day
In this section, you will provide information to help the NAEP team plan for assessments at your school.

Review the student group assignments for testing and provide the start time(s) and testing location(s).
Answer questions necessary to plan the assessment logistics.

Encourage Participation
In this section, you will review strategies that can help motivate students to participate on NAEP. There are links to
videos and other promotional materials.

Record what strategies you plan to use in your school.
Note that makeup sessions may be needed if the assessment is canceled due to weather or if attendance at the
assessment is less than 90 percent.

January 2, 2018
On January 2, 2018, the remaining section of Prepare for Assessment on MyNAEP will be available to schools.
Update Student List
In this section, you will update the list of students currently enrolled in the selected grade. NAEP will use this list to
identify students who were not included on the original list of students submitted to NAEP in the fall.

You will be notified if any new students have been selected for NAEP as a result of updating the student list.
For any newly sampled students, complete the “Provide Demographic Data for Newly Selected Students,”
“Complete SD/ELL Information for Newly Selected Students” (if necessary), and “Notify Parents of Newly
Selected Students.”

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


1 week before assessment
Approximately 1 week before your assessment, visit the Support Assessment Activities section.
Support Assessment Activities
In this section, you have access to material for notifying students and faculty about the NAEP assessment.

Print Student Appointment Cards to distribute to students to notify them of the date, time, and location of the
Print the Teacher Notification Letter and distribute to all teachers. This letter provides the date, time, and
location for each assessment session.
Print the List of Students Selected for NAEP and the Measure Up newsletter and distribute them, along with
the Teacher Notification Letter, to all teachers for the sampled grade.

Thank you for helping us make NAEP in your school a success!
Remember to visit the MyNAEP for Schools website at to receive details about the assessment
activities in your school.
What Is NAEP?
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest continuing and nationally representative
assessment of what our nation’s students know and can do in core subjects. NAEP is congressionally mandated, and
was first administered in 1969 to measure student achievement nationally. Teachers, principals, parents, policymakers,
and researchers all use NAEP results to assess progress and develop ways to improve education in the United States.
For more information, visit or contact the NAEP help desk at 1-800-283-NAEP
(6237) or by email at

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Brochure layout

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Digitally-based Assessments
This resource is a hyperlink to the Nation’s Report Card site:

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP
Information Needed to Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP
Information Needed to Review and Verify List of Students Selected for NAEP
You will review and confirm the following information for each selected student on your list. Please collect this
information in advance.

Enrollment status (have any students withdrawn?)
If the student is foreign exchange, or does not attend classes on campus
Student ID (optional)
Month of Birth
Year of Birth
National School Lunch Program eligibility status – only if the information is shown (reduced price
lunch, free lunch, student not eligible)
Student with disability classification (IEP, 504)
English Language Learner (Limited English Proficiency) status

Determine if any selected students cannot take NAEP
Please use the reasons in the bulleted list below to determine if any selected students cannot take NAEP.

Does not attend any academic classes in campus
Home schooled and receives limited services on campus
Student listed more than once
Not enrolled in the tested grade
Foreign exchange student
Student deceased
Long-term illness/homebound (will not be in school during NAEP testing).
Parent notified about NAEP and refused NAEP testing.
Student notified about NAEP and refused NAEP testing.
Student meets (or met) participation criteria for the state alternate assessment (student is currently
eligible or was eligible in the past to take the state alternate assessment).
 Student is classified as an English language learner and has been enrolled in U.S. schools less than 1 full
academic year before the NAEP assessment and cannot access NAEP.

Review and verify student demographic information
NAEP collects demographic information to report results for student groups. Please collect the information described
below for each sampled student.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


 Race/Ethnicity:
o Hispanic, of any race: A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American,
or other Spanish (but not Portuguese) culture of origin, regardless of race.
o White, not Hispanic: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe (except
Spain), North Africa, or the Middle East.
o Black or African American, not Hispanic: A person having origins in any of the Black peoples
of Africa.
o Asian, not Hispanic: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East,
Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, Japan,
India, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
o American Indian or Alaska Native, not Hispanic: A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal
affiliation or community attachment.
o Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, not Hispanic: A person having origins in any of the
original people of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
o Two or More Races (Non-Hispanic): A person who identifies with two or more of the nonHispanic categories above.
 School Lunch Status – if column appears:
o Student not eligible to participate: Student is not eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
o Free lunch: Student is eligible for free lunch. Schools participating in Provisions 2 or 3 of the
National School Lunch Program (NSLP) should code all students as “free lunch.”
 If it is not possible to distinguish between “free” and “reduced price” for some students,
code these students as eligible for free lunch.
o Reduced price lunch: Student is eligible for reduced-price lunch.
o School not participating: School does not participate in the NSLP. When used, this code must
be applied to all students.
Review and verify classifications of Students with Disabilities (SD) and English Language Learners (ELL)
Please indicate each student’s SD/ELL classification with these codes.


Students with disabilities (SD):
o Yes, IEP: Student has a formal Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or the student’s IEP is in progress.
o Yes, 504: Student has a 504 plan and needs accommodations to participate in NAEP (if the student
does not need accommodations to be tested on NAEP, classify the student as No, not SD).
o No, not SD
English language learners (ELL):
o Yes, ELL
o No, Formerly ELL: Student is monitored for state reporting.
o No, not ELL

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Dept. of Agriculture Memo Authorizing Release of NSLP to NAEP
This memo replaces the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Letter
Date: School Year 2017-18
School Nutrition Program Personnel
From: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Subject: Policy on Limited Disclosure of Children's Eligibility Information to NAEP
As stated in the Eligibility Manual for School Meals (Section 5 - Confidentiality and Disclosure, Disclosure
Requirements), school food authorities may disclose, without parent/guardian consent, children’s names and eligibility
status (whether they are eligible for free meals or free milk or reduced price meals) to persons directly connected with
the administration or enforcement of a Federal or State education program, such as NAEP, as permitted by section
9(b)(6)(A)(ii)(I) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act.
The relevant section from page 88 of the Eligibility Manual for School Meals is shown below:
Because NAEP is a Federal education program, LEAs may disclose, without parent or guardian consent,
children’s names and eligibility status to persons directly connected to the administration or enforcement of
NAEP. Additionally, LEAs may disclose children’s names and eligibility status to persons directly
connected with the administration or enforcement of State educational assessment programs to the extent the
State assessment is part of the NAEP. Other State education programs may access participants' names and
eligibility status, without parent or guardian consent. However, in both situations, the program must be
established at the State (not local) level.

The term “persons directly connected” for the purpose of disclosure to NAEP includes Federal, State, and
local program operators responsible for NAEP administration or compliance, and their contractors. This
does not imply that these persons have routine access to participants' eligibility status. There must be a
"need to know" relating to the administration or enforcement of a Federal education program or for
legitimate NAEP purposes.

The above information is available on the FNS website at edition-eligibility-manualschool-meals.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Complete SD/ELL Student Information
Inclusion on NAEP Fact Sheet
Inclusion on NAEP
Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest continuing and nationally representative
assessment of what our nation’s students know and can do in core subjects such as mathematics and reading.
NAEP is congressionally mandated, and was first administered in 1969 to measure student achievement nationally.
Teachers, principals, parents, policymakers, and researchers all use NAEP results to assess progress and develop ways
to improve education in the United States.
The Importance of Inclusion
The responses of students with disabilities and English language learners on NAEP represent those of hundreds of
other similar students. Without them, information about how to best meet the educational needs of these students
would be lost. NAEP incorporates inclusive policies and practices into every aspect of the assessment, including
selection of students, participation in the assessment administration, and valid and effective accommodations. Such
best practices are essential to ensuring an inclusive assessment that yields meaningful NAEP results for all students
with disabilities and English language learners. By representing their peers across the nation on NAEP, students with
disabilities and English language learners help to ensure that NAEP results can be used to inform efforts to improve
educational programs.
To ensure that the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reflects the educational progress of all
students, students with disabilities and English language learners must be included to the fullest extent possible.
Students with disabilities and English language learners are selected to participate in NAEP just like any other student.
NAEP is administered to a sample of students who represent the student population of the nation as a whole and of
individual states and districts participating in the Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA). Within each selected
school and grade to be assessed, students are chosen at random to participate in NAEP. Regardless of race/ethnicity,
socioeconomic status, disability, status as an English language learner, or any other factors, every student has the same
chance of being chosen.
For more information about NAEP, visit
For More Information Contact your NAEP State Coordinator with specific questions about including students with
disabilities and English language learners. Details of the National Assessment Governing Board’s policy on testing and
reporting results on students with disabilities and English language learners on NAEP are available at publications/inclusion- special-population-naep.pdf. Current NAEP accommodations and
inclusion policies are posted on the website at

Many students with disabilities and English language learners are able to participate in the assessment administration
alongside their peers.
Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Participating in NAEP allows students with disabilities and English language learners to experience a large-scale
assessment administration without high-stakes consequences. Since NAEP does not produce scores for individual
students or results for schools, participation in NAEP is not tied to grades or evaluations of students, teachers, or
Students with disabilities and English language learners are provided with testing accommodations so that they can
demonstrate their content knowledge and skills on NAEP. NAEP offers a comprehensive set of accommodations to
increase access to testing for students with disabilities and English language learners. To ensure that appropriate
accommodations are determined for individual students, NAEP relies on school staff to make inclusion and
accommodations decisions for those students selected for the assessment.
The accommodations allowed on NAEP and those allowed in states are often similar, but there may be some
differences. Sometimes these differences result from the way that the subject being measured is defined in the NAEP
frameworks. For example, NAEP does not allow read-aloud of any part of the NAEP reading test except the
instructions, because decoding words is part of what the NAEP framework is measuring.
Your NAEP State Coordinator has developed inclusion guidelines for including students with disabilities and English
language learners on NAEP and provided them to schools selected for the assessment. These instructions will highlight
any differences between NAEP and your state’s policies and provide guidance on how to include and accommodate
sampled students.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Brochure layout

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Letter from Department of Education Encouraging Inclusion

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Information Needed to Include SD/ELL Students
Information Needed to Include Students with Disabilities
You will enter the following information for each sampled student classified as a student with disability.

The IDEA category that best describes the student’s disability. The following categories are used by the
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
o Specific learning disability
o Hearing impairment/deafness
o Visual impairment/blindness
o Speech or language impairment
o Intellectual disability
o Emotional disturbance
o Orthopedic impairment
o Traumatic brain injury
o Autism
o Development delay (age 9 or younger)
o Other health impairment (specify)


The degree of each student's disability.
o Mild
o Moderate
o Profound/Severe


Grade-level performance for the subject to be assessed.
o At or above grade level
o One year below grade level
o Two or more years below grade level
o Not receiving instruction in the designated subject (math or reading)


How is the student assessed on the state assessment? If your state does not offer a state assessment, use
classroom assessments as a reference point.
o With accommodations
o Without accommodations
o With an alternate assessment, etc.


Testing accommodations that each student typically receives.

Information Needed to Include English Language Learners
You will enter the following information for each sampled student classified as an English Language Learner
(Limited English Proficiency).

Each student’s primary language.


How long has each student received academic instruction in English?

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Does not receive instruction primarily in English
Less than 1 year
1 to 2 years
2 to 3 years
3 years or more


Grade-level performance for the subject to be assessed.
o At or above grade level
o One year below grade level
o Two or more years below grade level
o Not receiving instruction in the designated subject (math or reading)


Each student’s English proficiency for listening, reading, speaking and writing.
o No proficiency
o Beginning
o Intermediate
o Advanced


How long has each student been enrolled in U.S. schools?
o Less than 1 full academic year
o 1 full academic year or more


Testing accommodations that each student typically receives.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Notify Parents
Parent’s page on Nation’s Report Card website
This resource is a hyperlink to the NCES site:

What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP: PDF version
This brochure is available here on the NCES website:

What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP: Video version
This video is available here on the NCES website:

Sample Questions Booklets
This resource is a hyperlink to all the sample questions booklets posted on the NCES site:

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Manage Questionnaire
Manage Questionnaires Welcome Email
Dear [Name],
Welcome to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)! NAEP will be testing your [SMPGRD]th
grade students on [ASSESSMENT DATE].
NAEP is the only ongoing assessment of what American students know and can do in a variety of subjects.
In addition to conducting assessments, NAEP collects information using teacher questionnaires to provide a context for
reporting student performance. The Teacher Questionnaire is used to gather information concerning years of teaching
experience, frequency of assignments, use of teaching materials, and availability and use of computers.
Your school coordinator [SCHOOLCOORDINATORNAME], has identified you as a respondent for the grade
[SMPGRD] Teacher Questionnaire because you teach math, reading, socials studies, and/or writing to grade
[SMPGRD] students.
Please click on the link below to verify that you received this email. We will then send your questionnaire link
and password in two additional emails.
Verify Email
If you do not see the link, please copy and paste the following URL into your internet browser to verify your email
address [VerifyURL]
You should receive these emails in the next week. If you think you have received this email in error please let

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Manage Questionnaires Reminder Email
Dear [Name],
Thank you for your support of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Recently you received an
email asking you to complete the NAEP Teacher Questionnaire. If you have already completed the questionnaire,
please disregard this email.
NAEP collects information using questionnaires to provide a context for reporting student performance. The Teacher
Questionnaire is used to gather information concerning years of teaching experience, frequency of assignments, use of
teaching materials, and availability and use of computers. Teacher Questionnaires should be completed by grade
[SMPGRD] teachers who teach math, reading, social studies, and/writing. Your school coordinator
[SCHOOLCOORDINATORNAME], has designated you as a respondent for the [SUBJECTNAME] Teacher
Below is the link to the questionnaire. You will need a password to access the site. For security purposes the password
has been sent in a separate email with the following subject: NAEP Teacher Questionnaire Password.
Please click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser. Enter the password to complete the Teacher
Questionnaire by [DATE].
For technical assistance contact the NAEP help desk at 1-800-283-NAEP (6237) or
For more information about NAEP and how your responses contribute to NAEP’s ability to report on what our nation’s
students know and can do, visit the NAEP website at

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Hardcopy Reminder
Dear Teacher or School Administrator:
Thank you for your support of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Recently you were sent an
email asking you to complete a NAEP Questionnaire. If you have already completed the If you have already completed
the questionnaire, please disregard this email.
NAEP collects information using questionnaires to provide a context for reporting student performance. The School
Questionnaire is used to gather information concerning school administration, staffing patterns, curriculum, and
student services. It should be completed by the principal or another school official.
The Teacher Questionnaire is used to gather information concerning years of teaching experience, frequency of
assignments, use of teaching materials, and availability and use of computers.
Your school coordinator has designated you as a respondent for either a teacher questionnaire or the school
If you did not receive the welcome email asking you to verify your email address, please contact your school
coordinator. Questionnaires should be completed by the date of your school’s NAEP assessment.
If you need technical assistance contact the NAEP help desk at 1-800-283-NAEP (6237) or
For more information about NAEP and how your responses contribute to NAEP’s ability to report on what our nation’s
students know and can do, visit the NAEP website at

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Plan for Assessment Day

Room Layouts for NAEP
Tablet Sessions


The following pages contain a series of diagrams that illustrate how NAEP staff may set up a
room for tablet assessments. The diagrams encompass the following setups:
 Classroom Style


Library or Media Center


Long Tables


U-shape with Tablets Facing Outward


U-shape with Tablets Facing Inward

Your NAEP representative will determine the best arrangement based on
the characteristics of the room you identify. If setting up for the
assessment requires rearranging any furniture, the NAEP team will put
back the furniture when they are finished.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Classroom Style

eNAEP Network set up in a central location, typically the front of the classroom


Cables taped down anywhere students or staff might walk


Students monitored by walking between the rows


NAEP staff swap out tablets to charge between groups, if necessary

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Library or Media Center

eNAEP Network set up in a central location


Cables taped down anywhere students or staff might walk


Students monitored by walking around and between the tables


NAEP staff swap out tablets to charge between groups, if necessary

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Long Tables

eNAEP Network set up in a central location


Cables taped down anywhere students or staff might walk


Students monitored by walking around the tables


NAEP staff swap out tablets to charge between groups, if necessary

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


U Shape with Tablets Facing Inward

eNAEP Network set up in a central location, typically the front of the classroom


Cables taped down anywhere students or staff might walk


Students monitored by walking around the outside of the U


NAEP staff swap out tablets to charge between groups, if necessary

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


U Shape with Tablets Facing Outward

eNAEP Network set up in a central location, typically the front of the classroom


Cables taped down anywhere students or staff might walk


Students monitored by walking around inside the U shape


NAEP staff swap out tablets to charge between groups, if necessary

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Typical Student Workstation
Most students will only need enough space for the tablet, earbuds, a stylus, and
a scratch paper ancillary with pencil.


Other Materials
Login Card
NAEP pencil, when
Scratch paper, when

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Room Layouts for NAEP
Paper Sessions

The following pages contain a series of diagrams that illustrate how NAEP staff may set up a
room for paper assessments. The diagrams encompass the following setups:

Classroom Style

Library or Media Center



Your NAEP representative will determine the best arrangement based on the
characteristics of the room you identify. If setting up for the assessment requires
rearranging any furniture, the NAEP team will put back the furniture when they are

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Classroom Style

Students in rows, facing the same direction


Good for classrooms

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Library or Media Center


Good for locations where square or round tables are available

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020



Good for large rooms with long tables


If space allows, NAEP staff will put more space between students

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Encourage Participation
Measure Up: NAEP News for the School Community
This resource is a hyperlink to the Measure Up newsletter posted on the NCES website:

Digitally-based Assessments
This resource is a hyperlink to the Nation’s Report Card site:

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Update Student List
Student List Requirements and Instructions

NAEP 2018
Instructions for Preparing a Current List of Students
Part I: Requirements
NAEP needs a complete and current list of all students in the selected grade(s) to be assessed (not just new

The list should reflect January 2018 enrollment.
The list will help NAEP identify any students that were not included on the original list submitted in the
fall of 2017.
Include all students, even students who are commonly excluded from other testing programs.
Your student list must be a Microsoft Excel file (version 95 or later). If your student information is
available in a different format, you can simply copy and paste the data into Excel.
If you need assistance, call the NAEP Help Desk at 1-800-283-6237.

Include the following information for each student in the selected grade.

Student first name


Student last name


Month of birth


Year of birth

If available, please include…

Student middle name/initial


State unique student ID (do not use the student’s Social Security number)

Part II: List Format
You will need to answer questions about your Excel file’s format during the upload process. Will your file have all
student information in separate columns? Good! That means you’re using the preferred format, pictured below.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


NAEP will also accept student names and birth dates formatted in single columns.

During the upload, you’ll tell us how student names and birthdates are formatted.


You will specify the order of student names, whether or not the student name column includes middle names, and
how the names are separated (by a space, comma, or other character). Middle names and initials are optional.
The example below is last name, first name.


The same idea applies to birth dates, too. The example below is mm/dd/yyyy.

Part III: Pre-upload Checklist

Formatting errors can cause the file upload to fail. Save time by using this pre-upload checklist. If you can check off
everything on this list, then you’re ready to upload your file.
 The file was prepared after January 1st and contains all currently enrolled students in the selected grade.
 Blank rows do not start until after the last student record. There are no blank cells or rows within the required student
information (blanks for middle names and student IDs are ok).
 The file has only one worksheet with data on it. The extra worksheets are blank.
 The file does not have any footers or images at the bottom.
 The header for my file is in a single row, and there are no images at the top.
 The filename ends with .xls or .xlsx.
 I understand how student names are formatted in my file.
 I understand how month and year of birth are formatted in my file.

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Part IV: Special Situations & Tips


The first row of data in your file will be read as the column headers. Each succeeding row will be considered
a student record.


Use the most current enrollment information available, so that all students have an equal
opportunity to be selected for NAEP.


If more than one grade-level is being assessed at your school, submit separate Excel files for each grade.


Year-round schools with multiple tracks of students should not include any students who will be on break
on the scheduled assessment date.


If MyNAEP cannot process your file, try selecting the Back button and revising your answers about
how the Excel file is formatted. In the example below, the user checked the wrong box for the number of
digits in the birth year. The red text at the top of the screen will display the number of digits in the birth
year (in this case, four).

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Support Assessment Activities
Teacher Notification Letter

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


Appointment Cards

Appendix J NAEP 2019-2020


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorBetsy Magrini
File Modified2018-09-06
File Created2018-09-06

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